A Sounding Brass Or A Tinkling Cymbal Pt. 2

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uh I'm gonna be sure that you have been told the truth it's up to you to do what you want to do about first break-in 13 chapter 13 chapter first Corinth the bedroom first of all those who have a will say Amen all right that's really together reading so I speak with the tongues of men and of angels and have not charity I am become as a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal if it's a neighborhood say neighbor a sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal give it is either because a lot of things you hear is nothing but a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal and so what we wanted to show that you are clear on this series the overall topic is a sounding brass and a tinkling cymbal what the specific lectures are dealing with New Testament worship New Testament worship you and you and you and you as a member the Church of Christ you need to know and and those who already know needs to be reminded that God expects a certain kind of worship from those who will worship Him he expects a certain kind of worship from those who will worship Him and you need to know what it is that he expects and we have to give to God that was belong to God we have to be sure that we're clear of what it is that we owe to God before I didn't do this there were some things that I think probably I did not say last time in my introduction to New Testament worship and I shan't be long this morning and that is the definition of worship the definition of worship how is worship defined and of course we I dealt with how worship is supposed to be it's supposed to be performed in spirit and in truth but now the definition of course if you really want to write it down or you may want to remember it Webster's dictionary says that what is reverence the reverence paid the reverence please that's what worship is worship is reverence pain undenied P so it is much as worship is reverence not only is it reverence but it also must be paid it must be taken in order for worship to be acceptable it has to be number one reverence and then number two it has to be paid it has to be paid that's important I don't have time to deal with that except that the simplicity of that is if you only add our you may love me but you you have approved the you are addition of do you Pete so worship according to Webster is reverence paid Joseph FEA one of the world's greatest and who has recognized as one of the world British Greek lexicographers said that worship is an act of reverence now we do put those two together worship is reverence take it now you know in reverence II references respectfulness reverence is given respect reverence is given on it reverence is being in all of deity and so that respect that honor we owe back to God and it is therefore incumbent on all of those of us who are members of Churches of Christ that we honor God with our worship now Joseph Fair one of the world great Greek and honored scholars of Greek says that it is an act of reference to a deity now what do you have worship it is and worship is the one number two the act must be expressed that would be sure you get you getting this worship the reverence paid have that reverence is paid to be it that reverence is paid to God Joseph and his definition says that worship is an act it is an act of reference page to deity so here's what we have worship is not only an act but it is a reverential it is a respectful acts not only is it reverential not only is it spending in all of theatres but the act must be paid so what's up vid is an act so when we meet here on Sunday morning in worship we mean here to perform certain acts of worship and according to the definition the act of worship must be expressed or it must be paid in other words you have not worship properly if if your reverence for God has not been paid you have to pay it you owe it I owe it we all owe reverence to God we all honor to God we old obeisance say to God and I want to do we owe it but God expects us to pay how do we pay it we pay it in acts a CTS because what's up is according to the fare and according to Daniel Webster dictionary now you have not properly worshiped if you have not performed certain acts now I'm going to look at this thinking people done get to it but you have not properly worshiped if you have not perform certain acts because that's what worship is worship is a reverence faith you have to play it you have to perform it so there you and I have not properly worshiped if we have not performed certain acts of reverence to God that are commanded by God for example we are commanded to say that's an act of worship and you have not worship if you have come to be entertained I would say that again you have not worship I have not worship if we have come only to be entertained and serenaded by the folks sitting beside are so bad it is in comfort therefore upon all of us individually to perform certain acts of worship when we come to Russia now I explained in the last time the guardian spirit and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth the first thing you do when you come to worship you make your contact with God you make your contact with God by getting in touch with his spirit and you do that through your mind now in other words when you come to worship when you come the church you know come to church that gossip to your next-door neighbor you know come to church for the purpose of getting all of the gossip that's industry that know why you come you come to worship to perform certain acts of worship that are required of God himself so once you get in touch with God that is once your spirit makes contact with the Spirit of God it's a mind thing when you come to worship you have to get your mind right who you're talking to you gotta be careful what you're talking about because why you came and why I seen was the worship God and worship is reverence to God and we must fulfil now worship three thing write these down three things about worship number one worship begins in the spirit worship begins in the spirit worship does not begin when xavius objects are singing worship begins in your spirit you see because the worship your worship is between you and God so worship being becomes an attitude because the manager when you cut in here to worship it is important that you get your spirit right now it may take a couple of minutes and 30 seconds or whatever it is but at some point my brothers and sisters you are going to have to sell that and get your mind on God and so boys you can come to worship and you all what a lot you're talking about that's the story that it won't address last Sunday but she must be having a mental problem she doesn't know she what no no no you've cut in to worship God you don't you're not coming in here to see who else is coming in here you come to worship God so is the middle thing that's number one that's number one you see worship is in connection with God worship is getting number one is getting in touch with God in other words you're stirring the bear witness with his spirit you see that's the more water that doesn't everyone now what does that mean that means this somehow you're going to have the flesh no sweat o-negative 82 somehow you gotta do it because you can't worship God mad with your brother off man with your sister or man with your mama or met you you can't watch them that way you've got to have to get in touch with God and the way you get in touch with God is through the stir that's number one worship is getting in touch the more is getting in touch with God no matter what's up then number two is engaged in the in the in the soul you see worship begins in the spirit Russia begins in the spirit when I come to church my responsibility is to somehow get my man in touch with God you do that because if you don't do that you have a tough time in worship service so what you need to do you need to isolate yourself from whoever is giving you problems you're gonna have to isolate yourself from whomever is bothering you you're gonna have to somehow isolate yourself from whatever is troubling you and put your mind on the Lord doesn't have a one that's number one you have to get in touch with God now once you get in touch with God number two worship is then engage in the soul it is engaged in the soul you see once you get in touch with God spiritually I don't think 40 minutes to do this but once you come in here there has to be something about the atmosphere that assists you in getting into the worship mood of the worship mode if it's a thought in your mind as to why you showed up this morning whatever they do is the ambience of the building is this the ambience of the room whatever it is somehow you're gonna have to get yourself ready to worship God and you're gonna have to get your mind on the Lord now once you get in touch with God okay I'm ready to worship man I'm ready to wash up now because my mind is on the Lord I am so thankful for him allowing me to get here this morning I am so thankful that he allowed me one more day to worship Him and I am so glad that this I'm able to participate in this day that the Lord had made and I'm gonna be dread and rejoice in it somehow you're gonna have to get yourself in touch with the Lord now I'm ready now whoever is sitting beside me doesn't really matter anymore now that means that insignificant it just mean that whatever we've been talking about last week or defense is over now right now I have to wash them and if I seem a little standoffish then forgive me but what I'm just trying to stay in touch with God because our God to accept my worship now once you a point of tranquility once you reach a point of quietness once you get your mind totally oh God and somehow you're gonna have to dismiss whatever that is that you've been through last week you're gonna have to flesh it one way or the other because it is incumbent upon you to worship the Lord now once you get into the spirit once you get into and some calls that a mindset once you get the right mindset I'm in church I'm in church and this is what I came before I came here for church I didn't come here for foolishness I came here for church all right not that they just take 30 seconds that may just take 10 seconds it may just take 5 seconds but somehow you're gonna have to do that it into church attitude and to get into Church attitude you got to get God on your mind now how do you get God on your mind it's pretty simple they're so big they're married of leaves to get God on your mind just think about what he had brought you through just think about how good he's been to you I just think about the fact that I still have a job just think about how high he has blessed you just think about how he especially is easy to get in touch with God but you get in touch with God by thinking about the goodness of God now once you get in touch with God worship is engaged in the soul now when I say engaged in the soul I mean your emotion your emotion takes over now when I say your emotion takes over it simply means that you're about to have a soul that's all you are you're about to have it's furriness how do you get into a sold experience how is worship engage in the soul once you stop singing once you start saying once you allow yourself to be involved in the singing once you recognize what you are saying when you see the sometime folk just say words but but but see what once you once you get involved in what you are saying you say jesus loves me this I know what think it's you then they helps you get into the mood of worship and what it engages the soul the third thing you does it is expressed in the body now look I look at you all some time you know I'm sitting up here watching and the winds India is sending all of you don't do it well some of you can just begin to rock you know just praise that they might see I mean it's just you know or the hip could be a slow hair or Jesus keeping it across him whatever it is and you just you just into it you know some of you your eyes are closed but you you're just into it [Music] that's that's that's what you call soul that's what you call soul because you see it's in the soul that we experience our emotions that's so and once the soul is engaged that it is there number three expressed in the body and what do you mean expressed in the body many of you react to some of your door react but then and that's okay that means you sin it some of you just don't react the reacting in churches now something you do you may react something else but it just you don't react at all and I'm not criticizing I'm simply saying there are those of us who react who express our worship and when I say Express I worship sometimes when you're singing you're smiling but the president initially don't know why you smile but you know why this bad is it and you maybe sing it and you you know you you bind your hate there what she's doing what was he doing when you don't know because he's in the spirit and he is in Russia you see so it's a mind thing so if you're going into Russia you're gonna have to get Jesus on your mind difficulty that you may have in Western you see once you give yourself to the Lord once you get in worship that eliminates almost here feeling that you have about somebody because it's not about me it's about you and God and what you want is you want to be sure that your worship is pleasing in the sight of God so then what what is the picture of a worshiper I just gave you a picture of a worshipper number one you have to contact the Lord you have to contact the Lord because worship begins in the spirit as you in God it begins in the spirit and the return it is engaged in the soul and that is you react to it by react I mean if a minute doc you engage you engage and if you're not saying if you're not reacting verbally but maybe that you just smile you know because you're not one of those kinds of persons who you know jump up and get a run in your stockings and run around the house but what wood has to engage in the soul now those are acts when I say that's what I mean when I say what's up is and it is an act whereby it begins in spirit and it is in these timba soul and it is expressed in the body now people express worship different ways some people express what I raised in the hand some people express wishes I said amen some people express what's a different way of their written that there is no certain way that you express your or your worship question but that you need to understand because that's important now that's how you get in touch with God that's how you get into stuff and that's how you get into the worship now you need to stay indoors you see once you get into what's up you need to stay in the West you must not allow the person sitting next to you to get you out of the mood you must not allowed that boat over there that sister over there to get you out of your worship loop you have to stay in the mood and if it's difficult to stay in the mood open your Bible and start to read if if you find yourself drifting off if you find yourself drifting off with regards to what you gonna do when I get back home because I'm gonna fix them when I get back home become then you sitting in our thinking up something that mama say some government can you need to open your Bible and start read it you don't know what the reason just read the Lord and myself and I found I wrong you see to stay in the worship move and not only that I mean and that's why I leadership should understand this down not just leadership to understand that you're dealing with the minds of folks not only are you dealing with the minds of folk but you got to be careful but you know how you conduct the worship not always be careful how you conduct the worship would be sure you don't have any foolishness in the whistle because that foolishness may call somebody to get their mind off of God and the intent of worship is to keep your mind on the Lord there are three words for watching there are three words of worship and worship in the New Testament is used in one of these three ways now the first word is a Greek word and it's a Greek word for worship you see what service an English word best English what English word but the word worship came from an original work and and and that original word is pasta meal pasta meal pasta meal means several things it just depends upon where you find it so when you see the word worship in the New Testament it does not always mean the same thing it's not always it's not always talking about the same thing or the same kind of process the Mayo is is one of the words for a worship and then of course that second word would be Latrell l a key ara E or betrayal t ra e o Latrell Latrell now Latrell across the nail both means worship but they are two different kinds of what miss may I be important except you just need to know that when you see the word worship in one place it may not always mean the same thing you just have to you just have to know that this second definition for pasta meal symptom means to to kiss the hand pasta Nero may mean to kiss or to kiss the hand or to buy or to a to ba dam or to Neil cross canal so when you read Romans 16 chapter xvi first when the Bible says salute one another with a holy kiss it ain't talking about smoochy usually because that word kiss there is the word cross the narrow and and and and see France cameo could mean a greedy because she's seeking in Palestine and even in even in Arabia today it wouldn't but would be Arabia vision the Muslim when they meet I mean two men with me and they'll kiss each other on this chicken you know that she you know the across the nail with each other but pasta mio does not always mean but the same thing kissing your wife that and that's not what both witnesses salute one another with the holy kiss that's that's my wedding and I'm ready but wholly in front of me I mean even if it's a kiss it has to be a it has to be a holding kids face available so who's Camille means to kiss to kiss the hand to buy down to kneel frost a meal now the word Latrell which is a Greek word for worship that means to perform service to perform service to minister to do the work of God that's that's the trail you find that we're in Romans chapter 12 and verse 1 I beseech you therefore brethren by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice holy and acceptable unto God which is your reasonable Latrell which is your reasonable service so that's that's worship so you can worship God other than being in here on Sunday morning you say you worship God through your service that's why I'm trying to get everybody on committees I try to get everybody to work in the church I try to get a big investor that's that's the part of worship you say when when when you work in the church when you work for the church that's the trio because that service is the obvious ve that service so when you are performing service from the church that's a form of worship so you can perform that on Saturday Oh on Monday on duty on Wednesday Thursday night whatever the case there that's Latrell you you're working for the Lord sometimes we say working in the truth but the trio is also a form of worship the ladies who work in the kitchen that's that's the trio the many of women about sorry to work on committees that's that's Latrell that service that service your stewardship from the church when you work for the church expecting nothing back what you are giving sir what I've been trying to teach you is I've been here and that is you give your service to the church because that's part of your worship that's that's that's part of your worship so it's important to understand those those dynamics and then you have Sir Bob all circle mind I'm not too sure how the Greeks pronounce that word server Maya sir my ser him a server BER Tim a server might survive a high of the Greeks pronounce that word sermon on what supposed is a different word than pasta meal which is a different word from the trio and they all mean what they all mean worship and you can't do any of those if you don't love go you you can't you can't come in here on Sunday morning and worship properly if you don't want that you will not work from the church in terms of giving you stewardship if you don't love God that you can't do it and those who do it you need to know that's part of your worship and that only isn't part of your worship but it is part of your stewardship because we are in charge God has put us in charge of his kingdom here on earth and it is our responsibility to be about the business of worshiping God not only officially not only when we are in church but we worship God when we work in the church when we work for the church B&S latrell that said to me that you are worshiping as well now all of the different those are the different kinds of what something which means you can worship God you can worship God and more in more than one way now let me let me let me let me let me give you this and here's what you need to know that there are different kinds of worship when that's the different kinds of worship I'm talking about are those of us who seek to serve God those of us who go to churches those of us who get up on Sunday morning and go I come to church those who are not members of the Church of Christ but they worship every Sunday there are millions upon millions of folk who are not members of the Church of Christ but they go to church and and they go to church faithfully and so I'm going to charge more faithfully than we do so people worship but but I want to make it known that there are different kinds of worship when I see different kinds of worship the New Testament gives us different kinds of worship and if you are not a member of the Church of Christ then you need to know that because you worship does not mean that your worship is acceptable because for worship to be acceptable it must be inserted and it also must be in truth as I talked about on that Sunday and if your worship is not in spirit and if your worship is not in truth then it is a false worship and God does not respect one of the unkindness cuts is for a person to work all of his life all in her life in an institution that's not in the Bible yeah and you have your heart has to go out to those for you you may have relatives that you love with all of your heart but they are not a member of the church that Jesus died for they're not a member of the church that's in Bible then there were shocked if they worship is invented and that's hot Rindy heart-rending that's why evangelism is most important and that's why those of us who are members of the Churches of Christ we need to be about the business of converting everybody we possibly can because hell is hot I mean heaven is a prepared place for a prepared people well is it prepared place as well but it's fought and unprepared people and so it's important to understand that there are four kinds of worship there are four kinds of their full kinds of what full times in the New Testament but when I'm speaking to you on the true worship true New Testament worship and that's the worship in the Bible that's that's where I am discussing with you true worship but now there are different kinds of Russia I meant to the fifteenth chapter in verse number eight and nine or we'll read that one Matthew chapter 15 verse eight and nine they and they kind of washed up enunciated there and the Bible says what this people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth these people drawn that this is Jesus talking these people draw now to me with them and if you were to talk to them they will give you a real good story of how much they loved the Lord they will give you a real story about how they have loved the Lord all their lives they will give you a real story a true story of how they have sacrificed themselves for the cause of Christ and four things don't know they don't know that a worship must be verified and when I say verifiable Russia must be found in the Holy Writ and if it's not in the Holy Writ then it is a false religion does not mean that you see it and when I taught you or John 4:24 the methodology of methodology that Jesus used he told that that woman told him we worship God I found those worship God in these mountains now he didn't say where you're going to hell then you're just going to know oh well he didn't do that that was not his methodology even though he do that that was the true religion and he knew that knowing to worship in the mountain is not the worship from God but the way he handled it the compassion that he had with that woman he never said a woman you're going to hell if you don't come out of the mouth he just said to her as he made that contrast between the Jew religion and the Gentile religion he said the time is going to come the day is gonna come when the true worshipers must worship God in spirit and in truth the true worship must worship God in spirit and in truth the way he handled us and then he said that God seek such to worship Him who are you talking about him he's talking about the true worshipers so there was a you don't want to forget this there is a true worship and there was a false worship and at the port I'm driving there I don't want anyone to think that I'm being negative I'm simply saying that here's what you need to understand that you may be going to church you may be going nature and you may be faithful to Mama's search you may be faithful to your family's church but that is not the question the question is is the church to which you are faithful to is that church in the Bible that's the place nothing to do whether right now I like it where you like me it is not a matter of making fun of people no no no no the best thing is is the church and the worship in which you participate is it true New Testament worship that's the question because if it's not just in Jesus told that's what he said that day is going to come me I was going to come we had been a true worshiper which means and she got the point he was saying to her you worship Him would you got a true one and Jesus saying that they're gonna come when the true worship must worship God in spirit and in truth you say so there are at least four kinds of works or what is vain when is made these people drawn out to me with their mouth with their mouth and honors me with their lips and the words they talk religious they talk with it maybe I talk those who are Christians and that some folk who have this so-called Holy Ghost are so deeply idle every other word you think of Jesus thank you Jesus while I was born down there and after taking you I was about they're good at painting and I turn the coat and praise the name of Jesus when I got down there of praise and images when I got down there I stopped and think I stopped in time well thank you and that's tall you see that there baby that that's a true worship doesn't mean that at all these people join Ellen even their mouth got to me with a lips but their heart is far from me it's faulkner worship this is the first time and then the Bible says but in vain they do worship Me you see that was a vain and who I said it is for you to have friends and to have relatives and you know their worship is vain that's the Milwaukee now failure the certain kind of worship in the New Testament and it's called real WI ll is called real Russia write that down real worship Colossians chapter number 2 and verse number 21 we can go there and read quickly the Bible says what touch not taste like that hand or not yeah which all our perish with the using the commandments and doctrines of me all right don't get involved with the commandments and doctrines of men don't get involved with it Jesus is warning the people doctrines out there and there are Commandments out there don't get it out with that that's Jesus told me not not not Washington Jesus but in vain they do I caution 2:22 which all are to perish with the using after the commandments and doctrines of me alright first I don't know what they don't know verse 21 years first touch 9 that's not taste not taste not kill do not don't get involved with a religion or a worship bet you can't find backed up by the Bible the Word of God don't get involved with it if you can't find it in the book don't buy it if you can't find it in the book let it alone because what people are doing now is people are going into themselves you see we have a generation now he would listen with a secular humanistic mindset and that is I go where I am comfortable see and we are members of Churches of Christ who have started doing that I want to go where I am comfortable what have you ever thought about you need to go whether gospel is being preached give you you ever thought about maybe going somewhere where they preach the truth and nothing but the truth implode it that way no I just want to be comfortable ain't comfortable best personal old personal aggrandizement but you got to understand that I want to be uncomfortable in a place where the gospel is being preached than to go to a place when I dab that's gonna be uncomfortable to the Lighting's bikini praise the mighty name of Jesus I mean this is serious visit this serious business you say touch not taste not handle not even the Bible says what which all are to perish with the usually all after the commandments and doctrines of me yeah you see don't get involved in anything after the commandments and doctrines of man don't do that we had a question in my class this morning or one of the members asked the question about certain kind of worship decorum that is going on in churches now churches the price now what's up Nicole yeah you know well we don't have the piano but don't have the organ we we don't have the drawers but you would know that you you would know that if some congregation they don't have drawers you wouldn't know that if you just select it and listen to them to the be boppin and and all that food is on the back you were the back somebody have been down a drawer trying to be smart trying to say well you see we don't have drawn yeah but you made the same noise at the drum mix in other words you're trying to be smarter than go I'm trying to get around go trying to fit it right away you can have what God does not authorize you that bring it into the worship of the Lord stuff that the event that the Bible never talks about you see and the reason you have the beef up but I know I saw this stuff it just makes so feel good I mean we were rocking this low end boy yeah but you can rock yourself in their head so the mind for some sane there you go stop it y'all stopping yo hey yo I'm saying that this is serious business okay young man called me last week you know and he's one of those persons who you know wanted want to see this musical question another way but he wanted to see it another way and I'm saying and he used he said what he said that maybe maybe the instruments are wrong he what but what's the difference in the instruments and and folk making all the sounds of the instrument with that mouth in worship and he's the duck what's the difference than a physical drum boom believe the Puma did agree with it and somebody over here what a mite making the same sound see whether you don't have they don't have the drums in there it's the same you are you're trying to get the same effect that you would get with physical ground trying to be small let the Bible alone the Bible say well what should we do [Music] but I'm probably in this there in this day of time and what just don't get too close to that what we need to do is save it the Bible Street where the variable speed doing what God like there was a difference between singing and playing you don't have to wait from Dylan to know that if I were to say Keith come up here and sing the national anthem quite soon and you know if he comes up here whatever what he's gonna do he's supposed to sing but if I say you can say without playing you can pray what I'm saying yo yo there you go he told us that was all kinds of worship but either got ours the first one is made and the second one is real that we had will will worship what what is the Bible is that which things have indeed a show of wisdom in will worship well do what I do what are you right about that but what what about God can he tell you what to do doing what we want to do the way we do the way the Bible record they get me and don't have no arguments they don't have an argument do you have an argument for the instrument can you open the Bible in and show we're a mechanical instrumental music was used in New Testament worship can you open the Bible and show that can you open the model and show where God types of the Holy Spirit ever commanded instruments of music in the work can you do that now we have reached the point on the world talking to American Kathleen Apple talking the other day I was talking about the way things are going in the body of Christ way things are going into the body of Christ and it is really kind of safe because say 40 years ago 50 years ago Arion Hogan check everything goes ahead well don't get Washington was roaming the Brotherhood we didn't have bananas because the the the new main character knew if anybody comes up with the doctrine contrary to the teaching of the word of God and advocated it with the seventh fleets gonna show up at your place next week or the seventh leaders should go so well but he's coming now you see what's happening now is the the the the barracks the mind the race again in fear and because the because the ranks are getting fed over coming up with stuff now that the a.m. in the Bible and then they're saying well who go say something as well we are and I just pray that this church would be so tall that you're not gonna necessarily me somebody from from him from hey how're they come in here you will be smart enough to stand up and say no no no no that's not what the Bible teaches thank my concern my concern is that you that you are so well told that you know when you hear something that the bible does not teach and those who think we call that the line and the brakes are getting smaller but but let just let me tell you I even though the ranks are getting smaller God has the Rams in the bush Rams in the don't know I don't know them but you know but 20 years from now 10 years from I'm somebody gonna rise up and you say oh I heard that kind of preacher than 20 years God always has a ram in the bush what we need to do is power our efforts on the way dad that's what God that's what Moses sold that's what God told Moses Tavor folk stand still see the salvation of you that's my prayer for this that you will talk and you may not do it but I want you well talk somewhere you reach them I don't have a night and your business and your business and your business but what I want to do is those who want to go to him I want you to know that Jesus says he that heareth my word and reject my word have one that judges it for the word that I was you know that and don't you get caught up I don't want you to get caught up I [Music] don't want you to get caught up it may sound good because you could be ignorant they worship and what does it profit a man if he should lose his own soul be aware of that be aware and we only touch that's what we are and I want to make sure that we understand the dynamics and I don't worry buddy me just said you know that I told my class this morning you know you know doc is old school he's old you expect him to say that but now what everyone not well what they don't say that he got it right but what they say he's old-school I admit I'm old-school I'm old-school I don't pay too much attention to old I knew he was old the emphasis is on school of course the folk that was here when I came because I went to the same I told you this morning I went to the same school Apostle Paul went to Peter James in jail yeah I went to the same school involvement now what school did you go to what what school did you go to you say and not only that the reason I know that is because the Bible says in Acts chapter 2 and verse number 42 they then daddy received the word were baptized and everybody says have been continued steadfastly in the old school stuff in the Apostles doctrine as old school that new school for ditching some serious trouble Oh almost and if you are in the house this morning and you want to spit it for touch from the Lord and you want the church to pray for you that not only your knowledge of the truth would be a crease but that you would never lose the fire and the fabric of your spiritual being for truth because he is the truth that will make you free [Music] about what the world's the only thing and if you want to come to the altar place and give your life to Jesus if you want the church to pray for you and I want to the talk if you were in the house and you're not in the church that practice New Testament Christianity and I want you to make up your mind that this is the church that you need to be a part of but we believe the Bible is true we believe the Bible is the Word of God and we believe it whatever we do in word on D we do all by the name of Jesus Christ and if this is the place you'd like to be but the Bible is preached whatever is no compromising of the scriptures and we ask you to come and be a part of us you're part of the church that was built involved by the precious blood of Jesus acts 20 verse number 28 be part of the church has rock bottom inhale crews method 16 in verse 18 and if you're willing to begin your life anew we'll take your confession baptize me this morning and you get up out of that water the child of God and God will add you to the family of God you in this house and you struggling you're struggling economically you're struggling with your you're struggling in religious and it looks like when you take one foot forward you take two steps back it just looks like life is coming in from all sides life will do that too but Jesus got good news come to me and I'll give you rest take my yoke learn a minute or I'll make lowly in heart you should find rest you should find rest and if for some reason you want rest and everybody needs rest you know you may you may be retired you may have worked 50 years on a job and you're retired you know what you're still can get rest once I retire it hits it well try you can go ahead and retire but if you don't have anything to put in the place for that and your days are going to be miserable what I suggest to you is that Jesus come in let Jesus I mean if you let him come in he'll give you rest are you in this house today and you need rest are you in this house today and you just need strength are you in this house today and you just going through some things give that out six three drinking you don't have to do that to have the tropics tribulation but I recommend a man on the other side of joy he's opening the eyes in the back he's raised in the day he's made Jesus Christ I recommend him to you boys everybody said why you standing this is the invitation and if you do they need the Lord I want you to take advantage right now
Channel: New Golden Heights Church of Christ
Views: 2,789
Rating: 4.6610169 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. W.F. Washington, New Golden Heights Church of Christ, Jesus, GOD, Jesus Christ, How to be saved, What must I do to be saved, One true Church
Id: 8Clbe96Tc-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 11sec (3911 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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