The Life Of Elizabeth Liones (The Seven Deadly Sins)

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the life of elizabeth leonis the seven deadly sins elizabeth leonis is the third adoptive princess of the kingdom of leonis the 107th and current incarnation of the goddess elizabeth and the lover of meliotis captain of the seven deadly sins she's the deuteragonist of the series originally an alleged survivor of danafor's destruction elizabeth was adopted and raised by king bartra leonis after the holy nights rebel she sets off on a journey to find the seven deadly sins becoming a waitress for meliotis tavern the boar hat she later awakens to her power as a goddess and becomes the seven deadly sins prominent ally participating in their battles against the ten commandments and later the demon clan in the new holy war welcome to the imagi in today's video we're going over the life of elizabeth leonis before we begin we publish a new video almost every day so be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos the amagi stretch reaches beyond just this channel so if you're a fan of us please consider subscribing to our other channels and following us on all of our social media help us reach our goal of passing 100 000 followers on all of our accounts by the end of the year and with that out of the way let's get into the video background elizabeth is one of the many reincarnations of the goddess elizabeth having been reincarnated 107 times since the times of the holy war she was reincarnated as a newborn infant as soon as her previous life liz had died during the destruction of danafor her lover meliotis approached her dying mother who entrusted him with her daughter and then left the destroyed kingdom with her and the dragon handle both being keys to the revival of the demon clan the couple was found by king bartra leonis and the great holy knight of leonis zaratras meliotis was very protective of her at first and was still hurt over losing liz but eventually left elizabeth in bartra and his wife carolyn's care bartra predicting the event and growing quite attached to the baby and adopting her as their third child during her time as a toddler elizabeth grew very close to meliotis who would act as her bodyguard and would miss him whenever he went on a mission as she worried that he wouldn't come back meliodas promised that he would always return to her alive no matter what as a child elizabeth would often play with gil thunder hauser and her adopted sisters veronica and margaret her eldest sister gave her an earring containing the symbol of the royal family which he treasures even now ten years before the start of the story a six-year-old elizabeth was injured when trying to help the seven deadly sins escape the castle after they were cornered by the holy knights of leonis which nearly caused meliotis to go berserk but he was immediately stopped by merlin who knocked him out to avoid a disaster like danafor this incident is the cause of the loss of her memories about meliodas and the sins at one point elizabeth climbed a tall tree leading to king bartra attempting to climb it but falling from its great height and getting badly injured only noticed by margaret the younger princess unknowingly used her hidden healing power to heal her father after the holy knights staged the coup elizabeth followed her father's advice and escaped from the castle clad in rusting armor and began a journey to find the seven deadly sins the sole individuals she believed could match the holy night's strength by the time she had reached canis village though her armor had rusted and she was constantly disappearing and reappearing repeating delirious like mutterings of the seven deadly sins which had led the villagers to name her the mysterious rust knight introduction arc elizabeth is first seen when she enters the boar hat exhausted clad in rusting armor and muttering the seven deadly sins because of rumors of the infamous rust knight elizabeth's armor having given her the epithet she frightens the customers into fleeing meliotis confronts her she then collapses due to exhaustion and is revealed to be female shortly after elizabeth wakes up and is asked the reason she's traveling by meliotis as she begins to reveal that she's searching for the seven deadly sins a few nights informed by the villagers of the rust knight and believing him to be one of the seven deadly sins command him to come out when meliotis and hawks stall them elizabeth escapes from the back door with hawk easily defeating the pursuing knights elizabeth continues explaining to the two that her search for the seven deadly sins was in order to defeat the holy knights who she informs them had orchestrated a coup d'etat a few days ago and have taken control of the kingdom abruptly the portion of the cliff that they've been standing on is cut off by tuigo who arrived as a reinforcement after meliotis rescues elizabeth and hawk twigo upon noticing her earring realizes that she's one of the three princesses of the kingdom and begins attacking her and meliotis planning to report their deaths as accidental the young man saves her and then he saves her again when she decides to surrender not wanting to involve him in their matters just as tuigo is about to deal the final blow melioda's smiling reveals his name and identity as one of the seven deadly sins the dragon sin of wrath after easily defeating tweego he then offers for her to join him which she happily accepts for he also searches for his former comrades officially hired as a waitress in the boar hat elizabeth is given a new set of clothing curious she questions meliotis as to why he was labeled a criminal doubting that he was a villain he initially jokes but in the end he doesn't answer her properly something that becomes a bit of a theme for him the two and hawks soon reach bernia a town that is popular for its ale made from the river however they find that the river is dried up completely upon finding a large crowd of men trying to remove a sword after entering the town it's revealed that a holy night had sealed the river's underground water source with his sword the day before preventing the creation of the ale bernie is primary source of income while the townspeople try to remove the sword a boy named mead starts boasting about a friend of his who he claims is a deadly sin however his claims serve only to anger the villagers who blame mead for their crisis meliotis brings him to the boar hat to question him about his supposed friend elizabeth having been told it was meade who angered the holy night into stopping the river manages to get him to answer after telling him about her past hearing the story mead tells them the reason also adding that his claim about his friend being a deadly sin was a lie after meliotis easily removes the holy knight guilt under sword the villagers celebrated the warhat where elizabeth attempts her first time at being a waitress she makes several mistakes along the way and her frustration prompts her to run outside crying she's then found by meliotis who after managing to encourage her catches a spear which had been thrown at the town by gail thunder in a fortress a few miles away and throws it back after acknowledging that prolonging their stay would bring more danger to bernie the two decide to leave forest of white dreams arc after learning that even holy knights avoid the forest of white dreams near bernier she meliotis and hawk enter the forest speculating that a deadly sin might be hiding there after walking in the forest for more than three hours and losing their sense of direction the three are suddenly surrounded by multiple copies of hawk meliodas quickly defeats all of them including the original but then discovers copies of elizabeth after he successfully tricks and defeats them they're shown to be the indigenous prankster imps and retreat towards the sleeping diane inadvertently leading the three to her apologizing for letting a holy night come through since they believe that meliotis is a holy knight after she wakes up deen instantly grabs meliotis only to cuddle him when she realizes that he's her captain when elizabeth introduces herself to diane as traveling with meliotis diane jumps to the conclusion that she and meliotis are a couple and throws a tantrum meliotis after calming her down proceeds to begin a discussion about the day the sins were framed for the great holy night's death meliotis informs them that he has almost no memories of that day then narrates the only memories he has which end with one of the deadly sins apologizing to him this makes elizabeth speculate about the existence of a traitor within the sins diane then declares that she'll rejoin meliotis a few brief moments later hawk notices a giant thundercloud in the sky a lightning bolt from it binds all of them and the assailant is shown to be gil thunder elizabeth immediately recognizes him explaining to meliotis that he's a holy knight very close to her father and a brother figure to her however she quickly realizes his intentions much to her shock gil thunder unbinds her and stating that she's insignificant orders her to leave she refuses and asks him to release meliotis and diane instead when gil thunder kicks hawk away elizabeth runs after the pig later after meliotis in guild thunder's battle diane flings gelthunder out of the forest and meliotis hawk elizabeth and diane leave the place meliotis decides their next destination is baste dungeon where bon is imprisoned elizabeth objects pointing out his grave wound from the battle though affirming the wound isn't major he soon collapses boste dungeon arc elizabeth diane and hawk then traveled to a town near bostay dungeon called dalmari to have meliotis treated the doctor dana states that his patient being alive was a miracle in itself sometime afterwards dianne decides that she'll head to the dungeon on her own when elizabeth asks to accompany her diane decides to head into the dungeon herself retorting that elizabeth will only be a hindrance elizabeth replies her desire to be of use and that meliodas was taking on more than he could handle this angers the anne saying that meliotis wasn't doing it for the princess alone and that such was his usual personality she continues narrating the episode of her and her captain's first meeting and his treatment of her at that time elizabeth declares her wishes of wanting to have strength diane declares her own of wanting to be small abruptly hawk notices a huge swarm of poisonous insects flying toward dalmari after diane annihilates all of them elizabeth oz at her power as diane leaps out of dalmari and runs toward the dungeon after handing elizabeth the responsibility of taking care of meliotis sometime afterwards she and hawk watch meliotis as dana enters suddenly a voice commends dana for his hard work to the shock of them both dana reveals that the medicine he had made meliodas drink was actually a deadly poison golgus then appears behind elizabeth revealing himself to be the voice he states that he's come to take elizabeth and meliotis a sword and grabs the weapon however meliotis is revealed to still be alive but with his eyes now mysteriously being colored jet black with a strange mark on his forehead the powerful aura meliotis is releasing frightens golgus into fleeing after meliotis returns to normalcy it's revealed that his wound is healed much to everyone's surprise the three of them then go on to chase golgus and find him very soon despite him surrendering meliodas notices the blades he threw and blocks them when dana also finds golgus the latter kills the former for censoring their deal elizabeth runs toward the doctor as meliotis blocks golgus's attack on her the three then escape while meliotis protects elizabeth from golgias they enter an old building where elizabeth watches as golgis falls from eliot's trap after golgie's is defeated and sent flying into the street the holy knight manages to flee on a horse just as meliotis and hawk decide to head for the boss day dungeon elizabeth walks toward the dying dana when she cries for him he explains that he only wanted to rescue his daughter senate as his hand falls elizabeth insorrow blames herself for his death meliodus replies that he understands her but questions whether her resolve to protect the kingdom's citizens is weak he declaring that he would fulfill his promise to her even if he were to die proceeds to give a speech later hawke and meliotis leave elizabeth in del mar while heading to the dungeon citing the danger that the weird fangs pose however she herself joins them declaring that while she isn't a knight she would keep fighting for the people of the kingdom even if meliodas were to die mirroring his prior statement while walking they encountered dien who seems to have no memories of heading for the dungeon diane now having joined them meliotis decides that rescuing senate dana's daughter would be their primary priority to elizabeth's gladness suddenly diane attacks meliotis having previously fallen for ruins illusion abilities meliotis immediately realizing that diane was under an illusion fleas while carrying elizabeth with hawk running behind them and upon finding two civilians one of whom is a young boy walking nearby takes them along since they'll be dragged into the battle if they don't as they three and the two frightened civilians who are revealed to be shepherds from dalmari town hide meliotis also falls under ruins hypnosis when he tries to look at diane which makes him see ruin in her place the same way she sees ruin in his quickly noticing that meliotis has also fallen for the trap elizabeth tries to escape with the shepherds and hawk stating that they would die if the two deadly sins fight each other seriously as the two deadly sins continue their battle elizabeth desperately yells for them to stop which causes dean to regain her senses and memories the young shepherd who had met diane on her way to boste goes towards her only for her to be hypnotized again and to continue fighting meliodus seeing the civilians frightened elizabeth declares that she'll put her life on the line to protect them hearing that frieza testing elizabeth's declaration uses her bugs to attack the young boy and taunts her as she hesitates however much to her surprise elizabeth willingly enters the tornado of insects being injured in the process and protects the boy the child however replying that while her risking injury to protect a child was admirable reality's harsh reveals himself to be disguised ruin under an illusion as elizabeth asks him to undo the hypnosis he pulls her hair and knees her in the chest and hits her head with the top of his staff when she manages to get up telling frieza that nothing was better than the face of a young girl writhing in pain ruin in commendation for her bravery explains to elizabeth that the source of his illusions was his staff's bell only to find it had been removed by elizabeth when she was hit with the top of the staff he lashes out in anger but before he can kill her is stopped by meliotis who had regained his senses since the source of the hypnosis had been removed meliotis telling the unconscious elizabeth that he has accepted her resolution then fights ruins soon defeating him diane having come to her senses as well quickly defeats frieza also and although initially deciding to take elizabeth to dalmari in order to treat her severe injuries then takes her to boste dungeon upon her own request with the princess sleeping in the giant's bag after the dungeon is destroyed and everyone including bond senate and all the other villagers imprisoned there returned to del mar town she's questioned by diane and meliotis as to how she's feeling at night during dinner elizabeth bedridden due to her injuries is formally introduced to bonn as the party continues elizabeth wishes that the moment could last forever stating that the events in boste reminded her of all the more of the holy night's frightening abilities and the fact that only the seven deadly sins could match them in response diane replies that while she doesn't know and isn't interested in humans and human kingdoms she wouldn't mind fighting for the princess since she was really cool that day and did have powers the power to move her and meliotis's hearts she also asks her whether she could henceforth address her merely as elizabeth instead of princess and then tells the young lady to address her as just deanne sometime afterwards she along with the others awed the skies shooting stars and are later shown to be sleeping capital of the dead arc three days later and after elizabeth's complete recovery the boar hat and the group now including bonn leave del mari as meliotis decides upon their course elizabeth apologizes for her recovery having caused the delay to which diane replies that she's too apologetic and questions her as to how she's feeling with the princess answering that she's fine after they arrive at the village that melioda states to be the closest to the capital of the dead elizabeth asks to help with waitressing since she isn't bothered by her injuries anymore meliotis accepts but warns her not to push herself very much and then calls out informing bond the directions to the food storage room only to discover that bonds escaped not wanting to cook food for the boar hat sometime afterward elizabeth questions meliodus as to what kind of person king is to which he replies that he's somewhat of a mascot or pet for the seven deadly sins as meliotis finishes this yarn elizabeth states that king must have a very kind heart after bond's encountering of ellen and her brother and his brief battle with king elizabeth is present when he feeds the two children in return for information regarding the location of the capital of the dead and is shown to be surprised when they reveal that king has also been asking them the same wanting to go there no matter what when they go to the precise entrance to the capital elizabeth wonders if her desire to meet her mother who passed away when she was young will open the path but realizes that it won't since she doesn't have any actual memories with her mother suddenly a great amount of flowers appear around the area they're in whose petals when hawk tries to eat them wither and then transport them to the capital implying that someone among them has opened the path and shares a priceless memory with a deceased individual as elizabeth wonders if it was her desire to meet her mother that brought them there bonn immediately leaves in someone's chase with king who had quickly entered the swirling petals that transported the group to the capital in turn chasing bonn as the four continue walking gila appears in front of them having entered the capital of the dead by killing herself as gila uncheats her rapier and unleashes a very powerful aura whose mere presence pushes elizabeth and hawk behind meliotis sensing the danger she poses instructs hawk to escape as far as he can along with elizabeth as hawk obliges with elizabeth riding him he states that his animal instinct had fell gila to be more dangerous than guilt under after going some distance he then says that they should be safe there only for meliotis to crash on one of the crystals that dot the capital of the dead nearby and then instruct them to run even further away and then huck does that sometime afterward as hawk and elizabeth crashed the former stating that he's not able to run anymore due to exhaustion elizabeth finds king and after introducing herself informs him about gila having arrived at the capital of the dead and attacking meliotis and diane and then also questions him about bond's whereabouts when he's reluctant to help in fighting the holy night elizabeth much to his surprise instructs him to escape and states that she'll be borrowing his spear which she has a bit of difficulty with as she says that she wants to be of use to meliotis and diane hawke overcoming this exhaustion also helps her in lifting king's spear their determination soon convinces king who then lifts the spear with his telekinetic powers and heads to the battlefield after king and gila's battle with the latter's defeat elizabeth and hawk arrive at the battlefield elizabeth watches in shock as the holy knight rises from the debris and attacks king from the back stating that even if he guards himself he would not come out unscathed if he was attacked at close range just before her attack reaches king however meliodas repels it back at her the explosion's impact returning gila back to the living world immediately as he does so everyone starts disintegrating after having returned to the living world elizabeth also wonders whose memories led them to the capital of the dead only to be frightened at discovering gila's half-dead body later when king questions as to elizabeth's relation with meliotis meliotis initially jokes about them being a couple and then introduces her as the third princess of the kingdom surprised at knowing elizabeth's status as princess king wanting to present himself better transforms into a much older and fatter form he then returns to his ordinary appearance upon being told to do so she later praises king for having been able to defeat an opponent gila who meliotis diane and bon were struggling to fight and watch as king question his fellow sins about their sacred treasures his irritated response to their answers and him explaining the significance of the deadly sin's sacred treasures to hawke as meliotis and king discussed the holy nights she questions the latter about her father and sisters which he replies he doesn't know anything about disappointing her visal fight festival arc later that night elizabeth is seen inside the boar hat's bedroom and then after meliodas enters the room nostalgically remembers her childhood expressing her worries about her sisters and father but is reassured by meliotis that they're all right and will be rescued by them the next day the group reaches the town of veisel that hosts an annual flea market in which a weapon that no one can use is said to be sold meliotis and elizabeth speculate that said weapon could be a sacred treasure suddenly then diane throws a temper tantrum at not being able to accompany the others into visal elizabeth offers to join deanne in house sitting and when diane replies that doing so would be boring responds that she wants to have some girl talk once in a while then heading into the forest with the giant to go gather ingredients for dinner as they walk into the forest elizabeth finds a mushroom-like monster deen considering it an ingredient tries to grab it the creature realizing that it's in danger releases spores that shrink both elizabeth and diane diane ends up wearing elizabeth's clothes and jewelry and then wanting to surprise meliotis diane enters the visal fight festival under the name of matrona with the shrunken elizabeth hiding in the shrunken diane's bosom after diane wins the battle king questions about how her body had become small and elizabeth's whereabouts in response to the last question a shrunken elizabeth from diane's bosom replies that she's right there when meliotis refuses dean's advances and then comforts her elizabeth appears to be dejected elizabeth then watches as meliotis and diane fight and questions the sans actions when they suddenly threaten the civilians to leave she soon realizes the reasoning of the sins actions the foreign acted so that all of the civilians would evacuate acting by meliotis instructions hawk and elizabeth hide after king defeats gila and jericho the two bring the unconscious meliotis along as elizabeth hangs her pendant around the sin's neck the two are found by veronica and griomore as elizabeth returns to her normal size veronica notices the pendant on meliotis's neck in response to which elizabeth explains that it was her who gave it to him as elizabeth refuses veronica's pleading for her to return to the capital meliotis wakes and stops her trying to convince veronica that he'll protect elizabeth veronica however triggers the pendant which is actually a stone that affects demonic beings to seal meliodus elizabeth and hawk are greatly shocked as veronica concludes that meliotis is a monster since the stone only affects demonic beings not believing her elizabeth continues to refuse to return to the capital and asks veronica to undo the spell as she keeps refusing veronica orders griamore to form a barrier around elizabeth and forcefully bring her back much to the three's surprise however bond suddenly wakes from his unconsciousness and takes veronica hostage bond is unable to do much due to jericho and gila's arrival and his quick defeat gila noticing that her targets are under custody extends her hand to help elizabeth after griemor releases his barrier around her veronica stops her declaring that she will instead take elizabeth gila agrees and veronica opposes again dismisses the princess's authority and threatens to use force immediately grimoire surrounds gila and jericho in a barrier while grievour and veronica's attention is focused on jericho aguila elizabeth manages to flee with veronica chasing a few moments later their footsteps trigger one of gila's explosive minds veronica protects elizabeth but suffers fatal injuries herself elizabeth is in shock to see the sight of veronica near death and tells her to hold on but veronica asks elizabeth if she's fine elizabeth tells veronica that she was fine and told her that she always protected her even when they were 4 and not related by blood but veronica then told her that it didn't matter if they were related by blood elizabeth then told veronica that she was sorry for telling her she hates her but veronica told elizabeth that she loved her to which elizabeth tearfully says that she loves her too and veronica's response that she knew because they're sisters veronica then orders griemore to protect elizabeth and passes away due to grier more sadness over veronica's death gila and jericho are set free and attack grimoire gila then was planning to take elizabeth to which she keeps on calling for meliotis to save them the goddess amber was then glowing darker and breaks apart which releases dark energy and meliotis is set free but now with half of his body covered in the mysterious mark elizabeth then watches in shock at the sight of meliotis's dark power which he uses to defeat both gila and jericho with ease and cut bonn in half meliotis then goes to see elizabeth who is being protected by hawk at the moment meliotis then starts smelling elizabeth which confuses the girl meliotis then senses great power coming toward where king was fighting and uses some dark matter to form a wing and fly away which leaves elizabeth and hawk confused elizabeth and hawk watch in horror as meliotis is defeated by hellbroom bond grabs king and elizabeth and tells them that they're retreating from the fight elizabeth refuses to retreat and leave meliotis behind but bond grabs her and tells her it's too dangerous to be around and to run away from the fight later diane finds meliotis and ends up crushing visal while bonn and the rest are running away after diane saves meliotis elizabeth and hawk watch in shock what happened to veisel to which bond tells them it was too dangerous for them to stick around later elizabeth runs happily to the saved meliodus but meliotis is then punched by bond due to being cut in half by meliotis elizabeth then walks to the wounded meliotis and hugs him for being alright elizabeth then saw griemore shielding the now dead veronica griemor was crying due to failing to protect veronica and didn't even try to protect elizabeth elizabeth walks calmly toward grimoire and tells him about a lake called pennies where victoria and her used to play when they were kids and told her to bury her there since it was a place her sister loved gria more surprised to see how strong elizabeth had become and then reveals that elizabeth is crying over her sister's death but then states that she'll stop the holy nights for sure elizabeth is then shocked to be told that meliotis broken sword was stolen but meliotis acts like he doesn't care elizabeth tells him that the sword was something important to him and asked if it was really fine to which meliota states that no it's not fine and that it's a dire situation this surprises elizabeth but then melioda states that if elizabeth is all right then losing the sword isn't a big deal which made elizabeth blush heavily elizabeth and the others treat each other's wounds and then head to the next location to find either another deadly sins member or a sacred treasure armor giant arc later that day elizabeth gets sick and is resting at the boar hat until she overhears that meliotis bun and king were about to go to the ordan forest to find gother to which she requests that she wants to help but meliodas tells her that she should rest since she's sick which makes her blush heavily remembering what he told her and visual but meliotis thought she was having a high fever as the deadly sins head into the forest elizabeth wonders why she's blushing so much since visual and is wondering if it's some kind of cold that she has while elizabeth starts to wonder this the deadly sins come back and she hears a knock at the door thinking it's a customer she puts on her uniform and goes to greet them but it turns out to be kane from visal kane is shocked to see elizabeth and then yell out her name thinking that elizabeth is the elizabeth from meliotis's past elizabeth lets kane in and offers him a drink while he talks about how much she looks and feels like liz elizabeth asks if she was his daughter but kane said liz was meliotis lover which makes elizabeth speechless because she doesn't have memories of her previous lives kane talks about how meliodas met and saved liz and she became closer to everyone in danafor even meliodus kane then tells elizabeth the reason meliotis never uses a real sword and that liz offered him a sword but regretted it since he believes that he could kill someone with a sword later kane then senses a large power coming from the forest to which he told elizabeth to stay behind but elizabeth grabs liz's sword and runs into the forest where the power is coming from elizabeth manages to get to the battlefield and toss meliotis liz's sword and tells him that liz doesn't want him to keep on fighting but to keep on living and tells him that she would share his sins whatever they are meliotis takes elizabeth's words and slays the beast elizabeth is introduced to gother and elizabeth welcomes him and asks if she could use his strength to which gother refuses much to her shock but tells her that this isn't the first time they've met since she met all the deadly sins when she was a kid to her surprise she realizes that she met meliotis before as well later during the party elizabeth asks melioda something gother then reveals to everyone that elizabeth is in love with the captain due to her voice seeming to be higher pitched and her heart beating faster when she's around meliotis much to her embarrassment kingdom infiltration arc after meli otis mentions his plan to return to the kingdom of leonis and everyone refuses to come along to retrieve his sword meliotis goes under elizabeth's skirt for comfort later meliotis explains the broken sword's origin and how it was one of the keys to revive the demon clan hawk wonders why they're after elizabeth until a mysterious holy night wielding a staff appears out of nowhere and reveals that elizabeth is the last key to open the gate and she teleports along with elizabeth out of the bar elizabeth wonders where she is as she's transported to an unknown underground dungeon of leonis the unnamed holy knight appears and tells her that she's in leonis before elizabeth could reach out to her the holy knight disappeared elizabeth hears a strange sound which scares her but realizes hawk was taken as well and that hawk still needs to go to the toilet i guess hawk had to go to the bathroom before all this happened hawk smashes through the door not wanting his pride to be ruined before elizabeth who tells hawk that there's a toilet in their jail elizabeth and hawk then try to escape until one of the guards finds them elizabeth then tells hawk that they should hide but hawk attacks the guard knocking him out cold elizabeth realizes that they're in an underground dungeon and calls out for her father and margaret and then hears margaret's voice elizabeth goes to margaret's jail and asks if she's all right and margaret claims that she's fine but both she and king leonis were very worried about elizabeth elizabeth told them that she's fine but starts to tear up thinking about how veronica started to blame herself for her death margaret tells elizabeth that she knew about veronica's death and she still couldn't believe it but tells elizabeth that she shouldn't be tormenting herself since veronica wouldn't want that elizabeth calms down a bit and tells margaret that they should escape together but vivian appears to stop them elizabeth is shocked and angry at the female holy night and tells her to set margaret free but vivian tells elizabeth that margaret chose to be imprisoned on her own free will which elizabeth doesn't believe as the holy knight is about to take her to a safer location hawk stops vivian with an attack and claims to protect the princess no matter what but the holy knight enraged teleports hawk off elizabeth is knocked out due to the shockwave of the teleports once elizabeth wakes up she finds herself no longer in the dungeon but in a room with vivian elizabeth asks what happened to hawk and margaret but was surprised to see her father king leonis in the same room elizabeth and her father embrace each other overjoyed to see each other again but vivian tells them that it wouldn't be long until the ritual would start bartra asks elizabeth if she's scared but elizabeth responds that she's not since meliotis will come to save her and her father as the deadly sins and holy knights were teleported to the royal chamber thanks to merlin elizabeth overhears and is happy to know that everyone is there even meliodas merlin then easily erases perfect cube from the chamber by using absolute cancel which sets elizabeth and bartra free elizabeth quickly embraces meliotis as she had missed him to which meliodas comforts her by touching her chest which annoys bartra meliotis points out that they've defeated hendrickson and freed the king and asked dreyfus what he would do now as dreyfuss admits defeat and cries to know that griomora is alive meliodas happily declares that everything is fixed after the situation king bartra starts to cough blood which alarms everyone until merlin comes out and offers to heal him back in camelot along with arthur elizabeth begs merlin to heal bartra right away which she agrees to but before they go arthur goes to meliotis and offers him the rank of great holy night of camelot which meliodas agrees to which makes elizabeth depressed to hear however meliotis decides to stay behind to restore the kingdom along with the boar hat after arthur and merlin leave with her father elizabeth comes and asks meliotis if he was really planning on leaving her someday but before he could answer the castle is cut in half making everyone fall down as everyone saves each other they witness that the new generation are turning into hybrid demons including jericho and gila as jericho transforms into a demon dianne and gothar keep gila and jericho calm king fighting against the enslaved hellbrum meliotis and gilthunder go off to fight hendrickson who summon vivian to take elizabeth and margaret hostage hendrickson ends up stabbing meliotis and gill thunder when their backs are turned to elizabeth's shock not wanting anyone to die for her elizabeth asks hendrickson to take her for meliotis's sake and meliodas tries to stop her but elizabeth smiles saying that she wants to save meliodis life once in a while until bonn and hawk appear in the battlefield as hendrickson summons a black matter wing elizabeth tells meliotis to think about their promise and was taken by hendrickson to an unknown location to meliotis dismay when the two land in merlin's ruined castle due to diane's fight against the holy knights hendrickson says that the two are getting close until elizabeth grabs a dagger and offers to kill herself to stop the demons from rising hendrickson is unfazed by this and tries to get rid of the dagger she's later swiftly rescued by the timely arrival of meliotis and was taken as safety by hawk while the dragon sin of wrath immediately battled the great holy night as the holy knights surround merlin's old castle elizabeth is treated by a holy night with healing powers as margaret and hawk stay by her side suddenly hendrickson reappears after gaining the power of the grey demon and instantaneously annihilates all of the holy knights quickly afterwards hendrickson incapacitates all of the holy knights and deadly sins except for meliodus who defends elizabeth from the final attack she looks up observing as meliotis collapses onto the floor as meliotis pleads for her to escape the latter refuses leading hendrickson to unleash dead end when all hope is seemingly lost hawk suddenly appears to save the paralyzed meliotis elizabeth immediately begs him to move out of the way crying as the pig is consumed by the attack realizing that he's gone she tries to recollect her memories with him shedding tears and screaming painfully the rest of the deadly sins are equally flabbergasted until a pillar of light shines in the middle of the battlefield margaret reveals to gill thunder of elizabeth's incredible powers of healing mortal wounds having saved the lives of both her father and sister in the past hendrickson is straight away annoyed noticing that the blood of the druid mediums that flow through her has awakened with her hair no longer covering her right eye a mysterious symbol is observed together with a pair of wings as elizabeth stares at hendrickson she reveals that she's upset and disappointed at hendrickson's actions saying that her father had high hopes for him when he entered the rank of great holy night and wanted to know his reason for betrayal to which hendrickson says he did it to release the demon clan and summon the dark nebula to kill everyone but elizabeth unleashes her powers which nearly covers leonis in bright light which heals nearly everybody including the deadly sins but to elizabeth shock she can't revive those who are already dead like hawk which causes her to break down in tears and collapse into margaret's arms as meliotis falls back down from his battle against hendrickson elizabeth comes rushing to his side as the two get closer bartra coughs and tells him that they should be kept separated as he returns from camelot after being healed by merlin meliotis and elizabeth greet the two and bartra forgives the holy knights for their crime and clears the deadly sin's name elizabeth however is still depressed as hawk is still dead from protecting meliotis for unknown reasons the black matter on hawk's body starts to fade revealing that hawk has been revived but shrunk into a smaller size but this still brings great joy to the deadly sins especially bon meliotis then embraces the princess in return ending their adventure in leonis post kingdom infiltration arc as leonis is being rebuilt elizabeth tells hawk that the deadly sins and the latter are getting an award ceremony for their efforts and elizabeth wonders about meliotis new outfit which he happily wore and planned on wearing from now on to her joy as the rest of the deadly sins got new uniforms as well except for merlin the deadly sins end up celebrating the festival while working in the boar hat along with everyone else during the award ceremony elizabeth stands next to her father and is surprised when meliotis objects to the award bestowment and calls out the holy knights who complain behind his back and have a voice in the matter revealing three of the pleiades of the azure sky after her father reluctantly grants death pierce's request to battle the legendary seven deadly sins as proof of their strength in their very own eyes elizabeth tries to protest but nonetheless meliodas faces dogetto and wins the next day elizabeth runs toward the boar hat while wearing a maid outfit and asks meliotis if she could work there since they're going to camelot on a mission by bartra's orders but meliotis refuses to take her as her father would be mad for letting elizabeth work as a waitress but elizabeth told them that she doesn't care and wanted to run the bar together with meliodus as promised meliotis revealed that he didn't make a promise to elizabeth like that and since they saved the kingdom there was no need for elizabeth to work when elizabeth questions meliodus being aloof towards her he starts harassing her like usual to prove that he isn't being aloof until hawk comes in and ties him up elizabeth then comes across the shrunken diane who had shrunk herself thanks to the minimum tablets merlin made and the two chat diane reveals that she was looking for king as he disappeared after the festival and revealed that she was mad for leaving her the second time which puzzles elizabeth as the two chad diane asks elizabeth if she loves meliotis and elizabeth blushes as usual but admits that she does love him but doesn't know how to tell him diane begs elizabeth to tell him as she regrets not telling king how she feels as she revealed her background of her and king deanne starts to shed tears worried that king left forever without her telling him how she feels albion arc while diane tries to cheer up elizabeth the two waitresses come across a confused and puzzled zeal who doesn't even remember who he is deanne spots gila and gother who quickly rush over to help zeal but gila doesn't even remember who her little brother is a confrontation with gothar soon reveals that gother had manipulated both siblings memories gila's memory manipulation occurred during the battle between bonn and meliotis after coming to the conclusion that the feelings of love are what caused this change gother switches from studying friendship to love using gila as his makeshift lover gother attempts to convince diane that the memory manipulation was necessary as it's what helped suppress the demon blood within gila at the time revealing that he has made gila's memories much happier gother asks diane and elizabeth which set of memories gila would be happier with diane disagrees with this asking elizabeth to go get meliotis and merlin gother attempts to stop elizabeth but is stopped in turn by diane however elizabeth is soon knocked out cold by gothar's blackout and ends up dreaming of the time that she was on her quest to find the deadly sins and spots an older version of meliotis this dream ends when meliodas wakes her up worrying over the ladder elizabeth and the others find diane winning her match against gothur while gother is sulking in defeat after the short scuffle's been settled for now with gotha returning gila's old memories as well as zeals including their breakup of their relationship meliotis and the others return to the bar where slater agrees to join them for a while and elizabeth wants to join but meliotis shuts her down coldly to avoid her getting hurt by the ten commandments to the displeasure of others when slater appears to comfort her elizabeth reveals that she understands the reason meliotis is acting cold towards her but she still wanted to be of use to him since he helps her so much however merlin gets a call from arthur who's under attack from an albion and teleports to camelot to battle the giant after the giant golem is defeated elizabeth is amazed to see meliotis's secret treasure lost vayne and his ability to copy himself however while the group chats it's revealed that elizabeth was feeling disappointed that she couldn't do anything to help meliotis and seems to have made peace with the fact that he doesn't really need her a member of the 10 commandments galand appears and easily destroys most of camelot without the need of his magic meliotis is shocked to see him and galan reveals that he knew meliodus and was surprised that he didn't age at all for the last 3000 years but still attacks him meliotis protects elizabeth but soon elizabeth hawk and arthur are placed in the perfect cube and watch helplessly as the deadly sins are easily defeated and led to be killed by gulen until it was revealed to be an illusion by gother istar arc after the battle elizabeth looks after meliotis as he's healing until he wakes up and elizabeth embraces him telling him that she was worried elizabeth soon takes meliotis to where the others are healing and they're all saddened about losing to gland however melioda soon lifts everyone's spirits by telling them to train more and to get stronger and to get a strategy even arthur and elizabeth have to awake their hidden powers as well which elizabeth agrees to having acknowledging her lack of strength saying that she'll do whatever it takes even if she's of no use right now meliotis believes the situation was so bad that they have to bring in eskenore and later goes to check up on diane's health until king pops up to check up on her as well when the three check diane she reveals to have lost all of her memories to the point of meeting meliotis for the first time while meliotis and the others talk about diane's memory loss king keeps deanne company until she starts to lose more memories and runs off gother soon reveals that he used lost world on her to test if her feelings for king were stronger than she said after king punches gother the others follow diane who is heading to megadozer until they're stopped by monspeed's fireball and hawk mama eats it to the other surprise when they couldn't sense dean's power level anymore meliodas believed that she was fine and that they should focus on their training until they meet her again meliotis decides that the first thing to do is to head to istar the home of the druids and the location of meliotis strength while the boar hat travels to his tar merlin reveals the reason for her stealing meliodas power was because she couldn't control her emotions very well and nearly destroyed leonis when a young girl got herself injured during the framing 10 years ago possibly being elizabeth merlin then somehow stole meliotis strength and gave it to the druids for safe keeping once they travel there they're greeted by the head of the druids jenna and zanery along with their bodyguard theo when they request them for training and meliodus's strength they agree to help out while zanery leads meliotis and elizabeth inside the castle to test them zenery soon reveals to have feelings for meliotis as she wants him to touch her and seems jealous of elizabeth while meliotis shows no interest in her zanieri then tests meliodus by sending him through memory lane to the day danafor was destroyed to see if he could control his emotion when liz died however meliotis repeats the day so many times he soon starts to lose it until he's reassured and comforted by elizabeth who's then scolded by zanery for not worrying about herself after zanery tries to pull meliotis out of his trial a second time elizabeth stands in her way and tells her to have faith in meliodus who passes the test as an airy surprise after meliodas regains his strength and defeats gilan in under 10 seconds elizabeth returns to the group to see how their training is going elizabeth also gets a new outfit for battle as xenari believes it would be easier for her to move while meliotis enjoys the outfit and leads to him poking hauser's eye for oggling elizabeth when elizabeth sees hawke's new form she's stunned and goes back to talking to meliotis to hawk's dismay and leads meliotis to ask her how her training is going elizabeth responds that she failed to everyone's surprise after everyone's training the deadly sins decide to head out to stop the 10 commandments and find escanor before heading out meliodas cheers elizabeth up for failing her trial by saying it's okay to fail as he failed the trial thousands of times and knows elizabeth has some crazy power hidden this quickly cheers her up and she promises to be more confident and to never complain about herself again the great fight festival arc after meliotis decides to enter the visal great fight festival arc elizabeth along with hawk are separated from the group upon entering the maze not long after being separated elizabeth and hawk meet with diane who still has her memory lost due to gother's interference elizabeth relieved knowing diane's good condition tells everyone from the boar hat that's worried about her dien who's lost her memory instead shows hostility towards elizabeth and doesn't trust any human as deanne advances alone elizabeth and hawk follow her from behind diane lets elizabeth and hawk walk in front of her until suddenly the ground begins to split into a deadly gap and almost make both elizabeth and hawk die if deanne didn't catch them elizabeth thanks diane and the three of them proceed together into a cave diane who doesn't know that there's a swamp inside the cave is attacked by leeches elizabeth comes to the rescue pulling all the leeches off of diane's legs from that point on diane gross to trust elizabeth and thanks her for saving her earlier soon elizabeth diane and hawk are ambushed by prankster imps who take the form of meliotis hawk tries to ask questions that only the true meliotis can answer hoping that he's hiding among the fakes though after none of them get the answers right elizabeth and hawk are terrified as they confirm that all of them are fakes and they launch attacks towards them however the prankster imps are defeated once again as gil thunder and hauser come to save elizabeth and deanne gill thunder says that he and hauser immediately separated from the main group upon entering the maze suddenly she can feel a faint presence of meliotis across the thick layer of the maze's wall saying to the others that meliodas is waiting for her beyond the wall elizabeth is reunited with meliotis after he and bond destroy the wall that separated them after elizabeth and the others reached the center revisal droll a member of the ten commandments along with gloccinia who created the festival uses creation to mold the battlefield and organize the competitors into pairs surprisingly to meliotis and bonn elizabeth is paired with elaine and compete in the first battle against two assassination squad members tora and jigumo as the battle begins gloccinia tells the festival's rules to the participants and one of them is that the participants are prohibited to leave the festival elizabeth shouts to the worried meliotis that she and elaine will be just fine and he doesn't need to worry about her elizabeth is impressed at elaine who easily knocks their opponent out with just one move she compliments elaine saying that bond's most beloved person is just as amazing as bond thinks elizabeth also says the reasons why she and the others who joined the group was to stop the awakening of the ten commandments and to taste the fun of the festival much to elaine's displease in the middle of their conversation elizabeth and elaine are attacked with smoke gas which creates an advantage for torah and jigumo as jigumo poisons elizabeth torah makes his movement to stab elaine however elaine already foresaw his action and immediately defeats him elizabeth shows no injury despite being poisoned by jugumo earlier instead she voluntarily heals torah's wounds and ends the battle saying to elaine that she forgives them despite their intent to kill her earlier however tora and jigumo fall into a pit made by the commandments for failing the match at some point in the tournament escondor manages to heavily injured rolling gloccinia leaving meliotis to strike back as he planned droll soon takes all the participants as hostage with one of his techniques until gilfrost teleports everyone except meliodas safely back to leona's castle elizabeth and the others watch the rest of the battle through a crystal ball seeing how meliotis has the upper hand until the rest of the 10 commandments show up after being cornered by the enemy meliotis is stabbed to death by esterosa elizabeth then asks gilfross to teleport her there to confirm herself the fate of meliotis seeing his lifeless body she burst into tears begging meliotis to open his eyes defensive battle for leonis arc after one month the ten commandments have taken over britannia and have devoured many souls to regain their strength while battles against the demons continue elizabeth ends up running the boar hat alongside hawke elizabeth makes the bar into a safe place where knights or people running away from the demons can hide and relax for a while even aiding a former enemy golgis since elizabeth believes it's what meliotis would have done it's revealed that elizabeth had kept the dead body of meliotis in their bed all healed up as she believed meliodas will wake up one day since she or hawk couldn't find him in the capital of the dead until i read the end of that sentence that was like a very weird thing to do but i guess within the logic of this show it's not completely weird as they're closing up shop a knight comes in going by the name of silver the same knight who entered the previous tournament but soon reveals himself as zaratrass after a meeting with his hosts zaratrass uses a druid spell that allows elizabeth hawk and himself to see meliotis's memories there elizabeth sees herself as a newborn in meliotis arms soon after the destruction of danafor after learning of the union between her childhood and meliotis how the seven deadly sins were formed and a conversation with zaratrass where meliodas reveals to him a curse that prevents him from dying her hope of seeing him alive again is relit when melioda says to her past self that he'll always come back to her alive when elizabeth decides to go to leona zaratrass tries to persuade her otherwise as the kingdom was being invaded by the ten commandments however elizabeth affirms that it's her duty to protect the kingdom and its people the symbol of the goddess appearing in her eye there the ten commandments derriere and monspeed notice them passing through forest and stop them when derriere attempts to kill zeratras elizabeth manages to use ark to stop her destroying one of derriere's hands there dariury tries to attack her but a revived meliotis protects elizabeth from the commandment's attack and a relieved elizabeth doesn't mind meliodas groping her after stopping the invasion of the commandments meliotis tells elizabeth about how he fears he'll turn back into the man he once was 3000 years ago so elizabeth hugs and comforts him koran arc after the seven deadly sins reunite elizabeth is told by diane that she and king met someone who looked and sounded just like her this starts to worry elizabeth as they also mentioned that this girl was with meliotis back then elizabeth then confronts meliotis about how she feels about all these different elizabeths who look just like her and are linked with him she asks him for the truth but he says it's just a coincidence which seems like it would just make things more complicated for meliotis but whatever this leaves her upset as she knows that he's lying she later goes to the boar hat where the rest of the team is there she meets hendrickson who tells her that they need her help merlin who has been attacked by the magic of zeldris is in a bad state to the point where hendrickson is incapable of saving her with his years worth of training druid magic elizabeth attempts to heal merlin which leaves eschanor shocked about her power while hendrickson states that the druid's power pales in comparison to elizabeth's she's then taken to a dark space where she meets zeldras who apathetically greets her and reveals meliotis is his brother and about her previous goddess status when a confused elizabeth says she's never met zeldrast he amusingly calls her miserable woman and angrily accuses her of still corrupting his brother mortified by zeldras's words elizabeth asks the meaning of them and zeldras reveals that her original self was cursed after her death to be reincarnated with all of her memories lost and inevitably meeting meliotis again happy yet confused as to why zeldra said she's causing meliota suffering elizabeth desperately tries to remember and zeldras restores her memories by force telling her to remember everything and know the true depth of her currently unknown sin elizabeth later starts to remember some things from her past lives which then causes both of her eyes to show the goddess symbol she feigns and is put to bed where merlin remarks that this is most likely an effect of zeldras's magic melioda states that it won't be long until she remembers everything and that when she does she'll die in three days because of the curse that was put on both of them after the sins go to koran elaine senses that diane is being possessed and hurries her way into help but then collapses then elizabeth suddenly turns up and helps her much to elaine's surprise and tells her that she's coming along when they arrive both spring into action right away after elaine uses her powers to stop diane elizabeth uses the spell let there be light to purify the giant elizabeth then uses her healing powers to instantly restore the wounds deanne and king attained elaine then compliments elizabeth's immense power and asks which elizabeth she is now and she responds with she's the elizabeth from the goddess clan but also elizabeth princess of the leonis kingdom she then compliments merlin for becoming a full-grown woman and teases her asking if she wants to refer to her as big sis like she used to the discussion is cut short when meliotis frees himself unleashing his assault mode resulting in him being reverted to his old self and begins a fierce fight with eskenore as elizabeth watches from the outside of the perfect cube when the fight's over elizabeth immediately goes to a defeated meliotis prelude to the new holy war arc once in the boar hat meliotis suddenly wakes up but is instantly incapacitated by merlin she wants to put him inside a perfect cube to be safe but elizabeth intervenes with merlin's refusal elizabeth then asks her to lock them both in and that she'll try to stop the regression process as everyone senses a dark presence suddenly an old man appears in front of meliodus and elizabeth claims that he's going to kill her and rescue meliotis he uses absolute cancel to dispel the perfect cube after the demon incapacitates merlin using full counter over her magic seal diane grabs elizabeth and meliotis while the old man is distracted in that moment chandler catches up to them only to find that meliotis is finally awake after claiming that he has a method for saving elizabeth meliotis solemnly declares that the seven deadly sins are now disbanded elizabeth tries to no avail to determine eliotis of his plan to become the new demon king then elizabeth is taken by meliotis along with chandler to camelot where zeldrus is they're received by zeldris and esterosa elizabeth recognizes the latter as the one who killed meliotis she gets as well the feeling that she's met him before esterosa after seeing elizabeth claims that he knows her even when this was their first meeting eventually meliodas angers both brothers whom attack him and elizabeth at once but are quickly subdued by meliotis after some discussion the brothers come to the decision to gather the missing commandments while meliotis will stay there to protect elizabeth once in a room by themselves elizabeth tries to convince meliotis to return to the seven deadly sins and find another way but he refuses and states that this is the only way to keep his promise of breaking their curse but elizabeth says it makes no sense to do that if they're not going to be together until meliodas briefly changes back to normal and states his love for her elizabeth hugs him declaring that all the elizabeths always loved him by their own will but meliotis goes back into assault mode and states that he feels nothing with the promise to her being the only thing he has left elizabeth then replies that she has a plan as well a plan to work with the seven deadly sins and stop meliotis from becoming the new demon king he tries to make her desist but elizabeth slaps him with ark knocking him down while destroying the entire room in the process and retreats back to the sin's location once in the boar hat elizabeth briefly updates the situation to the sins after reassuring diane who's sat over the prospect of elizabeth dying due to the curse she states that she'll stop meliotis from becoming the demon king even at the cost of her life and asks the sins to lend their strength right when elizabeth and the sins are back to leonis they're greeted by bartra who thanks them for saving the hostages bartra gets surprised after discovering the symbols in his daughter's eyes elizabeth says that she'll explain this to him later in that moment it's announced that gill thunder along with dreyfus hendrickson and margaret who is accompanied by two strangers have arrived elizabeth immediately deduces that margaret is not the only one they were looking at and that someone has taken over margaret's body after they introduce themselves as representatives of the four archangels ludociel charismatically requests for the sins and knights of leonis to join them to kill meliotis elizabeth refuses saying that she doesn't want to kill meliotis she just wants to stop him from becoming the demon king merlin intervenes proclaiming elizabeth to be the new de facto leader of the sins and that they'll accept any decision that she makes elizabeth decides that they need the help then she and ludocio cross sword-like beams of light symbolizing their alliance elizabeth takes the king to the tree that she climbed up to the top of when she was younger to gain his attention she reminded him of when he climbed up that tree and fell it was what awakened her power for the first time in this lifetime she explains who she truly is and the story with meliodus and her battle against her mother and his father bartra cries that no one should have to suffer for their love elizabeth says she might not be a model daughter but asks him to let her be his little daughter for a little while longer soon after arthur is brought back by merlin from camelot and asks elizabeth to heal his wounds however cusack controls his body due to his resonant ability and makes the king stab himself with excalibur much to elizabeth and the sins horror new holy war arc elizabeth tries to tend to arthur's wounds but she says that she can't heal the wound as long as the sword is still in his body seeing merlin in despair after arthur's death elizabeth kisses her on the forehead using a spell on the mage as her original incarnation from 3 000 years ago would do putting her at ease after that they head out to a meeting with the alliance there elizabeth decides to be with the sins on the search and destroy force in charge of destroying all the demon armies on the way to camelot after preparations have been done elizabeth is seen outside in her new outfit that merlin made for her she states that she senses a mass of demons coming in their direction and that meliodus must not get the last decree merlin reminds elizabeth of how important her and arthur's power awakening was in the war she tells elizabeth nevertheless that her power is essential to the battle elizabeth alongside the rest of the alliance stands on the front lines of the battle ready to confront the approaching demon army as the fight rages on between the search and destroy force elizabeth watches as the combatants use the blessings they attain from ludociel to fight after the battle ends death peer starts to tell everyone that the power of the blessing makes them invincible and that they can use it to beat the demons elizabeth tells him and everyone else not to rely on that temporary power she explains the technique known as the breath of bless also called cheat hope pushes the person's magical and physical capabilities to their limits but the person loses their feeling of pain and tiredness and will continue to fight to their deaths death pierce tells her that she doesn't know what she's talking about making sariel intervene to tell him that he's actually the one who doesn't know anything he explains that elizabeth spent most of the battle talking to the demons and making them turn back around and avoid the fight altogether afterwards a huge power of 10 commandments level lands in the middle of the battlefield to elizabeth's surprise it's derriere she realizes that derriere has no intention of fighting and even tries to stop death pierce from attacking her derriere explains that esterosa killed monspeed estorosa who was following her arrives as soon as he arrives he locks derriere and elizabeth from the rest of the fighters in evil hound once inside he expresses his gratitude for seeing elizabeth and that she escaped from eliotus he claims that he'll take derriere's commandment and send her to where he sent monspeed elizabeth concludes that he must be collecting the commandments for meliotis to become the demon king esterosa states that he's the one who plans to become the demon king instead which angers elizabeth so she uses arc on him destroying the barrier as well as esterosa tries to attack elizabeth she uses jonah nojunan a massive whale-like creature made of arc to consume the hound whole while shielding derriere from the shock wave causing derriere to comment that she really is the goddess elizabeth elizabeth worries about her friends to which darieri responds that the purgatory flame could not be extinguished unless it destroyed every flesh and bone yet elizabeth managed it to their surprise they hear deanne's voice who lifts the earth revealing everyone safe and sound while sariel and tarmiel fight esterosa derrieri then asks elizabeth if she knows how monspeed felt about her to which elizabeth responds that she couldn't possibly know such details but elizabeth tells her that she and monspeed are similar to her and meliotis she explains that she wants to do whatever she can to compensate from eliot's suffering and sacrifice that maybe derriere didn't know about what monspee wanted to say but the important thing is how she feels sarrian tarmiel returned to the battlefield announcing that they've defeated esterosa but immediately esterosa shows up alive under a transformation so you know they did a great job there derriere notices that he's already absorbed a decree and is also in possession of monspeeds elizabeth and the allied forces look on in shock and fear as estorosa changes aspects once again presenting himself as the great meliotis as the visibly disturbed demon looms towards elizabeth gila tells her to escape but unfortunately esterosa attacks and easily beats her while dianne and king try an offense defense strategy to stop him to no avail elizabeth shouts to stop them and then she gives herself up to esterosa to avoid more bloodshed after telling everyone to keep dariari safe esterosa then takes her away to the sky there elizabeth questions him as to where he's taking her to which he responds to her as if he was actually meliotis that it's the place they would go to when they didn't want anyone to see them she then takes notice of the environment she realizes that they're in the heavens theater she remarks that it's such an old place that no one would go there except she and meliotis when they would meet in secret she expresses how much she longs for meliotis which esterosa back to his senses reveals that he always watched them in secret creepy elizabeth is able to remember a little about esterosa and he claims that the only ones who never laughed at him were meliodus and elizabeth esterosa reveals that meliotis once told him that he was going to try to see if he could work things out with elizabeth for him elizabeth says that his memories must be wrong since meliotis would never say such a thing however when recalling a conversation with meliotis at heaven's theater he tells her that zeldras is his only brother without understanding elizabeth recalls his memory with esterosa as a child where he asks the name of the dog she brings with her telling him that maliotis had decided to name it esterosa confused elizabeth begins to recover her true memories that had been altered by gother's spell 3000 years ago the image of esterosa becomes blurred and is replaced with that of a young mael unable to believe it elizabeth realizes that the true identity of esterosa quotation marks is my l as myel uncovers the truth about himself the darkness that was holding elizabeth captive begins to crumble freeing her but remaining unconscious while mile goes berserk fighting against the other archangels gother and king darieri then wakes her up and she cries over the fact that esterosa was mayell all this time she says that she wants to save his heart but not even her magic power can purge the darkness within and remove the commandments derriere tells elizabeth to remain there and reassures her that she has a plan elizabeth watches as dariary's plan commences only for tarmiel to fall into myels trick which in turn gets darieri killed elizabeth rushes over but it's too late as she's already dead and her commandment is removed from her body elizabeth says that she won't let derriere's death be in vain and that she'll end the new holy war stop myel and most importantly save meliotis hawk asks elizabeth what that light orb in the sky is and elizabeth says it's like a cocoon and it's due to my l who already struggled to absorb the three commandments trying to absorb a forth with the cocoon myel shoots a shower of light and darkness beams all over the theater catching sariel and tarmio within the range which surprises elizabeth she screams but she doesn't have any time to react gother throws king to hawk and elizabeth starts to heal him while doing so one of the light beams for mael is about to hit elizabeth but gother sacrifices one of his arms to stop the attack the doll stands with a new resolved prepared to fight against myel elizabeth heals king and then a portal opens revealing oslo which reveals diane who uses heavy metal to block miles attacks and is then informed of the situation miel's transformation is then completed and he reveals a new form to which hawk comments that his power level is above two hundred thousand and makes elizabeth say that everyone should just run miele uses his love commandment and combines it with his light magic blasting away elizabeth and everyone else making everyone feel all gloomy and they can't even feel their injuries gother uses his sense opener that restores them to their senses and they all jump above myel and elizabeth heals deanne and king's injuries instantly and the two along with gothur combine their magic in one big attack on myel asmyel manages to counter their efforts with the power of the commandments elizabeth is worried when deanne and king's magic is sealed by myel's scythe of reticence elizabeth hurries to heal diane's wound and release her from the cursed seal after oslo sacrifices himself to protect everyone from miles light ball of love elizabeth manages to heal diane and release her magic just in time for her to use gideon's special ability lightning rod to nullify myel's light ball of love by redirecting it to the earth when hawk asks why she's never used this technique before elizabeth explains that the redirected energy causes severe damage to the earth and the creature that lives on it after diane redirects a second light ball the heavens theater is destroyed and everyone begins to fall into the void elizabeth calls for her goddess wings to catch diane but she asks her to save king who's unable to fight with his magic sealed as elizabeth begins to lose altitude due to diane's weight diane asks her to leave her and escape but elizabeth refuses there miele appears behind elizabeth but before he can hurt her king pushes him away revealing his new form and fully grown wings to the great surprise of diane and elizabeth elizabeth comments that king's magic power is vast and calm like the water of a blue lake when mile releases another light ball king protects elizabeth and deen with true form viii pollen garden elizabeth is surprised as king is able to use the different empowered forms of chastifal at the same time as mayella is overpowered by king and begins to suffer for the commandments elizabeth cries for him to wake up and return to his true self after gother enters inside my soul and succeeds in releasing him from the commandment's influence elizabeth cries of happiness as mayell returns to his original form after returning to the ground diane king elizabeth and hawk contemplate the terrible release of demon power from camelot while elizabeth says they must go there to help their friends from what terrible thing must be happening a strange light comes out of hawk's eyes revealing to be bun who has finally returned from purgatory elizabeth is happy to see him safe and asks for meliodus to which bond says that he's on his way bond tells the companions that they should go to where meliotis is and that he'll reach them after finishing a pending issue meanwhile because of the whole everything that happened myels thinking that maybe he shouldn't be fighting for the goddess clan but mael asks him to share his strength with them not for the victory of the goddess clan but to end the holy war at the end with her pleasure miele goes along with elizabeth and the others to camelot on their way the group feels another great magic power region camelot revealed to be the four commandments that miele had expelled who are coming to rejoin with the five that meliodas possesses upon reaching camelot elizabeth along with diane and king helps ludocio to protect merlin from zelda's dark matter elizabeth asks merlin how much time is required to complete the chrono coffin to which merlin says that she needs five minutes to complete it and suspend meliotis cocoon in time when zeldra starts to attack under desperation to stop merlin elizabeth and her allies try to defend her but king uses true pollen garden to protect everyone after zeldas is defeated by myelin the chrono coffin is completed elizabeth celebrates with her friends the end of the holy war congratulating merlin and thanking hendrickson for what he did for margaret and gill thunder revealing that king had been watching everything through chasterfall despite knowing that her curse will kill her one day elizabeth says that she only wishes for meliodas to be safe and unharmed however when hawk discovers that the cocoon was already empty everyone along with elizabeth is interrupted by incredible darkness coming from ameliotis now turned demon king elizabeth wonders if this one is really meliotis when whoever this is that appears to be meliotis flatters her in the sin's efforts hawk and elizabeth realize who's before her whoever it is it isn't meliodas and she demands to know who he is zeldris reveals that he is in fact the demon king who has taken over possession of meliotis body through the commandments elizabeth demands that he leave the body of meliotis and hawk asks how he can do that to his own son to which the demon king says it's so as to not waste his true potential the demon king says that he'll free elizabeth from his curse but only be able to kill her brutally wondering what face meliotis will put on him when he sees her corpse and if he'll become depressed and want to join her in the afterlife or perhaps be relieved of not being held back by her after gother saves elizabeth from the demon king's murderous attack he takes her with merlin to be protected by her perfect cube along with hendrickson and esquinor king diane and miele attacked the demon king with physical attacks knowing that magic doesn't work against him but the demon king easily defends himself from all of their attacks and incapacitates everyone with a simple movement including elizabeth and those under the perfect cube he states that the resistance is useless and that elizabeth must let him end her miserable life for good hawk begins to provoke him and warns him not to kill elizabeth the demon king destroys hawk's little perfect cube with his claw heavily wounding him saying that it's very irritating and that he'll send him to where his brother is elizabeth cries for hawk being killed however hawk is snatched from his clutch by bonn who states to take the demon king out of meliotis body as the demon king releases a storm over the area elizabeth and the sins are protected by king's true pollen garden elizabeth asks diane if everyone is fine but she says that bonn is still outside after hearing hawk and that the storm has been stopped by bond elizabeth seems to be happy to feel meliodus fighting the demon king from the inside seeing bond fight the demon king elizabeth praises him and meliotis there goether comes up with a plan and manages to use his invasion to take elizabeth and the other sins into the spiritual world where meliodas confronts the demon king elizabeth cries as she and her friends are finally reunited with the real meliotis elizabeth tells him not to surrender and that they'll be his strength when meeting elizabeth can finally tell meliotis that she loves him and meliodas asks her if he looks older after having spent a millennium in purgatory elizabeth and the others are protected from the demon king both by meliotis in the spiritual world and ludociel in the real world meliotis proceeds to attack his father with as many small spheres of concentrated darkness as he can penetrating the armor and wounding him as meliotis gains new strength from his friends and becomes able to overpower the demon king he asks them to go back and help bonn as they return to the real world merlin recognizes that the demon king is in a desperate death throw pretending to take meliotis with him in his demise merlin states that they must get rid of the demon king from meliotis's body right now bond manages to intercept and stop his death throws and then send him flying with a kick king elizabeth and merlin then use their combined technique triple prison leaving the demon king trapped it however manages to break free in a berserk state then diane surprises him with diamond tower giving bond the opening to deliver the final blow with a strong fist that sends the demon king to break the diamond it's finally defeated and erased from the body of meliotis elizabeth is glad to see meliodas finally back in his body welcoming him back elizabeth goes with the rest of the sins to heal meliotis and bond's bodies when ludocio states that this is still the first step for the demon clan and the goddess clan to unite after hating each other for so long elizabeth approaches and says that she never expected to hear those words coming from him ludociel admits that he was also fed up with that senseless war ludocio finally vanishes and elizabeth thanks him as he sacrificed himself for all this and wishes that he find peace despite their victory the sins are saddened with the destruction of the demon king they've missed the opportunity to break elizabeth's curse she tells them that this is already done and that what she wanted most was for meliotis to be the same since she would never see him again if he became the demon king elizabeth says that she can always reincarnate if she dies but merlin asks if she's really okay with that there melioda surprises everyone by claiming that he acquired the power to break the curse while escaping from purgatory despite the dissonance of this and bond merlin uses her cursed discovery for the curses of meliotis and elizabeth to take physical form there meliotis assumes the appearance that he had when he was the demon king and tells elizabeth that despite having made her wait 3 000 years he's finally going to fulfill the promise he made her elizabeth asks if he'll continue to love her forever after completing her to which meliodas assures that he'll do so until she gets tired of him first meliotis easily destroys the two curses and with that elizabeth embraces him with joy since his long journey has ended but is then rectified knowing that their trip together has only just begun [Music] demon king ark with the end of the holy war elizabeth returns along with the sins to leonis and that night all attend to the celebration in the new war hat there elizabeth has a good time with her father and margaret she later serves the table along escanor for meliotis and bond to take a break the day after the end of the holy war elizabeth joins the sins in the boar hat for their journey of stocking up across britannia as they make up a picnic elizabeth remains with merlin diane and elaine while all the men are going for food in the forest diane starts to talk about their future children and how cute elizabeth and meliotis will be to which elizabeth says that she's rushing things elaine tries to change the subject but then diane wonders that if meliotis becomes leona's royalty if he would rather just be an innkeeper rather than their captain because then anybody could just go see him whenever they want as diane finally breaks down in tears not wanting it to be true that meliodus is going to leave them which is something that everybody is acutely aware of at this point merlin tries to tell the truth to elizabeth she's then surprised that elizabeth reveals that she already knows meliotis's condition but that she's fine with it diane exclaims how could she be fine with the fact that the one she loves is going to disappear from the world elizabeth says that if meliotis forces himself to stay it'll be trouble and that there's nothing to do about it diane says that this is heartless while their trip is resumed elizabeth worries that everyone is quiet and depressed gother and merlin realize that they're not actually heading to leonis and meliotis reveals that he intends to make a stop a little earlier in what remains of edinburgh castle meliotis asks everyone to wait while he goes but elizabeth decides to accompany him the two fly into the huge crater created 12 years ago where they find a large sphere of darkness revealing itself to be where the vampire gelda was sealed by meliotis meliotis releases gelda from the seal to which she laments how she wished it were zeldras who would be the one to do it as she's about to fall into despair meliodas interrupts her and quickly tells her how zeldras really wanted to see her and that she was his only hope she responds that although they love each other what he really wanted to do was be the new demon king meliotis confirms this explaining how zeldras wanted to be the new demon king to create a peaceful system so he and gelda could be together without any repercussions from anyone gelder notes that meliotis is referring to zeldras in the past tense and asks where he is now meliotis answers that zeldras went missing after the battle with the demon king after learning this gelda leaves to go find him herself stating that she doesn't care where he is in this world and asks if elizabeth can understand where she's coming from elizabeth questions how she knows her and gelda tells her that there's no one that doesn't know her name in the magical realm upon returning to leonis elizabeth goes with her friends to a meeting organized by king bartra there he asks meliotis to marry elizabeth and become the king bartra ensures that elizabeth will have no objection but she says that she can't accept everyone is stunned when elizabeth reveals that she plans to go to the demon realm with meliotis meliotis is reluctant to this claiming to regret it now that she's human however elizabeth says that she's determined to do it at night elaine helps elizabeth prepare her things for her departure to the demon realm elaine asks if she'll be fine with only a backpack to which elizabeth says that she'll discover how to do things in the demon realm when she gets there elaine then asks elizabeth is she not concerned about any of the actions she's taking and elizabeth said she'd be lying if she said no but you know it'll all work out elizabeth says that with her curse broken she just wants to live her last life with meliotis but that she's saddened to have to leave her family and friends forever elaine tells her that she's glad that she's chosen this path although it depresses her to never see her again elaine assures elizabeth that they'll be friends forever the next day elizabeth has an emotional farewell at the entrance to the demon realm after promising her father to live happily and to assure deen that they'll always be friends elizabeth goes to the entrance thinking that she won't look back and that she does not regret anything she did up until then so from then on she'll always look ahead with meliotis however before crossing the entrance a gigantic rock detaches from a nearby boulder and falls onto elizabeth seemingly crushing her to death everyone especially meliotis can't help but look with horror at the fact that the curse hadn't been broken at all however elizabeth is saved at the last minute by merlin who teleports her to safety just in time merlin then uses cursed discovery to reveal that elizabeth's curse was restored meliotis tries to destroy it once more but as soon as he does the curse regenerates again meliotis concludes that this is because the curse was put by the demon king and it continues to exist because the demon king is still alive when everyone wonders how it can be given that the commandments have no vessel elizabeth and meliotis conclude that zeldras the only one besides meliotis capable of resisting the commandments has become the vessel of the demon king elizabeth and the sins returned to the boar hat to discuss the situation when merlin asks who can be the new vessel of the demon king meliotis claims to not know although he's already figured out that it's aldress there everyone feels that the entrance to the demon realm is being opened again to invoke and endure a demon while hawke and escanor report the situation to the king the other sins decide to go face the demon while meliotis stays to protect elizabeth once alone elizabeth asks him why he didn't tell them about zeldras being the demon king's vessel meliotis says that this is a family matter and he doesn't want to involve them meliotis has conflicted that he can't leave her alone and elizabeth tells him to go and gives him his last vein that she was saving all this time as meliotis reaffirms that he can't leave her elizabeth declares that she'll go with him since everything that concerns him concerns her when the two leave meliotis remembers how elizabeth was always at his side giving him courage and being his light everything that made him fall in love with her the two then fly on the way to rescues eldress on the way elizabeth asks meliotis if they're going to where the demon king awaits them to which melioda says they're going to lake salisbury the greatest concentration of magic in britannia where the demon king must be recovering the power he lost in the battle against the sins to get the full assimilation of the vessel elizabeth assures him that zeldras is waiting for him and that they can save him upon reaching the lake meliotis and elizabeth find the demon king with whom they confront after a short exchange with meliotis the demon king launches a blast of darkness that doesn't hit meliodus but raises a cloud of steam from the water that gives him the cover to catch elizabeth and take her hostage the demon king boasts of his error in bringing her and that given his desire to protect her at all costs now that her curse is reactivated he only has to use her as a shield until he regains the power of his original being however elizabeth laughs that he's wrong if he thinks she came only to put a burden on meliodus and that she came to defeat him as well elizabeth then wraps him in her arc the demon king claims that this pathetic technique won't affect him but elizabeth uses manipulate and burst and shakes him all over the place finally using a big explosion that leaves him wounded meliotis warns him that he'll know a world of pain if he underestimates elizabeth just like he did himself long ago reminding him of the name they used to give her in the underworld blood-stained ellie as the darkness comes out of his body the demon king says that meliotis is so concerned about his brother that he's not using his full power and in fact his original power as demon king is recovering and increasing thanks to the magic lake the demon king emerges from the flames with a new and even more powerful body suddenly the demon king notices that something is approaching at high speed this turns out to be the heads of the endura that bond diane king and gother and merlin had launched towards him meliotis wonders why they're there and elizabeth says that they've come for him with the arrival of the five bond reminds meliotis the seventh rule of the seven deadly sins come together and work as a team every now and then as the demon king is taken aback merlin tells gother to take meliotis inside the demon king's soul and detach him from zeldras while they distract him as gother takes meliotis into the spirit world elizabeth is protected along diane in their bodies in merlin's perfect cube when king bond and esquinor are wounded by the demon king elizabeth asks merlin to release her perfect cube diane remarks the risk of this curse but elizabeth insists merlin does it and elizabeth uses invigorate to heal the three fighters bond recriminates her actions but elizabeth tells him to focus on the fight a sudden whirlpool sucks elizabeth and separates diane and the others from her as a lightning bolt is about to fall over the princess fortunately meliotis returns from the spirit world just in time to full counter the lightning and redirected to the demon king elizabeth takes charge of gelda's body for gother to join his fellow sins diane manages to cut the demon king off from the lake and thus basically his source of magic when eskanor faces the demon king as the one his minute passes without defeating his foe the demon king proceeds to bury a blow to escondor in the womb but surprisingly escondor's power doesn't diminish despite having spent his maximum time as the one diane and king wonder how this is possible but meliodas reveals that eskenor is turning his own vital force into magic power basically burning his own life as the seven deadly sins put the demon king to his limit gelda suddenly wakes up in elizabeth's arm crying for zeldras as the commandments start to leave his body when the demon king stands against them in a new and gigantic and monstrous vessel created from the same land of britannia elizabeth contemplates along with geld and zeldras how the sins are going to combine their powers to destroy the demon king once and for all but you know they managed to while everyone watches zeldras and gelda fly away escondor says it's time for him to do the same because everyone is waiting for him but you know metaphorically speaking of course everyone has already seen that eskenor is about to die since his body has been burned to the point that it's disintegrating and can no longer move escondor says he has no regrets in his life and thanks everyone for allowing him to meet them he gives each person a few last words he asks elizabeth to give regards to the king and the rest in leonis elizabeth shows confusion when merlin says that she wishes to have met escond 3000 years ago but right now it's too late to do anything epilogue arc the sins reunite in the streets of leonis as they decide to part in their own ways diane and elizabeth talk about how wonderful a kingdom of fairies and giants will be after everyone leaves elizabeth realizes that she's back to the beginning of her journey alone with mellie otis and hawke she says that even though it's only been a year she feels like she's been with the sins her whole life and melioda says that it's because too much has happened when hawk decides to go to purgatory to make his brother a grave elizabeth tells him that he's a kind soul when meliotis and elizabeth return to the castle bartra is pleased that meliodas has decided to agree to marry elizabeth and succeed him as king however he's very upset when meliotis doesn't pay attention to the responsibilities he'll have as king and that the only thing that worries him is going on a honeymoon with elizabeth 18 months later elizabeth and meliotis have become king and queen and she awaits the birth of their first child she comments with meliotis the reactions of zeldras and gelda when they find out since they never before conceived a demon and a goddess although she is part human while meliotis doesn't stop thinking about how to name the baby he decides to call him tristan and elizabeth says that he has a great future waiting for him did you 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Channel: The Amagi
Views: 143,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Elizabeth Liones, Elizabeth, Liones, Meliodas, The Seven Deadly Sins, Seven Deadly Sins, SDS, TSDS, Netflix, Demon King, Zeldris, Commandments, Ban, Fraudrin, Dreyfus, Hawk, Diane, King Liones, Guila, Gowther, Merlin, Escanor, Gilthunder, Alioni, anime, manga, death, past, powerful, clip, clips, scene, history, backstory, episode, the amagi, war, battle, show, series, entire, online, full, free, youtube, first, vs, fight, seven, sins, sin, knights, holy, twixtor, assault mode, tower, moments, timeline, comic
Id: r_mxajKEywc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 50sec (4670 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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