Jesus Is The True Light

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ah now then even though we even though we're producing this morning that's right below the 8th chapter of the book of Sejong the eighth chapter of the book of st. John st. John were there are several things several passages st. John chapter 8 verse number 12 and then we're gonna read st. John chapter 1 verse 1 through 9 then we're going to read st. John chapter 3 verse 19 so don't go nowhere there right where you are and we'll read the Word of God but before we do that I want to invite all of the members of our television audience into our worship service and we want our television audience to know that we just appreciate their viewing every Saturday wherever you are in the world we know you out there because we get your letters and we get your phone calls and your requests asking for prayer so we appreciate you particularly those who feel in their heart who were members of the body of Christ who want to support the gospel of price around the world so we are just most appreciative to our audience who watches and viewers each week from around the world you are welcome to share with us wherever you are in the geographical area of Palm Beach Broward and you just know that you're welcome and if it ever falls you'll love that you are in our area feel free and dispose the shell with us here at the new golden Heights Church of Christ our doors swing it would all welcome hinges we love you and we thank you for sharing and we're praying for you particularly those who have not yet rendered obedience to the gospel of Jesus Christ we afraid that the preaching of the word will find a larger place in your heart and that you will be convicted by the Holy Spirit to become a member of that blood-bought church that was bought by the blood of jesus christ so we welcome you into the services of the new golden height church of faith and every member here loves you and we are part of this what they are part of this welcome there is all the members of our church are part of this welcome and I'm going to ask that all the members of the church are and you may not be a member you may be visiting with us this morning if we'd love you for just being with us this morning but I I want you to let our audience know that we love them we appreciate them and the fact that we are coming into their homes by television means and shows on our part that we love all of our viewers and we are going to let you know that and I'm going to ask this church those who love those whom we preached to around the world say man say that again said this time like you mean it phrasing day but I got heaters over there we are just so grateful that you are youi now get your Bibles and turn I think first of all to st. John st. John chapter 8 and verse number 12 st. John chapter 8 and verse number 12 those level will say Amen now those who do not have a Bible then just know that the jumbo screen is available for you and you can follow follow us expeditiously as we read the Word of God not st. John's update verse well let's read 3 then spread Jesus again unto them saying I am the light of the world he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light of Life I want you to pay attention to the terms and is up there twice that is the light of life now John chapter number 1 John chapter number wow that's quite a bit of reading John chapter number 1 but that's okay because that's John chapter number 1 through verse number 9 but I think what we will do is we read the first full verses and then we will determine just how far we will go with Saint John chapter number 1 now I want you to look at st. John chapter number 1 we've already read st. John chapter number 3 and now we're going to read Saint John chapter number 1 reading from verse 1 down to verse number 4 st. John chapter 1 verse 1 down to verse number for those who haven't will say Amen alright let's read read nobody in him was life and the life was the light of men and the light shining in darkness and the darkness now verse number seven let's read verse number seven read the same thing for a witness to bear witness of the light that all men through him might believe verse number eight he but was it verse nine true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world now this is John writing about that light that we've already read John chapter three and verse 19 we just read John chapter 1 verse 1 through 9 we skipped a couple of verses but that's ok John chapter 3 and verse 19 John chapter 3 and verse 19 John chapter 3 and verse number 19 we're still talking about that right John chapter 3 verse 19 those who have a say a man let's read and this is the condemnation that light is come into the world and men love darkness rather than light because verse number 20 verse number 24 every one that doeth evil Horace number 21 comments on the light that his deeds may be made manifest that they are wrought in God look at your neighbor and say neighbor Jesus is the true light let's talk about that you may have you see Jesus is the true light by way of introduction I think I can say without any fear of a contradiction that our world is breathing in a world of artificial light and is totally emerged in darkness over 2,000 years ago there was a man whose name was John whose mother was Elizabeth who had a cousin whose name was Mary both of these Elizabeth and Mary were virgin virgin because God had planned it that way from the foundation of the world and both was of course he didn't was much older than Mary and she was the mindless as valid Mary of course was a very male raid force was a spouse to one whose name was Jose and of course Elizabeth was married to Zechariah who was a priest in in the temple Elizabeth was the mother of John the Baptist and of course male rain the earthly mother of Jesus Christ from the Donner for Asian God had decreed that John would be born and that John would be a full Runner of Jesus and there was six months between the time of Elizabeth becoming expectant and miri becoming expectant and that is John was born six months before the son of God John was born first but we know that the birth of Jesus and the birth of John the Baptist was planned by God the reason we know that is because Gabriel who stood and who stand in the presence of God and one of God's great messengers to the earth had visited Elizabeth and of course gable visited Zechariah as well who was the priest who was the husband of the Elizabeth Gabriel also made another visit to Mary and the mother the earthly mother of Jesus and gable explained to them both of them Mary being a virgin Elizabeth the Baron and much older than than Mary Elizabeth was beyond the age of childbearing she was barren but God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform he can't plant his feet on the sea of time and he can ride on every stone and so it's important therefore that we understand the dynamics of this and what I'm giving you is the genesis of this and that and the genesis of this a is an explanation of what God had in mind from the beginning of the world we know that because he's working with two women one virgin one one is barren and Mary is going to be the mother Jesus Christ the Son of God and then John of course is going to be a son of Mirrors cousin Elizabeth now I went through that to get you ready for the fact that John the Baptist of course his name was jumped that was his name his name was John the angel Gabriel when the angel Gabriel came to Elizabeth came to Zac where I first came to his father first and Evangel Gabriel told me today that his name would be called John and now John this is interesting because John is going to be the one who was going to be a full runner he's going to be the one who is going to come crying in the wilderness see him to tell you the way of the Lord and make his paths straight Matthew chapter 3 makes that make that makes that quite clear that in those days John the Baptist preaching in the wilderness of Judea saying repent ye for the kingdom of heaven is at hand etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera etcetera John says as we read Matthew chapter number 30 indeed baptize him with water but there's one coming after me who's milder than I whose shoes I'm not worried that the bear he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and five not many days yet whose fan is in his hand he would thoroughly purge his floor for we who were got into the garden but the chaff he will burn with unquenchable fire Jesus was about was about to come and why John speak then cometh Jesus from Galilee to be baptized or John John forbade him saying I need be baptized I being cometh out to me and Jesus said to him something to be so now John for the bus it's why I went there for just it becometh us to fulfill all righteousness and that means that John you're gonna have to do this and the reason you're gonna have to do this is because this is a fulfillment of my father's plane it was planned from the beginning of the world and as a result Jesus said to John that we need to do this because this fulfil of the plan of God because his cousin on his mother's side John the Baptist did not one of that fast Jesus because he did not face he he knew John knew that the Messiah was going to come John knew that Jesus was going to come John knew his place and he knew the place of Jesus in the word he knew that and he knew that Jesus was the Messiah so when the Messiah comes to him John recognizes and John says I don't need that I fee and I don't know why you coming to me and Jesus has suffered to be sold not John but doesn't becometh us to fulfill all righteousness now Jesus is the light of the world and Jesus is the true light of the world that's the protection Jesus the true light of the world now we're living in a world of darkness we're living in a world of sin and degradation we're living in a world where man has almost totally disrespected and have almost totally I decided to not accept the dignity and the sacredness of the human personality we're living in darkness and the only way that we can get ourselves out of this darkness is through Jesus who is the true light G and John says that that he is the true light there will be no light in the world if the world does not it does not accept Jesus Christ when you as a member of the body of Christ when you who are members of the drug box church when you who are Christian look at the world and all of the darkness in the world and all of the political maneuvering that's going on in the world and how that the people at the top of our government is true isn't it all having their way and and to have that their way they shut down the government and put eight hundred thousand people out of work just a head they're away well--that's darkness that's that's darkness that when you have people at the top of our government declaring a constitution I mean an emergency when there is no emergency it's just I want to have my way well we live in a dark world and my message to you is the only way we can come out of this darkness is through Jesus Christ so when you as a child of God when you as a Christian you look at all of the darkness and man's inhumanity to man when you look at all of them you wonder how much further but here's what you know the world is in darkness because they are not walking in the light the world is in darkness because they have not accepted Jesus Christ who is the true light of the world and the Bible makes that clear John chapter number one and verse number seven John I've explained who John was he was the cousin of Jesus on their mother's side and and John writes about this business about the darkness in the world and John chapter one and verse number seven when the Bible says the same came for a witness the same this is John this John came forward a witness to bear witness of the light John came as as a witness to bear witness of the light John was the forerunner of Jesus Christ John came crying in the wilderness John came saying whoa the light is coming well if you accept the light then you will become a subject for the kingdom of God but you're gonna have to accept the light and if you don't accept the light not just light but the true light and the true light is Jesus Christ so John came crying in the will of the same the light is coming the light is coming and the rest of our seven says what that all meaning through him might believe that all men through him might believe we're talking about the true light the true light America will be in darkness and stay in darkness and die in darkness and be destroyed in darkness if America does not turn to Jesus there is no hope for America without Jesus there is no hope for any group a race of people without Jesus and the reason I say that is because jesus said himself and I am the way I am the truth and the life and listen to me carefully nobody has ever made that statement about themselves now you talk about Confucius and whoever you want to talk about Buddha whomever you want to talk about Mohammed talk about all of those great and theologians and philosophers but none of them no religious founder the religion of Buddhism the religion of muhammed ism none of those founders could make the statement that Jesus made and none has ever made that statement there been a lot of talking about talking to God and God talked to them and they saw an angel and he just spoke to them but not one of them doesn't matter who he or she is none of them ever said I am the way one of them whether it is male or female and they made Confucius and maybe Buddha and maybe Muhammad maybe any of them and they are founders of great religions but you search their history and one of them ever said I am the way the truth and the life no man can come to God buck they never said that and he said a lot of footages but they never said that only one man has ever made that train and his name is Jesus Christ and he is the light of the world the only way we're going to get ourselves out of this morass that we are here I don't want to get off here by showing four by showing a comparative analysis of America and roll you see roll used to be the greatest city in the world I mean there was no city like Rome and roll was the birth of the world Rome one and I considered the greatest city of the greatest empire because from Rome came all of the great pieces of the world Julius Caesar all the races of the world are came from the districts of a city called Rome no nation was as strong as the nation of Rome the countries that had joined themselves adjacent to are the countries that world wanted to conquer if if that city that nation found out Rome was coming they would just go ahead and surrender because of the power of the great Roman Empire but then Rome started doing the same thing America is doing there is Anna caught up in immorality and while they were sleeping and while they were slumbering in the immorality the heathen from the Lord came and sat roll and roll Lord her haughty head to rise it no more I'm talking about Lord nations that were great in the world until they lost their movie they lost their foundation they turned away from the one true God and when they did that then of course the Lord the money hid to rise it no more the first world who turned away from God God distorted by water God destroyed everybody in the world and whose nostrils was the breath of life Rome Italy that I just explained one of the rare nations of the world Jericho one of the great nations of that time the walls of Jericho are who says were so thick that to chariot of horses could to go side by side in the world there's a big that wall but Jericho fell great nations will fall when that nation carried them back Oh God and so we say to America read your history just know that no man can stand against God God will cast every nation inhale that forgets him and so it's important to understand that done any and so the only way that America can be saved and the only way we can save ourself we're going to have to come to the light we're gonna have to come to them there is no need of our cities watching television wondering about what are we gonna come to and how we're gonna get ourselves out of the mess that we are in just tell yourself remember what I told you the only way to extricate myself from immorality and corruptions and crooked politicians is Jesus that's the only way because he says I am going that ways I am the way the truth and the life and no man can come to the Father except he come by me Jesus is the true life and if America and in this nation and if this world does not turn to Jesus does not turn to the teaching of Jesus does not listen in any way to the voice of God the degradation is the Hansa an America and any other nation needs to understand that God whoo and super rule in this universe there is only one force in the world and that's the voice of God because the world was created by that voice the Bible says in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth God is the creator and God spoke the world into existence he said let there be light and there was I God is the sovereign ruler of the universe and Jesus is the light and not only is Jesus the light but Jesus is the true light he's the true light and and and if perchance there is someone in the room who might be walking in darkness then I would suggest to you that you accept the true light because it's all are we gonna make it so you can fool me and make me think you doing well but God knows God knows no man does well who does not have time for Jesus Christ no woman does well who does not have time for Jesus Christ now you may have a lot of physical stuff and you may be financially you may have all that good stuff but Jesus warns us he warns us and he says what doesn't drive in a man if he's a date the whole world news is own soul your soul is more important than to where we find ourselves grasping after the world we find ourselves working into a heart attack working three jobs and and all the kinds of things whirling can't sleep at night because we don't know what the stock market is going to do that's what I was talking to someone about the stock market the other day well I won't get it then that expen to get me out it's important to understand that if you have darkness in your life then you need to come to the true lightness if there was darkness any kind of dollars anything that stands in your way you need to come to the light if in your life it just seemed like you're not going to make it because you cannot see your way through you cannot see how you're going to make it that I would suggest to you that you come to the true light and just know there is a reason for darkness in our world John says men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil and so let me just give you a few things here now me finish ah about the light and if you want to come to the light there are these five things that are important if you want to come to the light I have established in the scriptures that I've given you that Jesus is the light he is the light of the world in the darkness that we see every day in the end humanity we see every day in the end sensitiveness we see every day and anybody in sensitiveness we have parents against children children against parents me we're just sick raping a three-year-old girl sick sick sick we're living in a sick world someone walks into a place of business and just and just mow down people killing folk then put the gun DS in heels hips yeah when living in a sick well and the reason we are walking in darkness there will be horrendous crime and sin against the dignity of the human personality where faith would just kill for because they don't believe what they believe in terms of their political philosophy if you you're not the kind of man I think you oughta be you ought to be dead you're not the kind of woman that I think you ought to be you ought to be dead what we have to remember is that one has to respect the sacredness of the dignity of the human person you just can't go through life because you don't like them or because they don't believe what you believe we are walking in darkness and we need the light we need your life we need to light not only in our world but we need the right in our church all suspicion in our satchels with we have preachers preaching straight out of the darkness I'm hearing things I've never had before I'm hearing things that I expect to have heard from denominational forth but no more as I said to the son of whose class is falling where we had congregation splitting destroying themselves over the fundamental principle of Christianity and that is I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God that's the fundamental principle that's the foundation of Christianity if a man does not believe if a woman does not believe that Jesus Christ the Sun God he will he or she will never be see God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life God sent his son not to condemn the world but that the world through him might be saved salvation come home live through Jesus Christ so what's wrong with the world the world is what is popular now because the very folk at the top well I live in LA I mean you got young folk watching television and they see that folk at the top our prefer Mohini just saying one thing today and another thing tomorrow so lying have become popular and that's because we fail to realize the centrifugal force that emanates from the light of Jesus Christ and so those of us who are members of the body of praise those of us who are members of the Church of Christ hear what the Holy Spirit says in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one another and the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin what is that life the true light its Jesus Christ in psalm 119 in first 107 cave it seems now we're on to my feet and I like ultimate who is the word John says in the beginning was the word was with god at the word was all things were made by him the world is a hymn that is why I am in but each I am so in order to be in the light in order to gather light because he is the light of the world but he's more than that he is the rock he is of the fact he's the bright morning stop as we did when he was here he manifested himself as that light pilot had been unmitigated gall to ask of him an inquiry when he stood before him in this hall for and Pilate wanted to know or your king and then did he ask him another question what have you done that your people have brought you before me in other words I didn't bring you in here you old folk wow that's some good preaching about that your own folk you would you that's what brought you in here and then Pilate asked them what have you done you see the first question are you a king that's a political question what have you done that's a behavior risky question what have you done in terms of you behavior for hope to bring you in here maybe ask him third question what is truth because hey Jesus told her he was truth and I asked him a philosophical question so three things that Pilate gave when Jesus was before him he asked him a political question he asked him a behavioral ristic question and then he asked him a philosophical question and that's where folk who I am the dog that's what they do they try to make the way of salvation so difficult until it doesn't make sense and so yeah skin a political question are you a king because you see that's a psychological develop addict Adam that's designed to really get Jesus in trouble but he was smarter than that because yeah or you were kings and he knew these oh yeah yeah yeah yeah well the folks long crazy because in the focus they killin because he said he was a king and and and say that we already came so he tried attracted by said ruk oh that's a question alright but that's a trapping question he said what have you done Jesus did not Jesus did not feel it was important to enumerate the things that he had done he didn't have to do that Jesus didn't even respond to it even when he asked him are you a king then jesus said you say it's not me it's you it's not that folks I don't like it but I did that may not be the problem problem maybe you know that yourself but that's a hold of subject are you King and she said you say that I'm okay and then what have you done Jesus did not choose to answer them he did not choose to answer that type but he could have he could have he could have answered it but he chose not to answer here you see he could have said that since you asked me that one day I was at a marriage of in Canaan of Galilee and he gave out of wine and I gave him an order set up seven pots of water and I turned water into wine between the bar there and the pouring out now you want to one day I was over at the radio and American dance all day then stepped up to the grave and told the folk move the spoke and I called the dead man by his name and he came out of the grave what I've been doing small time and the time name was made me I hear and a winner had lost a son in the bar the little cooling bootie was dead and they was on their way to the graveyard and I walked up on today casket touched him and the bride got up and went home with his mother but if you know what I did you gotta leave I was a little tired and I went to sleep and then she began to roll that see began to open my disciple was very bored and spoke to the wind and the wind stopped blowing I spoke to the water and the water stopped rolling you know what I've been doing well I could tell you one day I was on a Judean roll blind man showed up and he was mine from his bag I ain't Rider prescription I just bet on the start up that stick and credit of the blonde and I hunted all laughs you want to know [Music] [Applause] you're if you want to know what I can do it I can tell you what I've been doing but that's not the question the question is I'm the light of the world never done that [Applause] [Applause] five things five things to be enlightened spiritually if you in this role man and you're not in the light and I'm going to give you five things here do I have time to develop but number one if you want to be in the light number one you have to find the light that's number one you have to find the light we know I've explored to the light years but now you have to find the light and the light is here the light is here jesus said we're there two or three that are gathered together in my name there am I in the mr. bill the light is here so you have to find the light not only must you find the light but number two he must believe the right jesus said except you believe that I'm he can you see and if you die in your sins where I am they're not coming so what you must find it light and then number two when you find it right you must believe the light you got to believe that Jesus knew and that back to that confession you must believe that Jesus is who he said he was how you will be in the Church of Christ and you don't want to make a confession or you don't want to have the the the the the serum and make a confession hi how can you be at the Church of Christ and how can you believe in the Lord Jesus and then postulate that the confession is not necessary I know it was necessary because when Jesus asked as those boys over over there Matthew chapter number 16 when they came into session of philipot he said Julio's the eye and and Bob did wait for her to tell God didn't wait for somebody who read to decide who he was the Bible says that vies came out of mother to Peter and said there's a Cargill of sir in whom I'm well pleased that pastor confession just a confession and that's what the church is based on it's based on I will believe that Jesus is the Son of God what are you working for because you're going to stand before him and the fowl around up in human affairs number three you must not only find a light believe the light that you must come to light you see you have to find the light you have to believe the lady have to come to the light and then you must not only find the light believe the light come to the light but you must put on the light you must put all the light this is a stopping for here you must put all the weight Galatians chapter 3 in verse number 26 well you are judgment of God by faith in Christ Jesus for as many of you as have been baptized into Christ so you must not only find the light believe the light come to the like put on the light but then you must walk that's number five now I'm giving you five find the light these number one believe the light is number two come to the number three put over the night number four walk in the light is number five now all of those demand explanation that we just don't have time to do that except to say to you that if there is anybody in the room who is not a Christian who is not a member of the Church of Christ who have not been baptized for remission of you saying you need to come to the light and not only but not only should you come to the light but you have to believe in I get to believe your life and now I'll just believe the light which you must are confess the light confess that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the Living God and that maybe someone here who is looking for the light that may be a Christian that may be a child of God in the house who is now walking in the light well you're gonna have to walk in the light because the opposite is men love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil heis that done through faith through faith because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God no where no hearing no hair right no faith you got to have the wire and then you have to hear the word and you must believe the word yeah and then you must repent of your centers powerful word repentance some people pronounce that Greek word Metanoia I pronounce it met India somebody that's probably some other way because there are no masters agreed that there are no person agreed that who word is absolutely final so what we do is we find how many of the scholars pronounce that one way and that's the way we pronounce it but you don't have to know Greek to be a child yeah you don't have to know Greek to come to Jesus you can come just as you are and Jesus will take you just as you are Metheny our religion our repentance repenting of your seeing change in your mind repentance is a complete reversal see repent me you see if I'm going this way and I'll repent repent me turn around and go in the opposite direction that's repentance the repentance does not mean halfway around repentance mean turn all the way around you need to understand it abrogated but did you turn all the way I did you tell half way around so repentance mean to stop repentance mean to give yourself totally to Jesus Christ repentance me if you're going in one direction which is a totally against the plan of God for petals me turn and go with God and follow follow the light and then the next thing you do is make that confession that Jesus Christ there it is the son of the Living God that's the foundation of the Christian foundation of the Christian belief and it just destroyed my heart when the sister told me that the churches is almost torn up because someone was teaching that the confession is not necessary and the word you might be a follower of Christ and you can deem it now that's that I mean how you gonna be a follower of Jesus Christ and not acknowledge that he is the Christ the Son of the Living God what he's already told you who's having a fault shall confess me before men matter 10:30 to him will I confess before my father which is at him he's already said and if you don't confess in here he will not confess you there and the next step is baptism for a mission of the sins and through the process of baptism for a mission of your sins you meet the blood of Jesus and the blood of Jesus thank you from all of your past selves and you are now in the light and then first John chapter 1 verse 5 6 and 7 the Bible says if we walk in the light as he is in the light we have fellowship one with another and the blood of Jesus his son cleanses us from all of our savings are you walking in the light are you walking in the light walk circumspectly not as fool's but as wise redeeming the time or the days are evil that's powerful then we have time to really get into that dig in there but that describes that time seeing that you walk circumspectly not as fool's but as wise redeeming the time for the days are evil that's why it's important to stay in their life and all the young ladies in the church and in this room this morning stay in their life stay in the light you may be talked about but stay in the light you young fellas they may call you out of your name every me if you don't you don't you know if they give you a hit and you don't take it one coughing will hurt you man you don't do this you stay in the light because that one decision [Music] I wish I do because they take me back to Esau and Jacob one decision this boy had everything God had chosen it's all not Jacob so God has chosen Esau as the apparent earth the Covenant that he had made with his grandfather Abraham soul this perfect party to meet lost this referee what you see one that can destroy your whole life that's what I'm saying to my young folks in there today one egg can destroy you I think mangle hurt nobody it may hurt you for the rest of your life one can destroy the rest of your life we understand that that so if you're not walking in the light I beg you to get it right then if you need strength specific strength to stay in light is not something okay I'm in the light I'm fine somebody will get on your bed and like nobody before you know it you need to start cussing let's not fight like mama used to say alright keep keep it up here I'm going to put this Bible down and wait you out pressure to pay for it you see I don't really ever want to put the Bible daddy or somebody out but if you're here today and you want to say yes to the Lord and you are not in that light stay in your life you see there's one thing about tonight you see if you if you in the light you won't save drivers now it doesn't mean you're not gonna fall you'll mean that at all because then that will mean that you have to be fit you perfect it ain't nobody perfect well here's what you you see but what the light provides forgiveness the light provides your opportunity to come back to Jesus who is the light that's what this is about and if you're here you want to say yes to Jesus if you here and you already remember the body of Christ come to the light stay in the light I didn't say stay perfect stay in the light stay in the light and if you stay in the light you'll get stronger as force in more light you state the lower you stay in the night the easy the chances are you'll get familiar with everything that you're supposed to see if you stay in the light you say stay and-and-and-and and if you fall out of the light God has fixed it so you can come back to it what a wonderful God God stay in the light and that light is Jesus he is the truth love and if you hear not a member the Church of Christ I would ask you to come today that this be your day that you put Christ all in baptism for remission of sins and God will add you to the church if you don't have a church home we'd love to have you here where you can be taught what the will and the way of the Lord is we speak where the Bible speaks silent with the Bible is silent we don't add anything to it we don't take anything away from it because whatever God's Word see it that's it I may not agree with it but that's still there this is the invitation would you stand please and while you were standing if you need more light in your life if you want more light in your life then you need to come because Jesus is ready to receive because he is the light of the world this is why we came this is why you came he came that you might have a light but which you travel in this whole unfriendly world and if you're not a Christian I would ask now that you come if you don't have a church home if you and you're looking for a church home and if you are not a member of the church and if you have not been baptized for remission of your sins this is the time they come down these aisles and just simply say in your heart Lord I much but I'm all like that take me in use me to your glory head to you I was thinking past me not oh just say pass me not for temptation here my opal cry and if you're in the light view here and you give you what you need or what you need it for
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 6,200
Rating: 4.891892 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. W.F. Washington, New Golden Heights Church of Christ, Jesus, GOD, Jesus Christ, How to be saved, What must I do to be saved, One true Church
Id: M6JpoKl_7aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 51sec (3951 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 25 2019
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