Jerma Streams - Sam & Max Save the World (Part 3 Finale)

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hello everybody hello where is he it's only been like one minute come on I was a little slow today the gas is empty like my car needs it needs to be filled up Oh short today a little yeah just a little bit so uh last night I did mention that you know depending on how I woke up that's and things to do tomorrow but if I got up and I was alright then we were gonna go it so we're gonna go we're good Sunday stream up we having a good afternoon hope you got some sleep after last night I did a little bit of a hangover but it's okay we're gonna play Sam and Max we're gonna relax we're gonna finish up season one only one episode remains see how long this takes you set it little buddy and then depending I'll maybe season to maybe start episode 1 or maybe wait have you place in mordhaus this is gonna be one of those streams where we're just chill and do whatever after last night but I need a relaxing stream all right so I got everything ready to go oh shit it is single yet Cinco DeMayo I drank on the wrong day oops well anyways that's all right no I'm not drinking again today no I need a two to three week cooldown period in between every time I drink hey you've seen that before I have to get it just do some audio stuff may the fifth of vodka be with you no don't give me this hair of the dog bullshit no way that's like that's a crock of shit I'll tell you that much ready why on earth what in any scenario would you drinking booze make you feel better after drinking booze all day or all night no it just like it just fucks your brain up more and it locks you down it just puts you back into being drunk again no it's water potassium you know coconut water Pedialyte just hydrate don't like take a shot of whiskey when you get up in the morning don't do that all right so let's go how loud is it not bad I had to me to do some video game to have a member that company which is why every citizen will find a complimentary government-issued Aerith in the mailbox get to spray in America let's eat this mother up that building was really quite an announcement from the President of the United States I forgot he's president ma'am you missed your cue what oh sorry little buddy in chief I'm still thinking about our last case little buddy in chief said it was working for somebody named Luigi bill there guys call me detective Sam readers hey maybe we should ask you bliss mind reader's that's it no that's not it by the way have you seen my copy of a medics the handbook for multicolored happiness by Hugh bliss cars no think max think well I know I had it this morning that's it morning in the ancient tongue of the mud worshipping kepala ho tech tribe of the Serengeti a word morning means he who destroys the hypnotic rainbow man that's the word he fears the most so this ROYGBIV is the one person we've met who's never said the word morning that mean but it's it's the community never said the word in there I never did trust him no chowder head it's Hugh bless ya oh no commissioner I didn't mean look I need you to put out an APB on Hugh bless ya max is still president has enough why the Greek got a saline and a chariot with dual overhead cams and silver fox mud flaps we're on our way let's go max the Commissioner said that Hugh bliss is currently staying at his exclusive Prisma Tala tea retreat the blister of tranquility oh boy I bet it's somewhere really cool and exotic like a remote island in the South Pacific or Des Moines even farther pal the game is quiet shouldn't be I'll turn up oh sure mr. Malone Jeremy moon [Music] why is his face on the boot how's the hangover it's alright it's not terrible I woke up look around I was like 4 to 5 and the 10-point hangover skill we've diminished down to above 3 I'm dumping just a little slut bright side of the Moon you woke up covered in cardboard it was white back on the moon doesn't it we made good time too we've still got plenty of generic brand powdered orange flavored drink mix left you always did know how not to infringe on a registered trademark little buddy what are we doing first Sam let's locate the blister of Tranquility find out what you Bliss is up to and arrest his unprincipled magical but is that a visitor's center cuz their sins are on the moon Dave don't scoff with that eventually you're gonna be able to go to the moon for free that's right it's gonna be just a train you can take from here to the moon not gonna cost any money it's gonna be old news in like a hundred years Harry wait aren't you teddy bear once upon a time but no longer well this person way bigger mister was like ten feet tall oh that would at rain work this late train tracks down to the moon it's gonna be like an L on musk bullet train they'll be floating moonbeams or something doesn't matter the reusing assets who are you now I've gone back to being Harry Mole Man or should I say I've gone forward Prisma ecology has helped me find a new meaning where the old one used to be Prisma taller so this that's the whole mind-control thing it's been hue plus the whole time you see yeah every are you seem shorter than you're used to tiny I used to use that exoskeleton but Prisma ecology has taught me that size doesn't matter color does Harry mole man will never be sensitive about being Dominions him again or about referring to himself in the third person apparently I'll see you explode in the spiritual sense Prisma ecology helped me put hairy mole man back together again looks like it may have left out a few pieces by mistake hold on dream labs the window is in the wrong spot are you still a permanent you're still a notorious criminal or an obscure one like kevin Mitnick no I don't know that it oscillated my lemma since prism apology found me it's the straight and narrow for Harry Mole Man from here on out well I guess it's nice to see you again actually whatever you say little sore that he tried to get you to shoot me last time we saw him I'm channeling my saturation towards making amends for my past transgressions Prez mythology whose talk yeah yeah we get it prismo toss those prism ecology like a take on Scientology that kind of deal is here alright where's uh where's mr. with mr. Hugh bliss seen Hugh bliss around here lately to see the master I need only search my heart I Ament see him in the traditional fashion no windows usually in the blister these days okay so where's the blister which way to the blister of tranquility enlightenment is the only way to reach the blister of tranquillity how about we enlighten your skull a little with that work the blister is through that little box right over there little box All Right see you later we've got important sightseeing to do great unless we got Holley of it before we wait okay so this is the blister of Tranquility once this guy back again like didn't we fire this guy no he went on vacation hello hypno-beam display let's just look what's supposed to go here these hypnotic goggles were an early prototype of the hypno-beam technology currently being used to further the worldwide goals of prism ecology the goggles were stolen a few months ago honestly some people will take anything that's not bolted to the floor so all right where's this thing can I pick up a spoon what's this looks like a bent spoon with some peanut butter on it the power to bend and revenge spoons stored within this completely indestructible magical talisman was among the first mental abilities to be thrown the car here popularized by humilis big deal I can bend spoons with my bare hands a one question would it work on wrenches hmm yeah a wrench is close enough interesting interesting ah you made me forget where I was let's see oh yeah the virtually indestructible display case is a triumph of modern Prisma two logical science so smashing traditionally indestructible extensive testing has been done on the case showing it to be impervious to bullets acid high falls crushing force sonic weaponry diving jet drills hurricanes poisons cynicism and liquid nitrogen don't touch it you might break it oops it's not held down very securely no let it break okay so yeah how are they breathing there's no oxygen on the moon what's with the chart I bet it shows how Justin Timberlake is descend by different people this chart outlines hue Bliss's ingenious master plan to hypnotize everyone on earth through connections with the US government the internet and the toy hothea you're right I was I wonder why I didn't know anything about this at the time have you ever been to the moon have you ever been to the moon so you can't tell me what's there you don't know what's there you just be shown things on TV you know else is showing on TV dragons and fire like dragons real alright I guess this is I'm doing like a moon is real thing and I don't really want to be the guys when they leave just a formality of course I knew you were up to something ruining my career with a toy mafia wasn't enough now you want to cost me this job to Bangor what's the phone was in my pocket while I was looking at your beautiful ceiling architecture what yeah don't try that again we have to get ugly I guess a lot of people have done already yes but I always okay alright so we gotta find a way to get by this so he's gonna frisk and to somehow get that out of here without him frisking us or without him finding it somehow I let me look around just a lunar lander is ours no wait what it's a lunar lander that was my aunt Tilly but they can't prove anything it's a lunar lander no that wasn't an undertale reference guys not everything is an undertale reference lovely shirt can I get one you don't wear shirts max I could still accumulate them can't I one moment please what the hell I didn't do anything okay go ahead so we have to get him to run away somehow he's gonna be like there's a slightly beat-up robotic exoskeleton for the future Hugh bliss said that we'll just get like the give him a soda Hilda's pee all right well what's going on with you what's Super Bowl II hey your small world it's our favorite cabinet secretary and Secret Service man agent Super Ball favorite that'll be like choosing a favorite child Sam I love them all they already a Secretary of Defense over the head with his own war agenda granted it's a tough love greetings newcomers Blissett B I do like I do like the tie but what are you doing here so let me guess you're guarding the door to this retreat affirmative I have a passion for it sir and Hugh bliss believed in my door guarding abilities when no one else would great story great story okay let us in negative only we're level red prism ecologist may interview bliss is magical paradise what's a level red prism apologist one level red is apex of prism ecology sir you'd have to undergo spectrum analysis to determine your current level spectrum analysis is that where you lied perfectly still in a lead coffin while brightly colored cotton swabs are inserted into various orifices no sir we gave that up in 87 it's much simpler to test so let's try it what is it yep weird level red lettuce Han I'm sure you're mistaken but we'll run the spectrum analysis anyway take this a unicorn what am I supposed to do with this rub it sir rabbit Sam harder harder I'm sorry sir the Unicorn says you're yellow no one calls us yellow partner level yellow is frankly rather pathetic serve only level Reds me entered the retreat regulations hmm however you Bliss would like to eat a unicorn as a token of his love rub it often to measure your progress towards true bliss I got do I still have you she'll kill him horny you do that okay um how's the uniform is that unicorn work anyway by magic sir right either that or it's just a glorified mood ring that reacts to body heat or that Emma's gonna heat it okay you're not a believer sir I could never explain it to you that works too why are you studying English Christmas ology - not studying I've mastered it you mastered Prisma ecology by standing in front of a door I am one with the door we exist in the indigo wavelength of reality he's a kid's pulling an illusion all right so long Super Ball get out of here do I still paint so heat me to keep this up so it gets red what's it worry I can become no part I mean the hours are the three on right and five I am yeah so let's see if I can heat this up but we'll put her in a grill or something put a Bosco's alright it looks cleaner from far away that it does bad it doesn't how does it do that when there's no wind on the moon I let's head back I got my item that I need come on go go go where are we headed now Sam we are going to the earth Terra Firma does it actually show you go there let me drive the car in the space no I think I said that be really funny all right well what is the final thing that they're doing let's check on Sybil see the new is just called Queen the Canada leaf most of the Canada leaf relax a okay are you simple hello Sam hello max but we prefer to be addressed by our official title it's civil hearing the voices again the people the people you feeling all right Sybil you bet we are we just got the best job ever we are the queen of Canada Queen of Rush was the queen of Canada how does that mean of Canada now Joanne that gig did you find half of an old locket dripping with syrup and bacon grease and to get a long-forgotten lineage nothing that interesting we're afraid we answered a classified ad yeah the Canadians are practical that way they've been looking for a figurehead to give the country a little bit more class they said we were the perfect candidate can L ul that doesn't even work there's no like L or or that's not it it doesn't even connect at all well even remotely but you're not Canadian heck no but we took two quarters of French in college and we spelled color if not knowing how to spell is enough to become royalty I could become President of the United States you are President of the United States max my god you're right Sam I'm not bombing anything right now plus we were the only candidate what are your duties the kind of stuff does the queen of Canada do anyway it's mostly promotional we throw out the first puck in hockey games that kind of thing this afternoon we've got a purse from a bunny Sam how come I don't get to pose for you already talked about this max your gruesome head frightens shopkeepers and plays havoc with ATMs our most important job is to look for ways to spruce up the country well do you need any help with your monarchy we could agree laughs Mounties thanks for the offer guys but we've got things under control for now you're helping a lot just by not making any of the obvious Canada jokes that's just number we're a bhoot maple syrup yeah right that's pretty cool is good how can you possibly spruce up Canada gets a paradise year-round from the fresh air and great seafood of British Columbia to the bustling metropolis in Ontario and Quebec you still have that endorsement with the Tourism Board every little bit helps make ends meet max what the rate you go through new duties good when you were teething Sam all right so see you later your majesty mean of Canada go maple maple now that one makes sense nothing special nothing special nothing special Tabby's placed me Canadian newspapers I never realized how boring newspapers would be without guns I know this is not the exit I'm not gonna make that mistake and someone can I just want can I ever open that is it ever not locked mate whoa that's that's fantastic all right let's go see Bosco maple old story hiya fosco what do you got what hundred billion dollar items are you hi Jimmy up to no good as usual I see better yet your own meeting I think we already did the city made us pay for that one when we bent it what do you mean we what do you mean wait tabloids president and her sister destroy house assistant needs Vaseline gave ten community subs thank you for the 10 subs needs Vaseline a lot of subs big sub drop thank you congratulations those that got the subs you think I can do ten claps without counting them hey dear God did I tell you boys not to track mud in the store I just vacuumed hey lady we're looking for Bosco you know him of course you're your own mother is there no escaping these infernal time travel paradoxes hey guys it's me Bosco alright and we want to buy something we want to buy something did you finish all your chores yes why is it raining oh why pretend to be your mother what this is not a Russian or French guy or why is it his mother do you have any completed artificial personality disorder symptoms forms wow that really would have come in handy earlier do you have any video of a chicken eating cow manure for labs we have no way do you have any global meatball sandwich positioning systems do you have any three foot by two foot cue cards that say don't vote for me do you have any instant wind cheat codes for reality 2.0 do you have you bliss tied up back there too bad yeah I was on a roll too bad well what do you have what do you got oh my little angel made the most precious device it's called an earthquake maker and it's just what you think a diarrhoea inducing cocktail max why can't you be more like your brother he's not my brother Sam I don't want more bad influence that he is mamma Bosco that he is all right how much is it knowing you Bosco I'm sure it's quite reasonable but how much for this earthquake maker two trillion dollars a hundred trillion you crazy fool Andre oh yeah I know it I keep making up the most ridiculous price I can think of and you keep it well with a sales pitch like that how can we not buy it no wrong he's not wrong aha never trillion dollars wait what we can sell fish in Moscow we've collected some pretty valuable merchandise on our travels and we have the sneaking suspicion you've got a little extra spending money so how'd you like to buy something from us for a change okay do you have any copies of the uncensored 1982 Armand Assante look-alike contest on Betamax nope Oh will that's the only thing I really need what else mind telling us how you came to be a woman did you use lasers or just do it the old-fashioned way are you sassing me boy I will whup your behind so hard you won't be able to see straight but I don't see out of my behind you will after I get through with you but why Maude who in their right mind would dress up as their own mother no one good point I'm talking to you just for that I'm not gonna tell you why I dressed up as here oh come on Bosco we'll all right I'll see you later Bosco see you later Bosco's mom go clean your office it's a pigsty mamma Bosco by the earthquake man I am gonna and I need to make a hundred trillion dollars okay let me see here nacho machine what can heat this up no cover and ketchup that seemed it working for flavor Gemma clean your office actually it's real bad since last night it's a fucking disaster in here it's I mean there's just cardboard everywhere Murtagh Joe's gonna vacuum no I didn't do it do a cleaning string I know one way to go here we go zap it red [Music] cleaning stream disadvantaged the grounds little horns nice and red wow I can't believe the microwave is a high level prism ecologist alright so we need 100 trillion dollars for Obama Bosco anything else in here we can do we want to buy something give us one earthquake maker barkeep that'll be a hundred trillion if you keep making that face it's gonna stay that way but my face is always like this see what I mean never mind alright so we can go in 100 vignette I'm gonna check couple places the chat is overloading with mean power overloading wait what's the gumballs what I beam the gumball machine actually contains a gumball this gum pit actual gumballs in there well let me chew on the only office okay so we have dartboard which wasn't sophisticated budget allocation system hey guys I'm a lemur hey guys I'm a Mimar yep yep never defeat Leonard today max sure let me rephrase that what have you been feeding him you know bits of string leftover screws random scraps of paper I find lying around the office this morning I fed him something that said D to the United States of America look tasty don't do that again why would I ever do that again the virtual reasons no reason for me to destroy the Internet now all those poor bloggers have to stand on street corners telling passing strangers what TV shows they like to watch do it again all right well if you're gonna ask me to do it again you're gonna pressure me into doing it maybe I guess I will well what do you know it's a crucial piece of evidence in the Hudson River mermen strangler case I'll have to remember to file that once we're done with this case don't do it all right fine eivol don't want me to do it then I'm just won't it's like people asked me to do something viewers you know guys I'd listen to your opinion so I won't do it good for hope [Music] Cybil must have a cold or something no kidding did she say she thought she was a jar of spaghetti sauce really it's kinda just shock them when you play with third message Sybil must have that's the third message why did I get electrocuted hello Wanda self so I didn't know you had a stockbroker that's the sunflower Scout Troop I'm sponsoring Oh a strong preciate I gladly have cookie season okay I thought I was gonna get electrocuted anybody home all right well let's just go back so we can get entrance to the prisoner zone I didn't get it either so see with a little sad face where we have it now soon back to you to the moon Alice [Applause] okay so let's go bring the unicorn footprint was that somebody left a footprint here in the dust my foots bigger it's not that looks like my feet with a shoe on all right let's get access here hello superball listen let us say in have you achieved level read yet yes I'm utterly flabbergasted sir I'd suspect a trick but surely no level read Prisma Tala gist would stoop so low we never stoop we're posture freaks enjoy the retreat brothers all right up or down he's gonna go up or down we're gonna get to see hi I'm Hugh bliss hi Hugh bliss so hope you're enjoying my Minister of tranquility you're all making such great progress unlocking the secrets of Prisma Tala ji and I couldn't be more delighted neither could I cool it max you're scaring me more than usual I have splendid now my top secret plan to hypnotize the entire world is nearly complete soon everyone on earth will become one of us none shall escape [Music] you're a good man really knows how to keep up the great work everyone an entire planet of prism apologists it's like a dream sound a dream where you wake up screaming with a gun in your hand your pillow torn to shreds and the upstairs neighbors calling 9-1-1 that's right the best kind PS please don't come into my inner sanctum thank you well here we go good very large area here giant spork statue Lincoln water cooler mister so this is where you've been we were worried so couldn't you at least have left a note yeah sorry Stan he sent us an email I meant to tell you tell a water-cooler joke I don't have anything look max it's the giant stone head of your old opponent Abraham Lincoln welcome brethren to the blister of oh it's you - not so tough without your fancy giant robot body are you I can still bite off your fluffy little yeah I mean let me help you new brother to overcome the orange of confrontation and bathe in the yellow of peace bathe in the yellow just what kind of camp is this okay it's pathology helping Rheumatology teaching you anything I'm working to master the miraculous power of gastro Kinesis you can teleport Cuban dictators nice turning but now I'm working on gastro Kinesis the ability to make anyone throw up though with my mind Max and I are always looking for new ways to make people throw up teach us I can make people vomit with every part of my body except my mind well if you are true Prisma tala gist I suppose I'm obliged to help you but there's a problem I accidentally swallowed the gastro Kinesis talisman Sam is that ironic or sarcastic it's pretty damned inconvenient throw up that talisman can't you make yourself throw up the gastro Kinesis talisman with ya heaven grown up since 1863 right after I gave the Gettysburg Address oh it's kind of nervous that day I didn't have anything prepared okay so long mr. Lincoln so we have to make Lincoln throw up and we do that not supposed to be going in or coming out I think it depends on which way you're facing alright spork Stephanie you ever understand modern art I think that's the biggest meanest looking spork I ever saw outside of Chicago okay this place is kind of freaking me out though it is it's like the weirdest portion of the game you must be at least this tall to write Beatrice this tall to ride this ride fascist oppressors goes around bruised mouths right what does it end up alright so max get in there please keep your arms and legs and the ride at all times so remember there there we go take a photo of you that's a source engine door yeah so we have to do something with that whatever that is and not sure and I've never seen ants meditating before I think this is a pool of artificially flavored fruit punch no code should be without one all right the chicken I'm beginning to think we already know everyone on the moon how are you mr. family Oh for heaven's sake my name is not featherly it's Philo pennyworth it's together even the name of my former television character have you no ability to distinguish between fantasy and reality well what's so important about that anyway wipers baton would you happen to get into prisma ecology you don't seem like the type it's an excellent networking opportunity for an actor yes this place appears to be littered with Hollywood luminaries ordinarily it is I believe there's a party at Kevin Bacon's home this evening so naturally everyone Kevin Bacon's of present ologist add it to the wiki as children house Midtown Cowboys do in these days you mean you don't even know the show was canceled almost immediately after your first and only appearance oh that flap over the tabloid photos of you two with that alien brought the sensors down on us that was no alien it was Hugh bless the show was ruined and my Korean along with it okay we've got a president right here a president now I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that all right what's with the hat what's with the head I'm pursuing new opportunities in the entertainment field can you make what are you pulling Travis out of it nuts or at least I'm trying to what drat what the hell was that I gather the rat out of the hat trick isn't going so well the principles involved are quite simple I could even teach them to adult like you now hold on a minute but I'm having trouble getting the rat all the way out it appears to be stuck and stuck in the head you misunderstand the rat is not actually in the hat it's stuck somewhere else the hat is acting as a dimensional portal to wherever the rat happens to be Wow is it magic or science oh wait he's holding on to the okay so that I gotta get him off the meter would you teach me how to pull a ran out of a hat Trey's mythology instructs us to shear ad on the meter but I simply got to perform the trick successfully myself first yeah I can't have you give me scooping me no I guess not okay catch you later feathers are we ready were things to do the task list here make President Lincoln throw up get the rat off of the meter that's two tasks how to get rat off meter well here's a shark here are the computers what are you doing here paint Maddox is that our bug hey Maddox is that our bug thank you you're a prism atala gist - yes I am I'm so happy I could do green boughs rainbow we'll just keep our distance then are you actually gonna puke alright what is this game this is Sam and Maddie having sharks and the blister of treason ones the last budget practitioners are welcome of season one there are two more seasons after this we're just cleaning up season one look max it's our obsolete computer pals the cops they don't sound very much louder than everybody else you destroyed reality 2.0 are you gonna do season two in season three um probably okay these games are really fun to just chill and hang out to play so they're very relaxing the fun it's fun to hang out and just chill with chat and play a game and they do that very very well do the motivational song I do I really have to click this I guess I do let's hear that motivation line is about listen to it I didn't tape how long is just we no longer need self - reinforcement we have look inside ourselves they don't need to do that anymore sorry guys I tried German max season 1 episodes via text there's proof mythology teaching you anything that one's my favorite it sounds like he's always cursing that is because he is alright so what's their shtick what are you computers do you can the magic rely geology has restored our sense of purpose you came to a private retreat on the moon to work on something as insubstantial as a video game not just any game we are creating the monster do you get to shoot stuff it's not a good game until you get to shoot stuff thank you for your feedback we really incorporate shooting into version 2.0 will you try it okay max and I will try out this video game of yours we actually have to play shit that's like tic-tac-toe I'm so bad at tic-tac-toe we've you've played against me before as a whole collective chat I'm not very good i won actually I just kind of did your or your calculations your chances of winning were one in ten trillion it was too short and not hard enough I want my money back what's the point of doing that though hmm there has to be a reason to do that all right anyways I've got anything else in here I've got to get the rat off the parking meter that's priority number one shades of Albert Hoffman you see the fat one I left that show okay let's go back down let's try see if I can get the rat off what's this oh okay this is what's inside that door that's certainly an important looking door I wonder what's behind it something really secret or something really ugly I'm guessing really unleash you sanctum right one can only hope looks pretty intimidating true but only in an inanimate object kind of way so how do I I wonder how I get through that door eventually home home I probably have to pretend to be Hugh bliss or something menacing how long have I been live why wasn't I warned and I drunkenly said last night that I wasn't gonna stream till Tuesday but I woke up and I was alright itself I got my extra dough Tuesday Hey look where we have it now Sam home but I got stuff to do tomorrow so that was why I said that if I woke up all messed up there feel like shit this morning this afternoon I was probably be able to sew but here we're here all right let's get the rat off of the parking meter how do we do that since Max and I never pay for parking anyway those things just get in the way to shoot it I just shoot him off scare him better not so what's his deal that meters been out of order for years just cuz it ain't weight that don't mean people don't put money it's like an HMO money so you give it up Jimmy Nana cheese give it up Jimmy hmm okay I need money hey Jimmy want to touch my unicorn what did I miss anything in here I need money I need like coins or hey scratch-and-sniff lottery tickets can I have one [Music] choose any percent crushed how do I make him puke can I make Lincoln puke a hundred trillion dollars Cybil maybe Sybil has something to do simple just kind of said I'm the queen of Canada and that was it all right Sybil let's talk about this what do you think what do you think of this hey simple want to rub my unicorn we have people who do that sort of thing for us now are you Sybil and Lu oh okay let's see if your queen of Canada how come you're still down here in the States are you kidding it's freezing up there we love our country but we've got to draw the line somewhere okay have you come up with any brilliant ideas for improving Canada nothing solid yet we've thought of a new slogan Canada it's surprisingly Pleasant but we need something bigger bigger I mean oh really put it on the map something daring then I did better bigger slogan have you come up with any brilliant ideas for improving Canada nothing solid yet we've thought of a new slogan Canada surprising being sentient but we need something bigger okay see you later hmm lot of open books that I can't close right now show the unicorn I just I tried to show the unicorn she just said no so I need a new Canadian slogan Abraham Lincoln puke rat parking they're like bringing Abraham Lincoln like old nachos away my wait what about in here this place should be open put a cat tray with kitty litter Lefty's is empty again not for the lingering stench of course let's go back up to Bosco's come on max hurry up yeah that's what I was thinking bringing like old gross nachos or like a rotten hotdog I could use a hint help me out with something sure um we can just get hints I want a tic-tac doom but it didn't do any good winning isn't everything Sam okay never mind yeah what about Jude you want to see this hey Bosco want to rub my unicorn all right so don't win in tic-tac-toe let's try it let's try losing so my confidence is gone because I thought I didn't beat the computer turns out you're not supposed to beat the computer where are we headed now Sam let's go lose the move did last night's already done should be an eight-hour vlog for you from last night all right let's go he ate it eight hours for a four hour total build that was actually a five hour total build but drinking a bottle of wine and talking about like VR and if I sat the exit quiet I could have probably done it in fucking three hours it's the experience Lavos my favorite game okay don't take that firmly that don't let me have that one that's my favorite thing okay let's lose take option we like to try out that video game of yours again the box says growing our mouth is not actually seven hundred and eighty minutes the headset is third to 60 and the blaster is 180 you do the math all right can you beat me he can't win no I don't want to win I have to try to wake up we like to try all right I lose I listen that's it no it doesn't matter I still lose oh darn you beat me fair and square good game mastered the most advanced artificial intelligence that were created to suck so bad let me try Sam I know I could take during the mordhaus dream I looked over and definitely saw that at least ten times hey can we take this to those of them yes composition better if the computer thing said how can you be this bad see that one a lot - how is it possible to be this bad if you said that open great all right said I have a lead vision talisman a classic twitchchat comment all right let me see hello mr. Railsplitter head so long mr. Ling nothing happened so I've got this I lead I as if like a scanner on a door or a scanner thing or something I have to hold the eye up what about the head now all the big sense wouldn't it you suck so bad hmm no watch out you know it's gonna scan the eye oh please we go in hmm wait wait wait what the hell's that oh these open was a bowling ball hey I think that's my bowling ball that's my bowling ball so what do I hit dropped the bowling ball big red button so intimidating door bowling ball probably take the earthquake get the earthquake gunned and have the earthquake go I think I need the earthquake done what do I get a hundred trillion dollars never mind I have to make him throw up that towels back home no I can't shoot it can i yeah I don't think I can't shoot through the door Oh me yes that's definitely Louie all right there's definitely Lu Oh neat it's definitely Lu all right Lu do you do anything hello sir don't book me all right okay giant spork I grabbed this can I take this can I have this I think that's the biggest meanest looking spork I ever saw outside of Chicago all right let's get back out here and he does also the spoon the ninjas steal [Music] Harry can see you later great I don't have anything to stop him can I just can I put lead in his face nothing happened it really should work on securing this thing better one moment please I have no idea how that keeps winding up in there well generally I just get the slide like a DVD player into my pants and walk out what I it really should work on securing this thing better hilarious as it would be to mix up the displays I got better things displays can I like throw it what if I just turn it just fucking baseball throw it into the space I'll need to get the case off at first yeah like throw it one moment please I have no idea how that keeps winding up in there don't get cute too late okay but if I hand it back to him someone tried to steal this they really should work on securing this thing better one moment please I have no idea oh wait it really should work on securing this thing better here max hold this oh yeah eat it whatever all right we got it one moment please okay go ahead yeah all right now spit it up could I have that display case you ate can you wait 12 to 72 hours 72 hours that's some slow-ass metabolism [Music] all right yeah now now hold on hold on hold on hold on how fast do you digest metal hello mister Railsplitter head can't you make yourself throw up the gastro Kinesis talisman I haven't thrown up since 1863 that's a good dress Oh it's kind of nervous that day I didn't have anything prepared what if I get the Gettysburg Address you're not still bitter about the election are you or your public humiliation or the cruise missile that blew your body to tiny wig bits I can't hold it upright no being president is for chumps only a grade a sociopathic masochist would want that thankless job grade a look I'm flattered why the long marble face because you two made me lose something more valuable than an election my one chance I don't know what to say not you moron I'm talking about that radiation of beauty you had interrupt my family value speech you mean Sybil is that her name Sybil it's like a chorus of angels I'm doing a rap song your own like a lot of raps out they just somebody else will say the lines too for like one line in the beginning the reveal of verse and then the somebody will does he say two lines with them and then two lines at the end or they'll do it again over the same track it's called accenting yeah that's what I'm just doing aren't you married what about marry your Manish but devoted wife why don't you find a nice giant statue of her settle down and start cranking out little bouncing baby war memorials there are none left Lady Bird Johnson had all graven images of former First Lady's destroyed during the great Enlightenment of 1963 okay should we we can give you a Sybil's phone number so you can set up a date I haven't dated in over 150 years I wouldn't know what to say phone max are we doing this right now just follow my lead listen after that hi it's Abraham Lincoln wait don't hang up I got needs baby Lincoln and civil ecstasy I'm issuing a real mint but what wait Lincoln Plus Sybil equals ecstasy you know chemistry because I'm having an explosive reaction the formula Lincoln Plus Sybil equals ecstasy why are we doing it I'll get what's your calling shovel again hello hi hae begin alright I guess how about this one I am issuing you a romancer patient Proclamation let's set aside our differences and commence on the reconstruction fuck well Canadian right let's try calling Sybil again wait to do something planet over lately it's Abe again just relax baby think positive and Lincoln gonna make it all better girl you got the curves like a racetrack lady you a stone-cold Fox you're almost as hot as your sister you're really I can't wait to go on double dates with you and your sister what'd he say like that let's try calling Sibyl again hello hi no fuck's wrong one Rican let's try calling Sybil again keep calling back I'm a virgin hi relax just relax okay you get curves like a racetrack you a stone-cold fuck none of these have anything to do with Canada woman you got a body that just won't quit let's try calling stubble again yeah this is uh you begin yeah it's me again nine times relax baby think positive okay um you got curves like a brace of fries I catch a girl you got tighter curves than a NASCAR track that's got ya NASCAR that's not Canadian let's try calling Sybil again just lady you a stone-cold Fox has to be this one lady you are stone-cold Fox what do you want to do start our own alien love triangle tattoo my head all over your body play some one-on-one love hockey there it is I figure we watch a hockey game have a couple beers get some poutine you know I never knew you had such a deep appreciation for my culture what does he actually say yes congratulations mr. Lincoln oh my gosh what if she wants to get serious I can't do this I'm so nervous I got butterflies I have to ask where stand back max wherever they are I have a feeling they're coming back on okay oh I don't feel so good what if she and I can't man here I thought our trip to the moon was going to be boring max be a sport and pick that up for me knatokie puked up somebody like you can can I take this I'm not sure why you'd want to use the power of Prisma Tollan GE to make people throw up but go ahead I've got more important things to worry about it's an interesting mm-hmm we just had a guy throw up a talisman of somebody throwing up so I can show it to max to make him throw up the spoon interesting okay hey it's that display case thanks little Zumba saving that for what it's complicated but it has to do with my personal vendetta against a certain major coffeehouse chain so can I make air anyone I'm gonna make everybody throw up how do I need to break this can't break it and throw it here I'll need to get the case off at first all right well let's go make the chicken throw up doesn't make everybody cute you might get something I'm not particularly interested in seeing the contents of his stomach oh that's too bad okay so and I have the display case I need to get the case off I'll need to get the case off at first Canada's break you thrown up and I think it only works on things with stomachs hey can I can I make my staff for you I can't shoot it well let's go see if we can make anybody else throw up like you for instance I'm not particularly interested in seeing the contents of his stomach okay what about you I'm not particularly I need to break this case open nice nice stomp on it crushes I'll need to get the case off at first it's pretty skanky but I think I'll just leave it alone forever battery can I wait lately I can't break it on the spork maybe can I break it I'll need to get the case off at first dammit really I'll need to get the Cape figured I don't need to go in this often there's the bowling ball - can I just have a crush it with his teeth I need to drop it drop it off the window just drop it out the window over the office and we did break that makes sense [Music] that's quite a rocket engine that turn this on Lunar Lander whose is this [Music] really that seems way too over-the-top to work why would I just drop it [Music] it's a little and it's a cartoon yeah I know but I mean wait I can go up here hey the keys are locked inside so many of us are like dammit really how do I get in there hmm nothing happened let's come on this ain't may hit a lead boom nothing happened the keys are locked inside damn okay get in there somehow I can't like bust up the window shit ah the Kent's when he when I go up here goes up in decisions or walks inside might even like a coat hanger [Music] zoo there's a coat hanger in the office always where we have it now Sam I'm gonna get a coat hanger is one in the TV always perfect co-op Jupiter here it is we can't watch Colonel much thanks monkey party tonight they were gonna vote somebody out of the monkey house it's further go to the planet and besides you had Colonel Mudd shanks exiled for treason remember all right get in there open it up Keyes you crack me up little buddy where we headed now Sam to the moon to the moon Alice okay coat hanger Lander door unlock grab key turn on get screen and then I have no idea what to do it what we're gonna do it really relaxed we're gonna hang out and have fun we thought we gonna do clothes are these damn I think the controls don't work how they're supposed to food all right so now I've got the spoon for which boy what can I do looks like that rocket melted the virtually indestructible cage and a magic spoon bending talisman magic sorry little pal so use the spoon on the big spoon and bend it for some reason [Music] I mean that's very clearly just a please come over here and use this item on me giant spoon here we go all right now that's going to we're gonna crash into when we're on the roller coaster so turn on the roller coaster I have to car crash should we be in it am I gonna get a game over just save the game we're gonna die Oh what what what about do what was the purpose of bending the spoon I think that's the biggest meanest can I go the other way no I wonder if I can maybe turn the maybe have it no he's gonna keep it bent okay so now I should be able to go up here was there anything else that was bendable this is definitely bendable me yeah definitely but I hope it didn't hurt the bowling ball very 8 gigs up you bless we've come a long way for this my friend cuz a freelance police aren't taking you downtown hi I'm Hugh bliss yes you're just in time for the show please no flash photography a hint people of monkeys in the moon hi I'm Hugh bliss and now so are you [Music] you opened up the portal Tristram you better go in there and save Deckard Cain well there's still time what have you done you billion followers touch me and you'll have quite a happy angry mob on your hand not if we reverse the effects of the hypno beans I don't think so for all the users there's only one for its chaotic and destructive enough to stop me now but you wouldn't do that would you max well I'm I'm flattered but no you wouldn't because I'm going to UM roll please really what does that even mean it means I chopped off every part of you I don't like it like circumcision but it's double the laughs hey wait what here we go goodbye murderous kin goodbye gluttonous stomach goodbye sloth the tail [Music] with those naughty barbarians your vices are oh boy stomach just what I always wanted great I tell you hmm I just want to lie in front of a TV movie with the emotions oh go away rotten Maxis I don't like you inside oh now nothing can stop me I will okay bye now ah yes my children let me soak in your happiness Oh max are you okay help me grab that ponytailed freakshow and reverse the effects of the beam bad and I swear to you I'll get your vices back or kill us both trying well okay he still has fun doing that all right we've got public address microphone the view screen I can see the retreat from here apparently mr. mind-reader has to keep tabs on his followers the old-fashioned way what nothing oh wait what these crystals must operate something important no I just think they look pretty a bit cliche if you ask me what nothing I'm working as hard as I can to break the spell and make you all miserable again wait where's my bug can I get him to say anything lunar lander key spoons wait for the shot that tourney's off someone around here's got an incurable case of narcissism what nothing unfortunately they appear to be quite indestructible protected by magic all right so it turns out you I can't do anything about that I'm gonna have to eventually come in here trims off anything else that I missed over here statues the viewscreen and it gets it let's get out we fix blacks yeah is everybody here all screwed up we found one of your doppelgangers a little pal we're all doppelgangers I knew this skin Sam get him in though okay get him inside the roller coaster car come here get in here you there impostor my buddy needs his shooting hand back no Sam I'm a pacifist now violence is the Bugaboo with a small imagination not a very good shot all right let's go no we can't get over there I can't like press the button Jody no so we have to make somebody run around if they can tell max to run around he's bulletproof yeah we both suck hold on can I do it from here yes gonna hit the face by the spoon weight itself in what I bent it before did you have fun I thought that I bet I sin together reef and the spoon I bent it before I went up to talk to you twist Nina sucks so bad Ella damn it I can't see it from here and then you unbending now I bent it back though go check the vault I bent it back I've bent it back I've got people that can vouch for that I did bend it back [Music] check the ball I did I did bend it back wait where is he why I hid there wait oh I gotta wait for to go just go back in I'm gonna wait till he jumps do it now come on shoot it down go go go go go go go go all right now we get to win and we'd go clothesline incoming three two oh it's the hand that's what we needed does he die [Music] all of a sudden I feel a nearly irrepressible desire to shoot at anything that moves that's the spirit not me knucklehead okay so we've got let's go out here see what's going on outside that's we have one of the three pieces we needed max max that's another one of you he made at 20 feet from the box before collapsing under the weight of his own laziness on we use one of the five fundamental forces he made it twenty eighty no TV why even go on you should all just lie on your faces and wait for death it's true supposed to be happy on the verge of tears this guy's the death of the party whatever happened people having a good time hey pseudo max how's it going well I need your tail for my little buddy here how about handing it over yeah he's heavier than he looks are we on the moon it wouldn't being on the moon making later I'm not particularly interested in seeing it I don't think it works on people except maybe if they're shaped like spoons hmm okay you anything to say howdy Super Ball I can't talk now sir the blue guy is really getting me down his supernatural lethargy is crushing and there will the unbridled enthusiasm you seem chipper as ever thank you sir I work hard to put on a happy face but I'm crying on the inside hi Harry the blue rabbits right I can't keep a job my seed stink why do I even go on now Harry give us a little smile [Music] I don't like this part turned it off I can't turn it off all right let's go wait can I put the bunny underneath here can i slide them over here no no no no no no I'm just saying like he's lying on the ground maybe that'll make him get up tell you what I mean why I'll show you something here we finally get to bend it yes all right now we can call him pull them out of the hammocks and I never pay for parking anyway I think it's been bent for a whole season I'm so glad it finally fix it holy heaping helpings of high-fructose corn syrup he's eating everything in sight everything Bosco do not freak out boy so you'll grow big and strong what is the world coming to Moscow rate he's going his stomach won't even fit back inside you God is my witness by the end of this day you will be eating cocoa nougat butter balls again nougat really is so good it's so great all right so I get them too what does he say excuse me mr. Vyse manifestation yes look pal I need your stomach so I can put my buddy back together hand it over and only one of us gets hurt I can't resist the rich meaty taste of dog and rabbit well here we are in your stomach what what the hell did I just step in I'm enjoying the womb like meditative quality of the pyloric sphincter darn it well I still got my magic doohickey something tells me I'm gonna be smelling that for the rest of my life well that was disgusting okay so hmm I wonder can I do anything else smudgy this week's flavors castor oil and Brussels sprouts slaw okay we have to cover ourselves in something has to be we have to cover ourselves in something he doesn't like roast coffee uh somehow we have to make him meet us again but this time the coating he doesn't like I'm entranced by the gentle oscillation of the hot weenies yep Stella garbage can and I can't take that we need I can I've been to stomach come on no well I do I can go do the rabbit in the Hat thing does the rat is off check in the arc of the chicken can finally be concluded what's civil we're here might as well just see okay what's new are you okay you bliss shot some kind of oh you're the energy all over the planet hi I'm Hugh bliss oh no and I'm perfectly happy Sam oh and hello brother max tangerine Dream's and aqua wishes to you this day why Thank You Sybil you're looking especially lovely today this is horrific how will you improve Canada let's really get to the hard-hitting issues here you've gotta snap out of it relationship [Music] don't worry we'll fix that bridge mythology is a sham this prism atala gee business is all a line is pure happiness a lie is peace on earth hopeless dream [Music] mostly probably and it depends on whoa Oh what the way from a facility the process is nuclear wait all right how will you uh how's the date house they'e con with a Lincoln one with you and mr. Lincoln like this no talking I don't why is he doing this why is he like this it sounds like mr. look at me I wrote the Gettysburg Address isn't as good with words as he led us to believe are you two planning on having kids someday so long Sybil what's up al how's the date going oh thank goodness you two have come now we can talk you're looking quite distinguished today what's wrong with him he hasn't been himself lately whatever you got to help me with this date the honeymoons already over what's the problem she's really into me see that's the problem no I mean really into me she's so nice it's giving me the creeps I thought you'd be used to blissed-out people after spending so much time at the moon retreat sure when you're around a bunch of other single guys that's one thing but yes what do I do if she wants to get intimate I'm not cut out for this that's just the yellow of your cowardice speaking seriously how long is he gonna be like this I'm working on it how did you avoid getting hit by Hugh Bliss's mind-altering happiness ray I miss the great Melissa fication damn it I knew I shouldn't have stopped by the gift shop on the way down here anything else you know how to stop you Bliss's world domination scheme why would I want to stop it under you bliss all men are created equal that's kind of my thing and you and Sybil should think about starting a family this is all happening too fast it's been over a hundred years my stomach's doing backflips I don't know what women like women like to be treated as equal partners in love and trust honesty seriously make him stop talking mmm nauseated enough as it is anything romantic mr. Lincoln lucky at uniting a nation on the brink of war unlucky in love you're ever the romantic okay anything else from Sybil before I go do that hat I'm Hugh bliss have you had any new ideas for improving Canada with this new feeling of peace and tranquility I feel like my mind is a lot of with possibility it was only wish there was some way to extend this feeling of goodwill and generosity to all countries in the world I always suspected that when the world turned nice and pleasant Canada would be the first to fall so long Sybil Sam hey alright let's go to deep bird chicken with the hat to the moon Alice can now do the trick which don't know what that gets I'm at that point in my mr. canned coffee where it's just the ice and the ice is slowly melted into that gross freezer taste you know I'm saying when the Ice Cube's melt and it's only that gross freeze of water I hate that I gotta go to refill it just don't drink iced coffee I can't help it I can't help it I'm American I read this somewhere that it's only Americans put ice and everything is that true where did I get like reddit lied to me okay so now you should be able do it how's it gone silence I believe I have finally mastered this from the heart I don't use the metric system and I drink hot coffee all the time I just like I just remembered I can't stand rats their final turn me smile when you say that beaky beaky I hate this pulling out of a hat business next time I'll find something better oh dear get the Hat there won't be a next time I shall never do this trick again healthy Americans so grass to remove the hat from my presence sure okay so now I have a hat so I have them the magician's hat hmm am i pulling out of it hey hey mister I got them rad now what I can put him somewhere yeah I have a rat spawner read it the front pages of America it was like an ass credit thing it wasn't an article written by a scholar it was just hey reddit do you put icing hey Americans have read it why do you put ice in everything and then it was people doing the long things of a one time when I was in Germany I asked for Ison they looked at me strangely it was like a bunch of those that's Italian is that that's how it works all right what I can what about the Hat hmm I haven't moon key thing maybe okay a pull of rat out doesn't mean not like rats can I make the rats like run somewhere I got a lot of items this makes people puke I have a key to the moon thing I can bend spoons with spoon shaped devices and now I can pull rats or hat go back up here I want Sam to read me audiobooks [Music] oh it's a callback I can see the whole thing from here I don't think I can do anything here or a rat at him know if it can put a rat on the blue guy have him eat the rep just kill a few bliss not how it works okay rat will you move because of a rat okay what about the unicorn just gonna exhaust all options do you like unicorns not happening do you like no none of that stuff what we're gonna try to feed the rat - the green hungry max oh wow the brute book strategy at what height brute-force strategy is a lot of these point and click games sometimes this is a total brute force strategy I do what I was doing up until this point this is nothing I remember the days of playing like original Monkey Island or dead tuna toonstruck hyah those were so obscure some of those things yet to combine like three items and shifts that those games were ridiculous okay eat I kinda have to move that away some of those games there's no way I may be a guess if you could but that's the kind of a game where you'd have to have a wiki mmm something smells good hey are you gonna eat that well I suppose I could share to instruct is like impossible without the wiki not what now make him throw up did you get it Nick spam I'm hanging in tight it so hang on again hey AeroMax come and get it so what happens to fight on can I pull him out is this gonna be German Rumble live actions and gentlemen it's a great Sammy knee is that my stomach give me that well hey feel all warm inside like my belly's a sort of cozy place where flavored popcorn and sugar drinks can beat mingle that's my boy all right so we only have the blue max left to take care of what would move that blue dude winning the Henry scratch-and-sniff lottery tickets a Bosco's mom I thought you were Bosco's mom really is a difficult concept do you get money in this one we want to buy something goody will you just give it someone earthquake maker barkeep a hundred trillion please good Bosco aren't you feeling generous yes but I need the money for my poor sick mother hmm hmm one earthquake man a hundred trillion but 100 trillion beanie you've been generous hmm hmm never month see you [Music] do you have any parking meter that's fine anything else I need them I think I need a Canada slogan can I think I'm gonna call somebody I saw what you did keep the payments coming and nobody has to find out yeah okay love you too mom Oh mom now that doesn't mean anything never right roadkill amongst the endangered Point Arena Mountain beaver just yards away from a wildlife preserve better luck next time little guy Jesus all right we're both rat hole anybody home guess not well Lord it's a crucial piece of evidence in the Hudson River mermen strangler case I'll have to remember to file that one that wouldn't say when you call home no I do not call my mother and say mom I would give me money No [Music] I don't think there's anything in your president moon picture the moon was a lot nicer when it was still hard to get to make you I didn't make somebody in the closet throw up okay this guy has tape on his mouth anytime you want me to make the guy that puke that is tied up with it with a tape on his mouth are you serious hey Leonard how's it going right oh that was he that was your piggy what finally came through you guys city the deed to the United States and it's still moist Oh okay yeah that was really messed up use the deed use the deed no use the deed Wow hold on letting that beast every time I pop in a tape it's a myth eat the deed eat the deed stopped reading chat well I look sometimes it's gonna fall through correct and I see that okay so I'm gonna show her the unicorn steal the china steal the china esteem all right let's go here look no Max and I made civil throw up once before and that's something I never want to see again you look like you're in a shopping mood yeah might you be interested in say the United sundered from what's the national debt how would you call it let's get you on perfectly delightful Maine Canada yeah the tune of $100 been oh such a grand country deserves a grand price we simply refused to buy it for less than 100 trillion dollars it's only fair we wouldn't hear of it that's far too much I'll handle this mr. president if you insist your highness is cash all right we've been dying to use the new Canadian trillion dollar notes is that a picture of Celine Dion trillion dollar note just did that in front of Abe Lincoln alright let's go get it I get paid in Canadian earthquake then earthquake and I'm good to go alright let's have a SCO's mom we want to buy something something we want to borrow the earthquake maker here you go Bosco why doctor trillion and completely non counterfeit bills in Queens look at that okay here's your remote control don't get me wrong I love TV as much as the next guy but it controls my satellite defense system only one bus how to work defense just press it for an earthquake and disappears I hope to all reasonable safety guys real earthquake now one more thing you have to be in range of the satellite for it to work all right where'd you park it for some reason I was suspicious of those blessed people on the Moose on so I left it up there how silly of me gotta use it on the moon Chuck thank you and goodbye brother Paschall all right this Prisma tala G nonsense really gets my blood boiling that's from the heat generated by the limitless energy of your imagination okay limitless imagine it's going this isn't Roy G damn if you don't stop talking like that what color of the rainbow would I be would you say you guys think never mind like my personality and everything about my little babies piss brung that's not it's not a coloring rainbow this oh my god I know what that looks like to the moon you ever have like a dark brown piss and you're just gonna hold shit man I got to drink some water it's definite like maybe twice in my whole life all right so we're gonna earth hey Kim earthquake makeup remote let's let's put the quake under here I'm see if I can get any reception for this thing here this isn't God I don't know I don't have brown pee guys don't worry the tale cocktail mystery panel come on is the streamer listening to me cut tail why is he not listening to me cut the tail I'm going to be needing your tails he's not doing it my little buddy back together and he's not doing it Nick fashion whatever Sam what are you doing you you know I want to watch this nice kick Augie cocktail good job cut it I've been away in a manner of speaking Hugh bliss split you into pieces so you've kind of been all over the place Hugh bliss I hate that guy now with his phony smile he's artificial happy Abby what do you say we turn that self-righteous jerk good to have you back little buddy time to get ourselves some good old fashioned payback and incidentally save the world in the process before you did that up using the melted ice cream acts for a large portion of the game yeah [Laughter] that's true but I did complain about it a lot I got really mad at it remember all right so let's go back and talk to mr. bliss work this item what is this what's the straw poll here what color does Jeremy green yeah all right vote it green yellow red blue indigo violet orange green all right now green is I'm all right with green win by a lot yeah no Browns not on there I'm like I can see myself as a green hold on wait color personality test let's see if you guys are right taking the color personality type test personality color is regal personality type okay hold on I'm gonna take this on stream right now damn it's like 95 right now no it's not is it that hot in Vegas right now I know what that was wrong okay let me open this up on stream and hold on color personality test start the test okay let me just capture it watch this be like there are a lot of questions on this test this is gonna take like a fucking at least 20 minutes why's everybody residentsleeper in this you don't want to see this nobody wants you don't want to see this there's a lot of residents sleepers Alden I need another window on here okay oh shit my my like window captures because I'm doing two window captures at the same time so it's fucked up oh oh let me try again hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on this is the shit I get drunk to see well all right see then we're good we're cool all right this will work one moment there it is you should see it ah all right so here we go as there are so many ads on this site it's kind of an awful okay so this is the test of what color I am how do you think other people might describe you a good innovator a good creative worker a good leader a good honest hard worker aren't these so this is okay so what a good creative worker a good leader let us vote no this is what I think of myself you guys just told me what color you thought I was a good creative worker okay next question when you're given a briefing paper what do you do with it we need a briefing paper send it back.i I issue briefing papers I don't read them skim it full of what skim it and pretend I read it read it carefully and act on it rewrite it and send it back I would skim it and I would pretend I read it I'd be like yeah yeah yeah I don't read the whole thing I would make sure I pulled out one or two sentences okay yeah I would skim it imagine you had to put some furniture together how would you go about it grab all the pieces and figure it out without instructions follow the instructions to the letter get somebody else to do it and supervise them I wouldn't I'd be building my own furniture no I wouldn't do that that's I would absolutely would not just do that what do I want to not have a chair done correctly you literally did this test yesterday that's weird lab Oh is yeah I would follow the instructions I would you're asked to provide an assessment of a colleague how would you approach it discuss it with them and tell them what you're doing what you're gonna say discuss it with them see what they would see what they want said about themselves give it to them and ask them to fill it out honestly just fill it out honestly I'm not definitely not this one you're asked to provide it I would ask him fill it out honestly which of these things do you value the most in a relationship respect unpredictability companionship interest a companionship well okay there are way too many questions for this job this is like an 18-second job and it's gonna take like 25 minutes I'm gonna go quick here we go you're on the street and you see somebody in distress how you gonna help them take charge of the whole situation go and fetch them a cup of coffee call for the appropriate emergency assistance I would I would call for the appropriate assistance if you can't find a solution to a problem would it most likely be because somebody else must have let you down you haven't shown enough imagination you haven't worked on it long enough you haven't looked at it from enough angles well I look at it too much I'll look into that look I look into stuff way too many times so that's definitely what it is I had just hadn't looked at it yet from like a million different angles what are these things you have to value most about employment stimulation if you overheard a colleague talking about you which of these statements would upset you the most they are so conventional they are not fit to lead their ideas are very creative they have are not a team player if a colleague is advised it's all about colleagues and shit isn't this must be my personality not other people's personalities if a colleague is upset how would you deal with it I want to pull themselves together try to find a solution think of something to take their mind off and offer them a shoal I would say think that except to take their mind off if you need ideas from your team for a new project how would you Garak honor them a formal meal to brainstorm circulate an email put out your own suggestions and ask for comments demanding a paper from each member might be that one if a new system is implemented in your office which of these is most likely to be your reaction is always the office to resistance adaptation I would have depth on a football team which of these positions would suit you best quarterback what do these activities might suit you best free running running alone running a relay race running with friends I don't like to run at all where's I don't run where's i watch people running from the stands free running because then I could stop whenever I like want to if somebody at work has made you angry how do you react try and analyze what has made you angry and the reason why have a reasonable discussion attack them at every opportunity or keep it to yourself and let us off steam outside it is absolutely not free I would probably keep it to myself and just I keep it to myself and then I go outside and like scream at the moon from what you know of these countries cultures etc where do you think you would fit in best Germany France China Brazil I don't know I do I do see come to Brazil all the time I do I swear to god that's not a meme or a joke I see it all the time which of these would you say is your greatest fault I miss details I'm true ready to take orders I can be too critical I'm inclined to daydream definitely that one which of these sorts of car would you most likely choose people carrier single seater sports would one seat is it a go-kart probably that one which of these would you be most satisfied with at the end of a project you were leading that it surpassed expectations I got the job done that everyone did as I said that it surpassed expectations on a plane do you think you'd be the best as a co-pilot navigator flight engineer or chief pilot mmm too much too much to do probably co-pilot because you just you have just enough responsibility but you're not like the your IV the copilot there's an important deadline coming up and it looks like your team might not make it what will you do ask whether the deadline was never realistic and if it should be altered drive the team onwards to work harder and harder see if they were any corners which can be cut just keep going you can only do your best yep I want like a reveal here hold on if you were climbing up a mountain and a member of your team couldn't go on - what would you do split the team up some to go down some to carry on leave them with the team and carry on on your own turn the whole team around I'll carry out the rest you'll get them on the way back I don't know if I would do that I would probably split up the team some go you know I I kinda wanna stay up and I wouldn't go off the mountain yeah I would split the team up he's gonna be dead when you come back yeah in a conversation what are you aiming for a solution inspiration a consensus agreement inspiration what is your attitude to workplace friendships they are a good thing if they happen they have no bearing on success or failure they should grow organically right yeah last one which of these things make you the happiest a life in which others look up to me a life in which I blowed my own furrow a quiet contented life a happy exciting life are you ready here you go let's see it green green no no that's cool it's pee brown it's not pee brown okay creator performer you like to constantly challenge really is this oppose with me you were to accept the status quo without seeing his things can be done differently you think very deeply about issues and you always like to bring a new way of looking at things on the table you're very enthusiastic and will be popular with colleagues you must make sure that you follow through and your creativity with concrete results nice okay there you go I did it how do I get the last 30 minutes of the stream back streamer [Music] they stream sniped me all right we were going back up with an earthquake weapon CIM done at the end of the stream now always relevant right now I should have killed you earlier but what can I say I think too nice that sad die bunny raw what we are a spacefaring colony of sentient bacteria sentence I really did not expect to hear today we cannot be fined by bullets we only need one thing to be you see we feed on the endorphins produced by humans experiencing true you don't care if people are happy at all you just want to eat till you drop yes [Music] [Applause] hey gotta look good for the campus what cameras pack your bags Sam cuz you just won an all-expense-paid trip to magic ladies and gentlemen for my first trick I give you a ride oh I'm gonna throw up that's a rainbow wheel not yet not yet [Music] hey sorry I got excited I've got a better idea I'll just torture you mercilessly until he begs me to shoot him with his own gun oh well what's this wait wait wait wait spoon Bend spoon all right Willie Mays never caught one well spinning on a wheel of death okay and then we've got I have the magician's talisman earthquake I don't think that's good no put that back up here I think it only works on things with stomachs and break magic bring an escape Magic Jacques please bend them all yeah I wish it had been a little more challenging alright well I have like a second here switch with them swap all you want it tries the crowd wire hmm Sam we dare you maybe I will I don't saw don't saw don't do it you're supposed to saw me for my next trick I present Lander it's the ticket to oblivion I think I know lock the door and then switch I'll give the guy one thing he does put on a good show okay so we are now lock the door I can't do that now I mean you can't do that I can't do that now no that first step is a doozy I mean I could switch with him but I was just something as do earthquake I don't think that's gonna work again lock the door from the inside and then he won't be able to unlock it from the inside right I you know that's a good point but I'm just trying to think a thing it's a car to look at engine I don't know I heard that sooner this a trap so deadly it would cause you to die that is deadly Oh could we skip this one I kind of have a thing about drowning just to keep searching with a buddy thanks little buddy well uh water tank I can only hold my breath for nine minutes I don't think I think I just got it is it just as simple as one two three I'm gonna have an anti-bacterial son all right wait wait wait wait hold on I have a second here bacteria you had piss in the tank no we should do this again magic softbox so it seems like mm he's gonna keep going around I can't go anywhere but here maybe I can hold on attack the dog what if I switch back I can't do that now and I can i can actually just let him do it having my separated isn't what the brochures made it any telling you can I'm a computer I definitely have to look like aunty bacteria okay anti-bacterial yes it comes again what's that all right hold on magic junk I'm striker phone crystals over there I can't escape ok no magic crystals oh no I can't I have to bend shit then back to my Canon now's no time is there anything I can bend from here like this magic junk there's only enough is impervious to gastro Kinesis you can't I can't make him throw up is the magic young nope not spoon yeah I can bend these but doesn't really do much for me the another spoon another spoon spoon spoon shoot him isn't it okay I can't kill him magic rings you can't kill bacteria that's true bullets won't hurt bacteria they match the items with the spoons that said I was thinking to maybe just put them back up there but I think it only works on things with stomachs can't put them up there to shoot each individual bacteria [Music] 3d images pictures to be 3d he wouldn't have made them too deep earthquake saw the lander he doesn't let me move no not spooky enough I can't escape I don't know that may I moving on to saw brings us down here all right switch it again now hold on there's a lock there's the crystals there's the water tank can i what if I break the tank and I shoot the tank and I've explode I don't think is gonna work you have to dissolve them that's not gonna work all right keep going soft all right switch bleach in the tank I didn't think I could move I didn't think I could move why is he letting me do this he freezes me every other time uh what are you doing just seeing what this saw can do but I still have to stop each one of these from being able to do it okay I get it so so what's the deal here then okay um a key no I need to make that so this is not functional I'm stuck now I tried to shoot the lobby the lot didn't work I can't pull the gun out can I do this the door is always separate [Music] come on down max you just won the grand prize a drink of our villain you bliss well I can't wait to see the souvenir you boil is case diuretics which reminds me we've got to go knock out Whizzer again and everyone else on earth for that matter oh yeah hey have you seen my boxing glove I can't find it anywhere that's it I was saving it for a surprise and you're mine buddy now let's go save the world I said the season 1 complete I think that's it for season 1 they're a secret at the end hey season 1 is there post-credits here everyone is Max and Sons and why would you do that right side of the moon that's cool oh you're unhypnotized [Music] selfishness flags of your unfettered in Bradley unfair that's fun it's fun to just play these games just kind of I love the hangout just chill and play salmon bags I would do something like the walking dead but I already did them all Sam surely the local law breakers must miss our esoteric brand of personalised criminal justice it's like puzzle agent I have probably wondering oh you like this why play all these other ones I probably played them all wolf among us already done what's going on on the screen and those experiences you kind of experience it and then you don't again so if I were to play season one or season two of The Walking Dead or the wolf among us I already know the story and I know how what happened wouldn't really want to play them again on straight [Music] we played all the post Walking Dead stuff yes no I did not do minecraft story mode and I don't I'm not going to do minecraft story you signed yourself up now no I did god I just told you no [Music] [Music] look like grim fandago yes reality is asleep like a better psychic morality in motion like place season two you mean right now we have a couple options I'm gonna take this I'll come back and we'll assess our [Music] but I do want to see this ending credits sequence because it is very very fun Lepus is one of minecraft story mode I'm not doing that I'm gonna have to be an eight or a nine out of ten shit-faced for you guys to convince me on that stream to play Minecraft story mode episode it's a long time ago a website is down I would assume it is whether you got that season one complete it was cool what's fun I'm gonna go pee I'll be right back and we will figure out what are we gonna do for the remainder of the stream see you guys in like two minutes three minutes something like that great back
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 48,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, jerma sam and max, jerma streams sam and max, sam and max save the world, pc, telltale games, point and click
Id: JPI9AaCoh4A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 159min 1sec (9541 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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