Jerma Laughs at Car Crashes: The Musical

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you've literally played this game before i've not played this game before no no you're confusing it with every other time i've crashed a car and laughed i know there's been hundreds of times potentially thousands of times uh you've i mean this whole stream you could probably put next to one of the other games where you crash cars and it'd probably be the same it would be the same stream i have to warn you i may have fucked this up pretty badly i may have well i don't whatever you guys are gonna laugh and i don't i you're gonna laugh everybody's gonna laugh because here's your glove fits perfectly as you see it fits perfectly i had this custom fit to make sure i could uh you know wear it i promise i promise i didn't sit on it i didn't sit on this and get really mad and get very upset that i sat on it i wonder how this glove tastes homer simpson is that what is that is that leather hmm now that's fresh leather what are these gloves supposed to be made out of this looks like oh this looks like fucking spongebob got rubber by a car and i like stole this wow whoa watch out my thumb hold on wow what the hell is he doing you know what i've realized about this channel i just i'm starting to realize it more and more if you don't watch every single fucking stream you're just it's you're not gonna have any idea what's going on i like feel bad for the people that like i catch like a stream once every like a couple weeks what the fuck are you doing stop what are you doing stop this you have more lower than dark souls i don't think that's accurate i just think that this weird shit that happens like every other day what what what finger should i bite next put your middle finger through the middle ah yeah you know what yeah fuck you looks like i have like egg in my mouth oh i didn't tell you this is made out of fucking eggs oh it looked like egg hey okay all right i ate another glove okay all right i'm done i'm done i'm up i'm done wait i got one one more bite for the camera i'm not eating at all what about like i can't swallow this it's fucking pure sugar i mean pure leather i've spit this out oh okay puke i'm not eating the whole glove i'm taking a few bites i didn't eat the whole shoe you guys didn't hear that did you i hope not i didn't eat the whole shoe why would i eat the whole glove come on okay okay how about like right here give him the silent treatment he has to finish the glove i'm not finishing the level i'll take one more bite right here for the thumbnail like this is fucking weird don't give me the silent treatment give me something else by the way i'm never i'm never saying this again i was if you curious what's going on let me just explain real quick we have no idea what's going on i was convinced that the three stooges were going to be in fortnight two years ago i made a bet i said the three stooges will be in fortnight by some will last week april 2022 it didn't happen which is horse shit like i don't know why they wouldn't have been added they probably will get added i still believe that i genuinely believe the three stooges are going to be in fortnite i believe it genuinely it's just a matter of time so look i you can come back to this video when it whenever the three do just get added and be like holy shit actually actually had to eat that glove thing and they actually got added but if the three stooges are not added to fortnite by april 3rd of 2030 i will have already been retired so who cares okay goodbye my hands are so sticky all right i'll be right back i'll be right back go we'll go back to the intro i'm going to put this in the freezer okay hi everything's i i just my hands are all put sugar all over them it was a very sugary leather glove yeah so we're doing bmn g uh i know people are saying dude you gotta oh b-man g man gotta go get there go this mountain go get that modern go get that to download that thing and go download that car pack and get this one let's start look i'm this is baby steps i never played this if the three stooges were still around would they be fans of your stream no why would they even know who i was they would watch dollhouse and go could have done that better look at these kids think they're so funny these days you went through a window i used to go through a window every saturday really this younger generation doesn't understand slapstick comedy all right so right right trigger is accelerate left triggers break so break right before i get here did i do it what how did i fail has that make any sense what too slow i was driving so insanely fast that was scary how fast i was going oh we didn't want you to we wanted you to go over 60. so start breaking now what the fuck i don't get it i don't get it oh boy do you want to stop like at the stop sign like like here that's where the stop sign is what do you want to do that i stopped at the stop sign stop before you hit the barriers i didn't i did that the first time i actually did that the first time stop in the zone i just literally just did that i just did that i just did that i did that already all right all right i get it i get it i get it i get it i i literally just did i literally literally literally literally literally literally just did it yeah i did i went and stopped in the middle and it said failure you're an idiot this isn't a real fucking driving game i would build give me a real course i'll be fine all right so you massively are turning left can you navigate a narrow road try to find the proper speed for those tight corners two one fucking failure who made the glove i told you i was gonna i was gonna just like fucking ruin everybody's childhood i was gonna say i told you spongebob got run over and i found it but no that's not what happened uh it was great it was fake it wasn't it was a real glove shut up how the fuck you drive a car like this this car is on treads it's not even on wheels i i just just drive straight the mirror oh my god how are you supposed to drive this car this thing's on the ice this car's on ice this i can't drive it i fuck i'm skipping i'm done i'm doing i'm not playing that one no fucking way it's not happening like why would you drive that car oh man that's a beauty how often do you drive it oh well when you want to get in the car with me we'll take a ride and you just literally drive directly into the first wall well i didn't even read that whatever i was i was gonna make a joke but i was like no why even make a joke that car is not even worth making a joke about i don't care this sounds like a cat i'll just breaking all the way going to a complete stop and driving the car again this is so bad for the car [Music] god damn it skip it stop accelerating so hard i don't play games like this i play like fucking mario kart i don't even play that game i don't like that one either i don't play games with cars in it because unless i like unless it's like gta i'm trying to go over the sand jump how do i fix the car okay this thing is fuck what do i do can i fix the car how do i fix it press r oh okay holy shit i was ejected i was ejected from the fucking car this is still drivable oh my god what the hell was that i got ejected an escape pod at a ramp okay wall matt what should i put up here how about a cannon oh here we go i need a ramp hamster wheel oh hell yeah all right i need to get in there is it gonna work oh my god dude you can't drive over the curb because the car is too low to the ground are you fucking kidding me fuck you god damn it oh there's another entrance this i feel like i'm playing in the bowling alley i'm playing fucking the with the bumpers on the other side i can't to go anywhere with this car dude you've really this these cars are terrible these cars can't do anything you this is just a giant toy that sits in your garage i can't actually use this [Music] hit the brake how do i what's the horn where's the other car there's another car somewhere what happened what how did i miss that what just happened i thought i was driving another car um what's going on i'm driving the hamster wheel okay here we go ready all right let me drive the bus there's no way this still drives no fucking way i'm just gonna get a crazy view all right let's see if i can make it down over there yo i think i'm doing a pretty good job if i have to say so myself craziest fucking security camera like what was this guy doing what was this guy doing you know this is what would happen there's nobody in this car this is what would happen if this bus became sentient right now it would just be like what am i doing where am i what up why am i alive what's happening i'm gonna start crashing into shit it wouldn't know to do you'll be freaking out this is the future that tesla wants this car is alive right now and it doesn't get it it doesn't understand what life is it has no idea what life is all it knows is that it can move this forward it can move forward that's it doesn't know anything else it doesn't know anything it doesn't know anything oh yeah i must drive i don't know i just i just have to go forward i just have to push the forward button where am i who am i where am i where am i what is this what am i what am i where am i where are you trying to hurt me why can i breathe my stomach feels weird in my lungs why do i have lungs why do i oh [Applause] somebody's hit his jigsaw i've come here to pick you up hello again steve you found yourself in a bus it seems in this bus it's unlike any other bus you've ever driven this bus must go at least 40 miles per hour just like that movie if this bus goes below 40 i'll hide your toenail clippers and your tweezers in your house you won't be able to find them you'll be a huge pain in the ass and you'll have to buy a new pair of tweezers every time you go to the store it's really fucking annoying are you all right you okay you okay are you okay oh shit oh what the f red oh he's okay he's fine and remember that goes below 40 miles per hour hold on i can't see the camera again i got messed up steve go on the road you're driving on the wrong side of the road steve see if you need to be on the right side of the road otherwise my fucked up plan is really stuck in the middle steve you're stuck in the middle of the road steve i don't think i can't come get you steve you really blew this whole thing i can't come get you steve you're going to have to call an uber but when you get that uber you make sure to tell that uber driver you if he goes up to 40 miles per hour i you know what just just fuck this how many of the cameras are there top down on board as a rider hey man uh really think uh you missed the stop back there i was supposed to get off at uh at 4th street yeah uh um probably you should probably slow down a little watch out watch out that's a red light why not talking it's fucking goddamn ai drivers hello what's this call number is it 1 800 number to call for tech support fucking god damn it i don't think there's something wrong with this one what am i supposed to do i can't get out of the car i knew this wasn't going to be ready for at least another 20 or 30 fucking years at least and i got on the bus to stop i'm the one that gets on the bus during the ai shit i mean it's going i wonder where it's going what is in the gps i have no idea oh it will never work it will never work this thing will accidentally get put into a wendy's right it's like oh okay time to go to the wendy's it's like no no no no no no no for some reason like the wendy's going to gps it's like i didn't want to go to wendy's i'm supposed to go i'm trying to go home oh fuck and see the ai didn't know that this is a new road it didn't know the road split right there i thought the road went straight so it doesn't it hadn't been updated the firmware i don't know any firmware updates it's gonna fucking take i'm serious right now right now i am i'm jumping out of the car what i mean like if this is like ai just like the the gps got fucked up and it just doesn't know what it's doing i'm going out this window right now i'm just diving up i'm just getting up i'm getting out of the car spawn police hold on spawn police random ai chase me the ai is gonna chase you what who are oh my god david we saw you're probably wondering why you woke up in the driver's seat of a car why all those people in front of you are all marked and paused waiting it's very simple that's because each one of these people has been paid fifteen thousand dollars to crash into right and he already did it your job your choice see how long you're going to live while all these people have been paid twenty thousand dollars to scratch it and that's this and hold on hold on everybody as you find yourself sitting in this car wondering why you're here while you woke up here understanding that you have access to the gas gas gas gas this car is at your utmost intended purpose because every single car on this road david is ai a.i controlled cars who have been programmed to kill you they will stop at nothing before you are corpse you ought to make your choice and drive around and get away from these ai gas controlled cars luck you're gonna need it as you see i think this is technology is getting a little too crazy you were the one that programmed these cars aren't you david you were the one that programmed technology can't solve every problem david as i'm sure you're realizing right now all right no more no more i'm done with saw all right i wanna all right i'm going new map new map all right i'm gonna take two cars and have them drive as fast as they can and smash into each other i can do that right i'm gonna start at the one end of the track and i'm gonna go a thousand miles per hour and i'm gonna crash into each other [Music] i went the wrong way no no come back and back back stop stop stop stop stop stop stop stop what the fuck whatever i went the wrong way i it's hard where just get over here both of you i stop avoiding me what the fuck what the f stop oh oh is he all right the guy gets out of the car and he like with the red bull he did it oh my god he actually did it he made it he made he did the jump oh we're both fucked yo i have an idea i'm gonna okay i want to run away from like 20 mac trucks why are they one singular bus wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why are they one bus what the fuck oh what do i do fuck this stupid goddamn sports car you went a little too fast oh my god raise a 10 raise it 10 feet off the ground make tires bigger give me another car these things suck gigantic fucking toy i just i want something to drive like this yeah that's much better oh my god why are they all so connected to each other it's like it's like a campaign trail nobody gives the senator the finger out the window get him oh some of them are going to lose some of them i think no he's still there oh [Music] oh my god i'm still oh [Laughter] i i want to like go i want to take this to somewhere else right yeah i want to go somewhere else i want to go to one of the other places a semi truck is causing havoc on the highway we must stop it at all costs that won't be easy but you don't have to worry about damaging your vehicle all right put on brake core for this okay you ready you ready let's go restart restart the mission restore the mission this is fucking with my head this is fucking with my head imagine the police but listening to this yeah john let's go turn it up we gotta chase i can't fucking do it i can't do it just drive the car i can't i'm trying i tried all right where is this motherfucker get him dude it sounds like the person in the passenger seat is just going like this to the tuner it's like dude pick a station we're trying to catch this guy oh yeah i'm sorry i'm sure just get in the road hold on [Laughter] i can't i can't it's too fucked up it's too fucked up okay no i have a better idea i'm not doing fucking like crazy music i'm catching this guy [Music] got you right into it yes stop driving there it is yes three two one got it bang all right i've done put some barrels around the dirt road this durn truck can't carry a tune in a bucket so pull up your britches and get fixed and to knock them all barrel down i reckon you got a minute or so fine you don't get all tore up them nasty barrels is hiding in the swamp and then gosh darn bushes i'm not gonna get the roll i'm not gonna i'm reading uh you know sides right now for this character and i'm not gonna get it i gotta have music in the background about like banjo music banjo royalty free it's hard this is way too hard this one's like fucking way hard this one's too hard this is way too hard give us a good yeehaw do you do yeehaw it's like no how do you do a hee haw it's like [Music] you need to put this on times two speed you guys you guys need to just relax you guys just want brake core you you guys can't pay attention unless it's like like you got you oh no you guys this is bad your brain this is bad for your brain this is bad for your brain it's not going to be brain you just slow down i need to read a book you need to fucking breathe oxygen and shit like lie down lie in bed don't listen to this it's small doses it's not gonna hurt your brain cells are gonna fry it's over now i miss it don't you progressive theory charcoal cleansers i don't no no no no i'm not i decide whether to get on the stream i can't do this please do break or i'm begging you [Applause] i was very unsure of that yeah all you guys need in the background here is i'm detective kimball great just played music and movie clips and don't get me wrong i think that that was cool but i break or is outrageous enough for me to be like what i'm paying attention this is interesting but i i don't know if i want to play that unless i'm really looking for it it's cool i mean that's really cool but you missed one you corrected me on my own stream what i hope i'm alright you just did you correct me what is this no what does it hold on i need to know great where did it go where did it go i'd buy that for a dollar that's a suffering did you like it someone made a germa break core oh my god let's see how close i was to it let's see how close i was hey what are you listening to man oh you know i got fallout boy on here uh a screen and fart compilation at the same time [Music] i don't want to listen to this anymore never does anybody actually want to listen to this but but i've heard i like it's too much it's too many fucking sound effects [Music] it's too many who is screaming somebody is just going who is screaming [Music] wait wait wait wait is it the game oh it's the game [Music] just i heard like i was like who's fucking yelling i was like this is like terrifying i thought all the uh i thought it was somebody screaming i listen it made it fucking so much worse hold on [Music] okay i'm done that was fun that was fun there's the onion ring one too apparently let's hear it that was kind of good what's the onion ring one no screams i have to turn this off [Music] this is weird listen to myself talk 6.4 this is it this is it this is it this is oh this is my favorite part this is my favorite scene it might just sit that's it here it goes you wanted to go up an octave i can't control the car the car stalled out that's a huge moment i can't i can't listen to this anymore that's that's was awesome but i need to beat this level right now i need to beat this level right now before i freak out there's another one you're a penis music or whatever i guess people gonna think back like when this guy this fucking weird guy what's my legacy do i have one are you guys gonna okay 10 20 plus years from now are you guys gonna open up germ of penis music and be nostalgic and go oh germ of penis music yeah i remember that [Music] what i wonder what i want everyone that's weird i wonder what people are going to say german this is sirma sirma um does everyone say this is depressing it's not depressing it's just funny i'm just thinking of like i've gone back and watched jim carrey movies oh the mask like smoking right and i'm thinking of people going back and watching something like this the fuck are you talking about going like that that's what i'd be doing see that shit that's the fucking dance of this song can you fucking trick that one don't remember that i don't want you to remember that i want you to remember something else don't remember that part of the stream holy shit i'm fucking winded like bad what if i have to stop i'd like relax for a minute i actually have to slow down don't remember that i want you to remember remember like live a dollhouse and replace but don't remember any of this don't remember any of these streams i want you to forget what you just watched don't watch it think about it are you i'm such an old fucking person what i did this i danced for a second i have to sit down i am sitting down i am sitting down right now i can't sit down any more than i already am sitting down excuse me where jump on the boat [Laughter] they don't make that jump is incredibly difficult [Music] realistic yeah that's what that's what happened man nobody does that job nobody can make that jump double seven failed oh yeah um did i make it i made it i actually did it i got it nice cool all right that was fun that was actually pretty fun what's another one i should do leap of faith down up the cliffs finishing with a courageous leap onto a rock pillar oh that's a good camera angle nobody said it had to be clean play the video nice and easy [Applause] [Applause] you doing man sammy can you please concentrate please please i thank you we are licking the car [Applause] sammy sammy you are licking the we made it fine we made it okay deliver a trailer of tasty cola to the city you got it okay here we go let's deliver deliver our delivery but i don't even know what happened i just can't see i can't [Music] i just couldn't see i couldn't see where the where the car was driving um what's what's wrong with the car i can't turn right i actually can't turn the car right what give me a break grabbing a truck mother this must be the most terrifying thing seriously what what an unbelievable skill it takes to do this to actually drive around like this i am i already don't know sometimes if that that turn looks kind of sharp i gotta be careful you imagine what goes through the mind of somebody driving a truck like this we have to take a sharp turn like that it's like you have this insane huge thing that's a skill that's a heavy skill your brother does this for a living that's that's that takes a lot of guts it does it takes a lot of balls it takes a lot of uh gum shoe to be able to drive something like this especially around like a place like this i would be i wouldn't know what to do i would get out i'd be like somebody else just drive this somebody else has to do this wait gumshoe isn't that what they called the kit the detective kids and where in the world's car in san diego gum shoes yeah what was i trying to say gumption yeah and i didn't even pay attention to the road where's the checkpoint i gotta stop talking oh my god i guess i can't do anything like this the where in the world's camera san diego theme song first of all the beginning it goes here that's a big part and then at the in the middle it's like yeah all right the second verse went where am i going part where it's the guy goes stealing soul and stuff that's the best part let's listen to it right now what a classic oh did you hear that part that's what i'm talking about just wait for the way for the next part oh it's a fucking classic hmm there we go we go from nashville to norway's vazu zimbabwe the cargo to shackle slovakia and back we shall learn fucking godzilla i'm just crashing i can't play video games and do this i can't play a car driving video game we have to be careful i can't turn the car anymore we're not doing this one wouldn't do something else one okay one more scenario oh dude and then the uh another one from this at the very end of the game show they had to go find different countries and place little markers on them and they'd be like oh this is they would describe an area or describe a thing the person had to put a little marker on a country from where it was from and the song the song that they did it's the same group what's the group um what's the name of the group akka was an acapella group it was just it was awesome i gotta hear that too oh you got it you got it is it this is what i was talking about this is what i'm talking about that's not it solutions it was opera catch when your toned [Applause] this is not it this is not it no it's not you're close this is opera this is a chorus singing opera get set go karma went to chad chad this is it chad no that's not it try it again all right we can go back like three thousand of you that left and came back can't come back now oh you know that one that goes [Music] oh that was tons of damage that's what in this part of the movie all the main characters are all one of maybe one of them has a scratch right here with a little bit of blood and a tiny bruise and they all going like this is really okay one person is kind of lying down with dirt here they're all fine i want to drive this just like a van or something it's a scooby-doo van is this the mystery machine it actually is okay i need a shaggy impression like oh this is quality entertainment like where's this quality entertainment scoop not bad should we just put on the scooby-doo theme song just drive around i love what this stream has just seriously been put on a song and drive to the song until you crash into a wall this is the only thing we've been that's all the content that's the content of the entire day it's been it's been every single piece of content that we have done for over three plus three and a half hours it's great it's great content it's amazing content okay so here's the deal um okay if we're gonna make it at night it's gonna be spooky and we're gonna put on the mystery machine theme song whatever the hell it is it's too dark [Music] i can't see it's too dark man i can't actually can see where i'm driving all right i'll try it again i have to do it until i can okay here's the are you guys ready for the fucking challenge of the evening the challenge of the evening is i'm going to try to drive pretty much i can't go under 20 miles per hour for at least the intro of this show i have to try to do this for the intro of the show just one full intro it's not it's too soft it's too soft the music's overpowering everything two times the song [Laughter] hey what happened to me that's so fucked up that's so fucked up like we gotta crash oh god damn it all right let's go ready hey scooby-doo what's new what's new scooby-doo how are ya the car is so fucked up i feel like my brain is rotting [Applause] hey hold on i need to pause i need to spawn my fucking head hurts scooby went through the shack how many times have scooby crashed i feel like i was rotting your brains i'm so sorry i feel like everybody just is dumber because of what we did what just happened i think everybody collectively if there was ever going to be a scientist they wanted to do some observation here the last five minutes i think may have dropped everybody's iq here by five points i think it happened i really did it might have happened i'm sorry oh no why did it stop the music stopped who the fuck is i have to this who's the cameraman you suck stop i need to just drive get away from me what's happening what happened what what did this happen i don't even understand wait there's another scooby-doo fan coming after us i have no control of the car this is so fucking horrible this imagery is like not okay this is not okay this imagery is like not cool [Laughter] oh no the other mystery machine oh [Laughter] i'm done i'm done stream's over i'm turning this off i'm fucking out of here i'm fucking out here this is this is too much i'm done that's it what a wacky adaptation helicopter shot all the imposter vans do what a long intro that's the intro to what's new scooby doo is this getting crashed into jesus [Music] [Music] those days and fears
Channel: 2ndJerma
Views: 558,904
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, stream, highlight,, cars
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 7sec (3307 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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