Nazareth Village in Israel

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[Music] [Music] we are in Israel at Nazareth village Nazareth village is located on a site that was remarkably untouched and unchanged since the time of Jesus in fact Nazareth village preserves the last remaining fields most likely worked by Jesus friends family and fellow villagers [Music] those new shoots are new trees they can be transplanted with a piece of the roof they put down new roots and they become new trees so now yes and Isaiah 11:1 can you read that a new chute will come out of the stump Jessie this prophecy yeah Jessie is bring King David if you recall I mentioned Jude an established Nana coming from the south of the city King David and around it they established a village at the door and called it Nazareth we believe it's based on the shoot in conjunction with the prophecy because shoot in Hebrew is net sale or net said can you say that what's that net it says this is where we believe Nazareth got a cheaper name and our oldest tree has been transplanted from a local farms at least 400 years old [Music] [Music] circles and little by little and a farmer with this we know important grab precious the wheat heads to freezing the chef from the criminals like please throw a little in the lighter chop then they'll continue they reach the story connect you to Jesus and some of his disciples were walking on a Sabbath they were collecting whatever they can find crushing what they were doing kind of mimics what the farmer the donkey the sledge stretch I just kind of like [Music] the herd will have usually a mixture of goats and sheep goats in Cheaper very different animals not just see how they look but their attitude as well chief by nature are very obedient as an active whereas goals are not [Music] this here is a rich man for rich families back then common people and poor people be buried in a hole in the ground inside you'll find niches and chambers carved in the wall above the bedrock the different family members so this tomb is not just for one person now we know Jesus use a tool like this however he was in return Joseph of Arimathea was gracious enough to London between three days later he returned the second barrel where they'll collect the bones of the decomposed bodies or stone about the same [Music] [Applause] we continue digging they can find everything else more terraces we can see maybe if we go across the street and dig there we'll find more things well they've dug there they found remains of three watchtowers they brought the foundational stones back and reconstructed one watchtower from the river sites so this just confirmed more and more that this here is clutter land of first century Nazareth the tower is not military uses for farmers to watch over their crops make sure no one steals from them or no and it'll come in and sabotage the fights over it's also better to plan sounds very small three four hundred people Jesus grew up here and spent most of his life here most of his childhood here we also know about wine season beds of community efforts there's a lot of moving parts for mine TV you'll see friends family neighbors come together to do this you can imagine 3040 people harvest through the grace other people transferring it down the mountain people pressing on the grapes usually women and children by the way will do this before peepers on finger maybe slipping and falling laughing at each other some singing and dancing and music going on it's very festive celebratory whoever lives so it will definitely remember how many definitely participated so if we string all these pieces of information together we can easily come to the people who do that as a kid growing up in this community let's have a minor question the new wine 0ip definition on that I mean I would assume they'd be at the beginning of the fermentation process but some people claim it was just grape juice I just wonder if we have any clarification on that at all right maybe it will be something maybe 1% kinda like a kombucha like a probiotic yes cleanse itself but not enough give it just a week or we can break won't really have enough to build [Music] building terraces yeah we can hear you it's a very laborious job it takes a lot of efforts in time first you have to carve the mountainside into these large steps and you have to bring all this raw material of the mountain one donkey load at a time we have to layer the different layers we talked about the white chalky or the topsoil and build the stone wall you have to stack these stones up with perfect precision and if you notice there's no mud or mortar between stones it's just to allow the water to flow through so when you buy a field because these fields belong to different farmers and not just farmers so they tend to extremes by himself when you buy a field well built well maintained so the parable that says a man set up a banquet and sent out for invitations from investment one of the responses could pertaining to field spur I just bought a field that I must respect it now keep in mind it takes a lot of effort like you mentioned also takes about a year he had a very valid reason for doing what was the problem with the statement okay let me ask you another question do you buy a car and then test-drive it yeah why would you buy a field before you pay so it was an obvious excuse it was a bad excuse but moreover it was an insult to the intelligence of the person inviting as everyone knows back then that you have to inspect these fields before [Music] [Music] [Music] this is first century olive press this is where we make olive oil so olive oil happens in two steps in two phases the first one is the crushing of the olives so an October November and sometimes early December we harvest all of us we bring it in baskets and we dump it in the space in the tree and we try a delicacy around the skill or harness and the donkey would go in circles dragging this 500 kilogram stone around then around to crush the olives and turn it into olive Master olive paste then that mash is collected and put in the pockets of these baskets all around when we take it to face to tuck it in we take it to step number two we pile them 10 to 15 highs it comes up to here depending on the thickness of the baskets and we press them three times the first times when we just let them sit there and allow for weight and gravity to do the work so all that oil that gently seeps out is the best oil it's the purest oil it's what some people may call or consider the virgin oil that oil is used to further the kingdom of God by transferring into the temple to light them in or out or Nordics kings and prophets and so forth the second and third process is when we start using these beads of trees that are tied to a pulley system you start lowering the ropes down that's when it starts coming down from here squeezing the baskets for more oil that second press produces oil that's still fairly good and it's used for everyday use like cooking cleaning making perfume and medicine the third press is when they just apply more and more pressure on those same baskets through different methods one of the methods are these stones these are half a ton each they are tied to a winch that's connected to the mother beam and using these levers they start squeezing down applying more pressure down here on the Oscars on the same bass because you haven't removed the baskets except to collect the oil in between the presses in that third press produces oil that's no longer good because that's when you start getting the pulp and the skin to break loose and go into the juice mix to create a very foggy in dense oil that's actually no longer green starts becoming a rusty British brownish color because we have black Paul mixed with a green oil it gives it that resting color now even though that oil is not very good so head of has a very important use for it and that is to light lamps or to make olive oil soap two very important uses essential uses [Music] [Music] so again saying hi to Joseph Joseph is our carpenter he does the wood work here at the village so anything you see made out of wood is actually made by Joseph using 1st century tools and living in first century conditions so some of these people are not just actors or posers they actually do the work necessary to sustain those means that the latter they'll do it here working on scroll holders as you see and as you can see these replicas of first century tools that look familiar to you because carpenter and tools have been really involved for 2,000 years because they get the job done so the chisels will still have chisels today this is going ABB's spelled adze has two uses for it first one is the peeling and shaping of the wood the only thing you probably don't see much are these basalt stones özil stones the rough one is used for sanding for sharpening now we are here however to shed light on a misconception that Jesus and Joseph were carpenters it was not entirely true the Greek word is Tecton which means artisan someone with our skills our skills with their hands and people who usually work with their hands and know how to use and shape the term materials their materials they won't stick to one thing and when you're an artisan you will build and create things right so we believe the misconceptions came from when Europeans translated the Bible in Europe which like the u.s. forest trees dense and most of the things built or created are made out of woods especially the more you go back in time here if we look at for example we dis building this house just mainly made out of stone with the help of wood but mainly stone cousin we have a lot of limestone in these mountains and they're safer that way to build your so we believe the thought process went about like this they are builders and there are artisans that means they build stuff and then create stuff so they also must build homes our homes are made of wood so they must be carpenters kind of but now we see the better image and that what they are they're not just carpenters - yes you see carpentry tools here but if you look behind you you'll see masonry tools and a bed drop as well so we believe they were skilled in both these were the two most common materials [Music] it's art from the very beginning with our sheep they are sheared using a replica for centuries years or cinders they bring the wool here and they wash it first they cut away and straw any dirt tangled in there so uses a smaller version of this and then sometimes we wash it in that tub back then they would use running water then we diet we have to give it cluttered we didn't have artificial dyes so we have to be creative by finding these around the village for example onion peels we would put onion peels in water and salt in the vinegar to extract the colors boil the water then wait for the water to slightly cool off you don't want to get rolling boiling water and that will give us color similar to these depending on how long you leave with Walden sidewalk we do the same thing with other things like pomegranate peels and that we have three different shades of pomegranate so that'll give us the burnt orange maroon burgundy colors now it comes will give you sort of a candy color so it's a mixture of greenish pinkish grey now we have the basic colors of the Sheep you saw down there the brown the tend off white those are not dyed those are just the natural colors usually worn by commoners people who cannot afford color clothes or everything wear heels like me talked about making wine they'll probably use just wear these colors that way and someone with an expensive tastes would like to wear at the narrow public this is wrong then finally you have these colors that are designated - these are made from sea snails sea snails would have that ink in their mucus or blood system sort of like Optifine split me okay loud they'll twisted to get one drop so we need about six or seven thousand of these to make one kilogram or that's why it's so expensive the guy with the Gucci suit can can't afford this this is only for Kings and then they would dry it and separate it by hand and then card it using this carding comb to separate the threats from itself and Hannah will show us how you're onto spun using the spindle and her patience that's yarn and like I said it takes a lot of time and patience then the worst thing about it is you can't immediately enjoy using it so it's annoying to use you have to leave it on the spindle or in a ball of yarn for about four or five weeks into the breasts then it becomes manageable and we can hang it on the loom using these plates at the bottom and after the weaving process we are finished with the shop thank all of you for visiting me a nice to meet you welcome good evening this is the only full size replica synagogue in the Bible words you will see a lot believe when you walked in here same as the Olive Press we felt the sense of coolness of being inside right I saw the structures built we've done extensive research to make sure all these buildings were built not only using four century building materials but also per century engineering methods as well so probably notice the windows vary by up by what happens there and they are narrow and parallel to one another that creates a ventilation system so hot air is constantly rising and circulates or scatters finds its way out and leaves then you have the stones that you're sitting on and over here they're very large there are not enough hours in the day to be able be back up so they maintain the coolness from the night before and that also mute realizes the heat it's not the best contest right now that's the end of the day and this thing of the summers but usually feeling this is one of the ways how they used to make the ceilings back down first they start by laying these beams of trees across and you have a layer of reed on top of that if you have a layer of mud you can see the mud in between the broken Reed's right that mud is made from water's limestone ash dirt straw then you have a layer of dry dirt on top of that which is there to absorb rainwater and then it's finally finished off with another layer of my best rolled down to the cellar over to give it that exterior come let what we've been walking on all day long so from this information we know that it's possible so you dig through the first three layers of mud you break the Reed and you lower person down these trees back there that means the trees were a lot farther apart today we have to do a post like this city the symbol is the hearts of the village it's a community centers the city centers where people come together yes honest Alice I'm going throughout the week they come use it for prayer and worship but the rest of the days of the week and in between trainers they'll use it through whatever the village needs it to be at the time now keep in mind this is a small community 3 4 500 people you don't need the different building for every activity the village engages in right remember to resolve a dispute between two people it becomes courthouse if you want to learn a new language go to school discuss politics argue about religion where but we are here for one story only we mentioned two things haven't addressed the Annunciation and when Jesus walked into the synagogue Jesus was baptized in the Jordan River then he went to fast for 40 days in the wilderness he came back to the area by the way they identified Jesus in the crowd napkin to come up and read from one of the scrolls so they so I'd say you just picks up the straw opens it navigates in it and finds where it says the Spirit of the Lord is upon me for you the noise of each proclaim good news to the poor he has sent me to bring freedom to the prisoners the recovery of sight to the blind to set the oppressed free and to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor and he abruptly stops right there similar to this one the herd is transferred later on to the story to protect the stroke and disintegration sat back down and continue talking to the people where he added today this prophecy is fulfilled with your hearing [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Alan Bays
Views: 1,144,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Jesus, Yeshua, God, Christian, Messianic, Christ, Messiah, Preaching, Teaching, Holiness, KJV
Id: 7ePP1Bss-qs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 40sec (1720 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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