Church of Christ Crusade 2019 - Sunday Morning - Live Stream

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hello Eleni I love you Oh hallelu a walking and talking I'm walking and talking in my mind a mistake don't you know that I'm a walking and I'm talking with my mind on the Lord Church you know I'm walking in a talk and win the mind then is dead singing halle-loo hallelu hallelu girl I've singing and praying and I'm singing and praying with my mind on the Lord don't you know that I'm a singing and I'm prayin with my by then it's there on the law church you know I'm singing and I'm praying in my mind and east on old my lord Holly Lou Holly Lou Holly Lou don't you know I woke up this morning and my mind and it was stay here don't you know that I woke up this morning with my mind on the so you know I woke up this morning with my mind then it was staying on on my lord Holly Lou Holly Lou girl singing ha ha ha ha ha when you come singing Hallelujah I'll add new Oh the church say man I always say that it ought to be at least one morning that you wake up of their mind on Jesus and that's the lord's day I'm uh thyself in the side of so inside Mansingh missile man Sigma and you ladies if you maintain oh sweet see like me once was lost but now there and Jesus is the Sun God Jesus is the Son of God to make men free to me so yourself we were sent in deciding sir myself in this ad decide I you myself and decided Oh I see on the program where they have pregnant Brigham as the MC well yours truly is ready for it in charge yeah in charge this is not a usual position for me but I'm gonna take this one in run boy we go have a time in the Lord this morning my brother Mason got us started out of Nashville and so I just believed that the Lord is in this place I believe the Spirit is in this place and I also believe that we are going to turn for worth upside down I don't know about you but we you know I woke up this morning like the song said with the Lord on my mind I woke up this morning thinking we were gonna have a wonderful time in the Lord I want to thank brother Mason for for the songs that he brought our wake and I don't see brother green up here with me all right we're gonna we're gonna ask brother James green to come and lead us in a word of Prayer and filing brother green one of the elders from West victory brother Eddie P woods it's going to lead us in Scripture reading will you pray with me eternal wise God we thank you thank you for blessing us individually by allowing us to open up our eyes this morning to see the dining of a new day thank you dear God for the love that we have for you to assemble ourselves at this place at this time here in Fort Worth to let fort worthy ins know that Jesus is alive and he's well and he's real we love you to God and we thank you so much for the Church of Christ we thank you so much dear God for your son who sacrificed his life so we can be at this place at this time your God we come to you asking yet all of the Brethren who will be participating in the services this morning and throughout the week you will bless them both physically and spiritually let them exhaust all of their talents dear God and preaching your word to a dark and a perishing world we prayed your God that as a result of their messages that men and women will come running asking what they should do to be saved and we pray like it was in the first century their God that that many souls will be added to you your God we love you and we thank you for all that you've done for us individually and collectively we ask that you will continue to bless our homes and bless our families and those who are visiting from out of town dear God bless them and just give them the health and the strength to endure this week and and we were even informed about one of our sisters who had a physical ailment on even last evening touch up with your healing hands dear God and bring your back you're safe and sound we know that if anyone can do it you can do it bless every church that's represented here this morning help us the Lord that our lights will continue to shine so Jesus will be seen in our lives dear Lord we're just so feeble creatures down in a land where men and women just refuse to do right but we just last that you will continue to hold our hands and guide our feet while we run this race with patience we are always looking to you as the author and the finisher of our faith and your God as we sing songs of praise and as we petition you in prayer as we give of our means as we hear the word of God being proclaimed and as we assemble with you around the Lord's table help us to remember their God that we're doing that because we love you we've been commanded to do it but we're doing it because we love you one of these days you're going to come back through your son to call us from labor to reward and I pray dear God that you will find us working diligently in the vineyard of the Lord call us by name their God and say well done that good and our faithful servants come on in in search of the jaws of the Lord and your God when it's all over give us a home in your kingdom we'll be able to praise your name throughout all eternity this we ask in the precious name of Jesus who is the Christ the Son of the Living God that all believers say Amen good morning the scripture for this morning's message have been chosen for met from Athens the sixteenth chapter beginning at verse 13 when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying whom do ye whom do men say that I the Son of Man am and they said some say that thou art John the Baptist some say Elijah others Jeremiah or one of the prophets he asked unto them but whom do you see that I am Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God jesus answered and said unto them blessed are thou simon barjona for blood flesh and blood has not revealed this unto thee but my father which is in heaven and I say also unto thee that thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it may God bless those readers here's and doing it's worth we gonna try to stick with the program is that Alright yeah we're gonna try to stick with the program after our Scripture we gonna have a filler brother Harrison put it tagged a man in so brother Turner he's gonna come my way and he's gonna be the answer the one who introduces the speaker for the how good morning let the church say man God is good and all the time repeat after me it is good for us to be here in Fort Worth Texas for the Crusade for Christ amen god bless it's good to be here I am standing before you to introduce the speaker his name is Wesley T Leonard J man he hails from the Southside Church of Christ in Orlando Florida he has been preaching for 35 years married 38 years praise the Lord two children and two grandchildren he is an outstanding prognosticator and expositor of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the Word of God he is God's messenger from the Sunshine State Florida and today get ready to hear a word from the Lord and He will today it will not be the Sunshine State shining today it will be the SOE and shining in Fort Worth Texas today I introduced a son and present to us as our speaker for this day whistling T Leonard let the spirit of the law rights among us let the spirit of the law let it let the praises of our key lies among us let it let in Riesling in rice Oh all leather eyes let the Spirit of the Lord let the spear letting rise let the Spirit of the Lord let him rise among if you love the Lord save it you're blessed I know you bless a man again to be a member of the Church of Christ again serve an awesome God today if you judge him by his height you'll find there's none his size if you put him in a grave here surely rise he walked on the water it didn't get wet he went through the fire and didn't even sweat he's an awesome God today he feared the thousands who did not have bread he brought people back from the dead he drove out demons from the demon bound and taught us how to walk a holy ground he made the leper skin like new storms dissipated when he told it to took Jaws of water turned it into wine even save his soul of man he's a good guy if your God ain't working you ought to try my God for my God is an awesome God he reigns rules and has Regency in heaven and here on earth he died before lunch he was buried before supper and he rolls before breakfast he's a good god he's a good God he's a good guy we are all benefactors of his bountiful blessings and we all are privileged to be in these holiday and holy walls to preach Jesus Christ and him crucified in an effort that many we hear believe and obey the glorious gospel of Jesus the Christ the Son of God I need to tell y'all where I'm from folks amen tonight the best preacher but I had worse either if where I'm from folks Amen you know y'all remind me of a fellow who man who had a son young entrepreneur innovative intuitive and excited by his father this exotic bird rare expensive bird a collector's item and he shipped the bird to his father as a gift surprise overnight and didn't hear from his father he knew the birds should have gotten there didn't hit from adop father two or three days he called his father he said dad did you receive that bird I sent you that's oh yeah yeah he showed taste good and the son said tastes good what what do you mean that bird was round expensive collector's item that bird spoke three languages daddy said what he should have said something and Church of Christ phone if God's been good to you you ought to say something you glad to be in the one Lord one faith or one but you ought to say something my Bible still says in Psalm 107 let the Redeem of the Lord now if your souls Church of Christ folk ought to say so it's onerous or privilege it's a pleasure to be invited to be a participant in this fortieth Crusade for Christ here in the great state of Texas and the great city of Fort Worth and we are thankful to God for allowing us this privilege I'm honored to serve at the invitation of dr. Daniel Harrison our national director who's now sliding off the scene along with dr. John Dansby and those gentlemen have done a yeoman's job for for give him a hand praise and I just appreciate how they have conducted the lowest business I'm thankful for the vision of dr. Harrison - I want to see lost souls saved and what a dynamic duo Batman and Robin Harrison and Dan Smith and now they have passed the spiritual Patong onto a young preacher from Chicago dr. Harrison is Vito Corleone the Godfather he's passing on to Michael Corleone who's going to try to organize the five families in the Church of Christ that would be a difficult test but he couldn't they could not have selected a better man and preacher and to those who are holes here in Fort Worth all the congregations by every matrix you have done all of your preparatory work and you have prayed and fasted and prepared the city that Christ may be glorified and the devil be horrified I'll be remiss if I did not mention that I stand on the shoulders of great preachers like dr. Jack Evans who for years was the staple of this crusade for Christ but but like the way of all men none of us would be able to do what we do always and so it is incumbent upon us to do what we can while we can and then once we pass the baton we all not forget about those who brought us this far so well and so let's keep the Evans family in our prayers and let us never forget and always remember the contributions that dr. Evans has made to the crusade for christ also to dr. Orpheus Heywood who has also been a staple here at the crusade we certainly appreciate him in his efforts at the crusade for christ nama love i don't have nothing new but it's all true i say in the words of paul and first corinthians two and one i come not with excellency of speech nor do i stand in the wisdom of men but i'm determined like paul say this say nothing among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified if you would be so beneficent ly kind allow me to summon your senses and invite your intellect to the fortieth book in you Bible the Gospel according to Matthew the 16th chapter and I'll run the boo point will be verse number 13 Matthew the 16th chapter meet me a beat me the verse number 13 a very familiar passage of scripture to those who have significant tenure in the Church of Christ if you have been successful in the navigational process and if your optic nerve is fastened and PhysX fixated to Matthew the 16th chapter and the 13 Perez confirm it with the heart a hearty Amen the Bible says and when Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples saying who do men say that I the Son of Man am and they said some say you'll never base your eternity on what some say the son says some say thou art John the Baptist some say you Elias others believe you Jeremiah are one of the prophets he said a neighbor who whom say ye that I am turning to the twelve Simon Peter answered and said thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God and jesus answered and said in him blessed art thou simon barjona for flesh and blood have not revealed it unto thee but my father which is in heaven and I sent indeed thou art Peter and upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it cry and his church is that all right I wish I had my grandson here with me we have a four and a half year old grandson and he sits on the second row every Sunday where I preach and when the members are acting like some of y'all acting this morning he's just bellies out preach Papa and if you don't encourage me I just learned how to encourage myself I might have an idea just say preach Papa beloved will blessed to read from the majestic pen of the first of the synoptic gospel writers by the name of Matthew the son of Alphaeus doop listicle ii known as levi in the scriptures there's one time dubious and hated tax collector now become a disciple pupil and follower of Jesus to Christ it is Matthew who records this major incident in the archives of the gospel look at the clarity look at the clairvoyance and the congruence and concomitant way Jesus declares that he would bill construct erect and established ekklesia the church that bears his name take a take a nostalgic stroll with me 2,000 years ago to the cobblestone streets of Palestine when Jesus the Christ arrives at the coasts of Caesarea Philippi that that great city named for two great Roman leaders Caesar and Philip Jesus conducts an impromptu public opinion poll he says what's the word on the street what what what did you hear he was great by what is the street committee said who the men say that I the Son of Man now he asks this rhetorical question already knowing who he was for in Matthew chapter 3 when Jesus was baptized at the Jordan River and God himself showed up at the baptism of his son and God spoke with an audible voice and declared this is my beloved son so Jesus already knew who he was but he wanted to see what the people thought about who he was every 90 interns will not just be satisfied about what is said in our four walls we all don't find out one of the people in the community saying about the Church of Christ because we can't save them until we learn to serve them amen belongs there priest pop up well beloved you saw and read with me that the disciples began to engage in what we call some say religion and that's a dangerous territory and platform to build your eternity I'm about what Big Momma said what Madea said about what Pookie and ray-ray said you need to find out what dust says the Lord and here's what the public opinion poll revealed some say you are John the Baptist now I know why they said that because they probably had some physical characteristics just alike you do know that John the Baptist and Jesus were first cousins for Mary and Elizabeth were seats were sisters so they probably looked at him and saying you look like John the Baptist others say you remind us of Elijah I can see why they said that they Elijah before miracles as a matter of fact at Mount Carmel prisons all over help me was it not Elijah who called fire down from heaven so that knew he work miracles and then saw Jesus work miracles so you remind us of Elijah others said no you remind me of Jeremiah that weeping prophet and you know Jesus we remember you went to the tomb of Lazarus and the shortest verse in the Pipers said jesus wept so you remind me a Jeremiah others grew asleep in a figurative say we don't know you're just one of the prophets oh I wish I had a church in here pop while preaching hard I just need a little help here and Jesus said now I turn to you my twelve disciples and I want to know from you Who I am and if you want to know who Jesus is you gotta ask somebody who know it I wish I had a church in here that's why you need to find out about Christ his church and salvation and you need to go to the Church of Christ because we are members of Jesus Church others are saying stuff but we ought to preach what thus saith the Lord y'all know he says y'all will know me best fellows who y'all say I am yo y'all were there when I took a pedestrian stroll and made the water into a sidewalk and walked on the water y'all were there when the maitre d grossly underestimated the crowd and the wine ran out y'all were there jesus said when I look at a pot of water the water looked back at me I look back at the water the water brush red and turn the wine y'all was there when I Spit on the ground and took some clean and put it on some clean I wish I had a church in here y'all was there when a woman had been sick for 12 long years folk through the crowd and touched the hem of my garment and it wasn't because she touched my him it's because to him was on him that she was made whole y'all were there when I took two fish and five first purpose and I had a free fish fry in the desert with no grease y'all were there when I opened the Red Lobster and had a buffet of y'all over there when I would to Lazarus grave and rigor mortis had set in and I said Lazarus come forth who y'all say y'all making me insecure am i doing alright who y'all say you don't know me that they're talking about what they think but y'all know me who y'all say I am Peter said thou art the Christ I always had to church it here I'm about to get happy here now thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God I need to drop a little in the Church of Christ we serve a living God if Garlin dead will not be there dead folk can't serve no living God thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God blessed art thou simon barjona and bar is just an aramaic prefix that means son of blessed are thou Simon son of Jonah for flesh and blood have not revealed this to you you didn't get that from your cerebellum you didn't get that from your cerebral cortex you didn't get that from your thalamus or your hypothalamus or your pineal gland you didn't get that from your medulla oblongata God revealed it unto you and upon j-rok the he is the son of God the anointed christ the chosen one the only one upon that rock is the foundation for the church to be built and through the spillage of his blood on Calvary Jesus built the church that bears his name folks that's God's response to man's sin condition that's the scheme of human Redemption when sin became an epidemic and then a pandemic in the world now God has left us a way to get back to him only through His Son Jesus the Christ let us concentrate and allow me to use your mind as a canvas to paint a portrait and a picture of the church that Jesus built it's a little-known fact maybe it's even breaking news the some of y'all that Jesus didn't build for one church and the church I'm talking about is this Church in the Bible I'm not talking about the one you can live stream sometimes on TV I'm not talking about the church they're talking about in the barber shop I'm not talking about the church that they pontificating about in the beauty salon and in the nail shop I'm not talking about the church on social media and on talk shows and on CNN and Fox News and MSNBC and ESPN I'm not talking about the church on Instagram and Facebook and snapchat and Twitter I'm talking about the church in the Bible that Jesus built Church in the Bible ought to be morally good academically prepared socially involved in doctrinally sound I didn't come here today the posture position and Panda I didn't even come to be politically correct we ought to be dr. Lee sound because the church don't belong to us it belongs to Jesus Christ in the church would do is not doctrinally sound go to the Church of your choice is not doctrinally sound worship it on the Sabbath day y'all scared I'm the one doing the preacher if you scare say you scared worshiping on the Sabbath day is not doctrine aside speaking in tongues and cursing in English is not dr. Lee sound there's Bibles in every church but not all churches are in the Bible in the Church of Christ we have no book but the Bible we have no Creed but Christ we do Bible things in a Bible way and we call Bible things with a Bible name we preach to proclaim we teach to explain we have classes for information we have worship for inspiration preach Papa that's why John said in John 5:39 then all of us are the search the Scriptures don't set your heart don't set your family tree don't search or emotions don't search your bank account don't search your academic regalia the Bible says search the Scriptures for in them you think you have eternal life but the you are they that testify of me if you want to know about Jesus Christ and His Church you got to go to the Bible and I heard him say upon this rock I will build my church in a true church in a true church in a true church in a church er nature nature nature in a matter even will not church I might run some of y'all out of here you see that's why Jesus said is mine all mine notice the verbage notice the lexicon notice the language upon this rock a rock is sturdy it's steady you can build on a rock you can't build on sand it won't pass inspection preach Papa a rock Messiah provides protection a rock provide shade a rock you can hide behind a rock and somebody's shootin that should get behind a rock if you stand on how to do a bullet to go through a door but it won't go through a rock upon this rock and I noticed the beverage I didn't go too far in school but I stayed there long enough to graduate he said I singular will that's future feel erect or construct my possession now Church singular can we back that thing up alone real future feel erect or construct your children over my knee my possessiveness is all man Church singular everything in that verse signifies one and truly gets to the gates of hell so Jesus says in essence there's one way to heaven and a whole heap of ways to hell and the gates of Hell will not prevail I guess it not them not you am i doing we miss read that he said against them hell will not prevail against it he didn't say hell won't get in it he said hell won't prevail he didn't say hell won't be around it didn't say hell won't fight against it but he'll win treasure Christ foe you are the rest in the fact that hell can't stop this church that's why Jesus taught us our salvation is not dependent upon us it's dependent upon him and the revelation made by Simon Peter that you are the Christ the Son the only begotten Son then eret son the sinless son upon that truth jesus said I will build my church that's why we got to get out of our own selves and you are not members you got to stop being prideful and arrogant and let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus you remember Paul wrote the church at Philippi chapter 2 beginning around verse number 5 Jesus said let this mind be in you that was also in Christ Jesus you see I need his mind instead of using my mind my mind says if it feels good do it his mind says be not deceived God is not mocked my mind says get all you can why you can this man says what shall it profit a man if he gains the whole way and lose his own soul my mind said I gotta see it to believe it this man said we walk by faith and not by sight my mind says all roads lead to heaven His Word says jesus said I am the way the truth goes to the Father shop by me my mind says anyway will do this man says there's a way that seems right to a man but the ear leads to destruction my mind says keep all you have and don't share with nobody his mind says deal and it shall be given unto you my mind says get them if they get you this word says vengeance is mine saith the Lord my mind says trust my job trust my education trust my family his word says trust the Lord with all your heart and lean not to your own understanding in all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your path my mind says my problem is to be my burden is too heavy my mouth is too tall but his words say trust and never doubt and he'll surely bring you out my mind says follow tradition his word says follow the Bible my mind says the devil is always missing but the word says the Lord is always blessing that's why you got to have Christ man we don't need to preach what we want to preach we don't need to go where we want to go we don't need to wish him how we want to wish him we got to follow what he says for the church belongs to him he only built one I explained the verbage not on God God let me drop something God never made one of anything don't let me mess with your theology see when you perfect you don't have to redo nothing see I have to go get another card another suit love the TV another house cuz stuff to God don't make nothing that he got to redo y'all don't y'all scared son let me help you God has never made more than one of anything God made one man he made one sense the woman came out of the man and then the rest of us came out of the woman that man had one wife God commissioned north to be a one-off that all had one door that all had one window I was ahead of chest I'm glad to get happening here now in Jerusalem there was one temple you only got cried on me God's got one son his son built one church there's one Lord one faith and one baptism God's got one heaven and the Devils got one hell you got one soul I need to get rid of seat to my seat some of y'all lookin like you're mad at me if you're not a member but the church was built on the truth that Jesus is God's Son now quit hoggin which I tell for packet flow don't argue with the truth you can't do nothing against the truth you can only do something fun the truth I don't care how mad you kidding me I'm telling you the truth you might get some man to leave him burning rubber all the way back to Dallas and tomorrow on my way to the airport I'm askin to be driving us stopping i'ma holla why you changing your top instill the truth you might get so mad at me you go out there and slam your door with such velocity you break your window and tomorrow when I get the Huntsville Alabama I'm gonna call back and tell you it's still the truth you might even get so mad at me that you want to come up here and do me some body at home and after I take my 9-millimeter next Tyler that's your fuel number walk by your coffin and say it's still the truth you can't you know they tried to drown the truth one day at the Red Sea God opened the Red Sea and let truth walk across on dry ground they tried to eat up true for the Lions then God put liens on a crash diet and true survive all night long they tried to burn troop up in a fire God Lord the thermostat and stepped in with Jesus and truth survive the fiery furnace then they'll troop on the cross one day and truth was in the grave Friday night all day Saturday and Sunday though truth got up with all power all power in his head Jesus built the church on the foundation that he's God's Son it's a sure foundation 2nd Peter 2:19 the foundation of God standeth sure having this seal the Lord knoweth them that it is are you tonight if you know the Lord you better know make sure the Lord know you there's some folk I know but they don't know me the Lord knows them better here than everyone that name is the name of Christ depart from iniquity you see beloved the foundation and the founder I say only to quit alliterations I drop on the foundation was built on Jesus is the Christ the church was not built on miracles church was not built on blessings and prosperity come here close I love it we got one of the best brother Mason is here today but the church was built on singing church was not built even on your preacher church wasn't built on tithes and offerings Church was not built on bricks and blocks Church is not built on laminated beams and not wall-to-wall carpet the church is not built on your corporation papers and the bylaws of the state of Texas the church was built on the truth that Jesus is the Christ and when they crucified Him there's one tragic mistake the soldiers made when they nailed him to a cross and they did all right when they nailed his feet but they shouldn't nailed his hands because anytime you put nails in the hands of a carpenter he's gonna be or something I wish I had a church in here they didn't know he was a carpenter and when you put nails in the hands of a carpenter he was severe so the church he named it when he claimed it and he claimed it when he named it was built on a rock it's built on a sure foundation I'm in the Church of Christ because of the foundation and then as I sneak to receipt I'm in the Church of Christ because of the founder he said I build this excellency this assembly this church it was built by Jesus owned by Jesus run by Jesus he's the head of it he bought it he's the head he's coming back for and what he built the church is a living organism come in church form he did not build an organization he built an organism don't need to read your Bible stop once and housewives of DeSoto and read your Bible I'm gonna tell y'all this I'm a proud member of the Church of Christ but I'm not a member of the Church of Christ incorporated organization I'm a member of the organism see you can tell from folk in an organization the organization decides I was wrong but were you in this living organism the head of it decides HEIs wrong jesus said I will build my church and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it he's the only one qualified Abraham couldn't do it he lied and said Sarah was his sister and not his wife nor can build it he had a propensity for gin and juice Jacob couldn't be on the church he's stolen his brothers birthright David couldn't build a church he was a player from the Himalaya Elijah couldn't build the church because he was a scary cat I ran from Jezebel Jeremiah couldn't build a church he was a paranoid schizophrenia and cried like a baby Paul couldn't build a church he was too busy removing thorns from his side Peter couldn't build a church he was too busy custard for God only Jesus could build the church that bears his name I heard you I hear you're too long let me tell you now seek to mercy brother preacher you've been telling us about Christ and His Church you said is built on some irrefutable ungettable facts indisputable that Jesus is the Christ the only begotten of God the Father that's the foundation and he built it with the spinach of his own blood according to his own words he built one jesus said will build my church you go to the third grade and know that's one person building one child and since it belongs to him that's why he's got his name my children got my name my wife got my name home in the home but she ain't got no hyphenated 1/2 name 1/2 check I wish I had a church in here the church ought to have his name well Berliner is one thing remaining we found that biblically to Jesus and Jesus alone built the church we found out is built on the irrefutable on get around the book indisputable fact that he is the son of God how do I get in this church you can't join this ain't no Country Club your joint this ain't a fraternity you can't plant y'all you got quad on I don't care if you got Donald Trump money money you can't buy your way in I don't care if you Jerry Jones and on jail well you can't bring that in the crash world you can't buy your win you can't cry your win you can't sign your way in you can't lie your win there's only one way to get in this church you gotta be back time bear it submerge immerse in water ah I wish I had a chat - you're like Church of Christ boat was a man y'all still believe acts 2:38 everybody needs repent and be baptized everybody the remission removal and eradication of your sins that's why Paul says I sneak to Mercy Paul said Paul said in Galatians 3:27 as many you have put on Christ have been baptized into Christ have what put on Christ so the only way to put him on and to be baptized am i doing right the only way you can put him on going to seminary school won't put him on the only way to put on Christ is to be back I see y'all ain't got it I better tell you all the story see anybody told you in a different didn't tell you the truth and see some time for been chasing stuff that ain't real you know you might be honest you might be sincere you might be a good person that don't do much wrong but if you hadn't heard the gospel in its entirety you on the wrong side of the spiritual trial down in Florida I don't know about Texas we got dog tracks y'all know the dog track here you got to be able to fit there to know what an old try kid that's where green hounds run around the track and it folk bit over my uncle down in Florida would go every Friday night to don't track and he would bet on a dog you young people probably don't know what a dog track here but don't track is wet green hounds run and y'all ain't been in the church all your life same man in town somebody saying things sinful y'all that like y'all know nothing buddy the reason why some of y'all ain't saying that y'all steal again okay say Amen say ouch there was a story of man who don't track their Friday he would bet on don't number nine and that was his routine they've been on door number nine two years he bet on dog sometime you win sometime he lose and when he when he went down to the track one time they don't wasn't that number nine one there went the next time number nine one day again so he went to the proprietor the owner he's a man what what happened to my dog I used to bet on and honest a man he retired we put him in the kennel down the street he went down to the kennel and asked the owners that can I see the dog used to run at the track he said yeah he died in cage number two Alton went on then he and the dog had a dialogical exchange now this is a story so don't write me no letter I know dogs don't talk this is a parable she choose to Christ folk of righteous telling you back here that I'm trying to make a point you went down and hindered all talk he's a dog why are you running them oh you two old dogs annoying tool so why are you running the moly you got off riders no I got off why you they were they wasn't paying you will feeling you will you see no I ain't sit why are you running the modo no say you want to know why I'm running you see yeah why are you running he's a man you know that rabbit we used to chase I found out that rabbit won a real he said all this time I've been chasing something that a real and meaningful in religion for years and years been chasing some ain't real and like that dog when you find out in a real you need appreciation you need to put on Christ the waters ready it's essential it's not it's not a byproduct is he central to salvation and baptism precedes selfish you must be baptized to be saved you got to put on Christ put him on in baptism that's the only way you can put him on many years ago but I'm done I'm a native Floridian I got married in 1982 my beautiful bride and we were poor didn't have money for honeymoon two three years later we finally food on the ma'am and I get on a cruise ship and her cousin was a highway patrolman in Miami Florida and we got there their land so this back in the early eighties you could do it then you probably can't do it now and I was at his house on V he said well just come ride with me and I got in the patrol car with him since I wasn't doing nothing I'm on vacation and we went up and down i-95 and he stopped a few folk stopped a few illegals and they didn't have no papers and he said their names show me your license and there's an no snow English no English he showed him his gun he said yes sir I got the last one it's amazing how people straighten up we rode around a while longer we even I didn't know it was true but when the crisper cream hot light came on we turn in there we were in the car I'm done I'm telling you why you got to put on Christ I'm telling your story because that's what Jesus did Luke said talk he nothing without power was I heard the radio call I'm in the car and said that this trooper officer Brown the Florida Power was moving power lines across I 95 they said come here to a certain spot and we need you to stop the traffic for about ten minutes so Florida power can move the power lines so we raised to where they said he got out the car he stepped into the northbound lane of i-95 he's got on his uniform a badge I had and that friend that sticketh closer than a brother he steps out in the northbound lane puts his hand up and all the traffic stops but I'm 95 his northbound and southbound he says to me Linnet you stop the south back now don't get lost in this arena I'm telling you why you got to put on Christ but I got on Bermuda shorts flip-flops a golf shirt and the Hawaiian hat and I took momentary leash of my senses I stepped I saw they stopped when he put his head up I went the southbound I didn't slow down this better I jump out the rain he comes up with a there's a interchange everything and now you can step back into the lanes of life and tell the devil stop don't come no fun and he won't stop because of you yeah but he knows who you belong to yeah but you gotta put him on yeah you gotta put him on in baptism yeah so let it be written so let it be done the grass withers the flower fadeth away but the words of our God shall stand forever let me invite you to put him on all you need to do salvation ain't complicated you don't need an extensive vocabulary you don't need a matriculate from my Ivy League school you don't need to know Greek in Hebrew you struggling with English you know all you need to do is hear that he died for yourself and serve I curious ain't no manias death he died in your place you just need to breathe that you believe everything else yeah and you ain't gotta understand that you believe it I don't want to say how a black cow eat green grass makes white milk to turn the yellow butter a lot of stuff I don't understand you don't have to understand just believe he died yeah repent turn from your sins and your ways of degradation Jesus said in Luke 13 to 3 I tell your name except you repent you shall all likewise perish and then you need to be active in your service you need to confess inaudible vocal voice I believe what Peter declare that he is the Christ the Son of the Living God you don't confess what you want you confess what Peter just and then you must be baptized not sprinkle not pull don't baptize no babies you must be buried in water that's where you put him on and it will change your life and it will add you to the Church of Christ if you here today and your subject and you're willing to leave here better than you came of you watching via the internet you need to get over him and be baptized today for today is the day of salvation and right now is the accepted time y'all ready member you've seen a need to repent calm if there's one or more who need prayer but predominantly those who are not members of the blood-bought heaven-bound christ sooner he'll prove church that Jesus built you ought to come right now do it while we stand and while we see teach you if you afraid will preach you were you I would leave hid away that I came to by clear that Jesus described him to you history is there to prove what you can save me remember Yannick is because he I can face tomorrow let's reason together with the scripture cause he let's see what's in the law Oh fear is gone Jesus declared upon this rock heeey and the light is only here believing Church of Destiny in ours me wonder is hungry cause salvation with the Bible would you come below because either don't put it on yesterday is history tomorrow is a mystery we post our future Jesus is calling and life is being summoned by his words being just because he live is how sweet - whoa don't be afraid to come shame to own him he'll be ashamed to own you before his father you heard the word of God he allowed to Germany lock God's Word greater still loud the scriptures to be a guide calm oh sure you can put him on right here right now because thank god he lives he said I'm he that was dead but now he's alive forevermore it is on the right hand of God making intercession for us you may be seated below because I know yee-ha stuffy and life is worth the living just because he lives is and line is worth the living just because he lives my Savior Jesus saving work from that calling and I just believe that there's someone in here this morning almost was wait we don't keep preaching God's work we have two individuals one is requesting prayer Jeremiah Alexander you know it is 1/6 and that's a big audience toys and we also have a lady her name is Clarinda and our party missus last name up so I'm just going to spell it think this is GI in GI our policy I think I met her this morning she was here like at 8:30 she's not a member she was here because she said that she heard about this tonight at 7 o'clock 6:30 poor poor singing and then Monday through Thursday just come back you are invited and we welcome you to come back thank you now with a place to the god of heaven who do with all things well again we bow before you this time to say thank you first of all for the adalat son who hung bled and died on the cross of Calvary for all of our sins we thank you for your manservant today brother Wesley Leonard he preached your word father we pray that it would sink deep in our hearts and that there's some soul here who's lost and we pray father that as they meditate on that word it will make that ultimate confession that you are Christ and they would want to put you on in Baptism we thank you for this gathering of saints we thank you that for the cooperation of all who are here for the continue to bless us as we continue to do nothing but preach your word we thank you for this crusade we pray father that Fort Worth will be different when the crusade is over we pray as we continue for the next several nights that many will come asking what must I do to be safe we thank you can we let me it is in you have darling son native answers prayer and I also believe say me thank you we also have to come in on the treaty back at the bag back then waiting and and some fellows with those white coats on would come and that's good too now tonight grandma we're gonna turn it over to our financial path and if we don't go it's all and I in our community we want you to if you did not receive a cup and a waiter raise your hand and there's me to take care I got you somebody ought to telephone a little boy you all know why I'm up here my grandson I told him one time I said he wanted something I said pawpaw don't have any money he said just write a check just by a check the Bible tells us upon the first day of the week did all of us should they buy and store and give as God has prospered us he said that there be no gatherings when I come he also said in second Corinthians he says every man according as he purposes his heart so let him give not graduate not of necessity but God loveth a cheerful Giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you that ye always having all sufficiency in all things about in every good work so we're paying today as the brothers pass by that you would give as you have been prospering we know that you are willing the Bible says it has burst fear within minds according to in 66 second a part of what you have and not according to what you have not God loves you we love and everybody up here work real hard to make this event possible and everything is overworked cost money even the chin additional cost a dollar piece let us give his God has prospered us if you have here you know it say repeat knock on their hands I can believe in love with him over and over and over and over again Mandi he gets sweeter sweeter as the days go by oh what a love between my Saviour and I I keep falling in love over and over and over again cosa he keeps blessing me over and over and over and over and over again My Lord is blessing me over and over and over and over and over again and he gets sweeter and sweeter as the days go by oh what a love between my Lord and I Hakeem falling in love over and over and over again and he keeps clean see me over and over and over and over and over again my Lord keeps cleansing me over and over and over and over and over in never again and he gets sweeter as the days go by oh what a love between my lord and back I came falling in love over and over and over again and he gets sweeter as the days go by all alone between my savior and I I keep falling over and over and over again the church say man sweet as the song I am singing today I'm redeemed everything trouble and sorrow had vanished away I have been Reidy I'm reteam my love divine glory glory Christ is mine Christ this mine or to him I now resign I have everything great is my joy Noah's son when I go I'm redeem our ravine all the way homeward my praises shall flow I have every me redeem my love devar Laurie glory Christ is mine Christ aspire to him I now reside I know is I I happy baby it's been asked who should you write a check out to you write the check out to the Church of Christ crusade alright and it'll get cashed that way too precious indeed it's my Savior to me if happy and glory someday I shall be I heard pretty we team my love glory glory Christ is mine Christ is my Oh to him I now beside the bazaar I have been breathing I'm bTW my love divine glory glory Christ is mine Christ is mine all to hear I now reside like now beside I can be the church say man y'all sound like the Church of Christ Jesus gave his life for ransom he honor on Calvary thorn you know that cruel cavalry famed the way by plans Bank we might win it by shiny ground praise His Holy Name salvation has been brought glory praise the Lord salvation has been brother No and shout and tell in the world of go president Ella today tentative a aunt Ella tomorrow preach the Word of God that we might win our shiny mouth in heaven tell the lost salvation is full and free spread the Blessed news all over the land and go to them praise the Lord sumbitchin has been brought all along with out of print he summer to pay it all yes you know my jesus paid it all in his blessed promises sweet victory can be found praise His Holy Name salvation has been brought glory plays the Lord salvation has been Bedell go and shout and tell the world um go preacher then tell it today tell it today and tell her tomorrow preach the Word of God that we might win loss salvation is full and free square the Blessed news all over the land then go to today tell her apart the Lord salvation has been brought down there is some lesson home prepared way over in Gloria and you know that blessed Borland I am trusted in his love and now I'm heaven bound race his holy name sumbitch it has been bitching that's been brought go and shout and tell in the world around go preach to them to people in sorrow telling today and telling tomorrow preach the Word of God that we might win the lost salvation is full and breathe for bubble SC news all over the land and no teaching and telling us telling us praise the Lord salvation has been brought down amen they still giving money say sing another song if the skies above you are gray and you are feeling so blue if your cares and burna seem great all the whole day through there's some silver lining that shines in the heavenly land look by faith banks to get my friend trust in his promises grand now singing you will be happy press along to the goal trust in him believe in the way he is keeping your soul let the world know where you belong look to Jesus and pray lift your voice and praise him inside so you can be happy today cut me off like that bro yeah I'll pray with me Heavenly Father was just so thankful for this opportunity that we have that we can come together we can hear your words sing songs of the praises to your name and worship you in spirit and in truth their God we just so thankful that you've blessed us with opportunities there are funds that we can give back a portion of you that you blessed us with father we just ask father that these funds be used in a way that will uplift your kingdom that would spread your word that would let the light of Christ shine in this dark and perverse generation that father as we go through the further the service bless us guide us and be with us it's in your son's name we do pray in the mighty name of Jesus amen brother Easter if he would to comment it facilitate the communion run sisters at the beginning you would issued a container with the unleavened bread and the fruit of the vine before the scriptures are read in the prayer we would request at this time that you get prepared my slightly removing the plastic at the beginning there and those of you that are familiar with this we ask you to assist the others as we get rid of took the take of the Lord's Supper the Scriptures will be first Corinthians in leaven chapter starting with the 23rd verse and it states for our receipt of the law that which also ought to live unto you that the Lord Jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and now he had given thanks and break it he said take eat this is my body which is broken for you this do in remembrance of me after the same manner also he took the cup when he had supped saying this cup is the New Testament in my blood this do ye as offer you drink it and remember to me of course often this you eat of this bread and drink of the cup you do show the Lord's death till he come wherefore who swells to eat of the bread and drink of the cup of the law unworthy shall be guilty of dividing blood of the Lord but let a man examine himself and so let him eat of that bread and drink of the cup for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily youth and drink of damnation to himself not discerning the lost body blood and sisters pray with me Heavenly Father we thank you for your son's body and your son's blood father we ask - we take with your hearts and clean hands the name of Jesus amen I secure the vacuum for take of the unleavened bread and pulled back the front folded and pull the track and for take of the fruit of the vine Thank You brothers sisters that concludes the Lord's Supper go ask brother give it if he would come up oh okay well what they go they put a change in my plane they go give me four words coordinator of the crusade brother Victor Norris is gonna come speak to us thank you brother Brigham wasn't that a wonderful message we thanked brother Leonard for doing a fine job and I just believed that with all of these people there is somebody that is almost persuaded to walk down these aisles perhaps it's a young person that you've been taught Sunday after Sunday Wednesday after Wednesday and and you know that you're ready to be baptized but you're a little nervous about it we're your family we love you and we want you to come perhaps it's an adult that has heard the gospel for the first time and you want to know more but if you believe what you have heard you don't have to touch fire but one time to know that it's hot and you can come down this aisle as well and maybe there's someone who is a member of the body but you're here today and you've been away for a while not only are we trying to add people what we trying to encourage people to be added to the body but we're also trying to help people restored you can be restored today don't put it off because today is not promised neither is tomorrow and neither is this afternoon is there anyone here that would like to respond to the invitation you can do so right now is there anyone a man we're thankful to be here we're so happy that you've come to Fort Worth and we're going to have a great time in the Lord amen and it's already begun we had a great time last night and we're going to have a great week together and God is going to give the increase this afternoon we have a rally planned and it looks like the sun is shining so the devil could not stop us he cannot stop us his brother Leonard told us a few minutes ago our plan is to assemble at the Sheraton about two o'clock and we will begin there and march down Lancaster to Houston and over to ninth and will end up right in front of the Convention Center there are shaded areas there and and we're just going to have a great time in the Lord amen there's gonna be singing and praying and we have a wonderful speaker this afternoon so just get you something to eat and come on out and let's continue our worship day together and then we want you to come back this evening at 7 o'clock so god bless you we thank you for being here and the rest of the week please bring somebody with you amen bring someone with you thank you very much god bless you once again we're just so thankful to the God of heaven who has allowed us to come to this place for one reason and that is to glorify Him and to save souls amen and we had a good start this morning if your cup is not running over if your excitement level has not risen if if you are not on the lookout on the watch if you're not on your social media if you're not calling folk if you're not bringing folk if you're not getting folk to get some of this good mmm salvation that comes from Jesus Christ you've been motivated today you've been inspired you've been lifted just not to be blessed yourself but God blesses us to bless somebody else so y'all know what to do particularly those fill up your car Phillip then our evening worship will begin at 7:00 o'clock this evening there's parking on the street every evening fort worth fries somebody say Amen for free amen and if you can't get one of those free spots you can park in the convention parking that's not free but there's also another parking lot parking systems of America that's a five dollar charge you park your car in the spot you hit the button drive five dollars and walk across the street over here but we want you to bring somebody get somebody come back yourself encourage somebody to hit Jesus because they're gonna be Jesus preached every day and that's the reason we're gathered amen this is about evangelism this is about saving souls this is about hmm one beggar telling another bigger where they can find some bread because jesus said I'm the bread of life well hmm we gonna have a good time now as you get ready for the rally we want you to know that the instructions our place as brother Norris has shared it's across from the Sheridan you need to have your yellow t-shirt some of y'all have been coming for over 40 years maybe you got 40 t-shirts but if you don't have one you ought to get one Amen they'll be in the registration area registration will be open you can register if you have not you can pick up your t-shirt fortieth one or you can wear one of your old one set that's how we do it all the time but but but there are only a limited number of the 40th year they have 12 dollars and the proceeds surely they come back to the crusade to help us to keep saving souls a man now I want to just share with you that we have some information some announcements from brother Lloyd Harris I'll make those on his behalf for all the churches in the area who have vans that will be going out into all the neighborhoods but if you have vans as I light at least sitting on your lot that you want to donate to the crusade and a driver to take Bible class teachers out to teach Bible lessons please Burton let brother Lord Harris know his office is on the second level in the Sheraton Hotel the Oak Room are we looking for and if you are a skilled Bible class T a man you know you know somethin bout teaching the Bible a man and you available this week we're looking for skilled Bible class teachers that can help share the word because this week mmm Fort Worth there's a wonderful place to be a man I've been it is a wonderful place to be in Texas but we ain't come here for vacation we come here to save some Souls and the church said a man also brother Lloyd wants us to know if you are a guest today if you're a guest today why don't you stand we're not gonna shake you down we just want to anybody that you've been so even you've been invited today somebody I see one over here I see another over there I see a guests over there stand on up we want to give an applause to our guests today if you are a guest today and you have not please keep standing they have a gift for you a man we want to I like it wouldn't guest staying and they got a gift for you that's I like going places when I get somewhere they're gonna treat me nice and kind keep spending as a guest I think your vendors and they come they got the bags that keep standing or either just raise your hand they got gifts for you please keep standing those who are guests on the sides or those in the area we have the evangelism group has a gift for you and we want to make sure you get your gift because you are very special to us and if you have not completed a guest card we want you to have you to complete that and give that back to us we appreciate it so much as I take my seat I just want to say we started off on a good note this week amen the banquet last night was tremendous the doctor seems to an amazing job the crusade chorus they're singing you here brother Mason talked about that we come here to save some Souls now let me put a little ashtray we do have shuttles running from the hotel to Sheridan to the Convention Center this is the main entrance unfortunately all the other entrances are closed there are other interests but it's the only way you can get in and there will be a shuttle that will take you it's about a three and a half block walk from the Sheraton to here and if that's hard for you we want you to be alive so you can keep praying and help us save souls if you're not able to physically March anybody know the temperature today the temperature in Fort Worth Texas the fires gonna be has been 90 every day I've been here so it's gonna be 98 oh and I don't don't say 98 but if you if you do go March and please grab some water take good care of yourself we're gonna March we got our science we're gonna be singing we're gonna start from the Sheraton around the the waterpark and our rally is going to end up right here in the front so if you can do that in March with us we appreciate it but please don't put your health on the line and address amen if you diabetic go get your lunch do you have medicine go take your medicine but but if you can walk with us and you walk 2 or 3 miles a day you walk up and down the stairs at home and you can make it a few blocks come and walk with us and this great rally because we come here to save souls amen also I want you to know that at the FE at the registration ere we have the at a glance cards this tells you everything that's happening this week at a glance this will be at the registration if you didn't get one of those will be available for you and we have hostesses and visitors teams that are all ready to help you in any way we can let's look forward to having a great time in saving souls for the Lord and all the church and those who came here this is for the next five days there's the evangelism headquarters let's save some Souls amen ants to the the message this morning we have a sister Michelle Harris would you please stand sister Harris has asked the church to pray for her daughter Rachelle Harris and they're really distraught and they asking us to pray call her by name Rachelle Harris she has left the church and she's not worshiping anywhere sounds familiar doesn't it so we we want to remember the Harris family and in particular their daughter the Bible says when one rejoice we all rejoice when one week we all reap and so let's pray earnestly for this family the Harris family if they're really going through something right now only God can help and we pray that God would intervene let us pray gracious help me father we are so thankful and we're so blessed to be a part of your family we thank you Father for adopting us into your family and in time of need we can go to you and say Abba Father tender father hear hear our prayers and so we're praying right now for Rachelle who knows better but yet she has decided to go her own way so we pray father that in time that you'll give her a time to come back to you before it's ever lasting too late bless the Harris family as they continue to walk in your will and your way this pray I do ask in the name of your son Jesus Christ amen yeah just two quick announcements and then we're gonna be being dismissed number one if you are a song leader worship leader at your congregation we need to meet with you just briefly for about two minutes young men song leaders that that worship that were with your congregations please come up and just occupy these seats right here immediately after we dismissed this is for our march on today and then secondly if you are interested in singing in the crusade chorus we will be rehearsing right here in this auditorium at 4:30 this afternoon at 4:30 and those who are already begun here in Fort Worth and then the Texas area will the rest of us will join them and learn some of the songs that they've already learned and they will be learning some new songs as well at 4:30 we will meet right here in this auditorium young men men who lead worship service again please come to the very front of the auditorium for about two or three minutes right after we've been dismissed right let's stand some glad morning when this life is over I'll flag away to home on God's celestial Shore fly away I'm telling you by the way Oh Gloria like away in the morning I'm telling you Gloria like a way in the morning when I die hallelujah by and by I'll fly away fly away let us pray our Father who art in heaven we thank you Lord for this bountiful opportunity to have been able to witness what we've witnessed participate in what we participated in we pray O Lord that you have gotten and shall continue to get all of the glory we thank you Lord for just allowing us to be a participant in to be able to do this work continue to bless us and keep us in to have your care keep us safe from any hurt harm or danger in jesus's mighty name we pray let us all say amen
Channel: Light&Salt Gospel Media Ministries
Views: 4,862
Rating: 4.8536587 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ, Jesus Christ, God, Acapella, Singing, Worship, Live Stream, Live, Crusade
Id: VjONyeGXyGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 26sec (6746 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 01 2019
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