Jerma Streams - The Sims 4 (Part 4)

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why hello there how are you how you doing moving the Ice Cube around in my drink hold on this is a big ice cube I like the guys cubes though who cares hi welcome to another string hey germa how you doing who cares how big are the ice cubes all right the best part about a huge Ice Cube is it takes so long to melt that it doesn't dilute your drink how do I feel okay so I feel let me go over my sort of covered uh story I guess so I'm I think I'm over it uh I have to test again to see if I'm still kind of shedding the virus but I lost my sense of taste and smell for a little while that's scary because who knows with that right I'm still a little sloppy I would say I'm not sick anymore I have a residual cough I kind of deep in my throat and my kind of chest area but I I wouldn't say that I am sick I was sick I've definitely I'm definitely over it but maybe not completely yeah I just kind of feel sloppy but yeah I'm doing better and here we are we are going to do a couple things today well coupled by a one I have a very important thing to talk about with origin as I told you and everyone thought I was crazy but it was true so today we're going to play The Sims 4. no mods no additional modded content and I think there's a couple of reasons why every single time I've played The Sims on stream an hour goes by and people start killing each other that's my that's every single one of my dreams for The Sims so I've never really experienced any of these expansions and I got a lot of them I have almost everything uh so I if I have the mods installed I'm gonna be tempted to use them and that includes like the funny faces mods I I want to do a vanilla Sims 4 with every expansion play I've I've wanted I can't ever do it it's like playing GTA and you get through the second or third Story Mission and then you just start doing the cheats and you don't even play the rest of the game you just run around and just fly around with like the mods and stuff they don't even play the game this man doesn't know that non-murder mods exist I know but I cannot install the like the drug mod yet which by the way if you I know and I will say this the hardest they've ever left in the ever that ever that I've ever streamed if you want to know the one time I think I've said it before the hardest I've ever laughed on stream to a point where it physically caused me discomfort and heard me um I don't know if there's any clips of it it was a long time ago it was a guy was on drugs with a drug mod and he walked his dog in his house and the dog like pissed on the ground it started like rolling around in it I don't know that whole concept was just unbelievable that you would like oh put like the leash on the dog and walk your dog in your house I I think that's this I think that gave me a hernia I think that's the day that I got it and it developed I I actually believe that I remember having to wheel away from the computer because it hurts so much to even be in this room that was a lot not this room that was a long time ago you can't get a hernia like that I don't know man this this hiatal hernia that I have I feel like I gave it to myself somehow can you start playing I'm just hanging out for a second hold on you're gonna play The Sims 2. let's play The Sims 2 earlier this year but I don't know do I admit this is where I'm Gonna Leave This up to you to help me I don't think I'm I'm just gonna make some random guy right I was gonna make a random person I don't think I want to be like oh making like germa and it's gonna be like the germa house no no no we're just gonna we're gonna pick a guy I'm gonna play it random guy I've done the yeah it's germa playing in the sips German 985 I've done that like 10 times you played all of them except for two what didn't I play The Sims 2 earlier this year that was a that was the Sim no it was The Sims 2. but I don't know what I want to do because I it's overwhelming and I gotta say something to origin in EA dies why is there why is there not an option uh should I even do this I feel like everyone's waiting for me to do this is everybody waiting for this everyone's like leaning back here he goes he's gonna he's gonna talk about this no cart on origin for 20 minutes I feel like everyone just leaned back and was waiting do do I need to I don't think I even need to do this right now no I don't think so I'm gonna okay I'll do it in one sentence instead of like 25 sentences so we're gonna do that in one sentence instead of doing the 25 sentence explanation of what I mean by this so here comes the one sentence to explain this and it goes as follows there is no add to cart option when you're trying to buy shit on origin for The Sims there's like a hundred things to buy individually there's no Omega bundles there's bundles with like three things in it out of a hundred how is there no cart how is I just don't get it and people said dude just buy it on Steam listen I already bought like five or six expansions on Origin so I was like I guess I'll just do it on origin and I had to I had to tell my bank I got texted by my bank hey we've declined purchases there's like all these like fraudulent purchases going through the EA store like no that's me if that's me and it's dumb foreign individually buying every one of these things I'm I was dude I was sitting there I thought I was crazy I'm like there has to be a different way to do this on Origin I was like looking up like adding things to card origin I I don't know why you have to go through the checkout process on each individual oh one sentence shit fuck I'm sorry oh my God I didn't I didn't realize I was doing that all right all right all right all right all right we're done we're done we're done we're done we're done we're done fuck oh I'm like embarrassed that was at least 20 cents that was more than 25 okay all right all right all right enough enough we're gonna play The Sims 4 oh shit you know what like you just know that you're just getting called out for something and it's completely true and it just makes you angry foreign we're gonna take the dollhouse out of the uh out of the title people are gonna see germa dollhouse and they're gonna go what is another dollhouse oh we gotta get that out of the title okay hold on origin doesn't have a shopping cart like that items are all purchased one at a time through the origin Store The Only Exception would be to build your own bundle option what build your own bundle build your own bundle where is that where is build your own bundle is this a pizza place I mean build your own bundle the bundle is three items at once though build your own bundle I don't I if it's available it's not advertised at all I was looking for it everywhere all right okay like in one of the mods change that title to something that two hours individually buying all these DLCs you better enjoy that's better build your own bundle I'm so annoyed and I'm gonna get over it all right so let's go I don't know I'm gonna get the comments of like oh dude but like oh yeah you just want to be able to click one button and spend a thousand dollars it's like I I don't want to do that I just want to add stuff to cards I don't need like the the kitten costume hack I don't want that I just want the stuff that I want but I don't want to individually buy every single one of them but I think you know what I think I did buy like the pet costume pack I don't know why but I did they say we get started people are gonna be I gotta I'm gonna preemptively tell you this um just so you understand yes yes there is it is a it is a different did I tweet I tweet this yet did all right I was not on screen Jesus all right here comes a new game and let me turn the camera on everyone's gonna freak out all right okay everyone's gonna lose their mind yes it is a new angle it's a new there is a new camera angle today and people are gonna think there's like a there's a monster's not coming out of this door I just want to make sure everyone understands I'm not in a new this is not a new house this is not a new place the the and a monster is not coming out of this door okay are you so red because I'm of I don't know I've I've I don't know where's the Reddit Shelf it's I'm gonna put something here instead I just I wanted to change some shit around I want to move the room around you know when you just kind of feel like you know the room is getting stale the room's a little stale I want to make this better right you're just gonna have to change it up that's how it happened anyways is the camera delayed uh somebody's saying the camera's behind it really shouldn't be let's find out why is it behind and audio slightly really that's weird behind up up maybe not I just don't think I moved my lips that much sometimes when I talk the audio is behind is it it's weird I don't know I don't know why I can do this but I can I can't escape all right let's go you hear it you guys can hear it right all right uh we're gonna we're gonna make a Sim and we're gonna I don't know there's like werewolves and shit I got the werewolf expansion I don't know what to do okay so hello we'll do the name last and should there be more than one person in this house skip 10 hours I We're Not Gonna spend I I'm telling you I promise we're gonna spend 20 minutes in the Character Creator maybe 15 total Maybe I already kind of like it you need to have a dog too I don't want to do a bunch of animals because every time there's ever been animals it's like they I make like seven and there's like five to seven animals in the house and it sucks because it's like this too I I it's like there's too many animals in the house just one pet all right maybe we'll do one all right first of all I remember how to play this game I think I don't think I want to do anything else I think this is perfect I don't know why I like this that's not me I don't look like this [Music] yeah there's no there's no slider mods we're just doing straight up regular The Sims [Music] [Music] I want to keep the hair I think the hair is perfect [Music] [Music] what do you mean I lied already [Music] Like It's gotta be easy okay I want him to I want him to why am I so red that's weird I just looked over here and saw that uh I wanted to be a little weird but I don't want it to be crazy right I I don't want it to be insane looking holy shit okay I like it so far hold on what do you think I think that's good what about the shoulders I don't know I'm kind of torn between the wide show all right this is [Music] damn reptilian eyes all right what about um those are small feet how tall is this person let me look at the hair I don't know this looks pretty good I think I'm all right with this one all right he's gonna have huge forearms and small biceps I think that's fine big hands I need to make his hands as big as they could possibly be how do I pick his hands [Music] [Music] oh Bumble okay what are the aspirations gonna be this is gonna be interesting how do I give him a big hand you can't oh okay all right I need we have to close okay that looks good all right close I really I don't care about the clothes that much it kind of looks like he would be on Pee-wee's Playhouse all right how about just outfits how about oh styled looks oh wait I made I got the the Star Wars shit I could make up like a Jedi is that like a a path you can take can I can give this guy a lightsaber and that's not modded I swear what is this after party no no no this is every day right oh wait what I don't is this a oh fanged and wild oh it's a werewolf am I going werewolf right off the bat I don't know if I'm doing werewolf [Music] these are all werewolves okay something about this one I actually kind of like you made Adam Sandler what I no I'm gonna hate this after like 15 minutes something else I gotta finish the face get we're gonna get the hat off or maybe not no I can't just be like a weirdo why is this locked first order rank three Trooper you're gonna be a storm trooper is that a career path [Music] that's all right I'm sticking with this so what is this this is already okay this is for a party okay all right summertime you're gonna keep the glasses all right it's fun at least it's all right every day I don't like them please change the outfit [Music] we can change the outfit later all right we need to make personality now all right aspiration family food location knowledge nature Wellness werewolf okay e-sims get an initial relationship boost when introducing themselves to werewolves so I have to talk to other werewolves make it Star Wars oh wait what Sims who are prepared voyagers fill up their needs slightly when forgotten you know this is perfect hope versus order or Galactic privateer this Sim isn't about choosing sides they're happy just mingling among the Smugglers and bounty hunters On The Fringe planet of Batu earning a few extra credits along the way is just a bonus no matter how they get them okay on the world of Batu there is a growing conflict the Sim there's no Star Wars shit in this in real life what am I is this just I'm like a fan of Star Wars or am I actually going to be like a lightsaber wielding but attacker you know with the why can I not say the um why cannot say the fucking word Bounty Hunter I'm just a bounty hunter this is okay this is Jedi [Music] which one of these gets me a lightsaber the left one okay understand whether they should stand with the resistance of the first order all right you got it let's okay that's what we're doing that's what we're doing all right so what else likes and dislikes uh activities you know what you love bowling you know why because I bought the expansion how do I added okay does that mean you like it or you don't like it you like bowling what else how about rock climbing you can choose up to 20. is there a lightsabers or something I like lightsabers what else is there favorite color is Sith I'm a Sith Lord okay huh favorite music genre excuse me where's video game music lullabies where's video game music how about romance music dude Retro Music yep doesn't like pop Marcia our other activities definitely comedy your kids radio wait you can do kids radio okay all right so so far we're okay so what about activities you like bowling you like acting no no you don't no oh you like fool yep mischief you like playing the piano and you're you don't like singing and you don't like video games would you like writing and you like snowboarding and you think rocket science is cool but you don't like the pipe organ and you like programming on the side rock climbing is kind of fun but you don't like it that much you actually hate it Crema barumas okay what else all right traits hot-headed gloomy genius all right what do we what's okay it's gonna have to be something like self-assured right confident is it gonna be a Jedi then you have to be pretty confident I would imagine it'd be pretty confident bookworm geek oh I just voice cracked a little now from sooner all right so you're self-assured you're kind of a geek I mean if you're choosing as your career to be a Star Wars Jedi Master you you have to be a nerd right that's not I'm not that's not an insult it's just I mean you kind of have to be a geek right how about a perfectionist I'm lazy I'll make a lazy Jedi we are no no no no no we need like squeamish late you how is he gonna handle the scent Lord so he's gonna see somebody get like slashed from the lightsaber and just start puking all right proper the cat lover I think this is good I think this is good think of a vegetarian I'm I don't I I don't know a name what's a good name hello my name is I don't know what's like a what's a good name on oh John that's block snorkels you just said what a Sim says in conversation you did that's just that means like hello pork snorkels eat Angus [Music] I'm gonna say this out loud because I think this is a very terrible name for a Sim but I I do enjoy the the comedic effort for jerkel Offman I do appreciate the effort the effort is there all right how about um no I'm not gonna name him stinky dinky I always have such trouble with names I just can't do them Hobby foreign Tatooine no that sucks no I'm not gonna name the guy Bobby jerkoff he's not going to be named jerk off anything not Bobby jerk off not jerk off Stevenson I'm sorry that's not this person's name so we have to like move on we're moving on what's a Bobby Bob bill solo [Music] that's even worse how about what was it Lord s blog solo foreign solo [Music] how about how about Florida McDonald's um this is the hardest part I can't do it I hate this Lord Hendricks Lord McNulty do we like blorg McNulty that seems actually pretty good okay we got Lord mcdulty who's next uh we have to do a pet right we have to make a dog one dog one dog no cats one dog it's I'm not making ten animals it's hard to keep it's hard to take care of them all it's gonna be a it's gonna be a poodle [Music] it has to be like Star Wars looking dog you know what I mean how do I make like a Star Wars character can I make like the legs bigger and stuff [Music] I need to make like a Star Wars monster foreign there's no body slider enhancements or anything so I can't do those right now foreign I like it so far what about ears hold on I think it has to stay this way it has to stay that way yeah the dog's name is gonna be chewy it looks like Otto okay I think Chewie's fine is that too much is it too weird okay well how do I change the code [Music] that's I think that's fine become a green dog Chewy's not green this just doesn't this looks strange foreign it's Yoda that's actually all right and that yeah no it's gonna be like like I don't like yodel right I'm not getting sued this is yodel this is yo you don't need you just yodel yodel that's it yodel all right what do you like smart who's this oh no okay smart troublemaker aggressive I don't want a hunter get I active smart and no not vocal special effects dog yeah you guys can key this dog out whenever you want whenever you feel like it glutton okay I think yodel yodel is fun I don't I look I ca I want to play the video game right far too many times when I've opened this game we make a bunch of weirdos and then they all attack each other and stab each other and shoot Each Other Well I we need to play The Sims you know what I mean like we need to keep these people around and it happens within like an hour and then I sit around do you remember the last time I played this when an hour went by they started killing each other and then I dropped two meteors on their house and then I was like I don't know what to do now like I can't play the game anymore I can't play it there's no you don't go make macaroni and cheese after that it's over you don't go back and like yeah I guess I gotta queue up go to the fridge take a shower and take a bath no no you can't we can't go that way why do you look like this I don't know do the deal yeah we're gonna do DLC all right this is the house we've got the dog we've got the guy and I'm done I'm not micromanaging 10 people it's impossible what the fuck did somebody just post your webcam audio is late what is happening [Music] are you guys for real all right I'm ready let's take this household [Music] we have everything we need it's the McNulty family wait I want a different pose how do I do a different pose I like that one it's off by a Split Second I don't know why that would be the case hold on oh I do know why it's off it is off your yeah it is because of the delay coming through no it's not uh no it's not it's not it's not one nope three is it am I is it one guy I'll get it oh is it early I I thought I had it delay but I didn't all right so this is important is very important I have like every expansion I have no idea where to go or what to do what season should this be spring is a great time to plant your garden to take advantage I don't no we're not doing that temperatures are climbing so beat the heat with water balloons and sprinklers watch out for the thunderstorms all right that's kind of cool gather your garden no no Garden when you're not bundled up indoors have some fun in the snow and ice all right summer or fall summer of winter I mean can we get a pole in the chat all right let's get a pole summer or winter pick one whoever gets more wins you gotta pick one that shouldn't have been on so did my mic sound fucked up because it that literally should not have been turned on are we good now it's probably actually probably sounds better now winter is winning by a landslide oh my God it is okay yeah let me just double check this not some weird setting that I turned on I don't think there is no I don't have any like filters on I don't have any delays on everything's set to be not delayed or anything that's so weird I wonder why all right winner thank you I bought a bunch of winter packs too I have no idea this is so overwhelming I I'm not going here that's what I know new crest Magnolia Promenade windenburg San forgotten Hollow Del Sol Valley [Music] liver Brook a mountain Moon wood mill go to forgotten Hollow okay this looks like a werewolf one go to glimmer Brook the quiet town of glimmer Brook may have more to it than meets the eye but do I want to do a bunch of weird shit right off the bat this is like a map this place sucks [Music] there's one place to live what there's one house in a bar [Music] only one person gets to live here well there's a magical portal that's kind of cool how do I go back what's the other one all right this is a I guess like a scary place it's like Halloweentown this place this place it looks weird it's weird two-story this place is it's eighteen thousand dollars yeah but people can visit you from around the world right now we're starting we're starting normal I can move to one of these places keep that in mind what about what's this just oh look at this this was a bustling tone how much does this place cost oh look at this one so where is this Starlight Boulevard have I Sims cannot live on this resonance didn't I do a thing where I was trying to be like a famous person or was that Sims 3. no this place sucks go to the mountain let me check it out oh look at this place it's got a ski resort there's a there's only two grand this is perfect I think I want to do the mountain town either okay it's a toss-up here all right I'm gonna give you some choices here the mountain town what's this wow wow this is unbelievably beautiful here there's a big Fountain it's like a port I think I think I'm making my decision I'm gonna buy this place right on the beach I'm doing a beach house you can batch ask me all you want that's fine hold on all right this is kind of a city we can visit this place right we can visit I'm doing a beach at the beach yeah Beach I'm going for it let's go it's time unfurnished I'm gonna build the house bat chest I got we got eighteen thousand dollars it's winter [Music] yeah but I'll be I'll prepare for the where's my where do I build oh this actually I don't want to wait this is where I have to build right on the water wait where's my house gonna be that's kind of I don't know I don't know about that this is it let's look at this look at this neighborhood all right we'll go for it we'll go for it if I don't like it I'll just fucking do the cheat and bulldoze it and go somewhere else all right build time let's go challenge yourself no thank you music all right first things first we gotta do the right angle here and I want to be able to literally just look out my window and there's the water you know what I mean right here [Music] okay there's a mailbox yep all right let's do it okay here we go this lot is not that big there's not very much space okay let's start with just right here I don't want to blow all my money hold on wait don't do that how about like this how do I flip how do you flip something is it uh middle Mouse how do you flip something how do you flip l what are you doing why would you do that how do you flip something R nope period there it is thank you this is gonna be much bigger how much money do I have no blow everything [Music] all right so this is gonna be the like kitchen kind of bathroom area oh shit I'm putting it all right well that actually makes sense right how do I do the angle pitch where's that what's up stairs all right this is fine right now make it a little bit bigger this way and then a little bit bigger this way I only have 15 grand hear it no how do I like you know like go like this all right now I need steps to get up here how do I just do steps this way actually I don't hate that though hold on okay it's comma no I want to pitch the camera foreign uh I need to put the walls up what's that button use the Sims 3 camera is in the settings is it actually game camera oh yeah oh that yeah thank you so much what did a million times better thing to do that's what I was looking for yeah there it is all right we're good okay now I need to put the uh I need to put the walls up uh helper Andes how do I put the walls up please it's not period page up and page down thank you all right I need a door I don't know I don't hate that this is like how to get to the kitchen in a restaurant I gotta put that for the kitchen door I do have like every expansion so this is just a ton of random doors wait wait I need a Star Wars door oh first resistance blast door now this is lame this is too this is lame to start with that VIP door an elevator it has to be something interesting but not weird right how about how okay that look at that that looks alright I need it outside I did that okay I need wallpaper all right this is for the outside of the house okay no no just something a solid like paint siding here it is no no now it's a beach house there we go okay that's pretty beachy yeah I'm gonna have such a cool you don't understand my back deck and back patio and everything's gonna be so awesome this is gonna be a huge thing it's gonna go down all right so now I need to do this I don't know I don't like how this looks though I don't care page down all right I need to start to think about this is but you're gonna walk right into the kitchen so here we go let's get this blocked off [Music] all right so I'm thinking kitchen's gonna be oink bathroom's gonna be boink living room's gonna be blank and bedroom's gonna be blank I think that makes sense to me all right what did you say I think that would make sense to me it's a Minecraft house yes all right all right first things first I need do this in order because I always do this wrong I need a kitchen area Stone this is a Minecraft house it needs to be beachy I'm thinking you know yellows um oranges blue light blue light blue yellow right let's just go with the wallpaper just a solid color how do I do a solid color oh here it is my paint all right wait this is kind of beachy Sandy yep do that foreign about here that looks good and then let's get a little bit of blue in here like this okay remember it's a beach house why is it invisible it's not just it doesn't have light in here okay dude I'm telling you right now guess what's going on the wall can you tell me what I'm going to put in here I'm gonna put a ship wheel on the wall I'm going to have a ship steering wheel on the wall all right um G hides the grid thank you that's actually rival floors floors floors floors floors it's pretty beachy that's pretty beachy it kind of looks like you pulled a carpet up and that's just the wood with the glue all over it don't matter you need Windows I'm getting there hold on I have to make wait I want a huge bay window looking at the water can you imagine how big can I make this [Music] now that's kind of cool that's pretty cool [Music] imposter house I don't even know what that means you can make big objects bigger or smaller what the holy shit okay wait a minute I didn't know you could do that oh my goodness all right well it's not gonna fit that's insane all right I think that looks fine now I need uh we gotta do the floor in here remember one of the wait where's the bathroom bathroom is definitely not going to be here a full window no no no no no um bathroom blue here section that off right now there we go all right so this is you know the little area to kind of hang out living room bathroom bedroom right here let's do bathroom let's get Bathroom out of the way I want tile little toes I don't like tile I like tile get over it chy though this look I like that no I don't it's like a public bathroom oh now that's cool yeah yep now any wallpaper for the bathroom what are you guys thinking how come this Halloween music I don't know why this yeah it's just whatever the Sims Music is cycling through right now [Music] um should we tile on the wall how about masonry oh yeah it is like scary music it's because of the werewolf expansion turned on I think it's because the werewolf expansion is currently active I don't mind this look at that that looks kind of cool kind of no let's just do a solid color for now about like something light yeah who cares it doesn't matter all right so that's bathroom this is the what what should I do for this fucking cop it oh I want to tell you something so um Holly and I were laughing on the couch the other day because she told me that I have a catchphrase that I I she's like you say this all the time I was like what are you talking about she's telling me that hey you know you say that a lot I'm like say what apparently I don't I have a catchphrase between me and my girlfriend that I don't even realize I have it and I apparently I say like oh fucking like garlic a garlic kid oh yeah give me some fucking garlic dude for no reason apparently and I'm like no there has to be a reason of why I'm saying like oh fucking garlic I just do like a Boston accent joke and I said garlic but I I don't I don't know why I'm saying it and I'm like well no it's probably the garlic is on screen or somebody mentions garlic she's like no he's like no you would just be sitting around you just look over to me and go like a fucking golly kid like there's no way I do that that's impossible but apparently I have a catchphrase that I did not know I had until literally two days ago fucking garlic dude I I don't know why and I'm like why would I say that she's like I don't know you just do and now that I think about it I kind of like I kind of do that oh fucking garlic dude I just don't know why [Music] no no floor tiles actually I don't like wooden floors they're so noisy and so I hate them I know that's the modern thing to do right now is oh man wood floors wouldn't mean authentic wood when you step on a wood floor it goes like this every single time you put your feet down and sometimes randomly randomly you'll be lying in bed and you will hear this at four o'clock in the morning and go fuck was that they just makes they're just loud they make sounds and they can expand I don't I hate them it's called slippers [Music] it's noisy it's noisy and it sound bounces off of it I like fucking carpets dude just like I like garlic how do I turn the camera off I've I forgot I redid this whole setup so I can't escape I have to sit here and live with what I just did foreign yeah carpets are gross we don't take care of them all you guys saying carpets smell like puke and stuff are you wearing your shoes in those rooms take your shoes off before you get on the carpet and vacuum it every so often for God's sakes yeah if you spill an entire two liter of Coke on the ground you're gonna need to clean it you're gonna need to get in there and clean up the carpet you don't just move something of rug over it nah dude no you fucked up every carpet of a van smells like fuke did you puke on it and didn't clean it it's called vacuuming it's called cleaning and it's called Don't not wearing your shoes in in the room where the carpets are okay let's do carpet what's with all this pattern here wait why what's with these patterns oh there it is okay and I'm just gonna go we're just gonna go standard yeah okay let's get some object 13 Grand to the kitchen why is it getting weirder music savings all right I don't want to do anything too crazy yo you want to spend money on the cookware though right so you don't burn the house down oh I need Windows short classic casement foreign classic windows I don't think I need a window in this room this whole room is a window maybe one or two here [Music] okay you should use Linux all right this whole room is a window I no I'm not gonna put any more windows in here there you go there's your window and we'll do a bathroom window like no no bathroom window all right here we go kitchen stuff we got the fridge we need a stove I need counters too remember the theme is Beach I think that's a that's a decent color too foreign do two counters stove because we just sink so let's do stove I don't want to lose all my money but this is how you burn a house down so I'm thinking of going with London's choice this isn't one London's Choice food quality seven power consumption reliability it's and plus cooking skill you need lights in here I will it's the best place to get lights how do I get lights is lighting its own thing objects by function lighting okay oh this look at that all right so let's do wall lights I'm a big fan of just basic lighting I don't like chandeliers I feel like they're gonna drop on me and crush me like a cartoon I don't like them they freak me out I don't like anything hanging I don't like ceiling fans [Music] ceiling fans they they scare me I feel like they're gonna fall and just like chop me up anytime I've ever had a place where it's like oh there's a ceiling fan literally right above the fucking bed it's just like I don't want to turn that on oh let's turn it on high this is a helicopter blade that's about to drop I don't like them they they kind of freak me out even if they're installed properly I don't know it's weird to me I'll just try to get put a fan in the corner and just kind of run right you like sailing fans it's up to you but I don't like shit I don't like any hanging objects [Music] there we go this is perfect through the ceiling lights or should we do on the wall these are probably the best right just do like two three cans [Music] wall lights are probably you want to see wall lights no I'm not doing fluorescent lights oh look at that that's cute we'll do two of these where are lights usually in houses you ever like stop and think don't look in your room and don't look in your house where does it like where does he where do you live with little lights on your walls besides the ceiling right forget about the ceiling if you have like a like a wall a wall light like where did where is it where does it go up on the ceiling yeah but you don't understand you know what I'm saying by that like above the door right with a shelf on in Corners yeah I'm gonna go like this I'm gonna do a cute shelf here too is this painted look at how Charming that is there's 30 000 people here what though there are there are 30 what are you doing here why are there there's many people here what's going on why there's so many people here what the fuck these are Minecraft torches that's fine anyways hi how you doing it's the Among Us waiting room holy shit oh okay welcome everybody hi all right so that's good I need to sync [Music] every time I buy no don't do this right everyone just everyone goes to the top left section is buys the top left sync don't in The Sims they break every five minutes I just water just shoots out of them bring up some extra cash here and buy a good one yeah like this one this one what this one here is like a 125 no no you got a good point up here yeah like this one see this one's nice and modern could you please say the McGriddle in the scoring voice I understand that you're in your editing program you're in like Premiere and you're hovering over this section of the video You're editing where you're like fuck I really have to get him to say this it's like the last thing you have to implant in the timeline but I mean I'm sorry we just you're gonna have to you're gonna have to wing it you're gonna have to wing it all right that's good now I need a toaster oven should I do one more counter yeah just in case what about a dishwasher no they don't they don't use it put trash over here but you people need to be able to come in the fucking house oh my God I'm so dumb it can't be anything here how about like this way I think that's good yeah that looks fine and then put like you know a coffee maker a toaster oven all the appliances let's see what we got should I just install a Subway into the I feel like this would be awesome can you imagine if you just woke up in the morning and went like into your kitchen and it was just like a subway station somebody has to maintain this though [Music] can I actually make food with this if I remove everything here except the sink is this can I make food here it's a beach house it's like a vacation house [Music] foreign [Music] I think that looks that's all right put a trash can right here got it all right now we need uh microwave and a coffee maker this one seems fine but it's coming together now I need a trash can it's a little bin right here is it too big what about a little one this one come on really I don't like this weird space here I I hate this so much and I can't I can't fix it that's okay I don't just I don't despise that foreign and then we put a little table here move the door one over that person is smart well I didn't want to do that actually that's kind of better wait foreign I want to pick this up and move it hold Alt oh my God wait I could just hold the mouse button down all right so that I can put this here then that's definitely better right in the corner door will be moved I can get it to move all right I gotta go into build mode right I am in build mode how do I get this to move out of here oh there we go okay and now I want to extend this out this way can I not extend this out oh that's better all right now this moves here and the door was right there perfect okay good and then just have a bathroom door oh God damn it I gotta delete the uh stank okay did I have a big barn door hey no we're going we're going all night so don't worry the stream's not gonna be over in like an hour don't worry I'm down to play this I'm here [Music] I got a nice clean room BB move objects on the love of God wait what happened BB dot move objects on it's being spammed what does that mean what does BB dot move objects on Ctrl shift C B what am I doing BB Dot move uh objects on what does this do [Music] move objects cheaters on what does it do I do I did you just back up my achievements you can place objects anywhere did you spark up my achievements I can't get Xbox achievements now thanks okay let's get back to this kitchen looks good now now we're almost ready to get started remember you're making the shittiest house I've ever seen in Sims 4. that is Yo that is a complete fucking lie considering you've watched other streams of me play this game and they were way worse they were no windows there was one floor that you've seen it before you start like a year ago you've already seen me play this this is a major marketed improvement from what I was doing before it's still one floor oh yeah let's wait till you see what I've learned so far all right let's go what about other little things here fire prevention system utility nah you gotta have like a plant [Music] a bowl of fruit or whatever that who cares all right oh what's this a basketball oh how where's the thing that I want the ship wheel what is this no wheel what I have to be level four actor to buy a ship pirate wheel I'm putting this right over the bed foreign I'm playing this legit foreign bathroom stuff I need a light in the bathroom too I forgot there it is what the fuck is that all right no no I'm not doing that we'll do these These are kind of fine um [Music] that's better then put a mirror right there and then I don't know I have some something else I need to be an actor level four I shouldn't take too long right all right there's enough light in here I don't care uh now I need a toilet bathroom toilet all right they are so you have a public bathroom in I kind of want I want a public bathroom can I do that how much is this this is twenty seven hundred dollars do you have a public bathroom if you need to go to the bathroom you go outside into the public bathroom that's fine I don't care I don't give her wasted money dude why would I even make a bathroom just put a shower in a in the corner or something [Music] who's gonna clean this I don't me should I even have a toilet I don't think I buy a toilet if there's a just like a full public bathroom over here I'm gonna hold off for now but I'll get a shower wait hold on no I can't have what what is this this is no shower you just spray yourself with water in the corner I'm very curious how does this work [Music] I need I'm gonna I need it for now and then we have like a bathtub running out of money [Music] I only have 2800 but all right I gotta get more Essentials shower I need to sink in mirror uh this one's fine just like a little medicine cabinet that's fine [Music] foreign [Music] well not that much I'm gonna put this on the other wall I'm gonna fucking who cares [Music] how do I make this how do I make this lower oh there we go foreign have to be this tall okay well whatever all right bathroom's good I won't need a door I'll figure I'll figure that in a minute all right this is the living room slash bedroom slash uh hangout Zone first of all let's get something out of the way here and let's get a nice rug [Music] I like the frog one that's pretty cool that's pretty cool all right don't run out of money takes only half of this house what is going on here why did it not paint the whole thing this all right wait a minute something's wrong here [Music] oh it's panels where is it [Music] no exciting with siding can I not do that oh it just looks so weird okay that was weird doesn't look like the same thing it's at the sunlight all right uh I need a roof everyone will yell at me if I don't make one what kind of roof does this cost money foreign [Music] fucking shitload of solar panels on this thing just make sure aim it directly to the Sun are there solar panels no what I'm gonna flip it actually wouldn't look so weird if it was flipped and then shrink it thank you they were building two different houses when they got here all right no no this is wrong get rid of this I wanted to look cool but I don't want to be stupid looking foreign oh my whatever that's not bad just need to be smaller going into the house wait the roof is going into the house this is wrong oh my God whatever just do a fucking regular ass roof cares [Music] did no one even sees this no one even sees this it's never shown it just has to exist so who cares it's never showing it just needs to exist that's uh it doesn't matter it exists that's the only thing that matters if it exists I just heard my girlfriend laugh at me I heard her laugh I heard her I could hear it I heard it the movement sheets are fucking everything up I told you I didn't want my Xbox achievements to be messed up it's fine all right I just need to paint the outside [Music] siding look it it's fine it's fine it was an addition place things better about an architect okay so let's get in here age down no excuse me excuse me there we go all right so now I got bathroom set I just need to do just a little bit of entertainment and a bed and I'm done we can add to it later I just want a huge bed can I make this like a like a quad okay I kind of want the gigantic fucking bed how does somebody sleep in this thing do they actually get in here and sleep in it I don't how that's a man-sized bed [Music] um excuse me why did that happen there's no explanation of why that happened [Music] it's a man-sized bed all right I'm almost ready to start any of the Necessities that I need maybe a TV right television just a TV to have just to have it all right I have 300 bucks it's time to go let's play bingo start the game here we are how we going to turn it up a little it's a little low oh my God I have to save this all right so what's this guy's name Lord McNulty where am I going chat with Jace what do I mean by where my needs where am I going to shoot me with a cannon so my house is right next to like a playground they've been to the flax fire outpost on Batu I missed the text when you're ready to head to Batu click on your phone it's like take a vacation and select Batu all right what do you want to do play video games and listen to kids music [Music] okay leave there please listen to kids music wait can I play on this stuff no you can't wait I can I'm not doing that get the fuck out of here I'm going up uh why does he want to listen to kids music I should have waited listen to kids music be one of his aspirations there's no bathroom door oops I got it [Music] he's got a bathroom he's got a a old public bathroom down there [Music] all right you're good let's go all right so first things first where's the dog all right what are you up to you doing all right give a ten dollar treat can you not oh that's right I don't have the mod that means you can play as the pet Okay so let's go talk let's go get to know the dog I think that's a good idea very mod binkoba Cheshire is it going to tweebs and found this seraphy all right so I do want to go do the Star Wars thing because that's an aspiration actually I need to get a job first if you actually use the public bathroom how do I um make it go fast without having to click down here is there certain button uh combination of all the expansions laughing my ass off you're gonna play Batu is that something wrong with that friend ly okay who are you this is Hillary Laurent neighbor should we talk about Star Wars I need to play video games any video games on you know it's a flag oh Denise is it really that bad move the cam oh because it's covering the needs here right yeah where should I put it up here I'm gonna flip it horizontally and people are gonna freak out people are going to lose their minds right now no no no no top right top right has info on it though there's no information on the top left this is fine I'm just gonna be flipped oh would you bring oh Gourmet fruitcake why is it why is everybody showing up right now you don't have to knock on the door we're standing welcome to the neighborhood how do I eat that all right invite everybody in come on in everybody come on in the weeper bar this is a hazard somebody could literally fall and break their ankle except please get in this is a hazard there's no handrails someone's gonna fall down and get hurt all right say hello come on in uh where The Fruitcake go where's the fruitcake oh I don't have a fruitcake in my inventory give it to me where is it [Music] pet obsessions like almost all pets yodel can get inexplicably obsessed about things around the house keep an eye on your furry companion what are you obsessed with the footage there it is I'm gonna put this up yeah I'm gonna eat this later why is he obsessed with the fridge [Music] okay so I can eat that later huh socket anybody know how to Welcome Wagon oh that's what it is I hire staff I'm gonna serve brunch eggs and toast how does this work is it actually like a subway station clevite quarris compole this is actually dangerous one Genie what am I making oh baby oh shit dude relax oh where where's the herbs and cheese bread man come on where's the Italians herbs and cheese Yoda was an active dog they would frequently run around where'd you go stay out of there wait no no no I thought I was controlling the dog oh wait oh I have a cooking skillet you don't like dogs [Music] what did I save it somebody help what are you standing there for you psychos somebody help me I'm the new neighbor of the new neighbor [Music] what do I do put yourself out quick am I alive am I okay what happened holy fucking Molly I just got money who's this guy did I fuck up my entire house already what'd he just take a green sludge out of this why did you just empty a whole canopy who are you why are you in my house why would you eat what is the peas for you brought peas you're a lunatic if you bring a bowl of peas to somebody's house just unprompted just oh yeah hey welcome to the neighborhood I dumped a can of peas in here [Music] can I clean up Universe who's screaming the bay do you hear that from it will Beezy oh you turned the TV on okay well this is obviously destroyed that's great all right fear of fire I wonder why he has a fear of fire no shit um first of all right I'm annoyed that you brought him here but I'm gonna eat the peace or bataney pinaroo Jasper this is so weird Marbles and nobody's checking on it send them home well I need to make friends in the neighborhood yeah I'm the guy that invited everybody over new neighbor and burns his house down with a fucking grilled cheese whatever that was I don't know what that was eggs or toast Berlin muscatri yes I do I have to delete this stuff though because I tried to place the floor prop that's what happens you just Jam God damn it how do I fix this do I have to clean that you need a dog bowl oh fuck you're right okay do I have to replace the floor just put a big rug there no I have to replace the floor oh [Music] my like head hurts that was so fucking funny okay uh what even is the floor here which one of these I don't remember [Music] DIY job sorry no I don't have a still let me clean up first oh my God I'm gonna take a thoughtful shower after that extinguish fire weird am I is this gonna it's gonna come out oh people can see you what because this window can you no you can't oh you got it all right I'll fix that and a little bit later all right so I need to what's wrong you want to play all right um I need a dog bowl you're just gonna be permanently scared I probably am that was ridiculous I've never I've you know I've never seen that happen before the first literally one minute of playing the game maybe you don't have a subway station for a stove and get a guy that's never cooked before to go pretend to be a chef on it okay um I need a dog bowl where would that be bedroom oh wait okay here we go so here we go is this a cat oh that was a dog [Music] this would be right here is good all right [Music] are you scared for life I don't know how long does it last 57 minutes oh somebody somebody feel that when you guys fill the bowl I'm inspired oh maybe next time what is it saying oh there we go I'm good what's my problem what's going on what's my problem maybe next time all right feed uh Phil and call yodel oh I need a trash where is my actual outdoor trash do I have one okay I need a trash can and I needed a stove can I even afford a stove I can all right this time don't be an idiot [Music] um okay what else was over here besides the stove I think is anything else damaged this shit's so fucked up this stuff's damaged it's damaged [Music] foreign [Music] what look at why these look at these well the difference why is this one so screwed up what these ones are burnt what oh okay well whatever [Music] that's fine let's get this stuff back on the right counters what I just do [Music] okay coffee maker I need that microwave back [Music] fine and then I can just a little place to serve and now we need a trash can it's better all right nice trash right here is good and spin it this way how do I make a citizen do this I thought I had that cheat code on Alt okay thank you okay back to normal when I have to go to the I have to go to Batu all right we got notebook there are no entries and blorg's notebook blorg calendar all right what's coming up well this is today at event right yeah well I was gonna write like I got it like burnt Winterfest foreign ER Fest from 6am to 2 A.M wait it's right now wait father winter Santa Claus is coming in three days [Music] I have to do festive stuff I'm gonna throw a party I gotta be ready to throw a party hey I go in the water am I going to take my clothes off and excuse me it's me [Music] uh uh go um this I just get in the go in the walk go in the water hurry the fuck up get in the fucking water please oh my God I didn't think he was gonna walk out the front door naked did he pee what are you doing go jogging no he's not gonna go jogging like this Bro you've got to be kidding me you've actually got to be fucking kidding me go home go home go home what is wrong with you who is this hello I'm gonna introduce wait is this a famous person ask for selfie what are you doing what are you calling who's she calling you need entertainment dude where did I go get over there thank you social that's not I would not introduce myself to like a celebrity like that I'd just be like hey what's up okay Global Superstar um hi do I have an autograph uh no oh okay what about um Magic picture we have a picture now um what else all right well bye I can't just say thank God the fire is out oh YouTube all right what's wrong with me oh you're obsessed with the fridge I forgot see you know a couple of incredibly unhinged things going on the first 20 minutes of this game we're gonna try to dial it back a little so I need bladder hunger don't this time I'm eating a snack I'm eating a microwaved meal we're not touching the stove for a little while we're gonna have microwaves and chicken nuggets okay like the worst way to make chicken nuggets is the worst possible way to do that foreign so let's do energy Maybe all right this huge bed can I actually get in it you can't this is not gonna have a problem right it's just microwave chicken nuggets ah you know where to sit and eat it's okay I only have 300 bucks I need to get a job or I need to make money somehow for a second I thought that was the fire alarm no you can't have any oh they suck he hates it okay now why would you do that that's just that was weird that was very weird who smells their chicken nuggets like that all right let's fill the dog bowl this is why I didn't want like 10 cats guys because you it's just you have to do this where are you gone where are you going he's running around what else do you need to do listen to kids music is there like a where my energy is kind of low what should I do for let me look for a job where is it business right okay buy a restaurant buy a vet clinic register with the ministry of labor what about a job what can I do what should I do okay detective doctor scientist or actor is to get the I don't want to be an actor though critic everyone has an opinion but not everyone is paid to have it Sims who feel they have Superior judgment can either enter the critic career food or the Arts should I be a food critic culinary freelancer Gardener painter politician salary person secret agent a style influencer a babysitter fast food employee retail employee secret agent I don't think this guy is going to be a secret agent either no I need to be a Jedi can I still do can I be a secret agent and a Jedi gotta be a doctor and a Jedi does that work right I could be a doctor and a Jedi should I be a doctor I feel like doctor's boring to do in The Sims though that's like since the Sims one that's been a thing you can do maybe I will do secret agent from infiltrating enemy headquarters to the ACT art of interrogation the more you learn the less you'll be known Diamond agent and villain oh should I do this just be a villain yeah whatever let's do it browse intelligence starts in three days oh no no it starts tomorrow all right I gotta be ready for work browse intelligence what is it can I do that on my phone we need a computer I need a computer oh shit why don't you view the browse Intelligence on your phone please get a dog bed do I have enough money for a dog then oh yeah I do let's get like a big one yeah this one's good you sleep right here right next to the Frog thing here we go browse high level government secrets with a would you say a library computer hold on a second dude why am I red I don't get it I think it's the light coming off the monitor save yeah all right let's do our secret agent career so what I need I gotta get up to work tomorrow so I'm Looking ready let's get some sleep okay gone the bed's too big can you even sit on the bed a BMO the bed is way too big okay we're gonna fix that did I make it too small why does it look tiny foreign what's wrong this looks so small you should go to bed there we go okay all right the one we're gonna get up in seven hours there you go raining hence you're always still thinking about the fire watch Romance small TV [Music] browse the web 5am man what are you doing I need to eat breakfast like uh in two hours we're gonna eat something and I've gotta go to the bathroom all right I'm gonna have a quick meal and I'm gonna just drink blue milk blue milk is this supposed to be is this is this a Star Wars this is the Star Wars thing oh I liked it really flirty [Music] okay work from flooring starts in about one hour okay how you doing bladder uh use the bathroom and then uh wash your hands brush your teeth too brush your teeth hurry up car's gonna appear any second and eat the boy eat the The Fruitcake that's in your pocket quick eat it before you go to work oh what a fun are you where's he going oh you're off to work okay hack it while performing a routine background check Lord runs into an unexpected firewall hmm he didn't think the information he needed was going to be protected you need to hack through the firewall to dig deeper of calling a senior I don't have a hack it I don't have any experience with a computer I'm gonna own a computer I'm gonna hack it [Music] after some ingenious crypto work Lord beats the firewall and discovers that nothing is what it seems he rushes his findings to his boss and turns out he's uncovered a nefarious plot 50 dollars fifty dollars okay you coming back what's wrong so gross from using the public bathroom setting foot in that public bathroom may have been a mistake my public bathroom oh which which public bathroom does he not like the one at work he's got minty fresh teeth [Music] this meet a celebrity oh okay the humor in hijinks Festival is today until four I'll leave work just leave when do I get back from can I just I'm just gonna leave work I'm not missing this right 75 all right I'm not gonna miss the hijinks Festival where is it uh all right I'm gonna go to the event let's make sure the dog is okay watching TV all right now let's say you know um I got a skill in comedy oh all right huh should I take a photo of the dog okay yodel is gained 17 simstagram followers all right let's go uh you got food right there's food in the bowl you're good you're just chilling have the TV on all right I'm gonna I'll eat at the festival I want to go to the I'm going to do the festival let's go should I bring yodel foreign [Music] I guess we're going [Music] I can't tell if your cam is delayed or not people have been saying that the whole stream I don't I don't know why it would be happening [Music] I don't know [Music] Yabba thanks all right I'm here who's this is a b Lister okay chat with Minerva so I have to meet a celebrity and why is the okay where's the dog even going that's a huge TV should I start telling jokes [Music] right now I don't know what happened because uh free knock is it dudes oh is that gonna be all right yeah what are you doing this is a weird place to do a uh photo shoot in the public Bar bathroom get on the mic I gotta start I gotta impress somebody I'm gonna practice singing Newark let's ruin the whole party he gave up immediately [Music] this person shit-faced and they've had one drink by the way [Music] you just gave me two dollars people are giving me money two bucks [Music] all right [Music] congrats on Landing that sweet job I think this is going to be great for you oh thanks [Music] oh my God [Music] what is happening to people you're face down in trash somebody's to help this person is this weird to do in front of the celebrity that's that no one's painting wait squeamish oh he doesn't he doesn't like trash I forgot but he didn't know he wanted to play in it I have to meet the celebrity um call over you made him do it all right I've already didn't I meet this person already in front of the house what am I what am I holding people need you guys you people need to relax what am I eating is this the old fruitcake bye oh this guy's fucked this guy's a fucking weirdo oh photographer wait I can sell this I can sell the picture of the dog I need to be a celebrity come over here we need to talk foreign all right so let's talk um how you doing nice to meet you hey did you see my dog I'm like just uh free knock can I not say anything I have to meet a celebrity is this a celebrity what the hell who smells who smells somebody stinks over here who is it the dog hey I'm gonna come to this really cool insider party and I'm gonna bring my Wicked smelly dog number three oh yeah I need to meet us anybody want one of these old fruitcakes I'm gonna put it in front of one of their faces divorce no fleas smelly dog is all right I gotta get it together go call everybody over hey everybody can eat it what does this this smell yo we're good okay all right all right [Music] let's talk you like The Fruitcake I'm gonna lie and tell you that I made it don't do it don't do it you're gonna hit your head watch your head oh my God I can't believe Judith Ward was eating dinner I forget the guy's name did I get it debate it was a fun-filled day with a celebrity are we getting kicked out [Music] is this a celebrity [Music] why is this person glowing [Music] wait what's his name oh what did that say all Lifestyles have a limited amount of progress that can be gained daily it makes you reach the daily limit or a lifestyle [Applause] [Music] humor and hijinks festival is in town what that's not where I've been [Music] me all right put it down and go to the fun Festival let's go [Music] so this is the high drinks Festival it was across the street [Music] all right I'm in a good mood though so now what am I what do I have to do I have to meet a celebrity come here come here bro oh gosh oh okay can you you know you should just want me to go home oh so so what's up how do I get to see the the um usually there's something in the top left it gives progress right what's this we're looking up squids going to Pranksters join the Pranksters what's this oh bye swag let's haggle [Music] where are you going wait there's smoke sit and try let's try that what are you doing it doesn't like what I guess I don't like it change the flavor uh how about Golden Rush let's go light fireworks at the heat all right let's go I'm here I'm already here bring some friends I'm already here light fireworks okay work oh energize he's beat up all right where do I get fireworks we're here right does not own this item aren't these fireworks I have to buy them from a stall s right I invited somebody oh wait wait wait here they are yesterday all right we're gonna chat I got some golden what's it called jokester [Music] um what flavor do you want what uncomfortable suddenly uncomfortable state of life but not on the floor wait am I like too high or something I don't get what what's wrong with me oh protest singing ever again no let's be let's just I don't know wait somebody's on a mic [Music] yeah um [Music] so they have an aura they have a celebrity where do you get the fire works because I can't buy them painting you need to go to the bathroom is there a bathroom here where do I buy fireworks oh come on no no I want to do it I want to do it this person just got hurt foreign why is your face so red I don't know hey talk to me about what happened hitting in line 14 days I don't want anyone to know that I shit my pants you're good we're good the red face is the celebrity aura all right so I love the fireworks is there anything else I have to do all right I'm gonna buy some food let's get a uh I don't know this 20 bucks [Music] the game's kind of loud please do the fountain already did I eat [Music] it I need to eat first did I leave the plate I didn't take the plate I forgot to take the food with me all right eat all right who these people you know something oh the fires came out of my mouth isn't used to eating spicy food foreign wait what oh my God the dog I need to feed the dog how do I feed the dog I don't know why what the dog is even doing here Jokers win all jokes just got 500 bucks in a comedy bike where's did I do it hydropology I I didn't join a team hurry up do anything quick I'm gonna join jokes drink the jokes or drink join the jokesters okay to perform pranks or something possible sausage mine what is that what is that remember the dog hey you're a little late eating food from the city unlocks the ability to cook it really that's kind of cool that was fun all right we we gotta go meet the dog I have to go to work tomorrow do I have any food like dog food what was that no get stopped turn these off turn these off enough vegetables over everyone go home [Music] turn that off what is what is what I do I like someone I saw the hearts for no celebrities oh Connery's pants with the rain welcome everybody thanks Connor appreciate it um we gotta go now we gotta go home now goodbye we gotta go we gotta go everybody's clearing everybody up everybody's got cleared out I need to pick this up foreign [Music] let's go take a bath bath time come on come on let's go to the bath yep and then we're going to get you fed and why are you so red I don't know I have no it's like a thermal camera pointed at my face today I don't know why what time is work tomorrow all right I gotta be ready for work oh yeah I actually I'm not in bad shape okay that's better damn boy can I see the dogs on these bars oh oh spamile okay get some food wash the green off Nutella Jim whipsy this dog it's it's yodel it okay here we go I have some food I should probably eat something too right I need to learn some skills I need to okay how much is the what's the cheapest computer I need a desk and a computer like a bundle what's the cheapest bundle they sell it in bundles [Music] oh my God there's a thousand dollars [Music] eight hundred dollars thousand dollars go to the library am I actually gonna browse sensitive intelligence files at the library okay that's whatever yes what time do I have to get up I think I'm my energy is fine all right I'm gonna take a nap I'm gonna go to the library okay let's go to bed dude what are you doing work starts in an hour all right I don't have time to go to the library it doesn't matter have a coffee and then microwave a chicken nuggets that sounds like a plan to me you're good I'll fill your bowl [Music] ing are you all right I need to okay I need a ball or something I need a ball I need a toy or something right like dog toy where are they [Applause] [Music] these are cat toys these count as dog toys just give them one of these out here all right go check it out oh you're gonna go for it use your new oh he went to work where's the dog oh bottom left for dog needs where use the new poles okay well dog's fine we're good Winterfest starts tomorrow oh fuck [Music] how do I make sure Santa comes [Music] pile presents what's with the scary music will Santa come if I have presents like this just on the just hanging out [Music] okay add a present oh do I have any object I'm gonna make macaroni and cheese or grilled cheese and put in there I need a fireplace I have 100 bucks that's not gonna happen I'd need a fireplace I don't I'm gonna have to sell the bed I could sell the public bathroom you don't need a fireplace oh okay it starts tomorrow working till three all right I don't have a public bathroom I don't know I just saw it and I thought it was funny just put it in here all right let's prepare the house let's have a Christmas party I'm gonna throw a holiday party so let's do that so tomorrow I want is there a way I can plan a party [Music] add event okay should I just invite people over tomorrow plan a social event okay foreign all right the social event's gonna be a house party and it's gonna be a mcdulty residence I'm going to be the host and I'm going to invite um everybody [Music] we're gonna order a pizza [Music] Entertainer I don't need to I don't know don't any of this I don't need to cater I'm just gonna order pizza [Music] no this is right now oh oh shit I have to order pizza quick how much is a pizza how do I order a pizza oh shit I have to get gifts uh two apples a camera that's just 670 dollars ball for the dog uh a little rub I a little no this is so expensive Charlotte's Pig um and a little wood toy okay got it [Music] you guys came way too quickly um how many am I what am I putting in here no put these in the what am I putting here my dog is my closest friend that's true okay I need to we need to eat I need to how do I order food how do you order food I hate video games put it down what are you doing all right how do I order food hire a service where do I do it shift tab Home Services Pizza there's no pizza here order delivery where do you see that hire a delivery order a delivery travel what is it under business the vacation chat under Home Services home order a delivery okay all right pizza coming we want who wants cheese Pizza on the way everybody having fun at the house of the the Christmas party okay socialize with guests let's say Hello thank you for coming everybody who wants a present who name dummies okay we need to clean this trash pizza coming it's uncomfortable [Music] too many Sims well I invited everybody here for a Christmas party it's up let me get it don't please I need to get the pizza do not go get the pizza oh my God get the pizza what are you talking about he's locked in how is he stuck what are you talking about get the pizza are you locked out of the outside of the house foreign what is happening no get the pizza why is he going to bed you fucking weirdo why is he locked out of his why is he locked inside of his can somebody get the door it's the worst fucking holiday party ever what is going make another door quick I would have left you know what just get rid of the door just open just open it no he put the pizza down I ordered that pizza and I'm gonna get it I ordered that pizza just get in come in come in foreign just come just walk into the house walk into the house I'm right here [Music] why can you all leave and I can't no he's eating the old fruitcake in his pocket there's a pizza out here I paid for it please what the fuck not horrible farbay Netbook is it hey everybody there's gonna be sand in this box imagine putting a pizza on the ground at the beach oh yeah you wouldn't pay me to eat this oh yeah you didn't show up to claim your pizza so I charge you 25 left it outside everybody was gonna leave simsy kiss what all right we got our pizza everything's good to go all right let's bring hey bring the party back inside what do you say come on everybody you talking shit to my dog oh yeah what did you what are you saying excuse and tribe and people just coming in and yelling at my dog [Music] I think I'm stuck between three people yeah foreign you okay what's going on huh who talks shit to my dog why am I dressed like this tunic a freaky come here bro make them believe you take oh wait is somebody somebody have a present all right everybody it's time Merry Christmas it's time for all of us to open the presence physically yeah [Music] presents open the presents here we go all right everybody the stuff under there for pretty much everyone Merry Christmas thanks for coming to the party I hope everyone had a good time let's go ahead and get those presents see what I got I got diagonal I can't believe it it's one what 'd you get um this one's for you son how come no one's opening presents tomorrow complaining about video games oh my God I smell people what is going on here what was that Laura mcgulty has identified the Goldfish a new type of fish reported in certain fishing spots snares how did I learn that nobody Mom all right everybody get out all right who shit the coffee maker [Music] everybody out now everybody get out of here Clara all right actually I want to be your friend because you're you're very you're actually really nice this is really nice and actually helping what's the person's name what's your name Hillary Lawrence all right I want to talk to Hillary look at the people that are actually helping yeah how much of a pain in the ass let's put a huge house party on it takes like three days to come back from a house party like this like you brought it like a bunch of people over it takes days to clean this up I appreciate it that's not me in the bed wait what who is this lady why is it what does it mean assigned to left side did you just claim the bed I'm very confused hey yeah sure um yeah everybody fucking leave how do I kick everybody out of here wait he's putting a president I'm gonna look and see what it is [Laughter] was it nothing don't sleep in my bed all right that was a fun party now everybody get out I'm pissed I want everybody to leave so bad how do I kick everybody out of here it is midnight and they're still here kids going to my fridge excuse me what's this weasel huh did you pay for that money got deducted from my account when he opened the door I mean I appreciate it thanks why was there did they it's taking out fucking booze out of the fridge put that down oh it's orange juice all right I think they took all the dirty dishes and they put them into the fridge oh Bonnie there's nowhere else to put them these people are very comfortable here apparently apparently you're incredibly comfortable let's take a bath in my house and I literally we met 12 hours ago and you're making a mess it's 1 15 in the morning excuse me why are they still here this guy insulted your dog wait he's got a Christmas sweater on he's the only festive one here he's the only one that cares about being tested we're going on two o'clock in the morning she tried to she's trying to get them she's pissed she wanted to get in the bed and got mad because I was on her side of the bed and now she's talking into the mirror what are you doing you play why are these people just claiming my house [Music] hold on you started making this and oh no this kid has to go to the bathroom I thought everybody has to go so bad [Music] I've never seen this happen in The Sims before they usually leave at like 11 o'clock at night they're all here at three o'clock even the kid is a little kid here at 3am send them home I already did it said my party wasn't successful uh everyone's gonna leave now or something they're gonna be here until I get up in the morning are they actually going to stay here all day all night they have to be very they have to go they have to sleep they're making coffee fro enjoy yourself have another have a latte almost time for me to wake up in the morning it's a bath house I'm actually I don't understand what's happening right now these people are fighting [Music] it's Christmas now okay get up get up get up use the bathroom guys I can't make them leave there's no send home option they all [Music] they all go home stop drinking coffee in my bed it's just like make hey all right get it you're out get out of here [Music] did I go to work foreign [Music] Winterfest is starting now okay well glad everybody here was here for the quiche [Music] Winter Fest everybody ready to sing I guess um nobody slept [Music] [Music] please [Music] [Music] in the presents [Music] I seriously thought he was gonna pee I thought he was gonna go down and take a shit in the present it would be like all right party's over okay happy happy birthday is Santa going to show up do I actually need a fireplace oh [Music] all right I'll take some coffee thank you okay goodbye let's share Winterfest spirit catch father winter and ask him for a present to satisfy he would appears at 8pm near fireplaces I'm selling something I'm selling the fucking outhouse we need a fireplace if everyone's gonna be trapped here for some weird reason I need a fireplace huh we need open presents Onyx natural squash nurse okay presents open presents and stuff even cavemen click on yourself there's an option to make people leave no there isn't they just won't they're just stuck here forever form a group look on the door there is no door I deleted it because the pizza guy couldn't get in I'm drinking coffee and using the microwave and taking a bath in my house I need to okay I need a uh I was selling I'm getting rid of this I'm buying one single fucking toilet this thing was like five grand I need we need a fireplace for the Santa Claus put a regular toilet in here and now I have 2 000 more dollars [Music] I don't know it's like a chic one whatever [Music] okay [Music] good to go now I need a fireplace what's the cheapest one 600 bucks this thing's cheap it doesn't matter we just wait we just need presents from there you go okay I need a door this I don't need a door okay here we go how do I light the fireplace [Music] [Music] and somebody else do it you know what the worst part about this because people won't leave I can't make them leave there's no option to make them leave but yet every time they open the fridge it deducts 20 from my bank account I am housing 15 people right now and they all have their own houses and I have to they're spending all my money I need a door I had a door before and it locked us all in [Music] they'll leave after Christmas but no buy a real door change the door I will slogans learn the trade it's mean holy shit somebody got out somebody actually got out where are you going is the real question the most festive person didn't wait for Santa Claus without a door your house is a public place what silly it's a public place even if it is a public place why are they here for two straight days they would have left you wouldn't stay in a public place for two days I have a door now click it a little bit more what's wrong with this roof all right and we need to clean up I'm waiting for I'll order another Pizza people stop opening the fridge I'm gonna order a pizza [Music] dog needs a bath didn't I pick this off of the floor why am I eating this hot chips how did I get 800 oh because I sold the I sold the public bathroom coffee maker is broken um just get another one I don't care invite a werewolf um I need to wait for Santa to come can somebody else light this though click the door and say no trespasses but I don't want to this I don't want to disallow everybody this is not how you do it I don't want to disallow neighbors but I want I don't I want them to be able to come over but yeah asked to leave under friendly dimpled sway ah something that's really this whole routine of making a coffee and taking a bath my Waterville is going to be crazy this week this month I don't understand how none of them have gone to sleep none of them have slept in two days log is a lazy Sim they like watching TV all right let me give the dog a bath all right stop watching TV and getting you got to do some stuff clean up take a bath exercising Flash oh look I'm giving the dog a bath right now you can't oh this is Santa actually gonna appear yeah if you have a fireplace which I do and it's 8 P.M that's the only reason why I haven't kicked everybody out yet or try I mean it's just they're just here I need to go to sleep sleep move out of the way everyone get out of the way you can talk in the other room stop get away from my bed what a rush to boost my driving the big and the Lord feel amazing you should have finally embrace it with his astonishing sculpted arms that he likes Fitness no no what's that mean [Music] okay this person's cooking should we sing together again [Music] plus one future Cube what I got a future Cube hahaha [Music] flick yourself guys there is no make people leave the game is broken and I was waiting for the Santa to show up before I reload the game and kick everybody up somebody else left we were so close to Santa all right so the cube where's the cube hello [Music] vibes it's on the counter everybody ready Santa will be showing up very soon happy birthday [Music] [Music] [Music] worst party ever will he be brave to not enough to throw another party after how badly this one went showed up yet they're all actually leaving right before the big moment where Santa comes you've been here for three days three days at least you're still here I'm sorry for that party it was so bad oh it was an awful party what do you need oh that's wrong Essen brain and dougma glomberg okay how about no Oaks let's sing another song [Music] oh you can sing pop songs this is not we're not doing that it's a good gift you have a Winterfest gift oh all I have is dog shit all right I uh ball of wooden children's toy an apple a toddler's book or The Fruitcake that's been old that I made that I gotten for a welcome present like a month ago which one the Apple imagine getting an Apple for a present just one apple a single app maybe the wooden toy Merry Christmas what's in it huh my specialty oh boy ah zambo not much this fucking place is worth powerful there's a lot of money out of the beach you don't know yeah ask what happened can you turn the stove on or whatever hey look you're so notorious that one of my unscrupulous friends has been asking to meet you can I give them your number it wouldn't be notorious what does that mean okay I guess no oh coffee yep okay we only have a couple hours till Santa shows up she's pissed let's do um let's talk about what we just laugh together belly laugh Santa's gonna show up very soon knobs this dog looks like a sock puppet shmoon um [Music] friendly new show there's a new show let's talk about the news that makes sense right tanquility now barza [Music] okay about um complain about Winterfest I wouldn't want to oh why would I do that having a bit of personal emergency and I have to leave what what is an emergency [Music] what hey look I've heard a lot about you mostly bad things but that's okay people at least you don't like me either we should hang out sometime I'm gonna come over for Christmas who is that who was that foreign Santa's gonna show up in two hours come on over it's too lame lamina clog or a bunny Grace will be right over all right quick I could use the bathroom no don't go to bed after inviting some drink coffee and you can go to the bathroom that was quick you didn't I didn't invite you in we just walked in the house oh my goodness foreign incoming phone call hey blog I've been thinking about getting to know Nina Caliente better as a friend do you think the two of us should why are you calling me don't ever don't ever call this number again it all right let's make a coffee and then we'll be ready for Santa anything this is weird get out get out of here get out okay get out of here wait Santa's coming here in an hour where's Santa 8 P.M right quick I gotta I gotta go to sleep just for a minute wait wait don't leave don't leave just pick the shit up you pick the shit up with her hand all right Santa's coming 8pm here it comes foreign [Music] okay we got a present from Santa put your Santa is in the room put your phone down oh Denise just putting my tons of shit here oh my goodness Waffa tub for Mosey Jewel and all those motherfuckers left okay okay okay hold on [Music] your cheese pizza okay let's sing about Winterfest swingle zibs swingle zips [Music] well Bay news said blurf Coba organ oh my God I thought he shot me in the face of the gun oh my Shabba that was fucking crazy I I thought I okay we're good pizza all right Santa stick around let's get that pizza why is this keep happening the door is locked people have been walking in and out of this door Hector Laurent is not here where is he hiding somewhere Santa can you get the pizza man to grow me for Zoo [Music] malice if before [Music] this is fucked this is fucked up [Music] this is like a creepy this is creepy it's actually kind of scary we can't get the pizza again he's gonna leave it on the ground and Sam's gonna take it and then leave and then I can I'm gonna go back to go to work tomorrow There's a Nightmare can finally end but there are presents in here come open presents what do I get ah Santa put these in here Ipsy plus one Wonder game oh cool that's it oh that was rude that was rude what I meant to say was thank you so much Santa for the gift I can't get the pizza I can't get the pizza I'm locked inside of my house apparently I can't blah blah Simba he's complaining about the trash he just put it there oh let me go ahead and get the pizza now [Music] you know what I'm insulting you come back here so I can insult you gonna get a slice I'm going to bed parsafe evil plump I give you a Winterfest gift fresh coffee is an alien why did I play the Alien Song all right put this away put it in the fridge because can we okay can I finally all right we're good everybody can relax that was strange but it's time to get back to the real life here Winterfest was really fun I got some cool stuff um we're gonna we're gonna let's clean up feed the dog take a bath clean this place up everything looks okay all right well I don't know where you're going but whatever host another party no not another party I need to rest and then I gotta get up because I have work I got work tomorrow work starts in this this morning it's gonna relax I think your door porch is not big enough for two people is that what the problem is foreign put the trash on the ground and then complained that I had like a dirty house like dude you that's what's going on [Music] need to make it bigger should I just get rid of it and put hold on what if I make like a little like yeah okay here's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna build out a wall here I have a thousand bucks I think I have enough to do it [Music] just like a little thing right how do I make just like a little thingy [Music] make pool build a deck I don't have money [Music] platform okay so I'm going to do rounded platform is this correct [Music] this doesn't look right this is not right this is wrong bottom right how do I remove this thank you okay so Square deck but this is this is a big Cube [Music] I don't understand [Music] oh that's wrong why is it so fucked up you guys get rid of the fridge wait why is the fridge in here how do I undo controls it but I can't ever it's like going into the house is the movement uh that cheat that I turned on to burn this up [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God don't do that wait yeah do that [Music] oh my God okay I have a I actually have a house now [Music] oh my goodness thank God [Music] I don't know why I was up so high all right so now I gotta make a an opening here a little gate [Music] foreign how do I put a gate and then they can walk in [Music] it's kind of big okay [Music] I want brick there we are [Music] hey look at that [Music] okay nice oh my God okay hold on here foreign all right now the I actually am not up in the air I have a little area out here I can put like some plants and shit all right now it's time to get back to reality he's looking good I'm blocking the Winterfest stuff yeah but it's over I did everything sleep go to the bathroom get some sleep and then take a shower the hell is that all right sleep get up have a quick breakfast and then get to work I need a computer eventually after I get back from work I'm gonna get a computer because I have some secret agent so I gotta get this this is way too goopy it was weird this is super goopy it's spreading too but much this is goopy oh my God why is it I don't that one's goopy I don't like that one or Fest was what'd it say whatever s was pretty good Laura got to do a lot of things he wanted to do but not everything next year he hopes he could do even more that's fine okay uh get some sleep you need to eat and then I'm gonna get to bed and I gotta get up in five hours to go to work what's wrong with me something was gross [Music] how do you upgrade the bed hey all right let's go ah jeez we're good starts in about an hour should be fine late for work what do you mean what I just miss work who's calling me look thank you for suggesting I hang out with Nina Caliente we had a spectacular time I literally hung up on you I hung up on that guy okay we're good the person made that up uncomfortable too many Sims I don't it's a coffee brewing all right 123 bucks clean up the coffee maker take a shower and then I need to get a computer and I need to do this whatever the skill is where I was Intelligence and like I'm ready for promotion look at this oh hello bathroom shower now I need a little desk and a computer can I afford it [Music] oh why do I have a slice of pizza in what inventory made by Titus Peterson who is that foreign [Music] okay let's go with the knitted desk right here just a shitty one just little ones I can use the computer the cheapest one I have oh my God it's like a half-life item all right that that's fine [Music] and here we are desktop computer I only have 100 bucks I need to see [Music] I don't think I can afford a nice chair let me try though okay that's fun all right now I'm gonna take a quick shower and I'm gonna do the whatever this is I need to practice intelligence take a shower you seem pretty happy all right hunger I'll eat something quick I have pizza in the fridge right leftovers something here smells this fridge is steaming with smelly stuff what is it what could what can I look in the fridge I'm not eating the problem right clean out spoiled food oh God damn it it's fine okay better now it's time computer security settings career practice Pro where is it play game vampire secrets where is it web okay broad is the intelligence database there it is am I gonna I'm getting a call from Santa Claus hey blog I think I have a crush on Lilith Vitor do you think it's worth a try I don't know sure I don't know why calling me all right I gotta do this all right just started what is he saying he won what do you want what is he would you love another dog what was that what's that mean I'll give you a bath in a second 25 done hold on oh possible lead the discovery of some uncovered intelligence may help make the next day of work a bit easier all right I'm in a good mood right now it's cool 100 done right and get to bed early so you get promotion [Music] I'm gonna give the dog bath don't go to bed yet not yet we're gonna play fetch and then I'm gonna give you a bath so dirty oh Spa sorry that training skills dogs Yoda was a smart dog they're easy to train and learn quickly really because he didn't get the fuck [Music] what do you want play fetch let's play fetch okay you gotta pick it up take a look Stampy champy oh you got it oh nice excellent dog I'm gonna give you a big treat for that one job here's a big tree who's this Retta warrant [Music] is this a public beach anywhere am I on a public beach but toy because people just kind of this is not my private land I don't get like this section of the beach how does that work how does it work if if this is my house do I own this part of the water I don't know how this works I don't know how beachfront property works gate this beach off just put a hole again here so you just went swimming it I need to put a gate here watch the dog I keep trying to but toy right you ought to learn how to fetch nice job [Music] give the dog bath come on let's go it's not your Beach loading all right there we go dogs being very calm yeah they're such a good dog I need energy all right smelly pet let's take care of that hit an auto feeder him actually that's a good idea oh but I need to save some money all right time for bed get up I have my job completed sleep all right let's go good day where's my neck so white because the where the mic I don't know the way my camera's lighting I don't have I'm not I don't [Music] I want to have a night on the town local businesses want to show some customer appreciation by offering free food and drinks time to get out of the house and visit a venue all right so I have to work I'll go do it I'm in a bad mood oh there's another hack thing yeah hack it you just can't beat this one finally blorg has to admit defeat to his boss and turns out he just had the wrong password his boss is not amused really what did I I ate something at work New Year's Eve is tomorrow no I'm going out for New Year's Eve I'm going out I'm not standing I'm not putting no I'm going out [Music] I'm not throwing a New Year's Eve party she's a good call from sanigan remember when we talked about Lilith Victor we went on a very nice date congratulations Sam I hope it went well promotion promoted to intelligence researcher he doesn't like this career how long has been Blora can't help but wonder if this is the career right for him one thing is for sure there needs to be some kind of change I just got promoted oh my God I forgot to go to Star Wars land I completely forgot I'm going to Star Wars land for New Year's Eve that's what I'm doing for my New Year's Eve party where am I right there that's a great idea that's genuinely a good idea it sucks by the way it's the worst DLC well we're only gonna go for like a few minutes not for long where'd the Dog go we're gonna clean that up I'm gonna throw it away don't pick it up I don't do I have do I have a trash barrel don't you have to throw I haven't gotten the mail the whole time of the plan don't you need a trash barrel we're outside [Music] oh my goodness [Music] 220 dollars for that you gotta be where's my mailbox Auto Sell lot total I have 400 bucks I oh how much money do I owe what whatever I'm talking about ask for autograph oh all right what's my goal I need level two logic skill what am I doing does programming do logic oh no it's programming I probably need programming though I definitely need programming [Music] I mean I'm a secret agent so when is this not in the town is what I want to do now okay so night of the town is what I can do today but well I'm just gonna wait for New Year's Eve if that is a night on the town technically yeah I'll do that I'll wait for that here's it I heard there's a talent showcase going down at the lounge let's go embarrass ourselves um who is this I don't even know who this is foreign [Music] I can turn down it's really loud tell me okay so it's a talent show what do I have any talents well this is a huge pool skinny dip together with who do I pick who goes skinny dipping why did it say together oh boy ah wait wait we are doing it too okay I didn't know I thought I was gonna have to select people [Music] all right that I put my clothes I I didn't know what I thought I was gonna select okay where's the mic oh it's right here it's gonna do it let's sing a country to it me and Hillary [Music] I don't want to talk to that person I'm gonna do a country duet we're going to drown each other out here who gets all the screen time let's see what the sheepies [Music] [Music] come into the Party Stop get away from the entrance oh my we have we're like how high are we holy man God okay [Music] that's high up yeah I have I remember I had a wedding here and then people would just started to attack each other from what I remember what about you [Applause] good night I had a selfie in the middle of your performance [Music] [Music] [Music] that's ruined her set [Music] did people pay to see this uh [Music] [Music] thank you okay I'm tired I need to go to work but I'm not going to work tomorrow I'm going to bathroom tomorrow and I'm going to become a Jedi like my thing says I'm asleep what you this guy is a weirdo [Music] am I gonna get a full night's sleeper clothes [Laughter] all right I got a night's sleep that was fun it's time to go to Batu wait didn't I who didn't I come with somebody I came here with someone where is it where's Hillary what's wrong what is it oh it's like a futuristic toilet or something doesn't like it all right [Music] rest up why did I even come here I told I said that I wanted to rest up and get my energy levels higher and then I get a call from Hillary no he has worms [Music] okay [Music] I'm gonna travel to Batu and become a Jedi first I'm going to pee and then I'm going to eat leftover pizza and then I'm gonna wash my hands and then I'm gonna brush my teeth go am I eating it out of the sink okay everything looks good be the dog here you go all right let's do it what time is it oh it's 1am never mind I'll just go to sleep and I'm not gonna work tomorrow go to bed wake up none of the time was awful maybe next year what do you mean was it is it New Year's Eve did I leave the New Year's Eve party early I slept through the New Year's Eve party that's what that was oh it was wait was it I fell asleep on the couch at 10 o'clock whatever I'm gonna be a Jedi who cares no today is New Year's Eve okay count down stay up past bedtime and Shout at the TV in Celebration don't put off until tomorrow what you do today click on your Sims like make resolution okay Frank dance and play music decorate all right we'll get up I need to I'm gonna make a resolution complete an aspiring milestone get promoted raise the skill write a book get a significant other what should I do significant other okay let's go to Batu I'll celebrate New easy when I get back travel should I take Santa to the Star Wars world I'm taking Santa okay where's Batu is it even up here where's the Star Wars land if it's vacation take a vacation okay all right vacation where's the Star Wars land foreign oh it's right there it's time okay here we go black Spire Outpost is the central Hub of Batu here you can find the dwelling ogus Cantina doc ondar's den of antiques and a number of food and drink options here we go everybody get your bat chests ready welcome to Batu you use a different currency called Galactic credits I have special inventory don't worry your Simoleons and inventory are safe at home check the career pin of your first mission a Jedi okay welcome to Batu land your Batu outfit at the dwelling ah freshen up at the dwelling and order food from Docking Bay 7. okay I'm gonna order a drink I'm gonna get a water I don't lose Santa it was just like stuff this is just like Star Wars world special Star Wars water yeah it's called they put two drops of fucking green food coloring it's fourteen dollars I gotta order a drink [Music] oh I already ordered a water order food from dockingbase is this Docking Bay seven ask about the resistance yeah you know if I had to get mods with people could get in my cars can you imagine just how would this even happen Okay order food Outpost popcorn Rising moons overnight oats that's what I'm gonna have that mod immediately look we're gonna do normal for a little while and then I promise I will put on all the clown mods they'll all go on in the next day just let me play The Sims normally it's been very abnormal so far but you know we're doing clown mug I promise I'll move Franca it's time to start the music it's time to light the lights time to bake the music at the Muppet Show tonight it's time to is it that way this isn't wait it's different this is not about the song [Music] I didn't get credit for that [Music] Stormtrooper how do I join the first order I want to be a Sith what do you say if you're looking to join our ranks speak with Lieutenant Agnon in the first order District you got it I'm going to freshen up all right freshen up the dwelling where's my dwelling over here how long am I on vacation for and where is Santa freshen up okay I gotta play my outfit plan Batu outfit all right said jabine Obi oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] my God that's fine I can stay like that I got bigger by coming to this Batu world [Music] [Music] I want to be in a stormtro prophet [Music] foreign [Music] whatever this is fine I don't care [Music] all right now I need to order food from dockingbase 7. which that's order food from Docking Bay seven all right there it is kind of don't go I can't go in here okay I want a braised Shack roast please I want a single serving of that ask about the first order ask about the resistance what if I have no money left this feels like one of those information games about the movie that comes in the DVD you know there's two DVDs and you go oh ask about the first order and it's going to give you little tidbits about like the story of the DVD that you just got this is a DV this is a DVD game I wonder what happens if I ask about the first order come here I just want a lightsaber from my house okay is it every neighborhood on what the hell no don't leave you learned what do you mean I learned how to make braised Shack roast is it a made-up animal that animal doesn't make the sort of real animal what I've learned the recipe is this a hold on is this a vacation spot in The Sims like it's pretending to be Disney or is this you're actually on Batu it's just a Disneyland this is not supposed to be what's up Jeff oh where's kylo Ren o yet where's Santa Don that's kind of what I was saying come back here I need to talk to you more about this the rest of this fucking DVD package ad to part of DLC come here can you tell me some more about the uh the world of Star Wars ask about the first order okay I need to talk to Lieutenant Agnon in the first order District ask about the resistance three times I'm so annoying to this person does this person work here implied [Music] hey scoundrels vile scum are definitely on Batu if you've seen anything suspicious report to the first order you do hey can I tell you about my dreams retinue Squire had a dream about a green alien it bit me he bit me in the face and I woke up I'm sweating no scoundrels okay Festival of snow has started I don't care okay I have to go to find this lieutenant okay cool I'm having fun on vacation congratulations for completing what did they say first mission now that you have your bearings explore the other neighborhoods of Batu by clicking travel in your phone build your reputation with three factions let's go oh shoot Squad let's go do the first order why are you so red I don't know I've been trying to figure that out for the last four hours all right first order District I see what people say this is the worst expansion [Music] okay how much is a lightsaber yeah I wanna I just want to buy a lightsaber okay here we go ask to see missions how much was this one I don't know I think it was like more than fifteen twenty dollars spread the word about our vision of the future for black Spire Outpost citizens must understand that everything we do is for their own good okay how do I do it Fred first order propaganda to who this park is empty there's nobody here it's just me and the actors this is a really unpopular Park why is nobody here there's no other Sims here how do I spread propaganda wait do I have to do I take this back to the regular Sims World should I give Santa propaganda ah a flash how do I do that original partition core belief why does he think they're actors [Music] wait are they not actors is this an alien this is a real alien I don't I'm I don't understand where this sits this is an actor so but it's a vacation I'm I don't get it where am I stop chatting over here and get at it go over here you have to spread some first order propaganda I want a red lightsaber I don't care how long it takes I will literally no I will not go back to work until I get a red lightsaber will you stop talking okay here we go she was controlling his life finally fulfill his dreams oh it's great at the first order he's here to help all right I do this a few more times all right all right I am first order I'm almost there hey you come here soon this great fucking gameplay I I paid twenty dollars whatever it was for this and I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna get a lightsaber that's just what's happening tonight I'm sorry I'm getting I'm gonna speedrun a lightsaber I need to spread first order propaganda it won't take very long don't worry I'm gonna be on vacation for like three days and I'm gonna finally I'm gonna get a lightsaber scan the first order supplies [Music] I could get a blaster where do I get that where's your dog at dogs at the house oh no he's been taken care of I don't know where Santa is though all right I need to do four more propaganda come on let's go okay that person hates me but that's whatever in the gonk take gonk Droid propaganda propaganda okay propaganda one more to uh hold on so can I make friends with what's your name by two citizen can I make friends and they invite you over to the house oh oh it's seven it's 7 30 Pacific we all know what that means the internet doesn't work for like 40 minutes oh we all know what that means all right I need propaganda yeah we just get up we gotta ride out the storm here for about 40 minutes we're gonna be dropping some frames this is how it is for some reason randomly on random what's what's today what's today's date Tuesday night to the propaganda all right there it is hey it's all right hey you were gonna skip this part of the stream anyways while I get my lightsaber it's all good is that personal right check your Sims inventory foreign [Music] oh my God this is gonna take way longer I thought that was gonna be a full cube it's all right this the the well the internet sucks don't worry we'll take it I can cheat I can oh that's right [Music] marry an alien let me become friends with with an alien because I'm very curious if these people they exist in them a flush a kind of real world like Earth or I don't know where we are and I make friends with this person a lot of Dreams oh can a no be oh okay so I'm getting a relationship status wait I I know them now okay so can I invite them to parties and stuff are you recording this from McDonald's no it's just randomly at some I dude I wish I could tell you how this is even possible so this is the most ridiculous bizarre thing so do you age here I don't know so from 7 30 to like 7 like 50 or 7 30 to like eight my internet goes to fucking like one percent speeds and then it goes back to a thousand a thousand for the rest of the day all day I that does make any sense it makes no sense it goes from a thousand a thousand at like 729 to one megabit per second at 7 30 exactly and then at like 8 20 p.m goes right back to a thousand thousand it doesn't make any sense I need to go to the bathroom but this is why so another reason why I wanted to start my streams what was that like an alarm I need to use the bat where's the bathroom where is the bathroom oh it's right here all right so how do I um how do I cheat to get myself like plus five uh first order points does anybody have the uh code I'll show I'll show that tomorrow I'll show that tomorrow new um new viewers I have probably never seen that picture and I'll show it tomorrow all right so what's the cheat yeah I'll be live tomorrow and tomorrow I'll put mods on tomorrow but I'm gonna make them we're gonna do them slowly it's not just gonna be everyone gets hit by a car and everybody gets hurt it's gonna be slow it's gonna we're gonna just very slowly get into it okay what is it okay it's Ctrl shift C enter testing sheets true and then shift click your sim and do give all items testing sheets true and then shift click and give all items I mean I gotta read this again okay shift C testing cheats true click your sim at two cheats okay this expansion sucks that's but that's not fair it's it's cool if you're a big Star Wars fan I'm a big St I I would probably like this I guess I don't know like what I you just walk around and like talk to people and just grind out uh I mean it's kind it's all right it's all right all right so now let's what do I do it's spring pack cheats expansion packs game packs tattoo cheats add to reputation first order add set level to rank five foreign and attitude sheets give Batu items dude I didn't want literally the end I didn't want every single item how do I take this out how do I use my lightsaber lightsaber you're a lightsaber Health Collection you don't use a lightsaber what do you mean you don't use a lightsaber I need a crystal you have to make it where do I go to do that to drag it out you need to build the lightsaber control shift click your sim woohoo jab of the Hutt it's furniture it's it's just a piece of furniture okay all right Santa let's get out of here it's time to go home Santa it's time to go let's leave it's time to leave I thought I was gonna be like a June I thought it was gonna be a lot I could swing it around [Music] I can't leave ah check Santa's ID Robert yes [Music] she picked it yeah DC [Music] whoa whoa whoa hey why are we doing fine what's happening I want to put my crystal in what did he do why did he do that what am I okay what happened I got knocked Santa knocked me out let's do it to me oh no keep that out don't put that up keep it out [Music] train with lightsaber who FPS Andy fuck I know shit ah God damn it I got to the my favorite part of the entire day sure all right shit you know what I think I'm I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna throw an audible out here yeah I think I'm all right because everything's gonna happen all right here's happening we're gonna call it right now I'm gonna be back tomorrow early like in the morning I'm gonna go all day [Music] I think that's the plan I think that's the plan the plan is I gotta start early I'm not starting at three o'clock tomorrow I'm starting at like noon tomorrow and I'm gonna we're gonna play this all day I'm gonna put mods on it and we'll we'll take it from there I gotta start early I gotta start earlier we gotta avoid the we gotta avoid the 7 30 P.M internet meltdown so if I start at noon tomorrow between 12 and 1 then we can stream for six or seven hours and completely avoid it I think that's a play and hold me to this hold me to this I want you to seriously hold me to this because I can't start at three o'clock in the afternoon Pacific I can't I I can't the streams have to be earlier the streams have to be earlier there's no way you're starting at noon I have to though because like this we hit the 7 30 p.m uh hard turn off and I also called my ISP where am I all right let me save this I gotta save this we're saving it we're gonna start fresh and early tomorrow come to the flea market with me I don't know I don't have time to do this right now we're gonna start fresh tomorrow early starting at noon and we're going until then we're going until the internet turns us off I'm glad we got to go at least for four and a half hours that's fun I'll be back tomorrow and for those of you that have been watching for a long time I mean you know it's kind of frame ready yeah well I'll be live tomorrow don't worry we'll go for about six or seven hours there were a lot of people here today too I just if you're if you stuck around from the Among Us thing that's where a lot of people came from then Cole I I hope you enjoy the stream I had a really fun time the first four hours of this stream were really funny had a lot of fun we'll see you tomorrow but what's this those of you hey how many old viewers from like 2016 2017. are you ready you ready for this [Music] [Music] it's back [Music] and the music's back too give you a little bit of Channel Nostalgia right here we go you know what's really funny about this this is what's supposed to be every single end of the Stream and I just didn't put the file in OBS I just had to drag it over here and it was just in an older I just didn't do it but thanks for watching everybody I would have liked to have gone for like another hour or so at least five hours or so but you know I got I gotta beat the internet so all streams if I want to have five to six hour streams all streams until further notice have to start at between 12 and 1. Pacific so that's the plan such a weird problem because sometimes we'll be live at seven eight pm without a single problem it's so weird because in like an hour or so I'll do a speed test and it'll just be a thousand a thousand so it's just so Random you're moving the goal post already no no no I between 12 and 12 30 Pacific tomorrow is what I'm gonna turn the stream on I actually felt pretty good today so I felt I'm glad that I was because I'll be honest during the Manga Stream I mean I really want to do that that was super important because I thought it was a really fun kind of idea just to do that one day but after that stream that was middle of covid I was like I am this is I gotta go lie down see you at three no I can't I can't start at three because that means that I'm giving myself a limit of a large percent chance that it's going to be a four hour stream I gotta pull it back to at least one because then it's guaranteed to be at least a five to six hour stream before we hit that kind of period at about seven o'clock 7 30. but thanks for watching see you tomorrow have a great night thanks for sticking around I'll see you soon more Sims 4 tomorrow I'll probably add a few mods but I don't want to go crazy with it and I I I'm holding me to that no more cheating no I wanted the lightsaber I know but no more cheating only slightly funny mods and I'm gonna go on a snow trip tomorrow I'm gonna go on a ski trip I'll see you later have a good night guys foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 186,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, jerma the sims 4, the sims 4, pc, jerma loses it, the sims, jerma facecam
Id: XukEJgS7h8U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 263min 30sec (15810 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 16 2022
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