Jesus' Childhood Home in Nazareth

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one of the things I appreciate coming naturally is being able to see the character actors there in their first century outfits doing first century activities seeing that helps you appreciate so many of the verses in the Bible so much more when we walk into the carpenter shop I just I have a special attachment to that woodworking is something that I do for a hobby back at my house and to see the kind of tools that Jesus would have used that Joseph would have trained him in using was just it was special so we are at Joseph's carpentry shop so first century replicas of what Jesus would have been doing with his father and some of the tools so we have the drill could we try the drill yeah okay [Music] so this is supposed to be a first century drill and he was going a whole lot faster but it's spinning how long for each hole two minutes five minutes oh man yeah per I prefer my cordless at home that is really cool yeah No okay you make it look easy you make it look easy [Music] there we go you do it better Joseph thank you so much I appreciate it to see what that would have looked like to reach up and touch that that was special it was just it was a neat thing for me to connect with how long did he say it would take I think you said about five six seven minutes to do one right I'd be there a long time making one of the pieces of furniture thank you the last couple times I visited he's been working on the same ladder and so I guess eventually he'll get finished with it but who knows it's not a very efficient guy no no no it's very visual but I am that guaranteed when he gets finished it'll be a very nice very nice ladder so he's grinding using a mortar and a pestle so what is this it's rosemary and you're grinding it now what would you use that for [Music] so you use it to flavor your food okay so it's pulverizing that herb it smells an amazing very fragrant thank you so when we walk into the Weaver's house she's working on this rug and she's she's finishing it up I mean she's really wrapping up the bottom and the tassels are getting made and she took the time to explain the different yarns that she has how she made the yarn from the wool in the first place and in the processes that she uses to dye the wool so would you boil it yes okay we dry it and we boil it with the water and after that you take all the peels off and you leave the water when the water is warm yes you put the world because if it's very hot the wool will shrink okay this colors from the grass everything's green is it from their lives of the victory okay these are nature from our ship the ground the beige and the watch so that's undyed yes okay yeah and this is from spice we use it for our community ah yes expensive yes and this is from walnuts game the brown okay and what makes the blue no I these are reality colors yes this is we use it from seashells kind of snails you crush it and it gives you one drop of ink to die one kilo you need more than thousand snails just one kilo you need more than a thousand sales to get the color yeah and when you fish it you needed to keep them alive Wow and you put swords with the snails yes the different color Under the Sun I do different colors so very expensive oh just reality colors just the King and the priest was reading this and you know the it mention in the Bible about the one she was sealing the purple yes see the area and the blue it mentioned also in the Old Testament about the prayer shell of the priest oh okay that's right yeah that's right very good that's nice mr. Lewis thank you you know it come said it's easy to walk away with the mistaken idea that older civilizations were somehow behind us or lesser than us to watch her work and to see what she does how much she's putting into every single thing I mean these people were brilliant and it may have taken them longer to do things like that but the fact that they were able to figure out how and get the process down without some of the mechanical helps that we have today just hints at how a brilliant they work [Music] [Music] we're inside the only first century synagogue replicas in the country and it's an amazing place to be you see the multi tiered seating system around the perimeter so everyone would be facing each other you see the heart-shaped columns in the corner there are seven columns in this particular replica and when you come around opposite the front door you've got this area where someone would have been presenting or speaking to those who came to the assembly now this table setup would not necessarily have been there but for prop usage it's great to understand that this is where the speaker or the reader would have been so off to my left in the corner here is a doorway that goes to a storage chamber they would have had jars holding their sacred writings on a scroll so when it says that Jesus read from Isaiah that would have come out of the jar out of the storage room that he would have been reading to those who were gathered here this just gives you a great sense of where Jesus would have learned where Jesus would have taught where Jesus would have gathered with folks from his hometown of Nazareth walking into the completed first century synagogue is a it's a special moment to visualize Jesus standing and teaching and interacting with crowds as a preacher and teacher is just astounding I'm really struggling with how to wrap up our experience at Nazareth village there are things I want to see more of there are things I want to spend more time with I appreciate the time we were there but it wasn't nearly long enough I want to come back [Music] I'm Craig and I'm Stu and we're the founders of a paean media we really hope that you've enjoyed the content that you've just seen this is only made available through the generous donations of so many of you we believe that the world should have biblically accurate visually engaging content about the Bible and it should be free for everyone we would encourage you to visit the membership page of a pm/et org and consider becoming a reoccurring member everything that you donate to Appian media is tax-deductible however you decide to donate we really appreciate your support
Channel: Appian Media
Views: 81,630
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Appian Media, Following the Messiah, Jesus, Jesus Christ, Nazareth, Nazareth Village, 1st Century, Synagogue, Carpenter, Jeremy Dehut, Barry Britnell, Bible, Christianity, Travel, Travel Photography, Media, Israel
Id: Y9Or-HBMvaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 03 2020
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