Why Mason Silva parted ways with Element Skateboards

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so Nike element peace video peace video like we were talking about insane right not oh not after long after that you left element it's interesting because a lot of the times after big videos come out a lot of the riders leave we saw it happen with fully flared we saw it happen with a lot of these big videos yes end up believing what's now always tripping out on that but yeah I does that happen it do you know like they believe or they get kicked off like with like the money and the time spent on the thing yeah but it's like what I mean though I'm saying like for a company to decide to do a full-length is like a big deal a lot of us a lot of money spent over the years and sometimes if that like reward isn't seen somewhere you can never expect a like recurring your yeah yeah and I think we all kind of knew that we were never gonna film something like that again mm-hmm cuz yeah I mean obviously the full-length is kind of dying it's a one in a lifetime opportunity yeah and like it was super cool to do that but it was such a high that I felt like everyone after it was like okay what now mmm and then I don't know coal wasn't working there anymore okay it was kind of a different like we didn't really know who to look to for certain things mmm and we were kind of just confused about what was gonna happen in the future okay cuz coal always kept like a good like okay after this we're gonna do that and very transparent yeah what was going like he's worked at for one one he's worked at DVS he knows all the things very important your riders to know that's going on and like yeah how things are gonna be okay seriously and it's like we were kind of just seeing maybe like BAM boards and like other things that were going on that maybe didn't relate to the video mm-hmm like it kind of felt like the video just came and went gosh I don't know it always is oh yeah they always wanted next thing especially in this landscape we're in right now yeah videos yeah I don't know I had like conversations with Tyson and Evan like what are we doing and then feel like that was maybe the only people you could turn to at that point yeah sounds like yeah those are the people that lived close at least right but uh yeah like Brandon was off at home having a kid and I don't know those were just the people that were there and I was like all right uh I guess if I don't really know who to talk to you at the company or whatever and yeah I might just try and ride whatever I want to and you know okay I don't know from 13 on I've only ridden those boards sure so I felt like if this was my time to do it I it was kind of the only time did it feel like a breath of fresh air almost too when you yeah did yeah a little bit it was also hard though cause like we've had so many fun trips in the past and whatever but it was also I knew it wasn't gonna be the same without Evan and Tyson right you know without Cole and it already had felt like it wasn't the same though you know yeah I think it's I don't know a similar story to a lot of people's probably for sure yeah it's just one dude leaves it's probably like the same with like maybe what happened to like enjoy yeah Matt ever saw left or something and then people didn't really have right I don't know or just like sometimes the feeling changes yeah right now it's it's it's a lot about who you talked to at the brand yeah it's kind of like Louie with with flip right it's like Louie was on flip forever yeah grew up with that and then now he's a man yeah and he's making his own path yeah with FA that way like that's kind of the same vibe right it was and it was actually at the same time that I quit Louie quit mm-hmm maybe like he quit in June or something but I think he was already talking about it okay me at the time and knew that it was something that we were both gonna like you know eventually try and do something else yeah yeah you gotta wait I waited yeah it's good though I mean at least you were respectful in that you know you gotta they're making your boards yeah you know yeah it wasn't like I just left or whatever like I had meetings with some of the dudes and just saying like why and whatever and I even they were asking like advice for the future and whatever oh that's awesome them some things you know it's not it's like someone who has given me so much I'm not just gonna go away you know like Johnny and those dudes have like yeah believed in me since I was 13 serious yeah I'm definitely thankful for it turning pro yeah it's not like I'm anything salty or anything like that it's just personal preference rather that they were asking you for future advice as well almost like hey what did we do wrong maybe or how can we improve this maybe what would do what would have made you stay yeah you know I just read - yeah because at least they didn't just go like okay you know okay cool whatever if you want to be like that salty they weren't they were they like understood okay but they just wanted to know like how do we treat our dudes better in the future awesome make this not happen I like that yeah makes you feel good as well yeah you know at least they're trying to go into the right path - yeah I love that seriously when you turn pro how was that that's a good feel that was good was it a party they do it up yeah it was a party surprise for the am scramble thing so everyone was there did you have an idea was gonna go down yeah I knew oh yeah I like I wanted to say I didn't but I like high so I sort of knew but I didn't know exactly if it was gonna happen that night her car somewhere else and then that morning a shop tagged me in my boards seriously yeah another example of how Instagram is just like [ __ ] everything that was like cuz you know shops probably get them so they can sell them the day after right yeah but they didn't know they just forget catalogs or some random shops in there yeah maybe not every shop that carries element is like Corinne knows exactly what's going on so they were just like got the new Mason Silva board in your right now it's the night there's all three of my graphics great wow I've heard somebody new their Pro Maia skate shop posting their boards yeah I love that Wow so with the there was discussion beforehand with element yeah with Cole okay about like the part and whatever I wanted to make it really good and then mm-hmm I don't know how it like came up but you know like you got a it's also like your contract expires around that time can see that the contracts kind of ruin a surprise - yeah right because you're like okay you're gonna sign here's maybe a little more money and what here's why or whatever yeah it's like oh I think I know why I don't you
Channel: Nine Club Clips
Views: 107,586
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Roberts, Roger Bagley, Kelly hart, crob, nine club, the nine club, 9 club, news, nhs, real estate, tmz sports, epicly later'd, street league, berrics, king of the road, nike sb, vice news, the berrics, comedy, funny, history, podcast, interview, skateboarding, skate, thrasher, frontside bigspin, tyson peterson, firing line, independent trucks, big spin, Element skateboards, Nike SB, evan smith, peace, quit, left, mason silva
Id: oBLBzX03Ekg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 11sec (431 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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