Jerma Streams - Halloween Stream 2019

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hello and welcome to Germans first-ever spooky trivia night uh I'm your host Shannon Sharon and you're involved tonight as well here at home we have you here on track so you'll be answering some of our questions let's go ahead and introduce our guests over here we have first up Jeremy that's me German on eight five y'all know who I am do I need an introduction I'm gonna destroy this is trivia round which you're involved in by the way happy Halloween those are there to happen parties hope you have fun and then I'm stuck here doing trivia but I plan on destroying I plan on doing very well this is you guys here this is chat that's you I feel like I'm gonna be I feel pretty confident I do real I really do I'm glad that you feel that way let's uh let's see what the Board says afterwards yeah so secondly we have you here track you can see yourselves smile and wave boys and lastly welcome back dr. Schwartz --n how are you doing tonight absolutely wonderful Thank You Sharon I'm so glad to hear you're having a spooky day a very spooky it was that I got I got scared in the car they tell you that that's concerning what happened I don't remember oh they took my memories hey there was multiple it was like thirty I mean that's fine it was very strange Oh even like oh we are okay hey welcome everybody welcome to the trivia section so uh how we do this how do we do this all right well let's introduce our first categories here today here are today's categories we have 17th century poetry that's a good one super good my favorite oh I need to I need to change this I hope you buy them if you're having a Halloween party right now pump up to music no no turn X to turn the music down because you wanna be able to hear us you motivate I mean we would've better hear what you're doing so again here we are with today's categories first off we have 17th century poetry okay next door wide open space interesting thirdly goose buck Goosebumps books part 1 yes he's pumped water water everywhere to be or not to be it sounds pretty good and lastly spooky things all right right Gemma as this is your show would you like to kick us off here I gotta go first yeah you do all right I think I'll take 17th century poet room 450 please all right let's uh let's see what we got here John Calvin crafted this Christian ideology ideology stressing God's power and the moral weakness of human beings that many of the era's poets followed what is strike dr. strange time's up all right dr. Schwartzman what do you got for us yes it's what is wise congratulation dr. Swanson you have won the first points of the evening and you know as the rules of our super generic non trademark binding show goes you got to pick the next category what would you like to go for I will continue with 17th century poetry please for 200 200 right let's let's start racking up these points here now followers of Ben Jonson touted themselves as this family-oriented namesake mmm who are the sons of Ben well done all right the sons have been pretty good appreciate the dice work yeah godson all right so now we're at a 50 solid point how about Shannon wide open spaces for 400 please all right dr. Smith that's a let's see what's in this category let's open up this box this curious individual was the first person to ever look through at the moon through a telescope uh-uh uh-uh who is Thomas Harriot Thomas who is Thomas Harry yes that would be the correct answer thank you dr. Schwartz's that was Galileo Linda Galileo I'm not sure that Wikipedia would agree with you is that even correct apologies that's not even correct that's not a correct answer that's a Galileo was the first person wasn't it no that's right who the is Thomas Harriot how do you why do you know that I guess it is a damned he's a goddamn doctor what am I talking about a crowd this way would you like to take us through the next question yes please 17th century poetry once again for 400 please 400 all right a religious allegory by John Bunyan which has never been out of print and was the first ever novel written in English these pilgrims progress what is the pilgrims progress well done can i yes sure I'm gonna get right can I answer a question is that possible if you could get one right yes no I did I got the first one wrong but all right go ahead all right dr. Schwartzman check his back Shirley let's go with wide open spaces for 800 please write wide open spaces for 800 measuring at negative 240 degrees Celsius this is the coldest known spot in our solar system yes hmm I do what is the lunar South Pole what is the lunar South Pole it's Neptune that is the current what Neptune it's a Neptune Neptune was a coldest spot on the galaxy what was the questions idiot all right oh my oh my it seems like we have a super guy folks on this evening show all right dr. Schmitz and you're you're taking us away here what uh what are you gonna crush next certainly let's go for water water everywhere all right for how many points how about 200 points water water everywhere for 200 points reaching down nearly into the underworld the world's lowest lake sits at 1371 feet below sea level what is the Dead Sea all right let's take a look at that answer what is the Dead Sea correctamundo there dr. Schwarz and Jeremiah feel invited burger boy right so how does it work if he gets it wrong that I get it right I got a guy can answer or we can answer right how you feeling right now how's it going out there for you folks I mean I can't I kind of wish I could answer a question I feel like Chad feels the same way going going no keep going alright dr. Schmitz and take us away alright let's try to be or not to be 450 to be or not to be 450 absolutely this carrot crunching lastly we have it sword Warner Brothers into the spotlight in the 1940s dr. schwartz in' might you know jeremy seems to know unfortunately who is that's funny any points for that let's uh let's take a quick point check what do we got here so we have Jeremy proudly would you mind saying aloud what your points may be how well you doing this hero zero okay all right we have chat over here also with zero sorry guys welcome back the doctor and this is what happened I swear to God and you bring you bring the good doctor back and he just okay I mean it's he's a doctor what do you what are you gonna do about it dr. Schwartz and proudly here with 2100 points doing pretty good I'm doing pretty good I will give you a command you do it well doing pretty well as we should ship is always appreciated here love dance requests on our first ever I would love to talk on my own screen it'd be great eventually I got the buzzer here but gone alright doctor what would you like to blow let's go for 17th century poetry for 100 please amazing gonna be like one of the most influential poetic figures of this era most know him now by only two syllables who is bold hair and the answer yes who is Voltaire congratulations dr. Schwartzman you really know your stuff you're a lie-detector doctor you shouldn't know all this information maybe you do I don't know Mamie alright dr. Swanson next category yes indeed let's try to continue let's try with to be or not to be for to be or not to be for 400 all right Parker Griffin and Dinklage all famous faces sharing this common name dr. Schwartz anew what is beter what what what there's no way you know that questions answer what do you mean I should have known that what does that mean well just what does happen I mean that's what you have it all right dr. Schwartz them take us away whatever are you quite then I'm yeah hi let's try to be or not to be for 800 please all right Oh looks like we have a Daily Double Haley double Daily Double A there were double points I hope that for your sake the best hand is the natural nine of this bond beloved card game Josh Morton yes that is poker no I can't answer I'm sorry mr. Albertson are you ready to that sir and that question is what is baccarat congratulations dr. Schwartz and you get another several hundred points all right doctor mr. Albert I went to school I imagine but not for any of these doctors poison what do you have for us Shannon all right we're ready again let's try wide open spaces 450 please okay they really still go in for the low points here I mean really racking them up the flattest planet the flattest planet in our solar system this was originally thought to be three separate planets yes because can you get me a drink it is uh what is Saturn what is Saturn all right yes congratulations you've won yet another question doctor mr. Albertson - Oh would you like to hear from me I just know this is all right I guess we're supposed to be able to play together and twenty nine religion is probably bad idea to bring somebody that was that smart we need like 50 IQ people up here because I have like 72 IQ is just not very good he's falling asleep oh it's not great oh okay all right all right guys this guy me and this guy what do you got for us doctor we got history are you quitting let's try Shannon to start to wrap things up let's try water water everywhere for 800 please all right bigger points this lake just sits at an interesting junction between the borders of Germany Austria and Switzerland hey Lake Mead what is Lake Constance all right yes why is Lake Constance Wow I'm not sure that we've ever had a streak this long on the show thank you dr. Swanson all right take us away what what's your next pick here and a few left how about 17th century poetry for a tree please all right whatever oh I'm sorry about that folks that's all we have time for we have time for round round one round what is over yes and talk to Schmucks and it's 5050 point let's do a quick point check here Jeremy rolling in with zero points chat also with zero chance dr. Schwartz Annette 5050 points how you feel in there dr. Lisa Simpson mask I'm having quite an evening Thank You Shannon I'm not sure about the second round there is a second we're supposed to be banking points does this use up buzzer - yes this does I was told didn't oh there goes out all right no no buzzes on this rod we're done with the buzzers what - just I can whip it behind you who cares okay way to categories - yes so ran out of time for round one we got a little overlay there okay so let's check out round twos categories shall we first off anime anime cool Jeremy's life okay that's weird but very specific thank god that's the bank we've got some real part - thank God Jeremy 95 contest okay Jeremy's friends what what is that what is that what is them what is that in the category we're about to find very very very interesting stuff what is that okay all right so dr. Schwartz n' as you did lead us in the last round you do get to pick the first question choose wisely I advise but why would you like to talk about today okay Thank You Shannon let's try anime for 800 please all right 800 now this is a multiple choice the round multiple choice this time so chat please answer a B C or D you know how it goes alright what multiplier is super Sayan 3a three times B 250 times C 400 times or D 9000 don't give them enough time to look it up are they falling hey they're voting be perhaps be perhaps yeah okay German I'm goes a super saiyan x 3 means it's been three times I'm gonna go there all right a B yes yes and chat do we have chats answer chat has voted D all right thousand nine thousand three pretty popular number here I mean I would imagine German with this costume you have on you might know a bit bit about this I mean I know a little I know a little I mean if you owe this costume right because well it was either this or a child-size Incredible Hulk that's what happens when you buy a costume two days before Halloween child says you say no all right and you sure that wouldn't fit how are you by how tall women what how tall might you be five six six feet tall a six month I do second one you sure yes in the empirical sister we get the next question please okay alright so what was irons a year for question one of round two 400 C so I don't think wait why was 400 it was 400 hmm oh that's a fart is 400 times when whole lot of it is get my points back in the middle there we go it's not three it's not three it's 400 why is it why it's a super saiyan 400 we're still at zero points you guys we gotta do something about this we're at zero okay all right so chat we're gonna let you pick the next category as a kind of rough goings on scene here what a what category what number what are we going forward I think we have goosebumps books books one ghost buff for 1600 who's suppose part two all right let's see what the question is here what do we got who is Naruto's father all right option a kamikaze be a she goes from 558 Naruto see Kushina Uzumaki and d hiruzen sarutobi ah Germa might you have an opinion oh it's this is not a Goosebumps book this is a this is a narrow toe question did we just jumped in to be mean to me okay who is narrow toes father yes Minato cut Kakashi Kushina or he erosion I'm gonna say I'm gonna say well wouldn't it be narrow toe something Naruto what's what's never since first name I'm not sure that that's how they're do you know not sure oh no wait it's naraku's now guys I'm not gonna say ah because you'll get it it's wait a minute you'll hear it yeah I'll tell you I'll just tell you I'm gonna whisper - okay okay the answer that I'm gonna give I don't want to be here all right I know Naruto you know they go know what the I'm doing absolutely okay by dhow in miami doctor go ahead oh yes let's uh well let's let's let's watch I'm in here oh yeah how you doing over there what do we offer chat all right so trials voted a minato and I'm accustomed wait what yes why did they do that what because it may be the correct is I could not tell you it's alright alright doing great doctor dad we're all friends here don't be frozen everything about anime doctor certainly it's D hiruzen sarutobi d alright so chat has voted hey we have Jeremy over here with C and the doctor with answer D now what might be the correct answer who is Minato naama quasi hey I didn't get a 1 point in this whole game otherwise it's gonna be bad wait it's not I thought it was Naruto Uzumaki it is not but that's not isn't that Naruto's name is that narrow is that Naruto's name narrow - who's mocking you don't know is anybody back there no does anybody know I can't see chat so I have no idea how what okay all right all right where they going next where are we going next guys and it is a somewhat even split where are they somewhere no one has a favorite all right looks like jerk okay we're gonna take this Jeremy's life for 800 okay I hope to god you get this one right Oh what is that this is our daily double scare then we double scare okay you may be asking what that is I don't know that it's oh yeah is that does that mean points are deducted er I mean something's gonna happen all right all right fun that was fun furious that was funny face I think it is that was very fun what okay what was that and who is that person I don't remember that person being here an hour ago well he's ghost can I stand back on my thing I feel so much more powerful when I'm on this alright what's the question what is the chair was grandpa's last name once again oh I I know this hey Boyle be Richards see Wilfrid D steel helm I know tell me oh you I'll go first yes Oh what if I say it then everybody's gonna hear it that's true alright socket dude your chat first to check what chat what do you got for us how to Chakotay oh right all right I know what I are my turn okay I'm gonna go with Dee Dee alright so chat has said Dee Jeremiah has said Dee no see you Wilfred please see okay there it is alright what is steal home congratulations shot as it was worth question I just want to give it to her I did it that's a good question there is that's an old question - that's really cool alright so here we go chat still your turn winning points over here what do you got for us I wonder if it's an error toast father again okay yes but you already did Jeremy's life yeah we already did that one all right okay so we have anime for mm well I can see you here standing there so wow this is really scary Oh scary oh that's what I should've done another down all right all right go on in Naruto which of the following is not a current shinobi village a hidden star village the hidden grass village see hidden rain village d hidden ice village and this is what is not currently a village it is not not a correct there's a lot I don't think any of their villages are out in the open honestly based on these answers okay well let's see whatever I write chat chat what do you got for us what do you got Chad what do you got are they voting no there no there are more than like three animes that aren't Naruto right I don't think they know maybe talk to your people alright so what I'm gonna say alright grass I remember grass that's like what Naruto's in Naruto is in grass village a lot of grass so definitely rain now grass and rain arrow is from grass village so I'm gonna say Dee Dee okay so Jerry comes in hot with Dee hidden ice village there's no way to nice fellas chat has let us know that a hidden star village is their choice and doctor I'll go with hidden star village a sorry which one a please Hey alright well we do have two winner yeah I smell it just the one I knew it there we go he's getting more points here not exactly taking the lead holy that's pretty good that's pretty great yeah second chance come on you got to suck it up a little bit here professors look a little sleepy here alright German your turn I get to pick you do get to pick oh all right like you know what I got it I got an idea of here why don't we do thermos content for mm Jeremy I gotta know my own mm hopefully I hope so how many YouTube subscribers Germa have when he had 100 uploads what 10,000 be 50,000 see 75,000 or d 100,000 at any rate pretty impressive do you know I could take a pretty good guess look chat go first all right you go first you go first yeah what do you got for us all right so it seems that there's a little bit of a split in chat really but B is winning so chat believes that you had 50,000 followers for 100 uploads I don't think so I think it's more no or less a hundred okay my first my first like 40 uploads went to like 30 people I know the perfect know I'm gonna write I'm going a Hey all right so German is coming in with a it might be a little too low chat has dr. Schwartz ins what is it you know what YouTube is si si he doesn't know YouTube is okay what is 10000 congratulations Jeremy you know your own line no my own channel it's doing great posing let's do a little point check here we have Jeremy with 4800 climb it up on you strat with 1600 do you guys they don't do it very well professor with 5,000 all right so let's let chat pick the next question here get a little interaction where we're going how are we doing all right why is that for 2,000 frankly guys I'm pretty excited for this one what is that why did what anybody what is that like I mean that may be the category yes okay who is this I have my own guesses but I shan't say few seconds left on the clock will the answer this who is this they can only questions there's no choices here it's just who is this what is alright what are they writing is a better idea what are they writing I it's a gnome is what they're saying okay it's a Namur it is no I'm gonna go with a close-up of a mustache what's the red what is the red that's what I want to know doctor you're a doctor what is that yes doctor might have a live opinion of this sure it's a rabbit it's a mustache all right week so we got no mustache you too rabbit chats answer is a what is it which I hate to inform you it's not a multiple-choice question it's Ronald Reagan folks Ronald Reagan unfortunately we're not going to be able to give out any points for this round that's impossible that is an impossible question I think we should all get a thousand points we all get 1,000 points for that one because that's impossible mr. Albert said you know what no it we're going what is that for 1,600 alright he's taking the lead mr. Albert said let's go let's go what is it what song is this what song is this listen up folks how are we gonna hear this [Music] what what song is you got to give more than a tenth of a second what song is this do it again I didn't need to do it again professor where are you in all this we're both on the same page I don't think we can both get this do it do it like a couple two more times so trance answers in okay chats answers so a couple more seconds here I'm pretty impressed with their knowledge on it I think there are like seven hundred thousand songs that all of them start like that okay I'm gonna say and row your boat row row your boat folks that's pretty good chats answer blue dabu D by Eiffel 65 Gemma from the I don't think that's an answer whatever how many points was that worth alright so Chad got 1600 points just in that question congratulations chat what's your final to 3,200 points alright we're still in third here but we can still catch up alright so chat you're up next to pick the question let's see what you got we're different 18% 20% all right Jeremiah's friends 4 mm okay let's see you let him see over this camera right here look at this look over there let him see him he's cut like a metal face all right how many formal appearances has mr. sneak man had mr. snake 3 B 4 C 5 D 6 formal appearances that doesn't count what do you mean inform that has there ever been an informal appearance what's your opinion okay one was it you no he wasn't even in Germer one to chat what do you think I okay I I think I have an idea because he was in like he was in at least two one two I have an idea I have an idea I got an idea all right Jenna what do you have 5 C 5 C alright so German answer C with 5 chat a with 3 professor 3 all might be three that actually might be three all right it's 6 what is 6 what are they dodoo we know German Rumble - drummer of a3 durable Rumble house term 3G don't I - no is it 3 did you black out there's only been three rumbles and then like one or two offshoots it's six what are the other what's the other video I have no idea all right I've no idea well since you don't know your own life we're gonna move on from this well I mean let's pull out random from everybody else's life from ten years ago and find out what it is all right Chet what do you have for us what is that for twelve hundred favorite category here in round two [Music] who is this I see there an iron mouthful I don't know bold statements there the professor looks a bit full we don't we but we don't get any no there's no way for us to answer that's all you get eight grainy potato pixels what do you think is it like a I I think it's an i body uh let's go with all right Gemma what has their answer in what do you got for but how did me what do you chat has their answering they're very confident there's a consensus already there are confident people okay so Chad has their answer in no and it took them 15 seconds I don't know that I should know I'm gonna say my eye your eye my own my own I like zoomed in or something Wow alright chat your answer is scout and professor that's pretty good laughing laughing it's good Jeremy's own eye Scout or Lassie alright let's see who it is is the one the only genius mom could you at least have made these like slightly related community hall that's a painting of Genghis Khan that's not Genghis Khan that's a portrait of Genghis Khan right that's a portrait that's not a picture all right whatever right are they pick it again back to the board where are they going Chet what do we got why is this for 800 I think you mean Thank You doc what song is this oh I wonder what it is oh well I've heard that one alright three seconds a full three seconds do it a full three seconds do we not have a full three seconds if the song is not available that's the whole song actually every song starts like that every single song in human history goes like dude dented it and then it goes into the song can you even name the song you just know but they all do that I don't know uh gorillas a gorilla song eight not even a single specific one alright my favorite song congratulations three daughters right if you can sort through all those comments you may be one three people got this right how unless this is your favorite song and you just know it like it's just automatic find them after an award dr. this is ridiculous don't you know I think this is a particularly eat well I mean I'm creeping up on you now probably I mean I'm getting close but you know it's close sale I mean you're still in the lead but we'll see professor your answer sound of music [Music] you just played every double stick stops yeah I don't know how to said you played every dubstep song I've ever heard is that correct it was beetlejuice that's not Beetlejuice because this goes that's a dubstep mix of Beetlejuice yes yeah what's gonna happen in 20 more years are they gonna do a dubstep dubstep remix of the remix of beetlejuice how the would anybody know that all right so are we giving that to Chad since three people got it right or no glasses on the ground it's gonna sound like beetlejuice and they'll do it if it'll be like another remix 30 years look it got damn Belen Eagles all right we're gonna give that to chat congratulations those three people you know who you are go while are you doing it you're giving it to chat even though three people got it right and guess what category chat has picked next what is that for 400 No this better be really easy it's not it's not oh who is this that's a lampshade that's what you're saying in that no I'm not saying it yet I'm not saying it no Fester's down it's not alright alright Jeremy give me your best shot I know what I'd guess it's an egg no it's not an egg is it is it like an embryo this is very here's our very thematic is it like an egg it's like a zoomed-in egg like a microscope egg alright so we have egg egg chat says Doge oh and Professor UFO Gazoo a UFO [Laughter] actually I hope here we have it folks banjo kazooie you got it pretty close you got it pretty close UO kazoo just had to add an IE on the end and you would add it unfortunately that was not you I felt like shaped kazoo or a UFO like with it cuz you want Lucas ooh why don't you tell me all right doctor way to category this has been wildly concerning chat we're gonna we're gonna let you pick the night of a mess on site you know what do you mean what is that weed where did all of them they want more all right all right there you go dr. Schwartz's well deserved you have focus ooh get that away for that one all right so we had our toes bother Boise all right anime for 1600 the good Lord who is the only homunculus without or excuse me it's hora Boris or I know there's no god damn I got the outfit on you better get this right who is the only homunculus without aura Boris tattoo a envy be pride see gluttony D sloth for what anime this is anime who is the only homunculus in anime that doesn't have a tattoo showing his true colors here I mean come on what you think I got this well it seems like we have coy consensus from chat so they seem to have narrowed down I actually do know this Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood is my I hope with a laughing although I hear people laughing back there it's messing with my psyche alright I know this because it's one of my favorite animes ever it's one of the only enemies I've ever watched that would be well doctor one of you guys see gluttony alright see gluttony yes we have chat here strong answer be right I said at the same time Wow right there you go hey get in there well I was talking to chap he's in it he's in it to win it here folks oh all nine of us all right I'll still give you a high five though alright so the answer is yes be who is pride yes how much was that worth that was a fairly high point question for being so easy so easy that was very easy never seen Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood not the original one the originals but they split halfway through it boatman lack mr. Phil Michael spellemann' the Brotherhood is a real story from the manga I'm sorry oh if I said it's not I was excuse me it's not alright we're gonna give you this will do German on a 5s content the 1600 I know my own stuff alright Jeremiah's content for 1600 what did Germa do to personally thank his first 500 subscribers hey tell personal stories be create a tf2 server see lift weights part about this is the correct answer is this is like this shittiest one nothing let's have dr. answer first what do think I would do sure how about nothing nothing strong nothing professor what about Chat Chat Chat scone with see it is seen lift weights doctor you haven't seen my 500 subscribers thank you video where is in the bottom of my parents basement lifting 35 pound dumbbells pretending to be really cool best gift to us all probably was alright wait a minute how many points is that how many points do I have I'm doing pretty good in wait wait wait wait wait a chance get all this points update Jeremy with I want I want goose back it to go right yes I want Goosebumps books for 2,000 let's go bring it in goosebumps for 2,000 in monster blood why is the name of the witch that gives the blood it's abilities hey Sara Beth B you Mira didn't see Belle Belle shesh in a monster blood yes even read the Goosebumps books yes you brought a lot of books but have any of them been Goosebumps books I don't think you're allowed to wear elbow patches if you don't read all of them oh come on all goosebumps goosebumps ARL Stein great literature that's good stuff alright I got my answer okay I'm gonna okay I'm gonna my reasoning for this answer is it's the only one that has a apostrophe in it so that makes sense to me Sally you say I'm gonna say C see Val shesh that's like oh it's a it's a scary name because it's like all its mouth shish it's like a different do that makes sense to me and trap what was your answer what was chats a chat says a Sarah Beth that's like a regular name it's a very regular name hello to all the story about their professor though right that's a good answer we have to seize that means I'm as smart as a doctor by the way if anyone watching that that means I'm as intelligent as he is all right so the correct answer is a Sarah Beth it is actually Sarah Beth mm-hmm the apostrophe proved you wrong okay well it's all good all right trap since you won that round where are we going there are no more what is this category so stop choosing it please do not all choose what is that all right anime for 1200 I think we have a specific crowd here they do know they're anime good rightfully so what is the name of the cage in the Hidden Mist a Hokage okay I know I know it's cog a it's hope it's cog a and Hokage that one be great Raika gay see mizukage indeed Kazakh ah gay I already said it today all right well we have your ads but I hurt my hand a little professor give me a minute will do dee dee I think the house a car game could be I don't know all right yeah I think it's Hokage all right and then we have chess answer see mizukage and they are correct what is mizukage congratulations congratulations even one another what was that twelve hundred points is it twelve hundred so what do you have now it was in ninety two hundred ten thousand four hundred points they have broken the barrier folks they're in the five digits all right congratulations how are they going anywhere else all right I'm sorry to say this but I mean gotta get a come on you can you know you know you gotta you gotta get a Jacob Mayu Jeremy's life for two thousand let's see how well you do here mmm-hmm here we are Jeremy's life for mm how did Gemma get the scar on the back of his head a baseball accident I know this like very very very vividly being Karate Kid see falling off a ladder D thinking too hard well that's a funny meme answer for the last one I wonder I wonder how many people actually get this me too in the chat I really am curious me too because I think I've told the story like have I ever told the story ever I don't think I've ever told the story maybe I have at this point how do you think he got this I have a scar on the back of my head maybe we could take a look at it later well I don't we try thinking - I know he has like a hundred and thirty-two IQ and he's trying to make me look like he's right I made me look bad that's alright that's okay that's fine everyone's a lot of money right chesses see falling off a ladder well unfortunately you're all wrong it's from B being The Karate Kid Karate Kid was one of the most popular movies when I was younger and my brother kicked me off the bed we were doing it I smashed my head on the back of a fireplace I actually had to get a bunch of staples in my head and that I remember it was very very very try it it was very very like very like tragic it was horrible sorry I remember it for the rest my life it's a karate kid that's correct being Karate Kid that's right not acting as I mean like when the moment you work her out I was like eleven got it was that worth mm why is that was so much points and Gemma okay so I could pick now right all right absolutely why don't we go with John Augustine okay let's go Jeremy's life 1600 oh let's bet I'm gonna Bank points here Jeremy's life for 1600 folks during what year did Germans brother get married hey 2009 be 2010 see 2011 and D 2012 Jeremiah do you know that's really easy to get wrong because it's a four year span so I could be I hope you're not watching cuz I'm parking I get it wrong uh I okay I'm an idea Oh 25% chance again right here there is attorney but it's like look okay let me explain there's a way is that when you have a span of like like a lot of people got married during that time I have my brother my sister I bunch of friends and it all happened between like 2009 and 2012 but I was looking for one sentence okay I'm gonna say I was actually at the worry I'm gonna go with B 2010 final answer that's how this works on vinyl millionaire finals I think it was 2010 I think all right so Jeremy would be check your answer C 2011 I don't think it was Professor II mm right I know come on all right and here we have it folks answer what is 2011 right okay well I was I was one year away just one just one everything all right so I I switch them around i swish swish them around it's okay I was it was within like eight months okay that's fine Elvis that's right okay all the best of us where's Jack on all right chat we're gonna let you pick this next one Google still okay still loving the what is that aren't we know what questions left anime for 400 clear second favorite category here oh hi I wonder who is we can't we all can't get this wrong I actually do not I swear to God I do not remember them I don't remember seems like a personal problem sir I'm sorry I don't remember I don't remember I was being attacked if you had to guess why would I not pay attention during a quiz show okay it's not doc it's let's work together on this because are we allowed to do that it was it was not okay it was not it was a Maki I remember that what about the answer you remember I don't remember why a today okay I'm gonna go thing all right we have Gemma with a I actually don't know ever what it was chats coming in strong with a professor Hey yes all right we have a consensus here folks who is Minato na Mikasa thank you doctor appreciate that congratulations everyone first of all one okay so we have German with 10400 how are you yeah they're in the lead chat with 12,400 look the cord out from you guys then we have the professor year with his award-winning first-round 5850 points it's just what happened the tables have turned here I said who go who picks chat chats gonna get to pick this one Jeremy's friends for 1600 my friends I love all my friends alright who eliminated beanbag sonic in Germania 2018 a glue man the green screen see Adam Sandler or D fireman few seconds on the clock here folks I'm gonna say I'm gonna say no I gave Adam Sandler zero in every category so definitely wisdom I'm gonna say green screens they be a little bit of a kerfuffle here on the set folks we're doing all right [Laughter] am i hurt no I've never hurt I'm strong how am i I'm gonna go be green-screen be great we're back to the game B green screen we're good chat here with B also green screen and professor Oh D fireman an enthusiastic fireman who is glue man would be the correct answer what's round no that makes sense it does make it office that's actually like maybe we go back to your real height alright last question here folks there's the last question mmm-hmm gave me the last question all right Jamie let me go for it all right I'm gonna do Jeremiah's content for 1200 let's go Jeremy's content for 1200 Oh which of these choices is a real video title The Binding of Isaac episode 3 here we go again again be tf2 I promise I will heal you Jeremy and star more nonsense see tf2 FaceCam uncrating video 50 crates madness d Peppa puke party caveman chug stream fun JAMA any strong contenders here I know D I know D is real this is the room it's a real video time yes which of these choices is a real video title I wish all of them weren't I'm gonna say I'm gonna say B be yappy tf2 I have that much in title maybe I would we're looking for the real video 1000 the red oh ok the real one yes it's so confusing there's somebody boards si si si alright chap what do you get which is what is a real video title check chat says be bean I promise I will heal you professor any thoughts on the matter si si that is a real time all of the above alright okay alright okay so I suppose you would all get the points there do we all get a point so what do we have right what's our account right now what do we have for account total twelve for ten for thirteen eleven seven doing well here chef Ralph well it's on oh crap uh I have a question yes can I go to the bathroom can you go to the bathroom I mean it's your show you can do whatever you want is it to pee like really really badly I mean if you really have to I mean do you want to stop the stream I mean it is no no no no keep the stream going I just like I have to go to the bathroom okay all right we will we will keep going I hope you make it alright how many points we have your because let's do a final count before it trucks up I have eleventh I have eleven six if they changed that tell me chat okay there he goes all right really bad thirteenth up six hundred and dr. Schwartz and what did you have I think Oh 7050 alright okay so try you're still in the lead here all right we do have time for a couple more questions apologies for that before folks all right so dr. schwartz in' would you like to pick certainly i will take goosebumps 400 all right so goosebumps for 400 that's right in welcome to camp nightmare what was the name of the place in the camp where nobody was allowed to answer Hey the evil chamber be the ghost room see the forbidden room D the forbidden cabin are you that familiar with the Goosebumps books here mm-hmm it's not exactly top of my library the forgettin forbidden cabin all right so we have D the forbidden cabin chat what do you got for us all right you've agreed with the professor D the forbidden cabin and our correct answer would be it is D the forbidden cabin congratulations to all of you out there at home and the professor wonderful all right so let's a trade off here chat we're gonna let you pick the next question all right so we got goosebumps books part 2 for 1600 in the Abominable Snowman of Pasadena while allows Jordan and Nicole to escape the grasp of the Snowman during their first encounter a loud construction work be a barking dog see a police siren dee the cave collapses professor are you familiar with this specific work no the barking dog alright the professor goes with be a barking dog Jack could you help us out here what do you got for us Chad Gries be a barking dog alright let's see if we're all right here the correct answer is B congratulations with both of you again well done we're really racking up points here alright professor we're gonna let you go hmm select a category select your points here [Music] goosebumps once again for 800 all right let's go with goosebumps for 800 in the Haunted mask what does Carly Beth notice when she puts on the mask hey it doesn't fit B she looks taller see it changes her eyes d her friend has the same one how embarrassing she looks taller alright the professor is gonna go with B she looks taller mm-hmm chats gonna go with C it changes her eyes alright well let's see what happens in this novel it is see it changes her eyes congratulations alright what points are we up to now 16400 really crushing it out there folks folks they're at home alright looks like you get to choose the next question we have Germans friends for 1200 did Jeremy kill Santa Claus eh it was self-defence be Jeremy pleads insanity see no he did not and D the magic can never die professor thoughts on this did Jeremy kill Santa Claus when's the last time you saw him Oh Jeremy pleads insanity B Jeremiah pleads insanity answer B chat what are your thoughts on this subject alright also be jerem up pleads insanity alright let's see what our answer what is not only Billa none of the above sorry guys this is one of our first rounds in a while knowings won and it looks like we're out of time thank you very much for joining us again here professor let's get a final point count alright we have Jeremy currently in the bathroom with eleven thousand six hundred points chat with sixteen thousand four hundred congratulations guys and the professor again with nine thousand fifty we look forward to see you again next time I'm Shannon Cheryl I will be on the next Rumble and we're gonna go off and pass this off to bf Bugle Barry I just I got something [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the funny things do the funny thing to say the interesting horrible [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're going to move with this part of your hand who's the bow don't use this part you're supposed to use the part of the phone here in between go pinky all the way down to the breastbone and you should believe in a place is here and you're going to put some pressure down to give yourself a nice Center just even pressure down the middle not too much you don't have to go [Music] so I know always [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] as we continue on just our creative inner side I do this with my friends all the time always creation is incredibly important as you see we have a nice piece here which I'm going to know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] because I can feel the do not move during this procedure you could seriously arriving soon we're making a nice astray [Music] always with my play it's very important that you do that all the way we have a [Music] [Music] [Music] sorry just okay little potion and all these dishes for touching up your piece I'm putting gentle pressure down right there I we pay attention to you I'm just learning to do what it needs to do the centerpiece yeah like I said once every two weeks meeting all of my friends we get together and we and we do it to a point all of us not just that looks pretty good we have a nice little piece of the middle which will allow me to then call up from the side [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh did he actually bite you okay he's eating [Music] [Music] it's alright don't think I've never seen you you'll see me again [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hello how are you well let me fix my head a little hi welcome back we're currently set up right now for the actual main event portion of this stream which it takes actually a little longer than you would think right I'll explain what's gonna happen here I am currently for what I'm gonna do on the computer because we're trying to figure this out like Oh what the hell are you even gonna do we have a couple of things that I'm gonna do for the actions but if you're just watching for the first time ever right now well not right now but when the round starts you know they're over the last like three weeks there has been at least three or four hundred actions that the community has come up with to try to slime me on this broadcast we have a couple of angles as we see and over the course of the next probably 40 to 50 minutes to an hour we're going to see if I do any of those actions I do not know what any of these things are I have no idea I have not been briefed no one has told me Oh Jeremy oh by the way the action is a say look a bay you know that's like action number one I have no idea hopefully that's not action one because I just did it but also at the same time while I am doing this you also are going to be judged because there are actions that if you do them during these rounds without you knowing you will lose points the points that we banked from over there by the way bugle Barrie was eight hundred dollars just wanna make sure everyone's aware that it's the worst eight hundred dollars I've ever spent and I absolutely will spend it again next year so how this works again each round we're gonna have a series of actions when those actions happen if I do one I have kind of a death trap up here that is going to slimy if I do it there in the round you will be aware of those actions I will not who knows we're gonna keep score if I get slimed I lose points if you say a word they not supposed to say you lose points - and we're gonna keep track of them you may even get banned - like that yeah that's probably not gonna happen so the game that I'm gonna be playing is plants vs. zombies because that was like the most easy thing to play because it was like Oh what are we gonna play oh I could play a horror game I played them all I could play like a shooter game I've played a ball I could play a I don't know wait we've done we've done them all alright so we've done them all so I'm gonna play plants vs. zombies while we do this and when do when do we start oh look at that you can see it that's coming at me that's coming for me that is trying to kill me don't you understand you thought this was all you thought this is a joke no we don't do jokes on this stream we do real real stuff it's over my it's actually kind of menacing and there is slime in there yes so I have like a thing this is we can we see plants vs. zombies oh yeah gripping gameplay gonna play plants vs. zombies oh look at axe the tutorial level this is this is great we're recharging okay so when did we start around do we have any idea we are we gonna get like started or should I just play plants vs. zombies for like two hours how am I losing in this tutorial hope is that one of them that's what the first one right make sure that's not the first one I actually am losing [Music] so that we have this point should come up on screen you have points I can hear this audio so instead of Secrets live-action hey I'm just like a weird guy in the lower corner of your screen playing plants vs. zombies oh I got I got a ball back guy imagine waiting for this story but it's just like now now this is what [Music] that is what we're doing [Music] see how fast I concluded this is the real time conceiving break the record [Music] you know I should just do that right now well we've fixed the technical problems that are going on just click as fast as I can I cannot actually can't even see chat so I have no idea what the same they could be saying anything right now well the guy in the Halloween costume I'm not even in Halloween oh he's not out drop it on I mean he's not a Halloween costume so they're out there actually are like if I do this then I'll be in a lot so we came back from the break mr. doesn't just put me like do it [Music] actually I lost in the tutorial well I'm gonna try it again [Music] whoops sorry but the sunflower is down and then with a sample okay take the sunflower 25 good I remember I know this but you hold back row with Sun quality and then the next row is the peashooters right we're doctors doc doctor dr. Spartan you still house I think I did my blood pressure taken so how are we doing we are we any closer are we any closer to to slime time or should I lose at the tutorial again he's pretending to lose [Music] how many times can I win I know I haven't played this is actually a pretty good game the second one's stupid but this one is actually really good I'm just dunk them dunk them now we're stalling I might actually this is what you do right right that works okay let me just get a full row guys playing zombies and so I baited you all i baited you all here we started with that trivia round ended like bugle berry we said now hey [Music] this is riveting the funny thing is is probably some of you hear that alike as is great just keep doing this just like in the six hours all right whatever we will definitely not six hours get caught how do you wait till it's over so how are we looking what do you say Secret Service what'd you say I've loved I've lost I've lost communication I've lost communication with the back team where we going wait we're going now wait wait wait wait hold on we're calling right now how long have they been there for what I thought I was still like fill-in times all right now you freaked me the out now like I'm scared everything's ready what I thought I was sick Phil and I'm still okay so that means I'm armed [Music] uh okay let me put a back row sub from them first of all my back is killing me let me just like [Music] my back is just absolutely killing you ever get like a tense back I mean seriously that's how you get like a bad back [Music] let's how you get a bad back you sit too long I was sitting for too long that's my problem wait wait wait wait wait I gotta watch out down here it's a way I have actions to [Music] all right that's it I'm sitting pitches like well who knows if we're starting or not like oh I gotta put the onions in there before I put the onion there I would have side gets a wall done I know what it is oh wait okay I got one with one lawnmower down the thing is I've got okay don't touch any idea but if I don't touch anything how long is the brown how much time do I have in round two like worry about this [Music] that makes it even worse not knowing cuz I am completely in the dark [Music] dropped it I was just dropping [Music] yes Carrie ball is the only the best gameplay we've got my quick story about how plants vs. zombies know to cook this formula and then they turn it into a pay to win game that really nobody cares its price where few people's people come back to this game and they talk about how this is like what a fantastic awesome game this is and the second one is just I don't think anybody's ever played it only like my just moving what did I do it right what did I do I'm starting to write this thing started to move so I'm going to stop talking about I heard like [Music] I don't know what to say when you have like nothing you're allowed to say you have no words to say I could I could just like say I don't know I don't know I'm scared yeah you guys okay you just have there are points there are the points I can see them you guys have what are you gonna 16000 boys games good imagine where they actresses play plants vs. zombies 1 now touching the noses but it might be one of them I ain't gonna do it a huge wave is approaching but from what direction Peaks twist how do you get more than oh I have to actually accept this after all right I'm gonna be careful cuz every time I get if I get slimed and I lose like how many points do I lose like a slime 500 that's not good well it's probably not gonna happen so that's fine obviously quiet the whole time and this actually plays this game that's what we're doing [Music] the ones around it wakes neighbor the names crazy Dave first uneasy declare your lawn Oh click to remove it Wow this is I love plants vs. zombies now going bowling I should just like dance on camera dancing action oh I see the left right right right oh it's bowling I would laugh on my ass up if this just didn't happen if this doesn't happen once we set all this up and it died nope not gonna happen this is the explosion one right oh by the way [Music] I did well I did all this do you know you guys my boy conventions people would have where'd these two conventions why would they not the complaints vs Zombies the round everybody loves this franchise this can make a mobile game and that's it make it a real game Oh what ricochets right got it you got try to get free why did I just do that all right final wave everybody has designs I'm gonna PAX East at like 2012 and they would just be close I'm gonna win this I'm definitely gonna win all right if it's not like I'll touch your nose touch your face look out whoa whatever do you watch it watch this bub watch out first bump now I'm safe [Music] he's like yeah yeah call this round go get on that so I went it's hey what was what was your word by the way their word was diaper your war was diaper how did you do - eight hundred eight hundred and forty of you said the word diaper that means you lose that means you lose 800 points because one person's worth one point [Music] nothing happened to me I'm fine right now it was probably really specific he's probably like all right talk about German craft actually I probably shouldn't say that word so are you officially on the second round okay five seconds we've called the extra extra I can I thought of giving way more than that means I actually [Music] how it's doing here how we will of watching the stream right now all right it's out of 7400 people only 800 views I'm wearing a diaper on screams how did you hope you could contain this you could contain yourselves during that I don't know how that's possible why does the word still band in the chat no it's not okay thank God i unbanned it i thought it was still fans like two months so we're on round two right so this is a new actions right not the old ones or are you compounding them all right so all right put my hands down I'm gonna put my hands down that means you guys have a new thing to talk to three it's you to watch what you say for the next a little bit be careful hence clearly get you here's something about like something about my hair is just bothering me something about it what are you doing what did i do what did i do what did i do what do i do what do i do what do i do what did i do what what did i do what [Music] what did i do what was the action i touched my hair i touched my hair twice was the action well happy people said the I had Oh for the love of God did I just how many points to 5-under points we didn't think this through we didn't think this through how am I gonna play I can't play the game I'm gonna buy go I can't do anything hand come on come back down here touch your hair twice Oh for the love of God this stuff stinks but is that it we go to the next round oh we keep going I need to place my left hand [Music] this stuff this smells like baby puke I don't know why I know that it just smells like baby puke am I losing it in the game I'd love to pay attention all right I need to okay we're good everything's fine thing is I heard I heard like the crank [Music] 11 what is it 11 what I want actually let's good thing this is gonna be horrible I can honestly I'm not kidding around after one huh cool let's not ever do that again because now like I feel like oh that I may fill this back up I was still on that same round okay good thing I'm wearing a diaper all right got the I got the ice snow pea so [Music] Jesus Christ ah don't touch my face right I'll touch my hair should I not touch anything but what if I have to rub my face cuz this slime in my eyes all right how does it look this shit's too pathetic this is not an orange it's like it's like it's like white it's supposed to be orange [Music] is it goes a little light look like it it's like it's hardening in my like ear canal hey welcome hey welcome everybody to the stream [Music] I gotta alright what do they have much okay can you talking to me what they have for acid so this round is over the word was balls by the way but apparently in doing so I had to touch my head twice which is technically my hair but it's not really my hair so that's a technicality I don't believe that this would be allowed do you guys have a timer up just going by you know what I can see the shot why is everybody saying he said orange what do we need what are you talking about he just said it oranges and Barnes one of the worst it's somebody just my pants so he my fist I didn't do it but somebody else very clearly did holy [Music] the word was an orange ice I talked about how this didn't look orange can we thank watch a movie or something because I can't even I can't even touch the screen I can't touch anything are we gonna do round I just got an achievement watch Bratz movie action okay it's gonna happen with playing plays for a song because like there's no way I could have done anything else I'll do what the book you should be playing like soma yeah tonight I'm sticking to the ground Jesus your hair looks done hey I didn't do anything are we gonna do round we ran around right I just like burped really loudly and hopefully that's not something what am i doing I gotta get rid of touch it's hard even rap [Music] you guys don't understand I don't have a mousepad it's slime here this line is my mouse pouch I think like really how am I gonna do this [Music] wait wait wait wait I can't lose I can't lose I can't lose I can't lose a tail is I can't lose don't lose don't lose don't lose please don't lose look you don't have gills somebody get fun I do I have to deal with somebody slime in my ass it's actually in like the back of my underwear and every time I get up and get down it's like it's the worst feeling ever what's but what are we slay did to do here like an hour and a half just kidding more like 25 minutes see you guys next time cut his mic if I lean over good enough I can see [Music] alright so here we go new round new time let's do it I have to at least win one round one a new round right [Music] am I on actually new actors right now people exclaiming show the action Stowe actress I don't even know they're all the new actions are going up now I think I'm just playing planet for a selfie I think show action so action so I was there at home today we have them do they up spitters imine how was the I'm taking money 20 seconds 25 this is so unnerving because I just hear like production people like going like this I hear them like they're like moving around back there all the happens is you guys lose points what happens to me is somebody goes to the bathroom in the back of my underwear that's it happens to me like I have to win this [Music] and starting to harden [Music] all right I need to take care of this guy okay look at how covered I am it's right I am from like up to down don't lose again the gameplay is what matters on this stream nothing else matters only the video game that's being shown what's going on computer screen wait oh wait the computer blue screen what oh that's an action that's an action for the computer oh god damn it Oh what the Oh I was like what's going on here let's smoke the computer smoking from the back smoking how many points does the computer lose how he puts it the computer app is it all is it all right somebody reboot it can you reboot it so if you hit if you hit control-alt-delete on it see if it works let's see no I'm not getting anything from this PC should I blow on it damn okay what do we do okay cuz cuz that because that's actually like this is this thing's dead yeah I uh I'll have my iPad do you want to bring up my iPad okay I'll get my iPad we can play something on the iPad for a while [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hi I'm Gemma and now we're gonna play iPad games because that's what we have yeah it's not just you and me it's the computer as well as involved in this this is actually caking it's an iPad stream mr. this you didn't think we were gonna come back to this but we always do so where do we stand on points I am currently losing because I went to the bathroom during the during the trivia I had a long piss was about four minutes but we have right here in our hands Halloween themed horror games and we are gonna start with one called spirit Oracle board so if you have you don't have tik-tok that's time to get it there are ads on this I'm gonna do it the scary stories I'm not gonna click that it's gonna open up like a web page all right start the seance okay it's a we've got a full page tick tock ad okay instructions can we get some ambience in here if possible darken the room you are in and light some candles before starting a seance place your finger on the planchette that the term the wooden piece in order to initiate the spiritual connection to the other side ask the spirit your question loud and clear always start a seance with a question is anyone there wait for the spear this is a lot of this is a huge amount of questions this is like a huge amount of instructions here now questions wait for the spirit to respond the planchette will start moving okay I'll always be polite and asking normal questions this is a way to make it so kids don't say anything bad right don't don't say anything mean don't say be careful not to upset any spirit in a couple running around here today actually in case you have anger - spirit quickly move the planchette - goodbye before the countdown is over or unexplained things might happen sure speech recognition is required do we actually have to do this do I have to do is speak you'll have to allow speech recognition I don't want this let you talk you can always change this later in your case I allow access right are we good spirit world like to access speech recognition okay why does it need to know all this stuff listen to your microphone okay turbo say unlock these special features turbo seance messages will no no thank you I don't think I need to do the turbo sounds place fingers on the planchette to start we have any scary music going here we do okay place finger on planchette to start you've got it ask how does it ask do you are there any spirits here are there any spirits here are there any spirits here are are there any spirits here wait a minute oh I'm what you're gonna see me doing this here this thing sucks what hello let's try it again morning seance in progress if you've made contact with the spirit you should end the seance by moving to the goodbye exit I love how you I love how you cut back I saw you go but look low no no come back come back did they're doing it they're doing it look that's like gee oh no see got the bomb oh shoot oh what monster is this gonna summon all the rain ball that means you got five give me a No I don't know stop stop stop stop stop stop stop I don't want it I'm gonna try one more time and then move on to the next iPad game no thanks place okay are you here this isn't even this is even do anything can we know if this even do anything I don't think this does anything this is stupid alright I'm gonna hit the button and we're gonna do another one because ok I'm gonna hit the button that's the end of the round for chat so what what the word was turbo how many points did they lose that's the next level of baiting if I've ever seen it alright do I want you to show ok oh this is granny - is this one this is granny chapter 2 so do I have new actions I didn't do anything right I'm gonna keep the same one [Music] alright we're normal granny play as options that's fun normal quality granny and Grandpa move at normal speed that's fine be quiet granny hears everything grandpa doesn't hear very well but he hits hard press and hold the remove button to free yourself from bear traps fine into beds are in wardrobes you have five days it's a long time use headphones the best experience I don't I can't be [Music] - how many actions we have per chat right now dark is is it dirty isn't like a gyro [Music] oh wow this is so scary what's the goal here that is it to stay away from granny why this spikes in this wait if I go in here this is gonna kill me this is an Iron Maiden oh you can Crouch - alright so what do I do this is granny trap tattoo by the way if you don't know this is the number one downloaded game on the whole App Store I don't know why it that granny is just number one on the it's just there's like 700,000 reviews for this game as well [Music] wait a minute can I open this I just spit on this but I've had slime up my nose for the last like 40 minutes so does it really matter oh I spit it hell I'm like what is the slime yummy is that what you're asking not particularly it just it's it just smells like like baby formula is it actually edible I think it is right no I know what I just do that for no I can't touch this is the slimy yummy is that a trick question it might be so now I know don't put the slime in your mouth that's one of the I know one of the actions Val I got a man on the inside the shower tonight that I take is gonna be the best job I've taken my whole life all right what am I supposed to do [Music] now I haven't gotten any in the mouth because if I vomit slime twice I've been slimed two times I think I'm good and one of them was because I had to point to my head twice so I need a key in granny's house well this game wait I can't sing can I talk about like the most popular game in the App Store I probably can't write like can I say like granny sucks I can't that that there's like 800,000 people that disagree with me so I'm wrong right [Music] I don't know what's gonna be going back upstairs [Music] and what did what killed me the first time hey can I turn the brightness up on the iPad alright go I'm gonna put a turn the brightness up it's pretty low I can't see that alright no I can see it was so it was really low now I can see all right we're good now I think it was so dark alright I'm upstairs okay there's there I am assuming that was granny there was just people in granny's house what is he no like how do I peel how do you feel how do you feel looks like oh I'm gonna peel sure no don't click the ad don't click the ad don't quit the edge all right well it's time for me to peel I guess let's go choose my peeler I think that's a good one up here nope nope no no no I'm not gonna do that I've stuck it to the ground when I stand up we're carving a pumpkin soon oh that might be a reaction there baby don't say it he's doing a pumpkin carving no I can't but we're doing a pumpkin carving after that after this so there's more to see I I think I'm done playing granny so I'm going to move on to the next one because granny is pretty it is just it's just granny and the other person in the house and they attack you okay go to all the iPad horror games that I don't know how to accomplish anything in them I also don't have audio that's another thing you guys maybe not know even might not know you guys might not know that yeah I guess I can sneak I'll try one more time no that's the death row I probably have like : then we fix my nerd neck I don't want to have like nerd neck but how do you okay I'm dead again all right so granny is a fun game and she's a wonderful wonderful person it's five it should I just do all five days I'm gonna go to the next game because this is just stupid all right round over are we still gonna stay with whatever we have here keep it up for a little bit down here Oh cuz this cuz this game sucks alright new game how about how about scary butcher 3d new actions new game all right how about scary butcher 3d that one looks pretty good play we've been a violated one what a minute what am in a violating one people saying rigged well you would've been cheated rigged we talking about what what you can't just like retro actively add a slime because you we didn't do it I just like backed up it's like okay I guess so what would him in hand motions so what like no okay all right well I I'm just gonna say I have to okay I have an idea I have to keep my hands down so in the small town of Erie they lived a butcher be with his wife one stormy night Elena go I'm stuck to the back of the chair I'm stuck to the back of the chair can you see this I'm at I'm actually stuck to the back of the chair who cares about the butcher's life since then he you know he cooks all guys just sausages who gives a about the butcher I'm stuck to the chair since then his pets keep vanishing all over I could hear it being refilled and it's seriously causing me a lot of anxiety since then the pets keep vanishing all around town some believe it's the butcher who captures and eats the pets this guys crazy okay you know when you watch a cartoon and there's always that like weird part of the cartoon where or no you know I'll put it this way men in black right I got in like in every men in black movie I've been eaten by the alien and then spit out you know like oh yeah what the farm I'm the guy that got eaten and spit out by the alien I think I'm doing pretty well okay I'm the person that gets regurgitated okay let's continue your cat fuzzball went missing yesterday could be captured by be the butcher's Hill is heavily protected by alarms so you have to be careful okay this person stole my cat pressed button to throw the stone hold follow arrows to reach destination wouldn't he throw the stone why did I do that what was the point of that keep your hands down here no no like download now promotion well-done level completed walked in a straight line it was a close call and I'm still going to compute okay it's good that you managed to hide or you could be his next victim break into beat then that game look fun right cool no don't watch the whole ad I can't even click the X okay stop opening the App Store okay breaking to be shed and steal his night-vision goggles use this button to toggle display that's him in the corner can he not see me well there it is look out oh no he got you it's just like just like dances oops butcher caught you red-handed restart here's that shooter game you like it that shooter game for you kids I can't hit the X we just have to let it play out oh no no no it's like opening it it's like to actually opening the app store we have to move on all right we're gonna do horror clowns and we own a new round same run around okay yeah I pet it upside down because the game crashed so we're gonna pick a different one how about evil none evil none evil none might also be broken to evil nun doesn't work how about uh Emily how about Emily do you work Emily we'll find out Emily wants to play new game holy it actually works and we're gonna get into the ad oh of course we are here comes no this is actually has a cutscene move ah did you see that uh okay this is stupid the iPad segment was a bust interact although I still have what was chats word what does Chad had what a tena forward last time ass okay well sorry to hear that you guys lost so many points why was it asked who hold on what's on the computer [Music] what's like a peer let's get a zoom in thanks for what thanks for ordering I don't know what I ordered thanks a lot okay can I go on [Music] oh that's a hint wait I can just turn the lights off in the whole house oh let's play at midnight says one guy sure I'll try alright this game sucks too I'm gonna just carve the pumpkin this game sucks no it doesn't that's not fair that's not fair it's not fair let me give it like another 30 seconds look taps enter to interact with objects this game actually is for an iPad game is pretty good I got the me turn the lights back on hold on you kind of leave the house the slime has caked underneath my head I want to so badly take this off but I can't because if it happens again then it I this is real life I want you to get this like blood go look at this this is it's like glued to my forehead if I take this off and I get slimed again I will be very upset I hate taking the bald cap off does anybody know anything about these games I just heard dump it and why are we dumping it [Music] I'm not gonna don't look up into it what it means well I'm gonna get it my eyes close your eyes [Applause] holy this is disgusting you put extra in this one laughs okay oh my god that's that is this is vile I'm trying to be I'm trying to be normal about this it smells it smells like acid what smells like but that's not that's a real light that's what over-exaggerating no there's no glue in this it's this eco-friendly slime oh my god I - I just saw hey men in black well the guy gets like puked up it got pukes and he's like yeah that's me what does that listen don't do it move mom if you're watching I'm sorry I'm sorry mom I really don't mean to be like this I have to take this up where's the pumpkin [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice watch hi welcome back welcome right now we're gonna do a thing we're gonna think where I carve a pumpkin by the way the diaper has to stay on because if the diaper tick comes off the pants do too because they have weighed down to a point where I I have to keep them on I'm gonna get rid I have like okay this is I'm making it worse so as you see here we have a regular-sized pumpkin I'm gonna draw that's a law do I look really bad really bad in fact like so as we see here I've I don't I don't know about carving pumpkin I'm realizing this right now Oh what do I wanna do to like do the what how do you want to end this this like show okay I don't know how the to do that so we're what are you doing we don't what I do I swear they say the word pumpkin the word pumpkin you're gonna set me up with a segment where I get a pumpkin and I say the word pumpkin and that's a problem so that's not fair how's that fair okay I can't the pumpkin is gone I can say we're pumpkin now okay so I'm going to draw a stencil here can you see that that's my stencil okay okay there are knives of now around there are knives I'm gonna move the knives over here because these are knives okay so you know water and I just punch it okay hi you guys have no this is like a challenge on a game show which which is pretty much what this is I'm gonna have to get it with my hands because there's slime everywhere here so why would you give somebody a knife when this standing on ice this is a challenge I can't get it with my nails okay I that's unsafe it's unsafe [Music] [Music] all right we got a vacuum [Music] [Laughter] okay everyone the word is not vacuum I just don't want to be harmed on stream that's not to worry is it the word no no it's actually not vacuum well that's too bad that best better it's better okay [Music] [Music] anybody want a pumpkin it's nothing I've never carved a pumpkin I just don't want to eat hold on alright here's what we're gonna do I'm gonna make lets go like this wait a minute the hammer the hammer what the hammer what's the hammer the handle was like literally nobody on production knows I'm trying to say the hammer with the the little nails that light up a chip that the chisel I can do that scary all right that this works no I have to worry about it I'm gonna make a I'm gonna make a face is it a real pumpkin what do you mean is this a real pumpkin like this is a real pumpkin look at the stem I can see oh I I don't have to squint real hard but I can see what you said this screams pre-recorded oh is it would it be pre-recorded if I went like this it's a fake stream just wait a minute let me just get this it cuz I know what you're I know what you're where's the where there it is oh my god doctor how am i doing oh I'm doing just fine all right that works that okay we're getting there I can't even pick it up okay what if I hold on like this I am making something the pace I'm gonna make is gonna be a very special guest you might find this thing at the circus you might find this thing at a birthday party ow I need like bread I need like purple we actually had one of these on stream actually two of them okay that looks terrible looks like somebody just put three pegs into a pumpkin we're getting there great first you got to get it in there we go you know don't even why am I even hitting it like this just press it in I'm using it like it's an actual mallet this thing weighs like four like maybe four ounces my pants aren't falling down right okay that's just the diaper I thought that was my underwear I actually thought that was my actual underwear okay this is Jeremy gets hurt on stream don't try this at home it ain't going in there it's gonna have to go somewhere else we should add somebody make one we should add somebody make one of these buzz hey Can somebody carve a cool pumpkin I'm not I just I'm not gonna do that still with my hands it's way easier can these be eyes no there's no red guys I'm having trouble what's that thing you have no idea how to do this no I do it's it's with knife it's with nice and I'm I am no I I am slippery I am that so that's like my superpower right now you want the slippery guy to hold the knife what that actually felt pretty good hold up more than three fingers how about how have I not done that before he's not reacting don't he's bad react react harder react harder Halloween oh no oh oh for saying clown you guys lose poets that's the end of the round you said cloud he didn't react no cuz at some point it just becomes like numb you know what I mean at some point like I thought it's happened so many times it's like okay I guess it's happening again you guys said clown what the am I even doing this what this is like I'm okay this is like a map to where you've been you know you have this in like your living room to make like your friends jealous alright made you Canada I've been to Toronto and then I've been over here up here to the Great Lakes down here oh yeah I love Oklahoma are you doing it again oh how do I get in this can this be taken off this is like bad right can I like pull this off audio and video now out of sync apparently well why is that he doesn't know he didn't react what I mean how does he not know what are you talking about what what did I not do we have to get their points down by the way okay lightning round put up fifteen actions from me and like ten actions for Chad don't tell him hollow out the pumpkins we didn't do that beforehand we ran at a time I don't sir say might as well just like go like this that's not an action you can off oh look at me get it all out of the way before anybody has any actions there's no battery in here oh can I just draw on it what's a rat what's it feed it into my ear what's their actions come on I can't I use have to go to my diaper : what is it say it softly I will I will win this if you give it to me give me their actions okay guys are booked although I how many do I have I'll have eight okay it solidified enough where I can no I can I can do that okay I people like oh come on you're not gonna carve the pumpkin I'm not gonna be the guy on twitch that has the knife in his hand and is like look I'm not gonna happen it's about doing that does that violate tos oh I oh yeah vile it's my life they went right down my ass cracked right now just went in they went all the way it didn't it's it's just right now for the first time the diaper has been breached so I'm gonna draw on this well spin it around I'm serious just spray me with the hose back like I was back this is not this not a joke this is actual like a spray me all of my whole body with the husband so this is this marker is dead he's gonna look at the pumpkin - let's play like funny videos well oh I have new actions okay so Chad sees them and the pumpkin have we did the computer we have the pumpkin actions what do I have to do here get off that we're almost at the end of the show if you guys are curious should I try running again this is a treadmill ready remember that how's my nerd neck all right move the knives ready don't run this way run this way but then what if I like alright this is this looks bad darlin please help me alright not bad I can get it one more time that was a full strike that was a full stride I think I got some on the camera this is what we like to call this boy is out of material and he can't get into the pumpkin so he's been he's at the point where he's got nothing left to do dropping him know I'm not gonna trouble it this thing weighs like 200 pounds what if I just like you shot put it over a production drop it I'm not gonna smash this you know that's just do Gallagher this is Gallagher you're watching Gallagher right now I tell you something what funny voice hey so what we do here in Holland is a funny voice is done we just do funny voices for the rest in stream this is not a good diaper it's actually pretty good and by the way it's over the top half of it sits over my clothes put the diaper on the pumpkin gimme diaper there's like 20 in that case to hook backflip how do you need three sure doesn't wear them guys put these on listen people okay let's test it top it oh he did a thing he did something weird into the diaper let's test the diaper dump it let's see how good these are you guys talk a lot of nothing got through the bottom look at that pretty good actually is what I'm doing right now we're testing diapers that means I'm out of content I just did like that image is now forever on gone camera is dumping slime into a bit into a diaper to test it put it on the pumpkin okay I'll take that that's a bad idea well why is that bad doc for it's going to protect me this thing can hole like five gallons that's bad advice it's kind of good advice that's disgusting it just can we get the vac back here please that was nothing in there I don't like that sound wait can I see that for a sec you let's see if you're this yourself let's just stick up here thank you thanks a lot [Music] it's like up my nose but there's no point for this to even be here anymore there's no reason for this pumpkin we can wash this pumpkin off alright I'm gonna try to get into the pumpkin very gently I just want to get in carve it what is all womanís for i thought it was blood I was like what the is that behind you yeah I know I can't hear them no not the top rope we're gonna get like frog splash okay I just got to get in if I can get in and we can see what's in there it's like a science experiment I'm being extraordinarily careful most careful ever been in my whole life is it very No all right I'm almost in okay I'm in okay I meant this is bait it's not bait you know when you do some things and you go you know what I probably should just like go to church tomorrow that's a I think that's kind of what's in my mind at the moment [Music] like I don't I didn't do anything wrong but I really just feel like I should go to church I can't get in here this pumpkin is thick well we got for a time got another five minutes you want to put his chat okay turn it up what was the words to chat oh whoa [Music] Comcast she wait the word was streamer omegle oh wow and team how many points today was 1700 which puts them way ahead of me still he stream repeat oh yeah yeah when we thought about this like two or three weeks ago it was that it was a great idea I don't know if you guys heard that but the people that production said nobody said bad oh but we got like I like this I actually like this costume be this for Halloween next year except don't put the diaper on people were thinking you're something's wrong you know if you have like a diaper on over your clothes actually Doug does that alright uh we should probably close it out here maybe one more round and that's it put the rest of the actions on the screen yeah put every action add the rest of every single action that's available on the screen for me right now okay I am going to literally just stare into the camera what am I gonna do at the pumpkin I don't know wipe it down and and clean it and give it to my mother no I'm not gonna throw the pumpkin like what is going on here looks like dirt whoa it's actually really dirty I'd wait I'm you guys have time okay how you guys doing tonight you guys having a good Halloween did you have a good Halloween there's new actions on screen okay how many a lot there are more than two dozen okay [Music] a poem let's try to get the whole hat Orange I feel like I'm like that first grade if you think this is fun oh wow that looks really good what you're doing there of Johnny that's really nice yes it is oh wow what is it what do you make up what does he want to pick what is that what is that of face oh it's a face it looks fan it looks so good Wow I can't wait to tell your mother about it thank you like what the am i doing I'm just standing here rubbing a pumpkin I've been rubbing a pumpkin this is the stream content you've received in the last like 30 40 minutes is rubbing a pumpkin with the oil is it's women's chats fault that's true you guys did come over these actions they're pretty good all right so how I've only done one in ten like two dozen actions really okay wait that actually might be an action I'm not gonna do I'm gonna do something okay I have to decide I have to continuously move but not do anything this thing is heavy enough where I can hold Jim Carrey from Dumb and Dumber Jim Carrey with the suit on but he's like I'm not losing points for this am I I should be what about Chad does Chad have a thousand things to do it's a shitty Freddy Krueger this is Freddy it's splatoon and Freddy Krueger oh oh I would be right now right now I would be I would be gagging right now I would be going but I confront not gonna freak out I'm gonna pee everyone I'm gonna use a diaper okay because that was horrible you know when something hits you on the lip and it's something that you really don't want to happen you above that just happened and I almost had that immediate reaction it was immediate but I load down and I wiped it off with a diaper so thanks for watching everybody I really appreciate everybody coming out and hanging out here that was a lot of fun uh hey how about that dr. shmikes in comes and says hello that was a treat glad to have dr. spikes him back did pretty good Trevor it was fun now we got bugle berry that was fun but I like seriously this is getting like to a point where it's too gross so I like do I have something I can like spit into do I have something I can spit into I know that sounds disgusting but it's been like in the back of my throat for like at least 20 minutes and I need to spit do we have anything to spit we do okay where is it I didn't I need like a cup or glass or something not on the no no no no not on the floor there's something over here I can spit it does it matter oh oh holy SH whoa oh that's Oh what the was in here what the is going on [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 38,550
Rating: 4.9678454 out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, jerma halloween, jerma halloween stream, jerma slime, jerma secret slime action, jerma trivia, B. F. Bugleberry, jerma pumpkin, jerma irl
Id: 50lvtlUGnKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 202min 13sec (12133 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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