Jeremy Clarkson: I Went On The Internet, And I Found This...

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listen while we were off the air okay I had a look on the internet and this was on it whoa yeah something else that was on it was this okay you have a pair that's yeah this guy's come down here crashed through the crash through that and he's spun up there and he is the luckiest man alive what's lucky about that cut to the wide shot Wow that's where that's the center of the ELMO how long ago did that out six months has he stopped screaming yet one of those screens or you have to draw breath something Bad's happening oh ah more squeeze until still screaming Abby said you get home girl what's on the other side six months is screaming hey anyway look I went on the internet this week and I found this yeah I also found this what that should say is lane closed so that we can impose a preposterous lilo speed limit on the lane that isn't closed and then put average speed cameras up so it in catch you speeding and find you and spend the money on signs with squirrels on them with antlers that's what that [ __ ] sir now I look I'm gonna do the news okay now is the British Grand Prix today and I know who won no you don't yes I do oh you don't because it's not really today we recall top gear on a Wednesday to go out on the Sun well I'll tell you who will it it was a man Oh genius well then yes you laughs but why aren't there any women racing drivers that's a good girl seriously because in the old days they used to say was a question of strength but now they've all got power steering you just lie down turn the wheel and if you want to wait and go a little bit faster than all the others well yeah but hang on I have done it is a bit more tricky than that no that's cuz your feet won't reach the puddle yeah it really isn't oh why aren't you a Formula One racing driver you want sorry you won't be quick enough and you tried it there you go what do you do for a living a tanning salon I've no idea what's that though honestly um the thing is that I know okay why women don't do it it's because as soon as a woman puts on a pair of racing overalls they're immediately treated like a sex object have you been on the Internet yes I have and I found this Oh I also found this okay there's a reason for this really it was a poll okay to find the sexiest female racing drivers not best not quickest to a Rouge not most dedicated the sexiest well she's won it apparently now when was the last time someone said to Kimi räikkönen would you mind posing in a red bikini never okay you go all the way down look at them there's Sabine look from Germany this is look at her when was the last time somebody said Nigel Mansell could you wear a dress four sizes too small for you it never happens and it really annoys me but do you know the most amazing thing about this poll who came 10th I know so we scroll down to fine now can you see what it is yet guys out Oh he's not a racing driver well think there are bigger issues than there is you the world I'm not sure what I'm less of actually a woman or a racing driver well let's be honest you've dabbled with being both yeah now I went on the internet this week Oh God and I found this it is just pure pornography look at it it's felt then is it convertible version of the Alfa Romeo 8c that I was driving a few minutes ago is gorgeous though isn't it they think that's gorgeous grip you know the new Citroen bling go okay this is a car we like very much it costs 11 thousand less than eleven thousand pounds and for that you get a very big very spacious car with the best ride frankly of any car under a rolls-royce I've been thinking how do they do a car like that for less than 11 grand so I went on the internet and I found this faster words okay I found this it's the Citroen website yep you know how they always list what a car comes with a standard yeah you can tell when a car firm is desperate to think of something with they've got laminate in front windscreen what is a sheet of glass Nick from a greener as I know he gets better it's been a single front passenger seat huh and manually adjustable door mirrors as if as opposed to what the only alternative is electrical isn't it would you better so this is saying it's something it hasn't yet hasn't got electrical donor is it hasn't got alloy wheels it's a very good car as long as you want something that's a quick like a Romanian jail I've got a question I want to ask what what if this turns out to be really good well it works yeah but what if he does well he won't will it well it's the new Chevy Camaro and they've really thought about it it looks brilliant obviously got a 6.2 liter v8 and they've given it independent suspension all round Wow dude it alone done so the end to the car and they thought it's got four separate wheels maybe what if we treated them all sort of separate you're like they've been doing in Europe for a hundred years I still think what if that turns out to be good at eco Richard don't Richard Americans are good at herding bison the end so 19 it might turn out to be good at all what is this underneath underneath this is a Vauxhall vxr8 yeah okay which is actually a Holden so what the Americans have done yeah is they've gone we need some sophistication here we'll call the Australians that is like saying I want some style for my wedding I'll get seven crates of lager do you know you're the sort of person I can show you a picture of Paris Hilton and you'd say what if she turns out to be intelligent well what if she did
Channel: Vasil
Views: 11,373,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: frqvoVY1wSU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 20 2010
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