Money and Marriage | Lee and Martica Jenkins

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[Music] [Music] we are so excited that you guys are here so excited I love your heart and you know Lea just when you came to share with our staff just about your passion for so many things but money is key to that so introduce yourself a little bit let us know let these guys know who they're hearing from tonight course I'm Lee Jenkins and in about two weeks I'll be celebrating 30 years of marriage to this incredible woman right here I am so excited and so I spent 25 years in the investment business trained on Wall Street six years ago got out of the business because the Lord was calling me into full-time ministry so I started a church from scratch with 15 people called Eagles Nest Church in Roswell Georgia and now we're over a thousand members and God is just really blessing it and I'm really excited about marriage my two subjects that I'm passionate about the most is marriage and money and people ask me all the time they say what's the key to being married for 30 years and I tell him I say well it's simple I run my house I run the vacuum cleaner I run the dishwasher I run the washer and dryer so I'm excited to be here today and by the way we have three children we haven't reached well there aren't children three Arizona yes they are those thank you Lord for being an empty-nester it is great yes it is great we love that yes we do well if someone has three teenagers tell us a little bit about that give us hope for those of us who still have a big yeah March our children are now 28 26 and 23 and it is it was a joy raising them it was a joy you know watching them grow and have that see their gifts blossom and now it's really a joy to have them gone when they come home we go um so how long you gonna be home could it kind of messes up our flow now let's tell me this you guys as we've talked earlier you say you had different money personalities when you guys met talk a little bit about that yeah well we were completely opposites you know we make this statement that when it comes to money or when it comes to marriage really opposites attract but sometimes when it comes to money opposites attack and so we were the classic spender say saver dynamic I was the saver she was the spender she never met a credit card that she didn't like and and I didn't get my first credit card toss 27 years old and so I just did everything with cash now some of that is because I was drafted by the New York Giants when I came out of college and university of tennessee and so i got a little little check and so I just bought everything cash of course my career was over in a year so NFL stood for not for long for me but uh but nonetheless that what it afforded me to do is at a very young age I you know had a little money in the bank so when I wanted something I just bought it cash and so unlike martica she didn't go to school on a scholarship so she borrowed her way through school and and according to her I guess you just thought that was the way to buy things in those days back in the 80s a you sign your name one time and you got five credit cards right you know right in the courtyard at school so I was so excited to have those cards I was just spin them all the way to the max so that was ready College that's right they're all there and you're going oh I can do this is easy it just cost me plastic an amazing thing when we first met the first week my sister introduced me to her so they were roommates and went over martita's apartment and I'm sitting at the on the sofa looking on the coffee table and going through her her photo album and it's pictures of Marty and her friends and they were in Hawaii and they were in all these neat places and I'm like man not only that she loved the Lord not only if she's beautiful she's rich to have a lot of money going to all these places at such a young age little did I know that years later I would have to pay so okay so tell me a little bit about how you guys got to get together got married well we met actually in California and we met the weekend that I quit my job to move to Atlanta so I quit my job on a Friday met him on Sunday and he helped me find a place to live when I got here cuz I didn't know anybody it blossomed from there yeah yeah my sister introduced us she was literally felt like the Lord want her to move from California to Atlanta and didn't know anybody and then meets me and the interim the rest is history the rest is history yes so talk a little bit about those first few years when it came to money and finances and how that impacted your relationship yeah what's really actually kind of tough because of our money personalities were so opposite and I you know Lee had to kind of tighten me up and I had to loosen him up because he was so cheap I mean it was like ridiculous so but and we were also we didn't have a lot of money so our dates were like going to the Westin Hotel downtown and having water in the lobby I mean it was really tight I mean so tight that we would go to the Hallmark store and get cards while we're in the store and read them to each other and say this is what we would get each other if we had a dollar 30 really tight so but as the Lord blessed us financially and as we learned more about biblical principles of finances it really helped our a relationship to actually get more intimate and then also for our relationship to grow as a couple yes she's so right it was very frustrating at first but we just had to wrestle and not not physically but wrestle with some of our philosophies and some of our history because when you marry someone you're not just marrying that person you're marrying their history you're marrying their habits you're marrying what they have been taught maybe by their parents or what they have seen over the years and so it was it was a clash of histories but but we we handled it very well because I knew that I probably needed to loosen up some and she definitely needed to tighten up some so believe it or not it was very complimentary even though we were financial opposites and but it was very complimentary so did it take you guys a while or is it pretty immediate like when she got married to work through that I know I took us a few it took us a few years to work through that yeah definitely yes and and we made a lot of the classic mistakes that a lot of young couples make you know and you know the debt and all of that and we'll talk about that a little bit later but you know one quick story my wife would put all of her dry-cleaning in a garbage bag when she was going to take it to the cleaners and she would lay it right by the door and these were her business clothes well she didn't tell me that you know I thought it was garbage so I see the garbage bag there and I go and throw it in the dumpster and just throw away all of her business wardrobe and it was gone and so that kind of led to us okay what are we gonna do well you know we didn't have a lot of money so we went in put it on credit and just that was kind of the start of us getting in debt so you know sometimes these things can happen and you don't even do it on purpose what tell us a little bit about your work with finances and something you've seen with couples when it comes to finances well the biggest thing is it's a very sensitive issue and a lot of couples don't understand how important it is to work together the Bible says the husband should leave his wife leave this a cleave to your wife and and that and then they will become one flesh and so - and in order to become one flesh that means the to become one it takes a lot of work and it is very difficult for a lot of people to become one flesh when it comes to finances because that means you have to get on the same team you have to be in agreement with one another you have to compromise so it is very important and I hate to say this is that one of the reasons couples aren't successful financially is because they don't understand the biblical basis of marriage and they are selfish and you can't be selfish when it comes to this area so how did that play itself out in terms of of purchases in terms of decision in terms of what we're going to buy where we're going to live what vacations were gonna go go on how did that play itself out or has it played itself out really it was through lots of long talks and communication when we got married Lee was on a hundred percent commission so we had to talk about money probably more than most because we didn't know how much was coming in every month so we had what we called money Monday's where we would just sit down and talk about okay what's you know what's happening with our finances what's going what's coming in what's going out what about lunches and all of those things and we also had restrictions on how much we could each spend without the others approval or agreement so at that time we first got married was $50 like we couldn't spend over $50 I'll call each other go hey babe I found I found this really cute dress for 60 bucks is it okay for me to buy it and then we we upped it from there but at that time because we were so tight we had to communicate a lot and it actually helped our marriage because it helped us to become vulnerable to each other and it helped us just to become more intimate just by talking about money because it's a tough subject to talk about it's absolutely tough so if you work with if you were working with younger couples like you're sitting across from them well what would you say when you're a young you have to meet and talk about it a lot as martica said we would meet every Monday now some of that is because we had to again I was on Commission my income fluctuated but some of it was it just helped our marriage if it helped us to communicate more to understand one another better and you know and so it really helped our intimacy I mean just talking to each other when you come into agreement it just helps your marriage go to another level on every in every area so so I would just say don't stay away from this subject fight through the the discomfort and and sit down pray before you talk and I'm telling you once you break through those first initial meetings it's going to be something that's fun actually so instead of something that disconnects you money can become something that connects you I would say it's the great connector the great can yes that's me yeah because there's a young couple especially they have to decide on a budget on their what we call a their spending plan so that they can decide together how their money is going to be allocated talk a little bit about that because some people will say especially with Millennials they'll say there's my money yeah and there's your money talk a little bit about that how do you feel about that well first of all biblically again when the two become one flesh that means everything okay so that means the two become one of course you know physically of course you know emotionally but certainly financially and so when you separate your money on purpose and you live two separate lives you're really missing out on some deep intimacy and you're also missing out on communication one of the beauties of combining your money and doing things together and not having them my money your money philosophy is it really does force you to talk it forces you to compromise to negotiate and really during that process you get to know your spouse better so we always recommend unless it is a business account or or what we call a little Mad Money account you know it's okay to have some autonomy but it just shouldn't be hidden autonomy it should be purposeful purposeful autonomy but the majority of the money should be combined to feel safe absolutely it's it's very difficult if a couple has been obviously operating it separately financially however it also can create the two of them having independent spirits almost like they are just roommates who are married so it combining your finances really does help you to become one in a different way because you have to wrestle with you have to compromise each person has to compromise on what's actually going to happen financially in the household salvager hmm well I told my wife I said here's the thing she's again she's the saver and I'm the spinner so savers always are the you know events like this they're always the champs right they're always the winners they're the one Jesus loves best now let's let speak a little bit why is why is the spender what is there anything redeemable in our soul you know you know some of my biggest regrets believe it or not is looking back and I was so tight I was so cheap I was always trying to save money and most of the stuff we bought like some of our early pieces of furniture we eventually had to throw it out because I mean of course we upgraded but I don't think we would have had to upgrade if I had been a little bit more loose and and - - spending a little bit more money for quality so I actually regret it five years later seven years later being so tight about everything and so I learned from that because I actually ended up spending more money in the long run so I just learned that there's a give-and-take you know spending a little bit more on some things believe it or not is why speaka - mm-hmm that's good we were we took our oldest one on a trip to New York and I had to really push for that trip for my wife oh are you kidding me so but we get there and we're driving by all the different places the different you know plays and different things and she just wanted to drive by them and I looked her said honey we're gonna eventually have to pay some money to go inside and so she it so she did though they went to see a play and she said thanks for encouraging me to do that I'm sorry I'm she goes I'm sorry I did that and she goes we really had a great time but I do feel like there's this give-and-take you know there's some times that you know again on behalf of the spenders sometimes you you get to experience things that you don't want to miss out on yeah well just recently uh you know my wife noticed about a year or two ago that I was just under a lot of stress a lot was going on with me ministry wise business wise and she said block out your calendar from this date to this date and I said okay and she said cancel everything that you have I said okay what's going on she said we're going on a vacation and so she spent the money and made me do and it was the best vacation I've ever gone on so you're okay with that I was okay with it but if she had asked me you know hey do you think we ought to go on vacation next month I probably would have said no because I'm a planner by nature and I just don't do things like that you know it's perfect spontaneous yeah so again she's helping me to loosen up and the more I do that I think the better it makes our marriage or takeaway to go well we planner we do plan our vacations every year we had I always planned them a year in advance so that we have enough time to pay for them over the over the course of that year this particular year I felt like we needed one more in one more because he was under a lot of stress and I started putting some money away so that we could because we pay for everything in cash so I just started putting some money away and I got a great deal on this fabulous hotel in Mexico and we went and he found out I think it was the night before he found out where we were going in the world we had a great time yeah had a great time so you guys get really really practical with the application you don't read a lot of books on on money and marriage and the different things but the thing I loved about you guys got really really specific with this and you have what you call the ten principles of marriage and money and I'm excited for people to hear about those can you walk us through those yeah love to well we call it the ten principles it's kind of like the ten commandments that Moses gave you know we said hey these are ten things and and and maybe you're doing some of them maybe you aren't but we pretty much guarantee you they're probably two or three that that you probably need to do and so we're just gonna kind of go through these and talk about of it all right well the first principle is develop a spending plan I spending plan now some people call those budgets we like the spending word better because you know you're gonna spend money because you have to spend money that's just never feels better to myself yeah yeah that's right so but it's nothing wrong with spending money as long as you have a plan for spending and so you know we we tell people that this is very important as it relates to a married couple and it's important for a couple of reasons number one it forces you to work as a team when you talk about it together Genesis 2:18 I love what it says it says the Lord God said it is not good for a man to be alone I will make a helper suitable for him well why would God make a helper if a person didn't need help so the man evidently needed some help but any said suitable for him so in other words Adam was solo at first and then God brought Eve for a reason now they were 18 and so in order to have an effective spending plan you have to operate as a team to work on it together yeah and then a couple of other things as my wife has already said communication patiently communicate communicate communicate is probably the most important thing about developing a spending plan because you do have to talk about where the money is going what is what are we going to save what are our future plans so that we have money for that as well and what needs to be done around the house that needs to be fixed just all the different things that that you have to put into your plan so that you can have money for it and not have to put it on credit so it's really important that you talk about it and if you have a spouse that doesn't like to talk about money a lot of couples have one or the other just doesn't like to talk about that subject just ask them to just have a just one time let's just talk about the budget and just see kind of what's coming in and what's going out just so we can have a kind of an bird's-eye view of what's happening and then just from there get a little bit more into the details hopefully they would be open just to having just a general conversation over coffee about it you don't have to make it like this this big thing but it's just important just to get started so that you can make some plans that for the future that's that's so key because um I think you guys have said there's a stat that of people in some kind of financial crisis can you remind us of that yes about 70% of Americans are experiencing some form of financial crisis which means they were either in debt or they have insufficient savings for their goals like educating their children or retirement or maybe they've made a bad investment and they lost money or maybe they're just not making the type of income that they should make according to their lifestyle so it doesn't necessarily mean that you don't have money in order to have a financial crisis that just means that that you aren't a clicking that you aren't achieving your goals and about 70 percent of people in America aren't happy with their financial status also with half of married couples getting a divorce was just a statistic whether you're a Christian or non-christian half of couples get a divorce and the majority of those couples get divorced because of money a money issue so this is a really important topic to talk about a lot of times that's happening because it's not discussed and of course there are other situations that happen that are you know just they couldn't didn't see coming or whatever but just to pay attention to this is really really important for your marriage yeah one more thing money forces you to come into agreement an agreement is so important for married couples for instance we've been talking a lot about these things spending plans but we don't always think the same so agreement is when a couple literally agrees it doesn't mean that one person is wrong one person is right it just means okay for this particular time this is what we're going to do and you come into agreement and I'm telling you agreement is powerful it's a it's a powerful biblical principle and God blesses unity I believe it is Psalm 133 how good and how pleasant it is when God's people dwell together in unity and so a married couple being unified is a married couple that is blessed by God so whether we had the same philosophy or not and talking about our budget talking about our spending plan allowed us to I'm gonna say to fight but in a good way to light for unity and I know being married to a saver when she knows the plan she's way more comfortable yeah like it's when things come out of nowhere it's when things you know because I I don't have to have a plan yeah I've got a plan to enjoy my life but but she has noticed that plan is very important so you guys are saying okay we got to get a plan because I got to imagine most of these people in crisis or in crisis because they didn't plan that's exactly right mmm number two so develop a spending plan is number one number two is live within your means most people live at their means or above their means but as a married couple it is very important that you live within your means and one of the reasons a lot of married couples don't live within their means is they often compare themselves to other married couples who have a nice house or bigger house or a car or a boat or vacation home and and oftentimes we don't do it consciously sometimes but sometimes unconsciously we try to keep up with the Joneses now we wouldn't admit that but we look and see somebody else got a new house they refurnished it or this or that and it starts to create really discontentment in us and if you're not careful that can cause you to spend more as a couple so you have to really make sure you live within your means I mean I was in the investment business for twenty five years many of my friends and clients had huge homes and then many of my friends were in the NFL so they had these huge homes and some are teak and I would go to visit them and then we would come back to our house and it just seems like it was a little tiny house and it wasn't a tiny house it was just that the other homes were so big and it's just amazing how all of a sudden I didn't like my house a whole lot anymore and I'm just saying you have to be very careful that you stay within your means yeah yet you definitely have to learn how to be content with what you have and resist the temptation to have more and bigger and more shiny and the best appliances and they all have to match and they all have to have the same you know they'll be able be made by the same manufacturer and oh the new washer and dryers are out I've got to get one right and a new kitchen like you said that you wanted right he says why do you want a new kitchen you don't cook yeah that's what has to look like I cook so it's just there you know the images the commercials the billboard it's all out there for us to want more right but we just have to plan if we want more there's nothing wrong with wanting more we just have to plan for that more and not just make these spontaneous purchases that can completely throw our budgets off or can keep us from saving the amount of money we need to save for that when we do have an emergency we can go to that cash and get it instead of putting it on the credit card sounds and there is one more thing when it comes to living within your means what I have seen is a lot of couples that the husband is the primary breadwinner and many of these relationships not all but many other and so the husband acts like a financial dictator in other words because he's the primary breadwinner and by God what he says is going to go that's what we're going to do and so sometimes I've seen the husbands disregard the wisdom of their wife disregard the counsel of their wife even in some business decisions and I had to learn the hard way that God gave me this woman as a gift as a gift because of her wisdom and so just because I was the so-called financial expert did not mean that I needed to disregard her opinions and her wisdom and her knowledge and I did that a few times and I paid a huge price and so one of the things that I think couples need to do in order to keep their spending plan in check is to value each other's counsel when my wife would say you know what I don't think we ought to do that so well we have the money when I'm just not sure at the very least I would use that as a caution light if she wasn't not 100% on board then I viewed it as God trying to either get me not to do it or to at least slow me down listen to the wisdom yes the wisdom of your Smouse and that happens in those conversations you're having right so there this all ties together I can't talk about this it's great all right number three is avoid becoming a slave to debt we talked a little bit about that earlier it's important that your your your first inclination is not to put it on a credit card your first should be a debit card or cash because that way you're actually spending what you have and not what you don't have a lot of times of course when you go into a store you're buying a you know have a major purchase the store is trying to get you to put it on some type of financing term because it's only gonna be an extra 400 a month or it's only gonna be an extra 300 a month and you're thinking oh yeah oh we can handle that no problem but as those things build it can cause friction within the relationship because you're under financial pressure and it's just not worth it so just avoid becoming a slave to debt and start working towards not putting anything on credit yes proverbs 22:7 says just as the rich rule the poor so the borrower is a servant or slave to the lender and so the bible doesn't say that debt is a sin per se but it does say that if you are in debt that you are a servant to whoever you're in debt to and so I know a lot of couples and it even happened with us you get in a lot of debt and believe it or not it can put undue pressure on your marriage it can cause a lot of stress and it can hurt your sex life I mean I'm serious it can it the debt can weigh you down but it has become a way of life in the American culture and I believe it is one of the things that contributes to divorce so the best way to avoid being a slave to debt is not to use debt and and it takes some sacrificing but but but you can do it right it's good all right the next one number four is pay attention to your credit score pay attention to your credit score those seven digits I believe it is a proverbs 22:1 says a good name is to be more desired than than silver and gold and so from a financial standpoint our credit score is our good name or our bad name and so there are a couple of things you can do what's amazing is when more teeka and I were engaged we went through a premarital counseling and one of the sessions is when we had to reveal our debt to each other and I felt really good you know I was like well I don't have any debt and so she showed me her debt and and I figured she had X amount of course it was like double or triple and what I thought and then when we came to the credit score well you know I didn't know a person's credit score could be that low you know we got a big laugh out of it but the bottom line is we I didn't go into our marriage with surprises in this area we talked about our credit scores we talked about our debt we even talked about how we got into the debt why we got into it so it's really important to manage your your credit score alright number five this one is one of my favorites this is find multiple sources of income in other words don't let your job just be your only source Lee and I have always had you know we're we've always had several sources of income so if you have a hobby that you can turn into income that would be awesome if you have a skill if you're a teacher you can tutor I mean there's so many different things that you can do to make extra money that you can use and maybe you can use you can tag that money for your extra things it could be for the vacations that you take every year it could be for the new kitchen that you want whatever those things are they're not in your budget right now you can use those extra sources of income in order to make those things happen absolutely Marty K and I believe in this incredible Prince of principle I believe it is Ecclesiastes 11 - and it goes something like this it's a divided your portion or invest in seven or eight ventures in other words spread your money around because you do not know what kind of misfortune may happen and so I believe we ought to do that even as it relates to our income potential instead of just relying on that one job well you could get lay it off you could get fired so we've always been the kind of couple to try to maximize our income potential and so we've always had three four maybe even five sources of income and and we have found that because of the kind of economy we live in that that might be wise now I'm not saying four or five different jobs but I'm just saying if she said if you have a hobby if you have a particular expertise then why not take advantage of it and so that's one of the things we encourage couples to do I love it because I think sometimes we sit down with budget and we just keep moving the numbers around and we're trying to make this much work and we're going this is not working so to add some as my friend said side hustle yeah you ought to everybody ought to have a side hustle or to party and we have had multiple side hustles and and again it's just about maximizing what God has put inside of it that's great so number six is save and invest for the future very important obviously we always say pay yourself second because God gets paid first and the tithes and offerings and then pay yourself second so if you give God ten percent of your income give yourself ten percent of your income and live off of 80 percent if that's too much right now give yourself five percent or two percent or three percent just start somewhere where you're putting money aside in a savings account and it's money that you are not going to touch for unless it's some kind of emergency so war spenders have the tendency to want to dip into that savings account you get a little out four or something special but it's important just to leave it where it is because as the Bible says this the Sun and rain fall on the just and the unjust so there's always going to be times when it's a rainy season and things aren't going to be going exactly the way you want them to or there may be some unexpected expense that comes your way and you don't want to have to resort to credit and be under all this financial pressure when you could just go right to your savings account and get what you need that's right and she mentioned a rainy day you have to have a rainy day fund an emergency fund cash reserves fund whatever you want to call it one of the reasons a lot of married couples get in financial trouble is because when an emergency comes they don't have adequate reserves and so they have to put it on a credit card because they haven't saved and so when you need new tires or car breaks down or something else well you put it on a credit card so it is very important to have the discipline to save and to put some money away for a rainy day so it's so important just save and invest yes and if you have a saving the saving vehicle at work like a 401k that you can take advantage of if they're if your company's gonna match you know dollar for dollar of what you put in go ahead and definitely take advantage of that don't ignore that especially a lot of young couples a lot of young you see a lot of young couples that they don't know anything about what's going on with 401 K they're not thinking about retirement but it's very important that if that is offered go ahead and take advantage of it and if you're behind the 8-ball on retirement on your retirement money then again you want to use some of your other sources of income that you're gonna use to help fund that and get yourself caught up exactly right so that was number six save and invest for the future number seven be adequately insured adequately insured now this is pretty interesting because being a pastor now you know I have had the unfortunate but necessary duty of having to sit with families when a loved one has died and having to ask questions like are you able to pay for the funeral does the husband have insurance and I have been shocked at how many people did not adequately prepare for their death or they did all of their insurance through their job and then once they left that job they never replaced the insurance so the bottom line is I tell people this what would you want to happen especially for the men what would you want to happen to your family if you woke up tomorrow in heaven you woke up tomorrow in heaven what will you want to happen it be something like well I'd like for all of my children to be able to go to college without having to pay anything I'd like for my house to be paid off I'd like for my desk to be paid off I'd like for my family to live a certain lifestyle even if I'm not here well that's going to take money so if you don't already have it saved which is what we call self-insured then you're going to need some kind of life insurance so we tell people make sure that you are adequately insured and by the way that is good stewardship and I want to say especially to the men don't leave your wife in a precarious situation and too many men do that where the wives struggle after the husband passes away statistically set a little over 70 percent of women will be widows so you have to really think about that because it's important that you are taken care of once your husband is gone and where are the documents and all of those things that we don't want to talk about believe me we know it's very tough but it has to be discussed so women ask your husband's babe how much life insurance do you have now he might look at you funny like are you gonna poison me tonight or something you know your honor like taste taste of food really slowly but it is really important that that you take care of that all right number eight honor God with your wealth honor God with your wealth in other words be a generous giver and the way to do that is to honor God first not last a lot of couples say we we have a heart forgiving but we just don't have anything left once we take care of this and take care of this and take care of this and I say well that's because you're not honoring God first and so it takes faith and this woman has taught me faith she was a tither she was a giver when we met I was just learning how to do that and she really encouraged me and most of the time not all the time most of the time the woman is more generous than the man and so I have learned to let her lead me in this area as it relates to generosity number nine is teach your children about money that's super important that your children know about the value of the dollar and that you don't just give them money without them knowing you know how money how money is actually comes into your home and we had our children divide their money up into three categories give save spend and then they that's that's how they had to do their money so now as they're older they're really great with money our kids are they're really awesome with money and also when our children were younger if they wanted something like an expensive pair of tennis shoes and and then those types of things and it wasn't Christmas and it wasn't their birthday they had to have some skin in the game so we're like yeah well you can hear of course you can you can have that but you're gonna have to produce some money in order to get it so we'll meet you halfway and you come up with half we'll do half and so that way they learn oh I can't just get what I want anytime I want it right well lastly and it's very important for you to do this one develop an estate plan develop an estate plan now that could get very complicated it depends on how much assets that you have or if you have businesses and so forth but I'm just gonna make it very simple make sure you have an updated will I was shocked that seven out of eight Americans don't have a will Wow I mean that's a lot or an updated will and many of those don't have a will period and so it is very important to have a will I believe it is proverbs 13 22 says a good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children and so in order to leave an inheritance and to do it in an orderly fashion you have to make sure that you have all that legal stuff taken care of and by the way which means you're going to have to talk about your death talk about what you want to happen and for a lot of people that's very uncomfortable but it is necessary spouting yeah you guys thank you so much it's been so incredibly practical but just also it just it just so matters to our relationships doesn't it just it's such a dynamic that's so difficult for so many couples but this is so helpful what is one thing one small thing that everybody can do this next week to talk about marriage in finances and how those two things go together okay I would say just take your sheet home your your list of ten things and just pick one thing to talk about just one initially especially if you guys don't typically talk about this area just pick one thing that you feel like for you is important and your spouse as well and let them pick the one thing that they feel is the most important on the list try and so this so the husband picks one thing the wife picks one thing and you just attack that one thing and make sure you you get it right and I would just say secondly of course we don't do it as often now but we used to have money money Mondays and but I would say at least once a month even if it's over dinner or taking a long ride or going to the park I just sit down pray with your spouse thank the Lord for what he has done for you financially how he's provided for your needs and then to talk about your dreams and your goals and where you are and where you would like to be and then talk about some of the challenges and some of the things you can do better and I'm telling you if you get a habit of doing that at least once a month it will bring you closer together and I believe God will bless even a lot of your dreams and goals we might take it thank you guys so much can you guys help me think [Applause]
Channel: North Point Care
Views: 361
Rating: 4.5555553 out of 5
Keywords: care network, north point community church, woodstock church, buckhead church, Gwinnett church, decatur city church, brownsbridge church, help, struggling, challenges, pain, relationships, transition, change, ministry resources, resources, training, counseling, money, marriage, finances, money help, marriage and money, lee jenkins, ted lowe
Id: _V32dNEogR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 13sec (2533 seconds)
Published: Mon May 14 2018
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