jet lag

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[Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] I have a free day in Paris I don't like doing touristy things so what I usually tend to do is I just go out and walk around and see what I can find I feel like super touristy things in theory are enjoyable but I don't think that they are that enjoyable I think that you may have more fun trying to like pretend to be a local I want to blend in [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] well I had such a beautiful morning I felt like a local it was great uh I found this little green whatever the [ __ ] this is I have no idea what this is might be a plum these raspberries look juicy as [ __ ] let's try it out mmm very juicy okay that was fun can I order the green bean artichoke salad in iced latte with almond milk okay great thank you last night I got this green wait what is it green bean artichoke salad I don't know what's really in it but it was so good and what's so weird to me is that I don't normally like green beans or artichoke I like it makes no sense that I love this salad but I got it last night and it was like the best thing I'd ever eaten in my life naturally I have to get it again today but it was so good today when I was ordering my croissant I obviously don't speak French and I couldn't really understand what the woman was saying when she was trying to describe to me what flavor the croissant was so I just kind of was taking a risk you know I had no idea what type of croissant I was getting and it was a [ __ ] chocolate croissant and I was like honestly this is the best moment of my life because those are my favorite croissants actually I do love almond croissants almond croissants are crazy I am severely jet lagged I slept for three hours last night the night before that I slept for four hours it's safe to say that I am not functioning properly when I'm really exhausted I start to feel like I'm dreaming like I keep catching myself zoning out like I'll just sit and then all of a sudden I'll just start staring and then my mind will go blank I do that probably once every 20 minutes right now where's my phone [Music] foreign coffee of the day what makes this taste so good it has to be like the dressing or something so I'm actually going to New York tomorrow because I'm going to an event there a very very exciting event that I'm also very nervous to attend for this event I have to wear a fancy outfit so I'm going to a fitting in about an hour in Paris for my outfit for the event in New York I really want to know what this is it eggplant it might be if it's eggplant I might be an eggplant fan now but I also just don't know what it is it could be pig intestines and I would have no idea [Music] I woke up at 6am this morning it was pitched black outside and to be honest I don't know why I did that because now it's like 1 30 in the afternoon and I feel exhausted and I had no reason to be up at 6am when I'm on vacation though like I want to make the most of the day that's why I always try to wake up really early but then it just ends up making me tired and then I end up having to take a nap and then it's like well what was the point you know what was I talking about what was I talking about is that a hair it is but I think it's probably mine so there's no need to throw a fit Life's too short I've always felt like that like if there's a hair in my food it doesn't really bother me unpopular opinion but like it's not that gross having someone's hair in your food like yeah it's not the I don't want it but it's like things could be worse a fingernail much worse a booger that's way worse and chances are you wouldn't even be able to see it or tell that it was in your food because it'd probably blend in um [Music] foreign [Music] the jet lag is hitting me today bad I always think that like I'm gonna get away with not getting jet lagged and then it always creeps up on me at some point it's like 5 p.m and I'm ready to go to bed I ordered some room service that might revive me I kind of doubt it I think I'm like done for the day but I don't want to be done for the day this is the most tired I've been in six months and you can like see it in my face too you can see in my face that I'm struggling I'm just like thinking about how stupid it would be if I had a coffee you know what I mean like how dumb is that I actually had four coffees today which is way more than normal I usually only have one to two today I had four it's not my fault that the coffee here is just incredible it just tempts me at every corner foreign [Music] hopefully this does something [Music] [Music] thank you foreign I always get my energy at the worst times now it's you know 9 30 and now I have energy where was that energy when it was light out we cannot tell my mom that I'm taking a walk right now because she would be pissed but I'm 20 years old and I need my Independence there's nothing like an evening walk when I was younger my dad and I would go on a walk every night even if it was like 11 o'clock my dad and I would go on a walk it's such a good memory like that's a really great memory for me so whenever I go on a night walk I feel nostalgic my mom hates it though she hates it she's probably watching this punching her screen right now Mom I'm sorry I get to like see all of the sights you know look into all the museums look into all the clothing stores and there's no crowds there's no one around like I get to take my time and look at everything do you know what I mean am I just making excuses maybe but like it feels like I have the city to myself and I really prefer that because I'm a little bit selfish [Music] where did all my energy come from you guys saw me like three hours ago I was not doing okay why am I okay now like now I want to party like now I'm ready to party like I'm trying to go out to dinner now you know what I mean like I'm I want to get a drink I'm legal here I'm allowed to drink alcohol in Europe so I've only had one glass of wine this whole trip and I feel like that's not enough you know what I'm gonna have my own party maybe I'll do a little champagne evening I don't ever drink champagne I don't really know like I don't know what either of these are okay so this is a champagne dudes Brut eclassic so that's champagne this is lemon so okay well I can't read this one at all so we're not doing that one how does this work wait I'm actually scared to open this because it's dangerous oh [ __ ] how do I get this open without hurting myself oh this is not a champagne glass I'm obviously not good at wine give me a few more years and I'll be good at wine but right now I am very novice okay see this is what we want this is what we want I never thought I would like wine um okay okay so if that's what wine is going to do to my body I don't know if it's my thing but um [Music]
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 4,616,816
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, vlog, met gala, louis vuitton, vogue
Id: L2o46HpfIYA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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