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okay hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord now I want to read one scripture from John chapter 8 John chapter 8 and the next meeting I I preach on something else I I want to preach about service for God and I believe that the Lord is here to pick to pick people you know well shall I say to be my successor because I'm getting old now but what a joy what a joy what a joy to serve the King of Kings and the Lord of lords John chapter 8 verse 34 jesus answered them most assuredly I say to you whoever commits sin is a slave of sin then verse 36 therefore if the son makes you free you shall be free indeed free indeed is my title free indeed and I was a young preacher in Germany I received a call from a man in prison an inmate asked me to come and speak with him and pray with him I went there I was an old old prison I think from medieval times thick walls and very ugly prisons are never nice and there I stood in front of a huge gate and I pushed the button of a bell it took about five minutes when a little window opened in that big toe and to prison keeper looked out and I told him that come to visit mr. so-and-so he said wait then he came with a big bunch of key from the inside and unlocked the door and I walked through and he locked it behind me now I stood in front of door number two which was locked he took key number two for though number two opened it I walked through he closed it locked it behind me now I stood before door number three he took he number three for door number three I worked through and he locked it behind me now I was in the prison and you know here this scripture therefore and I say to you whoever commits sin is the slave of sin another translation says prisoner of sin there is something that is called the prison of sin and the devil is the prison keeper and the devil has the bunch of keys and when I was in the prison I saw the long passage and to prison Saints left and right and I heard people scream and shout and complain and all that and I thought this is a perfect picture of sin you know there are different Saints maybe four different sins I don't know but one thing is sure they are locked up people are hammering against the door and say I want to be free but the devil has the bunch of keys and he is laughing he said I'm soaked says I'm so glad you believed my lies now you belong to me and I will make sure you never get out here never never ever you are in a three fold lockup but I have got something good to tell you God in heaven heard the cries of the captives and he turned to his son and said my son can you hear it Jesus said yes my father I can hear it they are tormented by the devil and the father said I sent you to go and set the captives free Jesus accepted and this is an historic fact Bethlehem the Nativity of the son of God who came into this world to destroy the works of the devil and I make it short you know when Jesus was thirty years old he began his wonderful ministry in Palestine and then one day that they had come and he went to the prison of sin the hub of evil with Satan present inside and he stood outside that door if I may use the same picture pushed the button of the Bell that little window in the door opened and when Jesus looked through and the devil on the other side Satan was blinded by the Sun of righteousness and Jesus said Satan I have come to deliver their lost I have come to save them the devil said impossible they belong to me they believe my life they belong to me arguments were flying to and fro and then Jesus challenged the devil for a doer for a doer and this happened this showdown happened outside of Jerusalem on the low hill called Golgotha the greatest battle of the universe took place right there Jesus Christ the Son of God versus Satan Lucifer and it was such an intense battle that the whole universe convinced this is what we read in Scripture imagine this son lost its shined the earth began to quake the rocks split the dead came out of the grave and what the districts of Jerusalem the whole universe was shaking and in the midst of that darkness in the middle of the day the people heard Jesus shout from the cross it is finished it was finished with the devil hallelujah hallelujah I think that was the most powerful message ever preached Christ platform was Golgotha and his pulpit was the cross it is finished Jesus was buried but glory to God three days later the angel rolled the stone from the grave the very stone that had the seal of the Roman Empire on it the angel looked at that silly seal and just broke it and Christ arose jesus is alive jesus is alive now you ask me what happened next I tell you what happened next when Jesus rose from the dead the first thing I think I've every reason to believe that what he did was he went back to Calvary back where he had fought Satan and he went around looking for something looking for something and there he found it the bunch of keys the bunch of keys for the prison of sin Satan had lost he has lost forever Jesus has won he is one for ever and ever and ever hallelujah Jesus went back to the prison to keep number one walk through the gate but didn't lock it behind him key number two for door number two he did not lock it key number three for door number three every door was opened in revelation 1:18 jesus said I am the Alpha and I am the Omega you know Jesus that thought came to me Jesus alfe and Omega Jesus is the alphabet of God you can spell every blessing with that alphabet is love wonderful and then here the people cry and he opened all the prison cells all prison cells are unlocked unlocked you are free you are free the gate is open I've come to set the captives free like shown into these dark sails Oh hallelujah hear the voice of Jesus it's an announcement of freedom Jesus says and sets us free I was preaching in Germany and when I make the altar call many people came but while I was preaching there in the second room somewhere was a young man I think he was about 20 and he wept he cried his eyes work right red Oh touch Bart I thought God is busy the Holy Spirit is busy busy speaking to his heart and then he didn't come forward he was still there crying his eyes eyes out so when the meeting was over I went over and I said to him young man I saw you are crying why were you crying can I help you he said to me preacher when I heard you preach my mind says that it is a fairytale you are talking about it's all nonsense brain tells me it's all nonsense I said young man do you always cry when you hear fairy stories he said no that is just a point he said my brain says it's a fairy tale and my heart screams it is true I said always follow your heart your heart won't lie to you your brain will but not your heart that's right Jesus the Word of God doesn't say give me my son my daughter your brain he says give me your heart say yes to Jesus get out of that prison said amen I've been thinking a lot about that incident and you know the thought that struck me is this a bird that was born in a cage has no idea how the outside world is doesn't know what the blue sky is and the Golden Sun the valleys the forests the mountain peaks nothing I have never seen it it only knows it's prison bars you tell a bird that was born in the cage about the outside world it will never agree with you it will talk about a fairy tale but I am here to tell you today there is a world beyond your captivity and that world is called the kingdom of God and more than that this wonderful Jesus who came to set the captives free is here right now to unlock that gate and for the first time you will spread your wings and come to know the glory of freedom in Christ Jesus hallelujah allow me to say this even if it is not altogether kosher Jesus came into this world to carry our cross he didn't come to carry the couch of a psychiatrist hallelujah for the cross it shall never suffer loss hallelujah to the lamb of God the savior of humankind this is the Jesus we worship and we praise hallelujah hallelujah Jesus didn't come and enter the prison of the devil just to make life bearable for us you know give the inmates a softer mattress to sleep or give this prison cell a new cult of paint pink and maybe a television set Jesus didn't come to save religion Jesus came to save people his aim is not to make your life terrible his aim is to make it new if anyone is in Christ Jesus he is a new creature new you knew the Bible says today is the day of salvation salvation means freedom that's what it meant the Jews called salvation and the Red Sea opened that was salvation in their minds but some obstruct something and Jesus is here not for some obstruct something he's here to break all bondages that hold you if it's drug addiction if it is alcoholism if it is immorality or whatever he's here to forgive you and he's here to bless you are you happy hey I'll tell you if you don't like my preaching I like it myself this is the day of salvation now I've got to tell you something the gospel is not Reformation sorry Martin Luther the gospel is not Declaration the gospel is not renovation the gospel is liberation he sets free he doesn't just give us a new makeup he doesn't just come to decorate something and to hide the spots he's here to remove the spots he's here to make and set you free hallelujah come out now jesus loves you and that is the heart of the gospel and that's why I am here I'm an evangelist every time I get the microphone I have one desire only one desire I don't want to have the best the first price in preaching at all but I want hell empty and heaven full and you have to do what your heart tells you what your heart tells you I heard her testimony that really challenged me and blessed me I always think that what blesses me will bless you too there was a gospel crusade somewhere and the preaching of the gospel was done powerfully and Wendy it was when the meeting was out the evangelists stood at the door and one man came to him and he said preacher I would like to invite you to come to my offices would you like to come with me the Evangelist said afterwards the Holy Spirit told him to do it although he had no idea who that man was he went with him then they stopped at a big building he got a key out unlocked the door he said come in he locked the door behind him and said I want you to answer three questions and then you can go again it was a big room the green curtain there at the back they sat down and the stranger said to the Evangelist excuse me for a moment I'd be back in three seconds he disappeared behind the green curtain when he came out he had a firearm a pistol in his hand he said don't be afraid he said preacher you preach tonight that the blood of Jesus Christ His Son washes us from every sin is that true the preacher says of course it's true I quoted the Bible he said look at this gun three people were killed with his gun one I killed myself two were killed by a friend of mine preacher is it still true yes said the preacher if you stayed true he said okay question number two I'm selling drugs and alcohol galore I've sometimes women young mothers with their babies kneel outside by high back door they lift up their babies and they weep and say darlin sell drugs to our husbands we have got no bread to eat he said preacher I kicked them and I loved the doll and I did worse than ever before is it still true preacher said yes no matter what you've done it is still true he said now question number three I live just across the street I have a wife and I have a little daughter and when I come home drunk my little family is trembling because I'm violent I'm violent it just happened to gain two days ago completely drunk I entered my home I attached my wife our little daughter got married tried to help her mother and I took little Mary by her arm and I flung her across the room and she fell into the open fire she burned her arm he said preacher I haven't been a husband I've been a devil I haven't been a father I've been a beast is it still true tell me is it still true the preacher we are shortened the word of God doesn't change Jesus didn't come to change his mind he was and is and remains the Savior forever he said okay thank you unlock the door the preacher went that man sat down for a little while and then he pulled the green curtain down that's where all storage of liquor and trucks was he smashed it all up and when the Sun rose he had finished the job he was soaked in alcohol soaked in alcohol he said it's time it's almost breakfast time I better go across he walked across there are the road into his house his wife was in the kitchen little Mary with a bandage they both trembled he comes back again or he comes back again now all battle will start again oh god help us he went upstairs into the living room and sat down on this easy chair the mother said Mary go upstairs and tell your father breakfast is ready oh she didn't like it but she was obedient she went up she said daddy breakfast is ready he looked up and said Mary my darling go and tell mom I don't want to eat breakfast today Mary turned around ran those steps down she said mommy mommy mommy something as a friend she said what she said that called me darling no sister mother has never done that once since you were born yes he did it's impossible go up and say breakfast is ready she walked up he saw her come he grabbed her by the other arm pulled her on his left lap his wife came up she knew something was different his wife came he grabbed her pulled on the right lap he buried his head between the two and started to cry and said forgive me forgive me forgive me but this last night the blood of Jesus Christ has washed my sins away all my sins away his soul left the prison I saw left their prison into the arms of Jesus philosophy does not comfort a beaten wife and philosophy doesn't set a wife beater free but Jesus does I pray that this church may become the womb for the whole population of Minnesota to become born-again in Jesus name this Jesus is now here amen let's bow our heads
Channel: Living Word Christian Center
Views: 15,782
Rating: 4.9101124 out of 5
Keywords: Reinhard Bonnke, Mac Hammond, Pastor Mac Hammond, Living Word Christian Center, Reinhard Bonnke Africa, Evangelist, Jesus, Gospel, Salvation, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, Reinhard Bonnke Crusade, reinhard bonnke preaching, reinhard bonnke sermons, Reinhard Bonnke 2016
Id: sxIUXkgX1go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 12sec (2112 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 27 2016
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