Welcome, Kevin. KZ: I'm so glad to be
here Emilie, thank you. God bless you. EP: Well, we are thrilled
to have you back in the studio with us. You're
such a dear friend of Sid and the ministry.
And Kevin, well, you have been in what
we would typically think of "ministry" for about
four years now. KZ: Yeah. EP: And in that
short period of time, you have traveled
all over the world. You've written
over a dozen books. I don't know
how you did that. KZ: I don't either!
So don't ask me. EP: [Laughs] It's amazing. But before that, you were
a flight attendant with Southwest Airlines for
almost three decades. KZ: Yes. EP: And that is really
intriguing to me because most people would think
of that as just a job. And here you are
doing, you know, fulfilling your
destiny in ministry. But you discovered during
that time something really important- that all of
life is ministry and ministry is life. KZ: Yes. EP: What do you
mean by that? What did you discover? KZ: Well, what I
discovered was with your relationship with God,
the depth that you go with your relationship with God
is not in the easy times. It's not in doing the
things that you always want to do. It's
sometimes where the Lord leads you. And
He's more interested in my character than
He was my comfort. EP: Hmm. KZ: And He told me that. So most of the time
that I was at my job, it wasn't something
that I wanted to do. In fact, I found myself
doing things that I would never think of doing. I never wanted to be
a flight attendant. EP: Oh! Really? KZ: Yeah. I always wanted
to fly the airplane. And, and of course, I spent all
those years being able to fly the airplane and
not and not having that as the job. I served
people in the back and became a servant.
So with that through those twenty-nine years
in Southwest Airlines. I was essentially led by
the Lord into situations that were not easy. And I had to make
decisions based on people's behavior and
situations that we would consider like a
political thing. So if you didn't
do certain things, then you were
just not favored. And yet, I had to walk a
line with the Lord where I was called to be a
minister and a Christian and had to stand
up for my faith. But sometimes when
you took those choices, you weren't well liked
and favored at times. So I, I actually
went without in certain situations because I chose
to be integral and I chose to be a person who
is above reproach. And so I had to learn
through my hardship. And I remember that Jesus
was talked about in the situation in Hebrews,
where Jesus even Himself learned. He
learned by discipline. He learned how to walk in
this life down here as He grew up. So I saw that
Jesus was disciplined and walked this
out and that I had to too. It was not easy. In fact, it was
unbearable at times. Emilie, I actually I'm
going to be honest with you, I would
literally after, during, every flight, I
would serve my people and I would go in the
lavatory and cry. EP: Oh, really? Oh no! KZ: Sometimes every flight. And
I did five flights a day. EP: Wow. KZ: And I
would say, "Lord, you know,"What
have I done? What have I done
that you know, that I have to
go through this?" Because it was, it's
nothing that I wanted to do. I liked to be in a cockpit
flying the airplane, have maybe one or two
people in a day that I encounter. I don't like to
even have crowds, and things like that. EP: So, you're not
a people person. No, I wasn't but I
had to become one. I had to learn to deal
with people in situations and how to deal
with groups of people, how to win people over. I had to learn how to
talk to people and, and gain and gain
their attention, their respect. And I became a leader,
and they even wanted to promote me at the
airline into management. And I was in management
training at times for for different positions.
But I felt that I just remained as a
flight attendant. But my relationship with
God became deeper because of the things
that I went through. EP: Hmm. KZ: It was not the, it
was not what people think. It wasn't the visitations. It was not the encounters. It was not the
revelations. It was not those things. It was being able to say
no when I needed to say no, even when it cost me. It cost me terribly
because my friends became smaller, because people
that don't love God and they don't know God, they
are suiting themselves. And so I had to learn to
let people be themselves, but not allow them to
pull on me. That was the biggest thing with
me. And I know that's what happens to
people out there. They feel the pressure
of having to conform. And we're supposed to
conform to the Word of God and conform to what,
what God has for us, our destiny, and
then at the end, it always turns
out so anyway, the four years that
I've been in ministry now, I was really in training
for it for a long time. EP: Well, then you
would be in good company, because what
springs to mind is Moses. I mean, my goodness, he
was in the desert for 40 years before
the Lord said, "Hey, you know, it's time
to go do this part of your your life in ministry." David being the same way. But were you- so, you knew
the Lord during this time, were you introduced to the
prophetic and the things of the Spirit? Was this a training
ground for that also? KZ: Yeah, I was I was
told when I was younger, 10 years old, that,
that my calling and, you know, essentially
how I would walk. But it wasn't till 19
that I actually got saved. Then after that, it wasn't
until this year that I'm walking in in the ministry
gift I was called to. It's been 40 years. So I had to learn
to hear God's voice. Walking in the
prophetic is, is something that
takes a long time. And so a lot of times we
know God's heart and God doesn't want us
to speak that. Other times we
speak His heart. And it doesn't happen
because of people's wills. So you're dealing with all
these dynamics of when to speak and then knowing
that when you do speak it, sometimes it's not
going to happen. Just like situations
that happened in the Bible where it didn't happen, it
was God's intention or it wasn't God's intention.
And it happened anyway. Like God never
wanted a king for Israel. Right. But, you know,
they wanted to also, you know, you saw
how that turned out. And then after that, He
could have chosen to go back to His statement. But He, He took, He
immediately chose David. And then He had
promised from now on, there will never cease to
be a a descendant of David on the throne in
Psalms eighty-nine. He says that He made a
covenant with David. And so we have the Messiah
now sitting on that throne, okay, but we got
Hezekiah who who was sick and the prophet was
sent to him and said, you get your, your stuff
in order because you're going to die. And that was a
prophet, of God said that. Well, Hezekiah, as the
prophet was leaving the court of the, of the king,
he turned to the wall and he repented and he
cried out to God. And the prophet
was told to stop. And the Lord said, "Go
back and tell him I'm giving him fifteen years." And the prophet
just said, "Well, excuse me, you just told
me to go tell him he's going to die,
you know, so, so, God didn't
change his mind." But see, Hezekiah
changed His mind and cause repentance. And
then the repentance caused the Word
of the Lord to, to come back and give
him a favorable response, which
are 15 more years. So we see these things in
the Bible all the time. But see, as a prophet, you
have to be able to learn the ways of the Lord and
know that you've got to really cause people to
agree with what God's intent is. And so
you could, you could see that it's not something
you can learn. So, I spent a lot of
years walking with God and having to be
obedient when it didn't, it didn't seem easy. EP: Well, and with all
those people that you're encountering, if you had
five flights a day for twenty-nine years, I
mean, that's hundreds of thousands of people. KZ: Yeah. EP: I mean, what better
way to go to the School of the Spirit. KZ: Yeah. Yeah. And it was it
ended up being, you know, six to six hundred to a
thousand people a day. EP: Wow. KZ: And I'd have visions
as I'd be handing them their drinks. I'd
have visions as I'd handed them that drink. All of a sudden I
could still see the drink, put their hand
when they would, when the business person
because I was up front, even though we didn't have
first class in Southwest, a lot of the business
people still sat up front. And when they
would grab the glass, this would happen every so
often their hand would be on fire. So I would look at the
person and this is like six or seven in the
morning and you're just wanting to hand them
their juice and coffee or whatever. But they would be on fire
and they would say to me, why didn't you
tell me about this? About how you
had a chance? I was on your flight and
you didn't tell me about hell. EP: Wow! KZ: I've had that happen. And so, I realized that I
need to start walking with the Lord closer to to know
if I'm supposed to say something to somebody. So I would have that
happen a lot where someone would touch me
accidentally on the flight and I would have a vision
of them and know that they were going to die in a
year or that they had a daughter and give me the
name of the daughter and that I have to give
them a word and say, "You know, the reason
why you're going through everything you're going
through is because your daughter is chosen of God. I would have to
give these words out. So I had to learn how to
deal with the fact that walking in the
prophetic meant that I, I could see things and
know things ahead of time. But how do I implement
that into my daily life? EP: The word? Yeah. KZ: Yeah. So, it wasn't a
church setting where like, okay, now we're going to
prophesy and now we're going take the offering. You know, this was at
work where people- it was rubber meets the road. See, just so you
know, every- I minister, to every
person I flew with. All my coworkers
for all those years, I didn't let one slip by
where I didn't tell them about Jesus. And
and it was more of a prophetic type
ministry where they got saved after I gave
them a word. EP: Wow. KZ: After not before. EP: And that is real life. And, you know, thank
God you were there. But can you I
mean, imagine. And I think that's where
so many of us get into trouble. Always, we're
always looking for greener pastures somewhere else. KZ: Yeah. EP: Right. Instead
of right where we are. But that's a soul
that's in Heaven now, because you were
in the moment, you were embracing where
the Lord had you in this current season. And
you were listening. KZ Yeah. And I remember one one
one particular lady. I had flown with her
several times and she was flying in the back
of the aircraft. And when I
looked at her, I go, I've seen her before. And then I realized
that she was in the lineup when, when I was in the
operation and the Lord sent me back, He
showed me like 15 people, the first 15 people that I
was being sent back for. And there was a
line forever. But I could see the
first 12 to 15 people. She was in that line up. And so when I came
back, one by one, I would meet these people
and then the Lord would say, you got to tell them. So I would go
through that. Well, this girl, I went
back there and I told her so she goes, there's no
way you could know that. And she started crying. She goes, I want to
give my life to the Lord. And she cried. She said, I'm going to
Heaven now because of you. And I've never
seen her again. But I remember thinking
she was in the line up when I was in
that operation back, back in 1992. And
I didn't, I didn't meet her for like six or seven years. And then all of a sudden
she's on my flight and I go, that's, that's
that girl in the lineup. And so I saw this happen a
lot where people would get saved because I had a word
for them and they they would always say, there's
no way you can know that. And I'm thinking, well, it
was because Jesus told me when I was in Heaven that
I would meet this person and you're going
to tell them this. So there was this- there
was this rubber meets the road thing that happens
when you're out in public and you're like
Jesus at the well. He didn't wait for- to
be in the synagogue, to use the word
of knowledge. He just said,
"You know what? Why don't you go
get your husband." And, you know,
He, He said, He said, "You know, the
fact of it is you've had five husbands and the
one you're with now is not your husband." Well,
she goes, "I perceive you're a prophet." But
see, He was at the well EP: Just out about! KZ: Out and about. EP: Daily life. KZ: So it'd be like if we were
at a restaurant or whatever. And so Jesus, Jesus
started to help me to, to show me that
ministry is actually my relationship with God. And just like He said that His
relationship with His Father was, was really His
ministry because He only said what the Father told Him to
say. He only did what the Father was
doing and that was what He said. He told, He told
His disciples that. He told the
Pharisees that. EP: And it's all comes
out of that relationship. And even in obviously,
the Lord moved you into another phase of life. But even if
that's all you did, I mean, think of the
inheritance and the treasure that is now in
Heaven because of that. KZ: Yes. And what happens then
when we move out from our current phase of ministry
and the Lord calls us into something next? Is this all there is or
is there something more? Kevin knows what it's like
to train for all phases of life, including
the next phase. And when we come back,
he's going to share what he learned about
training for what's next. [Music] [Music] EP: Well, welcome back
to "Something More." And Kevin, you mentioned
before the break that this is where the
rubber hits the road. KZ: Yes. EP: Right? That we're
just in it, living life, doing the work of the
ministry for our family, our friends,
our coworkers, right where we're at. But what happens
when the Lord is like, you know what I've learned
what I've had to learn in this season, and then
you've done the work at the ministry here, you're
ready for the next phase. How do we discern when
that time has come and how do we make
that transition? KZ: Well, that's a really
good question, Emily. The fact of it is, is most
people need to know that it's usually not something
where you transition to another church, to
transition to another job. Relationships
may not change. What happens is something
happens in you where you have gotten to the place
where your character is solid so that you won't
crack or change in any situation. So, whatever
it took to get you, it's like a
pressure cooker. Then all of a sudden
you feel it release. But it might not be a
job change or relationship change or
anything like that. It might stay
everything the same. But something has changed
inside of you and that is what happened with me. It was not any of
the outward things. Something
happened inside of me. And now no matter what,
like when the Lord gives me a word and it
goes the other way, I just, I'm not I'm not
worried about because I've been through
this many times. You stick it out so that
it would be the sign that you're going on to. It's a piece inside of
you where you're solid and things don't move
you like they used to. And that's what Jesus was. When I met Jesus, the
one thing about Him that I loved was He was like
a commander and He was totally in charge.
So everything about Him when He talked
to you is very kind. But you weren't
going to sway Him. And He never asked me for
my opinion about anything. He actually just would
tell me this is the way it is. And thank
you for for adhering to that. And thank
you for honoring Me, because He
loves people that, that embrace
Him and obey him. He really does love that. So this is the training. And when you're over
yourself and you don't want your own way anymore,
God will give you more freedom to make choices.
It's amazing. So I did see this happen. EP: I love that and I love
how you said your life the in natural may not
actually look any different, but it's a
different level in the Spirit and it's a
different level of trust. KZ: Yeah. EP: Did you find that your
prophetic when you went to a new level- when you made
this transition to the next phase? What
was it like in your ministry, in your walk with the
people at Southwest, let's say? KZ: Yeah, you know, one of
the keys to hearing God's voice is being able to be
in an environment where you control the
other voices. So, in other words, I saw
that I needed to have an environment where I
eliminated a lot of the voices that were needed, a
lot of the chatter and a lot of the opinions
and things like that. So, it takes discipline to
be alone at times and to, to allow yourself to be
immersed in Heaven and the Word of God. Okay, besides that, I also
saw that I started to have a peace. I
settled and I had a trust. And that is when I started
to see the prophetic mature to a to a
heightened level to where I was unshakable
no matter what. And I saw that being
prophetic sometimes was just being there, not even
to have to say a word. You walk in another
type of authority as a Christian, when you start
to yield to that next phase is a phase where you
just show up and the devil starts to react. And you haven't
said a word yet. EP: It's from
what you're hearing. KZ: Yeah. EP: Yeah. KZ: And I call it
being known in hell. And the demon gets
around the people that are troublemakers to the
demons or the Christians that are troublemakers
or the ones that actually believe what they say they
believe and they walk in it. They have a
settled, a settled-ness, there's a subtleness
that intimidates devils. And so they'll
start spouting off, acting up when you show
up because they know that they can't handle a
person like that. So anyway, that's what
I tried to to encourage people is to get to
this place where they're walking in their authority
and they're settled, that they don't
have to say anything. They don't have to
act under pressure. They only do what the
Spiritual lord is telling them to do, -that Jesus
was like that- He would just show up. EP: That's right. And things would
just flip out, you know, the demons
would start spouting off. You know, He didn't
have to poke anything, really, you know. EP: They didn't have
to conjure anything up. I mean, He only did what
the Father, showed Him to do, right just like He
asked us to do. How does this differ then? Because you're talking
about this power and authority that we carry as
we're spending time with the Lord, as we're just
doing what He's asking us to do. How does
this differ from, let's say, like the Office of the
Prophet, right? Because you're talking about
us. Does the average believer being prophetic or
using these gifts- KZ: Yeah, yeah. EP: What's the
distinction there? ZP: Okay, the
distinction is this. For 40 years since I
was called, forty years ago at the time of this
taping, it's been. Forty years, I was
called to be a prophet, but for the last 40 years,
I have not walked in that office fully, but I have
learned how to prophesy and to be prophetic. But as a believer,
we're all I believe, we're all supposed
to prophesy that the testimony of Jesus is
the spirit of prophecy, like it says in the
Book of Revelation. So, there is yielding to
the Word of the Lord and being able to
speak out the Word. So I actually just walked
as a believer in the prophetic. But I
was not a prophet. I was not walking in that
fivefold ministry I was in training for it. But I'm speaking to you as
a believer that can walk in this authority and
when you say something in authority, in the spirit,
you are really literally prophesying because the
testimony of Jesus is the same spirit of prophecy. So I teach
people that, listen, just out of your
relationship with God, let something come out
of your spirit that's not from you and let it be
based on what the Word of God is that, you
know, in the Bible, but also verbalize it in
your own words and talk from that authority
and watch what happens. Things will start to change
and move and devils will respond because you're
speaking from the Spirit. And I tell
people as a believer, you can prophesy, you
can yield to that spirit. And I've, I've seen many
believers just go to the next level. Just in these four years
of the ministry that we've been given, we've
seen so many people. We get letters daily
about people that are just totally changed because I
feel like I'm called to encourage believers to
walk in this. And not just we can't just depend upon the
prophets we got. We've got to learn how
to walk in a lot of this ourselves, a lot of the
things I'm just being honest with you, because
I've only been doing this for years, but a lot of
the things that we put off on the prophets
and the apostles, I think that the believers
are supposed to be doing. EP: Right, it's our
relationship with God. KZ: He says that "These
signs shall follow the believing ones." He didn't say, "prophets,"
He said "believing ones." And these are raising the
dead and cast devils and healing the sick. This is manifestations
that Jesus told me were for believers, not
just for the prophets and apostles and
the five-fold. So, the Lord said, would
you just focus on this in your times in ministry and
just tell the people that if they are
believing ones, that they are walking in
great authority on the Earth and they should
believe and expect the manifestation of
miracles and their, in their life. EP: That is so good! KZ: I know, I'm excited! EP: Nobody should just
disqualify themselves. Right? KZ: Yeah, Yeah. EP: This is for everybody. KZ: And I think about, I
think about people like Stephen who really
just served tables. And yet he said he had
notable miracles and he had such authority. It is his voice that,
that that the Pharisees, they just got so angry
at him, they grit their teeth and they ended up
killing him, stoning him. And the apostle Paul,
who was Saul at the time, he's stood there and
guarded all their coats while they killed him. And he, so he witnessed
Steven get stoned. And I'm sure he
remembered that, you know, when he,
when he converted. But think about
this, Steven. What did he do wrong? He served tables
and he had miracles. But when he spoke, he
spoke from another place. EP: Yes. KZ: So, that's what I want
every believer to see, is that Stephen would be
just like a waiter today in a restaurant. But yet he had miracles
and he wasn't- it never said that he
was an apostle. He was just a believer. But something, something
struck the demons that were involved in the
Pharisees to the point where they
wanted him dead. And that's, that is
the response that, that I see demons recoil
when believers walk in their authority. I see demons starts to
to recoil back as though they're walking as a
five-fold minister. EP: Yes. And I imagine that pleases
the Lord's heart very much to see us walking in that. And Kevin, we only have
a few minutes left here, but would you pray for
our viewers and just bless them as they're seeking
to walk in this place? KP: Sure, Father. I just thank you, in
the Name of Jesus that, you know, the value of
every person watching. And I thank you that you
know the books that you've written about them before
they were even born. And I thank you, Father,
that I agree with you and I agree with them that
everything that's written will come to pass. And that Father that by
Your Spirit right now, You will touch and you
will minister right now and show them the reality
of what you have planned and that they will walk in
this because they will see the end of their faith. They will see what you
have because you are ministering through them. Father and I thank
you for it, for the grace and mercy in Jesus Name.
Amen. EP: Amen. Kevin, thank you.
[Music] And thank you all
for joining us, and we just bless you to
walk in the fullness of the ministry that the Lord
has laid out before you in this time and place. So we'll see you next
time on "Something More." [Music]