Putting God First Pt. 3

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- ah Lilly we don't need all that up there we don't need just blinding me here and not only is it blinding me but we're not with TV is not on today all right okay go there you go there you go because with those lights on I can see the clock and if I can see the clock oh if I can see the clock y'all Raven whatever y'all come in here if we not and we're not like doing TV it no-fly zone would you tell somebody tell like Darrell to cut them like that cause doc need to see the clock ah ha ha hey guys Heather it's a g g a i had i chapter number 1 hey go ahead and look in the index there go ahead and look in the index if you you see it Haggai chapter number 1 we going to read a few verses here maybe I can take the fall the floods of ok rubbing the floods are not working up here so I see what the deal is here ah pegye chapter number 1 get comfortable because we are going to read a little and if you got pumps on my very kind of kick them off as we go reliving it hey guys chapter number one let's see how far we're going to read whoa [Music] well we're going to read we're going to begin reading at verse number two that's not much we're going to read down to verse number eleven from various number two to verse number eleven those of you who do not have your Bibles we have provided the jumbo screen for you and if you don't have a Bible in the building in the room with you it's on the screen you may share in the reading of the word in the presence of God all lighting that has recognized that we are in the presence of God let us recognize that we are really God's Word this is not a funny book this is God's Word this is not evident it is not yet this is God's Word and let us be careful to understand that what you are reading is the Word of God we are in the book of Haggai and God is speaking to Israel his people basically is talking to and he is talking to the Prophet Haggai and so Haggai tells us what God said to him it's a beautiful situation over 2000 years ago over 2500 years ago this man stood in the land of Judah and Jerusalem Jerusalem Judah and God spoke to him from heaven and he recorded it and Allen did he recorded it but God preserved so 2500 years later we can hear what God said to the Prophet over 2,000 years ago so listen as you read because this is God talking the haggai the prophet we could have been reading at verse number 2 where we're going to be down to verse number king of them also have it was a man all right now then let us read verse number to read the speak of the Lord of Hosts saying this people say the time is not come the time that the Lord house then came the word of the Lord by haggai the prophet saying is it time for you and this house now therefore consider your ways you have sold much and bring in little you what you have not enough you drink but you are not filled with drink he calls you but there is not warm and he that any of the wages earned it wages to put into a bag with holes just says the Lord of Hosts consider your wages go up to the mountain and bring would build the house and I will take pleasure in it and I will be glorified saith the Lord he look for much and though it came too little and when you brought in home I did blow upon why saith the Lord of hosts because the mine house Peggy's ways and year on every man unto his own house therefore the heavens over you is stayed from - and the earth is Spee from her fruit and I called for drought above the lad and a punt of the mountain and upon the corn and a pump the new wine and above the oil and a pump that which the grime bring it forth and upon being and upon cattle and upon all the people of your hand now what s something if you can't play with God you can't play with God and God told God told the Prophet he said this is what you tell these people because this is what I'm going to do because they are lollygagging in my house as a result God says I'm gonna do certain things look at your neighbor and say neighbor putting God first all right you may have to see putting God first putting God first not second first now this is the series that we have been dealing with for the last not we began we begun this series lasted that's me and if you were not using the tapes of this series it really it would be good if you had tapes of all of these theories we're dealing with the Minor Prophets and its interest is the most interesting study I'm trying to introduce you to the study of the Minor Prophets I've explained the difference between the minor prophets and the major prophets it's just the word of course is not that the minor prophets message was any less important than the major prophets is just that the major prophet messages was longer than the minor prophets as a matter of fact we're dealing with hang out right now and Haggai of course in a very short book it is a second shortest book in the entire tanana city of the scripture pegye is the second that shot his book over that is the shortest book and the difference is just a few verses so we didn't with had I been shot both only two chapters in the book of Haggai Haggai deals with what God said to him about what he was going to do to the people of God in Jerusalem Judah and so the problem with the people during the time of Haggai was that they fail to put God things first that was their program their program was they fail to put God things first and so when you read the minor prophets the minor prophets deal with that it is so interesting ah if in your leisure you get you can study the minor prophets as much the whole life of the whole Old Testament the whole cannot but tonight there's an act that's the Old Testament beginning with the Torah that's the first five books of Moses if you read when you read the Old Testament of the story of Jerusalem Judah is most important if in as a matter of fact most of the prophets prophesied about what God was going to do in the Jerusalem Judah Europe and the Jerusalem Judah Eero because the people of God had turned their backs on God and and and God was displeased women and not only was he displeased with it he reacted to it and so the idea here is to get you to see that God is good god but God is a terrible God when you fail to obey and not only that when God will react he's a good God and we said we think and we and we thank him for being a good guy he is a merciful God he is a loving God but God is a terrible God when you fail to obey Him so the program then the people of Jerusalem Judah igu bah the problem with thee with the Jerusalem Judea people who were the Jews because those in the southern kingdom was consider considered as being Samaritans they were an imagination between our heathens and Judaism and but these are the Jews these are the Hebrew Jews The Jerusalem jeweler group this is the group that when the Kingdom split and Kidd tribes of the house of God the house of Israel went up to northern Israel northern Palestine dwelt in this American area capital of the Assyrian nation these are the groups that is the Judah Benjamin tribe were the tribes that went south and they were the one that stayed true for a time to the mandates of God God was God was God was very very concerned with Jerusalem and Judah he was concerned with Jerusalem because that was his City and that was his holy city that was his mighty City that was the City of David that was the city that God says I'm going to place my name there so Jerusalem was very important to God very important the prophets talked about it it shall come to pass in the last days at the mounting of the boss house shall be established in the top of the mountain exalted above the hills and all nations have low into a team it was they come that is go up to the house of Jacob eyes at each of his ways we were walking his pedophile observable forth along and the word of the or from Jerusalem so Jerusalem was very important to God Isaiah chapter 2 verse 1 2 3 and om4 in Moses said Moses said in genesis 49:10 the Skepta shall not depart from judah now the lawgiver from between his feet until shiloh come so here we have Jerusalem the City of God and here we have Judah we have Jerusalem Judah these are the people of God these are the two things that's dear to the heart of God 1 the holy city the City of David the city where God says I'm no place my name there you have Jerusalem and then you have Judith out that's a tribe out of which Jesus Christ the Son of God is going to come he is going to come out of the tribe of Judah that God is dealing with Judah are and an Jerusalem because they have decided not to put God first chosen by God to rizzoli chosen by God Judah the tribe of God chosen by God wrong before the house of God's live Moses was saying the scepter shall not depart from Judah now the lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come Judah is going to exist at least unto the time of the Messiah which is Jesus Christ now Jerusalem now and Judah is dear to the heart of God but even though even though Judah and Jerusalem is dear to the heart of God and even though Jerusalem and Judah has a very important place in the heart of God God is dealing with Judah and the reason he's still in with Judah and the city of Jerusalem is because they fail to put first things first and that's the message that's the overall thesis of this message this morning it is the overall pieces of the book of Haggai and that is God deals with those of us who fail to recognize that it is important that we put first things first now a psychologist hi this is just a business sidewalk ah psychologist found out some time ago that man has three basic needs food clothing shelter and of course they were healed at the speed the psychologist was healed as being very very smart because they figured that out they figured out that if that man has three basic needs Oh clothing and shelter if they had this read the Bible they would have known that Jesus dealt with that over two thousand years ago for his point the point is that jesus knew that we would have a problem with those three basic needs food clothing so even before you were born even before I was born with Jesus what in the land of his Nativity over 2,000 years ago he recognized that goals in our search who are believers would be struggling with these three basic needs food clothing self he prophesied that it is important that every generation understand that you must particularly business you must not allow yourselves to get carried away with those three basic needs because life Matthew 6:33 ah because life consists of more there goes to the basic means yes now here's Jesus 2000 years ago here Jesus over 2,500 years ago is talking to his disciples just like this like verse 25 and do it quickly ah what Woody is no way different therefore I say unto you take no thought for your life watching now this is 2000 years ago before he psychologist was born before we were born Jesus prophetic result and understood that I search I believe that those believers who believe the Lord Jesus Christ have obeyed Jesus Christ would help with three basic needs what we said he said they're forcefully you take no thought for your life yes I you don't align that because this is the philosophy of life yes sir this is a motto for living this is a motto for living if you don't have a philosophy of life then here is one that will be beneficial to you Jesus was my friend you know take no thought for your life yes sir he's speaking to us he's speaking to those of us were children of God he's speaking to believers he's speaking to you in to you with you with you and to me 2,000 years in the future it is what he say he said Christians believers you have to have a motto for living yes sir because if you don't you will find that you will get caught up in your life and be more concerned about food clothing and surfing other than me so over 2,000 years ago Jesus let me let me fix that for those of you who are believers all right let me fit that for those of you who believed in me let me fix that for those of you who believed in me and those of you who maybe have been difficult you're worthless those of you who maybe have been diddly tells you with life those of you who may be having difficulties with food clothing and shelter those of you who may be having difficulty difficulty economically right relation ah whatever the case is because the life can get you down if you're not careful that's why he's any definition more than were in more than one instance in John 10:10 he says I've come to Jamaica Plain in other words you need to know how to live the abundant life you as a believer must not be carried away or upset but what life brings all right sir and Jesus is an operative your motto I'm going to give you a philosophy of life if you live by it you'll be all right it doesn't matter what Trump does it doesn't matter what the Congress does all right it doesn't matter what the economic system brings to you it doesn't matter what the stock market it doesn't matter season I'm gonna show you mad people I'm gonna show you how to deal with them a wrath of I yes so you don't need to be walking around with your head hair down crying in your milk Jesus I'm gonna tell you how to deal with this way yes because right it's going to be tough life is going to be difficult but I'm going to show you how to deal with it yes a every one of you who are listening this morning this is carefully because this is this is your philosophy of why Jesus is this why you live your life because if you don't live your life like this then you're going to get care to work with opal people all right you're going to get carried away by the way folks with me they don't treat me you know okay in in a manner in which I think I'm worried a I'm living and I remember the Church of Christ I remembered about your price I'm having a hard time I don't know what the preacher says I got to pick my ring I know I'm supposed to go to church and I know I'm supposed to come to prayer meeting and Bible study in Sunday school I know I'm from the Human Stain I got to pay for his God Jesus says I know that's going to come and I know it's going to give you a program I know that's going to give you that kind of philosophy and that kind of viewpoint is going to be paramount I won't be deeper so Jesus says not I'm going to show I'm gonna tell you how to live your life don't know where but the stuff going on out there don't you worry about that don't know what you worry about they was with Jesus I don't have a job don't worry about that what would Jesus the risk of don't worry about that but we're Jesus is my home don't worry about that which is the family don't worry I told you don't you worry about it because I'm going to give you it about their life and if you live back you'd be all right reduce you don't understand but my family's just destroyed my friend is torn up man this relationship is going to down the drain I don't have a job I didn't and I just got fired and and then whatever the case Pisa but I understand all of that well you don't understand it broke my heart you don't understand that it gave me a nervous breakdown Jesus do you understand what I'm going through Jesus yes I know what she's going through I don't know better what you're going through there once again you know your self but I'm going to give you a motto by which you can live positively your life all right and this is instruction to believers yes sir this is this is instruction to those of us who love the Lord Jesus Christ and those who have been baptized for the remission of our sins and we're members of the Church of Christ and believe that God would do exactly what he said he will do yes yes I know watch this he says now that was a me you take no thought for your life what you shall eat food or what you shout oh well it just understand that I did it with I have dealing with that food clothing and shelter that's what the psychologists say and I'm saying that Jesus dealt with it over 2,000 years ago and he says now when the food runs out when the job gets out and you don't have to worry at all presently to deal with that and you don't know how you're going to buy grocery and and and and and you don't have the money that do way to be is you need to do to sustain your life jesus says now I'm going to tell you how to deal with that in other words when that time comes to you as a believer don't don't don't don't get upset about that don't you go through life worried about what she gonna eat tomorrow yeah now that doesn't mean he's gonna drop some light braid down it doesn't mean Matt and I would assure you instead doesn't mean that he's dropping hombre they dropping like bricks they he dropping hamburgers but no no but what he's saying is everything's gonna work out for you if you trust me now I am NOT going to work on I'm not gonna work your job for you I'm not going to do that I'm not gonna wash cars for you I'm not you will have to read but what I'm telling you is and as a believer I don't need you worrying about that take no thought for your life what you shall eat or what ye shall drink not yet for your body what you shall put on clothing food clothing children is not the life more than meat and the but there is something there is something more important than what you wear what you drive where you live or what you know there's something more important than that and so where Jesus I'm going to show you how to deal with these born blood filled because it does not matter how many how many degrees you have it does not matter whether you graduated from the film cook metaphor I am of the Florida normal aware he wears the Harvard of Howard then kept this life will knock you down whether you been to school I have not been to school life does not care about we're telling you are and where you live and what you drive like to get about that life doesn't care about how pretty you are uh ugly you are fat you are a poor you like a life is an equal opportunity employer it has no respect it has a respect for ethnicity it has no respect for where you live it has all respect to raise it has always been for education because educated folks can go down the drain hesitated vote to lose their lives if that lose that position poor folk they lose their lives and lose Epis life doesn't care right comes to all of our whole and try our very soul yeah but Jesus not giving you the remedy to this stuff now is not the life more than meat and the body than wrinkle there is something more important about you that a dress you have on then that suits you have on then that hats you have on then those that those shoot there is something our apartment back so I don't want you to get caught okay I don't want you to I don't want you to get caught up in your education I don't want it suspended I bet I'm not putting down education I don't want you to get caught up in that fine home and I put it down fine home I don't want you to get caught up in you in your education on won't you get caught up in and your friends out of a low ticket Jesus that don't you get caught up in esta becomes life would enter into any relationship you get yourself involved in and not only that but life will twist you like a pretzel and you don't know what to do life can reach you anywhere you go he said well I've got friends I wish I had time to talk to you about your friends then I wish I had to tell you about two friends I don't want to hurt you feeling right can bring you to a situation the way you don't know what to do and it will twist and everything you touch turns to mud I mean you go to family and you can't get any kind of relief from family on the job you can't get relief you got money in your pocket but you can take the leap what good is when is need to have nobody to spend it with life will come to you in such a way that you can't get and if I get to that if I don't get to that dinner tonight I will show you because the Inditex is it isn't Hanna when God says you bring this come home but I will blow you got that education you got that fine quote I'm not against education uh but you all know that I'm not a guest of when the best you can wear and look the best you can look out that's not on the table what I'm talking about is when you allow that to take first place in your life that's what the preacher is this morning because you see life can come to you and twist you and you don't know what way to twist back and everything you touch turn to mush and you go around like the Rolling Stones I can't get no satisfactory are but life and that you singing I can't get no satisfaction life will do that to you jesus said don't let the ditch of that notice don't don't don't you to listen don't do you know we have young ladies in here young men in here we have mothers and fathers and husbands and a wife in here in the building this morning we'll probably again situation you wish you were not in you need help in the situation that you in because that's normal that's like but you can't afford let it get you down you can't quit you can't lose your back we don't have much mind in the first place and you all want to lose as your mind you're doing so Jesus is in here here's how you can stay home but what is it beautiful jesus said if you are a believer if you a child of God if you've given your life to Jesus Christ and if you by faithfully he is who he says he is and the God is who he says he is and he will do what he says he will do if you believe that if you follow my instruction and if you put first things fire you can live the abundant life that's what he's saying what are you saying is read on it quickly verse 26 verse number 26 behold the fowls of the air for they sold I neither the wreaths are gallop into the barns yet your heavenly Father you see what you said a bird didn't happen a bird didn't get us to go to work every morning a parrot doesn't work for me to buy a birthday present of the flounder telephone pole looking for chip not as none of the bird go down the mesas looking for tired or suit me to shake but God says they so not they don't worry they don't get into the bar Barry's gonna have bones we put stuff he's making showing you an analysis he look at the bird and he says yet your heavenly father be there you don't see too very explicit and cussin tells me out of a job yet your heavenly father be them are you not much better than they you see our problem so many times is the way we think and because we won't follow this motto of life in this motto of living this is the motto of living and he's dealing with food clothing and shelter and that's what ties us up food clothing children and because there are some other correspondent needs of course we understand that relationship is one of those correspondent need I mean there are beneath but the basic need is pretty basically food clothing and shelter jesus knew that that's what sometime son yeah you know we did this big house and then mortgages boy we can't give to the Lord when the basket comes back we can put nothing in it because the mortgage is due on the 1st of the month and you haven't missed the month you're about to go crazy because we lose that house and what you gonna tell your friends if they find out that the truck come in took all your face Jesus and Edison this is how you deal with that this is how you deal with it alright and the next verse verse number 20 said the Bible says which of you by taking thought to can add one cubit you know this is tiny much too worried about how told you are I mean why would you worry about how tall you are why were you worried about how short you are don't worry about you're going to grow to the point where God want you to grow and as we ain't nothin is nobody bees in the genes in the chromosome know what that's it I would have up Denise I would have loved to have been six foot four I really would have I would have loved to have been six foot four Wow you know I thought guys I'd look at him again 250 pounds in 60 75 Wow you know Here I am Here I am yeah when I'm told a girl actually I'm told enough you know what I'm saying even if I look up to to a willing whispered I Venus ball came and I you know I do it when he was a baby because he was born ready in the church you know he grew already in the church and that's something with his mother work on post ministry you follow her in church every Sunday morning you know I bet he went on to the high school didn't operate football then he went on as up to university father you know and then he came back back and I'm saying they believe me get jealous oh you got he has a tall daddy your daddy is told you see I don't have told hook in my friend I'm talking about that I've been sold as anybody in myself I thank God for that what I've seen you with don't worry about night Jesus I've come to show you how to fix that and then he says much of you by taking thought your head once you've ridden through the center in verse number 28 at the Bible says and why take ye thought for raiment you know I would go to church but but you know I would address I would address on the first Sunday and if I go back in there with this dress home you know hope will be wondering whether that I got another dress tonight and they will do that to you so folk will do not in this church but if in some churches you wear that outfit you will last Sunday this Sunday and in some churches Elizabeth Lee did she wear a lesson it's not so business and when Jesus said I'm gonna show you how to deal with that I'm gonna show you how to deal with folk who who sit around him and talk about you focus it in churches in Rick do you come here to see which is at home see whether or not you got a smile on your face these are what it that's going to happen to you but I'm going to show you how to kill with that yeah you can't worry about mr. deranged people oh I system then you may not admit it but I said affair I mean you cannot honor your life bangs OH mentally deranged people you can't go through life wondering what I social Shan Kate said you can't do that because she's deranged so nobody didn't name something I used to trying to find a name this note that I think that nobody made so you don't figure I'm talking about you you know years ago I had a name and it was just a snob brains favor better go back to Snodgrass the mine for says it why did you thought for raiment considered Elizabeth feels and have the rogue at all not need to go to spend a living in the field yeah yeah how beautiful is a lily you see how beautiful is Lily maybe doesn't work then it just depends Oh God and then the Bible says in verse number 29 the Bible says in verse number 29 and yet I say unto you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these in verse number 30 first of my thirty dividers and wherefore if God so clusters Martha ran for like every 30 minutes on welcome back so in other words all that being so talking about the previous statement if the previous statement is true then what I'm about to say is true thankful purple if God so clothes the grass of the field which today and tomorrow is cast into the oven in other words daiquiri days yeah yeah God takes the brass go cut your lawn I mean cut it down cut it low cut it the down to the ground back off of it in a week or two weeks you got his back up again see what I'm saying and then the Bible says which to me is a damaras came to the oven shall he not much what was it shall he not much more clothe you I mean why I think this is what hey guys hey this is just the introduction I have me touch my listen you uh what Haggai is saying is you've got your eye on the wrong thing that's why jeruzalem is bit has been sacked by Nebuchadnezzar that's why I the people of God are in prison and in bondage and in slavery that's why because they did not understand that they needed and must put God first and then the mind besides the Trastevere which today is at the borrower is cassavan chutneys not much more clothe you oh you of little faith oh he's of this place our problem is we don't believe God there's all no doctor I believe in God I didn't ask you that whether you believe in God and not so that's different if it isn't in God and believe in God 99% of everybody in the building believe is young but here's the other question do you believe God there's a difference in that even in God and believe in God and in the buck that's what faith means oh he of the faith you don't believe what God said and so what we do is you try to do it your way that's hey that was a problem with Jerusalem they want to do it that way I hear what the preachers saying I don't care that I say this all the time as you know folks I don't care what I don't care what the preachers say you know I I got to win I got to win I don't care what you say you don't pay no rent up in him just you know Peyman my copy of up there talking about please and God they didn't really Bend up I got I got I got the kid I got to pay my mortgage and if I got the wick on Sunday I'm going to wake on Sunday out your way you say they don't be talking to me and then they said praise the name of Jesus [Applause] benefited first things first and the Bible says wherefore if God so clothe the grass of the field which there is at the Barbican forever Charlie not oh you Lafitte verse number 31 President Bill Irwin says therefore take no thought okay techno-pop don't remit it Bobby don't stay up at night well that's some that the church don't like me did you hear what the law said yeah and so I don't go back no more because you're either they know you speak to me you can hear with the lawsuit because I'm your way you go that good reason for wherever you go does not gonna speak to you I mean who do we think we hear that somebody got to speak to us I'm a it would be nice of everybody spoken in this speak will it spoke of the everybody they epic church is over but that's not the case I mean if you're not spoken to that doesn't mean that you are less important somebody else may have something more important to did you do somebody may go out that no first you know what they need to do is more important it just look opponents what you need to do Jesus what I'm giving you a motto here and that is therefore take no Thought saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink our will shall we behold I'm talking food clothing shelter because these are the thing that you're us these are the things that you're us our jobs job for why the job a problem doctor the job is a problem because you putting the job before God yeah you're putting the job there for Sunday school you put it Ajanta for plan meeting you're putting the job before Bible study you're putting the child before worship and then the Bible says in verse number 31 a prostitute in verse 32 the Bible says for after all these things do the Gentiles see yeah in other words if you re believer if you are child of God you know look at things like we look at things like the world of the things we look at things differently we look at the same thing differently we see the same thing the world sees we just see it differently we like money at the same as aware that's money but we handle our money supposes that different than the world it's just how we see it yeah and Jesus says for after all these things do the Gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knoweth that you need of all these things he knows he knows what you're going to do he knows he knows and he knows better than you do and in verse 33 that's where I'm sorry 15 minutes ago ah but see but the here comes this is the motto for Lizzy if you are believer this is the motto for living if you are a member of the body of Christ this is the motto for living this is how we are to live our lives in order that we might be able to deal with the difficulties of life Jesus just dealt with food clothing and shelter and he says that this is how you deal with it first of all don't worry about as the wood or about your being short what can you do about that the word I you'll being black what can you do about that don't worry about your having a big nose what can you know about that God is not giving that noses if you have a big nose then large open those that you happy tears some beer you know big ears I'm gonna bid you don't worry about if you have big ears that means you special that's what that me the need use you have a big nose you special special you are going to look like that that other girl Oh because you got what she can have so NZ he will be proud of who you are be proud of what you have and if you press buy a lot then take some stuff which is you can you know when you start sweating to deficit mummy snap of the round things that like a biscuit out of pub though they never heard of a powderpuff and she have a little part of in this getting another rotifer that is you working with what you got I mean odors in the eyes of the whole I see others in the eye of the beholder if somebody takes you hooded admission would know in the world you can tell me I ain't handsome no way no way I think you have a Napoleon if you look at me and tell me on the handle I'm praying for you because what you think about me doesn't make me but that make me what you think and then the - of damsel did imagine but but here here comes a motto for living here comes the motto for living and he is here is the answer jesus answered the question of Jerusalem Judah over two thousand years ago he answered that question because here is the problem with Jerusalem in Judah the problem with Jerusalem in Judah they were neglecting the house of God they were charged with with building the house of God and they had quit building the house of God they had stopped building the house of God Jesus said two thousand years ah yes don't do that because God is concerned about his house and the Bible says for here it is now and all of you know what those of you who remember somebody price you know this what what I'm saying to you is I'm giving you another view of the same this is the Christian motto for lived Israel but seek first yeah yeah the kingdom of God and His righteousness and and and that stuff about a house yeah and a call and a job and clothing and all that other stuff Jesus says if you seek the kingdom first all this thing this stuff about food holding health a shelter friends relationship security all that stuff season here is here is how you have it seek the kingdom first seek the kingdom first and isn't it interesting something sometimes most time when ho get in trouble they quit the church but you need to become a cadet though every time the door but there are many Christians who when they get in trouble I went with when difficulty comes when they help when they go through trials and tribulation they walk away from the church I'm going through some things that doc I'm just you know I'm just trying to work my way through some things this is yes that's not your philosophy of life your philosophy of life is here where Jesus says see first the kingdom of God and then whatever you need whatever you need whatever you need don't be God to please the devil don't leave the checks to please the double cute Annette we'll get it straight if you stayed with God God we're stand with you God will make a way I don't know if you understand that understanding but we got Hoku but when they get in trouble you can't fire them and then when I do find it is it was and all we're just going I had a bad stretch Loretta long in there and I had the eye advancement I'm coming back but the lower you stay out the more likely it is that you're coming but that's your motto that's your motto putting first things first so now what were we when I get back to it I didn't get through today but when I get back outside of tonight but when I get back to it then you will understand what Haggai is knowing and when those people said it's not time to start building the Dibble Hank I said listen you need to consider some veins in other words you've got the cart before the horse we took my water and I would go out there but you forgot to bring Hippocrates up it it is a making out on some people what but it is amazing how bad we use that kind of jargon we used that kind of stuff when it comes to the church and over here with two minutes to make a presentation and you work beside 25 hypocrites everything and they don't bother you but when you come to church yeah I've there wasn't too many hypocrite that I saw you you're trying to find an excuse so Jesus says it's what you do you need to seek the kingdom first that's how you do that's how you do what that I'm going through some things in my family what this is my you don't give up on God don't give up on the church that's your only hope your only hope is Jesus you walk with us you know let me wear you you go to hell doing that don't give up don't give up another you may give up on people but you do not give up on Jesus you know if I hope and so it's important that those of us are children of God those of us who are members of the value price those of us who are believers understand this is the way we read this is the muck this is our motto of life and that is we put God's first so how God is telling those people over two thousand years ago there is your problem your problem is you have not considered who God is and because you have not considered who he is let me tell you who he hit and then tonight we'll talk about what God would do a peg I said God told me to tell y'all that you bring on and running in in you you got to cause you got to find home and you got a wonderful children you got that it boy you got all that good stuff you got a closet for clothes you got all those shoes you got all that but you got away you got a head you got all this up God's intimidation God says you got it but God will blow it that's in the Bible and we're deal with that tonight you say sometimes sometimes we go through stuff is because God has broken up and when God blew it it's like put money in a bag okay are you over here what I'm saying now you got all and stuff you know you got all it doesn't even always is of them I'm just doing so well what's beautiful beautiful but now you got to be sure that God has brutally I thought has not blown it if he got to with God blow on a thing that me Nene go work it's not her work if god Rosa is not gonna work in other words if God blows on it that means God isn't listed so you can have all that stuff but the thing is did God bring it you got all that money ing idiot and he's just coming in and you got did you eat you you got it but you got a celebration on your job you got a promotion on your job you got all that good stuff and you move back to supervise your all mind largest it and everybody think that you you know everything you got all that stuff you know and the check looks true and you got a big raise you know but it just seems like even with the raise you know stuff still in coming together it may be this God who wanted and with God blows on it it takes all the energy out of it and so it is important to understand that we have a motto Jesus has given us a motto and that mantra is seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness so when you get when we get to hang out tonight we really get there then you will clearly understand what's wrong with Israel and why it is we're just having so much trouble you'll understand why lizard is babbling took Israel into sleep you will understand why they were 70 years in sleep you will understand why they were kept you would understand why they going through the difficulty they going through that's because that's because they didn't put first things first and that's dangerous to try to give your leg away from God try to live your life the way you want to live your life don't tell me how to live my get out of my face don't tell me how to live my life I know how to feel my thing I thought all right all right you can have everything your heart desires but you had best hope that God is not blowing because if God blows on it I mean you got this big check of $15,000 which was a raise I mean you go home baby I got $13,000 raise them let know what you better hope hey said God didn't roll that's it because if God knew only it will take wings if that way if you pretend to go we're not all have money go so let us learn to put the first things first and if perchance we here today and you not at all of God you're not a Christian you have not given yourself to Jesus Christ now's the time to do it and if you here and you have not put Jesus first in your life if you here and Jesus has bidden me anything by Jesus it's been about me it ain't about Jesus is about me no I ain't gonna do that no I ain't going out there I've already been ain't no ennoble I don't feel like I mean Queen Sugar's on the night I going we you stuck to keep from serving God well what you need is you need us you need us to pray with you now we will pray for you but you need the church to pray with you that God will strengthen you and that you will see everything to put God first now if you're not a Christian if you're not at all of God if you want to be saved you need to first get right with God how you get right with God you get right with God by having faith in him by believing so then faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God without faith it is impossible to please God but he's that coming to God must at the time with his Eagan was God weak there but not command o me in every way to admit who's living therefore shall confess me before men him will I confess before my father which is in heaven while terrible they arise in be baptized wash away your sins calling on the name of the Lord and God will add you to the church and the angel will write your name in the Lamb's Book of Life you can do it today if you in this building and you're not a Christian you're not a member of the Church of Christ are you looking for a church home you're in the right place all you need to do is when we've seen the invitation saw just come forward and if you need prayer come on down to the altar per place and we pray for you yeah yeah you said well doc I was up there else and you know what Pope say when she obtained answered you don't worry about what folks say or about folks thing I wonder why she can do it I wonder what he's been doing I may go sleeping at the two times his mother sup musta got a hold of him let people talk if you live right there talk it deliver all there's all so let folks talk and you come on and say yes to Jesus I want you to stand on your feet right now and then I want you to stop coming down the other side
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 2,381
Rating: 4.8139534 out of 5
Keywords: Church of Christ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 27sec (4047 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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