Jesus of Nazareth Full Movie HD English

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[Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] in the hour when the king Messiah comes he shall stand on the roof of the Temple and proclaimed that the time of Deliverance has come those who believe and are faithful to God will rejoice in the light that will rise upon them as it is written arise Shine for thy light is come only take courage and be careful to observe all things written in the law of Moses and turn not aside from them neither to the right hand no to the left take care only this in all diligence that our love the Lord thy God Amen may your name be blessed among men as it is blessed in the immensity of the heavens blessed art thou o God lord of the universe and all of Israel's celebrations may the Lord bless and preserve you may he let his face shine upon you may the Lord lift up his countenance and give you peace thank you Joseph uh Joseph Joseph there's Joseph there's something I want to talk to you about it it's very important if you just come with me we can talk about it okay [Music] together [Music] [Music] all right yes David turn your mother and father you can come and see me tomorrow once you've mastered the craft you will be free always remember only those who know how to use their hands are free only they are not dependent on anyone else Joseph and I shall leave you to work on your own for a minute remember don't forget treat it gently yes of course and I intended to find you when we finish work but I'll come with you now you know that my husband God Rest in best of me it was very fond of you he would have come to you himself but in the end what sleepy could get was disturbed by dreams about his daughter alone without a brother no man in the house and now I can't sleep and when I die as I must soon why do you say that I have a feeling that I will not live much longer you have years ahead of you and you can sleep soundly tonight it's a great change in a man's life but I also know a single man is only half a person as for the contract and the date of the wedding I leave all that to you in the rabbi thank you Joseph you won't regret it Mary's a good girl she'll make you a beautiful wife shall we sign the contract the first day of the full moon and then after a Year's betrothal celebrate the wedding in the season of the Harvest when the earth yields up its fruit and every heart rejoices good luck I may live to see it [Music] I'm not married I'm waiting for you Mary [Music] come quickly [Music] good morning [Music] do not be afraid yes yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you beautiful may this be throttle one to the other Joseph Mary be blessed and Sanctified according to the law of Moses and of Israel [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs who are you who are you how can that be no man has ever touched me if you hold the handmaiden of the Lord be done unto me according to your word Mary who are you talking to [Music] this news of Elizabeth my cousin Elizabeth what news she's going to have a son in three months time [Music] to conceive the child six months ago [Music] on the 19th day of tea tree but Elizabeth was always better now she's far too old what nonsense is this child oh but it's true it's going to have a son [Music] the time must go and visit her [Music] [Music] [Music] on over here as I came to these parts of the Empire I've been wondering just beliefs of these nations the Egyptians the syrians King Herod to revert to the Jews I wonder is it because as you say they identify future with past that they have so many prophets oh the prophet it's the sun which breeds them many of these are harmless they preach religion we we let them go but some of them preach Rebellion because it is written all together literacy has had a disastrous effect in this country and those we eliminate Rome has taught us that although this may be indifferent theology it is very good government [Laughter] Majesty I've heard the word Messiah what exactly is a messiah oh even you have heard that awful word problems a little bit is he a prophet or is he something even well Rome even Rome cannot influence men's dreams then the Messiah is a bad dream disguised as a solution to every problem it's a leveler of scores a rewarder of righteousness a Scourge for the wrongdoer it is the bringer of everlasting peace that is I understand from what you have said a messiah is worse than a prophet from the Roman point of view oh from the Jewish Viewpoint too honey you try telling that to the Jews no don't don't it's much wiser not to consult them just when a messiah appears press it underfoot like a young scorpion now you can tell great Augustus that he can rest in peace in Rome there will be no messiah's true or false in Palestine while I am alive you'll be comfortable here we go may the Lord Keep Us Safe on our journey God bless you child [Music] on your journey [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] when you want this grain where should I put it [Music] married I've been longing to see you [Music] Mary [Music] so it is true how did you know who told you a messenger from God and he told me another thing [Music] even more wonderful you're blessed among women and blessed shall be the fruit of your womb I too am highly favored the mother of the chosen should come to me from the moment your greeting reached my ears foreign [Music] leapt for joy sold to magnify the Lord and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my savior for he has looked kindly upon the most humble of his handmaidens and he has told me that all generations shall call me blessed he who is mighty has done unto me a mighty thing thank you [Music] is it true about Maddie's dream oh yes it's true news came from in Kareem Elizabeth is going to have a child even though she's past the age and she must be nearly 50. Zacharias yes that's the one she's met her cousin well Joseph are we going to get an invitation to your wedding plenty of time for that Jonathan the contract's only just been signed only just betrothed in his beloveds left him already just like her she's always been a bit strange not like the others that's something you'll have to learn to live with but seriously Joseph Mary is remarkable but we all thinker a remarkable girl give them to me Elizabeth thank you blessed be thou our Lord King of the universe who has blessed us with your Commandments and ordained us to initiate our sons in the Covenant of Our Father Abraham as this child enters the Covenant so may he enter into the study of the Torah into marriage and into Good Deeds [Music] this is the seal in flesh of the Covenant between the Lord and his people what is the name of the child his name is his name shall be drawn when you get back to Nazareth tell Joseph what you have seen and heard what you know the Lord God gives life where no life is possible and one life shall be the son of God and the other shall be his prophet go tell all this to Joseph God will open his heart foreign that's too much for any man to believe but you're not any man you too are chosen [Music] I'm sick at heart you want to be my wife but now the vowel has to be broken [Music] I swear I've never been with her [Music] foreign [Music] what I said about Elizabeth was true foreign I believe in you God's will be done now you're sure she told me herself from women are the loveliest and brightest of God's creations Thank You O Lord that you made me imagine please I need your advice oh what advice can I give are you yeah foreign [Music] if in the time of betrothal a woman sins with any other man let them both be taken beyond the gates of the turn and stone to death but the Abomination may be crushed out of the heart of Israel should a man marry a woman and she find no favor in his eyes because he is found in her the stain of uncleanliness [Music] let him write a bill of repudiation and delivered it into her hands this law applies even if I haven't taken Mary into my house yes it's all that is needed is for a bill to be written delivered in the presence of two Witnesses no if I do that I will expose our shame I can't [Music] I'll send it away if I must but in secret [Music] God knoweth the secret of the heart trust in him and accept Ed Joseph the Lord will not abandon you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] oh [Music] I said Joseph son of David do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife it is by the holy spirit that she has conceived she will bear a son and you shall give him the name Jesus saving [Music] arriving marriage here [Music] get down here [Music] [Music] thank you with this ring with this ring be thou consecrated unto me without consecrated unto me according to the law of Moses and of Israel according to the law of Moses and of Israel may the Lord bless and preserve you may the Lord make his face shine upon you may the Lord lift up his countenance towards you and give you peace [Music] would you like some grapes to some dates I picked them myself [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] Your Majesty we have always treated your country as far as possible as a free and independent nation but the governor of Syria has decided to include Palestine in a census in that event a census in my territories in Galilee Judea ethuria whatever your motives for this they'll be misunderstood people will be uh resentful suspicious perhaps perhaps even hostile as counselor I am here merely to carry out instructions my dear Council there seems to be one aspect of the problem of which either Rome or you are entirely ignorant and I cannot believe it to be Rome the methods which you propose for your your senses are contrary to our tradition tradition permit me Your Majesty I do not think that Marcus nasso is aware of the tradition your majesty refers to for such official purposes as The Taking of a census every person living in these territories considers himself as belonging not to the place where he actually lives but to the place of origin of his family group his tribe may I say tribe you may say tribe a census therefore means the movement of every person back to what he considers to be his native Township ancestral capital to dignify a place which is sometimes no more than a stinking downhill oh you choose your phrases most exquisitely Gaius records so if the census were conducted according to um local tradition you think your subjects would accept it more readily oh I see now we're supposed to count ourselves under your supervision I hope starting with the King that is not seriously seriously have you any idea what this would entail the shifting of entire populations the disruption of trade the Divine Augustus is counting on your understanding your majesty I hope I shall not have to inform him of any lack of cooperation think the Divine Augustus for his unswerving benevolence but why should it what is wrong give us that's not the point the Romans want to count us how many we are where we are they want us to know that they are our rulers [Music] but we should have no earthly ruler no rule but the Lord no King but God it's not for you to remind us of the scriptures be quiet and go home I apologize for my son he's too young to understand what are you doing to the Faith of Our Fathers all over Galilee there are thousands of Jews preparing for for what you're always talking about in there the coming of the king who will liberate us and what are you doing about it nothing we accept the violence of the Romans with me we are not worthy of the kings of pants the king to come will not bring violence and bloodshed is written he himself is pure from sin God shall cause them to be Mighty through the spirit of holiness and wise so the Council of understanding now come home stay there till you learn more respect for your elders foreign [Music] I must go to Bethlehem ah it's my native town and Mary must come with me why for the senses so even Augustus obeys God the prophecy yes the prophecy for thou o Bethlehem art in no wise the least of cities for from thee shall come forth a shepherd of my people Israel [Music] if only I could come with you if only I Joseph you need help when he's born don't be troubled Anna he would be well cared for [Music] everything will be done as God ordered [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music] a foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] they seem to be Kings Lord melchior from different lands I totally we could not have been the only ones to see the sign [Music] come in peace where are you bombed wherever I am LED thank you I follow that star [Music] [Music] I'm sure that Herod keeps a strict watch on his Frontiers he must know that we have crossed them I would have to tell him as Balthazar has said that I follow that star wherever it leads but what will we find all my calculations show that there was to be a new Heavenly creature a new star it was even precise as to place and time so I made up my mind set forth and seek what they will unfold you did not know only that it would be something wonderful the stars are not distant and aloof cut off from the lives of men the rising of a new star entails an immense labor in the heavens that always has a counterpart on Earth the universe is about to bring forth a prodigy beyond our understanding your star my brother baltazar is indeed a sign of wonder the Divine sorrow as to says the next Prophet will show himself in a foreign land and the truth he will reveal will be at first only for his own people but there is only one truth and only one God [Music] all the rest are vain or parts of him the people of Israel know this many of their wise men have been close to him and their writings confirm my calculations a king is about to be born a king a king who will free us from the evils of this world where will he be born the sacred writings point to a small town in Judea called Bethlehem Ephrata [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] rest there I'll find a place [Music] thank you excuse me may I speak with you what do you want desperately need a place for tonight huh my wife is near time no no I can't help you I already have too many people but I've got can't you see come on close the door how many times must I tell you the gate should be shot [Music] nothing but there must be another place I'll try again how do you feel I don't like believing you alone do you think you could walk a little further hold on oh no no stay there stay there God will help us [Music] listen it's no use trailing around Bethlehem anymore everyone is Fuller none of them are going to take your wife in like that come I'll show you take your donkey now do what I tell you if you go through that gate over there just outside the walls on the road to Jerusalem you'll come to careful you'll come to some Stables some caves it's not much I know but it'll be warm and dry and plenty of fresh straw hmm look they're down there can you see right no then if I can manage it I'll come back later and help oh and if anyone tries to throw you out just say that Abigail sent you Abigail remember the name we'll remember thank you foreign [Music] okay oh [Laughter] oh yeah [Music] okay [Music] look Mary thank you [Music] foreign [Music] beautiful child [Music] come and put him there in the manger and see if there's some fresh straw that will keep him warm I'll take care of her poor girl [Music] oh then have you some water give it to me good that's it who's that what do you want this is no place for you get out get out you hear me off off with you can't you see poor girl just had a child that's why we've come we were told to told by who we were out there in the fields this man came to us from nowhere an angel Shepherds he said they say that Israel is a scattered flock that lacks a shepherd and then he said tonight the Shepherd is born it is for you that he comes he said for the poor that's why you came here yes the man said he said the man said [Music] today in the city of David a savior has been born you glory to God in the highest he said and peace on Earth For Those whom he loves come [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] yet not one of them sends a greeting are they armed not heavily your majesty our spies say they're equipped to travel fast and far but they were not heading here if not here where it was Bethlehem your majesty they followed a star the new Star Bethlehem oh thou Bethlehem Ephrata Thou Art the smallest what was that phrase again thou Bethlehem if rata artist little one amongst the thousands of Judah out of Thee he shall come forth unto me who is to be the ruler in Israel and his going forth is from the beginning from the days of Eternity a ruler in Israel have those Travelers watched all the time and bring me the names of all newborn children in Bethlehem [Music] [Music] although Darkness covers the earth and Dark Night the Nations the Lord shall shine upon you [Music] um I promise everything will be done don't worry I promise [Music] [Music] where are you the Lord said to Abraham keep my alliance and circumcise each child born unto Israel on the eighth day of his life amen this is the seal and flesh of the Covenant between the Lord and his people the child should be called his name shall be Jesus [Music] and the nations of the world shall March towards huh where is he [Music] now I can die contented Lord according to Thy Word I am Simeon an old man who has waited long to see his salvation and now my eyes have seen the child who will bring the Salvation thou has prepared before all people a light of Revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of thy people Israel [Music] and the sword shall pierce your heart what is your name Elias where from uh if you get to take a joke of the family what's your name how many children seven this is the youngest how old is she three move on and here are the seven tokens my husband you won for him too if you explain you registered yeah the little tokens that the emperor's head on oh special orders thank you we want the names of all the newborns you born note their names the newborn what did he say who wants the names of all the newborn why do they want to know about the newborn avoid arguing with them you just do what you're told [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wait [Music] thank you don't be afraid where is the child we have come a long way to greet him [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you this is the king of Israel who will take away the sins of the world [Music] I did not know what we were to find and coming here a stable I thought my brothers were mistaken now I see the justice of it could be no other place not in glory but in humility accept these poor tokens of our homage incense to perfume the whole of the mighty gold for kingly rule the most precious herb of the East and the most bitter [Music] and now a word of warning [Music] herod's sources of thoughtless hoping will lead them to you he knows of this birth he'll seek out the child to kill him go into Egypt it may not be for long herod's days are numbered [Music] those Travelers crossed my front here again but the child must still be here kill every male child up to one year two years old better the innocent should die than that the guilty should Escape guilty your majesty a child guilty in the Stars I'll bring down their Stars I'll snap them out in blood this is my world I will not share it with an infant there's no room for two kings here like a newborn Scorpion and the you know the mark of a real king courage even in the face of Jewish prophecy bits of old parchment old Blind Men now go to Bethlehem I make history Phil put your majesty hello [Music] [Music] thank you [Applause] [Music] thus is fulfilled that which was spoken by the Prophet Jeremiah in Rama was little voice lamentation weeping and great morning prison weeping for our children [Music] the glue would not be comforted because they were you know [Music] foreign [Music] is dead taken in the midst of his sins struck down by the Lord to whom the power and pride of kings are as nothing who cannot defy God the Mighty God the Everlasting father the Prince of Peace yet the Yoke of tyranny will not be lifted from us Rome will choose a king from among his sons and her grip will become stronger but you should lift up your hearts for the Eternal will not abandon us he will send us a deliverer and his Dominion is the Everlasting Dominion that shall not pass away in his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed [Music] oh foreign [Music] look do you see Nazareth that's where we live [Music] Israel the Eternal Our God the Eternal is one blessed be the name of the glory of the Kingdom forever and ever and thou shalt love the Eternal thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy might and these words which I command thee shall be in thine hearts amen [Music] a man's skillful in his work will stand before Kings and I'll work like every other has a second meaning in God's eyes we use this to make a straight line on the wood before we cut it and as we use a ruler to make straight lines God gave us rules to keep our lives straight God gives the wood and man with his skill and invention that God gave him is always finding New Uses sometimes wonderful uses for it a wheel a plow a ladder they all look simple but they are from God and a ladder can sometimes reach from Earth to heaven Joseph didn't just do something [Music] keep on with your work what is this well look at it [Music] this is not how I asked you to make it [Music] it was supposed to be ready days ago and now it is not right [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] bless God who has given us the Torah the Lord God will go before you be strong and of good courage fear not nor be afraid for the Lord thy God will go with you he will not fail you or forsake you and now you're truly a man Jesus Paul Joseph as a new adult member of our community you have exercised you're right to read and comment upon the scriptures that is our heritage it is the heritage of the children of Israel but remember that God's word is spoken in times of light and in times of darkness and persecution may you always read from the law in a time of joy bless you may God bring blessings of War [Music] foreign foreign Jewish bread better than nothing thank you who wants this quartermaster an army must eat and it's a long way from Damascus to Jerusalem the Galilee is in Roman territory the whole world is Roman territory [Music] hey I just saw it back ignore them you'll meet with plenty of those in Jerusalem they're called zealots they're mad religious fanatics [Applause] go there remember this the Roman army is not a pack of Bandits and we'll deal with the likes of you in our own good time come [Music] upon these murders [Music] how long must we wait oh lord for you to help us God has abandoned us [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] [Applause] with no mark without blemish [Applause] [Applause] [Music] oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Music] you are not enough to please Our Father the Eternal God a prayer from the heart is more important do you remember what King Solomon said after he built the temple standing in front of the altar of the Lord he spread out his hands and said can God indeed dwell with his creatures on Earth Heaven itself the highest Heaven cannot contain thee how much less this house that I have built [Music] yet attend to the prayer and supplication of thy servant O Lord the thine eyes may always be upon this house day and night the place in which thou did say it shall receive my name son [Music] we've been looking for you everywhere [Music] why were you looking did you not know you would have found me in my father's house hello I go what have I promised to the prophets speak tenderly to Jerusalem and tell her that her time of bondage has ended that her penalty is paid salvation is at hand to be shattered from the mountaintops come for G comfort the teaching is clear behold I send my messenger and he will clear the way before me messenger before me a messenger and the Lord will suddenly come to his Temple and the messenger of the Covenant behold is here [Applause] the people of Galilee thought that they had seen the depths of iniquity when their land was ruled by Herod a man of blood but now his son and their head and keep us the new Prince of Galilee strives to outdo his father's crimes for he follows his lusts and breaks Faith with God he dares to defy the Lord of Moses by entering into Unholy marriage with the wife of his brother if we permit this all of us will suffer for his sins damn foreign [Music] remember how can he do he's been out there for years in the desert living on locusts and men and men trans he asks nothing for himself all he wants is to remain poor and Nick very much like everybody else oh no when the wedding festivities are over I'll have him preacher Palace you can hear him with your own ears he's a very remarkable man I'm glad there is somebody remarkable in Judea hit it the tablets of the law speak plainly you may marry the wife of your brother when your brother is dead but not while he lives this woman herodias is the wife of your brother Philip and Philip lives tetrakini to rare it is written I have seen nine adulterers and thine Abominations woe unto them will thou not be made clean send back this woman to your brother repent how can you allow this London to continue no no we decided to be Clement on our wedding day I'm not dying sin and the Lord will ask me to account for your life quickly into the power [Music] repent repent the Lord blesses you for the Kingdom of Heaven is his hand Brothers we can make use of this man his attached unherited and if us excite people he makes them think about Israel don't be too sure about it prophets only make men think about God in heaven so do we and if we want to direct people's thoughts we must use what means we can yes but we zealots want to see the power of God on Earth fighting the Romans does John want that the time has come the great and terrible day of the Lord is at hand repent and change your lives every Valley shall be exalted Every Mountain and Hill laid low the winding ways shall be straightened and the rough ways made smooth God LED you back from Babylon to serve him but you betrayed him now you're warned flee flee you have been Wayward and have not kept my laws if you will return to me I will return to you says the Lord do not think you will be saved by your rituals by going to the temple it is not sacrifices the Lord demands bring no more vain offerings says the Lord I Delight not in the blood of Bullocks and of lambs the sacrifice God demands is a repentant heart what do we do then to be saved change your hearts take the right way the Lord says my ways are not your ways why speakers though none of us know the way to Salvation we know the law as well as you and we try to obey it we are the sons of Abraham we have always kept the law to those of you that deem themselves just and pious I say that you must bring the fruits of repentance do not content yourself with saying Abraham was our father and that is enough to save us the Lord could take any one of these stones and turn it into a son of Abraham Pharisees we know you go back to Jerusalem yes go back to Jerusalem he's right [Music] I baptize you with Wars this cleansing life save me save me John I have sinned I am a sinner get this water wash away your sins yeah this grace of Israel goes back to your husband just go back [Applause] to pay for it [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] no yes yes admitted you are tired of me foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] that's a strong word my heart you must remember John is right by the laws of Moses we have sinned come on come on we have sinned and we go on sinning and very pleasant it is too even if I wanted to I could do nothing about his approaches until he wants more sets foot in Galilee then my own my heart will throw him into prison repent repent repent [Laughter] a little repenting won't do him any harm after all he preaches it rabbi we have been sent by the Sanhedrin of Jerusalem amongst whom you have many friends and admirers they understood why you could not come to the temple it would have been wrong for you to abandon your mission even for a single day the reason for the invitation was to ask you one simple question who are you yes I will say why I'm not I am not the Messiah the Messiah is yet to come and in the name of the Living God who are you I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness make straight away of the Lord if you are not the Messiah or the Prophet Elijah by whose authority do you baptize by the authority of him who shall come after me whose shoes I am not worthy to run loose I baptize you with water but he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire his Rod is in his hand and with it he will cleanse the threshing floor laughs [Music] and the dust returneth to the Earth as it was spirit turn this under God gave it [Music] very you'll be left alone they will run the shop Jesus we have always known not for us the cheesecake if only I could have stayed a little luck God's will be done to thy hand command my spirit [Music] [Music] out by distress I cry to the Lord and he answered me I cried and he heard my voice I went down into the cities underneath the Earth to the peoples of the past he lifted my life from the gray hear o Israel the Lord thy God Lord is one the Lord is one [Music] you are born to a new life through your repentance and the Lord pours His blessings on you Lord rejoices [Music] go in peace he will forgive you if you truly mean it in your heart open up your heart be ready for the coming of the Kingdom [Applause] cleansed forgive me I have sinned help me to be strong be strong [Applause] [Music] thank you it is I who need baptism from you [Music] and yet you come to me [Music] let it be so we must fulfill all righteousness [Music] odd Eternal Father I hear your voice [Music] this is my beloved Son [Music] in whom I am well pleased [Music] [Laughter] [Music] thank you I'm born to a new life through your repentance and the Lord pours His blessings on you the Lord rejoices in repentant Hearts this water cleanses [Music] Andrew Philip behold the Lamb of God who takes under himself the sins of the world [Music] it is him he was followed now not me [Music] he must increase because I must decrease [Music] [Applause] yourself come with us please thank you Mary daddy your son is back he's at the synagogue straight to the synagogue I saw him and now uh reading from the prophets the prophet Isaiah who is our reader Joseph son Joseph Joseph the carpenter the carpenter God Rest his soul foreign Spirit of the Lord is upon me because he hath anointed me to give good tidings to the poor he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted to preach Deliverance to the captives to give sight to the blind to sit at Liberty then that are bruised proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord today in your hearing the scriptures are fulfilled scriptures are fulfilled but how can he dare to say such a thing what do you mean the prophecy you have read can only be fulfilled by the coming of the Messiah yes right by the coming of the kingdom of God the kingdom of God comes not in a way foreseen by men repent and believe the good news the kingdom of heaven behold is suddenly upon you what I take the scriptures away from me here's a blasphemer he defiles them by touching them shouldn't touch them with his unclean hands [Music] I'm sorry I'm sorry the prophet is never accepted in his own country who shall be thrown out of this holy Place FEMA blessed is he who is not ashamed of me today in our hearing pictures are fulfilled what what's happening inside the synagogue [Applause] you cannot let this happen Rabbi they don't understand who this man is Andrew [Applause] no way no way never come back to Lazarus don't let him know him put in control that's what he deserves that's what he deserves don't let him go [Music] faster we were told to make ourselves known to you I am Andrew of Capernaum a fisherman by trade but your follower now if you'll take me this is Philip we were sent by John the prophet the Baptist he has just been imprisoned by King Herod Antipas Andrew come with me come on tell me when was John arrested as soon as he returned to Galion he had to return too many people were waiting for him there it is Sea of Galilee herna where I was born the town of fisherman but it also has the greatest synagogue in Israel you can stay at my brother's house he's a good man [Music] hey okay the Commandments God gave to Moses so long ago must not remain dead stoned for the reverence of unthinking Minds against Stone the tablets of the Lord get stoned you mean stone is what the law is written on for the law itself is alive and living things are constantly changing but our law is eternal you cannot change law of Moses no that's right and that is made of flesh and blood and he changes doesn't he remain the same man God wants to write the law on your hearts Rabbi you said you have come here to give us the good news is this it the good news that the law is living like a man the good news I bring you is this your captivity is over what does that mean our captivity is over what captivity captivity and sin God fulfills the promise he made to our people is real and reconciles himself to man God is coming to you to all of you even the most wretched do not shut the door in his face [Applause] he helped my birthday wow leave him Christmas oh my God huh [Music] I'm sorry what's up praise be the Lord [Music] yes we're all fishermen in our family Andrew here knows us well but I was sent off to learn all you were fit for perhaps and what have you learned oh the two and two make four sometimes that most people seem to be here to be pushed about that getting on is a fine thing that birth is the beginning of death but there must be something more for man between birth and death today when I heard you preaching I began to understand and it gave me hope through your words the old scripture seems to become alive [Applause] let's hope you want we want the law to be alive written in our hearts not carved in stone what is your name John son of Zebedee John stay with us that's my brother now Simon Peter and there's my brother James shouting again angry as usual if anyone he doesn't mean it he's a good man what's the matter brother poor catch poor cats nothing the only things we catch these days are Roman taxes and while we're out sweating working our hands raw in the Nets the sticky tax gatherers take care and give it to the Romans blood suckers no brother go and tell that leech that two-faced tax collector of Oz Matthew that if he wants more money out of me to put some fish in the lake Simon this is the man I told you about the man John spoke of John the Baptist what another holy man are you another of those that tell us to be patient and promise us better times we'll be ahead what about now what about our children who will fill their bellies a lot of talk these days while we all starve find a holy man who can put an end to that then maybe I'll listen [Applause] go out again I shall come with you we've just pulled in this off the boat please Simon do as he says why do you always listen to these people who doesn't live better than I am please [Music] what are you staring at [Music] how you can preach to the fish [Music] cast off you're going out again [Music] oh come on over here [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] owning God can work miracles they speak these profanities they believe him we must go and speak [Music] [Music] so many more people thank you very soon [Music] [Music] it was amazing I've been fishing for four years and I've never seen a cat so big more so Medical's worth it and a big catch inspired by a prophet what's his name Jesus get out he's staying with Simon Peter you know him the fisherman yes he owes me back taxes doesn't he foreign well it has been a big catch become Fair can't it the Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure hidden in a field a man finds it and in his Joy spends everything he has to buy that field it's like a merchant in search of fine pearls he finds one pearl of great value and sells everything to have that Pearl you your all fisherman well the Kingdom of Heaven is like a net a great net thrown into the sea it's almost bursting you have to call to the other boats to come and help everybody's working together happy excited it's a time for joy for rejoicing in what God has freely given that one day God will ask you to account for the gift he has given be prepared the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand rabbi you say the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand but when exactly will it come when you see the clouds moving from the East you say the rain is coming and so it is when the Desert Wind Blows you say it'll be hot and it is all of you can read the signs of the earth and the sky how is it you can't read the signs of the times the Kingdom of Heaven is here now Peter your friend Matthew is here get out you're defiling this house sucking tax collector no place are you here out of my house I hear you've had a big catch Simon we'll talk about it later shall we what about this friend of yours this new preacher or teacher or whatever he is am I not allowed to speak with him right in my house you seem to be most unwelcome here I don't know your name I know what you do Levi or Matthew I'm known by both names and by others I see you and I must meet in a place where both of us are welcome is your own house fire why do you ask you should like to have supper with you tonight you would enter the house of a sinner I would enter any house where I am welcome [Music] [Music] I've been this way for 20 years it is The Curse Of God punishment for my sins and for my parents seamless all right your sins are forgiven you must not Splash for me only God can forgive sins which of these is easier to say your sins are forgiven you or rise up and walk home son of man has the power to forgive sins rise and walk home people here [Laughter] [Music] hmm ons he doesn't seem to realize the Scandal it would cause Peter you tell him I've told him we'll tell him again the whole place is talking about needing some fantasies I suppose well they know the law Tax Collectors cannot even enter the synagogue but anyone who Associates with them is as defiled as them yes according to the Pharisees well that's their argument Peter call him what do you want from me I said Matthew's my blood sucking enemy I hate Matthew but all Jesus would say is but why don't you join us as well Andrew I'm not like you I'm not a fan of priests and Prophets I'm a fisherman I have my family to think of you follow the Baptist now follow this one Peter just leave me alone why did you bring him here to me this is my life when it's my boats go on follow him believe me come on you can't talk to him when he's like this come on this is where I belong scandals you'd weak with these people don't you know who they are we've lived Our Lives honorably made sacrifices to keep the law they are thieves poor fusions violent and Godless people 's people and now you sit and eat with such people who spend their lives in orgies and perversions I'm not come to call The Virtuous to repentance but the sinners and they might enter the Kingdom of Heaven even before you listen Master if you go and eat with these people they will contaminate you the whole town will abandon you James is right James the heart of the law is Mercy [Music] oh there it is quiet peace be with you thank you coming to my house rabbi you are welcome [Music] [Music] why this is my brother James he's in the same business as I am I drink to you in the name of all here [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] I'd like to tell you a story [Music] [Laughter] a certain man had two sons and one day the younger these Sons said to his father give me my share of your estate now so his father divided his wealth between his two sons and a few days later this youngest son set off for a distant land and there he squandered all the money he had on rioter's living now not long after this a Great Famine swept over the land and the boy began to starve he persuaded a farmer to hire him to feed his pigs but he was so hungry that even the husks he was feeding the swine began to look good to him and still nobody gave him anything finally the boy came to his senses at home even my father's servants have enough food and despair and here I am starving to death I will go home and ask my father to hire me as one of his servants and so he set off now he was still some distance from his home when his father saw him coming and he was so filled with compassion that he ran towards his son and embraced him and kissed him the boy said father I have sinned against heaven and you I am not worthy to be called your son but his father called for the servants and said bring me the finest robe in the house and put it on him put rings on his hands and shoes on his feet kill the fatted calf we must celebrate with a feast my son was dead and is alive again now the older brother at this time was working in the fields and as he came back to the house he heard the noise of music and dancing he called for one of the servants and asked what was happening and he was told at this the older brother became very angry and he refused to go into the house the father came out tried to plead with him but he wouldn't listen I have worked for you all this time all these years and never once have I disobeyed you and in all that time you've never even given me so much as a goat so that I could ever Feast with my friends my younger brother comes back having spent all your money on harlots and for him you kill the fatted calf please said the father please try to understand you are always with me everything I have is yours but it is right to celebrate your brother was dead and he's alive again he was lost and is found forgive me master I don't know just a stupid man [Applause] [Applause] thank you John John what is it you want from me is it just a matter of my violating the marriage vows is that it because I have a mind to repent that John will that satisfy you do you think it makes me happy to see you rotting away in the dark down there with that pounding gang outside the box why don't you listen to reason does work for you here in this wretched Kingdom if it's power you want you can have power power to build not to break [Applause] task has been to prepare the way for the one who shall wear the crown who is this man this Prophet From Galilee is he the one I ought to be talking to the spirit of the toppling of your throne before kingdoms change men change ah you say that yes but I've been listening to those fools outside but leaders intend and what their followers are after are not one in the same thing that crowd of yours needs someone to control it John if I set you free what would you do with your freedom I would follow the one whose way I have prepared just like many others who already follow him [Music] but you will not set me free [Music] thank you [Music] Harold [Music] I was wrong yes I was wrong The Curse Of God is upon us [Music] really strong send them to Egypt you're right what time can you do us there [Music] yes tomorrow yes tomorrow on your birthday what better present could you give to yourself and your people a great gesture of clemency [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] oh what a remarkable woman you are how quickly your heart changes once he was free and had gone to Egypt Egypt in an accident what an imagination I think are fast your thoughts travel imagination you know I can always read your mind don't forget I can read your mind to my Lord oh pattern what blood shall I give you your birthday what do you think I would like most Salome you see I can read your mind Justice [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] take her away back to Capernaum a [Music] thank you do not think I have come to bring peace on Earth I've come not to bring peace but a sword I have come to sow Discord between a man and his father between a daughter and her mother a Man's enemies will be members of his own family you may say we have left our belongings to become your followers I tell you this anyone who has left home or father mother wife children land for the kingdom of God shall be rewarded a hundred times over on Earth and inherit the kingdom of God whoever wants to save his life will lose it but if a man will lose his life for my sake and for the gospel I bring you he will save it for many that are first will be lost and the last first so do not store up for yourself treasure on Earth where it grows Rusty and moth eaten and thieves break in to stealing store up treasure in heaven where your treasure is there will your heart be also my name is Jairus I am one of the Elders of the synagogue here my little daughter is dying I beg you come and lay your hands on her so that she may be cured and live take me to her he's alive coming he's bringing the man your daughter is dead do not weep [Music] the child is not dead only sleeping who are you to come here with your jokes we've seen that she's dead you haven't he's Thomas peace [Music] thank you [Music] rise little girl [Music] give her something to eat she's alive she's alive she's alive foreign I thought the child was dead but she was dead I saw her with my own eyes can't you believe without seeing Thomas I do sometimes I think I know what I believe but something happens my mind gets blurred and I don't know the dance so much you must want to be certain then follow me you mean give up my work and yes [Music] Jairus will you give me your servant to be one of my disciples with gladness master I am happy for him do you have doubts about following me Thomas no I don't believe I have [Laughter] thank you women I ask you why would they listen I told my wife I won't be away for long in any case the fishing's Hopeless why not go away I told her I said I'll come back in the spring don't lie to her and yourself lie yes you know very well you'll never go back I will no you won't ever you'll never fish again never get drunk again and you'll never live in Capernaum again none of us will we'll never be the same and neither will the lives of everyone in the whole world we know why son they're the first now [Music] shall be no more the Arrogant shall cease to be remember the words of the scriptures vanity of vanities all these vanity well unto them that seek to do evil one to land of call evil good and good evil one to them that are wise in their own eyes [Laughter] [Music] surprise have you not known have you not heard has it not been told you from the beginning have you not understood from the foundations of the Earth [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] music music music music [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] guys sat on me [Music] dance when I'm done what will you give me whatever Thou shalt ask of me I will give to thee unto the half of my kingdom [Music] no [Applause] [Music] [Music] ah my friends the princess is going to dance [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] you said anything yes anything I want the head of the Baptist Church no you promised yes you promised you promised yes you swore my Lord before all your guests shall it be said that King Herod does not keep his promises King Herod you said anything yes you promised oh no yes you promised [Music] when Princess Will Roll in Justice in the eyes of those that will not see will not be closed and their works are in the dark and they say who's seeing us who with us [Music] thank you his head sheared off like a rabbit and given us a present to a dancing girl only by killing him could Herod hope to silence his voice but I can still hear him he must avenge him Revenge bad politics my friend suppose we kill Herod we'll replace him I'll tell you another servant of Tiberius a Roman procurator like Pontius Pilate so what should we do then submit or become soldiers of Rome like the syrians or the Greeks no the Romans must know they can never rule Galilee with ease oh I know that for the present we strike in the dark the time will come and God shall send us our leader then we shall make open War you mean a real war the people of Israel alone against the Roman Empire Brothers this is Judas Iscariot I've asked him to talk to you you should hear what he has to say about Jesus of Nazareth Jesus of Nazareth do you know him oh I have heard him preach many times and I have seen the kind of power that he has he the man to place our hopes on why do you ask me this question John answered it remember what the Baptist said I bear witness that this is the man tell all my friends and disciples to follow him and Proclaim in his name the kingdom of heaven we know that we know that but could he be the one priest and King who lead Our People Israel could he be the Messiah promised by our Lord I believe that if one day the people of Israel do find a messiah oh yes it will be him but no I beg of you let him fulfill his mission that is my advice I intend to follow him and I hope if he will accept me become a disciple very well Judas will you keep in touch with us hmm if you wish [Music] is beyond you John though your blood cries out for Revenge may your soul find rest in the glory of the righteous [Music] Ness [Music] [Music] peace be on you John [Music] thank you [Music] you stupid idiot come on go away remind your mother's business crazy I got sisters [Music] can I come in for a minute foreign [Music] [Music] there's no peace in this neighborhood since you came here noise and filth Curse Of God is on you don't worry Mary they're only boys games boys they would only burn my house down the farthest they're all against me not all Mary there's a friend of yours in town today I have no friends oh yes you have Jesus the prophet friend of our god forgiver of sins hey according to him it seems that the flesh are nothing compared to the sins of the Soul hey a man will always forgive a man but a woman's sin that's another story for most people but not for him I've never seen anybody like him have you seen him often if you go around on business like me you can't help see him turn a corner across a square go into a camp there he is come on let's be like that for about a year you sure you haven't come across him oh I sleep during the daytime don't I sorry I forgot well a big crowd following him everywhere sometimes no biggie has to sleep in the field you think nothing or eating and drinking with thieves and in his scum of the earth is good enough for him one of his disciples because they call himself the tax collector is thieving this one but this Jesus well he says it's not the righteous that need him he's the Sinners is he yeah I've Got a Friend [Applause] on next week [Applause] just be patience look one of the leading Pharisees in Jerusalem which of you for all for all image to his stature so don't concern yourself so much with the means of life what you shall eat and drink or with your bodies and how they should be clothed life is more than clothing consider the birds of the air they do not sow or reap or gather into barns but our heavenly father feeds them will he not all the more feed you are you not worth more than they consider the lilies of the field they do not spin they do not weave but not even Solomon in all his glory was so arrayed as one of these now if God's so clothed the grass of the field which is here today and tomorrow thrown into the fire will he not all the more clothe you who have so little faith therefore do not ask what should we eat what shall we drink how shall we dress ourselves it is only the faithless who set their hearts on these things you must first seek the kingdom of God and its righteousness and everything will be added freely unto you so do not be anxious about tomorrow we'll be anxious for itself let the day's own trouble be sufficient for the day extraordinary but isn't that taking it too far huh well surely our religion isn't opposed to honest hard work imagine what he says is being said by the prophets but not like this I agree with you we can't be sure until we meet with him face to face why not invite him to eat with us would he come I'm sure he would such a man must be willing to discuss his ideas with people who are open-minded [Applause] all right [Applause] good master please tell me master what must I do to have eternal life thank you go and sell all you have and give it to the poor and you shall have treasure in heaven then come and follow me sell everything I own everything my father slaved for everything you cannot serve two masters God and money you see [Music] if it's easier for a camel to go through the island needle and for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God [Music] all right [Music] master may I speak with you [Music] what is your name my son my name is Judas Iscariot call me a scholar the state finds useful I read and write Hebrew greek latin I I translate documents this has become a country of many tongues [Music] [Music] you know I have never beaten copper no carved wood nor caught fish as your men have but I know your men [Music] my father is a prosperous Builder who said my son must never have calluses on his hands no brick dust in his hair my money must make my son into a scholar Behold The Scholar who wishes to serve you but do you need a man like me the tree is known by its fruit come stay with us [Music] [Music] over there [Music] [Applause] [Music] good morning you can see what I can say Jesus [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] I understand [Music] [Music] you should Blow Away we've got nothing to give them to eat they should go to The Villages where they can find food [Music] there's no need to send them away them something to eat foreign s of them we cannot feed them is there any food left this is all we have five barley Loaves and two fish [Applause] [Music] put the Loaves and the fish in the baskets we'll go on why are you waiting to what she says [Music] foreign you want this plenty one [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] God works in Jesus of Nazareth doesn't he through him we can cast off our chains we must Revenge the murder of John the Baptist and we will kill King Herod then what are we waiting for listen promise it's been said over and over and over again a kingdom is at hand now a kingdom needs a king doesn't it so now is the time for the people and tribes of Israel to follow Jesus of Nazareth with him to lead us we can gather an Army march on Jerusalem yes Daniel and at Passover proclaim the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth quiet all of you now is the time for Clear thinking not for Indulgence and your absurd fantas is you you want to kill Herod knew you want to march in Jerusalem you could have your skulls crushed for saying it on one day they will Amos Amos we live in obscure times and you all know that we suffer together but I would rather die than see Jesus manipulated by men like you his words speak louder than any of your fake eloquence what of his enemies what will defeat his enemies what will disarm them your Madness or his mission Judas you have to take us to meet him we have to talk to him so the Baptist was right men must change before kingdoms can don't stand in our way Judas that's my advice Brothers Judas won't stop us I like some of his ideas Herod must die that is certain he must pay in blood for the Baptist but I agree with Judas Jesus of Nazareth must be kept out of the picture for the time being it would be safer not to speak of him now we shall wait for the Passover in Jerusalem that's when you bring him to us Judas we have our brothers in the temple guards they shall arrest the Sadducees and force them to declare Jesus king of the Jews are we all agreed yes yes yes no Amos I don't agree I have listened to all of you and not one of you has understood what Jesus of Nazareth means what does his presence on earth mean Brothers I am one who like you believe that the people of Israel would rise up in the name of the Messiah and break their chains but I am sure now that Jesus of Nazareth means far more than this through him Israel will be reborn not by force but by change Within Simon Simon you can't give up the cause we believed in it all our lives Simon choose I choose to pray for you and to follow Jesus of Nazareth if he will accept me oh he will accept you John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine the glue city was possessed by Devils here I am drinking and eating freely with you no doubt you say I'm a glutton and a drinker Defender the tax collectors and his Sinners a rabbi you do is an injustice we respect your achievements when we understand their importance but to what extent are you prepared to accept our laws we hear that you heal the sick and the Sabbath do you want our people not to rest on the Sabbath if one of you had a sheep that had fell into a pit on the Sabbath day wouldn't you go and get it out but God made the Sabbath a man not man for the Sabbath so we understand that we understand what you're trying to say but is it not confusing to the other people we live by the law if we accept the law to be ruled by exceptions then we are lost today if it hadn't been for the severity that we learned from Moses we would not have our laws we would not even have we'd not even be a people in ilanga but it is the the excessive tolerance the lack of rigidity in your teaching that has made us feel that this is a real danger ifagol gives me security it's a guide to my whole way of life measure for judging this man is right this man is wrong and you should not judge but you as the son of Israel now that we were chosen by God from All Mankind it to be the holy nation and for this he gaveth our law the Torah which is the law of life and we have to separate ourselves from the Sinners and be pure and justice but who is just in the eyes of the Lord what is the heart of the law hear o Israel Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart with all thy soul with all thy strength this is the greatest commandment you said well you're not far from the kingdom of God Joseph environment here but there is another commandment no less great you must love your neighbor as yourself but who is my neighbor what's the matter what is she doing he's not defiling him this is no place for you woman come leave quickly Simon sit down but remember you know what kind of a woman this is Simon please laughs [Music] I Simon when I came into your house you didn't pour water over my feet don't kiss me and greeting or anoint my head with oil [Music] she has washed my feet with her tears and dried them with her hair [Music] and anointed them [Music] daughter your sins and I know there are many are forgiven you because of the greatness of Your Love ly God doesn't give sins known for men laughs your faith has saved you [Music] go [Music] and sin no more [Music] daughter [Music] take the assignment [Music] keep it from my burial go in peace [Music] foreign [Music] who is worthy in it and stay with him [Music] any place they will not receive you shake the dust off your feet as you leave Sodom and gomar on the day of judgment will fare better than that place I'm sending you out a sheep amongst wolves it is wise as serpents [Music] harmless as doves [Music] don't be anxious about what you were to say thank you to speak it's not you who speak but the spirit of your father is speaking through you freely you have received now freely give [Music] it foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] blessed are you among women [Music] you are his mother [Music] anyone who pays our father in Heaven brother sir [Music] take this [Music] the king is coming Here Comes Herod [Music] she's following me come on come on [Music] please leave him this way lay him down here lay him down believe that oh I could have been killed the gods were simply not there they went too slow you know why this happened because two Disciples of Jesus of Nazareth were preaching in the town your majesty Jesus himself has no interest in the zealots hey well he may not put the salad still make use of him they made use of John the Baptist too and he is more dangerous now than when he was alive watch your tongue don't stand there keeping like it is Millions all right that's on you all right hide up tight you put your ass Herod and out of our blood thousands will rise to take our place in the Name of the King kill them [Applause] the king 's to die like that how good and strong he was really don't grieve Simon you warned him what would happen remember they were my brother's Judas I lived with him since I was a boy oh I know they were mad I know but they were honest they thought they could force God's hands exactly now Jesus will go to Jerusalem and we'll deal with the Sanhedrin on his terms and there will be no need for a bloodbath come let us find the master come back [Music] I didn't know how to creature either then suddenly I find myself speaking the same power P2 is bastard give a great excitement everywhere about you yeah who do the people in Galilee say that I am say John the Baptist they will not believe that he's dead they know it's dead many indeed but they say you're John the Baptist alive again yes yes I heard one say that you are Elijah back from the grave and some say Jeremiah or Ezekiel and who do you say that I am [Music] I say you are the Messiah [Music] the Sun of the Living God in saying that Simon barjona you show yourself to be blessed among men [Music] Flesh and Blood have not revealed this truth to you it has come from my Father in heaven [Music] and so now I will call you Peter tonight Rock [Music] and Upon This Rock I will build but I must call my church [Music] the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against it [Music] to you I give the keys of the Kingdom of Heaven [Music] and to you all I say this [Music] Peter has spoken the truth [Music] and now you know it but you must not reveal it to any man the time has not yet come [Music] but another time is coming the time for me to go to Jerusalem oh yes master you must go to Jerusalem the whole city awaits you the Elders of Israel must know and recognize you no Judas in Jerusalem the son of man will be rejected by the elders and the chief Priests of the temple he will be condemned he will be handed over to the unbelievers who will Scourge him mock him put him to death [Music] then [Music] after three days [Music] he will rise again [Music] [Applause] [Music] blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for what is right for they shall be filled blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain Mercy [Music] blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God blessed are the peacemakers [Music] for they shall be called sons of God [Music] blessed are those who are persecuted in the cause of Rights for theirs is the kingdom of heaven [Music] blessed are you when people abuse you and persecute you and speak all kinds of calumny against you for my sake rejoice and be glad for your reward will be great in heaven thank you as it was for the prophets persecuted before you [Music] in your prayers remember your father knows what your needs are before you ask him this is how you should pray Our Father Who Art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name [Music] thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven [Music] give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors quotation but Deliver Us from evil [Music] master Master you said you were going to Jerusalem and in Jerusalem they would kill you if that's true then it's our duty to keep you from going you must not allow it to happen Peter you're thinking as men think not as good things the devil is speaking through you behind me [Music] over here [Music] [Music] crazy together [Music] ah Jerusalem come on you go ahead I'll meet you at the game [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you one more hold and will be nearly there Jerusalem will be swarming with pilgrims getting ready for the Passover will he go straight to the city he said he would be put to death there [Music] and that he would rise again pasta master and Mary the sisters of your friend in Bethany have sent me here to find you Lazarus is very ill near death let's go tell them I'll be there [Music] to help us [Music] yo if you have been with us my brother would not have died but I know that even now whatever you ask of God God will give it to you because I believe you are the Christ the son of God he who has come into the world you give us eternal life where have you laid him come and see Lord Lord I prayed and prayed for you to arrive you could have kept Lazarus from dying take away the stone but he's been dead four days Master his body must already be decaying take away the stone come on give me a hand [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] thank you for hearing my brother now those who stand around me May believe [Music] that I am [Music] risen those who believe in me shall never die [Music] please [Music] I went down into the countries underneath the Earth to the peoples of the past [Music] but you lifted my life from the pit Lord my God [Music] Lazarus [Music] come forth [Music] [Applause] [Music] he that Believes In Me but he were dead [Music] yet shall he live [Music] four four three three [Music] thank you [Music] don't keep it oh he always complain [Music] actually it's over there with the shield [Music] thank you [Music] I wasn't gonna give your sheep and try it [Music] on time give yourself [Music] the Lord Our God it is [Music] good for his mercies [Music] [Music] the world of gods for his mercy and Juliet you know the documents used to see Masters here thank you [Music] and I'm extremely flattered that you should wish to see me but why may I ask Master zero with respect there are many people in Israel who feel that your influence in the Sanhedrin offers great hope for the future and I can think of no better introduction to the high priest Lord Caiaphas well since you know so much about me then you won't be surprised that we know about your Rabbi from Nazareth miracles raising the dead destroyed me no I wish that my duties given me time to see your Jesus myself I wish you had then you would need no persuading that he is the only man that can bring peace to Israel what was the zealous know it and so so you might be surprised to learn to your temple guards with Romans they are painfully practical they would welcome anybody that would bring peace to this country and if it was a piece to custom nothing so much the better the Sanhedrin should Proclaim Jesus King of Judea and tell the Romans what look Caesar we have a new ruler one from the Royal House of David one in whom we have every confidence who preaches peace tolerance and love even to you Romans therefore you can come and withdraw your troops we no longer need them you put it very well I would have to put it very well indeed for the Romans to take away their truth and the procurator not to mention a tax collector I was told of your wit that this is hardly the time for it all right you and I should not quarrel what do you want me to do Let Jesus of Nazareth prove himself before the Sanhedrin I think I can promise you that he shall have that opportunity [Applause] what is this Jesus of Nazareth he's a prophet a great prophet not Prophet on a donkey [Applause] thank you desire said Jerusalem Daughter of Zion the whole thy King arafati humble and me three days Master you are the hope of Israel you are a proper savior foreign [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] you cannot buy anything in the temple for Roman money let's change it for our shekels you know that good and it's cheap but if you don't like it I'll show you another problem turning the house of Our Lord into a Marketplace it's a shame foreign lands and did this trip to meet him in Madrid somewhere else Jerusalem the faithful City she that was full of Justice has become a harlot [Music] [Applause] what are your multitude of sacrifices [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and you have turned it into a den of Thieves [Music] profit [Music] go [Music] rabbi my name is Sarah I'm a scribe of this holy place and I like my brethren have followed your mission with great interest you've heard good things of you and are glad to what you have done here today both shocks and surprises us all right do you wish to destroy the sacred Temple the temple is not near Stone it is the house of God cannot be destroyed as long as God lives here destroy this Temple and in three days I will make it rise again [Music] it took centuries to build this Temple do you think you can rebuild it in three days you said it but you have not understood rabbi I understand better than you think master that scribe had every intention of greeting you in a friendly manner he wanted to understand your mission was it wise to discourage him as one of the most open minds in the Sanhedrin not your mind open your eyes and your heart is out faster Sarah huh my dear Judas you're quite right your master has very little political sense my tea is an extraordinary man and we shall continue to watch his mission with great interest good [Music] foreign [Music] will be teaching in the temple shall I take you to him no I'll wait [Music] blessed are the eyes that see what you see for I tell you many kings and Prophets have desired to see what you see and have not seen it to hear what you hear and have not heard it I thank you Father for hiding these things from the learned and the wise and revealing them to the innocent and the simple for he who would be great among you must be your servant he who would be the first must be your slave just as the son of man came not to be served serve and to give his life as a ransom for many come to me all who labor and are heavy laden [Music] and I will give you rest come o blessed of my father and inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world [Music] but I was hungry gave me food I was thirsty and you gave me drink foreign I was a stranger and you welcomed me [Music] I was naked and you've clothed me [Music] I was a prisoner and you visited me I was sick and you came to me [Music] you will ask when did we do this for you whoever does this to the least of my brethren he does it to me [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] master I am Barabbas I sell it before he was murdered Amos sent word to us he sent it to trust you my brothers are ready some of them are Temple guards our day of revenge against the Romans has come every day their grip becomes tighter our people have grown used to oppression due to lead them of our swords behind you they will rise up we can teach them to fight some of the priests and Sadducees have said obey the laws of Caesar they do not speak for the Jewish people tell us what to do whatever you say will follow you [Music] and love your enemies and forgive those who use and persecute you the day of forgiveness is at home forgive Herod forgive the Romans forgive them all but the Romans have butchered hundreds of innocent people young people old people lives ended without Mercy without trial surely you you can't mean to forgive that Master we must meet the sword with the sword all who take up the sword Shall Perish By The Sword but we must end the voice of weeping in Israel the rabbis your Zeal blinds you to the truth the New Jerusalem will not be built by murder and uprisings system of God will fill the land as water fills the sea the lion will lie down with the lamb there'll be no more killing or destroying and the voice of weeping shall be heard no more while we wait for that day to come our people live in mourning and lamentation Barabbas you wish to follow me I have come to take on my shoulders the sins of the world he who would follow me must do the same [Music] Barabbas [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I must look forward to the days Awards which will follow it and I ask God blessing on us to bless my child Hood you must not let the children use those words you know it is blasted and you are responsible for it have you never read the Psalms out of the mouths of babes and suckling stuff has perfected praise [Music] by what authority to do these things before I answer I will ask you a question from where did John the Baptist receive authority to baptize from heaven or from Men we don't know we can't tell very well you tell me nothing nor will I tell you by what Authority I do these things but I will tell you a story [Music] there once was a man and he had two sons and to the first son one day he said go and work in the vineyard and the son said no but afterwards he thought better of it and he went now the man said exactly the same thing to his second son who said certainly but he didn't go now which of the two boys did his father's will first and what is the meaning of this story that there are those who think they are righteous because they say yes to God do not do his will John the Baptist came to you in righteousness but you didn't believe him even when you saw that there were Sinners who believed and repented they will get into the Kingdom of Heaven before you do [Music] love your enemies bless those who curse you do good to those who hate you pray for those who persecute you if you love only those who love you why should you claim any credit even the tax collectors do as much [Music] if anyone strikes you on the right cheek offer the other also [Music] and if anyone takes away your coat give him your cloak as well give to everyone who asks from you and if anyone takes away your goods do not ask for them back [Music] do not do to others anything you would not have them do to you pass no judgment and you will not be judged condemn not and you will not be condemned forgive and you will be forgiven [Music] perfect [Music] just as our father in Heaven is perfect ask for this gift and it shall be given you seek and you shall find knock and the door shall be opened what father refuses his child [Music] perfect know how to give what is how much more will your father in heaven give to those who ask him [Music] um what happened what happened quick in adulteress Jesus she's a sinner an adulterous she's gonna be punished according to the law take it to the master Ed her master what should we do this woman has been caught in the act of adultery she should be punished according to the law what do you see answer master we want to know your opinion yes tell us is it right to kill her he among you who is without sin let him cast the first stone okay come on where are your accusers is there anyone here who's condemned you said neither do I condemn you go and sin no more thank you foreign [Music] so the wedding hall was full of people thank you I'm sorry if I Disturbed you rabbi but I would like to ask you a great favor I have a servant in my house I've had him a long while and he's good loving more like a son than a servant he's very sick dying I fear Rabbi in all humility you would like me to come to your house very well I will come with you no I am unworthy that you should enter under my roof I know that if if you say the word my servant will be healed I am a man under Authority but I myself have authority over a hundred soldiers and if I say to one of them do this I know that he will do it and if I say to another go there I know that he will go I need not see I know so it is enough that you give the word and it will be done do you hear this man I have seldom found such Faith among the people of Israel go home your faith has cured your servant all right so he's a friend of the Romans your orders are changed the chosen people how can a pagan be worthier than a son of Israel everybody is welcome at my father's table Rich poor Master's servants children of Abraham and the pagans Marcus as well your servant is cured what come on come on come and see for yourself come on come to your house welcome our salvation my name is [Music] praise [Music] God our God and the god of our fathers Our Kingdom [Music] interview no at least not for the moment I must confess that I'm fascinated by this man's power over the peoples we must find out where this power comes from you must admit he's capable of extraordinary things they say he raised one of his friends from the tomb the clever trick before coming to Jerusalem that's what you must admit please brothers be advised you must not act impetuously elephant ask the captain of the temple guard to report to the high priest Caiaphas immediately arms give to the poor blind man may he may the Lord give you happiness God give your good health please may the Lord give you happiness help I was born blind please help for the poor blind man please [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] don't touch me I say faster than I was born blind he's accepted his life the way it is why then change it he lives in darkness and as long as I am in the world I am the light of the world oh the only my eyes alone I don't want you to touch them no don't touch my eyes no ah you are hurting me the burning what have you done to them go and wash his eyes [Music] foreign [Laughter] [Music] all right I can see I'm not blind anymore I can't see you and you I can see [Music] Brothers [Music] I can see all of you I love you [Music] make way make way there a high priest is coming out of the way get back [Music] what have you got to say what have you got to say about the man who healed you he's a prophet there is no doubt what are you saying you've got your sights back from God not from that man he's a sinner I I don't know I don't know whether he's a sinner or not I only know one thing I was blind I was blind before and now I can see it's a miracle you must go to this man I mean thank you for what he's done for me amazing [Music] oh [Music] cute let me see let me see what must I can see I can see [Music] do you believe in the son of man [Music] who is he a master that I may believe in him you're seeing him it is he that is I believe Lord [Music] make my eyes make way there make way the priest is coming out of the way clear the way the priest is here this lying cheat was never blind what we at the temple know that he only pretended to be blind in order to earn his living after a long time he's never been blind and what's your story that you can give sight to the blind I came into this world to give sight to those who cannot see and to take away sight from those who can what do you mean by that we were righteous or blind if you were blind you would be without sin [Music] since you say we see your sin remains that's true these tribes and Pharisees Hypocrites all for you set up the Kingdom of Heaven against man you do not go in yourselves nor do you let others enter blind guys you're staying at a nut and swallower camels bow before the letter of the law and violate the heart of the law Justice Mercy good faith you are like Whitehead sepulchers all clean and fair without but within full of Dead Man's Bones and all corruption see these Stones fear not I tell you there will not be left here one stone upon another that will not be thrown down use is a house of desolation the home of the lizard and the spider [Music] serpents How can any of you escape a nation [Music] you shall not see me here again not until you learn to cry blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord for I am my father are one and the same he is a blasphemer this is you don't speak for the people of Israel listen to the teachings of our God shall be spelled again [Applause] what about what's going on I don't like it I'll take a look look after Stanley all right it is all righteous man the righteous man he has been sent by God kill the Romans foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Peter [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you please have come to offer my help Master Nicodemus yes I must advise you you are in danger please persuade your master to keep away from public places God must have sent you master Nicodemus you speak to him of all people he will listen to you come master [Music] oh rabbi [Music] that is to be the meeting of the Sanhedrin you have many enemies there but also friends who know that you are a teacher come from God for no man show the signs or have the words that you went past unless God but with him but yet my heart is trouble and my mind views just help me except a man be born again Nicodemus [Music] born again can a man enter his mother's womb the second time that which is born of the flesh is flesh [Music] that which is born of the spirit is Spirit [Music] thank you do not Marvel that I said to you you must be born again the wind blows where it will [Music] you hear the sound of it but you don't know whence it comes or whether it goes so it is with everyone who is born of the spirit [Music] God so loved the world that he sent his own son whosoever believed in him should not perish but had eternal life God sent his son into the world not to condemn it [Music] but that the world may be saved through him to Jerusalem went live on his arrival and we did not know he then told the merchants and the sellers of Beasts for sacrifices from the courtyard of the temple and we did not intervene how many times have we protested at the disgrace of many changes being allowed in the precincts of the temple but then we allowed him to preach in the Holy Temple itself at no time did he recognize your Authority no made submission to the Elders of Israel him in the name of the people of Israel I'm not sure I'm not sure that we have that right can we honestly say that we represent the true thoughts and aspirations of the people of Israel what are you saying I've often wondered if as elders we're not too cut off from them and from their real problems how can we guide them if we don't know what's in their hearts but without sexual exaggerated promises I have seen him I've heard him preach his words reach into men's Hearts not like ours it's not their old ritual the old formulas but a new vision which seems to answer all their hopes a message of Comforts of goodness of purity of the virtues of humility we've heard it all before from John the Baptist and hundreds of others and why not that is the richness of our religion that it's always being kept Alive by new ideas of that kind of thinking encourages false prophet what an incredible people we are thirsty for knowledge but Hypocrites afraid of change we say that we want new ideas so our religion will speak to each generation and yet when a prophet appears burning with faith and fiery Revelations we stifle him shall we go down through history as a people who destroys its profits oh please no brothers please look this is scary the time for philosophical discussions there are more urgent problems to be considered he allows those who follow him to heal him as the Messiah with respect to those who learned than I there is one possibility that it seems no one here is ready to consider what is it possibility that Jesus of Nazareth may be in fact the Messiah awaited by our people Carpenter from Gallup gallon has stunt the prophecies and care suddenly he never misses a chance to identify himself with them exactly I only know that like our brother Joseph I've heard him preach I was moved I said lifted out of myself and seem to see all things in a new and blinding light I was aware of Wonders signs that God may be with him and through him with us to realize what you are saying master nicotines let him speak listen to him that is he can't shut him down coming of the Messiah is the heart of our faith why should he not come now why do we dream our Liberator will be revealed in glory the new Solomon new David is God not allowed to choose whom he wishes even the son of a poor carpenter from Nazareth David began Life as a shepherd who are we to decide the way in which God should choose to help his people we Reigns of sand chaff blown in the Wind may the Lord open our eyes to his wisdom Master Nicodemus I have always respected you how am I to understand your defense of this man whose mission seems to be to divide our people even this Noble assembly has been torn asunder by him this Jesus of Nazareth must be an extraordinary man but is there not one among you who understands the the real significance of this matter it is not the galileans words that are important or the so-called miracles even the fact that forensic crowds hail him as the Messiah it's not important the central core of this case is that this man Theirs to Proclaim and I can hardly make myself saved this man dares to Proclaim himself that the son of God Pastor Nicodemus in your great faith and wisdom and you Joseph most honest of men can you tell us that in your heart of hearts you believe he is the son of God that he is equal to God if he is not the Son of God then who is this Jesus of Nazareth is he a prophet only a false prophet can assume the powers of God and say to persistent sinner you are forgiven only God can forgive sins all through our history false prophets have been the plague of Israel this man while claiming to uphold the law perverts our most fundamental beliefs the Romans will not wait for us to find the answer keep our law says the prophet claims to say in the name of God things which God has not commanded that prophet Must Die if this man Jesus is a false prophet and up last female is it not better for one man to die than for a whole nation perish however under Roman occupation Caiaphas the people of Israel may put a goat to death but not a man for reminding us of our realities then he must be charged and found guilty by the room but kind of fast we've not found him guilty yet for first giving away hearing before the Elders of Israel no matter how serious is offense we cannot simply hand over one of our brothers to the Romans after the Passover let me persuade Jesus to come to us and explain to us what is in his heart and his mind when he says he is the son of God Brethren I agree we will question him fully and give this Jesus of Nazareth every opportunity to to defend himself to delay would be too dangerous we all know what steps pilate would take against our people if the unrest continues Sarah he must be taken tonight it could cause even more trouble among the crowds if our temporal guards go searching for him all over the city no one knows where he and his followers are hiding they stay no longer than one night in the same place I think I know the way to reach him there is one of our brothers [Music] who has blessed us with thy laws and Made bread issue from the Earth from now on this will no longer be the bread of the passage of our fathers from bondage to Freedom this Passover is for you today the passage from the bondage of death to the freedom of life [Music] this is the bread of life [Music] whoever eats of this bread shall have eternal life [Music] for this is my body do this in remembrance of me [Music] foreign [Music] this cup will not only be a memorial and sacrament of the government God made with our fathers on Mount Sinai [Music] this is my blood the blood of the New Covenant which is to be poured out for many [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] until the day I drink it with you [Music] my father's Kingdom [Music] foreign and now I give you a new commandment that you love one another as I have loved you [Music] greater love hath no man than this [Music] that a man laid down his life for a friend and if you love one another [Music] all men shall know that you are my disciples [Music] the heart has come glorify thy son that thy son made glorified [Music] keep in thy name those who has given [Music] do not pray for these only [Music] but also for those who believe in me through their word [Music] I am the way [Music] and the life [Music] Peter fatherhood if it is possible let this cup pass from me foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] this is your hour Judas [Music] the hour of Shadows [Music] oh master [Music] you betray your master with a kiss that is the man arrest him what's happening to me the only way the master can save himself is by speaking to the San Andreas Kelly Kelly get away it was me who sought you will find me let them go take him away [Applause] [Applause] control [Applause] [Music] what did it take where have they taken it he's the one who brought the soldiers speak to Sarah I must speak to Sarah he's in here did they bring him here who Jesus Master zero please I don't understand this man yeah now where is this meeting with kaifus I must be there with Jesus meeting there's no meeting uh-huh there's a trial your Jesus is accused of blasphemy you've been an invaluable help to us Judas come and see me when all this is over [Music] well go what you wanted so get out of here come on get out of here Master Joseph we were coming to find you this is my sister of Lazarus and Mary the mother of Jesus Jesus has been arrested yes I know I've been called to a meeting of the elders you have such great influence in the Sanhedrin please will you help me I'll try you know that I'll do what I can foreign [Music] so many people you're one of those who believed in him didn't you well I admit I believed in him but we all believed in him and now you discover the truth he said a lot of things that I liked very much and he did some good things they were tricks of the devil all right all right he know that he was a liar and a blasphemer and he betrayed and now he will pay oh come on I'm sorry I had to wake you up Master Nicodemus [Music] [Applause] brethren Client First said he should be found like a common Thief it's most unseamless Jesus it is not our intention to treat you as a criminal but we want you to explain to this assembly the nature of your teachings what is this Doctrine you and your disciples are spreading through to deal I have spoken openly for all the world to hear I have taught in the synagogues and in the temple I have said nothing in secret so why do you ask me ask those who hurt me they are my Witnesses Caiaphas I've heard him preach I I find nothing in his Doctrine which denies the basic principles of our faith rabbi we fail to understand the meaning of many of your sayings for instance in three days no one could rebuild the Temple in three days what he said must have some symbolic meaning come I'm sorry I heard him say he could rebuild it again in two days four days you hear Witnesses can't even agree how can we remember every detail that was a right which Jesus himself provoked but for which the Romans will hold us responsible the riot was provoked by the brothers the Romans don't need an excuse we know what they have done to our people all of us here can remember occasion not so many years back when over a thousand of our people were nailed to the walls of Jerusalem because there were not enough scaffolds to satisfy the Romans Lust For Blood none of us I'm sure wants to give any more victims to Pontius Pilate then we can prevent of course not Joseph we're all agreed upon that as Kai officer said this is not a trial we we left our homes we came here tonight hoping that Jesus of Nazareth would explain to us the purpose of his mission and help to heal the divisions in our community brother we have often heard that you've come to bring love and Brotherhood I beg you bring peace to our gathering tonight tell me it has been said that you proclaimed yourself the son of God I ask you now in the name of the Eternal are you the Messiah the son of God Ayan that's right now and you shall see the son of man sitting at the right hand of the power of God hear o Israel the Lord our God the Lord is one thank you we have heard enough let him be taken before the procurator Pontius Pilate Tans lies the final Authority trial and judgment lazy [Applause] traffic kill him Stone him blasphemer well what happened to him first sending him to Pontius Pilate we know how that'll end up don't we [Music] wait a minute I know you you were with that Jesus you're one of his followers so I don't know him but he is look and I know him he is one of his followers [Music] what's going on here of Jesus a disciple don't let him go [Music] please taken I know this Jesus they speak of nor have I ever heard of him go just keep quiet here don't you know you're on sacred ground [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] thank you foreign [Music] [Music] the crazy people they should be in here your friends outside once you set free so you can carry on with your murdering I suppose I'm not a murderer I shouldn't be in with those two I'm a patriot you're all criminals don't think you're any different not me no he took me into it it was his idea when will it be when Pontius Pilate comes from cesarea for the Passover or whatever they call it Hey listen you've got to let me out of here I didn't do anything listen to me [Music] I leave for one week and I come back and I find the mob clamoring in the street and you dare to say to me welcome loses Barabbas they've been shouting about he's a zealot we arrested but followers have Disturbed the crowd I don't think the noise will disturb my judgment look you take 100 men and you clear the street with respect please I'm so tired Jerusalem is full of people there are many Hot Heads among them yes and they're cool when they see the example we make of their Barabbas thank you punch is packed I'm afraid there's another case which I must trouble you another one yes it was submitted To Us by the Sanhedrin itself it concerns a certain Galilean preacher until this I am not interested in their preachers or their prophets you know that yes of course I know it is Sanhedrin who's a cooperation is very useful to us they consider it extremely important [Music] even urgent I'm sorry maybe next week first we'll deal with Morales pilot there's a delegation from the Sanhedrin waiting outside it is led by Zara himself they have this I have this uh this preacher this Jesus of Nazareth with them they they want you to judge him touch him Sarah himself that must be important no no no no no I don't want to get involved in their religious quarrels this is the monthly report of the province I think it's wise not to offend them unnecessarily I think you should see them oh that one brought in don't stand there bring them in uh pilate I regret I'm afraid we must go out to them we must go to them yes according to their beliefs well they cannot come into a house of a Roman not on Passover they would be defiled defiled I forgot about that all right we'll go to them bring them to the Great Hall how does one govern such people procurator we have found that this man Jesus of Nazareth distorts our people's views on the relationship between God and the state furthermore he perverts the very heart of our religion I'm not concerned with people who break your religious laws my functionist Governor here is to keep the peace in the minister Roman Justice we know that procurator but this man also threatens the established order if he were not a criminal we would not have brought him to you he calls himself the Christ which means the anointed one thank you I too know some Greek well what else has he done has he spoken against the emperor has he spoken against Rome well procreator not directly no but not directly then he's your problem you'll have to judge him according to your law procurator for us this man Jesus is a blasphemer if we were a self-governing nation we would have the right to exact punishment which under the law of Moses is laid down for blasphemy he made a triumphal entry into Jerusalem calling himself the king of the Jews in which we totally reject King of the Jews well whatever else he may have done such a claim is treason true too all right all right I'll talk to him you're Jesus not ours then whose holes bring them in [Music] is this the man you think so dangerous this the man that aspires to be a king come come come now [Music] the leaders of the Sanhedrin accuse you of preaching perverted doctrines [Music] they also say you call yourself the king of the Jews well are you king of the Jews [Music] my kingdom were of this world my followers would have fought to prevent me from being captured oh you speak of a kingdom therefore you must be a king are you a king I am I was born for one purpose to Bear witness to the truth all who can accept the truth hear my voice and what is the truth [Music] no this man's no criminal he's a dreamer take him away take him away have him flogged as a token of Roman Justice that should wake him up right procurator we the leaders of the Sanhedrin I've always had the same aim as you the peaceful administration of our country for the good of our people and for many years please please please please please don't talk to me about the people as long as they obey who cares much about your children of Israel as we do the map in Rome I said a let us speak directly why does the Sanhedrin consider this man so dangerous that they send you yourself here to make sure that he's condemned perhaps for the same reasons as you procurate her if you knew him as well as we do would also find him dangerous that's enough put his clothes back on somebody into Jerusalem is a king look at him now so he's a king the king of the Jews man we ought to dress him like a pen hey give me a clue don't use mine use one of those I'm over here [Laughter] hey hey wait a minute who's the king if he's a king he needs a crown hey Majesty high and mighty Majesty [Laughter] I have it a king's crown look what he's got he's got his brown [Laughter] [Applause] you need to stepped up Majesty oh no he's the king Tiberius will be getting worried come on [Music] foreign [Music] [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] who are you [Music] what are you I say something [Music] don't you want to defend yourself do you want to die don't you realize I have the power to release sure have you crucified [Music] thank you [Music] power over me for me about [Music] quintilius [Music] isn't there an ancient custom honoring Passover where the procurator can release a prisoner sentenced to death as an act of Mercy yes that custom still exists and we have two prisoners the brothers and Jesus so let the people decide [Music] I've made my decision [Music] the people will decide take him away right take this one away get down to the prison now and bring barbers [Music] good here here listen to me listen YouTube listen when I give you the cue you shot Paul Bearer of us but I was just depending on you Barabbas has fought for you don't betrayed shout for Barabbas Jesus no you must save Jesus he's a righteous man when did they arrest late last night the Garden of Gethsemane Gethsemane that's the name where I live we must be prepared Barabbas must be free all cost now look we put our men all over do you understand at the given somebody could understand what they wanted [Music] hey thank you [Music] as a sign of his magnanimity and his benevolence our divine Emperor has decided that the custom of releasing one prisoner sentenced to death in honor of your Passover shall continue we have two prisoners one Jesus of Nazareth accused of treason by proclaiming himself King of the Jews do you love me [Music] anyone shouting for that false prophet I better watch out what's happened to him call yourself a king oh promise cues of sedition and murdering a Roman auxiliary why don't you free yourself Jesus not the two shall be released to you Jesus of Nazareth we cannot let this happen we must do guilty of proclaiming himself King of the Jews release Jesus [Music] [Applause] perfect he betrayed us free forever I've saved the Nazarene [Applause] release him sometimes I can go we can't let Barabbas get away yes [Applause] soldiers [Applause] pilot you're not going to free Barabbas an assassin and enemy of Rome I wonder who is the real enemy [Applause] everybody [Applause] that didn't be written that Jesus of Nazareth he is guilty of prison by proclaiming himself King of the Jews and disciples to be crucified [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good morning [Music] come on make room make room get out of the way of the Roman Empire [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right now all of you stay back [Music] father forgive them they know not what they do thank you if you're what you say you are if you're the Messiah why don't you save yourself I'm not leave him alone don't you fear God even when you are dying we deserve to die but we are receiving the just punishment for our crimes but this man has done nothing wrong Jesus remember me when you come into your kingdom today you will be with me in Paradise [Music] she is his mother well how can you prove it hey he is his mother foreign is that right yes she is one of the family the Romans Won't Let You Go close [Music] all right [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] behold your son [Music] I saved others why can't he save himself now [Music] Ellie a lot more [Music] listen he's calling on the Prophet Elijah no he's not calling Elijah it's quoting the scriptures even now nailed to the cross he quotes the scriptures thank you he was despised and rejected of men Man of Sorrows and acquainted with grief he was oppressed and Afflicted yet he opened not his mouth his brought as a land to slaughter and as a sheep before its Shearer is done surely he is born our Grace sorrows get ready to steam him stricken smitted of God and affliction that he was wounded for our transgressions abused for our iniquities and through his wounds we are healed again [Music] laughs into their hands I commit my spirit is accomplished foreign [Music] [Music] oh my God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey you the family come on you can take the Buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] laughs a tomb has already been provided by a prominent member of your faith who doesn't wish his name to be revealed Pontius Pilate gave permission before he went back to caesarea yes yes yes [Music] but you don't understand why why should you it is a vital importance to us to know where this tool is with all due respect why is it of such importance the man is dead well since you ask there have been rumors this Jesus arising from the dead can you believe this but it may prevail upon the superstitious his followers couldn't easily remove the body secretly and then they can talk of having witnessed the resurrection therefore can the tomb regarded no there's nothing to stop you guarding it no there isn't but it must be carried out by you Romans why why well if we use our own Temple guards his disciples could say that he truly Rose but that his enemies denied it [Music] what sort of person are you I may ask huh his death is not enough for you I think you're procurator if he were here would agree with me when I say this Jesus could be much more dangerous now that he's dead therefore I should be grateful if something could be arranged very well then a Roman God will be posted hey stop who are you where are you going we are the family of Jesus of Nazareth Who Lies here what do you want to enter the two why to anoint the body to bring Fresh Linen herbs spices it is our custom why didn't you do that when you brought him here the Sabbath began we could not buy them what do you think are there only three women let them go I suppose it'll be all right then you'll need an army to move that stone all right then let's go together but we'll need some help hey lengelius wake up come with us Marcus you watched the bridge too we're still around where are you going why do you seek the living among the Dead there [Music] come on [Music] Jesus is not here [Music] are you sure I swear by Jupiter and Hercules yes you've been awake all night and haven't moved from the spot that's right you were given strict orders nobody's been near that tomb and those Jewish priests or whatever they are were with us all the time well then who moved the stove who is it did anyone follow you no are you sure of course I'm sure oh they're still looking for us and every corner one sees Temple guards and Roman soldiers this place isn't safe anymore we must go somewhere else but where can we go I wish we could go to Galilee Peter tell us what should we do we must do what the must wanted the master is dead Peter you said you weren't followed I wasn't Mary Peter all of you I have seen him seen who the master you've seen him yes he is risen I saw him I saw him this morning we went to the tomb and here the tomb was a man and a young boy and the man said to me why do you look for the living among the Dead Jesus is not here so we went to the tomb and we saw the stone was upturned the grave the tomb was open we looked for him he was not there you mean the Master's body wasn't there has it been stolen no no no when we were leaving the cemetery we saw another man he saw how distraught we were he said woman why do You Weep my name Mary and it was then that I saw it was Jesus I fell to my knees and I reached for him touch me not for I have not yet ascended to my father he said go to my brothers and tell them you don't believe me you don't believe me I tell you I saw him it was our Lord Mary John oh John you don't believe me you married you're tired please please go I saw him John I saw him women's fantasies fantasies was his death a fantasy I saw him die I was there and I wept at his feet why should he not then appear to me he is risen he told me to tell you and I have done so thank you [Music] you wouldn't believe her even when the master as Jairus daughter you didn't believe it what do you mean you believe her story what do any of you believe it do you Andrew do you James and you Matthew dude Peter how can you because he said so because he wanted to be so he wanted everything to happen it did and I have always believed him but pity you denied him you denied him three times yes I denied him because I was a coward they're all cowards [Music] Judas of being a traitor but we all betrayed him we all abandoned him at least our brothers in the Sanhedrin who condemned him didn't know him the Romans [Music] I did not know him but we [Music] we ate with him we lived with him we knew he was the Christ and still we betrayed him [Music] Brothers don't catch you see [Music] who asked me if I believe he's risen [Music] who I know in my heart he would not abandon us [Music] I know in my heart he has forgiven me us [Music] forgiven all of us this is precisely what I feared his disciples must have come in the night remove the stone and taken away the body possible I had guards here as you requested and your priests were here too [Music] how it begins it all begins [Music] it was written the son of man will suffer and on the third day will rise again from the dead to enter his glory [Music] you are my witnesses to this [Music] now my Father in Heaven is reconciled to the world [Music] and as he sent me so I am sending you [Music] receive the Holy Spirit [Music] go like Lambs Among Wolves Make Disciples of all Nations baptize them in the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Ghost teach them the gospel and the Commandments I gave you now I am leaving the world again and going to the father [Music] O Lord stay with us for the night is falling foreign [Music] don't be afraid I am with you every day till the end of time [Music] thank you foreign [Applause] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Scienze e Storia
Views: 82,261
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: islam, testimoni, scienza, storia
Id: ThHVi8VW12g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 372min 9sec (22329 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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