Jeremiah ~ 45:1 to 46:28

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Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word Alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our back in our father's word Jeremiah chapter 45 we're going to start today where Jeremiah Jeremiah has a message from God for Baruch Baruch is his scribe and Burke means blessed in the Hebrew tongue and he was a fantastic scribe did all of Jeremiah's scribe work for him and later even when they would go to to Great Britain that is to say Scotland when Swiss coppa there he would still carry the name Baruch but Jeremiah's name would be changed to öland Paulo and oh and Paulo means a very wise man and certainly that he was but this is kind of God remembering Baruch I mean he's described and he's writing this book and maybe he makes a mistake and has to tear up a page and he's weird he's tired so God remembers all of his workers that's kind of what this is for is all of you that work in God's work and you think it's not important listen to what God said to Bruce chapter 45 verse 1 the word that Jeremiah the Prophet spake unto Baruch the son of Neriah we he had written these words in the book at the mouth of jeremiah in the fourth year of jehovah can the son of Josiah king of Judah saying we come back several years here now remember verse 2 thus saith the Lord the God of Israel unto thee o baroque Krug verse three thou didst say woe is me now for the Lord has added grief to my sorrow I am so weary from scribe ship just I clean it in my sighing and I find no rest it seems like it's just owned and owned and on writing this and you know what he's saying is I'm I'm hybrid I was born to a very wealthy family I need to be doing something more important than this I'd like to be used for something different do you understand if he hadn't done this we wouldn't have Jeremiah to study so it's very important every worker for God is every part is significant every worker is blessed in the Living God God didn't forget Baruch he he knew Baruch was was a little weary and he wasn't exactly complaining and yet at the same time he kind of would like to have other duties do something what he felt was more important there couldn't be anything more important than his scribe ship in bringing God's Word to people us so that we have the comfort of it this day now let's go with the next verse verse four thus shall town saying to him the Lord saith thus behold you look here that which I have built will I break down and that which I have planted I will pluck up even this whole land you can rest assured everything I've said about the land is going to come to pass however verse five and C cast out great things for thyself you want a more important job I'm gonna care all this down seek them not for behold I will bring evil upon all flesh saith the lord but thy life will i give unto thee for pray that's for a gift in all places were the dow goest that was God giving Baruch a special blessing you know so don't ever think your job is insignificant when you're serving god it's very important it's a it's a part of the ministry that fits makes it very very important this was God remembering Baruch knowing he was weary and yet he was writing it may have been from the mouth of Jeremiah but it was God's a letter that he was writing and God was very pleased with him for having set this forth so that we can have it to read and to teach even to this day the important thing is that when you sometimes might think you're a little weary or you'd like to do something more fitting what you are gifted by God is as fitting as it gets wherever God uses you that's where he wants you and it blesses everyone so always remember that God chooses whom he will uses whom he will and he knows from the first earth age who he can depend on we can't so here we can learn a great lesson from Baruch he was tired like I said probably write a page and make a little mistake have to tear that up start all over again you know because there were no printing presses it was by hand and here God sends a special blessing individually to Baruch to let him know what you have done is very important you will always you will have your life I'm not gonna let anyone take it you're going to have it as a gift because of what you've done for me that's what the father says you brought my love letter to my children right straight forward where they have it to read so you see it was very important now here we go kind of to the nation's and some of this is prophecy its history but it's also prophecy so hang on chapter 46 this will be to the Philistines to Gaza to the Euphrates and to Gentiles plural which means simply nations plural anytime you have the word Gentile and Nations is the same word in Hebrew but anytime it's plural it does not include Israel but if it says nations singular it could possibly be azrael so having said that chapter 46 verse 1 let's go with it and it reads word of the Lord which came to Jeremiah the Prophet against the Gentiles now notice not for them but against them first against Egypt against the army of fair and II Colton let's just say Nicko means lane he was he was he was lame king of Egypt which was by the river Euphrates in Carkeek keenness and that's the fortress of the subduer which Nebuchadnezzar I'm going to pronounce this correctly rather than rezar king of Babylon smote in the fourth year of Jehovah come the son of Josiah king of Judah and here it is letting us know the history of it and how it went down but there's also in the future it said something you need to really pay attention to verse 3 order ye the buckler and shield and draw near to battle verse 4 what is the horses and get up the horsemen and stand forth with your helmets furbished the spears and put on the brigade's as to say your coat of mail and verse 5 before have I seen them this made and turned the way back question and they're mighty ones are beaten down and our predicates and look not back for fear was roundabout saith the Lord and fear and terror no Egypt it is promised that it will always be a base nation but at the same time because Israel would mean own Egypt rather than God God would kind of take up some slack there occasionally and certainly in the future a sense when you look at Egypt in these end times and you see this warm and you see what happened to their so-called king or leader verse 6 that not the Swift flee away nor the mighty man escape they shall stumble and fall toward the North by the river Euphrates and so it is the afraid thieves has always been the border between Israel and Babylon and when when our people crossed over the Euphrates when they were taken captive even after that they became Hebrew because the word Eber means in the Hebrew tongue those that crossed the river so that's all the word Hebrews means or those people that came from the other side of the river the river of what river Euphrates the river Euphrates is always extremely important in prophecy in the future since especially you get a peak right here and pay attention verse 7 who is this that cometh up as a flood whose waters are moved as the rivers that o Nile looks like the Nile who is this that comes up well naturally in the future since it's the king of Babylon alright the Antichrist ate Egypt rises up like a flood and his waters are moved like the rivers and he said I will go up and we'll cover the earth I will destroy the city that me and the inhabitants thereof and you know and when Nasser built the dam on the Nile when he dammed it it stopped the great floods many people suffer for that even to this day what a notable when they fought some pretty good Moors but they were never what you might call leaders of the world but as God had promised it would always be a base nation verse 9 come up you horses and raging chariots and let the mighty men come forth the Ethiopians that's the parts of Africa and Libyans that's Libya and that also part of Africa you know what has recently happened in Libya that handled the shield and the millions that here that handle and bend the boat in other words they swarm many people can recognize things when they come to pass in the future sense and sometimes people can sometimes people can't because they don't know any better they're not familiar with it nor do they care but Baruch wrote these scriptures and was blessed by God because of it so that you could be warned and know and understand verse 10 for this is the day of the Lord God of hosts a day of vengeance that he may avenge him of his adversaries and the sword shall devour and it shall be sachet it will be saturated really and may drunk with their blood for the Lord God of hosts hath a sacrifice in the North Country by the river Euphrates and our Father that day of vengeance is coming and you know what happens on that day there will be great swarms until that time but that day of vengeance shall come the sword of the Lord is what it's the word of God Revelation chapter 1 verse 15 and 16 the sword of the Lord is the tongue of Christ which is a two-edged sword it cuts both ways but it always heals over real good if you listen but here again your bother you fray teams and it is said at that time it dries up well dries up in what way it's crossed without any problems 11 go up into Gilad them and take balm o virgin the daughter of Egypt in vain shalt thou use many medicines for thou shalt not be cured you're not going to find a cure for it Daniel chapter 11 speaks of the king of the north and the King of the South and we know from history itself that we go back to NASA we go back to Anwar Sadat we go back to the Shah of Iran which was the king of the north until he was removed and then Iran became that resting place for the king of Babylon basically when Iraq fell so and the swarm continues nation after nation were the common people or led by certain people to where there is just simply a swarm verse 12 the nations have heard of thy shame and thy cry had filled the land for the mighty man has stumbled against the mighty and they are fallen both together they fallen against each other right any time you what causes this they're not depending on God they're depending on their own strength then they all fall you that serve the Living God just as he told Beru you will always have your life for a play for a gift God looks over his own but when these people start moving around swarming without the presence of Yahweh they fall against each other verse 30 the word that the Lord spake to Jeremiah the Prophet how Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon should come and smite the land of Egypt and again this this would this is recorded in Josephus as I said in the antiquities book 10 verse 14 declaring in Egypt and publishing mcdhh all and publishing not and in two penis and say he stand fast and prepare thee for the sword shall devour around about thee it's going to happen second third sieges against this place the king of Babylon was coming and here here these misfits and run down to tov Haney's to hide where they would be protected by Pharaoh and God is saying you're not you should have stayed and went with the king of Babel and I had duties for you there unique done that you lied to me and you ran and you not only that he took the daughters of the king with you God's not happy with them verse 15 why or die well it meant valiant men swept away stood not because the Lord did drive them they they took they took the only escape route they hold out afraid when God does and when God is in control and God handles things it's done right okay verse 16 he made meaning to fall yay one fell upon another and they said arise and let us go again to our people and to the land of our Nativity from the oppressing sword the snowpack were our native places well it is a little late for that for some God had given them every opportunity and you know he told them you go down to Egypt you're going to die there he made it very clear they called Jeremiah the Prophet a liar for having brought that word forth but they will die in each other you cannot continue to rebuff God and expect him to be happy about it why you can't use you because you won't stand you won't stand for anything if you don't stand for anything you're good for nothing verse 17 they did cry their Pharaoh king of Egypt is but a noise he has passed the time appointed in other words how hard is it to defeat a noise there's no competition there's no problem and if you expect Pharaoh to protect you and he's nothing but a noise you're gonna heap of hurt friend and you put yourself there verse 18 as I live saith the king whose name is the Lord of Hosts surely as tabe are that means a little Mound is among the mountains and as carmel-by-the-sea that land that is a pleasant place so shall he come he's going to take it all and he's going to and and you and you have been warned I told she was coming I told you you would die down there 19 old our daughter dwelling in Egypt furnished thyself to go into captivity for not shall be waste and desolate without an inhabitant that is to say anyone there that that they're spiritually dead mine they don't believe in God they don't depend on God you know again how many times have I've told you remember never forget Jeremiah 17:5 cursed be the man that puts his trust in man and flesh instead of God Egypt is like a very fair heifer and destruction cometh it cometh out of the north and what is this plant a heifer is always a very gentle animal easy to easy to captivate and easy to control what he's saying is you went down to Egypt expecting a war horse there to protect you all she is is a team heifer that's what the word Damascus means okay in their tongue which would be in Syria which also swarms verse 21 also her hired men has to say the mercenary she's hired to do her fighting for her or in the midst of her like that'd bollocks for they also are turned back on our fled away together they ran they did not stand because the day of their calamity was come upon them and the time of their visitation when God plays a visit it's over nobody going to stand against God there will be many of us stand with him but nobody stands against him and survives it 22 divorced thereof shall go like a serpent for they shall march with an army and come against her with axes as hewers of wood and I think you all know who the Serpent's voice is how are they led how do they swarm who's really behind it don't ever forget that verse 23 they shall cut down her forests saith the LORD though it cannot be searched because they are more like the grasshoppers that's the locusts to swarmers and are innumerable you can't count them that's how many there are and that swarming has been going on for a considerable length of time in the Futurist sense you hear about it every day it always makes the front page just basically and many people are not aware yet that well how do we know about that well it's written all you have to do is read it do you understand now better why God could bless Baruch for bringing the Word of God to us or about you or for warned when you know and understand what's going down verse 24 the daughter of Egypt shall be confounded she shall be delivered into the hand of the people of the north another the king of Babylon is going to take her out I've got some good news for you though God wanted all to go into the hand of the king of the Babylon there they're going to whether they like it or not because the king of the north Babylon that is none other than the voice of the serpent in the Futurist sense when the swarmer is there he knows how to tame the bees okay to stop the swarm to control the locust he can do it and he will and many people will think eternal peace has come to the earth that's what God's telling you about verse 25 the Lord of hosts the God of Israel saith behold I will punish the multitude of know and Farah and Egypt with their gods and their kings even Farah and all them that trust in him I guess you all know that though many Christian churches are being burned in Egypt and they're even holding some of our citizens hostage what's happening in Egypt maybe you can get a little better look into it now 26 and I will deliver them into the hand of those that seek their lives and into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon that in the future since is none other than Satan himself into the hand of his servants messed his little angels that come along with him and afterward it shall be inhabited as in the days of old saith the Lord by who by the wicked ones Egypt has always been promised to be a base nation but being a base nation that still gives us a lot of information concerning occurring events of the end times and then you want to pay strict attention to it you want to adhere to it no look see and understand because this day is coming yeah if we can even almost say some of it it's already here look at the Euphrates that's why you used it over and over that you would not forget verse 27 but fear not well you don't have anything to worry about o my servant Jacob those that truly love God that's the natural seed of Israel and be not dismayed or as well before behold I will save thee from afar off and thy seed from the land of their captivity those that have obeyed God and Jacob shall return and be in rest and at ease and none shall make him afraid that is yet Future has not come to pass but it shall lie because those that go against God has promised you if you go against the king of the north that is to say Satan the Antichrist and you allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you they can't harm a hair on your head why God's on the throne and that's what he promises concerning his servants this is why he blessed Baruch a special blessing for bringing us this letter he said what you're doing is extremely important Baruch and you're blessed for it and now he tells you if you follow the word then you are blessed when you see these things come to pass and if you don't see some of these things coming to pass then you're not paying attention to current events and the events that are happening in this world at this time let's go with the next verse please verse 2028 fear thou not o Jacob my servant saith the Lord for I am with thee and I will make a full end of all the nations whether I have driven thee but I will not make a full end of V but correctly in major yet will I not leave the wholly unpunished you we always get what we got coming to us and He will punish us you can count on it you go against him you you you might say what was he punishing Baruch Strait in this case out know being dressed down by God is not very fun but you better praise him for it because the reason he does it he loves you but here he's letting us know all this is going down they're going to be trembling in their boots because they don't understand the wrath of God is going to come forth and it's going to cover the land but he said in my natural scene Jake you've got nothing to worry about you love me and those that love he who came through that natural seed which is to save the Lord Jesus Christ all nations and that love him that follow him have that protecting arm of Almighty God over them and around them and God always keeps his word know analyze this chapter just a little bit watch Egypt the reason Egypt has always you know it's an old nation a lot of nations like our nation the United States of America is 200 and short years old that's all that's that's as long as it's been a nation Egypt has been a a nation for thousands of years it has never never ceased being a nation and from its kickoff point through Euphrates and the king of the south and the king of the north is reported in the great book of Daniel when you leave them all together have the Word of God in a net that in sneers the enemy but always protects and comforts those that follow God cursed be the man that puts his trust in Nations and man and flesh and blessed be the one that puts his trust in the Living God in His Word in the letter Baruch scribed and at the hand of Jeremiah from the mouth of the Living God to have that to live by and whatever part that God has given you to serve in the ministry even if it's planting a little seed to a weary person that's that's part enough you see because the main reason for God's elect is after the Antichrist appears on this day of vengeance but just before this day of vengeance because he expecting you not to run as some of these did not to haul out as some of them did but he expects you to make a stand and he expects you to allow the holy spirit speak through you against this evil one this one that deceives so many people you know the truth you know he has no power over you you know that our Father has power over him and you're going to make that stand and stand for all and they can't harm one hair on your head that is the promise of the Living God now in the next chapter we're going to talk about the Philistines we're going to take Gaza and we won't we're not going into it today because it's important much is happening in Gaza and you need to be aware of what God has to say about it don't miss the next lecture bless your heart you this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter thirteen verse eight many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step-by-step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 Gravett Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Porto Rico throughout the u.s. Alaska Hawaii if the spirit moves and you have a question sharing what you do that but please never ask a question about a particular Reverend denomination or organization we don't judge people we have a judge and it's our Father he does not need our help in that department but he does want you to understand his letter that's why he gives you spiritual discernment whether you know his letters being taught properly or not or you're absorbing it properly that is so good he goes to us to give us that gift of spiritual discernment now those of you that listen by shortwave around the world is always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our main address and it's always good to hear from you you got a prayer request we can do away with the number and the address why God knows what you're thinking he's a heart nor you don't even have to say it out loud he knows what you're thinking letting know you love him that's the main thing he wants from you Hosea 6:6 I do not want your burnt offerings I want your grace let us say your love what you did love me that's why he created Jews for his pleasure last verse of Revelation chapter 4 how long has it been since you really pleasured him how long has it been since you've been blessed the two will kind of answer each other father around the globe we come last that you lead guide direct father touch Yahshua's precious name thank you Father Amen okay in question time when the person dies do they see or hear anything that goes on at their funeral that's why I'm always very careful when I preach a funeral I should not just about that that would be kind of impossible for us to know we know that in the spiritual body they return to the father and they're greeting some people they haven't seen in the long long time and and sure they feel bad for us because we're they're leaving us but they're so happy to be where they are that they're probably not paying a whole lot of attention to what's taking place here that's just a guess on my part who who knows them until you've been there okay this would be Emma from Louisiana what race or Kenites or are they people of all races that do not believe Jesus when you say the word can it-- it's a hebrew word it's only transliterated when you translate it rather than transliterate it you're saying the children of Cain that is a race that is a people and they are very real and they have mixed and scattered all over the world they have done that this is a and one less see here how was the races of the sixth day created just just like just like the eighth day were God from the same clay he made man Wendy from Oregon do you think God places his elect strategically into families in this earth age mixed with non-elect to help save the latter and use green the former as part of his divine plan I'm guessing he does it's true they set an example and by example when you set that example of living truth God blesses you and and people notice that they notice that you're blessed and they want some of that they're drawn to it therefore that in itself plant seeds of truth of drawing people into that word that Baruch set forward is in part and all scribes that brought forth the brewery the Word of God Noel from Virginia what is the best way for Christians to unite in the coming elections to once again bring our nation back under God as it was founded by our forefathers well you know as a Christian I can't comment on elections other than tell everybody to vote but I can come in about certain things no church should take part in paying for an abortion okay whether it's Catholic Christian I don't care what church Jewish doesn't matter you should not be forced into that so really just remember birds of a feather flock together and vote accordingly as you feel free and should be Valerie from Connecticut what denomination are you denominator denominator is to divide we do not believe in division we are not a denomination we are nondenominational we're Bible teachers period that's all Christ heads this church and if you wanted to join it you got to talk to him you can't talk to me or somebody else enjoy you got to talk to him and if he approves you the rest of us will okay okay this would be Melanie from Tennessee what country can the candidates be this day and time the offspring of King they're everywhere okay nothing there's not that many of them but they have mixed into all of the countries and in various positions you might look for them in control of the hidden dynasties for one thing that's that's where usually I mean they're usually seeking control Elisha from Tennessee thank you for your truth the truth is Pope in my eyes and many or thank you I appreciate that I have often wondered if the Giants that were the offspring of the Angels that came into earth the women hadn't sold and did they also have the choice to love the Lord and are they or are they doomed I'm thankful for you and all your staff well thank you I appreciate that the giver that is to say the offspring themselves naturally have souls and and those souls will have an opportunity to make their mind up whether they're going to love God or Satan but now when it comes to the nephew Liam which is the Hebrew word that means the Fallen Angels that went in they're doomed as it is written in Jude the little short book of Jude in the first six verses their sin is they left their habitation heaven and came to earth not born the woman but to seduce woman and that ended it for them because they are helped and chains for destruction not for repentance not for to be saved but to destroy and when they complete their little mission when they in Christ are one day and the Antichrist are cast out of heaven they will die as it is written in Revelation chapter 11 okay this would be flight from Florida in a conversation with a friend of mine he suggested that if do you have a disagreement with a Christian brother you should not take communion until you have resolved a disagreement with your brother he cited Matthew 523 for and first Corinthians 11:27 when he was wrong okay when you take communion you don't take it because you're perfect you take it because you believe Christ was worthy to pay the price on the cross for all sin if if somebody waited until they were perfect to get to take communion no one could ever take it isn't whether you're perfect or not and you should try but it's whether you love the Lord Jesus Christ enough to know he was worthy to pay that price that your sins are forgiven okay Brian from Illinois I am a combat veteran be it Nam vet simplify and simplify in return I need to know if the Holy Spirit is the father Spirit or Jesus the spirit or both some verses say Christ that lives with us I so I think it is Jesus's spirit but also I think how could be holier than the Father well always remember remember Brian what it says in Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 a virgin shall conceive she will bear a child and you will call him Emmanuel being translated God with us so Christ is the if you've seen Christ you've seen the father so in other words the Christ is in a dimension that we can see because the word became flesh and walked among us so the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God but then who is Christ okay Yeshua's job a savior in that dimension and as Christ would say in Saint John chapter 14 if you've seen the father if you've seen me you've seen the father so they're both it's most one the Holy Spirit Helen from Illinois is this Bible okay the NIV rainbow study Bible New International Version every verse color coded bold line system well I'm going to tell you what I like for you to make your own mind a take a standard King James that you probably have one around your house go to Ezekiel chapter 13 begin reading with verse 18 it should say being properly translated the daughters of Jerusalem so kerchief to cover every joint of my outreach saving arms they cover all of it and they teach my children to fly to save their souls and I'm against it I think your Bible will not say that I think your Bible will say something about birds flying in other words somebody and guess who changed the whole point and then you decide whether it's a good Bible or not this real simple thing to do Tiffany from North Carolina I'm having a difficult time sharing the word of the three earth ages and the rapture plot I find that each time that I try to share this information with friends and family I'm either rejected with individuals saying that I do not know what I am speaking about or people just look at me like I'm crazy and not even try to understand what I am trying to explain to them my question is am I wrong and trying to explain and share this information well it is true that not everybody has eyes to see and ears to hear Tiffany so all you do what you want to do instead of telling them the old food plant a seed and let that seed let God cause the seed to grow do not cast your pearls before swine because they will rend you then they will mock mock you you don't want that so plant a seed and let God cause it to grow and then take it from there but love family and respect them enjoy them don't don't talk religion if they cannot accept it enter but do live it so they say you're blessed and they're growing to that Antoinette from Georgia okay is it it is not much but I need you to continue to come to me oh we're going to hang in there as best we can thank you again my quote thank you for helping us do that my question is how many times do I have to be verbally abused by my brother I know that I am supposed to forgive because God forgave me my brother and I had a big argument and he said some very hurtful things to me this has happened before and I have forgiven him but it seems like because he knows I am a Christian he takes advantage of my Christianity I am very upset about this but I miss my brother and we are not talking to each other right now do I have to go to him again and apologize to him no I want you to make a note of second Corinthians second Thessalonians rather chapter three begin reading with verse six that's how you treat a brother that is disorderly you don't have to subject yourself to that if somebody doesn't have a civil tongue ignore them don't go around them they're not worth it until they have a change of heart don't then treat them as an enemy but shun them because decency is decency and crud is crud and so it is filthy mouths are not Christian and God will not bless a filthy mouth okay Paul from West Virginia could you please give us the exact scripture reference chapter and line where this is located well I missed it is and I got to find out what in any world full of deception we want to thank you okay please accept our love offering we have a question we have searched Genesis form the part where it says that all the races were created on the sixth day and we cannot locate it okay it's in the Hebrew Griff's so you have to learn how to find it there I would highly recommend that you order the DVD that's the video version of my teaching on the first six chapters of Genesis because I teach you how to read the Hebrew manuscripts and show it to you in the manuscripts unless you can handle the Hebrew manuscript you're going to have trouble spotting that point because the translators did not translate it as so yet you can still teach it and pull it together but you have to pull from the manuscripts themselves in the first sixth day he created Adam in the eighth day he created F ha Adam different name different person it is true that it says Eve is the mother of all living because Christ would come through her womb umbilical cord through the umbilical cord and you are either in him or you're not living eternally and that's what living means through our Father eternally Anthony from New Mexico when people come against us and try to harm us is it the right thing to forgive them and pay and pray for them every day well you know I don't know what street do you mean that come against us to try to harm us if somebody's going to do you violence and you have every right to protect yourself don't don't be a don't don't let somebody pick on you or you know a lot of people don't realize that we're did Peter or want to draw a sword and cut off the ear of Malchus when they betrayed Christ you mean Saint Peter carried a sword of course he did they walked through dangerous areas you had you know you have to protect yourself and wherever you go always look ahead and know and understand what you're going after yes you we don't have to take anything of anybody this politically correct junk gets everybody in trouble because it it overlooks one thing that that's morally correct it is not morally correct for you to allow somebody to run over you stand up and protect yourself or go a different path ignore them they're not worth it okay Kathleen from Oklahoma I have a question about you know you know what many people are done said well god is love and there he said they're not worth it do you think Satan's worth it he's condemned to die the only way that you can maybe reach some Souls mister thump the gourd with truth I mean that's tough love and tough love is very very effective if you've studied with me long you've probably seen the exercise tough love on more than one occasion and do you know something brings a lot of people around it saves a lot of souls tough love is true love Kathleen from Oklahoma I have a question about the word in a thought and a thought which is used seven times in Jeremiah the strong says it is the city of the tribe of Benjamin and that it also means the answer to prayer please explain well it was exactly that you've done your homework well it means an answer to prayer but you have overlooked another part of it it's it is that it was a city allotted to the priests priests normally did not have land they traveled each of the tribes got they're part of the preachers I'll put it that way priests in that then the priests themselves the Levitical priesthood had had no land or place except outside of Jerusalem and any thought and it was a priest city that's where that the jar with the deed to it the priest town was buried with made out in full to jeremiah the prophet a prophet chosen by God before the foundations of the earth and will be after it's buried in that place it's a priest city ok Derek from Nebraska we are studying Jeremiah and I have a question for clarification on the two baskets of figs in Jeremiah 24 or the good figs in Israel started in 1948 or will they not be in Israel until the sixth Trump won no they were both there at the start both the good and the bad figs were there coming out the gate we always have them with us and that's why it's important that you know that's why Christ had learned the parable of the fig tree not maybe he said learn it and he meant it why don't you know it unravels so many other scriptures it's like Christ would say in the book of Mark if you don't understand the parable of the tares you're not going to understand any of my parables that means if you don't understand about the Kenites you're not going to understand any of God's Word and into its depth and so it is that's a true statement now from Pennsylvania what would you say to someone who was teaching that the abomination of Daniel 12:11 was the establishment of Israel in 1948 well I would say they were very wrong Daniel chapter 9 verse 27 stipulates very clearly who the abominable one is the desolate or not desolation desolate poor that's not a condition that's an entity and that entity is none other than the false Christ who opposes the true Christ that will not happen until Michael boots him out of heaven you know it will be so all inspiring awesome this feat touched this earthy supernatural and if you are teaching that he's already here you're not even halfway equipped for what's coming you're going to be snowed you're gonna be snowed under because there are awesome supernatural things going to take place and it's written exactly what they are and this happens when the true Anti Christ returns it didn't happen in 1948 that's only when the big trees shot forth it slim Alan Alan from Ohio can you please direct me to what the Bible says about a parent's obligation to help their own grown children if they continually have gotten themselves in trouble through the years you know you cannot you cannot encourage a person to in other words to be an enabler to help them do wrong okay that's kind of where you draw the line don't enable them sometimes they have to learn the hard way sometimes tough love I would again Alan I would recommend to you as I did to a person earlier second Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 6 it will help you a great deal in telling you how to handle that situation do not let them take advantage of your retirement or savings unless it is rightfully deserved that amount of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all God loves you for it why because it makes his day when you read the letter especially like today what he said - Baruch makes his day when you make his boy is he going to make yours well we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have you help us keep coming to you bless God he will always I do mean always bless you but most important though you listen to me and you listen good you stay in his word every day in his word is a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua is living word hearing god's word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying god's word here on the shepherd's chapel family bible study hour with pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by riding to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 Gravatt Arkansas 77-36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] the book of Peter here we have two books first and second Peter that are absolutely fascinating that great old fisherman telling us leading us directing us guiding us going into the depth if you would in that second book into the three earth ages giving the most accurate recorded account of the events that transpire and document that there are three earth ages that there was one before this one this one and one to come Peter the great fisherman which in his gentleness and his kindness brings us two books the books of Peter that lead guy direct even in your daily life that teach and show you how to be happy how to find that peace of mind and to know yourself the books of Peter I know you're going to enjoy them [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray they tell you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our you know what we're gonna do today we're gonna do why worry you know a lot of people go off on tangents and they forget the promises of God get all uptight come on strong just lose it all there's no need in that you have a Christian has every right in the world to be secure beyond the ball take care of business and get it done that's
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 710
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Keywords: Shepherd's Chapel, Holy bible, Pastor Arnold Murray, Jeremiah, Kjv, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Book of, Chapel, Shepherds, Pastor, Murray, Book of Jeremiah, Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor Murray, Bible
Id: eb01UF2wSQQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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