One Zoom to Rule Them All | Reunited Apart LORD OF THE RINGS Edition
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Channel: Josh Gad
Views: 6,193,821
Rating: 4.9707856 out of 5
Keywords: #LordoftheRings, #LOTR, #ReunitedApart, #JoshGad
Id: l_U0S6x_kCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 1sec (3001 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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"Bad dates"
when John Rhys Davies tilted the camera for his scene reenactment I died
"I'm sorry, I cannot get up these god damn steps smoothly - I can't do it, Peter."
Miss you, Mr. Lee.
This was even better than I thought it would be!
This was sooo good. Gimli tilting the camera, and Legolas saying would you like me to describe it to you, or should I get a box?
I'm a huge LoTR fan and I didn't know Legolas' only line to Frodo was "And my bow"
Liv Tyler is awesome.
Gandalf the Gay! Lol.
Peter with the Sean roast haha.
Ian McKellen's entrance gave me the goose bumpies! I can't stop smiling!
liv tyler is a real life elf