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[ __ ] [Music] it feels very balmy today [Music] i was gonna meditate outside but if i'm being honest my towel was wet and it was soaking through my pants i also forgot my phone and i need my phone to meditate because i do guided meditations if i just sit down for 10 minutes and close my eyes and try to focus on my breathing i will not stay focused and i will think about what it would be like if i got in a car crash or what would happen if i broke a bone or what would happen if one of my cats got hit by a car i like to put a blanket around me when i meditate so that i'm nice and warm and cozy and i feel like i'm in a cocoon [Music] [Music] this morning we're making an omelette i'm really picky about what goes in my omelets because i get grossed out i can't eat spinach in an omelette because it's like stringy and chewy and gross it's so gross the last few days when i've made omelettes they've looked bad they've looked genuinely ugly it's kind of more like an egg pancake and i it's definitely burnt so i am the worst with avocados because i buy avocados and then i never use them at the right time and then they all go bad i i don't think i've cracked open like a perfectly ripe avocado in six months every time i open one up it's like a little rotten and i eat it anyway but let's see if i have any successful avocados today you guys are [ __ ] good luck i'm not complaining like this is great it looks like toddler made it but my mission for today is that i don't have any pairs of pants that i really truly love because none of them really truly fit me properly except for my jeans but all my other pants like there's always something wrong they're too long they're too short they're not proportional like something's always wrong with these pants i decided today that enough is enough and i'm gonna go get a bunch of a bunch of pairs of pants altered this always happens i always drop [ __ ] on this robe this robe is constantly dirty i should not have a white robe [Music] this is what i went into my closet and picked out today okay that so but i like it like there's something about this that i like i also have gas it seemed like i got gas immediately when i put these pants on like i did not have gas this morning so i'm wondering if like my body is sending me signals saying emma maybe you shouldn't [Music] [ __ ] am i wearing right now what the [ __ ] this isn't an outfit that no one's gonna see i'm going to do my daily errands right now in this [ __ ] outfit this isn't like a joke like i'm i'm going out in the world like this i mean if you really think about how often you buy clothes and it doesn't fit perfectly i mean it's pretty much 90 of the time especially with pants because listen i do not have an ass okay so in majority of pants it's like saggy city in my in my butt region you know i want to show you something [Music] right i don't know what it is about the stage in life that i'm in but it really doesn't take much to make my day the people in there were just so nice i don't know i just like liked hanging out with it maybe i lack a certain level of social interaction i don't know something about it was just weirdly heartwarming but now i'm getting coffee because i'm can i do a iced almond macadamia latte with an extra shot of espresso holy [ __ ] holy actual [ __ ] okay i need to go to the grocery store i'm kind of enjoying my grand day out and my weird outfit it's good holy [ __ ] my forehead is sweating listen i love wearing the hat but like it's hot it's too hot like my i'm getting forehead sweat next level forehead sweat it's not feeling good it's not feeling hot actually it is feeling hot but it's not feeling like hot it's feeling like hot and listen as much as i love feeling hot i don't like feeling hot do the math but i also look way better with the hat on so i'm going to leave it on this outfit without the hat a [ __ ] train wreck i mean it's already a train wreck but if i was not wearing this hat it would be like a major train wreck like really bad oh my god i parked so i parked so badly there's the like did i get a ticket oh my god parking enforcement is right there literally speeding away i didn't get a parking ticket until i moved to l.a i moved to la and then i got probably 30 parking tickets within the first year of living here and then since then i mean the number has just grown exponentially like i i'm probably i've probably gotten 60 parking tickets i think i might have gotten out of this one because i don't have a parking ticket so they must not have caught me because i did not pay for parking let's not be mistaken here i did not pay for parking um [Music] do [Music] [Music] these strawberries taste like [ __ ] [Music] [Music] so so [Applause] i was really angry at the grocery store today because i went to get mini cucumbers because i like them in my salads they only had the big cucumbers so i had to settle they're not the same the mini cucumbers taste better i hate i hate these cucumbers many cucumbers are like a force of nature like they're so good you know i'm sorry about what i said about the cucumbers earlier these are [ __ ] fine they're pretty much the exact same it's not as good as a mini cucumber [Music] [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] i'm in a moment of debate within my own mind right now i'm trying to decide if i want to go on a late night adventure or if i want my late night adventure to be in my bed the sun's about to go down this is my favorite time of day when like the sun's going down and it's warm out and it's the summertime i'm kind of in the mood to go to a party which never happens not only does it never happen but every time i go to a party i hate it so i don't know why i'm desiring a party right now because it's like am i sweetheart you know better you know better okay sometimes i'm in the mood see it's so confusing like i confuse myself because i can't tell if i'm an introvert or an extrovert sometimes being social recharges me and then sometimes it drains me beyond belief [Music] spicy penne in bed i cook this perfectly it's perfectly al dente and this never happens i always either overcook my pasta or undercook it it just feels good to do something right every once in a while this is the life i feel like i want to go on an adventure but i don't know what that means like i don't know what that means where am i going to go right now it's a wednesday i don't give a [ __ ] i do not literally there's so many different types of parmesan cheese there's like grated which is what i always choose but then there's also the parmesan shred or um like slices almost what's that called grated not well it's not grated because that's grated in slices okay there's that kind and then there's like the fake parmesan cheese that's like like uh like almost like little dippin dots anyway the moral of what i'm trying to say is here is that [Music] you
Channel: emma chamberlain
Views: 3,554,946
Rating: 4.959054 out of 5
Keywords: emma chamberlain, vlog
Id: e4tGyBaL_Q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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