How to Tell Flow Blue Plates, Lithographic Prints, Jewelry & More Thrifting Secrets by Dr. Lori

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hi it's dr laurie the phd antiques appraiser tonight it's thrifting secrets about jewelry prints and ceramics it's the treasure hunt game are you ready to play okay let's get started i'm gonna put on some gloves so we can handle these art antiques and collectibles and talk a little bit about what we've got this particular first piece is a piece that i've been waiting to tell you about because a lot of you've been asking me about jewelry so what questions would you ask how good a thrifter are you about this piece this piece right here which of course is a victorian brooch and i'm going to show you the secrets of how you can identify them so you can spot them at that thrift store antique shop and such so what questions do you have about this piece what would you ask if you saw it what kind of information would you need so we're going to start right here let's see those questions a couple of things i want to remind you about this is all about thrifting secrets it's all this information from the phd antiques appraiser so you know what's what i'm going to use the dr lori cam and let's get started so i'm going to put this piece down and i want to put this piece down on an actual box and the reason why i want to do that is because i want to make sure that we don't scratch the piece while we're using it we're going to use the dr lori cam as i always do so we have a sense of what's what here now this piece is a beautiful piece are there any marks this particular piece is not marked so i'm going to show you what we've got right here in that box can you see that yeah that's a good shot so you can see that it's not marked this is the back of the piece and then i'm going to show you the front of the piece give it a little more light to get in there show you the front of the piece you can get a good strong look so you can get a good look at this piece right here and what you're seeing here is a very very typical piece it is not sterling it is nine carat gold now why is it nine carat those of you who know jewelry should know that the different carat weights come from different places so they use actual carrot or fineness it's not a carrot weight they use actual carrot fineness in different places so this piece is an english piece and it's nine carats of gold it's yellow gold and you can see also the way in which this piece is actually put together so it's not like a piece of 1960s costume jewelry this piece in fact has one piece itself so if you look at this piece here you can see that it's all one piece it's got a couple things happening that i want you to be aware of first of all i want you to look at the length of the pin you can see the length of the pin all the way down the length of the pin is always longer in a victorian piece this piece that dates to between 1850 and 1875 or so so this particular piece just about 1850 middle part of the 1800s in the middle um in the middle part of course of queen a little bit earlier than the middle part of queen victoria's reign during the victorian era so you'll notice again the quattrofoil form that's four points one two three four all four the quadrifoil with the square toward the middle those rounded areas are the quattrofoil areas notice that long pin that long pin goes well outside where the c clasp is and we'll talk a little bit about it it is not a scarf pin it is not a chantelane pin it is not a pin for of course a sash it's not worn on a hat all good questions this pin is a pin that would have been utilized and you can see it's got a bail up top a bail right here for of course the for of course a pendant or a chain and also if it were to be hanging on a chantelane this piece right here is in fact going all the way out and this is a c-class i'm going to show you a c-clasp right here at the side you can see it looks like the letter c pretty easy to see there right so that c clasp actually the pin goes right underneath it goes right underneath it and it clips right in as you can see right there now that's only one half of the story that's only one half of the story of this victorian brooch here is the other half and this is what's going to help you date the piece on this side is actually the clasp so this side right here is the clasp on this side right and this side has a tube hinge you can see it looks like two little tubes two little tubes one on each side of the end of the pin on this side let me move that piece right there and then let me see if i can get my loop out maybe that'll help you a little bit more to give you a better idea of what that looks like can you see that that's a tube on the bottom and then the pin which is going like a t going across the piece but if you're looking up and down vertically there's a tube at the bottom and a tube at the top um it was a piece that would have been worn for both for usually mourning pieces so it would have been worn uh for folks who had lost someone significant like a wife would lost a husband this piece has if you can see the loop can make it a pendant but the loop is also used so you can hook it right onto a chantelane and you can hook the piece but typically these are not chantelane pins because it's not big enough usually to hang on a chantelane people use it as a loop it's not a later addition it's something that you will see in that time period you move this over let that loop do its job we had a nice clear piece and then we got moved so let's make sure you've got that and you have to give your cameras a little time to focus and basically what you have there is you have again that tube piece so it's a tube then the pin then the top tube and that's what you're looking at down here so a little bit hard to do in that let's move this out for a minute and let me bring you back to this so you can see this is going to help you date this piece so anytime you see black in these pieces in this particular tracery work or enamel work on a piece of gold you're going to actually be able to see again the way in which this piece will date so you can see it right there a nice shot of the top tube clasp the pin that goes across it like a letter t and then the bottom tube clasp so the pin will of course move up on the hinge and then move back out and then it'll be looped basically it'll hinge right back down here on the c class you see it looks like a letter c and it's open it's not one of those those clasps that sort of looks like um it's going to move and notice how much longer the actual stick pin is than the quatrefoil gold piece this tells you that the piece dates to about 1850. this is a mid 1800s piece this is not the piece that you're going to see too late in the victorian period this type of clasp is a very early clasp now other elements that i want you to be aware of in this i'm going to put the dr lori camera down for a second so other pieces that i want you to be able to look at on the front i want you to be able to look at this piece and have an understanding of the decorative element of it so you'll notice that it's scroll work they're incised lines right and this piece in fact has the long pin it's a victorian morning style pin you'll notice a circle within a circle that idea of some concentric circles usually the iconography means that it's a familial connection people who are in the same circle if you will what's the unusual date or time period for tube hinges well the usual date or time period for two pages is the early victorian era so the victorian era goes from between 1837 and 1901 usually you see tube hinges used between 1837 and about 1865. they can be used later also but that's typically when we see it this pin dates to about 1850 and that has to do with the design itself the design is a quattro foil design and that design which has those four or quatra right four actual curved elements go back to the renaissance they use that in architecture they use that in painting and such the pin is longer because the actual clothing was bigger so you had a you didn't have these thin little chiffon pieces you had big heavy clothing so the pin had to get through more clothing so you can actually bunch it up and you could hook more clothing to this particular pin so the pin would actually in a lot of these pins people will think it's damaged and it's not it's from use a lot of these pins will actually be um bent a little bit because they have to put so much clothing underneath that pin and that c-class bet to get all that clothing in too that's typical of these types of pieces it's a lovely piece other questions you had some very good questions about it but this piece are these pins becoming popular again these pins are very popular victorian collections and victorian jewelry in general have been very collectible and because they are plain they're generally plain they're not all that you know they're not big statement pieces a lot of people wear them every day yes it is all gold except for the incised or cut in areas and of course the enamel tracery that's the black areas that i was showing you so you can see that right here on the dr lori cam you can see that the pin actually has again these incised areas these areas that are in fact vary let me just get in there that these these pieces that are in fact the black contrasting against the other and let me see if i can give you a better shot so you can see that right there with the scroll work so that's cut in right and then all those little lines and then they go back and they actually design in with the black enamel now the black enamel is a nice touch too it's called black enamel tracery it comes from the french tie de eparne and tied to eparnay i'm going to put this camera down tied to eparnay on these pins is something that a lot of people like to use this is a really classic simple very well-known piece they were mass-produced these pieces in birmingham england after the 1860s into the 1870s is when they start to be mass-produced so you see this being mass-produced so those of you who know the history of course of jewelry you're going to see that these pieces in england a little bit later will be mass-produced because lots of people have them this one in fact is not that it's not the mass-produced style this piece is earlier and very good i want you to look for the tube clasp now could you guess the value you know it's gold you know it's english you know it is a basic morning pin and if you could guess the value we'll see how well you do with of course dr laurie's treasure hunt gate and we all play against one another and have a lot of fun doing that again these thrifting secrets are so you learn what to look for it'll help you to date it if you understand when the class were made what's in the very center it's just a simple i'll show you what's in the very center it it could be used as a cartouche which basically means it could be used to in fact put an initial in there but also in this particular case there's no initial there there's no monogram there it's just the concentric circles and you'll notice that the design on the concentric circles changes so you have a little rope design you have a bead design and you have the concentric circles as well sorry that's my hands that's not really anything that has to do with dr lori can that's lori's hands anyway that's what you're looking at here so a nice piece so if you had to decide and decide what you think it's worth what do you think it's worth got some numbers going here 1500 is pretty high for a little piece of gold like this one this piece is again it's a beautiful piece and it's a vintage piece and lots of people collect them but it is not all that heavy i wouldn't say that it has a significant amount of weight so that's a good question too you can identify of course by the weight but the fineness is about nine carats right so the fineness of the gold is one of the things we want to think about as well okay so nice piece wonderful beautiful lots of you are looking at those values i was talking to a client just today about on video calls and we were talking about some of the pieces that she was able to pick up at an estate sale for just a few dollars for pieces like this don't forget about video calls they're a good way for you to get the information and get the questions answered that you want answered i provide those all the time so you guessed the value you had a lot of good guesses what's it worth about 300. it's a beautiful piece and based on actual sales records where similar pieces have sold so a nice piece there for this particular one that's a nice one also remember that you can learn more about the history of jewelry and how to spot those pieces and what to look for by signing up for my newsletter so the newsletter of course is at you can subscribe and it's free it's easy to find on the website all you have to do is go of course to on your cell phone or your smartphone go to the menu tab and you can see it in the green arrow it's a hamburger menu it says menu click on that go to the specials and shop page on that page you'll go all the way down the page and you're going to see of course information like again the loop and other information about uh things that you can do with respect to learning more there's all kinds of information on my blog and the newsletter will come out and give you that information of course right into your email box so great so great next piece that we want to talk about are you ready you're ready for the next piece okay i'm going to put this piece of jewelry back here right on the jewelry box you really need a good jewelry box don't forget that's also on this on the specials and shop page a jewelry box that will not have things like of course pearls up against a piece of gold so you don't the gold doesn't scratch the pearls so think about that too okay so next piece is going to be this piece and i don't know if you are seeing it but this particular piece really a beautiful piece and it's on of course one of my favorite display easels these table display easels what questions would you ask if you had this piece if you had this piece you saw it in a thrift store what would you do what would you say about this piece what kind of questions are you going to ask about it i like to focus on these pieces that you are looking at that the pieces that regularly come in um so looking at it with the dr lori cam i'm going to take it off of its table easel stand and i want you to take a look at this piece and i want to know what questions would you ask about it i'm going to stop in some of the areas that might be helping you to stimulate some questions let's see if we can put this here get our loop i hope you've gotten the loop a lot of you told me that you bought the loop that it's really a game changer for you i'm so happy with that so this is one of the areas that i would stop and take a second look at if i were considering this piece thank you for the reminder i didn't see that whole one that whole note i'm happy to field your questions tonight too any chips are damaged there's no chips no there is some crazing that's this crackle pattern right here can you see the crackle pattern in the white the crackle pattern is in the glaze there you go so yes there is some age is some actual heat and crazing right that's that crackle pattern that you see but i want you to look in this neck of the woods and there's a reason why i want you to look here i want you to look here at this dark piece why because this piece is what a piece of flow blue that means while it's in the kiln the oxidation the actual blue will flow into other areas some of them will be very dark some light some will actually show this background so yeah crystal it is flow blue that was the question i was hoping you guys would start to ask it is flow blue now most of you asked the simple question but you didn't ask it yet what's that next question that you want to know i'm going to turn it over where is it from it's from england it's an english piece it's an english piece pretty straightforward you can see the crazing very well in the back that's another tip of what to look for so when you look for these pieces you're going to see that these pieces if they have a lot of crazing it's easier to tell crazing when you have one color that's consistent rather than multiple colors you have to really search on this side versus this side where it all looks like it's crazed so yeah that's what you're looking at any of you want to know about the mark it is not hand-painted not hand-painted i'm getting flowers from some of you and here you go there's the mark you ought to recognize it and you auto since you look at all these marks you ought to be able to start finishing the mark so if you don't have a complete mark on a piece or if you don't have a mark that actually is has some kind of problems you don't have the whole hallmark then guess what you might be able to add in your mind to finish that mark that's developing visual skills that's what i've been trying to teach you here for a long time a lot of you are getting it it's when you say you have a good eye it's basically that your brain is telling your eyes wait a minute something's right or something's wrong crazing is damage so you want to say is it a bad thing it can impact value crazing is a type of damage people say oh well i like all the cracks i like all the cracks well the cracks are damaged so you can see this piece it's royal dalton it has the lion and the crown and the royal dalton of course d and then at the bottom there i don't know if you can make out that word but that word is actually the pattern name and the pattern name is missing its first letter so people are like uh so people learn the patterns some of the things to look for this is the madras pattern and this particular piece when they did the mark on this small plate when they did the mark they actually see the madras pattern here so that's a difference on this particular piece so let's talk a little bit about what the pattern is and why the pattern comes into widespread use first of all you're looking at this with the dr lori cam and the dr lori cam is supported by those of you who in fact do super chats and super stickers so when you do that and when you support the channel or when you buy a mug or when you book a video chat or whatever you do basically here on the channel you are in fact supporting more videos so i can teach you in informative videos like this one having said that this piece if you look at it is a typical blue white uh piece where there are many made of this pattern many many made of this pattern this pattern is introduced by royal dalton in the early years of the 1900s between 1900 1904 and then again in 1910 you see this pattern i've never seen the marking on the edge well good i'm glad that i'm teaching you new things the marking on the edge is relatively well known because in fact what they're trying to do here they're trying to show you again this particular type of flow blue pattern the pattern is based on canton wear it's very cleaned up from canton where which is usually a very dramatic drawing of blue white but basically you'll notice the pagodas the temples you'll see of course these landscapes and the background of these pieces also the flow blue where you see the darker and the flow blue the actual blue is going into the other colors you can see it here where it's not white against blue white against blue it's actually a little bit muddier flow blue lots of people collect flow blue and like flow blue so that's what we're looking at on this particular piece it's a relatively small piece but it does have all of the decoration in the center so it's not like some of the saucers or some of the small bread and butter dishes that you will see this is a bread and butter dish called a bread dish or a bread plate this bread plate is not a dessert plate a dessert plate would be a little bit bigger i like a bigger dessert plate don't you this is a bread plate and this particular plate would sit there'd be a excuse me an entree or dinner plate then there'd be a bread dish a little bit a little bit smaller and then later the dessert plates would come there's a seam you mentioned to look for so you're going to look for a transfer wear seam some of them are much more obvious i looked at one before on another video that you can go and look and learn a little bit more about how do i recognize that but there's also on some they're very highly recognizable on others they're not as recognizable it depends on the quality of the actual transfer wear so this is going to also educate your eye about which makers are making better of course memorabilia well thank you very much for the super sticker thank you for supporting the channel i know a lot of you are in depth and you're thinking oh i want to learn all this but i hope that you will support the channel with super chats and super stickers this is part of a very large set lori yes this is part of a large set the madras set is one of the most popular of these types of bone china dishes from royal dalton so these sets relatively popular so now your questions are answered you know what it is you know where it's made you know when it's made right you know that i want you to guess um you can book a video chat by going to and there's information on the specials page the shopping and specials page at it's very easy to do lots of people do it and everybody loves it and i love it too so i want you to guess the value what do you think how much do you think this piece is worth you know a little bit about it you know a little bit about its background okay so thrifting secrets here i'm teaching you what to look for notice too that this piece actually comes from the tradition of course of the chinese so the chinese tradition where you're seeing these blue and white porcelain pieces coming out of the port of canton sometimes that's why they call it canton where asian-inspired decorations like this landscape and then they're utilized by of course the english and the english will use them i want you to notice the indentation too you can see of course the indentation how deep this bread plate is and also the size of this bread plate so it's a little bigger than a saucer little smaller than a dessert plate much smaller than a salad plate or a dinner plate so you start to learn in fact what should be on your place setting and this is a nice piece what do you think it's worth value on this piece 45 that's a really nice one the flow blue madras pattern royal dalton bread plate based on actual sales records where similar pieces have sold so i want you to remember these thrifting secrets as i put down the dr laurie camp these thrifting secrets in fact are going to help you to identify what's what so a couple of things on this plate that i want you to understand i want you to understand of course the contrasting color and the color is not only dark blue against white but it's nuances of blue it's sort of this flow blue color it's a light blue color it's a darker blue color it's a very dark blue color and all of that gives depth of aesthetic or visual interest to this play also what you're going to see here is you're going to see something that's very typical in the 1700s it's called of course chin wazari or things that are chinese chinwasari even with the crazing it is worth that yes because these plates are not all that easy to come by from 1904 so the crazing is not obstructing in any way of course this particular plate or the beauty of the plate it is damaged yes and i want you to look out for damage but the perfect ones the ones that have no crazing at all which are quite rare are worth a lot more so remember when you're looking and you're looking and you're trying to figure out of course appraisals on your own you're trying to look on places like ebay or something remember not everybody shops in the same place so where you're trying to get a bargain should not be the place where you're trying to sell or market your piece if you've got a bargain somewhere that's not usually the best place for you to try to market your piece to get top dollar so again and people don't always shop just like you don't shop in only one place your buyers don't shop in only one place too they go to the best places for them to get the best piece right in different places that's true in stores brick and mortar stores that's also true of course online so don't forget about that if you look at this plate this plate is a very distinct what's called chinwas ori or asian decoration the asian decorations that you're seeing are actually first introduced my apologies are first introduced of course in the victoria in um excuse me the revolutionary war or colonial period in the united states so you'll notice this chin was re it's looking asian because asia of course was seen as far away and exotic and then you'll notice that around the rim the rim is focusing on in fact all of these different types of flowers some other repeating images of the buildings some leaves and all the way around so iconography that you're going to see or symbolism that you're going to see for these types of pieces from of course the tradition of the cantonese or the canton wear pieces really nice piece the english make it great with great of course firms like royal dalton and others this is a nice work it looks like it's pressed in it's not pressed in it's actually not stamped either it's transfer wear and most of the work is done actually right in the kiln so a nice piece so as i said i want to remind you of what's what it's crazing the same in canvas paintings no ralph crazing is not the same in canvas paintings when it's on when there is a crack on a painting on the surface of a painting that's called crackler and crackler is very different that basically means that the levels of the gesso and then of course um the gesso or the rabbit skin glue and then the pigment the oil paint and then the dakmar varnish are starting at levels to crack and usually you will see a consistent pattern of crackler on a painting that you won't see on a piece of ceramic crazing is different so it's not called the same thing if you called crazing to a painting people would know that you didn't know what you were talking about so i want to make sure that you get the right vocabulary i've watched a lot of these shows where these so-called experts don't get the right vocabulary right either so we want to make sure we know the right vocabulary that was a very good question ralph thank you for that so thank you too for the super sticker i appreciate that helping us to make more videos that will help you so when you're thinking about these types of pieces i want you to look for a couple of things i want you to look for consistency so consistency of the color when it comes to these types of plates so all of these colors while there are many different colors you don't have a very very garish blue against a very very light blue so you see all of these different colors they basically will continue right so you have a dark blue a light blue a lighter blue but then you don't have different color blues at the bottom versus the top that shows a consistency of what's happening in the kiln and then the flowing or the flow blue for which the mattress pattern is very very popular people who collect flow blue specifically look for royal dalton madras pattern pieces and they look for those pieces because they're looking for that flow blue thank you very much for the super sticker as well i appreciate that a couple of other things i want to um heather says dr laurie's really taught me how to look for quality well i'm glad to hear that um there was a person today who told me on a video call she said dr laurie my monthly income went from 300 where i was doing this just for fun i've been watching you and it went up four times that much i'm making twelve hundred dollars more every month because i'm following and i'm paying attention to your videos uh i've had some wonderful comments on video calls where people are learning from these videos and they're applying it and they're making money they're starting new careers they're having a lot of fun can anyone spell the name for cracks on paintings c-r-a-q-u-e-l-u-r-e crackler and it is on my blog which is dr so that's how you spell it and um it's good that you asked it that's fine so if anyone can dispel it let's hope i can spell it that's basically um what you're looking for but lots of information about that of course at and on the blog so don't forget about that well frank i guess did another super sticker because he must say hey you know what dr laurie i like the spelling so i'll spell for you anyway it's d-r-l-o-r-v dot c-o-m okay anyway having said that the thrifting secrets are here so you can know what to look for a lot of you are looking for china a lot of you are finding pieces a lot of you are finding only partial sets and that's something else that i want you to think about don't just walk away from a partial set you may be able to actually make smaller sets from a partial set so you don't have a service for 12 you didn't have an opportunity to get all of the theodore javelin or all of the mattress pattern royal dalton that's fine you could purchase the partial set for a small amount and then you could say well i'm going to sell off a four-piece luncheon set of that partial set so you could do that too a lot of people have success doing that as well all right now i want to talk with you about another thing that many of you asked me about you asked me about this over and over and over again and it has to do with prints this print i want to tell you is a print by an artist named eric sloan and i'm going to hold it up just for a minute and i want to know what would you think what questions would you ask if you saw this particular print so let's hear your questions it's a print that's what i'm going to tell you about it i'm going to tell you it's by an artist named eric sloane and i'm going to tell you that it is pencil signed right pencil sign and it is also in fact it's pencil signed here and is also signed in the plate that's what it's called it's not called double signed it's called pencil signed which is when it's on the margin in pencil and then when it's part of the actual work of art it's called of course signed in the plate okay and these this terminology is kind of important because when you're putting these up right if you're listing them for resale you want to look at that it is numbered rob good question it is numbered so the numbers mean a print run how many pieces in a print run so this piece is number 71 in a print run of 450. okay now if you know anything about the artist you should know a little bit about the artist the artist is very well known for this particular type of work and particularly for barns and images of barns the question was is it an aquitant is it a lithograph it is not an aquitant it is a lithograph but we've been talking about lithographs we've talked about lithographs a lot and this particular piece is a lithograph this yes prints are tricky john that's why i'm going to try to teach it to you because all of you say oh no you know i don't know about prince and i don't this and i don't that and most of you who are talking to me on video calls most of you who are sending in pieces most of you who are coming of course to the ask dr laurie lives um and my live streams are asking questions about prince so i want you to say oh i don't know anything about prince i don't know anything let's let you know something about prince let's stop this i don't know anything about prince stuff i'm going to teach you about prince you've been focusing on something called offset lithography thank you frank for the super sticker i appreciate that so let me tell you a little bit about offset lithography we talk about it i tell you about the loop have you gone and got the loop if you haven't gotten the loop yet you know i don't know where you've been so i want you to get the loop why because the loop is going to open up a whole new world for you visually and that's going to help you to educate those eyeballs it's easy to find the loop you know where the loop is it's at the specials and shop page go down that page you're going to see the loop it's right there and it says go shopping now click on that link follow that link then you're going to get to a page where there's going to be all different products open up those accordions see all the different products in all the different categories that i offer that i recommend and then click on that and then it's going to take you to an amazon page that page of course yes i get a benefit for you buying through my page a small benefit which helps me to keep you do me doing videos for you and use that particular page because i'm not of course going to be shipping out loops to you i'm trying to spend time doing of course my videos for you that's how you're going to do that so if you go to another page don't get concerned as long as you started my page it'll be fine here's what i want you to see this loop is going to teach you the difference between something called offset lithography and hand lithography so the loop is going to teach you that and i'm going to show you why first of all you have a piece like this and all of you know okay i've got the loop and i'm going to go and i'm going to look at this piece and you just choose any place in the piece and you look at it and you start to see dot that's called offset lithography okay so offset lithography is in fact a wonderful example offset lithography will easily tell you because it's a mechanical printing process whereas hand lithography is different hand lithography is basically closer to the artist hand where the artist is drawing right onto the printing element so the stone in this particular case now drawing right to it and every color in fact every color has of course every drawing has its own color so where you're going to see all it is in frame so i can show this to you because normally if it were framed sarah i'd have to have a piece of glass over it which would in the studio environment here in the studio would give you reflection so you wouldn't be able to see what you need to see so i made sure that i chose one that was not framed to try to instruct you so that was the reason why it's not framed typically they would be framed thank you tess for the super sticker so if you're looking at hand lithography which has a much higher value than offset lithography which is done by machine hand lithography where the artist is drawing directly on the stone thank you elizabeth for your very nice super sticker i appreciate that that helps us so where the artist draws directly on the stone remember with offset lithography or mechanical lithography basically what's happening is you're seeing those little dots of all different colors red yellow blue and black hand lithography is a little bit different because each call each drawing actually relates to one color so the artist is actually drawing right onto the stone and then the piece of paper is done and pressed on it and then the prints are pulled so basically that's how the pull takes place this offers a much closer artistic result and it also offers in fact a higher value so i want you to know the difference between a work that's an offset lithograph with all those dots and it worked at the hand lithograph that's why these videos are so instructional all of them are whether whatever video you're watching use the binge link you can watch all my videos and watching them and re-watching them will help you i know it helps you because you're all telling me i'm making more money i added four thousand dollars a month i'm able to do this i know what to look for you've helped me you've helped me thank you thank you you know all right so here's what i want you to do if you saw this piece in a thrift store for example you've got this piece and now you're looking at this i want you to look where the in this particular case where the shadows are you see the big shadows i want you to look where the shadows are where there's a nice strong line why it's going to help you to identify what's what so if you're looking at this piece and i'm going to turn this this way that's why i move some things off the table so we can be careful with this print this piece right here on the dr lori cam i want to see where we can get to do you see those lines so let me give you an outside shot so there we are you see where we are on the piece you see it's the light of the sun at the top of the barn roof and then the red side of the barn so you see that in the overall scheme of this and then when i put the loot when i put the loop here and i move down i want you to be able to get a nice shot here notice that they are not those dots those consistent dots that you're always looking for notice they are not those soldier-like dots they're actually hand drawn that's what you're looking for here and notice how the blue color comes above the red color and you notice how those little striations of white come down sort of like icicles on the side you're noticing those things on the right hand side i'm in the loop with dr laurie yeah the loop is great and that's a good one too thank you for that that's a fun comment so you're looking here and i want you to be able to see what it looks like when they do it by hand i'm glad daisy sees it i want you all to see it and it basically shows you how they're doing it by hand i'm sorry i'm moving this loop that's why it's not not coming together give me a moment so you can see a nice clear shot and you have to give the camera a little time to focus you can see it right there you can see the blue in the middle you can see the red on the left side you can see the white on the right side and a little bit of a gold tone on the right side as well that shows you that this artist is actually painting it by hand let's look at some other areas you'll notice here on this area right here you can see again the way in which the artist has in the snow showed you a couple of little pieces of old grass or hay that are coming through the rocks are there as of course the part of the wall of the barn and then you can see all the way over here i'm going all the way over here so you can see eric sloane's i'm going to get it this way so you can see eric sloane's signature and of course the number here's the tech the title winter 71 of 450 there is his signature in the plate it looks like one of those pieces of grass that he drew in he drew that in and look at that that says n a do any of you know what that means that means that he's a national academician it's like when i put phd at the end of my name basically it's his credential it's the national academician credential and a he is of course part of the national academy of american artists also what you're going to see is you're going to see some artists that have aws the american watercolor society so other elements that relate to this are hand printed lithographs rare they are not particularly rare but they are more valuable because they are put together in a similar way to in fact the way in which an original work of art would be done so when you see some of these it's not that mechanical offset lithographic process it is in fact the hand lithography process and i want to teach you this because there's a lot to learn you guys are talking about prints all the time and a lot of you don't know the difference so i want to make sure you know the difference from the expert not from someone who says oh i like you know it's pretty colors i want you to know why it's more valuable okay so now you know a little bit about that thank you r for the super sticker so i want you to see these particular pieces and understand why this piece is so great well most artists have both hand printed and machine printed lithographs or are hand done much rarer well it's not a rarity thing it's whether or not these particular artists are in fact interested in drawing directly onto the piece or if they want to leave most of the work to the printer so every artist has a different opinion on that is it what is a cliche print are they worthwhile cliches are different from the offline set lithography process we have a lot of advancements in technology so a lot of cliches can really look very good the same way that a lot of hand lithography pieces can look very good so i want you to understand all of that this is a hand lithography piece very nicely done the publisher is here it was done in 1982 and it actually is printed right on it this piece is also done 1982 printed right down here underneath the piece and it's on nice heavy stock paper so look at the paper because there's value in the paper too you can't just put it on some flimsy piece of paper like you know newsprint you know that idea that it's just going to go out to anybody so this is hand lithography hence more desirable yes maryda this is hand lithography hence more desirable so talk about value let's guess the value thank you very much marcelo nice to see you thank you for the super sticker i appreciate it i can help you if you help me the other way you can help me what is it if you're not doing super stickers you gotta share the channel you have to share it you have to go and tell people about it you've got to put it on your social media profile you've got to share the channel i like dr laurie she's helping me i she's going to teach you stuff why don't you take a look at the channel you have to share the channel it will help you it will help you when you're shopping and you can take me shopping with you you want to take me shopping at the thrift store i will be on the video call and i'll show you what you should shop for i'll say wait a minute that looks like a hand lithography piece let's take a closer look at that the same way you can ask those questions during video calls you can do the video call right while you're shopping at the estate sale or the yard sale or if you're on your computer and you're looking at online estate sales thank you christina you can actually have me on a video call and we can look through that together lots of you have been doing that and it's been very successful for many of you and i'm happy about that today a video caller had a matisse piece gorgeous piece said you know what i just thought i should listen to what you said dr laurie so i'm using your information and i'm finding the good pieces and i'm leaving the junk there and that's a good thing too okay so what do you think is 71 a high number out of 450 for a handmade litho that's a good question so let's think of it this way the closer you are to number one the first one that comes off the closer you are to the artist's hand so if he's making 400 of these or they're printing out 400 of these right 450 of these excuse me then you want anything that is basically anywhere earlier than 225. so the last half in my view not as great so you want to have a shorter a small print run but in hand lithography because the artist has taken all this time they have to of course recoup their time so they're not going to get what they would if they used this time and they got a work of art you know a eric sloane painting could be used that same time for an original work of art and not a hand lithography piece you know he probably could command tens of thousands even fifty thousand dollars for one of his paintings so in the time that he took to actually make the hand lithography there he and his printer are thinking well we have to make that time back we have to make that time back in terms of finances in terms of money so anything that would be before 225 or halfway through the print run would probably be good so now you're going to go half of that so now i'm down at what 85 or so right between 100 maybe 121 away on 85 the other way so i would say 71 is not too bad because you're actually at the first quarter right of 450 right 71 is the first quarter or so or the first 25 of these so you're in a good early percentage i'd be much happier if you were not number 10 or number one you know or number 20 as opposed to 71 but 71 is not bad if you had a choice if you're sitting there and you had a choice then i want you to choose as low a number as you have so if your number 300 number 71 number one pick one right i can feel the edge of the print it's like stamped into the paper is that a mechanical print you're talking about two different things so you might be talking about an etching you might be talking about an engraving you might be talking about a lithograph don't confuse yourself what you're doing now is you're looking at the image and the visual so you can use your loop and you can learn it right so you can look at what it would look like if you look at an offset lithograph you're going to see all those little dots and it looks like a machine like a dot matrix printer this you saw it didn't look like a dot matrix printer it looks like of course someone's hand is actually drawing that when you say i can see an indentation or i can feel an edge that could be the plate which is the metal plate that's pushed down into the piece okay and when that happens and you see that indentation that could be a lithograph you could see the outside of the stone the perimeter you could see the perimeter of a zinc or etching plate or an engraving plate so don't confuse them prints are tricky and that's why i'm trying to make it easier for you one step at a time but a good good smart question these are thrifting secrets now let's guess the value so the value on this piece number 71 of 450 by american artist and national academician eric sloan a very characteristic piece of his work it's typical of course of his work he's known for snowy scenes landscape scenes with barns he's known for a book also called american barns of his works and you'll notice this particular piece is a hand lithography piece i'm teaching you a lot i'm glad there are not a lot of other people who are in this space who are teaching you as much as i am and i want to i want you to succeed that's why i'm doing it many artists will have listed artists on their tag which list is this oh that basically it means that this artist was known to be a professional artist so there are lists in many places so people might say it's a list from a particular art school it's a list from a particular art biography book where they keep all of this so they think about listed artists they talk about that it's kind of old school now you know when i was in graduate school we used that term listed artist i think a lot of people use it to try to bump up what it is but there are artists who are self-taught who are whose works are just as expensive and just as valuable as some that are not listed so that's a good question too but when you see a listed artist that's usually good that means that there is some kind of background biographical information on that artist that puts them into an accepted accredited art school typically um so self-taught artists aren't usually seen as listed and i don't always think that's fair because some of the self-taught artists actually are doing great things happy birthday to you linda you've made it to 70. well happy birthday to you yeah i do a lot of video calls i did a video call uh last weekend which was for somebody's birthday uh his wife surprised him and he was really pretty happy it's fun to be a birthday gift anyway so this particular piece what do you think how much do you think it's worth i saw some good numbers there i saw some good numbers and marcelo's thinks 350 value on this print unframed right is five hundred dollars for of course the hand lithography eric sloane based on actual sales records were similar pieces have sold so some of you might say oh well i've seen these and i've seen them sell here and i've seen them sell there make sure that you know what type of print you are comparing it to because a lot of people will make mistakes i saw an appraisal by somebody else recently that in fact in fact was evaluating a piece thinking it was an offset lithograph when the piece was actually a hand lithography piece and they evaluated it too low because they got mixed up so you have to make sure that you know and you have to make sure that your appraiser knows too which is why people are doing the priority service with me doing the video calls with me so i can teach you what to look for and a lot of you are building beautiful collections of art antiques collectibles jewelry china all different things glass using a lot of these tips it's an awful lot of fun don't forget there's more tips and more treats and tricks on of course my website at and also you're going to see a lot of information that you can find if you sign up for my newsletter which is also at so when you're looking i want you to take the loop i want you to use the loop i want you to remember that this will help you and the other thing that will help you with respect to the loop is of course the light the more light you can put on the subject the better off you can use of course other tools like some of the other tools that i recommend on the page on the shop and specials page but basically the loop is one of the most inexpensive ways to get a lot of information that will help you find that thrift store bargain i'm dr laurie thanks for being with me see you next time
Channel: Dr. Lori
Views: 49,124
Rating: 4.9264097 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Lori
Id: lXLF0VQm_D8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 20sec (2960 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 15 2021
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