The Complete History of the WHITE & RED LOTUS in Avatar and The Legend of Korra! 🌸

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The White Lotus and the Red Lotus. Two sides of a Pai Sho tile. But what's the history behind these mysterious organizations? Well, thanks to a letter that Uncle Iroh had written to Zuko before his passing, Iroh revealed that the secret organization was originally just a group of like-minded individuals dedicated to uniting the four nations. Then their mission expanded into protecting and training the Avatar for the good of all mankind. The tile based board game, Pai Sho, was always at the center of the group. I see you favor the White Lotus gambit. Not many still cling to the ancient ways. Those who do can always find a friend. Then let us play. Was first an excuse to share information in a casual manner. But when this group of allies grew too large, Pai Sho became a vessel for symbols and codes. They were able to secretly plan and strategize together in full public view. Like a flower on the edge of a sidewalk, they grew right under everyone's nose. The White Lotus opens wide to those who know her secrets. What are you old gasbags talking about? I always try to tell you that Pai Sho is more than just a game. As this group blossomed, they became known as the Order of the White Lotus. Named, of course, for Pai Sho's iconic White Lotus tile. Most people think the lotus tile insignificant, but it is essential for the unusual strategy that I employ. You may be wondering what kind of timeline we're looking at. We don't know exactly when this legacy began, except that they were established by the time the Avatar Kuruk passed away. That's when the White Lotus failed to properly identify Kuruk's successor. Consequently, Avatar Kyoshi had an extremely difficult upbringing. That changed over time, with some help from the White Lotus member and Kyoshi's Secretary Jinpa. Centuries later, in the height of The Hundred Year War, Avatar Aang was the next to work closely with the order. Not that he realized it. You can't keep us here. Let us leave! As King Bumi of Omashu put Aang through several unique challenges, the secret White Lotus member reminded his old friend, that things were not always as they seemed. I solve the questions same way solve the challenges. As you said a long time ago, I had to open my brain to the possibilities. [laughing] Bumi, you're a mad genius. And then there was the Fire Nation deserter, Jeong Jeong. He's the first person ever to leave the Army and live. Avatar Aang was desperate to learn from this firebending master. Even though it was not at all ready to start firebending. Why won't he see me? He says you're not ready, says you haven't mastered waterbending and earthbending yet. Wait, how does he know that? He saw the way you walked into camp. He can tell. I'm going in anyway. Aang eventually convinced Jeong Jeong otherwise, with the help of Avatar Roku. You think I am weak, Avatar Roku? No! No! I did not mean that. I have mastered the elements a 1,000 times in 1,000 lifetimes. Now, I must do it once again. You will teach the Avatar firebending. Yes. Yes. I will teach you. Really? That's great! Though, as is often the case, the avatar in training should've listened to the White Lotus. You burned my sister! This is all your fault! I know! Now, pack your things! You must leave immediately! I'm sorry. Another White Lotus mainstay, Pakku of the Northern Water Tribe, who was especially important fueling Team Avatar's growth. Not bad. Not bad. Keep practicing and maybe you'll get it by the time you're my age. He tried to teach Aang master level waterbending. Though, teaching Katara is what would really build Aang's skill set over time. You're late. - Good to see ya here. - You too. Pakku showed the value of building Team Avatar and not just the Avatar himself. Just like their next White Lotus tutor, Pandao. Your butler told me that when I met you, I would have to prove my worth. But the truth is, I don't know if I am worthy. Hmm. I see. Well, then let's find out together how worthy you are. This non bending member of the Fire Nation helped transform Sokka into an expert swordsman. Take note of all the lotus symbolism in his home. The Master wanted you to have this as something to remember him by. It's a Pai Sho tile. A White Lotus. Huh. What does it mean? I have no idea Piandao also helped train a future Fire Lord, Zuko. Now, come to think of it, perhaps that's when Piandao was originally indoctrinated into the White Lotus. Via Zuko's Uncle, Iroh. It is an honor to welcome such a high ranking member of the Order of the White Lotus. Being a grandmaster, you must know so many secrets. We learned most of what we know about this organization through Iroh. As the group's Grand Lotus, he and he alone had the power to summon their warriors for battle. The world witnessed that assembly during the return of Sozin's comet. Well, look who's here. [laughing] The White Lotus has always been about philosophy and beauty and truth. About a month ago, a call went out that we were needed for something important. It came from a Grand Lotus, your uncle, Iroh of the Fire Nation. The order of the White Lotus was crucial in ending The Hundred Year War. But, in doing so, they revealed themselves to the world. And unfortunately, that action planted a seed. A that would blossom into the deadly Red Lotus. Red Lotus? Are you related to the White Lotus? We are what the White Lotus was meant to be. But, after The Hundred Year War, the White Lotus lost its true purpose. Its members came out of hiding and openly served the Avatar. They became nothing but glorified body guards who served corrupt nations. So, a great man named Xai Bau, broke from the White Lotus and began his own society. In addition to this legendary Xai Bau, there were several other powerfully influential Red Lotus members who believed that chaos was the natural order of society. Two of these members were Zaheer, the martial arts expert, and Avatar Korra's very own uncle, Unalaq. What? My uncle was part of the Red Lotus? I met your uncle when I was a teenager after we've both joined the Red Lotus. We learned about Raava and Vaatu and how Avatar Wan foolishly severed them, disrupting the balance of the world forever. Avatar Wan wasn't foolish. He was trying to restore balance. He closed the portals, severing humans from spirits. Even you realize the error in his ways. Once they were radicalized by Xai Bau, Zaheer and Unalaq lead a mission to kidnap baby Korra. They wanted to use her to open the spirit portals and then raise her under Red Lotus ideology. That's why you tried to take me when I was a kid? Yes. And with members of the Red Lotus as your elemental masters, we could've taught you so much. Sounds like you wanted to brainwash me so I'd do whatever you wanted. No Korra. All I wanted was to show the Avatar a better path for the world. They did not succeed in kidnapping young Korra. And while much of the Red Lotus was imprisoned, Unalaq was not. He wasn't with us that night and he covered up his involvement afterwards. So, he betrayed you just like he betrayed me. Yes. He allowed me and my friends to remain imprisoned while he pursued his own selfish goals. These goals included opening the spirit portal through whatever means necessary. If you want your friend to make it out of the spirit world, you'll open the other portal now. Because of Unalaq, I betrayed Tenzin, opened the portals, and threw the spirit and human worlds into chaos. It was my fault he fused with Vaatu and became a dark avatar. And I was helpless to stop him from destroying Raava and cutting off my connection to my past lives. With Raava gone, Unalaq and Vaatu became more powerful than ever. But Korra became more powerful, too. She turned into a giant spirit. Yeah, that was pretty awesome. And opening the spirit portals turned out to be kind of a good thing, actually. It brought back airbenders. Some people who could never bend any element in the past, suddenly discovered this new ability to airbend. Unfortunately, Zaheer was one of them. Laghima once wrote, instinct is a lie, told by a fearful body, hoping to be wrong. What's that supposed to mean? It means that when you base your expectations only on what you see, you blind yourself to the possibilities of a new reality. After years of imprisonment, Zaheer escaped and soon helped his other Red Lotus masters escape as well. First, we met Ghazan earthbending Master with the uncommon ability to lavabend. [grunting] It's nice to see you again, Ghazan. Thanks for busting me out. Then there was Ming'Hua. She was born with no arms and somehow learned to replace them through waterbending. I never thought I'd be so happy to see your ugly mugs again. Great to see you too, Ming'Hua. Finally, P'Li. A combustionbender with an explosive love life. I thought I'd never see you again. I never doubted. Really? Right now? The four escaped Red Lotus members colluded to kidnap Korra again, with the help of a less obvious member, Aiwei. Avatar Korra, It is an honor to meet you. My name is Aiwei. Thanks for having us. In the Earth Kingdom city of Zaofu, Aiwei was adviser to the matriarch. A very powerful position, but despite his usefulness, Zaheer would eventually turn on Aiwei. You left a loose end. I assure you, no one knows anything about us. No, you are loose end. Zaheer! [grunting] Ahh! He'll be spending eternity in the fog of lost souls. These remaining members of the Red Lotus, continued their scheme to sow chaos, by attempting to capture the Avatar and also dismantle governments. Attention, Citizens of Ba Sing Se, I have an important announcement to make. Moments ago, the Earth Queen was brought down at the hands of revolutionaries, including myself. I'm not going to tell you my name because my identity's not important. I'm not here to take over the Earth kingdom. I think you've had enough of leaders telling you what to do. It's time for you to find your own path. No longer will you be oppressed by tyrants. From now on, you are free. I deliver Ba Sing Se back into the heads of the people. The assassination of the Earth Queen was one massive victory for the Red Lotus. Ba Sing Se has fallen. After Zaheer and the Red Lotus toppled the Earth Queen, the city descended into chaos. The Air Nation with the next target. Zaheer is headed to the Northern Air Temple, as we speak. He said he's going to wipe out the new Air Nation and everyone in it unless you turn yourself over to him. And Korra had no choice but to give herself up. It was a trap that would set up the Red Lotus' ultimate plan. Once we administer this poison, your body will naturally react, forcing you into the Avatar state in effort to keep you alive. Sadly, for you, you'll be entering it for the last time. No! The Avatar cycle! Yes. When we dispatch you in the Avatar state, the cycle will end. That's right. Zaheer and his deadly Lotus cohorts were closing in on their goal to rid the world of the Avatar permanently. But, they underestimated the power of the Avatar State. Team Avatar escaped to their own perils and put an end to P'Li, Ming'Hua, and Ghazan Korra eventually achieved a grim victory. One with long lasting consequences. You see, Korra struggled with the effects of her poisoning for some time. And the Earth Kingdom saw massive political struggles after their queen was slayed. It was, to some degree, the exact chaos that the Red Lotus had hoped for. No! You don't understand! The revolution has already begun! Chaos is the natural order of all-- Zaheer was incarcerated once again. But, there's no way of knowing just how many more Red Lotus members exist in the world. How many more masterfully, deceitful players were left working to sow seeds of chaos? Like a weed on the edge of a sidewalk, the Red Lotus could still be growing right under everyone's nose. Tell us who else you think might have been a member of the Red or White Lotus. Maybe Monk Kiatso? He sure did enjoy Pai Sho, after all. Very interesting move, young one. What do you mean? Comment below. Like and subscribe and stay tuned for all things Avatar. Hey, [laughing]
Channel: Avatar: The Last Airbender
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Keywords: avatar the last airbender, avatar, aang, katara, toph, zuko, azula, iroh, team avatar, nickelodeon, avatar the last Airbender full episodes, avatar the last airbender intro, avatar white lotus, legend of korra red lotus, legend of korra, uncle iroh, white lotus battle, white lotus attacks ba sing se, white lotus vs red lotus, red lotus escape, red lotus vs team avatar, history of the white lotus, history of the red lotus, king bumi, zaheer, legend of korra zaheer, red lotus theme
Id: emfMYIc0AMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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