Jesus And The Sinners | Jud Wilhite

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[Music] [Music] well I bring you greetings from Las Vegas now you know Las Vegas is just like anywhere else except for when it isn't I can remember when my kids were little we pulled up to a stop sign we're riding along in our minivan and my wife and I are in the front seats my son and daughter in the back my son was about 7 at the time and his sister would have been maybe a year or two older and we're sitting there and at the we pull up to the stop sign there's a billboard and it's the back sides of five women and they're in bikini bottoms and they're standing there and says the hits are back on the Billboard and Mary my son Ethan turns to his sister and just as innocently as he could possibly say it he goes Emma which naked girls are your favorite I like the one with brown hair all the air sucked out of our minivan and my wife Laurie and I had a moment of like what have we done moving our family to Las Vegas but we're so glad that we did because we love people we love broken people we love together people we love business people we love down-and-out people we love messy people we love clean people we love all kinds of people and we've seen God do some incredible things and not only in our lives but in the lives of others as we love others and that's what I want to talk to you about today being a friend of people that may be considered on the outside may be considered by some of the religious community as those who are kind of washed up or-or-or or moved past and loving people where they are because God can work so powerfully in that not only in their life but in our life I'm so glad that I was a recipient of that kind of love in my own life I mean I grew up in the church community in a little town Amarillo Texas and my parents would go to church and and they would go in I remember as I started to grow up a little bit I would tell them I was going to the youth group and then I would walk through the church building and walk out and roam the residential area around the church while service was going on and then meet them back at the car my parents would say how was church I said it was awesome they'd say what'd you learn about say we learned about Jesus and they're like okay that was always good enough for my mom but then I remember later like when my son's growing up and you know I remember I came home from church one day I said Ethan how was George he said it was great I said what you learned about he says I learned about Jesus I'm like get over here and sit down that is not gonna work in this house we're gonna we're gonna talk about this but I would tell my mom hey I just learned about Jesus and that was good enough for her and we kind of moved along I never really understood Church I didn't understand why people went to church I wasn't a person of faith in my own life and couldn't really comprehend I just remember just standing there watching people walk across the parking lot and go in the church and not really getting it well I got caught up in about a 4-year drug addiction in my life that started when I was about 13 years old started running around with kids that were a lot older than me and and got into all kinds of trouble and issues in my life and and I can remember coming to this place as this addiction grew and grew and grew in my life and I got to this crossroads some of you have been there I got to this place where I knew I was either going to go crazy or I was going to die I was going to go to jail or I was gonna get help and really when it comes to addiction as it begins to grow in somebody's life those are about the four final options either gonna go crazy eventually you're gonna get some help you're gonna die or you're gonna go to jail and that's exactly where I was and so I wasn't sure that I believed in God the way that Christian people believed in God or more the way my parents believed in God I wasn't sure that that you know that I was gonna find answers in the church community but I knew I couldn't beat this addiction on my own and so I can still remember the Sunday morning I was standing in the parking lot watching the late comers walk into church and I walked in through the doors of that church for the first time on my own terms and I was seeking and I was asking questions and I found my way to this little group of people this little Bible study this group of people they loved me they walked with me they coached me they became my healing community they didn't even know it but they became my 12-step support group basically and God used these people powerfully to save my life in fact after that experience I'm just pretty much gone from there and dedicated my entire life to helping other people have it the similar kind of experience where they find the grace in the hope and the love of God in Jesus Christ through the local church I love the church I'm so thankful for the church God used the church to save my life and God can use you to save the lives of others around you so every day I have it in my pocket today every day is I'm getting ready to leave the house I grab my recovery chip this one says 28 years 28 years of sobriety celebrate recovery and I grab this not because I'm chained in the past or you know I was a long time ago in my life but I grab it everyday and I put it in my pocket before I head out and I carry it because it's a reminder to me of all God has done in my life it's a reminder to me of his grace it reminds me that if God did this in my life God can do this in somebody else's life it reminds me that if if God was patient and merciful with me God will be patient and merciful with others it reminds me when I get frustrated with people who don't seem to be changing how patient God was with me when I didn't change and so I carry this chip to remind myself that I've been rescued by God to be a rescuer and friends I want to encourage you today because you've been rescued to be a rescuer we're going to be looking at the book of Matthew today chapter 9 you've been in this incredible series on the life and teaching of Jesus and so we're gonna be in Matthew chapter 9 beginning in verse 9 and we're just gonna take this opportunity to lean in a little bit and learn and listen as Jesus calls Matthew the author of the book to follow him in life so check this out Matthew chapter 9 let's pick it up in verse 9 and let's look at the call of Matthew says as Jesus was walking along he saw a man named Matthew sitting at his tax collectors booth follow me and be my disciple jesus said to him so Matthew got up and followed him now there's a lot here first of all Jesus is walking along he sees Matthews sitting at his tax collectors booth now tax collectors were one of the most hated groups of people in the ancient world I mean especially in this part of the Jewish world they absolutely despised them because tax collectors were seen as basically traitors to the Roman occupiers they would collect taxes these were kind of like import duties they had a lot of freedom and how much or how little they taxed other people and so these tax collectors they could tax you on where you parked your boat they could tax you on how many fish you caught they could tax you on your animals your donkey whatever and so they had a lot of latitude they're backed by the Roman military army and the people despised them and hated them in fact some of the tax collectors would basically give the rich a break on their taxes and then they would over tax the middle class or the lower class to make up for the gap and then they would get kickbacks from the rich personally so there's all kinds of corruption all kinds of stuff going on matthew is a tax collector now Alfred edersheim who's a Jewish scholar of that era and time says that basically Jews Jewish tax collectors were not allowed in the synagogue they were not allowed to gather with other religious Jews they were seen as unclean they were put in the same category as murderers and robbers they were not able to give public testimony in a Jewish court so these people were the lowest of the low I mean they were hated and despised and so one of the things we often miss here is that Jesus walks up to Matthew and addresses him as he's a religious leader I mean religious leaders didn't do that religious leaders did not address tax law they don't want anything to do with a tax collector because they were the lowest of the low and yet Jesus sees past what Matthew has done he sees past how Matthew is perceived he sees past whatever scandalous thing has gone on in his life and instead he sees the potential of what God can do and so he comes up to Matthew no hesitation and he says come follow me so good and listen in your own life I think it's easy to think I've made mistakes I've failed God won't invite me into a journey with him because of my failures my mistakes but I want you to know it doesn't matter what you've done doesn't matter what you've been through listen your God is not so scandalized by whatever you may have done that he won't invite you on a journey with him and I think Jesus today still says come and follow me so Matthew starts the spiritual journey he begins to follow God in his heart and in his life he begins to go on this spiritual journey and at great cost to himself which is awesome Matthew learns he's been rescued to be a rescuer and Friends I believe we've all been rescued to be a rescuer how do we do that how are we rescued to be a rescuer well here's a few principles one is to be a friend to outsiders be a friend to outsiders I remember walking with a friend of mine a while back and we were in a shopping area in the Las Vegas area walking along and he did something I've never seen anybody do before or since as we're just sort of walking along hanging out all of a sudden mid word I'm actually looking at his face he's talking he just threw up I mean I've never seen anything like this I mean he completely like mid word just let it go and so we're walking along this happens and I'm kind of in shock I don't know what to do so we just keep walking alright cuz because what are you doing that moment I'm like we just keep on us are you okay so I uh I think I feel a little better I'm like man I didn't know you weren't feeling good anyway you know so we keep walking we're maybe 15 steps moving along and then I'm like well there's a breast room back the other way you want you want to turn around and go back the other way you know just he goes yeah we better do that and so we turn around and we start walking the other way and as soon as we are walking the other way we're in the flow of people going back towards the scene of the crime basically and in this moment before I could do anything I look up and here's this woman she's walked into his mess both feet go flying up and she goes right down on her backside it was as bad as you think it was awful and I'm you know in the end it just happened so fast right she hits the ground her friends come over and they begin to to help her stand up I'll never forget this moment she looks up and she says what's this I'm like oh you do not want to know what that is now I would have helped the lady up but we had a couple things going on one her friends were right there and they were already helping her up by the time we got up there and - my friend was about to go again he was like a ticking time bomb in fact we walked a few more feet going the other direction he threw up again and again and again as I was trying to get this guy to the restroom it was crazy but I tell you that story because it's a lot like life life is messy sometimes it's the mess we create sometimes it's the mess somebody else creates sometimes we're just walking along and then all of a sudden we find ourselves in this situation both feet up right on our back in the middle of a mess and we say what's this what's going on and friends it's easy to look at somebody in the middle of the mess and only see the mess not the masterpiece that God has created in that human being and so friends we I want to encourage you to look past the mess in other people's lives life is messy churches messy things are messy this is just life but God has created masterpieces even if they're messy when he's created human beings and we can look at any person and realize that they are created in the image of God that they're loved by God and they should be loved by me and so no matter how messy it is no matter what the situation is look past the mess and see the potential that's what Jesus does with Matthew and that's what Jesus even does with Matthews friends check this out Matthew chapter 9 let's look at the very next verse beginning in verse 10 Matthew chapter 9 verse 10 it says later Matthew invited Jesus and His disciples to his home as dinner guests along with many tax collectors and other district disrupt [Music] disreputable sinners but when the Pharisees saw this they asked his disciples why does your teacher eat with such scum when Jesus heard this he said healthy people don't need a doctor sick people do so here we are Jesus is at a dinner party basically with the Friends of Matthew and they're hanging out and the religious leaders man they don't they don't like this you know they're bothered by this in fact one of the things that some interesting in that culture to eat with somebody was a huge deal I mean to have a meal with somebody was really to show a gesture of friendship and companionship and loyalty and they lived in a culture where who you ate with said everything about kind of who you were so they're very particular about who they ate with who they didn't eat with even today you know Orthodox Jewish individual man if they invite you into their home that is a huge deal if they will sit down and eat with you break bread with you that's annexed it's an extension of friendship and companionship and and and kindness and so that was very true in Jesus culture and this would have been this would have been a small Jewish town where gossip would have spread conversation would have spread so probably the Pharisees weren't at the actual dinner because they wouldn't have anything to do with all these people these notorious sinners but Jesus was there and they hear about it and so later they go to the disciples and they're like hey why does he eat with such scum which gosh you know here's the religious leaders the very people that are supposed to represent the heart of God and yet they become so cold and so hard hard towards these other individuals they call them scum just flat out like dirt scum horrible people why would you eat with these people and it's easy to be hard on the Pharisees it's easy to look at the Pharisees and thank gosh you know why don't you guys get it if you look through the teaching of Jesus sometimes he has some of his harshest criticisms for the Pharisees and for the religious leaders and yet Jesus was also like most like the Pharisees I mean he he followed the law he understood the Bible you know he you know he gave embarrass he sent out missionaries in a lot of ways Christians today are very much like Pharisees if we believe the Bible if we're trying to send out missionaries if we're giving financially if we're sacrificing if we're trying to to follow the commandments of God if we're devoted people seem to be a Pharisee in the ancient world was a compliment that was a huge honor you know if you you recall if you were a Pharisee that was a big deal and a day we kind of lose that so it's easy for us to be hard on the Pharisees but yet sometimes if we're not careful we can become a Pharisee in our own heart and in our own life it was Nietzsche who said you know beware lest in fighting the dragon you become the dragon and I think that's what we see in the lives and hearts of some of these religious leaders they had lost perspective that God still loves people overall and that in the midst of all these things that they disapproved of they kind of missed the fact and lost the fact that God could still work and move in their lives so Matthew throws a party brings all us friends here's all these people that are notorious sinners Jesus comes and hangs out with them and Luke chapter 15 the religious leaders get so upset that Jesus keeps doing his stuff that they say look he actually welcomes sinners and eats with them and that word welcomes is fascinating to me because the word that Jesus welcomes sinners it could be translated takes pleasure in them even takes delight in them in other words Jesus isn't just tolerating these sinners and individuals coming together at a dinner party Jesus actually enjoys being around them he's enjoying hanging out with him now he could be around people and not approve of everything they did he could be friends with people and not approve of everything they did and yet God used him so powerfully in these relational moments and he modeled for us what it means to be a friend to outsiders be friendly to people who are on the outside we need this message so strongly in the church today I had a friend I went through a terrible divorce in his life and he wasn't unfaithful in the situation but there was unfaithfulness that was involved and and it was really hard on him and on their family and I went to his church and his church basically said you need to go reconcile with your wife and when you reconcile with your wife then you're welcome back into the church now now he didn't even do anything wrong he's like okay so I have to go work all this out and then I'm able to come and be a part of the church community and I remember talking to him he's like John I just don't understand that I need the church now I need their help now and yet now I feel like I'm all alone trying to get back on my feet I'll never forget the lady at our church who was leaving and I saw her in the lobby she's walking out and she said she said you know what I'm not coming back anymore I said well why is that what's wrong she said well I'm not sure anymore with all these people that are coming I don't want to sit in the seats that they may have been seat seated in I'm not sure what I might catch and I remember sitting there just thinking wow I think Jesus is more offended at your heart and attitude right now then then he would be at whatever those people are doing it is John Ortberg who talked about the historic Christian distinction that theologians have made down through the years when it comes to sin some some theologians have talked about both sins of the Spirit and sins of the flesh it's a way that they categorize different sins and I think it's important here because sometimes we look at even a place like Las Vegas and we see the sins of the flesh that's what we see we see sexual sins we see you know sins related to gambling or addiction or whatever and we focus in on the sins of the flesh and the sins of the flesh kind of blind us to everything else but theologians also have another category of sin that is the sins of the spirit pride arrogance self-righteousness it's interesting when you look at the Ministry of Jesus he seems to be way more indignant and angry and upset about the sins of the Spirit than necessarily the sins of the flesh not that they aren't significant and serious but is his primary anger towards the religious leaders and towards people of faith was that they were blinded by their own pride and arrogance to see what God could do in the life of another person and so friends today I just want to encourage you be a friend to those who maybe are on the outside yeah maybe they're caught up in some things right now maybe it's a mess maybe it you know you know you don't even see a way out for them but what they often need in their life is an advice it isn't condemnation it isn't judgment what they often just need is a friend somebody willing to listen and walk with them and when they're open when they're ready you will be the friend that they turn to you know I've seen that in my own life up I always try to have somebody in my life that I'm praying for that I would consider to be far from God maybe they've just drifted from him in their lives or maybe they've never really engaged faith in their lives and I pray for that person on a daily basis I'm just asking God to give me that opportunity and I want to encourage you to do that and if you don't know anybody like that then pray that God would bring somebody in your life like that you can do some amazing things like I can remember I'm praying for my neighbor and I was just specifically asking God to give me an opportunity to share my faith with my neighbor I just wanted that moment to be able to talk with with my neighbor about God and she wasn't necessarily very open to it so I was trying to be patient and just sort of journey it out and I'll never forget I started praying everyday earnestly God give me an opportunity to share my faith with my neighbor and I ran home middle of the day I was just stopping by the house to pick something up and I pulled in and I was grabbing my trash can out at the corner of our driveway and I was pulling it up the driveway and my neighbor comes running over to me and she says hey she says do you baptize people just out of the blue this first thing she says to me judge do you baptize people I'm like uh yeah I mean I'm a pastor yeah that's what I do and she says well do you think you know we could talk about my baptism and I remember just standing there going like you have not been open to a spiritual conversation I start praying every day that God would give me an opportunity to share my faith and story more clearly with you and then you just walk up to me when I'm taking the trash in from the corner and want to talk about baptism God's amazing and God will surprise you and he will show up in your life and work when you begin to pray for others so my encouragement has realized you've been rescued to be a rescuer so ask God every day for an opportunity just to share what he's done in your heart and in your life here's another principle to help us remember to be rescuers in our life and that is to simply remember your rescue remember your rescue see it's so easy for us to be like the religious leaders it's so easy for us to come to faith and start on that journey and then forget all that God has done in our hearts and in our lives I had a buddy of mine years ago he remember when he first walked into church he looked like he well he actually had walked right out of a Las Vegas nightclub I mean he had this silk shirt on all kind of buttoned down he had the gold and the whole deal he was actually a bodyguard or a bouncer at at a strip club in the Las Vegas area and so he come he comes rockin up on Sunday morning kind of been up all night Saturday night doing the nightclub kind of thing and and I remember like meeting him as he walked into church and this guy was raw so incredibly raw and over the years I invited him into our home he became part of our group we studied together we learned together over the years we really helped him I mean he came to faith he was baptized he became a follower of Jesus God began to do a work in his life his whole outlook changed the chip on his shoulder changed everything changed was awesome but I'll never forget like somewhere in that three to five year range and this is what I see with a lot of people who become followers of Jesus somewhere in the three to five year range of their spiritual journey God has cleaned them up God has helped restore them in their life to forgiving free they've let go of a lot of the destructive things that they were doing and they've they're on a solid ground now but if they're not careful they start to get so far away from who they were that they start to judge everybody else around them and they forget how far God has brought them so I'm standing out in the church lobby after service is one weekend and there's my there's my body I can tell he's he's angry like his face is red and he's a tough guy anyway I used to be a boxer before he was a bouncer and and I go up to him I'm like hey man what's going on he says um he says I'm about to take this guy outside and I'm about to teach him a lesson I'm just like what he goes yeah this guy goes it goes so what whoa back up what happened what's going on he said this guy because I don't know him he just walked past me in church wearing a Budweiser t-shirt and he said he is disrespecting my god and disrespecting God's house by wearing that t-shirt in this house I'm gonna take him out to the parking lot teach him a lesson I've never standing there for a minute I'm like whoa whoa I put my arm on this friend of Mines shoulder I looked him right in the eye and I said let me tell you something do you remember where you were a few years ago when you walked in here and you smelled like a strip club do you remember when your shirt was unbuttoned down to your bellybutton and you had gold chains on and you were all that and you got a chip on your shoulder and you were angry and you were depressed and you were sad and every other word was fallacy do you remember who you were when you walked in here and nobody judged you and nobody condemned you we loved you we walked with you we helped you and now you're gonna tell me that you want to take a guy outside and beat him down because he has a Budweiser t-shirt on I'm like look I don't care what he's got on I'm glad he's here and where else should that guy be on a Sunday morning than in church that's awesome my friend looked at me for a minute he paused and then he looked down at the ground and he said that's why I love you pastor you always give it to me straight you're right you're right you're right but look the most dangerous believer is the believer who has forgotten all that God has done in their life and become arrogant self-righteous and judgmental the most dangerous believer is the believer who has forgotten all that God has done in their life and they have become arrogant self-righteous and judgmental and friends that's what we see in the religious leaders here so look at what Jesus says Matthew chapter 9 beginning in verse 13 says this then he added he's already said healthy people don't need a doctor sick people do he says then he added now go and learn the meaning of this scripture I want you to show mercy not offer sacrifices he quotes hosea i won't go into all of it but hosea is a pretty remarkable Old Testament book about the crazy irrational illogical love of God for his people and hosea is really the first place that the marriage metaphor really gets blown out in the Bible of God's relationship to his people being likened to that of a husband and a wife of a marriage kind of relationship Hosea is the first place in the Old Testament where that really gets blown out and so he kind of does a throwback to hosea for these religious leaders and he says look learn the meaning of this scripture i want you to show mercy not offer sacrifices look don't lose in all of your religious sacrifice and the Pharisees were really good at it created it sacrificing and creating rules within rules within rules to make sure that they don't break the other rule you know they were really good at that side of things he's like I want you to show mercy don't lose mercy in the midst of this and back when you look at the life and teaching of Jesus one of the things that's fascinating to me is if you look at the emotional life of Jesus the one human emotion the Bible says he showed more than any other is compassion if you just look at how many that the number of human emotions that are laid out in the in the life and teaching of Jesus and if you look at how often they're mentioned compassion is mentioned more than anything else he was moved with compassion his heart was moved with compassion again and again he showed mercy to people who were hurting and struggling friends in your life in your heart don't lose sight of all that God has done he restored you he redeemed you he he saved you Christ died for you and rose for you and you may or may not have had a rocky pass but don't lose sight and what God did in your life and don't ever forget what he can do in someone else's life remember your rescue remember all that God has done in fact I went through the New Testament and just wrote down all of the things that the New Testament says that you are just this is who the Bible says you are as a believer and follower of Jesus and so says you are Jesus followers you are Jesus friends you are children of God you are children of light you are members of God's family you are holy and blameless standing before God without a single fault you are God's people you are the salt of the earth you are the light of the world you are the branches that bear fruit you are God's field you are God's building you are living stones in God's temple you are holy priests you are a holy nation you are a chosen people you are God's workers you're Christ's ambassadors you're true ministers of God United with Christ you are a part of his body living by the spirit you are God's masterpiece you are the faithful ones meant for better things you are receiving a kingdom that is unshakable you are looking forward to a home that is yet to come you are heirs of God's glory you are set free from the slavery of sin you are truly free that's who the Bible says you are that's God's rescue that's God's rescue in your heart and in your life you rescued to be a rescuer so be a friend to outsiders remember God's rescue and then represent God's rescue in your own life you know here's some lyrics to a popular song from a few years ago it goes like this I stay out too late got nothing in my brain that's what people say mmmmmm that's what people say I go on too many dates but I can't make them stay at least that's what people say mmm-hmm that's what people say mmm because the players gonna play play play play play and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate baby I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake shake it off shake it off listen the world is filled with players and fakers and Heartbreakers and haters and sometimes those attitudes and perspectives can get us off focus of our mission but we have a mission and it's the same mission that Jesus had in his heart and in his life we got to shake all that off and represent the rescue of God look at what Jesus says next Matthew chapter 9 verse 13 913 he says for I have come to call not those who think they are righteous maybe a little dig they're not those who think they are righteous to the religious leaders but those who know they are sinners those who know they are sinners it's not the healthy he says that need a doctor it's the sick that's why we're here we're on a mission to help other people experience the goodness and the love of God you know as a reminded a while back of just how important it is that we stay on this mission how important it is that we remember that we've been rescued to be rescuers it was when my father was in the hospital and I got that phone call you know you need to come back to Texas your dad's not doing well and so I remember we we got there we got back to Texas we we went in to see him my dad was at the time in his late 80s he's old World War two vet master sergeant in the army was an elder in his church credible man incredible godly man and we had that Momo some of you had this with loved ones and with your parents we're doctor comes in and he says you know you better go say your good-byes and he's not responsive so I'm not sure you know you're gonna hear anything back but you just need to communicate your goodbyes and so I go into his hospital room and you know what do you say right what do you say in that moment so I got down on my knees beside the bed and you know I grabbed his hand and I remember just thinking him frankly I stinked him for loving me through my years of addiction I thanked him for always being kind to me when I didn't deserve it I thinked him for praying for me when he wasn't sure where I was emotionally or spiritually or if I was ever gonna come home to God again I thanked him for being a friend to me a sinner and really for being my greatest role model I poured my heart out to him and I didn't think he would even hear me and all of a sudden I look up and my dad opened his eyes and he smiled real big and he said you're good kids and I love you he said I'm going for a walk in the sunshine and I'll see you on the other side was the last thing my dad ever said to me a few days later he passed away and Hospice but I walked out of that hospital room and it felt like the world tilted I think for me it was just a realization that life is short and it's precious and all that really matters in life is your love for God and your love for other people and helping other people come to know the love of God in their heart and in their life those are what that's what last that's what matters you know when my dad was on his deathbed he wasn't you know interested in Fame it really wasn't about his hobbies it really wasn't about his possessions at that moment it was all about his love for God and his love for people around him and many of us around his hospital bed had been led to faith by him and his model an example God can use you in a powerful way if you'll just allow him to he can work in your life in a powerful way if you'll open your heart to him you've been rescued to be a rescuer so friends remember your rescue don't lose sight of it the most dangerous believer is the believer who's forgotten all God has done in their life and they've become arrogant and proud and self-righteous be a friend to outsiders love people look you can love people without agreeing with everything they do in their life you can be kind to people without necessarily lining up with everything they believe in their life realize that yeah everybody's messy but God can clean all of us up in his way in his time and so let's love jesus said the most important thing is that we love God and we love others let's love and let's love well and let's remember we've been rescued to be rescuers will you bow and pray with me God we're grateful for your love we're grateful for the incredible opportunity that we have every day to represent you and all that you've done in our hearts and in our lives god I pray that you will continue to work through each and every one of us use us use our story and our brokenness and our heard and our pain and use it to bring encouragement and hope and light and love to others we've got to thank you for this great church and for these incredible people thank you for the awesome work that they do and I pray you bless it in every way put your hand on it and show up powerfully in this coming season we give you thanks in Jesus name Amen
Channel: North Point Care
Views: 2,034
Rating: 4.757576 out of 5
Keywords: care network, north point community church, woodstock church, buckhead church, Gwinnett church, decatur city church, brownsbridge church, help, struggling, challenges, pain, relationships, transition, change, ministry resources, resources, training, counseling, addiction, las vegas, jud wilhite, sinners, jesus, god
Id: yQ24Qrv4ym0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 29sec (2189 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 20 2018
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