Jessie Flower Plays WHO SAID IT? Avatar Edition!

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welcome to the amagi welcome to today's video if you had the chance to talk to one of the voice actors behind avatar the last airbender what would you ask them and how would the voice actor reply no need to wonder we've recently gotten the amazing opportunity to collaborate with the wonderful jesse flower who graciously took the time to take part in an interview for which fans of avatar the last airbender submitted their questions and take on a challenge that's only befitting for a voice actor if you want to know what the challenge is about and how well jesse flower did click the subscribe button and ring the bell to not miss out but enough about that let's welcome the voice behind the greatest earthbender of all time jesse flower hey there twinkle toes michaela jill murphy aka jessie flower aka the blind bandit aka the runaway aka melonlord aka toff beifong from avatar the last airbender here and i am thrilled to be on the amagi channel thank you so much for having me ethan and today we have an interesting challenge for you to watch so i'm being tested on my quote knowledge for the show uh and i'm supposed to guess 21 quotes uh and who says them and bonus points if i remember the context and what episode that's a bit of a reach i will do my best with the context but the episode name probably not but hey we're gonna give it a shot with my wonderful helper over here my boyfriend alexander rios he'll be reading the quotes off and telling me if i get them right or not dramatically all right let's do it number one i think i got midnight sub madness i'm going home to where stuff makes sense okay definitely saka most of these are written so wonderfully for their character saka has this little flair for the dramatic i'm going home to where things make sense that is not good i think i got midnight sun madness i'm going home to where stuff makes sense that's early on is that the first that's the first episode so it says yes okay all right boy in the iceberg that's the title of the first episode great okay number two don't bite it yourself you were never even a player oh well that's a zulu don't flatter yourself you were never even a player i mean don't we all dream of saying that to our exes uh azula azula said that i always want to say it's to zuko but but it's not because he he is a player he disses him a lot but it's he's still a player no who is that too yes okay great we love that long thing lots of earth names get all mixed up okay number three hey i was stuck inside till i was 12. number three oh that was food i used it to start the campfire last night ah it's anger saka that's where my head is is that it yeah okay oh that was food i used it to start the campfire last night honestly i was i was split 50 50 between those two number four maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash in okay uh this is to katara at least katara she might be with ang just practicing water bending or they're practicing water bending it almost sounds like me but i don't but that's not in there so i mean a taka to guitar and hang in the water baby scroll when katara offers hang some early help with water vending yes maybe we can find a puddle for you to splash it okay great number five we are the sons and daughters of fire the superior element this guy has some interesting visual hair uh interesting facial hair i get his oh no no then i'm actually blinking and i'm blanking it's it's what's his face but i don't remember his name uh that is not correct we are the sons and daughters of fire the superior element number six okay she's crazy and she needs to go down maybe you should do an old person voice you're giving me hints that solidified it well okay yeah it's uncle iro sorry i was gonna that's uncle iro to uh to zuko yeah in zuko's like i like she's my sister i shouldn't like hurt her and then he's like oh no she's psycho you gotta get rid of that you know that girl okay okay sorry she's crazy and she needs to go down number seven okay there are no take backsies in my kingdom there are no take backsies [Music] oh take backsies that's boomy there are no take backsies in my kingdom okay why don't you ask sokka's instincts they seem to know everything uh is that sounds like something that's that's um uh in is that katara in the jet episode with the because he kept keeps saying like my instincts are telling me it's gonna rain or something and then that soccer makes them walk instead of flying that yes why don't you ask saka's instincts they seem to know everything number nine oh great and powerful sea serpent please accept this humble and tasty offering thank you okay well that sounds like saka offering some sort of fish something oh great and powerful sea serpent please accept this humble and tasty offering thank you and whatever that episode is the serpent the serpent's the pass yep great i didn't get that one bring momo as food to the sea syrup oh right i forgot about that that's funny okay it wasn't random food it was yes it was mine he's a food group oh no ten okay i'm a warrior but i'm a girl too oh okay sookie uh to saka duh uh cause love i am a warrior but i'm a girl too i mean there is a kiss on the cheek that happens pretty quickly number 11 moving on his sources include singing nomads pirates prisoners of war and surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage is is this like a description of a character i know i have absolutely no idea it's saka when we allowed the poster of the play and ember island players okay his sources include singing nomads pirates prisoners of war and a surprisingly knowledgeable merchant of cabbage he's reading about himself great number 12. i know you can do it aang for you have done it before uh well it's you've done it before i'm analyzing now it's either katara or another avatar i know you can do it oh i'm getting hints in library so you're sounding like an older man so it's avatar [Applause] for you have done it before [Music] 13. you should leave the way you came unless you want to become stuffed head of anthropology your sassy readings gotta throw me off for a second but that was that was the the um library yeah the library that was um oh oh oh she oh she talked oh she oh my gosh the the the owl oh no wanchiton yeah there it is you should leave the way you came unless you want to become a stuffed head of anthropology i couldn't pronounce actually i actually couldn't pronounce the character this is the worst place in umashu you sound like soccer selling saga are you sure i should do it this is the worst place the worst place in omaha foaming mouth man i wish same level of absurdity he recur he's a rehearing character oh i got a hint what is the cabbage man yes this place is worse than omashu that almost sounded like cactus juicy saka but that wasn't the right there were some great cabbage martian and cabbage sexy outfits confusing but great i recommend you look them up there was like a sexy cabbage and then like the cabbage for halloween this year yes it was great on the show no 15 yeah this is a long one maybe you should worry less about the tides who have already made up their mind about killing you and worry more about me who's still mulling over killing you that that's azula yep yeah she's uh where is she's on something on something like drugs that would explain a lot he's on drugs the whole time that would actually be noticeable that would completely over the entire azula's entire arc is an acid trip azula to a ship's captain when he informs her that the tide won't allow oh it's just to a ship captain yeah yeah maybe you should worry less about the tides who've already made up their mind about killing you and worry more about me he's still mulling it over 16. okay where's your creepy grandpa well that sounded like how i would read it i know you're throwing me off with these readings over here i've got like my own voice actor in the room do you want to make it more difficult it's kind of hard already it's not me but i don't know who it is yeah this one's kind of hard you're a creepy girl oh june yeah [Applause] june june musical theater you're welcome where's your creepy grandpa oh yeah no there was no way 17. okay i always knew i was special i feel like that phil's only person that would say that is ang oh yeah okay who's he talking to uh the heavens [Music] i don't know what the context is what it what in the library when she tells him he was left-handed in a previous life that's the reaction i always knew i was special okay 18. a couple of more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge well that can't be guitar to aang because first of all it's like too sassy but also a few years they don't have that they old guy it's an old guy [Laughter] one of his students in the siege of the north part one after katara easily beats him there you go a couple of more years and you might be ready to fight a sea sponge 19. okay it's terrible when you can't trust the people who are closest to you they they're the girls they're dressed up um as kyoshi warriors uh who says that it's a zoo it's a zula it's terrible when you can't trust the people who are closest to you i thought it was made for a second but no because that may entirely look at each other and they're like and we're about to screw her over later yeah that's i remember this now second or last why are we sitting in the nosebleed section oh yeah is that me mr tom why are we sitting in the nosebleed section why are we sitting in the nosebleed section ah that was pretty good that was a little more sassy than i think i actually did it thank you that was my present number 21. okay final round goodbye everyone today destiny's our friend okay well there's clearly something dramatic at the end uh it's either it's either like an avatar roku or an aang okay mr hintman well now so it's uncle that's where you gasp after uncle really i thought it was yeah i thought it was like avatar i know morocco i know so yeah goodbye everyone today destiny is our friend it works as an ukulele thing but originally i thought it was like a flashback aang avatar moment thing there you go the end okay so i mean if we tally that up i probably got like a 19 out of 21. yeah so i feel like i know mostly who says what and kind of where that was pretty good that was okay those were hard ethan sir though those were difficult i was like oh hopefully they were going to be f i know well that would have been easy can't give give toff her own tricks she knows how to play them that's not how this works and now we have a bit more of a lighthearted uh q a session so apparently some of you submitted some questions so i am here to answer those questions uh and of course my lovely boyfriend will be asking them we might butcher some usernames that's fine we're gonna be great all right let's get started ask away this is from zacadero did you have any input into how top was portrayed aside from my attitude no i was not necessarily part of her creation and how she was drawn or like that the fact that she was going to become a girl apparently according to giancarlo after i came in and voiced mang in season one and he saw me and my energy he you know they had been talking about making tough girl already and after seeing me that kind of locked into place that they wanted to make her a girl and that they wanted me to come in and audition for her because he saw me and was like hey i like what you're doing uh and i think toff should kind of be like you so that was my part and i guess like influencing how she was portrayed galigo 13. how did you get along with each member of the cast oh that's great i mean i was 12 13 and everybody else was over 18. so they were all like going going out to bars going to clubs like hanging out and i was you know going to school and going to bed so we had a bit of a different lifestyle but in the recording studio everybody was super super sweet you know we always had a grand time when there were multiple people in the recording studio a lot of the time it was just me but when other people were there usually jack or dante and sometimes gray mako for like two seconds before he passed and then you know greg but for the most part it was it was just me and you know sound crew directors mike and brian and the bag of popcorn from the kitchen that i always stole took next one lady lostris lady lustre lady lost what would you do when going on a life-changing field trip with zuko oh well fun fact i reconnected with dante last year when he was on his little book tour um from rufio to zuko wuhu and he came through new york which is where i was living before kovid19 i somehow knew that he was coming through new york and uh bridget and sydney who helped him with life were with him and i went to one of his book signings and then i just kind of followed him around and went on a little life-changing adventure with zuko so we went to dinner i met a bunch of his friends who were there to like see him when he was on the east coast and then i took sydney and bridget out to brunch uh like a boozy brunch it was grand fun and then we decided to do a last minute joint signing at a um comic book and action figure store in midtown just like on a whim we decided to do a joint signing it was great and yeah so that was like a little new york minute with dante bosco so that was my like real life adventure with zuko now we're both adults and now i can go to bars too so woohoo question from henry hudson gc what was your favorite top line from avatar last year favorite top line it shuffles around i will say but i do appreciate in my favorite episode the library uh whenever she says look there it is that's what it'll sound like when one of you spots it that's a really good a really good moment there it is that's what it will sound like when one of you spots it i enjoy all of her little blind jokes but that one's particularly fun because it's still early on so they're like extra gullible still and you know it's upside down isn't it [Music] it's upside down isn't it you know another classic uh because she's blind haha it just never constant the fanfic kid the fan fiction what was the funniest moment you had wilst whilst christ who else voice acting the voice acting the funnest or the funniest funniest the funniest moment i've mentioned this before but creating sound effects during action sequences uh is a lot so there were moments when i couldn't get like a grunt right so i'd have to sit there for like 10 minutes just grunting and yeah like various ways just like like just all these little things trying to like get the right inflection uh right and it's like you have 17 different like to choose from and it's like how do you know um but like it's like when you know you know like when you see it and hear it and then you're just like ah that's the right huh yeah i don't know that there was one day a couple days especially towards the end when we were fighting more um i wish there's lots of lots of grunts also in the episode where i said i am not tough i am melon i had laryngitis so i could only say part of that line uh which is why actually my voice is lower like during that line and during a couple other lines because i couldn't go higher that day because i had laryngitis all right this is a double whammy so the hacker cat and pasta kitten 42 which version of top is your favorite as in like old talk or like atla top i guess like the young top that we see in flashbacks in cora um it's actually the daydream version of toff when aang sees a vision of her in the swamp uh that's my favorite top there's so much character going on so much she sees so many things yeah she's there with her boy and her pretty dress and you're like oh who is this maiden and then she's like it's an avatar first of all because that's when it's me um but i really like when she's in her fire nation outfit like season three everybody's at their best right they're finally polishing all of their skills and their agendas and everyone's the most mature and not in quora land obviously but it within the avatar three seasons and everybody looks good as much as i hate to say it everybody looks good in red and gold in this series like they just look so crispy katara that looks hot i love toff's whole layering situation she's got going on it's i just i'm into it i cosplayed as myself in san diego comic-con 2014. it was great i went to joann's the day before and spent twenty dollars on red fabric and went home and sewed it and it was great it was and i walked around barefoot all day so this goes hand in hand from position 42. uh-huh what do you think of the ember island player's top oh well that was like what the original tough was supposed to be that's what toff was going to be before they made her a girl which i'm so glad they made her a female can you imagine it would have been so testosterone heavy i mean i think that was the issue they were like oh man we got adding on aang saka toff if it was a guy and zuko we got like four and ira there's just so much so much it's a lot of dudes yeah so this one's from code villain hoax is there some symbolism or metaphors from the legend of korra or avatar last i'm under airmen or that correlate to your personal life slightly reworded um yes well first of all this video is not three hours so yes but i cannot address every single part of your question wow there have been a lot of articles discussions um comparisons yeah and the guardian at an interview with the guardian kind of just comparing the oppression the societal just just every so many things um that are wrong and great about how the avatar world is kind of crumbling when we first enter into it um and how that reflects certain periods in history i'm not going to state anything in particular but if you sleuth online or go read the article that um i interviewed for uh the guardian uh yeah we we go into a bit of detail i say there are lots of parallels in history that we should have learned from that we haven't learned from completely that are reflected in the avatar verse uh and that we should continue to i don't know try to use as a lesson i feel like you can only teach but my life i mean i think uh toff specifically has been just like a personal mirror you know she was recorded at a time when i was uh you know the same person but different person you know kind of both and i've grown into somebody else and she grew into somebody else but there are still so many things that i can re-watch and relate to and also be like oh hey i bet i didn't think about this side of it whenever i was recording it um you know just cool things as you grow up and kind of return to your former self in whatever version that may be and realize that there are plenty of parts that are still very much there and also recognize the parts that have grown for the better and maybe grown for the not so better and work on both sides of that so yeah i mean i think there's a lot of good personal inspiration for all the voice actors in their characters that they voiced so lola 987 lola 987 whatever lola wants oh yeah what's your craziest fan story oh uh i don't know yeah they're pretty tame uh there was one guy who dressed up asaka very very well uh at san diego comic con 2014 and i ran into him like three times in the same day and we ended up at the same restaurant at the end of the day i yes i kissed him on the cheek i couldn't remember if i let him kiss me on the cheek or if i kissed him on the cheek i kissed him on the cheek um so that was like a fun little faux rendezvous of like saka and toff consistently running into each other and then i did a cute little like taka photo where i was like kissing him on the cheek it was cute but that was just like involved because we were both very in like good costumes and he had a really good boomerang and his hair he shaved his head and everything and like had honestly had the same skin tone down and everything similar eyebrows it was like wild this kid was like photos on point hope of me and anything like neon cat ha the hope of man uh were you able to make connections with disabled people and or spread awareness for their communities after spending so much time voicing top uh so yes and no i suppose because i happen to have bad eyesight but by no means am i blind i thankfully can wear contacts and glasses and still see but i very much need the contacts and glasses to see but i i didn't speak out too much when i was younger but i started getting a lot of people reaching out who were like inspired and happy and like comforted by the fact that you are playing a blind character and that there is this amazing technically disabled character who is in fact stronger because of her disability as opposed to being somehow hindered by it now how you know that's not usually the case and it's true it's so weird usually you might see somebody who's in a wheelchair who like also gets to come along or somebody who can't see who gets to experience you know something cool but they like have somebody helping them like there are all these things like oh they get to do this but there's always this little like you know second hand thing but yeah you forget and she incorporates it into it by owning up to it even though i'm sure there are moments i mean which we see in tales of boston say and others but there are moments where she is like us this kind of sucks like it would be great to just like see uh you know for the most part she owns it it is who she is and she knows that that's why she's so good at what she does and that's what makes her happier like at the end of the day like she would not be the best earth vendor in the world if she could see she wouldn't and that's true a lot of times i mean even in our day-to-day interactions our senses distract us when we hear something when we see something and we're trying to focus all these little things distract us and she has one of those shut off so that means that all of the others are completely heightened and obviously her her feet are extra extreme because that is how she gets through the day so i recently started you know getting a bit more comfortable speaking out about it and like kind of talking about it because for a while i was like i the character is but i'm not and i would feel weird speaking on behalf of people who are blind because i am not blind so i cannot say that i understand because i don't um but toff does and for that i am thankful to have played such a cool character and i think the fact that most people forget including her counterparts on the show many many times that she is blind is is a testament to that so recently uh i you know started finding various organizations um that help support those without sight to you know get themselves educated to find jobs uh et cetera et cetera and have been you know reaching out and supporting and donating to them so hoping to do more of that in the future what are your thoughts on how the comics have handled past the show's original run oh yeah um i think that's great i haven't read all of the comics i've only read two of them i think it's the rift and the promise but i think they're fun i think they're a great extension of the the show of the story um so yeah i mean i think they're cool the more the merrier bowlin solace gray out of all the voice actors in atla who do you think resembled their character the most and why whoa they're all really good i know and it's funny because a lot of the voice actors do really resemble their characters like quite a lot uh like act two no no yeah like in all aspects but i will say it's gotta be between jack and dante like out of everybody else because almost every second of their life i feel like is could be a reflection of their characters on the show between jack and dante i'm really really torn i think jack takes the cake in all of the ways that you may love or not love saka i think jack parallels in the best way i really think that he's the closest yeah to his character battle cats person battle cat's purse battle cats what were some of the funniest bloopers you did while voicing top during etl oh that's similar to the other question this is not trying to be some sort of weird humble brag but like i didn't the thing is with voice acting you get the script ahead of time first of all uh and once you're in a groove with your character you know who you're coming into play so you're not going in you're not really tripping over your words you're not reading it weirdly because you know who you are um and so it was really more of a i would read it once or maybe read it you know one to three times and the director andrea would be like great moving on or she'd be like give me three more but like you know three more like number two and i would do three more like number two and she'd be like great let's move on so i know it's a boring answer but usually i mean that's why you usually get cast because you're in the pocket they don't have to do much because they have to get through so many people they have so many deadlines to me they have so many things to animate they need you to come in and be your character call it a day um and i'm yeah i'm sure that there were probably some funny moments with like jack messing up like well he was like tripping on cactus juice like that some of that was ad-libbed so that was kind of fun for me like the melon lord laughed but i had laryngitis so i guess that was probably like the most fun i don't know my voice was dying it hurt but yeah yeah they're not too many bloopers so this one's from c fuji and they wanted to ask how much of your dialogue was scripted and how much was it improvised uh all scripted for the most part i mean there were like a couple things i.e the the sound effects or maybe laughter or maybe it specifically said ad-lib like woo-hoo we're like yeah but it was all scripted this is from another again another again another again another question what has been your favorite slash most memorable fan interaction that playing top has brought to you the soccer one was fun uh this is kind of just like a little collection but i get some really cool interactions at conventions with people who come up to the table after you know a panel or something like that and um avatars just helped a lot of people in like a lot of really cool ways through middle school when it was crappy to getting them through the loss of a loved one or through their disability or lack thereof because it is not it is a strength uh and there's just been a lot of cool stories that people have opened up to me about i would say that is probably the coolest part of just fans in general um whether it be through fan mail but especially in person uh when i can at conventions which hopefully will happen again soon we will see yeah this is from team leo team leo for light which episode was your favorite time episode was favorite to record uh the last one was really cool there were a lot of us in the booth for a lot of that and you know we got to go to the premiere of the last episode together with the red carpet and the whole cast and crew and everybody and their dog was there at paramount studios uh so yeah the last episode was so cool also i have the last line so i'm just thinking about that the other day for a while hagrid for life what is the most special thing about top in your opinion i think the most special thing about toff is that she's never swayed i mean that's like also the worst part but i think she once she always has an opinion and it's usually immediate and then it doesn't change um and i think that's a rare quality in characters and in people and because of that it makes her very determined it makes her very capable and makes her very i think uh level-headed very grounded if you will she wouldn't get to to who she is i don't think even at just 12 years old but all that stuff all the sneaking out going to earth rumble fighting all these people running away from home teaching avatar all this stuff you have to be decided you can't you can't be on shaky ground with all that stuff you're either like doing it or it's probably going to blow up in your face and she went all in and because of that she succeeded so i have to commend her for that those are all the questions challenge interview questions we made it through thank you all for hanging out with me today thank you to ethan for having me on the amagi channel uh check me out on instagram at makayla mostly i'll put the name somewhere around here uh that's where i am most of the time mostly and if you're looking for some holiday merch perhaps for a friend for a loved one for yourselves whatever um i've got some toff inspired merch at www wonder where that name came from uh yeah and looking forward to seeing some of you repping some awesome tough apparel anyway thank you so much for having me i hope you all are having a happy and healthy and safe holiday season and just remember to keep your knees high twinkle toes have a good one everyone did you enjoy our video be sure to check out these other great videos from the amagi and make sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos
Channel: The Amagi
Views: 540,933
Rating: 4.9643559 out of 5
Keywords: Jessie Flower, Toph, Cast, Voice Actors, Interview, The Amagi, Behind The Scenes, Who Said it, Who Said That, Quote, Quote Challenge, Challenge, Plays, Avatar, Avatar The Last Airbender, Michaela Jill Murphy, Scene, Fight, Clip, Series, Netflix
Id: Pl2PQW6nHIo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 16sec (1996 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 27 2020
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