How Different Brand Trucks Effect The Leverage Of Your Pop! - Paul Schmitt

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fascinating definitely fascinating so drones board good board yeah yeah it looks beautiful okay looks beautiful it just looks like the average popsicle yeah now if we look at your wheels look at how your your wheels to the edge you got probably a half an inch from there so this board has a little easier tip this way than christmas for flipping right flipping right right because i still flip my board it's okay it's okay all he's going to be flipping his board questions this is the thing i'm going to i'm going to i'll ask kelly to leave in a little bit because we're doing battle of the barracks and i need some insider information on flipping the board there we go there you go we'll get to that you should come watch the game give you he can coach you we've been my coach no i need like a caddy right i'll come over and be like i'm going to do a switch backside flip you'll be like this is a board you need for that dude please do that that would be amazing that'd be amazing i'm just saying well i still so go meet you over at the courthouse you get up on the stage right are we gonna work on that i'm not getting up on that thing you got it dude no no no no torn down by the time you get there yeah that's fine um so looks good so let's talk about something else about trucks boards right okay so so truckwise on here you're running royals okay and royals in general are like a venture or thunder and the axles lean out so in general um shorter wheel bases are better there okay but but if you put indies on this same board yeah shorter wheelbase the wheelbase is going to be tighter axle to axle so we sell a skateboard based on the truck holes but the math that happens is really axle to axle right when you go buy a ford truck it's ford made the whole thing and they advertise what the wheel base is right you know but the skate shop your wheelbase is this because you don't know what trucks you're going to buy or you're only changing one thing i ride 52s and i ride thunder 147s that's what i ride you know what whatever your choice is right so the board's the only thing that's changing and then the board gets all the blame for it never no it's interesting yeah yeah so so like i've got a lot of people that i make 13 and three-quarter inch wheelbase boards for that ride thunders um or i'll have someone say hey i stepped on so-and-so's board wow that was about well they're riding indies you're riding thunders you're in the same mold right now so let me go put that math in there right how much does that change between like say a thunder and an indy what are we around half an inch that much a half an inch so if you have a 14 and it changes based on how much you tighten your bushings how squashed they are right because you squash your bushings the truck turns in if they're really loose right it stands out right so there's such a variable there and then the reality is that the trucks are always selling the next marketing thing right and and then in the world of manufacturing maybe the factory changed or moved to another continent or whatever happened right so you don't have that consistency that you thought you had but your brain still thinks you got it because that's your perception right a half an inch so if you have a 14-inch wheelbase and you put independence on there you're gonna have a 13 and a half wheel base inch wheelbase or a 13 in a it's a comparative thing okay if you put this board has royals on it right now yeah and let's say that leans out like a thunder okay okay so that leans out so right now this angle is touching here right right but if i put an indie on the same board right the axle is going to be here and the tail is going to hit sooner and the number's going to be lower okay so you get more leverage with those than you do with indy well it's interesting because if there's there's the leverage when you're manualing and that flick right and then there's a leverage of when you connect okay so the connect is sort of this part right right at the right place but the leverage to get there is this piece yeah right interesting so so where the holes are so i could take this board for instance right now if i had this uncut out and i was just in my shop making a board i could just make two boards one for thunders one for ventures or royals or whatever it is and then go go out and ride them all right so andy indy's turn tight that's known right but it's because they make the wheelbase smaller however thunders and ventures went the direction they went in the 90s because that wasn't where skateboarding wanted to go it wanted to not churn it wanted to be stable so it went bigger wheelbase so a lot of the boards in the 90s as much as 14 was the norm there were a lot of 14 and a half's as well okay let me ask you your little uh angle angle uh device what's that called i mean this this is a a wheelsy digital angle gauge okay an angle gauge so so it's got a magnetic bottom to it but it doesn't quite fit across the truck hole so i put my glue magnets onto it but it's really a digital gain angle gauge for my table saw so you have a table saw blade you put it on you put put it on the table and you zero it out yeah you put it on the blade crank crank crank perfect 90 okay now my cut will be square where if it's 89 your part's not going to be square right or maybe you're looking for 83 because you're making a segmented bowl and you've got to get all those pieces to match up so what is what's the main thing that you're looking like if somebody went out and bought that an angle gauge what's the main thing that they're looking for comparatively just comparative from the nose and the tail to when it's nose and tail your setup versus somebody else's setup you could also get a digital angle gauge at home depot that looks like a little level the built-in level okay and you could use that and just hold it on your board you know and then when you're as a you're a carpenter already so you can use it in your job too right there you go there you go and i can use this on my table saw yeah back to the shop okay i'm just i was just curious about the uh what did so it's more about comparative because again i don't believe those are right or wrong right right it's just a comparative there can be an ugly you know that's true from that concept true that's true to me a board that's pointy in the front and wide in the back to me and part of my it's growing up my board should always be those should be longer in the front should be a little wider in the front less in the back that's just my i feel that's what looks right but some people like it perfectly the same on each end but then you take a cruiser and it's like oh it's got no nose and it's pointed and but what's its purpose it's approved right i want to ask some when it comes to the trucks is there because you said the axles go different directions on some of them like indies go inward you said oh the the axle where the axle sits okay so so it's the actual relation yeah okay the bolt hole and where the axle is is there so if i look at this it's really close does anybody got a board of indies on it no but i skate for indeed yeah but i was wondering what's the if you were i guess it pins on the board the shape of the board but what's like the best for like flip tricks again i don't believe there's a right or wrong it's a personal style no totally where your body's at where your body's at but like okay as i talk about that punch right your body's at the length of your legs your weight your mass i was asking that because of where you say the wheels sit on the board to the edge that that makes a big difference for how your board flips i didn't know if that had anything to do with the certain trucks too but it's also like the this is the shape of the truck too yeah yeah it's everything right it's it's almost like you get to your perfect board and then make those minor adjustments right like you said like indies turn better because they're the wheel bases right somewhere if i take some thunders and make the axle be in the same place i'm not saying the indy still won't turn tighter because the geometry of the truck right but the framing of where it is is the framing of where it is right like we're near the pacific ocean here we're nowhere near the mississippi right we're framed by that yeah so it's that kind of context where you just you know but you could take a pair of thunders put some like wedge um riser pads under there and forget them a little bit and then also they could turn like thunder i mean turn like indies yeah totally sometimes i question roger's philosophy i think he knows wedge pads were very common in the seventies especially with the sloth they tuned they tuned the way their truck churned so they detuned the back truck and make the truck turn front truck market that's interesting it's a riser pad that's on angles right oh wow so you got longer bolts on one end and shorter on the other yes and that that then takes that and tilts it like which in turn you could just turn it to whichever way you want so so years ago i did this thing with danny way and rob burdick for danny way doing a speed challenge and getting towed by rob in his little car and a guinness thing and um i made special baseball and he's like i'm not riding none of those goofy trucks i got to be indies i'm not riding those reverse kingpin more stable things i got to ride in these okay so i made a set of base plates i have my machinist in-house machinist at that time make a set of indie base plates out of a billet of aluminum that took and put the wedge built into it so we detuned the indies so they were more stable he's skating an indie hanger with a special special base plate now why not make the the the the riser pad that we were just talking about in in this case that's just what we decided to do at that time so you'll see danny was like just like i'm not riding goofy trucks i'm not riding riser pads right oh okay so you're basically taking the indy zone you're pushing the axle out towards the nose and tail toward the tips of it right rather than inward right so that way give you more stability more stability because i'm thinking to myself like you can actually see and see a bunch of different angle riser pads to get that exact movement that right he wants right but he didn't want riser beds right which made it harder for you i made it happen how many tries did it take to get the the truck the way that did it just made it and what i'm saying though it's like first try yeah that's what i'm saying though did he have to test it and be like oh no i need a little bit more danny looked at it it looked like what he wanted it to look like okay so therefore his mind felt good about it okay we made two different variants of a board one i literally put it was still flexi when he got up at like 50 or something i put carbon fiber on it and stiffened it up a little bit more and then he went 73 or something i can't remember what it was yes standing up he wasn't losing no but he was getting towed on a runway out of the desert but it was like it was only a mile to make it happen but the runway was pretty pretty rough i mean it was recently new but it's a runway yeah right it's not a basketball court goodness what other trucks are shaped like india is any other ones well lots of people have imitated in indy so you can't say there's not yeah and um just like in the world of of downhill trucks as people put so much money into cnc engineering downhill trucks or longboard trucks you know it's crazy you know that i i get blown away what they do but it's also an enthusiast doing what they do right like the reality is if you have those tools you have that knowledge and you have that access right yeah why not you know i did what i did my whole life because the access i had in between my mind as well as to do right to face that challenge right and you want to make a better product yeah yeah i've been seeing ace recently and like where does that fit into what the so the aces are based on original indie geometry like indie one or three or something and they're actually another eighth inch shorter than indy oh wow that's axel axle yeah but ace has been doing some neat things with with different nuts and axles and you know they're they're trying to to change it up you know and i really applaud the willingness to try whether it sticks if nobody copies it then i guess it's no good somebody copies it it does i mean that's the uh biggest compliment right right you know it's like this the kingpins on here are great right like from that context the grinding you know as long as they're they're engineered to be stable and the kingpins don't wobble they look pretty good that's the hardest thing with this kind of kingdom is it's going in the baseplate and it's just leverage right you have all this leverage out there to make that bolt want to move do they ever get wobbly or uh no they don't that's great so part of that is just good engineering good tolerances yeah you know geron hasn't ridden that board [Laughter] my board squeaks a ton yeah and it's always like i'll go to the people's board and it doesn't do that a mine always squeaky what bushings do you use the medium bones that's what i ride and they'll squeak till they work in and then they don't squeak anymore for me yeah yeah but also like the bones bushings might not be the exact um size of the stock bushings that you buy yeah so you might actually like be tilting your truck a little bit so so what i do with my bones bushings is on the very top with the nut is i don't use a washer oh put a washer underneath the very bottom raise it up and lift it up because otherwise it gets clamped down yeah yeah you don't you don't put that washer on there you want your bottom bushing to be the same size as the stock bushing that comes with almost well it's all about fluidity fluidity and bushings is really interesting i used to make bushings in the 80s and it's a very challenging thing the balance of it i think if you change the the size of the bush and whatever it's going to change the geometry of the entire truck whatever because right sit down yeah for good or bad if it's sitting downward it's going to pinch a little and it's going to make that squeaking noise so look at the see how the yolk of the truck is not parallel to the base plate you should put a washer underneath the bottom so so look at this you can see the angle of the bushing sitting on it and the angle of the truck so this truck is is squeezed down right now interesting right and if you put a washer underneath here it will lift it up right under the bottom okay right and we'll bite a little bit less because you know the wheel's a little bit higher from the surface of the board and the angle is also making it swing a little differently so instead of hitting here it's going to hit there right and also slightly change your wheelbase and slightly change your wheelbase i do see a little wheel bite there dubs i got a couple little little rides on there a wheelbase yeah so you're still as well part part of it is i didn't design the truck so i'm i can't say how they designed it right but in my mind when that's parallel the bushing has uniform pressure on it right so i'm a big believer in balance so this is out of balance god damn it right but that's stock bushings but right stock stock but but being out of balance it's also under pressure how can i get them back in balance because this this is my problem your trucks they're pretty loose and they squeak yeah but i so try just put one more washer just see how it goes one more one because this is the thing paul but then you might go it's too tight now no no because i have problems with my bushings blowing out all the time okay you stock bushings yeah stock bones whatever it is they blow out like after like a month or so so what you're saying put another washer under a flat washer underneath this washer and that little washer can have a huge impact huge effect that that type of blows my mind part of the problem though is that now can you get your nut on all the way no i'll get my level on tight i'll get it i'll get my nut on sugar i'll get my nut on kelly we're talking about the schematics of my skateboard i know it's funny but that's the stuff that trips me out paul is that little washer can have that big of an effect on my board so just think about this so like when we look at technology the start of technology being society knowing it was really man going to the moon right okay they couldn't miss going to the moon by point zero zero zero zero zero zero zero seven eight they were they had to be spot on right right right that the the the technology that they had and the focus on that you know and um things are made under passion for a product right and i'm not saying it doesn't work good but what principle did you build it under and did you build it under on purpose of that principle or not on purpose right right because what happens is if the bushing is pinched like that it is under load and being under load it's going to push back when you flex it and you want a bushing to give and give back right right just like your board you want to flex a little bit and you want to give back it's all fascinating man i love this skateboard talk um i'm gonna go put a washer under there and see how it goes because i do my bushings blow out i don't know why dude that's and that's the shittiest feeling for some reason it's a worse because then it i write in a symmetrical board which you know whatever paul says but that's symmetrical it's close it change it's yeah it's damn close only paul knows no it's damn close only paul knows but uh that that little i mean then it throws my whole board off because the bushing blew and so now the trucks are unstable yeah and so now my board's turning whichever way so i always try to like i'll unscrew it a little bit and turn my blown bushing towards the back okay where it's blown and then tighten it back down so that i i can get at least get a little bit of none get some new trigger bushings where the hell bushings are hard to come by i actually hit up jared for some mediums and he said they're all out i don't but see i used to ride i don't know i'm confused dude when i escape flat ground in my bushing blowing it's the worst feeling like pop bushings is such an important piece it's gross that's like when you're skating flat ground it's like freestyle you're at this really fine finite control right yeah you know you're at that place you know where one degree this way makes the difference or not totally the board i have now like the bushings everything is like literally perfect so i'm like really happy but i know in about a week it's gonna be it's so it's gonna change changes so much of your wheels are changing because if you're skating board more yeah everything's changing yeah yeah your pop's changing because you're just sliding but like you always want to set your board up so it's like that perfect feeling right and it's always hard to get to that perfect feeling and that's why it's so individual because the perfect board for you may be this board for me it's all right right i can get on your board and be like this thing i got kelly's board the other day it was horrible but for him it's the most perfect thing ever or or what did it teach you that was something i liked this worked that didn't work right why did that work and why didn't this work i had a mental i guess a board madness a while back and i think i'm talking about a few times in the show but shane o'neal told me something he's like oh dude get 147 highs i was writing venture lows and i don't know if it was that that did it but like maybe it was just shane o'neill telling me what to write and then when i did that my skating went up like but the reality is that now riding the high truck it takes longer for your tail to hit i don't know what geometry differences the truck could have but the idea of being higher is taking longer for the tail you hit and now your punch is in the right place where before your punch is right here exactly yeah right it's that difference now you could have done it with an eighth inch riser pad maybe yeah or you could run bigger wheels or you could have rubbed a bigger wheel yeah i think the 147 high is the way to go for me personally listen if you describe the medium you know i got like then i got all psycho about it and then like the ward i was skating i was trying to call jamie thomas to see if he could send me this one shape and then i just felt like i lost my mind so i tried not to go down that route anymore well i see when people come to me their initial perception is usually right it's your gut feeling the gut feeling is usually right the path to get there is the part that always blows them away you know but their gut feeling was right always go with your gut but but knowing how to get there we're getting there trial and error we're getting there it is so luckily in my workshop because the truck and the wheel aren't changing i can change it in the board right i can change it in the mold the tail length the fingers are flat yeah you know i got the tools and variables to do that and then if we build a template it's systemized and we just build the same thing over and over it's an interesting drone it is very interesting where is that like button right is it right here or right here just a little scroll coming down the bottom it's it's subscribing over to yeah it's on your right no on your left hey yeah hit that button right there right there right here the like button is kind of like in the in the middle there it's like we're kind of oh it's like right here kind of like right there it subscribes like over to the left it's right over there all right
Channel: Nine Club Clips
Views: 164,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chris roberts, roger bagley, kelly hart, crob, the nine club, nine club, 9 club, sk8ing, tricktips, funny, double rock, action sports, x games, nike sb, hall of meat, skateboarding 2020, podcast, comedy, clips, highlights, skateboarding
Id: g-fmy41IjlM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 9sec (1269 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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