This Comic Book Yard Sale Find Was Bananas!!! 🍌

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[Music] all right guys welcome back everybody uh today we're going to share with you a garage sale find we have a box of comic books so we went to the sale uh we found a few other things and we were asking for toys and video games and such and the the gentleman said that he had some comics and he went to the corner of his garage dug under a few boxes pulled out this box and uh said that this was his childhood comic book collection and we bought it for 40 bucks sight unseen I opened the top to make sure it was comics and that was pretty much it so let's hope it's bananas we we don't know a ton about Comics we know a little bit so we kind of bought our education here uh so if I'm going to show them all on the camera here to move this and uh if I have anything good you guys are going to have to let me know in the comments of course we'll look up comps afterwards and kind of put some things on the screen that we find uh so I did see that we had a GI Joe comic in here um as a big GI Joe fan but it looks like it's actually it says GI Joe 3D number one so I know number ones can be really good so that's cool and then I saw that there was a Superman comic that's basically the only thing things I saw so this is Action Comics it's 50s um so that's definitely an old comic so we're just going to tear through here now keep in mind we're blind opening these we have no idea what's inside so we'll have to put a lot of comps up when we do the video for you guys so we got elf Lord number one I don't know what that is it's kind of cool looking uh we got Justice League looks like it's from 1984 another Justice League um got that look like an old St of Justice League when's that one from the price was 60 cents I don't know number 1950 or not 1953 number 153 another Justice League not so fast slow down I'm trying to see these um we got the Flash uh this says Wonder Woman Fantastic first issue so maybe that's first first issue of Wonder Woman that could be cool all right all right Green Arrow number one another flash number five I think what was that other flash it says number six those definitely seem old Alpha fight annual there a ton of comic soong well when it's buried his garage under boxes in the corner Johnny Quest we got the the question number one looks like maybe that's Johnny Quest also Johnny Quest number two the Man of Steel number two the Man of Steel number three oh looks like this is part of a little miniseries so here's four the other thing that struck our interest is the fact that they're all like boarded and have plastic on them so yeah most most of them look like they're boarded and bagged so this is two through six of a six-part series it be cool oh here we go did you just find it I uh yeah I think number one oh right here so that's one through six of the Man of Steel we got another Justice League all right all right that one's not in plastic here's a Spiderman it says part two of five oh hold on hold on I didn't see it all right masters of universe number one I oh that's pretty cool think that that would be worth something Star Comics Heroes for Hope X-Men number one I guess some people are going to be freaking out cuz I'm going to different Stacks we got some Incredible Hulks here looks like um number 88 and number 89 uh Incredible Hulk we got Marvel team up Spider-Man and Nick Fury and if you guys see something good make sure you put in the comments cuz we're still trying to uh Marvel Tales Spider-Man learn a little bit more about comic books these are bagged but not uh boed uh Marvel or Marvel Tales Spider-Man with Grizzly this is cool oh that is a cool one vulture returns got Captain America tomb of blood all right 18 number one Mr T I pity the fool got Battle Star Galactica number one geez of course I'll have to I don't know if these are all like true number ones this is the last star fighter number one yeah this yard sale was very interesting we went in the garage you only had a handful of things laid out and then he's like if you want to see more come inside and we walked in the living room and he had like Lake Ray like all over the floor for sale and Secret Wars three and four and a limited series and then I come back out of the house and Bill standing with him with comic books that's a Fantastic Four here's another Master of the Universe number one nice cool uh Batman and the Flash we got more Johnny Quest it says number eight this is number three Johnny Quest classics number one wait a second this is also Johnny Quest number one Johnny Quest quest number nine a Johnny Quest fan um does this say Star Trek number one this a Star Trek Star Trek the motion picture number one that's probably different oh I see a Thunder Thunder Cats Thundercats number one I didn't expect to like see this many number ones that's for sure Spider-Man Annual this is from 1986 here's a couple that aren't boarded and bagged so we'll definitely be taking care of that got a team number three Red Son number one team America number one is that like I thought maybe that was like uh that Daredevil guy but it's not us number I don't know what that is we got Tarzan we got some Conan the Barbarian Doctor Strange 60 Dark Crystal number one The Incredible Hulk number 308 all right I'm switching Stacks again we got some Batman uh dark knight uh it says Batman year One part one year one part two part three part four so it's a small series they all so far they all seem in like really good condition too pris on infinite Earth volume one volume two stick come together that's volume five oh that one stuck [Music] too volume six volume seven volume eight volume nine interesting yeah there's definitely a run of the crisis of infinite Earth but it looks like three and four were missing from this stack unless they're in a different spot maybe put them to this side over here just in case we got the special edition the New Mutants number one seems like that could be cool Spectacular Spider-Man number 132 the conclusion there's a [Music] Spider-Man say says number eight oh web of Spider-Man number eight Spiderman Slip Sliding Away Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man I don't think I realized how many comic books were in here well then they changed the name so like every time time sorry guys every time the name is different then it's like a new series so I think this is means like number 90 of Peter Parker The Spectacular Spider-Man so we're going to have Comics all over uh here's the crisis Edition crossover we got a flash annual another Flash the Nom the Nom number 14 the Nom number 10 the Nom number one number 13 [Music] 12 two number 12 Spider-Man versus Wolverine number one oh there's two two of them two of those all right gii Joe special Miss missions episode number one if you can't tell by his excitement he's a big GI Joe fan uh Superman and the Teen Titans all right here's another elf Lord number three we got Dragon Ring number one I've never heard of a lot of these I Boris The Bear number one interesting a bear with a sword and an Uzi it says Slaughters the teenage radioactive black belt Mutant Ninja Critters Amazing Spider-Man Gian sized issue I guess Spider-Man's getting married these are these are cool I already feel like I got way more than my 40 bucks worth yeah even if they're not worth anything uh Captain America and Falcon we got another battle star Galactic uh number one I think that's the same as the one that was over here Dakota North number one there's hundreds of comics in here guys I know it's crazy Defenders we got a Fantastic [Music] Four we got a man called Nova you can tell they've been in the Box a while too cuz how like they're static clean together together Spitfire number one star Brand number one kickers incorporated number one Justice number one I think crazy all right switching Stacks again Spider-Man this is this a number one of five I think oh here's another man of steel number one and some more Johnny Quest so we're going to have to sort all these out maybe at the end we'll take a clip of all of them like sorted by type I don't know bunch more Johnny quests I know Action Comics number one is like the number one Spider-Man comic okay well I'm going to need you to find number one it looks like this is number 438 so that's a little far off keep looking keep looking number 514 you got oh Human Torch that's kind of cool Human Torch number one that could be pretty awesome we got Batman Detective Comics uh number 498 these are so cool another Spiderman we got a daredevil another Daredevil we got Secret Wars number five I think that matched some of the other ones we got robotics number [Music] one um ROM space Knight number one Sears number one here tars number four another ROM one got Savage She-Hulk number two ohun Warriors that's cool for those who might know if you can find the old Shogun Warriors toys those are worth some big money we've had the luxury of finding some at a yard sale once yeah it was crazy we were walking away from a garage sale and I was like oh those are really cool and he goes uh yes they are and we paid $2 for three three sold them each for like close to 200 a piece it was crazy they weren't even complete either so keep your eyes out for the toys Batman the night of the Beast three 10 nights of the Beast 10 nights of the Beast part there's four parts we have three of them there The Adventures of Spider-Man another Peter Park couple Peter Parkers Amazing Spiderman another Web of Spiderman more amazing Spidermans Spider-Mans are always good right Spiderman and Daredevil the Spider-Man gang war Amazing Spider-Man number 258 B Batman The Dark Knight Falls that's an interesting cover that's cool Phoenix the Untold Story number one back to some Johnny quests four more Johnny quests we got some Justice League of Americas a lot of these are bagged but not boarded lots of Justice Leagues they still look like they're in really good shape though okay in case you guys aren't noticing um I think we're not even halfway through the box through the box this is crazy there was a lot more in here than I even thought um yeah a man called Nova number three number four we got some Batman Detective Comics Superman more flash that one seen better days new new Teen Titans Superman and the adom uh super Superman and Robin not Batman super boy uh Superman and Batman and Legion of [Music] Superheroes another Superman and Batman Superman and Batman Teen Titans just the plastic guys just the plastic jerryatric game green jiujitsu Geral number one guys most rare comic that's a title as the boys would say that's fire we got some Green Lantern number 152 and 168 we got a team number two epic Comics six from serus number one I think that's what that says we got Amethyst Princess Of gem world number one that sounds like a ride at an amusement park uh Arion Lord of Atlantis number one so I guess we have we have Marvel and DC of course as you already know by now Batman and Hawkman Batman and the Unknown Soldier Batman and black canary Batman and The Outsiders yeah show them honey Batman and The Outsiders again we got Superman says number seven we got the Omega Man number three Omega Man number two the bad number one oh that's a cool One Vision Scarlet witch that says number two [Music] Supergirl got Fantastic Four a Batman comic this is a thick look Batman and the dark night that's a like a trade paperback or something start another stack Batman number 365 this looks kind of old there's uh The Avengers super action Avengers we got an invincible Iron Man got a Batman a slight case of poison ivy another B couple more Batman and The Outsiders this isaz [Music] Shazam first isue Shazam the original Captain Marvel I don't know if that's the first Shazam or not but that's pretty cool we got super boy another super boy we got a Spiderman and the Beast all right we'll finish this deack all right spider nests yeah I saw Legion of Superheroes yummy Superman number 385 Swamp Thing Swamp Thing number 21 oh there's another one same one yeah I think that says yeah it says number 21 then we got Swamp Thing number four oh this has this might have two comics in it Superman 386 and 385 are together all right we still got that's still probably at least a third of the Box they I know my hands are cramping my feet are cramping angel love number one it's like an Archie comic like I seriously cannot believe how many Comics were in this box my hands are getting dirty uh Spider-Man the Hobgoblin revealed Justice League Justice League I think there's two in there number 86 oh no they're number 248 and number 247 243 246 and 245 so looks like some of them are even so there's like multiples in a bag in some cases 244 so there's a whole run here 241 and 242 240 239 now we got Batman we got Justice League 237 and 238 236 235 so it's like a whole run of them here looks like 258 there's a anniversary number 250 There's a comic at the bottom that wasn't protected a Batman number 362 hopefully that one's not worth as much money that's on the comic we got world's finest here we go boo Booster Gold number two black lightning number six Superman and Clark Kent Superman and a green arrow Superman and the Guardians of the universe not the Guardians of the Galaxy Superman and the Legion of Superheroes Superman and Omega Man or men we have another Conan number 170 Secret Wars looks like nine of 12 and next one's cool oh no is that couple bags oh for meni I thought it was written on it's not it's part of the cover Green Lantern number 167 a Batman number 369 and a Batman number 360 all right we still got another stack here guys a workout there's a book down here I can skip arm tomorrow a guide that's going to tell us what all these Comics are worth hopefully from 1986 all right we got X-Men and the new Teen Titans I think it's just a thick comic I thought maybe there was two in there Fantastic Four versus X-Men Kings siiz annel X-Men X-Men number five Wolverine number three these are six or six cents 1982 I say it has to be decently old that was one Uncanny X-Men 169 Legends DC [Music] Legends I got six part Series so we got one three five and here's number two one two three four five another number one we really we're missing number six or maybe we passed it already who knows we'll definitely have to sord them when we're on Titans 36 34 Hawkman number one another Hawkman number one sh of War I say that looks different very similar though silver blade number one adolescence radioactive black belt hamsters are you kidding me oh that's number nine are we going to have number one of the turtles oh that would be insane oh that would be crazy there's number nine of the I think the original Turtles another one this ISS Donatello oh that would be crazy mangelo the tals of the Ninja Turtles I don't no this is this is a number one but that's not the number one Turtles comic cuz it no where's the rest of the turtles we need more Turtles 12 cents The Incredible Hulk Mandarin trying to see if there's an age this talks about 1968 in the ad oh wow that's pretty old it's your first issue of Superman and it could be your last oh Adventure so super I don't know couple number ones there's a lot of number ones in here that's crazy I know some of them are just storyline number ones but we'll figure it out Rosal ghoul The Saga of rozal ghoul number one Teen Titan spell light Starfire number one we got Cosmic Boy number one Cosmic Boy number two slash Mar marude gas more Ninja Turtles Mutant Ninja Turtles no Mutant Ninja mutants oh no yeah I read that wrong not the turtles the question number two got a Star Trek Captain Confederacy number one interesting Captain Confederacy number two two of those oh another GI Joe the GI Joe yearb year Buck number one heck yeah Millennium number one Millennium number two Millennium week three week six Secret Wars number number two or no number one first in a series though I think i' I think I might have had this one as a kid it looks familiar maybe I don't know demon number one the Green Lantern the new Team Titans Nom number 15 Amazing Spider-Man 20 cents so that's pretty old another Amazing Spider-Man this one inflation oh that one cost 40 cents that was from 1979 so how old are those that's pretty crazy this one's 60 cents they keep getting more expensive but probably less expensive in value oh this one's all written on this is 35 sense oh this will probably be the best comic and it's all written on hey positivity positivity rough Pages that's probably the worst one we've seen Star Wars number two Star Wars number 15 that's the wrong direction Star Wars number 107 the last issue interesting number 43 now we skip to the Submariner number two Tarzan number one or Lord of the Jungle number one see it's probably not Tarzan number one it's Tarzan lord of the Jungle number one probably a big that one's going to be like 50 times more the thing we got Marvel Tails spider man 40 Cent Amazing Spiderman number 193 number 190 or 204 I wonder if that's the first appearance of the black cat we'll find out amazing spider n Spiderman Spiderman 176 number 210 you're getting them down to the last cou last few here at least they Spider-Man's 134 Peter Parker Spectacular Spider-Man number 32 Spiderwoman number five number six and the last Comic is is this really the first Star Wars the last Comic in the Box could be the first Star Wars that would be pretty cool that would be pretty awes all right guys hopefully this is worth at least $40 look at all these That's a crazy amount of comics probably at least a couple hundred that is crazy we'll flash some comps up on the screen um we'll sort them out I don't know if we'll do add any more onto the video or not but let us know in the comments uh what your favorite comic was what ones are worth money that we missed or maybe they're all trash who knows but thanks for watching but it was still exciting to do we'll see you next time don't forget to like And subscribe bye guys bye guys
Channel: Thrifting 4 Treasure
Views: 5,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Qoz38Xhqesg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 18 2024
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