Jester and Nott's Wild Night | Critical Role C2E31 Highlight

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strange folk that dragged you out of your homes fair that's fair I guess the only no that's right we're done I wanted to UM well because I want to make the traveler like me again because obviously he doesn't that's why you didn't come save me so I'm going to use this two weeks to scout out all of the the temples to the other pause and really like see the guard schedules and the pre-scheduled and try to sneak in and I'll probably myself of not here because you're good at sneaking what do you want to do I want you well I want you I'm going to take some of the firecrackers we got from hopper dude and then when she set them off during his sermon okay and then I went to you but I'm going to invoke duplicity so it looks like I'm actually still there listening to the sermon and then while that's happening but I'm also at this guy's self so I also want you to look like somebody else while it's happening so nobody can trace it back to me that sounds complicated it's really good stuff and then I want to run over to is there a big set you a platinum dragon there is in the center yet it's it's not built in the floor it's actually held aloft in the central kind of dome archway right beneath that glowing dome at the top is where at nighttime as you've seen it at 10:00 it emits this can faint white glow and it's kind of this beacon in the middle of the darkened city aside from the various pitches of torchlight that hit the streets but beneath it beneath this dome you see the the large carved looks almost like a like a pure platinum but it's probably a polished silver statue of the dragon wings outstretched looking down over the chambers and hovers about 15 feet off the ground where all the rest of the folks gather for the sermon and or just to sit there to meditate and pray in worship this is a really bad time to do this because there's a lot of people around can they do it it nice is there less people at night please that much yeah at neither if there are less people okay I come back a second time after setting off the fireworks now the next time this time I'm coming prepared with my paints and like a mustache what's a couple brochures for the traveller sure and like I steal cats straw hat that he bought sorry and yeah we're gonna make the Planum dragon look like a really cool farmer alright yeah okay we're just gonna messing with the statue we just kill it place know if somebody comes in you need to distract them okay so don't let anybody see me cuz this might take a while so I'm the distraction and the distraction I also invoke duplicity to where it looks like I'm still there on the outside and I can also be hanging out with you so you don't look so like you know just around the corner all right so what do you disguise yourself to be the the sermon guy okay yes okay so Jeff's are now taking the the elderly form of a silver scaled very well-respected Herald of the house kumis you approach the temple will say a few hours after sundown to where the the interest in warship tends to fade as folks come back to home and there are a few mode this point it's mostly just a few caretakers to watch her through the night and some lost souls that have found their way there in the evening when they need guidance they're in there yeah let's drag them and make them go all right oh do my best oh good you know what you should say say that the Simon guy whoever I am tell them I need some quiet time in the temple all right I'll disguise myself using disguised person or disguise self yeah as just a you know an elderly gnomish woman and though I'll wander into the temple I guess I parted me all patrons I have a request from them Holy Father himself but we vacate the premises they have to refresh all the holy water so just out of the pool for just a few minutes take a break make a deception check with disadvantage because you you didn't even use his name okay even better this is what negative three to your deception before you the one that you stole from minus three that's it looks like of the six individuals that are here there are two that actually are of the temple and there are four that are just here meditation or just kind of you know one one looks like a young man like he might be just on a hard times and like has a you know tear marks on his face or may have been just like looking up to the statue and like unravelling and the the four people that that were just attending see you and kind of they get up and start gathering their things the two that worked at Temple are kind of confused look at each other and look at you and begin to walk towards you are they carrying weapons of any sort no no they're wearing they like they're wearing tabards almost that are mostly a silver white color with the symbol of bahamut's like the blue with the with the the silver dragon but they're simply dressed there they're just the caretakers of the temple low-level priests of the Platinum dragon and as they approach one of them looks to be maybe a mid-30s human male kind of male pattern baldness taking looks like a large portion of his shorter blond hair yet the one appears to be half half elven man as well he looks younger but looks can be deceiving with half elves but they both approach with a somewhat concerned look and they half off speaks at first I'm sorry you said that the Holy Father needs the room cleared behind is there anything around us like donation jars or or any anything around [Laughter] 14 looking around there are bowls throughout the room that appeared to most of them appear to be empty a few them have a few knickknacks kind of thrown in there other they may have been things that people left as kind of a gift or an offering cup a few coppers one of them have a silver you don't see any other boxes looks like they're just home they're cleared out fairly frequently so if there's one close to me I would like to cast a mage hand and grab it okay just shovel checking if mage hand has I'm sure I will drop my form this guy self remain stone however mage hand if I recall may have it's an action to use and a bonus action to make it correct but it's verbal and somatic so they stay well as they're approaching you look back and forth I mean I step up from behind not just thing thank you thank you dear my assistant did as I asked I really just needed some quiet time alone in the temple tonight where you had an assistant quickly make a deception check 16:16 one of them because oh of course my apologies your grace in the human leaves the half-elf still seems dubious I'm your grace you you seem to be rather weary perhaps I should stay and just make sure you need help I need some quiet time I'll be quiet I think what is holy this is trying to [Music] [Laughter] of course your grace and the half of leaves but his eyes don't deviate and he appears to leave the room I'm gonna watch the door they all went out the front door well there's like open archways that lead down long hallways and they all appear to have left the hallways I'm going to invoke duplicity and I'm going to make it look like he's you know kneeling down in one and in the doorway like praying and then I'm gonna run out and I'm gonna start painting our blackened dragon okay so you get vocal C's there and you find raccoons about 15 feet up yeah climb on up make an athletics check we're gonna be gonna be busting you out of jail yeah that's a 22 yeah 22 using very minutely jizz that are carved out of the various temple pillars that hold up and maintain the weight of the the beautiful archways that mark the top part of the temple you kind of like okay tiny rock climb with that finger strength that only jester has carefully to leap and then grab on to the Platinum drag any kind of like things back and forth of it you can now see what you can't see from far down is there are two sets of chains that hold it aloft up in the temple it is actually free hanging and now it's kind of rocking back and forth well you know what I could just knock this down that could be really good to you it would be faster I'm gonna hide in one of the good stuff check I would you paint it paint it like rainbow colors I feel like that would be a really nice addition for the Platinum dragon okay so you begin painting rainbow colors and pulling out all your various pigments and just the platinum begins to give way to a Technicolor vomit nightmare with a mustache okay and a straw hat okay as you're getting to the mustache you hear what sounds like many many footfalls approaching and a voice saying yeah just this way I drop down and run okay see here this is the middle talking make your neck making acrobatics check this is a 15-foot drop landing middle east but you're still dragon yeah but there's also the mocha Pacific in there so there's one there's that's and you there are now five crowns guard and two two members of the house giving chase down one of the hallways perception check look around you is this is happening rather rapidly from behind okay twenty three sleep three all right lefty view there's two open doorways one is dark on the inside the other students have candle lights from the interior dark all right so you duck into the dark raise your own adventure yeah the footfalls are coming faster faster behind you and not you're noticing that they're they're drawing weapons and one of them appears to be pulling out some sort of like a bead out of their pocket oh okay I'm gonna I'm gonna scream as loud as I can okay from behind them okay well they all immediately stop and look behind at you how are you are there there's there's five grounds guard and then two members of the church make it [Music] okay you think you think there may be hidden they turn and look at you what hey he just he stopped breathing he's back there didn't you see him okay the deception shake see as they're all looking the one that had the bead goes and throws your direction all right so it's an 18 to hit okay make it decks 30 second throw thank goodness I'm wearing my cloak so I get advantage and that's a natural 20 okay so you don't take any forest damage however this sphere of translucent force has completely encapsulated you you're just like slowly rolling back like two of the guards come over to flank it the other three continue their travel with the two members of the church so those five duck and go into the dark room where you are as one of them lights a torch to light up the chamber you have kind of put your way into a corner between one of these boxes and some of the the arraignments nobody won't be seen they're going to make a very thorough investigation of the room they begin to slowly look through one of the members of the church after after the the first 30 seconds of not finding anyone darts off so the only four in the chamber he's going to look elsewhere the crown cigar began to peek through and lifting up the pieces of equipment lifting at the tops of what looks to be storage containers the rooms about 15 by 10 feet it's not a very large room jeebies alright so this is this is equivalent essentially to an eau de Luke's resilience fear you're in a hamster ball but the two guards that are right there are flanking it and holding it in place you can't move I can't blink on myself okay so go ahead and roll TV's so so your your form flickers for a moment as the spell kicks in however you've split up you right back in place wait okay so you can target three creatures at their level how many are in the room there's three count crowns guard and one member of the house you can kill me yeah the crowns are all right they have advantage and the save because you are technically in opposition on this one so the first crowns guard with advantage that's going to be a 14 what's the DC 15 15 he fails other one in the two sixes in a row fail the third one too and not they all fail even with even with advantage so the the three crowns guard kind of come in like have you seen where this person went apparently someone's masquerading as you that room with the candles on the other side of the turn around and rush off to find it while the member of the house the half smile familiar is like and is gonna rush to try and grab you go ahead and roll another 225 5 no it's gonna go for a full grapple it's an athletics check wouldn't know that second level I can cast it I can't hold person on them okay that is going to be 16 I believe that's the success yes 13 plus 3 however does come in and go to grapple you can hold you in place so you are you're currently now being held in this form by the entity you can try and break free by doing it ok try it Laura gave us on the hospital run 12 you are grappled however go ahead and roll another B 20 cuz you're playing spell still active how means just pushing things over looking around for wherever you may have gone there next round just you appear 10 feet from where you where where you want to appear doorway you appear in the doorway the three gardener and the other chamber and they're currently like you can now see into the other room where you didn't run and it looks to be the bed chambers of the actual c'mon strange asleep and like sir there's a weight as you go running down the hallway at this point the two awake again yep the two of their crowns guard who are currently guarding not who is you see now not is encapsulated in this bubble it is like and they're just they're more than is pulling out what looks to be chains and and cuffs on them and they're preparing to essentially arrest not once this bubble goes away they both turn around in the little disc Upland see you buddy with advantage one of them succeeds to 17 in a row the other 701 so what one of them goes which kind of looks even smiles the one with the one holding the chains for not the other one pulls a blade like slow down and walk up like oh good somebody was impersonating me in here have you found the man take a deception check with disadvantage 16 cuz were supposed to go much quicker I'm sorry guys the blade is pulled out and this kind of goes we're sorry sir we were called in here there was apparently a disturbance we found this one preparing the rest I saw your other guard friends running that direction I think I think the impersonator was back there well hopefully they'll go ahead and catch them yeah shouting though the one you charm goes well I'll go ahead and find out and then walks over to help them all the one who was another term just sits there and grant takes the chains some time and is now waiting for not to get out the other person from the house comes by the half elf and says you fool now the other your actual Herald of the house cuz I was like pajamas on is like we're just going dispel magic on nods bubble go ahead and roll a d20 have you cast my guess is the modifier that's good oh my god that's Oh any what is that 23 vanishes no bald your foot the guard the chains gonna go ahead and reach out and turn to Grandpa you would them all right go ahead make an echo Braddock's check that was a tuck acrobatic yes seventeen seventeen fifteen you slip out of it in time 20 20 you guys get out seven at this point you can hear footsteps coming from the other engines are you doing full - full - full that's all - yes all right Laurel [Music] I see so no I'm gonna run another 15 feet does anyone have eyes on me right now everyone behind you have eyes on you and you're about to come back into the center of the temple where there where there are there there are two hallways that exit to the front in the back to the right and left both exit the temple but you also hear footsteps coming from somewhere the city entirely camping like oh that's just get out of there and turn left okay using your voice a huge scoop as you turn left and you see two two crowns guard that are just kind of approaching now hearing this commotion you just scoop past and look Hey and they they're unable to catch up to you do too fast but their berths are giving chase Laura you reappeared ten feet from where you where you're now going in the center of the temple and there's the wave of people rushing towards you there's no two crowns guard rushing towards the direction we're not as you seem not just tearing ass away from you no one matrix to that overhead shot of all the agents of all that what's happening right I've got one mores I get leveled spell left I'm gonna cast a mirror image on myself okay so now there are multiples multiple copies of the herald of the house commands it's just an army of old dudes the old dragon board take off running towards whatever wherever the smallest amount of people coming that would be today right yeah it's the direction that not yeah all right so you're charged in that direction all right so you move the rest of your movement that way 30 feet roll another d20 not you at this point managed to make it out of the street now you're you're not out of the temple it's gonna kind of duck behind something and look to see if jester came in make a stealth check to see if he managed to lose oh the folks that are chasing you right into the street so 25 25 he managed to dodge over what looks to be a few rain barrels in the side dart down one alleyway and then circle around once and then ducked beneath a parked wagon and you're pretty sure they've lost you then I started to scatter and give orders off in different directions you've caused quite a commotion just so you returned in to place your first time using blink and you're thinking oh god what's happening I'm gonna oh god if I but if I get a double dash I can get farther away right yep okay I'm gonna try to double dash all right so that's full full 60 feet and movement as you're rushing down the other hallway you heard the voices behind you shouting oh there is keep going how are there so many of them what's going on bro another 20 okay oh god okay five keep running you keep earning your make your way out now into the night air blink hey you drop like spells bang drop the sky self the guards are now rushing up and they're coming to the to the edge of the exit and they can see you now that you can see me okay can they still see me can I like turn a corner and drop this guy self you could try but there still have eyes trained on you I'm not gonna top this guy self then I'm gonna keep going okay I want to do it as soon as I'm out of eyeshot for like explicit yeah you're you're gonna try and find a way to break eye contact with them but they're pretty trained on you right now ooh can I invoke duplicity no I already did I do it twice you see what you do get it twice you get you get to your channel divinity twice and I am going to [Laughter] alright it gives you about 12 seconds in the visibility of your neck let's use of channel divinity in DB history right there that's right you just okay okay so alright cool so so as they're chasing you you you channel divinity you you you give a silent little whispered prayer to the traveler to give you the opportunity to escape [Music] you've been sure you're invisible for the next six seconds I run as fast as I can in like turn a corner okay and so with that you go ahead and duck around into what looks to be a little nook on the on the outside of some sort of an abode or home that it's placed here just on the outside of the temple in that moment go to make a self-check advantage because you're invisible natural twenty you hear the voices of the crown like where did you see them go I didn't see they just vanished it's ridiculous we're all gonna get in serious trouble if we don't find that oh my god and so they all begin to scatter about and you begin to weave your way through some of the nearby alleyways into the shadows of the night yeah that invisibility completely cut off their their eye line to keep following you I do I'm gonna just change the sky self and make myself look like a little bigger like a human girl okay and that's I'm just kidding with that you managed to slowly blend back into the night chaos and is easily the most [ __ ] two characters have ever reversal deepest [ __ ] we've ever dipped Adele not since can bow I think [Music]
Channel: Nico Neilson
Views: 481,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vlog, Funny, opinions, Weird, awesome, creative, confident, random, topics, Critical, Role, CriticalRole, DuneonsandDragons, Dungeons, and, Dragons, Matthew, Mercer, Marisha, Ray, Travis, Willingham, Liam, Obrian, Sam, Riegel, Taliesin, Jaffe, Ashley, Johnson, Laura, Bailey, Vox, Machina, Talks, Discussion, Highlight, Death, Grog, Fjord, Beau, Keyleth, Caleb, Vax, Tary, Scanlan, Nott, Molly, Percy, Jester, Vex, Yasha, Pike, Taldorei, Wildemount, secret, agent, chaos, wild, sneaky, episode, 31
Id: lfYcl1QMKF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 25sec (1825 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 21 2018
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