Jerk Pork Belly Bites

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hey welcome back to how to barbecue right I'm Malcolm Reed today I'll be doing some jerk pork I've got this beautiful Cheshire pork belly that I'm going to cut into some cubes getting a jerk marinade render the fat on the smoker toss it in a spicy jerk Caribbean style sauce think of pork belly burn in Jamaican style I'm calling this jerk pork belly bites and they're gonna be delicious let's get to cooking so the pork belly I have today is chesh our pork all-natural skinless pork belly this is kind of the center cut portion you can see it's kind of the same thickness all the way across that's what I'm looking for when I want a pork belly and this Cheshire our pork is amazing it's got a lot of good fat in it that fats gonna render down it's gonna really flavor this lean meat probably the best piece of meat on a haul right here and I'm excited to cook it today what we're gonna do to make these jerk belly bites is I'm gonna cube it up first and you want it to end up about a 1 by 1 inch cube but for that to happen we've got to cut it a little bit bigger because these bites are really gonna render down so I'm just gonna kind of take my knife here and start cutting long strips across this pork belly it's a little bit wider than an inch but we know that it's going to shrink down as it cooks now we're right in the center of this pork belly these are where your really really great pieces come from and it doesn't that look just like bacon you get at the supermarket it hasn't been cured this is its raw form the pork belly form but you would cure this and turn it into bacon cut it into strips it would look just like that Supermarket bacon you buy now what I'm going to do is we're going to come back and we're going to cube these let me move some of them out of the way so you can kind of see how I'm cutting these so we're just gonna cut it into these cubes take a bite sized pieces they're gonna melt down they're gonna render down they're gonna get sticky they're gonna be sweet they're gonna have that Caribbean heat to them from that jerk so I'm just gonna knock these out here and this is the last strip of pork belly and you can see I've got a mountain of these awesome Cheshire pork belly cubes right now what we're gonna do next is make a marinade to put these in and I'm gonna make a fresh jerk marinade show you how I put it together so the jerk marinade that I'm making today is all about fresh ingredients I mean I've got onion garlic ginger habanero pepper pimento all the L it's of jerk we're gonna make a puree out of this in the food processor got to have some jerk seasoning in it I'm using my jam and jerk it's gonna give us those Jamaican notes but we need some liquid as well so I've got fresh lime juice soy sauce we're rounding it all out with water we're just gonna puree this for a few minutes in the food processor it's gonna be a little chunky it doesn't have to be perfectly smooth that's what you want so now we're gonna move all these belly cubes over to one of these zip top meat bags it's a perfect bag for marinating for brining that's a lot of pork belly now we're ready for the marinade over the top and if you can smell this I mean you can just get all the freshness from the ginger the garlic the onion all those flavors combined the pepper in it and it's wonderful poured it right over the top of the pork belly you just want to get all the air out you got plenty of space in these big bags and then we're just going to kind of take and work the marinade around make sure every cube of that pork belly has the marinade on it that's really what's gonna give it some flavor and just check out how those look in the bag you can see the pimento the green onion all those flavors working on that pork belly but we need some time really for it to absorb all that good jerk flavor six hours minimum is what you want these to soak if you want to go overnight they'll be even better now I'm ready to get these in the refrigerator and when we come back we'll take them out and I'll show you how we're gonna cook them so I let these pork belly hang out in the refrigerator overnight I wanted the flavors to really get in there and it's a day I want to cook it on my trailer pellet grill I've got the Traeger fired up I'm starting it out on 250 degrees and I've got to blend the pellets in there there's some cherry some Hickory and a little maple and really give us a nice fruit flavor with that hardwood smoked I'm just gonna dump them in the big aluminum pan here you can tell how the outside of that pork belly has changed how they've really absorbed some of that flavor from the marinade we've still got the spices on the outside of it they smell fantastic so I like to use these small raised racks I call them chicken racks as we cook chicken and contest on open we're gonna spray each one of these racks with just regular cooking spray so that the pork belly doesn't stick bad to them so now we just want to arrange them fat side up on the rack no right or wrong way I just like to do them fat up so it kind of renders down as I get these racks loaded up I'm just gonna take them put them right on the trigger you want to give a little bit of space in between them but they are gonna shrink a lot we're gonna render down so just give a little room for some air to flow around them these are looking right so I've got the Trager running at 250 degrees I'm just gonna set our rack right on here so I'm gonna set the last rack I put the upper shelf in because I just ran out of room we're gonna shut the cooker door alright I'm gonna leave them in the smoke on the Traeger about three hours it's really gonna set the color on the outside I'm gonna spritz them about every 45 minutes with some pineapple juice give it some more flavor and I'll show you how we're gonna break them down after that alright let's check on our pork belly starting to get some color on them they've been on just a little over 45 minutes not quite an hour but we're starting to see some of that fat render you can see they're shrinking down now we're getting to see space around them this is where I just want to give them a light spritz oh I've got some pineapple juice cut with a little bit of water you could go straight pineapple juice I just gave it a little more volume we're just gonna spritz them keep letting them roll they're looking fantastic alright I want to check on these jerk belly bites again and you can see we're really getting some color fats looking good it's starting to render give them another little spritz with our pineapple juice mixture I think at another 45 minutes we're gonna be able to render these dudes I'm gonna show you how we're gonna do that let's get the lid closed keep letting them cook alright we've been three hours on our pork belly bites now it's time to get them tender let's take them off a couple racks at a time here oh man he's trying to jump off look at that dude that's not a beautiful body pork belly already we're not quite through though we got to get them tender I'm just going to take them over and transfer them to a large size of luminal pan let's get them over to the cutting board look how beautiful they are and at this point we're just transferring them to the pan we don't care if they get jumbled around cuz we're gonna mix them up with some brown sugar some jerk sauce let me get the rest of them over here now we're gonna add some dark brown sugar and I'm just saying about two cups we're about half a bag that's about what you want on them this is gonna caramelize down this is really what's gonna make them sticky the heat when we cover them up back on the smoker it's gonna break this brown sure and make us almost like a caramel sauce I've taken some green onions some garlic some habanero or scotch bonnet pepper sauteed that down in some butter added some pineapple juice some lime juice some ketchup we just worked it all together with some of our jerk seasoning and I'm pouring it all over the top of these pork belly burn the ends and then I'm gonna take my hands and we're just gonna work these around we don't want to break them up we just want to mix them make sure everything's covered every one of them is gonna be sauced it's gonna have the sugar element on it they're gonna be sweet they're gonna be spicy they're gonna be rich as that fat renders down now this is a messy part you want to wear some glove on it's because they're screaming hot but look how good they look you don't have to worry about standing them up or arranging them we're just gonna cook them in the pan now and I'm gonna cover it up with some aluminum foil I'm ready to get these bites back on the pit I just pulled the upper rack out so we don't need it anymore slide this pan right back in the Traeger and I'm gonna hold the tip steady at 250 all right our jerk pork belly has been on for about an hour covered in the foil this is the point where I want to check it so what I'm gonna do is just carefully take the fall off see let's steam rolling out you can see they're looking really really good get the full completely off so I've got some nitro gloves on but I've got some glove liners on underneath because it's extremely hot you can see how much this sauce is bubbling and all I'm going to do is just carefully kind of toss these ends around in the sauce it's hot so you want to work quick we just want to get them good and coated that looks perfect what we're gonna do now is just scoot them back in a little bit close the lid we're gonna let that sauce cook down let it caramelize some more let it thicken up on there it's going to glaze these jerk pork belly bites all right we've been glazing for about an hour we've got that beautiful color that mahogany on the outside when I pick one of these pork belly by its up you can squeeze it and your fingers go almost do it I mean they're really rendered I'm gonna pull them off here we're gonna get them over to the cutting board and then I can't wait to try on and we're gonna take these out of the sauce let them drain just a little bit and I'm gonna pile them up right here on the board and if some of them's fallen apart that's alright that looks good to me now these bites are really rendered down caramelized on the outside now I started out they were a pretty good-sized cube of pork belly and now you can see they're about one inch by one inch that's exactly where I wanted them to finish oh man this is just luscious this right here I mean screaming-hot rendered down pork soft as it could be I can't wait to try one you can see we've got a really really good-looking bark on the outside of them the brown sugar kind of Browns them up that jerk flavor is gonna come through and just check these out I mean they are cooked to perfection they're soft as they can be the juice is just running out of them tender the fats rendered and I'm gonna try this one I can't help myself mmm that's sinful it's so good it just melts in your mouth and that's what pork belly is all about all the flavor the richness of good pork the sauce the sweetness of the brown sugar the smoke it all comes through on these oh man this is where it's at I'm telling you don't try another one wow that's flavor you get a little bit of the spice but they're not soup they're not hot they have that jerk flavor reminds me of going to Jamaica and trying Jamaican Jerk pork all the essence of it right here in this pork belly fantastic treat you couldn't eat a lot of them they're so rich and the fat just leaves that wonderful juiciness right behind it but they're tender as they can be that's what makes it almost like pork candy mmm dynamite I don't have anything else to say about those are that good Wow if you've never tried pork belly get you some of that Cheshire our pork you can find pork belly at your grocery store you may have to ask your butcher for it keep it up get some seasoning on it give this jerk method a try I promise you're gonna love it it's fantastic your friends will thank you for it - thanks for hanging out with us today here how to barbecue right if you like what we're doing subscribe to our channel you can find us on Facebook Instagram Twitter and Schelling I'll talk about this recipe all the other delicious stuff we do on our weekly podcast every Friday ya'll tune in for that too we'll see y'all next time my goodness Chelle these are here will hurt you they are just little pillows of heaven come on
Channel: HowToBBQRight
Views: 1,234,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Malcom Reed, HowToBBQRight, How To BBQ Right, jerk pork belly bites, jerk pork, jerk pork belly, jerk pork belly burnt ends, pork belly bites recipes, pork belly bites smoker, pork belly bites traeger, pork belly burnt ends, pork belly
Id: NLgCu4yRsUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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