Sea of Galilee In-depth Tour! See All the Sites of Interest and Walk in the Footsteps of Jesus.

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did you know that the Sea of Galilee is the most famous body of water in the world did you know that Jesus spent around 60 to 70 percent of his ministry time around the Sea of Galilee do you know that the most important travel route called the Via Mars passed right by Capernaum which was Jesus home Ministry base while on Earth the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee was even more traveled than the roads and routes leading through Jerusalem oftentimes we might think Jesus was hiding out somewhere in a remote location however just the opposite was true he chose the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee as the center stage so his message would reach as many people as possible around the world in this video we're going to see every important site around the Sea of Galilee so climb aboard as we explore its many famous and hidden gems foreign [Music] first time we came here to the Sea of Galilee and we took a boat ride remember my wife was in tears and a special a good friend was that choked up now the Sea of Galilee is extremely special so join us as we walk in the footsteps of Jesus and see all the places where he taught healed walked and ministered the Sea of Galilee is about 70 miles or 115 kilometers north of Jerusalem and about 27 miles or 45 kilometers east of the Mediterranean Sea it's located about 700 feet or 213 meters below sea level it's a freshwater lake about eight miles or 13 kilometers wide by about 12 miles or 19 kilometers long and 150 feet or 46 meters deep by spending most of his ministry time in the northern area of the Sea of Galilee Christ Miracles would travel by Word of Mouth to the ends of the Earth this laid the groundwork and sowed the seeds of the Gospel to the rest of the known world so the evangelization worked done later by the apostles would be easier and more acceptable to those who heard the message about Jesus Matthew 4 13-17 speaks of God's amazing plan for the area around the Sea of Galilee it says and leaving Nazareth he came and dwelt in Capernaum which is by the sea in the regions of zebulun and naphtali that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet saying the land of zebulun and the land of nephily by the way of the sea beyond the Jordan Galilee of the Gentiles the people who sat in darkness have seen a great light and upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death light has dawned foreign [Music] is located on the west side of the Sea of Galilee and is the tallest mountain around the sea it has a spectacular view of the Sea of Galilee and Rises about 1200 feet or 365 meters above the Sea of Galilee this Cliff has many natural caves that have been used throughout history for battles and protection purposes [Music] well here we are on top of Mount arble or mount arbell unbelievable this is one of my favorite places to come to on the Sea of Galilee this is the believed place where Christ gave the Great Commission go into all of the world he said all power and all authority has been given unto me therefore go and make disciples so we look over here you can see everything so clearly we've chosen this day it's a real clear day man it is unbelievable to think that Christ was here it says they went to the mountain on the Sea of Galilee by the Sea of Galilee this is the tallest mountain around the Sea of Galilee it is the obvious natural place where Christ would give the Great Commission so it was a mountain and that's where Christ gave the great commissioning in mountains played a significant role all throughout scripture you have Mount Sinai you have Jesus going up to prey on mountains you have Moses that goes on Mount Nebo to die you have The Sermon on the Mount the Mount of Beatitudes so mountains were very very special you have Christ Transfiguration on a mountain so here we are it's an absolutely stunningly beautiful day it's really clear no wind and so just to think of all that happened around this Lake it's a fresh body of water no salt in it it's a nice clean water wow this is really really special to think of all that happened up here and to think that all that you can see Christ's been about 60 to 70 percent of his ministry time around the northern part of the Sea of Galilee so right below me is magdala then you just kind of walk around and you have tavga you have Capernaum you have chorus in you have that Society you have Kersey on the other side absolutely breathtakingly beautiful I can see the amount of Beatitudes from here see where Christ called his disciples she Capernaum Jesus's Ministry Home Ministry base see right out here in the middle is where he would have calmed the sea calmed the storm walked on the water see where the pigs would have ran down the hill after he cast out the Legion of demons from the one man possessed by a legion of demons it says which was about five thousand so anyway we wanted to let you see this this is so so beautiful thank you magdala also known as migdal is located on the Northwestern shore of the Sea of Galilee it was located on the Via Morris which was the international Highway linking Africa with Asia and Europe well welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of magdala it's one of my favorite sites the reason is is because Mary Magdalene was from magdala I have grown to admire and treasure Mary Jesus did a special work in her heart and her life she had seven demons and Christ cast those demons out and Mary became an absolute passionate follower of Christ I think Mary embodies what it means to love the Lord your God with all your heart soul mind and strength well welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of magdala we're shooting this right on the beautiful Sea of Galilee magdala was a port city a small Port Village on the Sea of Galilee was a fishing village community and it had some amazing things here one of which is a synagogue that is well preserved of which Christ would have preached in so there's some special things to see here there used to be a port going out here kind of a docking area they would bring fish in process the fish sell it it was a fish market as well [Music] thank you [Music] well welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of guinnessor or geneseret this is the place where after Jesus fed the five thousand and then came across the sea and calmed the storm this is where they arrived also there have been some amazing discoveries found here one of which was an ancient boat from the time of Jesus also you can see here where the boats Dock and undock this is where people who come to Israel sail on to go out onto the Sea of Galilee they do a boat ride on the Sea of Galilee in fact the trips that we lead we do this we go out we do a devotion a beautiful time out on the Sea of Galilee on these boats [Music] well here we are in Israel this is the first boat that we went on when we first came over and this is Danielle Carmel he's the owner so anyway this boat here we were on and my wife was in tears and there was a song that you were afraid of was it to breathe or something okay so we're gonna be coming back over so this is the owner in the boat that will be on the way there you go oh there you go thank you all right [Music] thank you foreign [Music] foreign welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of tell chinareth or kinaret now the Sea of Galilee is also called The Sea of chinaret or kinaret so this tell overlooked the Sea of Galilee now right in my background you can see The Sermon on the Mount or the mountain of Beatitudes that's where Christ preached The Sermon on the Mount just down below is the Church of the Primacy of Peter that's the place where Peter was likely restored to Christ and probably the place where he called some of the disciples and Peter as well so anyway here we are on top of this tell it's one of the Hidden gems of the Sea of Galilee very little people visited but we wanted to show you this tell and this Hidden Gem of the Sea of Galilee foreign [Music] thank you well welcome to the Holy Land and this site of topgut right in this area here is the most likely place that Jesus called his disciples there were seven springs here the fishing was absolutely phenomenal here so it was a natural place for the fishermen to gather and of course then just close by were some sandy beaches for mending their Nets now this place commemorates where Jesus fed the five thousand however humbly said our Research indicates that it wasn't here it's a great place to commemorate and think about it but the actual location is on the other side of the Sea of Galilee just south of betsida because scripture is really clear that Jesus and his disciples were going to betsaida to a desolate place so we believe that the feeding of the five thousand took place over there however we want to give you a tour this site and show you all of the things it has some amazing special things here so join us as we go and do a tour of this precious site [Music] foreign [Music] here's this is the bleed place where then Christ prepared the food for the disciples and restored Peter back to Ministry [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you well here we are at this very unique and special spot it's another Hidden Gem around the Sea of Galilee no one hardly visits it but we wanted to show it to you this is a Monumental stone that overlooks the Sea of Galilee The Sermon on the Mount or the Mount of Beatitudes is just right up behind you of course you can see the beautiful Sea of Galilee right below is the restoration of where Peter took place the Church of the Primacy of Peter the believed place that where Peter was restored and we believe that as well it was right here there's seven springs that come down right here then down below there's job spring that we're going to be showing you as well but it's right here that this Stone was erected a Monumental Stone it has written on it a verse out of Matthew chapter 5. really quite unique here this Stone you can kind of see the writings I'm not going to touch it but you can just see a carving of a cross here and looks like this is Greek down here and then some of this up here looks to be it's Latin that would be Latin here then it has to me it looks like it says mt28 Matthew 28 16-28 of course what would that be that would be the Great Commission that's where the great that would be the Great Commission verse go into all the world and preach the Gospels this is interesting hidden away here I just saw it look at this oh wow so this is looks like it's a little bit later but it has uh Jesus written on in here and mount them so that looks to be an Italian no that's Latin that would be Latin here and it says uh Jesus on the Mount of Prayer oh okay that's interesting this is really interesting okay so this has got some these are later writings here this is interesting this is interesting we got a group that showed up here [Music] foreign T of Beatitudes is located on a hill overlooking the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee [Music] [Music] foreign welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of the Mount of Beatitudes this is the place where Jesus preached The Sermon on the Mount it's the most likely place he went up on a hill this is a hill right on the Northern shore of the Sea of Galilee just a little bit West of Capernaum where his home missionary base was established where he probably lived with Peter and his family it's just unbelievable to be here and to be thinking about what happened here it says that the multitudes followed Christ he fed five thousand on one occasion four thousand on another occasion not counting the women and children he had multitudes probably of 15 to 20 000 people that followed him and The Sermon on the Mount is the longest sermon that Christ preached some have likened The Sermon on the Mount to the New Testament equivalent of the law being given on Mount Sinai however in The Sermon on the Mount Christ deals with the heart of course he dealt with the heart also in the Old Testament but in The Sermon on the Mount he says you've heard it said but I say to you you've heard it said but I say to you then he ends the sermon with an illustration of building your house on the sand or upon the rock and of course building your house represents our lives so do we build our lives upon God's word and he says not just those who hear but those who do and that's the difference a lot of people here a lot of people know but the question is do we really live out scripture do we really honor it do we really put it first and are we willing to sacrifice regardless of the cost to obey it so The Sermon on the Mount here the mountain Beatitudes is absolutely breathtakingly beautiful here and just a time of reflection as we look out over the beautiful Sea of Galilee and just really Ponder The Sermon on the Mount we have right behind me here this relatively new church that was built however it has history to it there's also a lot of places outside where you can just sit and meditate and so just really enjoy this special time as we're on one of the most holy places that exist foreign [Music] amazing [Music] your face [Music] Sowers Cove is located between Capernaum and tabga on the Northern shore of the Sea of Galilee it's a natural Cove with outstanding Acoustics when Christ preached The Parables of the Kingdom he went out of his house in Capernaum and sat by the Sea tradition and the natural location of Sowers Cove make it an excellent candidate for the place where Christ preached The Parables of the Kingdom as found in Matthew 13. Cora sin or choruseme is located about two miles or three kilometers north of the Sea of Galilee [Music] well welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of chorus in coruscin was one of the three towns that Jesus mainly ministered in it was also one of the three towns that he cursed but there is a synagogue here there's some interesting artifacts here this is a really special place it's one of the most preserved synagogues we're going to be showing you it and there's no doubt that Jesus preached right here in the synagogue the course in overlooks the Sea of Galilee it's beautiful view up here nice stream that runs by here the town was mainly built out of basalt rock which is the natural Lava Rock from volcanoes and stuff in the area so they had great Building Material you'll have a great opportunity to see some of the kinds of buildings and homes that the people of Jesus's time would have used so precious to be here it's just amazing to think about all that happened here in the fact that Jesus was here preached really really special thank you this is the reconstructed front of the synagogue that has been assembled here originally it was on top of the synagogue but now it's placed here for all to see [Music] thank you [Music] well here we are at this synagogue in chorus in it's one of the most well-preserved synagogues you can see the mantle and stuff up there undoubtedly there's no doubt that Jesus preached right here in this synagogue it says he traveled throughout all of the Galilee area preaching in all of their synagogues so it's just really special to be here and just to think about Jesus being here and all that happened right here in chorus Inn foreign [Music] this here is the top of what was called a Torah cabinet so this would house the Scrolls in this synagogue here in coruscene [Music] so this is where the Torah cabinet would be this is a replica The Originals in the museum the arch thing went up over the top of it [Music] foreign [Music] welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of Capernaum this was the hometown of Jesus this is where he set up his ministry base he came from Nazareth he came to live in Capernaum on the Northern shore of the Sea of Galilee this is a very special place because here we have the home of Peter it's likely that Jesus lived with Peter we have the synagogue that Jesus preached in many miracles happened here so we're going to be doing a walking tour of this site to show you everything and tell you all about it [Music] foreign [Music] above Peter's home here is a glass window where you can look down directly over and into Peter's home [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] Capernaum is where Jesus would have preached of course this is a later synagogue built over the original synagogue built out of Basalt well here we have something very amazing we have this artifact and it is a Roman Road marker so the Via Mars which was an international Highway passed right by Capernaum so we have this Roman marker road marker that marked the miles or the kilometers or the distances in between the cities unbelievable foreign artifact here this pillar on it has the name alpheus which is mentioned in the bible so there's a direct connection right here it says in Mark 2 13 as he passed by he saw Levi or Matthew the son of alpheus sitting in the tax office and he said to him follow me and he got up and followed him so right here we actually have the marker of and the name of a person is actually in the Bible foreign foreign foreign [Music] welcome to the Holy Land and this newly discovered biblical site of betsaida so I can't tell you how excited I am to be here two years ago my wife and I stumbled upon this site we just wanted to take some uh air drone of the inlet of the Jordan River so we just drove down here found this spot and we're doing our drones walk down over their ways this was not even uncovered so about a year or a little bit more ago they decided to begin excavations here believing that this was the true biblical site of betsaida and so they are now convinced this is a brand new dig and they will continue this on as they have time and resources but this is the believed site of betsaida thank you foreign well here we are at uh by the tell or by the area here I bet cider I want you to show us just a stone's throw away from where the archaeological dig is it's believed to be bedsidea and here's the Jordan River right here so it would be a natural place for the Peter and and the disciples to bring the boats right here and this fishing Village of that site they could come right in here park their boats right here also this is gorgeous fishing right here the the the river is wide here and in fact what's amazing we're just we just came down here but some families are here some Jewish Chef families are here and guess what they're doing you'll see here in a moment they're fishing so once again betsaida was a fishing Village and the boats would come in here could Harbor up then go out in and out and also they would fish along here really well so this new bedside location just really fits the biblical text so wonderfully and like I say you'll see here in a moment but we got Jewish families that have come here to camp out and we've got some children here fishing doing the same thing that Peter and Andrew and James did 2000 years ago so not A lot's changed [Music] thank you foreign welcome to the Holy Land and this site of gamla we're overlooking this mountain that shaped like a camel that's why it got its name and here is where about 9 000 Jews lived in around 66 A.D they all gathered together to join in the Rebellion against the Romans they fortified the city but the Romans sent three Legions of soldiers around 18 000 fighting Warriors and they were able to capture gamla they killed about 5 000 of the people that were here then the other four thousand they jumped off the back of the cliff to their death a similar story to what would happen about four or five years later at Masada so rather than surrender the remaining four thousand then jumped over the clip foreign [Music] Beach that we believe is the best candidate when Jesus came over to feed the five thousand right here in this area so we believe that he came from that cider they came South a little bit they were going to bedsida they came South a little bit and they were going to intended to relax but the people followed them and then most likely this is the area where he fed the five thousand so we're right in this area here so amazing things happened right here very likely that Jesus walked right here so just really touching to be here right on the Sea of Galilee calm beautiful morning so how precious we got some people here they come to Just Fish and hang out and stuff so really really beautiful [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of Kersey this is the place where the Demonic men lived this is the place where Christ came over and cast the demons out of this one demonic man it mentions and then he went back to his people and spread the gospel among them so we have right here a church that was built to commemorate this site then we have up on the hill we're going to be hiking up there are the caves where these demonic men live now scripture says that these demonic men were so powerful and had this Legion of demons within them that no one could bind them so they kind of had control of this area they would hurt people and then Jesus came over here sailed over from Capernaum and he healed the in Market singles out one particular case of this one demonic man and Jesus heals him and this Legion of demon comes out of him then the these demons plead with Jesus to let them go into this herd of Pigs and the herd of pigs then run down the mountain into the sea and you can see all this right here so we're going to show you the church here that was built to commemorate we're going to hike up to these ruins up here up to these caves and you can see for yourself where this event took place [Music] here you can see from this view here where some of these ancient churches were built to commemorate this site where Jesus cast out this Legion of demons from these demonic men [Music] [Music] then down below in this lower place is the main church that was built here to commemorate this place where Christ cast out these demons very very well preserved Byzantine church built out of the local basalt rocks of the area [Music] foreign the ruins of the ancient city of hippos horse and Greek known today as Horvat susita are located about 1.2 miles or two kilometers east of the Sea of Galilee on the plateau of a diamond-shaped mountain that stands about 1200 feet or 350 meters above the sea the remains of at least seven different churches built during the Byzantine period have been uncovered here this confirms that by the 4th Century A.D the majority of the residents in the city were probably Christian hippos continued to exist until the mid 8th century when the city was destroyed by a catastrophic earthquake foreign at the southern end of the Sea of Galilee is the outlet of the lake that now forms the Jordan River headed south and here you can see the outlet that now goes through a man-made Dam and then will form the Jordan River just below this Outlet is a place called yarnet it is a famous place where many people get baptized today it's not the place where Jesus got baptized by John that's farther down across from Jericho but this is a very special place well welcome to the Holy Land and this site of yarnet it's a baptismal site many people come here we're just right below the outlet of the Sea of Galilee the water is really fresh it's beautiful it's abundant many people come here to get baptized [Music] foreign [Music] welcome to the Holy Land and this biblical site of ancient tiberias we are standing in front of the old Ancient City Gate we are standing in front of a synagogue that was here so this is ancient Tiberius it was a Roman city it's very likely even though it was Roman that Christ did have a ministry here and people from here did follow Christ so amazing what all took place here and we're going to show you everything about ancient tiberias [Music] so King herod's son Heron Antipas constructed the city around 20 A.D and named it Tiberius in honor of the Roman emperor Caesar Tiberius Tiberius replaced a forest or sipori as the capital of Galilee he also established it as a Roman Spa town with 17 hot springs in the vicinity so people would come from all around to tiberias for the hot springs now let's listen to a short narration about the synagogues at Tiberius more than 180 synagogues have been revealed by archaeological excavations most of them from the time following the destruction of the second temple in Jerusalem according to ancient Jewish writings Tiberius alone had 13 synagogues the Babylonian synagogue the Tarsus synagogue and others reflecting the city's large variety of Jewish religious streams and groups what makes the hamat Tiberia synagogue unique is that it's not a single synagogue but actually Four from the third until the 9th century CE four synagogues were built on this site one Atop The Ruins of the other the first synagogue was built in about 230 CE 160 years after the destruction of the temple and was evidently destroyed by an earthquake that occurred in 306 CE some 70 years later in about 300 CE the second synagogue was built a magnificent structure with a Pulpit Beyond which the Torah Arc was located its floor features a rich colorful Mosaic depicting the wheel of the zodiac along with numerous Jewish symbols and inscriptions this Mosaic which you are about to see is considered one of the most magnificent ever discovered in Israel the third synagogue was erected in about 420 CE on the ruins of the second synagogue its floor was covered by a mosaic featuring animal motifs but only a small segment has survived this synagogue was destroyed during the Persian conquest of the land of Israel the fourth synagogue was built in the 8th Century during the rule of the Muslim umayyad caliphate and fell out of use during the 9th century in the synagogue itself you can see the breathtaking original Mosaic floor depicting life in the city of Tiberius in the days when the synagogue stood in all its Glory thank you [Music] foreign [Music] in this biblical site of Tiberius we are here on a lovely summer evening we're here on the What's called the boardwalk or the Waterfront or the Promenade it's a street it's a real popular area it's old city so we're here to show you this area here show you the culture show you the people so we invite you to join us on this walking tour of Old City Tiberius along the Waterfront here beautiful beautiful sight here [Music] thank you [Music] the Sea of Galilee is an amazing place with astonishing and breathtaking events that happened around its Shores Matthew 4 23-25 sums it up best and he went throughout Galilee speaking about Jesus teaching in their synagogues and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every Affliction among the people so his Fame spread throughout all Syria and they brought him all the sick those Afflicted with various diseases and pains those oppressed by demons those having seizures and paralytics and he healed them and great crowds followed him From Galilee and the decapolis and from Jerusalem and Judea and from Beyond the Jordan well thank you for watching this video and may God richly bless you [Music]
Channel: HolyLandSite
Views: 581,137
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sea of Galilee, Mount Arbel, Magdala, Ginasor, Tel Chinnereth, Tabgha, Church of the Multiplication, Primacy of Peter, Job's Spring, Monumental Rocks, Mount of Beatitudes, Sower's Cove, Chorazin, Capernaum, Bethsaida, Gamla, Feeding the 5000, Kursi (Demon-Possessed Men Healed), Horvat Susita, Southern End of Sea of Galilee, Yardenit, Baptismal Site, Outlet of Jordon River, Tiberias, Modern-Day Tiberias, Waterfront, Promenade, Israel, Bible Teaching, Faith Lesson, Jesus Walks on Water
Id: iMRoKeTQq8c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 8sec (3008 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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