Jerma Streams - Animal Revolt Battle Simulator

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okay hey it's very dark in here i know play with chopsticks for an hour i'm not going to do that i want to make sure this is not loud let's turn it down for you because i want to blow your ears out uh okay i have to install it okay the bit rate is going to drop like a shit load because it's going to take over all my internet so i don't have it i don't have it downloaded okay revolt what animal revolt battle simulator this is gonna be funny i don't know we'll find out i'm gonna get it i already have it that's a lie use coconut oil right internet's going to go um your stream's going to like die for a second all right done downloaded yeah that was literally do you understand the power of fiber optics that was that was a 1.1 gigabyte game and it downloaded in three seconds just the power of fucking absolute gigabyte all right let's go uh i need to update the title too because the title makes no sense what's this game called animal revolt battle simulator okay loud good thing i turn it down all right yeah early access but you do dinosaurs versus like well hold on a minute this might be cool this could be pretty cool uh i can't capture the game for some reason come on capture the game it's right here capture oh yeah psycho energy yeah let me try capturing it again oh there it is all right good all right so this game um should i do campaign tutorial big announcement all right this game looks like dog shit but it's fun all right well you i was kind of rude right off the bat should i do tutorial sandbox basics welcome to the sandbox basics tutorial sandbox basics click on the unit groups button to open the unit groups menu okay select units here uh you can choose different groups of animals weapons buildings and landscape items you can even create weaponized animals by attaching various weapons armor and gear on them okay once you have selected a unit group the icons for the units belong to that group will appear in the bottom panel all right click on one of the unit icons and start placing units on the map you can change the initial rotation of the unit using the mouse scroll okay eight bucks modify various proportions of the animals like detection distance hp multiplier etc click on the j key to see the properties of the animals click on h to see the animal health bars units we have created so far belong to team one which is your team you can see the total cost of your army is 16 okay place units for other teams click on the team button and select another team number you can also use the number keys on your keyboard blah blah blah all right clear buttons allow you to clear all the units sure we are placing units for team two now note team two units are marked by red circles click on the start button to begin the battle you can end the battle at any point by clicking the escape button okay click on the options menu to set the map properties you can change the landscape time of day et cetera click on the question mark to access the tutorial yeah yeah yeah edit stuff you make mistake when the building yeah yeah yeah click undo control z works too you can save all your maps for later use there sounds cool this concludes the tutorial you're ready to start playing around all right um all right we do just campaign let's start with the campaign first person shooter maps all right tutorial okay double click to make the gorilla run click on the escape key to exit the battle okay select animals go again oh okay okay that was stupid you can make your own creations okay well we're gonna give me a second collect all those fine looking men by holding the left mouse button drag okay so it's like a rts one man will struggle to move past a heavy wood plank but together they should be able to make their way to the flag i get a better view i got it it's warcraft 3. all those poor dinosaurs are blind and immobile select all your archers and right click on the dinosaurs to shoot them down hold the middle mouse button to activate slow mode oh shit okay so that's how you fight i want to zoom in okay cool how do i move the camera q-w-e-a-s-m-d to move the camera around all right camera rotation oh shit all right i get it ab rotates there's a cute little pig hiding around here somewhere where is it where are you inside of one of these things last really okay god damn all right pig in there got it instructed your rocket man to destroy it that's that's kind of sad why okay i don't like this okay create animals with a budget of a thousand dollars in an animal count of 25 okay animals ancient humans about uh a knight okay that was kind of unfair it was really unfair full game this white character is your fps avatar left click left mouse click on it and press f to take control are you serious why can i do this okay that's that's actually pretty cool that's funny it's a full letter great almost there's a car you got it okay reach the goal hey almost done you control fps and reach one of you can destroy the tower with a grenade launcher whoa are you serious i actually get to use this stuff i got it it's tabs but fps mom i want to play tabs we have tabs at home all right stop hey control the fps avatar and then go to the enemy spawner to disable it okay let's go let's move wait why are the enemies pigs all right destroy the enemy spawner how do i destroy the spawner i feel like i'm playing dusk all right tutorial is almost over and then i can play final tutorial this poor little hippo has no chance against a bunch of angry humans with baseball bats attach some weapons to the hippo missile launcher okay oh a limit one shit okay well that's fine okay how did why did not hurt the hippo okay this game actually can be really fun all right tutorial done let's go human salvation okay this is humans remember that you can control the movement of your units using your mouse all right so i have to be i have to win what do you got you've got uh people with axes and shields and shit okay ancient humans i'm gonna go with archie the archer it's ten bucks i'm gonna put concentrated in one spot so that it's like one giant arrow landing down on their heads i'm gonna put them in what i call a bowling formation this should be good okay bowling formation done any pins all right i think we're ready start oh they have shields this is this didn't work the way that i thought it was gonna work absolutely obliterated anybody left you guys suck use the rts commands wait i can oh shit i can alright i did i win i almost won oh god damn it okay i forgot about that let us gamble that's not a bad idea but let me get the swing of the things first let me get the swinging things first before you lose all your money how much about 15 cost limit 250. all right all right okay okay this one will work i'm gonna control these guys here we go and three don't get what a bad camera angle all right lock it in start shoot that one person good what that's good right here good this guy right here again in the head again okay good again again nice job round two is these animals i can't wait to make my own shit this is gonna be awesome i'm gonna it's gonna be i gotta do a dinosaur flight like you've never seen before all right it's versa how many of us would elephants hippos giraffes i kind of feel like the night would be well good here or just a shitload of these uh these guys are the axes 400 limit or just a just like 40 archers okay let's see what happens and three two one go everybody okay shoot that way wait what all right stop breaking up formation get over here how the fuck are you supposed to do this um this is impossible for humans to beat this yes it's actually impossible um can i do weapons all right i'm gonna scatter around we're gonna do the nights we'll do like okay nights one two like some over here we'll do some spartan warriors over here right at the front okay archer's gonna go back here and then i'm gonna get some of these guys just to be right here just to get uh attacked okay let's try that it's kind of working what the fucking hippo what happened to the hippo this is so stupid okay that was dumb but i got it this one is aliens why do i say this over here aliens it bugs all right we're just getting we're just gonna load up a shitload of these oh watch over these mutants the mutant like sucker things get up mom we have tabs at home [Laughter] i i like this this is cool i think we won do a phalanx or riot all right i'll do a finally okay there are dinosaurs all right you know what i you know what i'm ready i'm ready where should we go is it just green just small green grassland time of day it's gonna be uh noon looks good victory condition is death match uh player army limits holy shit dude that's a lot pathfinding animals will move in a straight line yeah we'll do gambling we'll do you guys can gamble on these wind effect uh amro hey animal weapons and armor okay all right all right let's let's go for it so this is the battle okay animal base holy shit dude this just got so much more interesting all right and unit creator let's do animal base about like a modern mammal all right a rhinosaur a rhinosaur body what what side are they on by the way team one okay i want i wanted to be big how do i make it big ai mode detection distance multiplier how do i make it bigger can i make this thing bigger i scale it up how do i make it bigger robotic base or a head wheel it's the wheel wheel for scale it doesn't work wheel the reel just spins alt scroll wheel for skill there we go okay thank you okay wonderful okay now let's go back to body uh how do i just select this guy or so no i don't need to torso limbs all right how about arms these are huge these are way too big okay oh shit is backwards okay well it's backwards but whatever weapons decorations armor gear okay that looks alright and there's one looks good okay that's team one now i want team two theme two is gonna be animal base this weird like frog thing animal scaling not recommended don't tell me what to do it's a giant alligator okay and you need a head uh okay head just messing around okay plasma beam t-rex okay so that's those are two captains so this you're on the right side we're gonna have two bronze sources and three tiny triceratops okay that's team captain right there so now over here let's do spiders and shit yeah all right two huge scorpions it's gotta be fair and then three polar bears no one moderately sized polar bear i think that's good for now all right so you guys ready here's the first fight i want to do see what happens team one or team two if the big guy is more hp oh that's a good idea that's true how do i do that can i select a unit how do i select oh oops me just select the unit are the bugs or the bugs okay emperor scorpion okay so but how do i is this going to do it for the whole team cancel bet why what ai mode default hp multiplier i don't think i can do anything about it it's before you place it okay so we'll do hp multiplier five the big ones okay hp multiplier five attack multiplier three big guys okay i i'm not i'm not remaking these guys so that's too bad we're just gonna make uh polar bear hp multiplier five all right modern mammals okay polar bear all right it was a moderately size it was what was it 1.1 right it was one point was 1.1 it was 1.1 what was it 1.1 or 1.2 it was 1.1 that's fine all right now let's go over here let's change these guys five three okay now i need the three little triceratopses over there 0.3 0.2 0.3 and these guys gonna be two with attack multiplier one because there's more of them that's fair there's point three okay oh fuck this is the wrong team okay who will win no refunds you know what i'm doing i'll get it right team two team i got team two all right team two team two team two team two all right you ready all right team one i want to show i want to say team one team two team one all right are you are you guys ready in three two one action wait hold on a minute it's still a fight shit this is so stupid the polar bear died instantly why oh wait it's anybody's game right now it's the scorpions versus the broncos horses oh team two wins it wasn't even close all right how about this one a tetragyrus a gigantic tetracyrus with attack multiplier of ten and health multiplier of 10 versus fucking 5 000 snakes so it's gonna do one stomp i don't think it's gonna be one stomp can i actually even fit five thousand snakes on here all right it's starting to lag oh man it's lagging 30 90 omega low oh fuck i can't do anymore we'll say three um i can't do that much more how about how does 300 sound i'm going to overheat the 30 90. okay 300 snakes is enough okay i gotta get the camera somewhere where i can don't have to move it because i'm not gonna be able to okay here we go are you ready up there attack so it's fair no up there attack why one two three where are they going is he just stepping on them shit i can't tell who's winning are these all snake bodies i some snakes are dead i can't tell this is a plate of ramen a potato computer no i don't have a potato computer my cpu oh god my poor cpu um i see i see blood he's too big for them to hit oh what an epic battle it's listen to this big drop drop-in coming i think he killed them i don't think this is gonna this is gonna yeah this is gonna take a long time he's not even attacking anything is nothing dying [Music] is there a fast forward i smell smoke that's funny they're pushing it towards the edge wait no they're running away i don't know what to do about this should we just call this one a draw no i mean no it's obviously not a draw yeah well no one's really winning either although there is a big mess of snakes over there they all died in the same spot but there's a shitload of movement though are those dead or alive i think those are dead it's just a mat of hair from like the barber shop press h h for health oh my fucking god this is gonna take forever they can't even like they can't even hurt each other guys it's a job refund refund they can't even hurt each other they can't hurt each other it's very fun refunded i can't end the battle there we go okay good holy shit all right delete all this crap clear it clear it all oh okay wow all right that's better okay let's do another one how about let's do something easy right something simple i'm thinking saltwater crocodile a little bit bigger than that one let's do 2.0 scale hp multi uh crocodile would have a little bit more hp i think let's go with five and then attack multiplier two slow versus a komodo dragon dragon would be a little bit uh less hp i think would hurt a little bit then we hit a little harder okay who wins moto dragon or alligator you didn't apply the multipliers i thought i did didn't i i didn't change the alligator alligator was 5 hp but 2 attack 2.0 yeah all right which one is which team two is the komodo dragon rock one was one attack all right here we go three two let's get a good view of this i want like a fucking national geographic view three two one go oh shit oh the komodo dragon's done for what he won damn okay all right all right let's do how about this uh all right okay i'm gonna make two different animals let's do humanoid okay i want like human legs by the way hp multiplier of three attack multiplier of five no hp multiplier ten is it gonna be kind of a human character big legs strong very quick fast moving then we need some torsos here humanoid humanoid torso it's like plate armor all right carnivore plate armor okay uh limbs let's go with wings yeah like these like big ass bat wings okay oh attack multiplier of one three okay now let's do a tail feels a little bit weak attack multiplier one is fine okay now let's do uh arms limbs let's do fucking sword hand yep this one back multiplier by the way this attack multiplier five and then i need a shield hand oh fine i'll just take a little random like weird claw back multiplier by the way of zero okay are we going weapons isn't there a handgun fps weapons okay there's gonna be a handgun oh a shotgun that's that's available over here by the way two shotguns are available to use fix the wings what's wrong with the wings okay this is okay this is literally one of the monsters from power rangers big head no i don't want it to be too big that multiplier for the head is going to be two because this is going to be a bite all right you're kind of a skeksi that's all right i think this one's ready to go any other accessories or armor i'm not gonna put this on your head no i don't think i can i can give you this i have a trash can and you can have little knee pads too okay not bad you look good how about gear uh decorations absolutely on glasses i don't think these are gonna stay on okay what about hats this is like a teen dinosaur like a kid's cartoon all right that's it for you good luck i wish you the best of luck now we're gonna go over here team two animal base carnivorous dinosaur spin your own i'm gonna do i'm gonna say two of these which then will give a torso okay let's do humanoid torso does this count as two people we're gonna fuse them together okay i can't i can't fuse them together all right hold on weapons one okay better idea stop stop stop stop stop stay back up stand up oh god all right i'm gonna redo it i just want a torso with like a thousand like murder tentacles animal base all right here we go this is what i want okay good now we want torso humanoid back multiplier of one hey that looks good don't fall over is it gonna fall over back multiplier of four for these okay this is fucking deranged why okay all right the head's going to be like a 2. that looks does not look good that does not look okay i definitely can't put the head here that's for sure because i was thinking about that too that was the place i was going to put it uh you can't do a snake okay that's fine oh is the elephant gonna look just as bad no you're so immature i didn't do it i just stated it was possible okay that's fine okay now what about weapons and shit decorations sparkles these have leds okay god damn it oh i'm fine this guy's so bad for no reason now he's gonna go in the back okay are you ready to place your bets let's remind everybody what team everybody's on team one is i don't i remember don't remember uh team two is the cool radical dinosaur i think i don't remember nice third grade arts and crafts project team one is left i sure that's wrong one wait wait wait wait team one is the rad dino let me just make sure all right yeah team one is rad dino team two is a serious sam torso guy both pretty evenly matched i think team one is over here team two is over here all right you guys ready get a good view pull it back a little and three two one let's go oh jesus christ oh he got him down he got him down he got him down he got him down he's got him down him on his back is bad that's real bad he's just stabbing him in the chest oh no who won oh team two is the winner that's close nobody picked up the shotguns i mean he did get stabbed with every spear tentacle in the head every single one landed in his head it was over from the very beginning okay so you know how this works right team two moves on team one is eliminated now we bring in a new character i how do you guys feel about um um let's just see if we can how about lava golem what do you think you think he's got what it takes versus a fucking giant lava golem what do you think how confident are you in this hp 10 attack multiplier 5 that works i wonder he deserves upgrades if he wins no i don't think so upgrade the winner i don't think that's fair press j hp starting hp 20 000. holy shit that's a lot okay his hp multiplayer has to be like eight that's unfair okay hp multiplier of six five and all right let's have it's a little bit of a challenge what do you think give the lava monster a gun i mean i would love to i can't like hand it to him i can just put it in front of him the lava monster with a gun all right so you got team one lava monster with an a weapon available or you've got the one that won last time hatchet i don't think i can't oh they're only for your fps character yeah we'll have the uh health bars on this whole time lava monster needs a hat that's true okay all right uh good luck in three hold on let me get a good view i'm gonna keep the health bars on so it's not a mystery three two one action oh shit not looking good he's got him up in the air though oh he's on the ground bad oh he tripped he tripped over him he tripped over him he's gone by the leg he's gotta buy his leg he's gonna get about just because leg only he's stuck in his foot oh shit he's gonna win it's gonna be close oh he actually beat him no way that was close he got the tendrils stuck in his foot i did not think he was gonna win that you're you're eliminated you're up okay how about the knockout artist okay how about king king kong okay king king uh we know we need to attack multiplier of hp multiplier seven attack multiplier of six okay he needs upgrades the winner gets the loser's hat that's a great idea add weapons i i can't for these guys i want sunglasses on different hat too mia brown i like the santa hat oh you already have a santa hat what a crown for the king after this if he wins through and rhodey gets the crown all right it's time you guys ready team one is the gorilla team two is uh i don't know what should we name him guns in unit creator weapons two can they use these oh man okay okay okay um not for this one i'm not gonna throw a flamethrower on the chest right now no not happening okay you ready three two one go well that's a bad start he can't even walk oh shit no he's going to drop him out of the operator wait a minute this is the tie does that count as a tie who i don't know who wins who who won who won the second tie it says i lost so technically that's team two wins it's a ring out oh god team one lost yeah that's a ring out the monkey fell out first that's uh that we watched it's a rematch all right we'll do a rematch and i hear i'll give it to you this this way ready here's what we'll do we'll prevent that from happening again how confident are you now still i think gorilla can take him on do you have confidence still i'm not i don't know i'm not so sure you think these walls can hold them yeah i do what does it look like so far this is very skewed to team two do a cage match we'll leave this for now i'll do a cage match uh later will win it's insanely skewed this look at look at how no confidence in the gorilla at all even with um the wall back there this is somebody some of you guys have a chance to win big right now and i mean big like really big because if this happens holy shit some of you guys are going to get a major payout let's go three two wait hold on it's still gone the gorilla sucks i don't know i'll take this one big punch to the face and it's over one two three um it's gonna happen again he's gonna no he's gonna just he's fall out he's still in he's still in it oh my god he sucks holy shit he's bad he was really bad why is he why can he not walk why is he having so much trouble moving he was trying to go for this double axe handle move and he couldn't even do it to anything all right goodbye he moves on again and this time he gets glasses i don't know if anyone's gonna be able to beat him he seems like it seems too good i can't put these on i just looks like i'm at the beach with my grandpa they're just lying back in the lounge chair we got here 10 minutes ago it's just asleep already and they wake up when it's time to leave okay those are team one glasses oh okay does that matter all right it's time for another all right this time i'm going to create something we got to we have to rival this because he can't stick around this whole time this one's going to have a weapon but i'm going to make it fair so uh how's how this works team oh shit okay back multiplier two machine gun attack power two hey oh shit i need a doubt whoops fuck it it's gonna be just static on the ground okay all right anything else i want to do limbs okay maybe i can fly this can fly motherfucker here let's go okay so it doesn't do that much damage but has a huge advantage it can't walk important to know press j some attached weapons have attack multiplier not set to one that's fine only a thousand starting hp though oh this is really okay okay so this thing has a thousand health but will it just blow this guy away in five seconds raises hp i can i even at this point i don't know i don't know i can't it's too late i already bet that's we're already in look he okay this is one of those scenarios where he's going gonna surprise you and he's gonna die immediately or he has a thousand health he's gonna shoot him and miss like five times he's gonna step in the head and die here we go ready three two one let's get a good view action oh my god oh my god wow did the tesla coil even do anything look at the wings he's gone and he gets to have his here though he had a funny hat on damn i didn't okay all right so he gets his uh his hat more guns all right we need to we need to oh that's team one god damn it okay how about it's we have to be throwing this guy our animal base wyvern we're going to do attack mode let's see what what is the attack multiplier starting hp 2000 okay we're gonna do this is gonna be tricky hp multiplier so he's gonna have he's got 7000 hp okay no you know what we'll have him have more hp 8 well hold on don't who will win well you don't even know who it is yet oh wait team two okay why you don't even know who it is why are you voting okay wyvern body we're gonna do with the intelligence of a fucking man and i mean this is tricky this is where it gets weird for you guys this is gonna have human intelligence take that off it's too heavy i don't know about this guy okay oh and what's that two plasma bmt rex's on his on his front that do two attack multiplier times two and he's got a flame thrower on his forehead and this thing by the way this shit does fucking 10 attack multiplier but it is really small you got to get in real fucking close for that one then we're gonna give him that's it that's it that team one is wyvron team two is our uh our champion hail no no tail i think you guys seriously underestimate the fact that he has a flamethrower on his head that is a times 10 attack multiplier if he gets in close it's over where's his hat i can't put that on him okay that's the flamethrower yeah that is the flamethrower that's a good call all right we ready good view see all the action let's do it three two one go okay those are strong those are really strong those are very strong i don't even know where he's flying it's a victory left okay well that was uh here's your new hero down goes the giraffe all right let's get another contender say goodbye all alright team two let's see if he can handle one of the uh one of these for instance how about like gore hammer or hammer attack hp multiplier of 10 attack multiplier five you think you can handle gore hammer team two is gore hammer team one let's take a look that's pretty evenly matched core hammer uh does not look that sturdy i will make sure that everybody watching is unaware of this warhammer may not actually be able to move okay gore needs ranged weapons but well we don't you don't know that i'm taking the odds on this one good luck look i hope he runs in there and just hits the hammer down one and it kills him in the headshot all right here we go there actually a lot of people are voting for it not really though all right remember team two is the gorilla oh that's the previous one oh okay ready three two one go he can only shoot those once all he has to do is get the hammer over there hit him one time he's flying away he's flying i have to nerf this guy all right well it's not over yet okay that was fucking pathetic that was pathetic that was pathetic but here we go i'm gonna d i'm gonna do you uh i'm gonna this is gonna make this really hard for you guys cause i don't know what's gonna happen so i'm gonna make it really hard for you theme two hp multiplier of ten attack multiplier of ten two two 3.0 or the hammer with 10 10 times 10. what do you think if they can walk it's going to be very interesting the two the hammer brothers make a 1.0 hammer so he can actually move i think they'll be able to move 3.0 they were like 5.0 before that's asking for a lot we'll see i don't know what's gonna happen if they can actually walk around this tall or this small then yeah wyvern has a problem they're already shaking i'm not telling you how to bet i didn't tell you what to bet on i'm just here i'm just them seeing this i didn't tell you what was going to happen imagine voting gorilla i mean if it ends up happening somebody's gonna you guys are gonna get a huge payday those are those are more than ten to one odds all right here we go good luck twenty two one three two one go they can fucking walk interesting interesting oh my god it's over he literally fell down wow wow that's a payout team two wins it took two hammer hits 8.2 million versus 1.3 million all right so this is gonna be uh now we're gonna do so the two these two are champions with 10 10 at 3.0 we know that right but let's make it a little harder let's do an actual like battle sequence right we're gonna do what's the what's the default for these guys just one right werewolves let's do this what are the stats on you 650 1-1 okay let's go like this werewolves let's do one two three actually and then let's do hp multiplier times ten ten werewolves versus oh shit look at that ten werewolves worlds versus most dangerous fucking animal in the world hippopotamus what's their scaling okay look at that versus five hippopotamuses five hippopotamus versus ten werewolves make it six five is too much i don't know man i don't think so i think five is fair do three team to make it wacky i don't think you can do channel points that way do one horse-sized duck versus one duck-sized horse isn't it a hundred duck-sized horses team one is a werewolves team two is hippopotamus you just do a poll yeah there's no stakes okay that was a quick vote here we go one two three oh shit oh he took two with him though they're dumping him they're just jumping off the edge these werewolves they they're smart they're intelligent oh god got a fight going on over there no they just dumped them this is going to be close this is going to be close he's taking 3v1 and 1v1 over there what the fuck is he doing he just jumped off the cliff on his own what a fucking moron all right well he's gone these two have to beat this hippo okay oh no fighting for his life on the edge one mistake though when the hippo goes off this this could be anybody's game no don't do it don't do it nice lunge oh could the table's turn is he too heavy i think he's too heavy i think the werewolves are doing more damage oh so long kingpower okay this is bad news for the werewolves oh no wait a minute wait a minute don't get cocky don't get cocky hippos bad move get away from the edge i'm telling you he does more damage they have to throw him off that was why they were doing that the ai was like we can't win we gotta throw him off he's just clinging holding on to his leg and just biting his arm oh shit this bad uh oh he's going off yeah he's getting nod on both arms and legs it's over it's not he can't come back from this it's over wait we got some friendly fire here friendly fire this is so stupid last ditch effort he's gone if i was win yeah if the wolves did not um just jump off the edge for no reason this would have ended a lot differently hippos win all right we need to do we gotta put them in uh like we gotta block we gotta lock him in okay we gotta lock him in fences wait i can make houses i can make a castle wait what i put a hippo in a castle and have like a bunch of people try to conquer it oh that's not gonna work i think the team's tiny actually i could probably do it do a tower okay yeah so okay we're gonna put a pippo up here hippo is gonna go up here hey one single hit wait easy easy two hippos versus about like i don't know like humans commando bow okay versus a bunch of commandos there's a bunch of tiny commandos so about like 500 little tiny commandos what about your cpu i'll be all right okay never mind to 250 tiny commandos okay just kidding 200 tiny commandos okay around 200 tiny commandos okay they have 1500 hp their attack multipliers won all right they have to storm the castle good luck powerpoint andy give the castle a mortar no no i don't think so teams are backwards oh shit team one is oh shit team two of the commandos by the way yeah team two of commandos team one of heroes give the hippos crowns yep absolutely okay and then i want my fps avatar up here too no actually that's not gonna work because i have to die all right let's do it are we ready are we good are we ready all right three two one it wasn't attached they're not gonna be able to get in here they alive they're in there yeah they're stuck in here they're slowly getting in they're slowly getting out they're getting out they're getting out they're getting out oh my god well that didn't work man those win okay well i think i screwed that up a little bit but whatever i gotta clear this whole thing clear it clear it how do i clear this clear it set wind hold on new landscape okay yeah all right coward coal can ten coward calls beat one angry joe we're doing defaults team one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten just one single angry joe on team two what do you think four hours four hours what do you mean four hours oh and by the way did i mention angry joe has a fucking helmet on um nevermind all right it worked angry joe versus 10 cowards i don't think the cowards even fight if i'm honest cowards have a shield wall though that's you're right they do yes left team the coward is team one go with the baddest team two they could push him off that's true he's in a really vulnerable position all right here we go three two one go uh the cowards don't even fight although very important he might walk him off the cliff oh he fucking fell you're really hoping for he falls off the edge here uh um it's still possible oh big trip incoming he has to do this ten times i know oh shit no not enough it wasn't enough one slip up though and that's it nope they can they can't attack with their umbrellas this is an easy win hold on don't just say that it's still time there's still time for a monumental mistake [Music] this is a real tragedy for the coward crew hold on no oh it's over this is just slaughter it's just water what was the point of this fight uh it was to see if 10 people could fight this guy and win but they don't even fight and i can't stop because money is on the line channel point money is on the line and if there was even a one percent chance that he trips and falls over the edge i can't stop it oh nope that was your uh that's the last opportunity joe wins all right new fight this time let's do let's do another hard one we're gonna do berserker gorillas about you know one two three four five six seven eight eight berserkers one point five scaled knockout artist gorillas two of them 2.0 wolver wolverilla goro the giant by the way at 3.0 can you not stand up okay wait and you're gonna be 10 you're gonna be five hp to multiplier holy shit he is fucking insane never mind that's too much okay that's better uh we lost wolverine was 2.0 right at default 2.0 well varilla you stand over here all right that's team gorilla team one so team two um i'm gonna throw you a curveball here bugs versus a bunch of bugs way more bugs giant praying mantis and a shitload of spiders okay praying mantis at 2.0 i'm going to give you more multiplier there let's go two one more let's do three the two attack multiplier and yeah we'll do no no you know what fuck that how about one five five giant enemy spider no 20. good luck and then a shit little little praying mantises at default two three four five six why are they moving are you moving stop moving what are they moving for are they moving stop moving okay well whatever six praying mantises and are they attacking and then a bunch of little ants i don't know why why they attacking are they they're too small okay hold on let me fix this all right one medium-sized giant praying mantis and then wrong team shit okay did i say one i meant two and then a shitload of ants tiny we're talking like point two down like 50 of them 30 is fine all right the spider is insane now they're on the right team although look at this guy though i don't know and one worm all the way back one giant worm two giant worms and an extra gorilla get ready [Laughter] i'm excited for this one i don't know i don't want to influence the vote but i have what i would pick i think we have to stay uh high up for this one i don't think i can do very much camera work on this wow all right i was gonna say gorilla because we don't know if he throws things or not he might like throw rocks i don't know three two one begin [Music] what the fuck are you doing why was he attacking that guy all right i don't understand they're too big i think the spiders won but what happened was he on the wrong team was he on the wrong team no he's on the right team he just started swinging at him and slashing at him scimitar guy pulled an ant up oh okay all right we're gonna try this again with a more dialed back goro the giant 2.0 2.0 giant enemy giant enemy spider is going to go to also to 2.0 not no huge shit it's impossible now 3.0 i can do 3.5 4.0 3.5 hey wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait okay good that means i gotta team goddamn one ah 2.0 spin around and i want him 10 10. now he's got 42 fucking thousand hp no let's do four four still way too much two 84 okay two attack multiplier of two all right now we can actually do it for real this time ready you guys ready to vote show stats i think it's pretty evenly matched considering that the bugs do more damage but the giant enemy spider is way less powerful than goro let's see the answer on the right team look at the circles three two one action it is a pull okay now i understand what happened all right looking good just the little bugs don't walk off the edge guy enemy spider is currently attacking two gorillas we still look it's still plenty of game left scimitar is still alive always goro the giant i this is the goro's game to win right here i think no they instantly killed him bugs win fuck that wasn't even close oh he's doing like the peter griffin family guy thing when a family guy character falls down okay that was that was embarrassing how bad that was he lost very very very very badly and you last versus two ten ten oh no no no no no no no no no no no no how's that good luck 2 10 10. they're resigners 12 000 yeah that says 12 000 doesn't it i don't have the bird sounds i i ca oh i just realized what you're talking about oh and by the way did you notice it's really fucking windy out it's rigged all right well i'll turn all right not enough of this one for the next one you're right that's that's just like you're right you're right you're right okay here we go one two oh not yet i can't turn the bird sounds off one two two and a half three and you guys were concerned about that one of them's already dead okay bugs win i would be shocked that they won again i'm just gonna be very clear so this and 250 angry joes which by the way by the way one of them the captain he's covered in fucking armor surrounded with armor and he's gonna have guns and weapons all over he's getting into the hockey pads it was like he can play with like his big brother so okay what do you think a legion of angry joes with one angry joe dialed up to a thousand or a couple of bugs good luck oh we are the galleon infantry we're the ones that stomp on those bugs and camaraderie captain needs a hat we ready that's in three two one go i get oh shit one of them went flying holy shit what i don't even know what they're attacking of them is getting shot with the machine gun multiple fucking times he's lighting up joseph yeah that's what i'm talking about the fucking rave what are they fighting there's nothing even they fighting each other are they trying to hit the bugs on the ground oh shit they're gonna make it oh fuck here they come there's a guy right now going like this like way in the back this guy she's like fucking freaking out over there wait what happened they won that person's having a good time a really good time fire the camera man all right here we go all right we'll do he got instantly overcrowded this is too many all right let's get rid of get rid of the dance guy angry joes versus commandos all right oh yeah that's a good that's a good one or how about like just uh okay 15 commandos versus 250 joes wrong team god dammit okay and we'll give them a uh like a fence or something to hide mine attic wait these turn styles hold on i can make them have to go through turn styles no wind on not for this one hold on that's fucking good enough whatever okay now we're going to put mines for the mines missile launcher are there mines you're the landmines okay this is quite a bet i would be making i don't know if i don't know if i would make any of these bets i would i'm gonna tell you right now that i don't i would not vote for the angry joes look i'll make it a little better okay there i would not vote for the angry joes this is a tough one let me make it easier for you let me make it harder actually now it's actually a hard decision and we're gonna remove this wall here yo easy all right let's see put put your money where your mouth is then team two is commando team one is anger joe there's way too many joes i don't know man we've seen countless things so far we've seen things that looked impossible to fight die instantly this is a toss-up for me i don't know on one hand are they going to get overwhelmed by the joes or on the second hand all the mine's gonna blow up and kill everybody and there's gonna be one commando left just sniping all the joes running around i don't know in three two one go oh no they're gonna hit the other one the bodies are in the way this is fucking heinous they can't move because there's too many bodies holy shit [Laughter] what's in the gas that was fucking horrible they just started to turn into cement human cement oh yeah okay well there were too many joes if they weren't that many joes it probably would have been a little bit closer wall of flesh all right we're gonna get rid of the fucking land mines are not fair let's just be real we're gonna get rid of the land mines we're gonna keep one land mine right here we're gonna get rid of a bunch of the joes and we're gonna make one big joe one large joe who has a two and a two you ready no he needs way more help than that times 20 fucking health multiplier more times 50 health multiplier let's put him far away though all right he's got 10 fucking thousand health all right let's go in one is joe's team two are the commandos look this is too easy now well i'll find out i have removed a bunch of the joes team one joe team two commandos i believe in gin big joe i believe in mega joe all right here we go what happens three two one lock the camera go uh well he slipped there's an extra mine over there but it's okay wasn't that bad oh they're reloading what's with the gas what's the gap what the fuck just happened what wait what what happened what was what was the gas they can't get through dude i'm telling you if that angry if that angry joe gets over here it's over are they even hitting anybody how did they get out do not spread out are you stupid oh gosh they're all they're all stuck there's too many joes again there's too many dead bodies he is flopping over here very slowly he makes he gets over here man it's gonna be trouble well they're all dead okay well whatever sorry for all the joe believers there was an extra land mine i'm going to delete that one and delete that one and we're going to get rid of the offense there but to make up for it they get one of these uh that's not gonna work okay let's make it fair wrong team that's been a disaster they're very vulnerable but they have a ton of firepower and we're also gonna i'm gonna remove another like 10 to 20 of them they stopped getting all uh bunched up all right begin the vote team two versus team one you've seen how it plays out i think we're ready to go there's no way that big joe is gonna be able to move i think he can look like pretty even actually if i had a vote right now i'm putting it on the commandos i'm just going to give you honesty here they have machine guns and they have ballistas on their head three two one go oh oh shit oh the gas the flamethrower instantly killed him um i would have lost fire is op yeah no sleeping oh my god this tiger i think the commandos just do the gas okay i'm fucking done oh shit big joe big joe almost out this is the stupidest shit ever all right one i'll do one more one duck-sized joe versus one horse-sized 100 horse-sized ducks whatever it is one duck sized tiger versus a hundred horse-sized i don't know get this turned off okay one duck sized one horse-sized bore versus a hundred duck sized buffalo um worst noise runner up yeah that's fine i was trying to do a um 56 56k modem that's what it started that sounded like that for a couple of seconds and i was like well fuck it i'm just gonna just really commit to this all right here we go can they wait for can they walk [Music] [Music] okay well that was fun all right i'm done i'm done i'll see you guys tomorrow we're going to play the pawn shop game tomorrow we're going to play uh no umbrellas allowed it's a game where you have to like haggle sell things buy things looks really fun i'll do one more one more climactic one sure this is gonna be the final time for you to bet as well chopsticks i know i'll get him wrong fucking team no it's not right team okay what do you think increase their health oh whatever hippo is too op i'll change that here we go yeah one more vote i'm sitting there like all right let's go this is just a sci-fi channel original but what if what if the polar bear had a missile launcher and it's like uh like pixar movies from like 2001. but what if we made the claws of the polar bear three inches longer and it would then it would kill the hippo yeah isn't that weird not really three two one go that's not even a contest oh my god [Laughter] oh that was my biggest bet of the night oh i'm sorry okay i'm gonna go okay that's it i'm done but what if we do this but what if we give the same exact machine gun that we gave the hippo to the polar bear would the polar bear's aerodynamic way of moving prevent the hippo slow and coordinated movement from being shot let's put it inside of our simulator stay tuned for kathy mitchell's copper pan infomercial because this is absolutely airing at 3am are we betting on this one keep stalling i got to get more points don't call aaron at 3am no it would be we don't call armin at 3 a.m that's armin saying aaron so like it would be you call armin and armin thinks it's aaron calling and it gets it like really concerned you've got that bit wrong all right three two one oh this is not even fucking close oh it was close it was actually kind of close all right i'm out of here goodbye i'm gonna get chopsticks in a second i mean what the fuck why did he win that one why did he win that one what holy shit he's winning them now i didn't do anything different i just pressed the button no no there's no more betting there's no one i'm gonna be too late what it's no we're not betting anymore too late i already did it already bet what no i'm fucking i'm leaving i'm done wait you guys were betting no no more betting no refund refund refund refund i'm not even playing all right let me i'm gonna be right back gonna pee i'm gonna get the chopsticks prove that i can use them give them times 5000 hp i can't even do that right now fine we're going to make this fair we're going to make this absolutely completely fair we are going to do hippopotamus this is the last bed of the night and make it fucking count we're going to do a 4.0 hippopotamus at times 100 multiplier health more times a thousand multiplier health which would give this uh nine nine hundred thousand health and then our polar bear is also going to be the same size was it 4.0 same distance exactly different team let me redo this because people are going to get confused 4.0 polar bear 500 000 hp we have to do a little bit more than that to 2 000 okay so he has a million health and the hippopotamus team two 4.0 although that's not fair 3.5 same distance separate team you've got 1.8 million health that's not fair we're going to do 11 100. now they both have just about and there's a small disadvantage they're just about a million health each uh plasma we're gonna do missile launchers okay so you like that strategy okay so that's that's mega mega mega that's a mega mega what i don't think that's just so powerful just yet a good boy oh barnacles okay team fucking one for the love of god so okay and then rockets a ton of them i gotta redo it so oh shit actually the hippo looks actually stronger okay any fences so our our mechanical uh gigantic um monster fight let's do the fence okay fence static can't be moved has to be fucking huge so okay team one you know who it is polar bear more missile and plasma oriented team two is the hippo heavy machine gun fire and light cruise missiles get a good view i think right here looks about good right about there looks good to me so this is it hippo is too right opposed to polar bears one and three two one kids he didn't fall out he's still in oh my god he's done it's over he's done he's not getting out of that they didn't even scratch each other oh my god well that was insane that was crazy uh i'm gonna go get chopsticks that's the end of the stream pretty much uh i will close the stream up we'll see you tomorrow for the pawn shop game seems like a chill fun game to experience so see you tomorrow same time 2 p.m pacific i'll be right back so do so so okay got my bowl by the way this is going to be difficult because i got little carrots that are wet and slippery so if i can pick these up then you know i know what i'm doing let me just exit the game quit the game they're little baby carrots and they're wet and they're very slippery so let me uh come back i'm going to turn the exposure up okay there we go okay hi let's move you over here so just wanted to show everybody i've got a bowl with carrots in it and i've got chopsticks so as you can see let's just go ahead and get one of these carrots it's very simple it's very easy as you see i'm and these are slip oh there's probably hair on it over here on it they're slippery there's probably hair on that because like i have like otto has hair they're really slippery but you get the idea if this is a piece of sushi i'd be fine i win what do you mean fraud what are you talking about i'll see you tomorrow off-camera chopstick double i told you i could use them what do you think i am these are good they were a shitload of subs today and i missed a bunch of them i missed almost all of them carrots are really hard to eat they take forever but pawn shop game tomorrow i'll see you tomorrow next week we're going to do sims 3 mod hell and delta rune i'm not going to play it tomorrow i'm going to play chapter one on my own time to refresh my brain but we'll see you tomorrow maybe eric's technically the odd carriage takes so fucking long to eat uh there we go i got through them yeah i wanna how long does it okay so now that it's out i have a question so now the delta rune is out it came out like three or four hours ago has anybody beaten it how long is it do we know like if people completed i know it just came out like three or four hours ago but i'm just kind of i'm trying to figure out how long the chapter is is it less than six hours i have not yet i'm not sure we're like four hours based off the last one okay four to five hours okay cool uh yeah let's write somebody let's throw a raid out there i haven't raided somebody in like three weeks so let's read who's live [Laughter] vinnie playing uh cyberpunk 2077. people still play that game vinnie vinnie vinnie that's just happening what up people still play cyberpunk they updated i played cyberpunk today i did not play cyberpunk today all right well i'll see you guys tomorrow go say hi to vinnie take care of yourselves goodbye good night see you later [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jerma Stream Archive
Views: 101,688
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jerma, jerma985, jerma stream, jerma985 stream, jerma streams, jerma985 streams, jerma full stream, jerma985 full stream, stream, streams, full stream, archive, Animal Revolt Battle Simulator, jerma animal revolt, pc, jerma facecam
Id: b71lZwCU4tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 161min 58sec (9718 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 18 2021
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