Jewelry Hoarder Abandons Hoard In A Abandoned Storage Unit! Whats Inside?

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[Music] do this is a very interesting business a lot of interesting people and this lady in front of us is definitely one here let me flip this around and let's just see if we can like do like a just a courtesy review let's look at this situation this is the only entrance to this location okay so first of all we're gonna look at the the truck here we're gonna zoom in that line is not in the center so they are a little over so it's going to be really tough to get through there okay but not a big deal you know they can move it over the lady in the chair now that's the kicker to put the chair down she's directing all of these people could probably squeeze past the truck but like she's gonna have to get up out the middle of the road hopefully she's very polite she's like oh i didn't notice this was the only entrance and then we'll go oh yeah no big deal we'll wait and then we'll get by it'll be a great thing or she's gonna cause a scene and it'll be a great thumbnail and a great title she's got like supervision i feel like she's staring at me it's going to be a little tight fit but all right let's see if she gets on to us she's gotta move that chair though we can't get past that dirty old chair i know y'all look at this this is this is how inconsiderate is this i know y'all look at this look how close we are you know i'm undercover look look [Music] and it belongs to her and we're just in it we're just in it let's go unbox what are you doing you messed up my action shot i didn't even get the snow it's too late now you ruined it all right guys we're here back at the three thousand and ten dollar unit we got all the sellable stuff off of the truck and this is all stuff that we're taking to the dump the dump dump including that you know like 15 for scrap yeah but that's just not worth my time and so anyway so we are that's trash so she did a good job stacking because it all fell over yeah so we're just gonna throw up let's go see how much we're gonna throw up let's go see how much we have left to fit in here they've been taking up this side this is on a whole other side of the damn property she took up a whole freaking hat yeah our cart still here [Music] okay all right we still got our table here because i got a few more boxes to go through so this is stuff that we already know that i've been through yeah uh so we're gonna go ahead and just we'll start here and we're just gonna start loading and that way we can unbox some of these bigger tubs because i do wanna do some unboxing here uh and then this middle section of boxes we still have to go through that i have no clue what's in there some little bit over here so anyway so we gotta fit all this in there i think no problem what do you think no problem no problem i'm thinking maybe we'll be here two hours because we still have to film a little bit and we still have unboxing to do so let's get started [Music] oh i can't do the split oh look at that that's not very much covers that hurt yo hey if the world don't end this year we want to have a baby man i can't be doing this business i know have a little bitty baby grimes fun all right so here we go all right we're gonna um start loading yep i'm sore are you sore i'm so sore y'all y'all think about we two people doing what we used to do well we used to pay like at one point like five or six people to do i think the most we ever had was five employees yeah but check it out like how could five people not get this done it's a it's a mystery but anyway so hey here we go let's start it let's start it i need to finish that coffee is what i need to do all right guys check it out look we got a lot done that's all bare over there so let me show you a few things so we can get this cleaned up go through some more boxes put some more crap on the table show you again and we'll do that until the video is over so check it out i was going through this this is all the personal stuff so and she did they did verify that they want it so i'm making sure we do a really good job getting that stuff picked aside so like i said on the vhs's like we have so many uh vhs players then we're gonna start testing them and like do a package deal it starts at a dollar no reserve a working vhs player with the cords and like 10 vhs's like green mile stuff like that so that's something we're going to be doing on the auctions look we're finding a lot more little knives nothing big um i think the biggest thing on there was you said a winchester and some just little uh look i kept this because i want this like says didn't that say like 80s 90s to you oh totally totally doesn't it so i'm gonna clean that up and see if we can get some of these little scuffs out but overall the clock's in good condition i just thought that was kind of fun uh and then you know when you got that you got to have your party light yo yeah just plug that in behind your headboard and it'll like do all kinds of light shows never mind i was gonna say he could get going to the beat but that was not not what you meant no that's what i meant but it was the holy spirit was trying to filter me out and then you said it anyways yeah that's the problem like he tells me he's like justin don't say that i'm like that's good well we're probably up to about 90 of the things he tells me not to say i don't say versus like never listening all right so here we go um so ah this is pretty a little decanter action little gold top little gold leaf action little rim that's kind of nice i don't think it's expensive by any means it's kind of got like that uh it just is a cool little look now what's that one glass were huh with the big diamonds it starts with f i think not fine big diamond pattern all right finding more games y'all we probably up to a couple hundred games between like all the xbox stuff like that uh so anyway i was pulling back to the hey look man just talking about you man you were your ears burning jesus i think his ears were burning y'all he heard me talking about him uh y'all look i found a big old freaking persian shank how old do you think that is it appears to not be used yet and it appears not to be very old but it's still a very nice little uh little piece a little uh yeah oh whoa whoa i bet it still cuts like a knife you get she cut me off before i could tell you about my bon jovi plug right there but so anyway all right purge and shank all right this might not be exciting but it's a dirty wilson bag that's pretty dirty that's pretty nasty um all right so this okay so this is personal stuff cards stuff like this yeah i'm even trying to do them a solid i'm like taking all the trash out of their personal stuff and like making sure that it gets all in here that way they're not taking up as much effort because i do feel for their situation but let me explain this real quick too let me go on another rant because we have a lot of new viewers yes and we have a lot of hey if y'all haven't checked out our shorts go check out that playlist it'll take you like six minutes to watch the whole playlist uh but man those shorts have like ones at like 300 000 views in a week that's pretty wild so what i'm saying is we have a lot of new people new to this game and i've been getting a lot more of those comments of like hey why don't you give the stuff back or uh why don't you give them the money you found and this and that man in a perfect world and i'll tell you what if i won the lottery tomorrow you know what i would do i go around and buy units and i just give them back baby but sometimes that's like that's enabling isn't it yeah because 60 70 percent of these units have like drug paraphernalia in them or like probation papers things like that where they went to jail so is that enabling because here's the deal here's my here let me get to my point and we'll get back to unboxing my point is the people who lost their units are not the first victims in this show they signed a contract with the owner of this facility that they could rent a space for x amount of dollars which means they're an occupancy driven business which means all this they only have so much money they can make on this property before they're capped out each spot represents that money right so when you rent a space and don't pay for it that's a lot of square footage they can't just like like me if i lose money on something i can go you know hustle something else or sell something for a little bit more a little less they're capped out so every spot that gets taken up so they're the first victims because they sign a contract with them saying hey we'll provide you this space for this amount of money and then they don't pay that amount of money which then so they're not getting that money and then they can't even rent it to a new person because they have to be tied up in court for months in texas so for about two months it's just sitting here so the first victim in this is the owner of the facility because they're the ones that got cheated out of the contract first and i'm not saying it wasn't for a good reason i'm not saying that it wasn't for um you know sickness or something like that i lost your job yeah i'm not saying there's not a legitimate reason but you just because there's a legitimate reason doesn't neglect the fact that the owner is the one that's lost out the owner's the one that got that got the deal broke on them does that make sense so yes in a perfect world we would do that so in a sense we're helping recover the money lost to the facility but to recover our money we have to do that you're like oh why don't you just not buy it look this is state law this stuff's going to get done it's going to go somewhere and you know so anyway what i'm saying is i feel for the people all the time but look look they're not the first victims in this and we actually are helping that person recover we've given a lot of stuff back we give stuff back if we can um we make deals with people but i tell you what in this game you don't want to do that because it gets cuckoo quick promise you don't oh yeah cool quick so hey in that sign is this we have feelings for the people that lost their stuff i mean i have so much compassion towards them and this is a very conflicting business but in saying that again i just helped here's the deal on this unit these people got a big check because i spent so much money on it so what happens is is the facility whatever they're owed they don't just make out like a bandit if these people owe them twelve hundred dollars and then i i spent three ten thirty three thousand ten dollars you know they're not getting all that money so if they owed a thousand the facility gets a thousand and then the other two thousand gets sent to the owner because anything over what they owed in the state of texas gets paid out to the previous tenant that was a long enough rent but now you're educated all right guys hey oh y'all let's see i almost threw away this freaking bad freaking awesome chinese knockoff zippo that was way too much for that gina found this she said hi barbara you want a strong air you want a strong magnet y'all check that out so you know what i'm going to use that for i'm going to see it's we'll see yeah it's got a little drilling thingy on there so i'm going to put it on a stick i mean a stand that way i can test my jewelry on it all right y'all look y'all wanna know something crazy about this unit y'all this fool put his initials on everything and i mean everything i mean like everyday like dishes cups like tupperware tupperware like his individuals are on the bottom of his plates y'all in a sharpie that's wild he must you know what though that makes me think that he had a very untrusting childhood and maybe people stole a lot from all right maybe you want to hear about the pig so the pig is it's a pig look a little piggy bank got a little cork in him it's got a cute little pig that's actually a grease pencil so that might come off but look i just thought that was a cute little uh espanol themed pig right yeah that's cute next we have a another fishing rod oh he's got it locked up so he he put this away it's dirty but it's for the most part cleans shakespeare hey you ready this time i'm ready to search all right all right y'all check these out y'all i'm finding so many of these and i'm keeping them because look how nice these are these remind me of my granny i know these i just wanna like rub moth balls on it take it home and like sleep on it that and like put some old spice on it and it smells like i'm sleeping between my grandparents all right so here's uh oh big billy bad bass get it bad bass gina just said when the guys say you know that doesn't say billy about it on it and i was like i know i'm just joking it was like a play on words billy bad bass get it yeah you know like because they used to call people billy bad at i don't know billy bad bass gotcha all right so we kept these because they're just kind of all their print look cool uh these are some o'reilly disc i don't know if the regular frisbees are actual uh disc golfers they feel like disc golf i love disc golf actually keeping all the new clothes actually with tags all these dress shirts boom boom i'll probably put these on one lot look i'm just finding little stuff y'all this little stuff don't overlook this it adds up so like here's a little yeti bottle opener you know that'll probably bring in 20 20 bucks yeti look i got me some new socks y'all i've got so many socks out of this unit um look the little wood dice i thought these were fun yeah those are cute yeah i found some loaded dice earlier they weren't very good loaded because i threw like three sevens in a row is that right and then i threw like a five but then would go back to seven so i think maybe they're just a little worn out dvds got a little journey acd action that's actually a really good show is this what me and kennedy are watching no that's a movie what's the one we're watching um all-american that's a good show i like these these are gibson but i still just i like them they're little enamel pots yeah that's i'll show them all that crap oh look at this gina found this y'all this is pretty sweet this is really nice look this is a selena t-shirt for some for 95 yeah from 1995 for the movie but uh i remember when that happened because i was in high school but y'all that's pretty clean we're going to clean this and yeah that's definitely going in the auction this will definitely go in the ocean all right you all have seen all of this stuff all the little pins here's some of the bowls i was telling you about uh is this aladdin or who made these i don't know but you know what i'm talking about little cartoon dishes man i love finding those in thrift stores uh chuck e cheese cup i just kept it because it was fun uh look more sheets we're just finding more vintage sheets that's a fitted sheet for poo here's a barbie one barbie these are all in such good condition y'all i'm finding so many yo-yos they really liked the yo-yo they did i found a lot of yo-yos i found some more fishing lures uh i mean lures uh fishing reels reels y'all oh look at this this is like one of my favorite things i just found so i've got both the lids but look at these casserole dishes these are all fire king but that pattern you know i don't ever see that pattern so let me know what y'all think these are worth i'm thinking they're at least worth probably 40 to 80 dollars with the lids for both of them i mean somewhere around there but i could be wrong that pattern could be rare you going oh shoot oh no i thought that was supposed to come off it did look like it says didn't it what is it i don't know some kind of scepter is this uh fair uh like harry potter or something night no this is 1997. i don't i don't know what just happened but i broke it all right y'all look down this box we got jesus he's just chilling uh yeah i threw jesus on accident i apologized to him but uh i threw him on accident he was wrapped up in the towel uh all right we're gonna look we got a little more glass wands we found a match to the other glass wand that you already saw so we got two blue glass ones uh over here this was a little blown glass vase with a little bird on it a little maybe a little robin he's got a red chest and then uh there's mary [Music] and then this is i mean i get the message but it's just a little creepy you know but i get it i can't even read spanish but something for his pastor i'm guessing because god holds his children in his hands and his sheep and which we are his sheep we are his sheep so you get it i get it it's weird oh hold on oh i'm already going oh hey guys you saw me moving my glasses on well that's embarrassing i'm joking um hold on sorry voice command call when you get a minute yeah hey y'all want to meet the guy that put me into the marine corps like my recruiter we're still friends he's here in the dallas area he needs help selling some stuff so he contacted me so anyway we might go over and let y'all meet the dude that put me in the marine corps and he can tell y'all want to hear some crazy story because he knew me he knew me the bm before the marines in bc before christ and that's a double duo but anyway y'all check this out so this is why you just don't go through boxes they have dirty blankets on top and be like oh it's just closed y'all look at this jacket i just found tommy hill figure jeans okay it's a men's y'all it is in very nice condition look at the inside of it got the american flag inside yo look at this so these are sold prices i i put the value of this jacket probably around 200 bucks but that's got the smaller patch with the what do you call that kind of jacket with the the i have no idea but look so a lot of these had offers uh 205 200 that's the one we have 175 so that one uh very rare yeah it so this is very nice so i mean like it's clean denim look at that so this one sold for 175 um and i'm telling y'all that's a very very nice jacket all right y'all check it out so uh this is all blankets on the bottom there's that blue glass punch bowl y'all saw that you didn't see these these are green glass etched glass these are really pretty a lot of detail on these uh so what i'm doing is i'm putting stuff in here here's big it's got matching little uh looks like a little eggnog something something you know what i mean so i'm going through this tub and i'm putting the stuff i want in here and like when i get that stuff in there i'm throwing a layer down the towels uh and then vice versa so anyway i wanted to show you the green glass because the green glass y'all don't sleep on that glass some of that glass i mean that market fell out a long time ago but there's enough of it still left um see like this what's that say that's fire king see it's a little fire king mixing bowl you know with a little pour on it so we're definitely keeping that this looks like a generic bowl um it's probably like i don't know oh is there signature in there i don't know that might be target target all right i'm not gonna make you do this whole box with me but i'll come back and show you the highlights all right y'all let's go through this stuff real quick so i can get it off the table out of my way all right up first i found some bushnell uh binoculars all the eye holes are there and everything so it looks like they're gonna work pretty good uh this i'm missing the little plug but i think i have one of these at home and it's just like a spotlight for inside your truck plugged into the ashtray so got that these are actually can be pretty expensive remember these you have to get these antennas to watch regular tv if you don't have cable oh yeah remember that time you bought one like the 80 dollar one i threw it out in the backfield because it wouldn't get the cowboy game oh y'all he didn't just throw it yeah he stomped it he threw it on the ground as hard as possible he that's a bad that's him choice work that was years ago yo that was in 2016. yeah but that uh that was interesting so uh look dj quick born and raised in compton that's pretty cool older t-shirt that's newer three stooges this i kept because oh this is a playstation advertising shirt right there still got a tag on it yep sure does oh he got it at a thrift store um this i kept it's older hey guys we got company we gotta go i'm just playing y'all we gotta get done but look it's old salem sportswear tag so it's got a little little fade action what's up yeah i didn't even look at the bag back's a little crust crestola uh okay up next we got a call of duty two shirt yep gamestop shirt i like these y'all look at these they're so clean little baby cute uh there's this a little baby bed comforter okay that's cute and then y'all look i found all these afghans afghan afghan what is this oh this is a local thing but look at these bright colored afghans big afghan uh little different color afghans these are nice quilts they are handmade quilts and i'm gonna wash these uh just because they're so different the patterns on them i mean it's just it's really funky oh i like that so we're going to wash these in the washer before we sell them to you uh last couple things i found uh was this whole pot i think it's pyrex that knows corningware but look i found a little casserole dish or whatever this was just in a random thing this is barbie um game boy advance you know when are you just sitting at the dining table you're like you know what i wish my napkin holder was the shape of an onion is that weirder than me that's kind of weird it's kind of weird but we're going to try we're going to see which one you wear those beds on it you going going yo look at that how do you get rid of tangles in the beard ow that hurt oh look at that that's a straight up knot y'all yeah all right y'all check it out so look update we are literally almost done most of this over here is personal that's staying that stuff's going to the dump but y'all look so i've i've got into that thing that i just moved like one of the first days we were filming that laundry hamper and these were all in bags so i told jenny to get the camera because i opened that one looks like jewelry boxes i haven't opened that yet i did unzip this i haven't taken anything out looks like jewelry box i don't know is that makeup maybe it's makeup i don't know so there's jewelry boxes yeah i just grabbed this bag hopefully this is all jewelry oh it looks like it might be so look this looks like this is going to be jewelry stuff okay so look three bags of jewelry whoa that okay look watches more jewelry you see what i did when i took a detour the other day right before we got to the good stuff yep y'all look okay so here's oh it's in there oh thank you okay uh this oh look just little loosey gooseys that might be silver right there that bet that might be silver uh and then look this is looks like lucy gooses too the jewelry it is loosey goosey jewelry okay so we got that let me just look in here come on this is where i got that from without this bag so let's see if this is jewelry yeah look a little loose jewelry individually bags okay oh look at these adidas oh i thought oh that's adidas that one's adidas this looks like personal stuff someone throw this over in the personal paw personal call um yeah we do look here's yearbooks cameras cell phone i remember back in the day when you had to do that hey we still gonna do that little uh uh segment on pills all right let's see if we got any more jewelry down here yo q-tips i gotta buy q-tips for like three and a half centuries uh clock belt mouthwash more belts there's nothing hiding under here come on now all right there it is oh nothing in there i just gotta make sure you know yep and i'll be sleeping and i'll be like ah i literally oh man how you got me i'll be sleeping i'll think about that one box about me you got lazy on that box there's a million dollars in that box let's look at some jewelry
Channel: Grimes Finds
Views: 11,605
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Keywords: Grimes Finds Storage, Grimes Finds Storage Unit, abandoned, abandoned mansion, breafkast dumpster diving, curiosity incorporated, daily bald, dumpster diving momma of 2, get swamped, grimes finds, grimes finds auction, grimes finds wife, hoarder, hoarders, inside, jeana grimes, jewelry hoarder, justin grimes, locker nuts, police, storage unit auctions, storage wars clips, storage wars fight, storage wars fights, storage wars full episode, what the hales
Id: jfuBAmD4ERs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 47sec (1607 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 23 2021
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