Jeremiah ~ 39:15 to 41:16

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study hard Book of Jeremiah he whom God launches forth what a fantastic book historically and in the futurist sense of bringing us the Word of God and in as much as God's Word is the work I mean you can count on it he gives you his emotions the most emotions of people and it doesn't take long for you to learn what God loves there was a little Gentile Ethiopian came up to the king and said hey you're not doing Jeremiah right he's done in that realm he's going to die and the King commissioned him to go save Jeremiah to lift him out of the well God never forgets when someone helps his servants he never forgets that's what we opened with today that Ethiopian being Yvette Malik the king servant so with that having been said with Nebuchadnezzar now having taken care of Zedekiah and his sons we are in the closing moments of that but then God intercedes again for a special reason and listen to it chapter 39 verse 15 that word of wisdom from her father and it reads now the word of Lord came unto Jeremiah while he was shut up in the court of the prison saying while he was still there listen to me 16 go and speak to a bed Mallick Ethiopian saying thus saith the Lord of hosts the God of Israel behold I will bring my words upon this city for evo and not for good and they shall be accomplished in that day before thee you're gonna see it come to pass you're going to be there verse 17 but I will deliver thee in that day saith the Lord and thou shalt not be given into the hand of the men of window or the Freid God always remembers and God always protects this is payback for a bed Mallick for his good service to Jeremiah that God always takes care of those that help his servants God always takes care of the family that serves the Living God God always protects the family that listens to God and that hears God with understanding so hear hear this ebed Mallick a an Ethiopian a Gentile helping Jeremiah God reaches down and touches him next verse to complete the chapter verse 18 for I will surely deliver thee and thou shalt not followed by the sword but thy life shall be for a prey unto thee a gift your life's going to be your gift because now here you can learn something because of what because thou has put thy trust in me saith the Lord this Ethiopian trusted the Living God do you see what difference it makes you seen you can't con our Father he knows who trusts him and who doesn't and you know I'm like hoarded and repeated Jeremiah chapter 17 verse 5 so many times I'm almost ashamed to bring it up again but here he trusted God what did it say back there it said cursed is the man that puts his trust in man the flesh instead of God is it that's pretty simple isn't it well if that has not changed it's the same today and it shall be always you can always trust our Heavenly Father he takes care of those that are the family of his election that bring the past the things that God States and is helpful in accomplishing those deeds father has eyes to see certainly and ears to hear in as much as he planned everything so really what was it because thou has put that trust in me you're not going to die something because you put your trust in him today into our Heavenly Father you have gained eternal life you're never going to taste death spiritually chapter 40 verse 1 the word that came to Jeremiah from the Lord after that nemi's eridan the captain of the guard had let him go from Rama when he had taken him being bound and changed among all that were carried away captives of Jerusalem and Judah which were carried away captive and to Babylon now you can see in this this captain of Nebuchadnezzar's knew I mean Jeremiah was in prison Libya's Arden's gonna turn him loose why well listen let him let him to explain himself verse 2 and the captain of the guard told Jeremiah and said unto Him the LORD thy God hath announced this evil upon this place this is a babylonian stating this not only a Gentile but a babylonian verse 3 now and he continues now the Lord has brought it and done according as he has said because you have sinned against the Lord and have not obeyed his voice therefore this thing has come upon you that is that is a remarkable thing that the very enemy of the house of Israel you could say enemy but didn't were they truly an enemy in as much as they were servants of the Living God and God swore you go with them it is for your own protection it is to serve a purpose it is the same way in the end times when you're delivered that before the false messiah you go your own family will will deliver you there begging mercy for you because they will think it is Christ and you will go and you will perform what God has will tell you at that time not free meditating what you will say beforehand verse 4 and now behold the the Babylonian continues and now behold i loosed thee this day from the chains which were upon thine hand if it seemed good unto thee to come with me into Babylon come and I will look well unto thee I'll see that you're well taken care of but if it's seen ill unto thee to come with me into Babylon for there don't don't do it behold all the land is before thee whether it seemed as good and convenient for thee to go to the go whatever seems good to you however God leads you that's where you go and naturally that's where Jeremiah would go anyway but is it not amazing that those last three verses spoken by a Babylonian has God's hand all over God uses whomever you got to get that in your mind God will use whomever he chooses verse 5 and while he was not yet gone back he said go back also to get a liar the son of the high come the son of shaphan whom the king of babylon had made governor over the cities and he was a common man you understand all the king line are gone the of Judah and dwell with him among the people or gold were so ever it seemed too convenient unto thee to go so the captain of the guard gave him biffle's and a reward and let him go and and here it is God seen to it I mean meeting him the open choice and you follow me hey I'm going to say you're in good shape you go wherever you want to get Alya was a commoner but he was loyal to to stay - as God would say if you follow the orders of Nebuchadnezzar you're going to stay you're going to have fields to produce fruit for you you're going to be in good shape so here get Alya is put in charge because he was a good old boy and and the enemy knew that and could trust him they'd put Zedekiah in charge who was of the world seed what did he do he went bad green dome farah tried to defeat nebuchadnezzar through Pharaoh with Pharaoh's help and he was just not to be trusted you could not trust him but they trusted dead aalayam he was he was a good old boy and he could get it done for six then went your amaya and to get a lie of the son of a hikin - this paw Misbah means the watchtower place to watch and dealt dwelt with him among the people that were left in the land he'd be about four miles out of Jerusalem it's very close to the place where the deed was buried that we had for mentioned verse seven now listen carefully don't let don't read over what's about to be said now when all the captains of the forces which were in the fields they and their men heard that the king of Babylon had made get a lie of the son of a high come over nur in the land and had committed unto him men and women and children of the poor that's to say of the humble of the land the humble inherit the earth the we can hear at the earth okay then that were not carried away captive to Babylon now you know when you deal with people and what has just happened here there's been a war the armies that were protecting Jerusalem should have been protecting it so what are these captains doing out in the field but they ran their cowards they would not make a stand and and they're now they've heard out of their little little holes in the ground that Nebuchadnezzar's troops are gone and yelaya is in charge he's just a commoner good old boy you believe anything he's just really in love with everyone and these people are cowards traitors and crooks people have got to be sharper than a bunch of crooks I don't care if you're the best Christian in the world you've got to be sharper than crooks okay well you're supposed to love everybody that's a bunch of malarkey God you think God is supposed to love everybody he hated Sall melikhaya chapter one read it for yourself why because he didn't care about God or his heritage I mean God loves his children nothing he will protect those that would do them ill and don't think this bunch wouldn't do get a liar ill they will so now you know what kind of people were dealing with here verse eight to continue then they came to get a liya to this pot even Ishmael the son of nathan ayah sounds an awful lot like nothing him done given to service in Johannine and jonathan the sons of Correa and Syria the son of can he met and the sons of eath by the neck throat fight they sound like hebrew names to you they're not just an ayah that is in the son of me akka fight the son of a mecca fight they and their men so we kind of got quite a little group here there's nothing captain of the thieves you might say and get a lie of the son of a high come the son of show fans swear unto them and to their men saying fear not to serve the Chaldeans well in the land and serve the king of Babylon and it shall be well with thee with you well this would be good at plant that's the Word of God and and that's what not only is it the Word of God but it was a word of Nebuchadnezzar when he put get Ally in charge he said putting you in charge you can live here you take care of it keep it up let it produce for you keep the peace verse 10s for me get Elias speaking behold I will dwell at Mizpah here at the watchtower to served the Chaldeans the Babylonians which will common to us but ye gather you wine in summer fruits and oil and put them in your vessels and dwell in your cities that you have taken I mean just a good old boy just turned it over to them anytime you turn everything over to a bunch of crooks you're not all that much a good old boy kind of down you're kind of a stupid old boy God expects you to be able to perform some covert activities when it's necessary he expects you to be wiser than a serpent and as peaceful as a dove verse 11 it's going to be a 70 years to stay all right and they know it take care of yourselves as what get Elias saying 11 likewise when all the Jews that were in Moab and among the amorite and in Edom and they were in all the countries heard that the king of Babylon had left a remnant of Judah and that he had set over them get Alya the son of the hakkim the son of shaphan he's a commoner and he's a pushover what we can go there and we can do big business and what what they intend to do because of the ilk that is mixed up among eNOS they're gonna kill him that's what their wishes are and do you think this this will not make any points with Almighty God it will not make any points with Nebuchadnezzar and but at the same time learn who you can trust and who you should not trust be wiser than the serpent and never let the serpent take advantage of you because he certainly will you know Satan's people can always talk a mean battle sounds so convincing but here this good old boy is saying hey it's all right there for you just go to it everything you want right there we're just going to get along here well unfortunately if you don't recognize who you're dealing with and the names really could have done it should've put him on guard and I'm not knocking get Alya it's just that manure n-- from his experience that it doesn't happen to you okay verse 12 even all the Jews returned out of all places that's people that lived in Judea returned to all places whether they were driven where they ran and came to the land of Judah to get Alya unto miss Pavan to the watchtower there and gathered wine and summer fruits very much well I mean they harvest her they cleaned her out thirteen moreover johanan the son of Correa and all the captains of the forces that were in the fields came to get Alya to miss Pau and gathered in there verse 14 and said unto Him thus das certainly know that Bayless the king of the analytes has sent Ishmael the son of nathan aya to slay thee but get a liya the son of a high acum believed him not all I've been good to them I'm so good how could anybody dislike me I'm just gonna I'm just gonna making it so good for them why in the world would they want to destroy me because they're a bunch of crooks okay they didn't they made no stand they will stand for nothing bunch of cowards cowards are dangerous and ran and now they come back to just rip off everything but of his own father those people and it's the the crud that had mixed in among them quite frankly they won't get Ally dead so they can take over everything they got a bad problem though Nebuchadnezzar is still in charge get Ally out was his meeting you do away with get Alya he's gonna be back Nebuchadnezzar is 15 min Johannine the son of Correa spake to get a lion in this Posse quickly saying let me go I pray thee and I will slay Ishmael the son of Mithun ayah and no man shall know it wherefore should he slay thee that all the Jews all these people in Judea which are gathered unto these should be scattered and the remnant in Judah perish why should we let him destroy us let me slip over there covertly I'll simply put him out of his misery and nobody will know difference it make it look like an accident perhaps or whatever there will not be the wiser just let me do him in yet alive was prettier cause he's a good old boy first but get Alaia the son of High Command said johanan the son of Korea to the Korea thou shalt not do this thing for thou speakest falsely of Ishmael couldn't see it you know you can be blind to the enemy and you've got to know who the enemy is and that's that is very important one that does not serve God is an enemy of God basically possible a strong possibility and you have to know that God will never use them and certainly cannot use them but you cannot be made the fool at the time you think you have everything put away peacefully and reasoned with and you've allowed a bunch of crud to come cowards is what I'm talking about to come in out of the field where they ran and buried themselves until the danger was over they were going to take over and you've got to learn that that kind of greed and power hungry that's what God despises but good old boy now they wouldn't bother me I've been too good to them and you've got to learn from the lesson you can be too good to some people if they're bad people you have to understand no beef what does this take spiritual discernment when God gives you the gift of spiritual discernment you don't have to hear it said you sent spiritually trouble when it comes God always takes care of his own and that's why you have the gift of spiritual discernment get Alaia unfortunately was was - interested in being a good leader providing for everyone to look out for Satan who is still very much spiritually in this world verse chapter 41 verse 1 now it came to pass in the seventh month that Ishmael the son of Mithun I am the son of Allah shaman of the seed royal the princes of the King even king min with him came unto get Alya the son of a high come to Mizpah and there they did eat bread together in this bog good buddies good old buddy buddy break bread together come on get a live one all here were good friends he's been warned two times verse two then arose Ishmael the son of Nathania and the ten men that were with him and smoked yet Alaia the son of a hike on the son of shaphan with a sword and sling him whom the king of babylon had made governor over the land verse three Ishmael also slew all the Jews as to say people living in Judea that were with him even with get Alya at Misbah and the Chaldeans that's to say the Babylonians that were found there and the men of war that killed the Babylonians also what are they asking for it verse four and it came to pass the second day after he had slain and get a lyre that nobody knew it they kept it covered sure work covertly hung verse prime that there came certain from she come from Shiloh and from Sumeria watch Mountain even for score men that's a bunch having their beard shaven and their clothes rent and having cut themselves with offerings and incense in their hand to bring them to the house of the Lord and they're on a spiritual mission and and because of the captivity they are no doubt coming to the house of the Lord to pray for release and and God's blessings verse 6 and Ishmael the son of Nathaniel went forth from this spot to meet them [Music] weeping all along as he went and it came to pass as he met them he said to them come to get a lie of the son of hiked up he's dead I mean here this guy is weeping like a baby putting on a show verse 7 and it was so when they came into the midst of the city that Ishmael the son of Nathaniel slew them cast them into the midst of the pit he and the men that were with him all of them talked about any enemy and and does god bless such a thing of this of course you know what the answer to that is does Nebuchadnezzar bless such a thing is this the servant of God of course not Satan will always slip in Satan will always try to disrupt God's plan and it was God's plan that the people go into captivity verse 8 but 10 men were found among them that said into Ishmael slay us not we have treasures in the field but wheat and a barley and of oil and of honey so he forbear and Sweden not among their brethren they bought their way out okay pinup verse nine now the pit we're in this room you all had cast all the dead bodies of the men he had slain because of get Alaia was it which ASA the King had made for fear of the Asha king of Israel and Ishmael the son of Nathania filled it with them that were slain you want to remember Asia here is of the royal seed of the house of Israel not Judah you won't know why the ace is the highest card in the deck you might listen and learn verse 10 then Ishmael carried away captive all the residue of the people that were in this pot even the Kings daughters here's the daughters that Jeremiah would later take and all the people that remained in Mizpah whom Nebuchadnezzar and the captain of the guard had committed to get Alya the son of hi come and Ishmael the son of Nia Nia Nia Nia Nia rather carried them away captive and departed to go over to the Anna rights and so it was he was not a good person in our father using him to align up now what is taking place here and from this from the King and offspring of the house of Israel and the Kings daughters the daughters of Judah there will be salvage that will continue the line until Christ himself returns to take it for himself verse 11 but with Johannine the son of Korea and all the captains of the forces that were with him heard of all the evil that Ishmael the son of Nathania had done verse 12 then they took all the men and went to fight with Ishmael the son of Nathaniel and found him by the great waters that are in Guinean down 13 now it came to pass that when all the people which were with Ishmael saw Amon the son of Korea and all the captains of the forces that were with him then they were glad of course they were they were in a heap of hurt bear in mind again within this group we had the daughters of the king of Judah verse 14 so all the people at Ishmael had carried away captive from this podcast about in return and Menon to Johannine the son of Korea and and of course they have no idea of what all has happened to the fullest degree 15 but Ishmael the son of Nathania escaped from johanan with a twin and meant to the mris and with eight two of the ten were slaying verse 16 then took johanan the son of korea and all the captains of the forces that were with him all the remnant of the people when he had recovered from Ishmael the son of Nathania from mishpokhe after that he had slain get ally of the son of a high come even ninety men of war and the women and the children and the eunuchs whom he had brought again and with those women came those daughters of course the daughters of Zedekiah how precious it is that God always takes care of his own he carries that seed line forth even though you have wickedness in the world good people are a wonderful treasure to Almighty God but you've got to be sharp you got to be alert you have to be there able to discern evil for there is evil in the world and the only way you can serve God is to defeat Satan and anything evil that he might sin against God's ministry or against God's family you must always be able to recognize that we'll pick this up in the next lecture bless your heart you this in a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Ronald Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 grab at Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and that we are back again I said the 800 number please 1 864 34 645 that number is good from porto rico throughout the US alaska hawaii all over canada if the spirit moves and you have a question you share once you do that please never ask a question about a particular Reverend or denomination or organization we're not going to judge people we have a judge and you can handle that part of it okay but you do have that spiritual discernment I for mention fantastic those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure you know got a prayer request you don't need the number don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking he read your mind you don't even have to say it out loud let him know that you love him that's what he wants primarily from you and just talk to him that's what prayer is tell him tell him what your situation is when you need help don't don't mind calling him he's ready and he wants to hear from you just let him know that you love him that's the main thing he always takes care of his own I think today's lecture with the the ebed Mallick the ethiopian that did a good service he painting he always remembers those things let him know you love him father around the globe we come master Cheney guy direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and question time bidden from Michigan 9 years old ok does God eat manna like we will well he's in he's in spirit body so naturally manna is spiritual food so I'm sure that he does Lorraine from Michigan question how do you think we will be called before Antichrist television will some authority pick us up and deliver unto us to them no read mark 13 over again this is fine that mother shall betray daughter to death Satan's name is dead okay the mother that thinks he's Jesus she's going to go to him and say Jesus saved my daughter she's a little confused now but I want you yes she believes it is the Lord Jesus Christ and that he will have mercy on her daughter but it's not Jesus Christ it's the Antichrist and he wants to talk to that daughter so your own family well unfortunately and you're not to hate them for that it is written and it is just the love of the family to try to save you because they're deceived but it serves a good purpose in that you are delivered up your not to premeditate what you'll say beforehand but whatever it is the Holy Spirit speaks he will do it you don't have to okay John from Connecticut who and where are there who rebelled in the first Earth Age and followed Satan or are they alive today and among us dude did we Rebell and is that why we are living in the earth age for another chance well that's basically the reason but he saved I feel the third that followed Satan literally as it is written in Revelation chapter 12 this is why it said the first shall be last and last shall be first I feel that God in this generation the fig tree brought forth that third of the people that followed Satan born innocent of women because things are different if you had lived as long as I have and you've seen the change in people and attitudes and in the people themselves then we have we have people that they they kind of go against the Word of God and certainly I think that God in all fairness wants them here when the false Christ appears to see if they'll do it again and if they do it again then they're kind of on shaky ground but then we have them William Stacy from Ohio what does God why does God answer some prayers but not all of them because he wants what's best for you you know God knows and has a plan and a destiny for his election and he's not going to give somebody something that will hurt them or caused them harm or would steer or deviate them away from the course that God wishes them to take you see he knows what tomorrow brings and the day after that and so forth we don't we know to a degree because we've read the word but the fact is God knows what we need to do his work and to accomplish what we need to do to be able to follow him and to do his work and he answers prayers accordingly Karen from Ohio when you die should you be cremated or not because it does say how your you enter this earth is how you should leave this earth thank you first Corinthians chapter 13 verse 3 what does it say though I have though I give my body to be burned cremated and and yet I yet I have not charity I'm nothing in other words if you don't love God it doesn't matter what happens to these flesh bodies there's nothing wrong with cremation as it is written in Ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 6 and 7 these flesh bodies go back to dirt that's where they came from everything that you partake of was growing from the dirt okay whether it well it will I'm a meat-eater well do you think the cattle that you're taking of didn't develop from the grass that came from the earth you're of the earth and back to the earth you're going but our spiritual body instantly returns to the father that gave it faith from Michigan if Christ was here six thousand years ago what was the day that before Christ BC ended and after Christ ad started sincerely faith age 10 I love it from children studying the father's word faith Christ was here six thousand years ago yes he was he was with God when the spirit moved upon the waters but to literally walk the earth in flesh that did not happen until about 2000 years ago and 2000 years ago plus 11 is basic roughly when we went from before Christ to Anna Domini which is to say ad and which is to say in the Latin tongue the year of our Lord the year of our Lord means the year after he was born and walked the earth about a little over 2,000 years ago Booker from Illinois please explain first Corinthians chapter 14 verse 2 first Corinthians 14:2 do not speak an unknown language the word is tongue but it means language into a group of people God and the angels will know what you're saying because they understand all languages but the people you're talking to if it's unknown to them they're not going to know when to say a man or anything else in other do you'd be wasting your time so you need if you if you don't have their language you should take an interpreter that's what he's talking about Judy from Virginia what do you mean second Advent well the first advent Christ was came he was born of a as a babe and he was crucified the second Advent he's coming back and he's coming as king of kings and Lord of lords not to be crucified but to rule and reign forever so it is Zechariah chapter 10 verse 9 and 10 you you both advanced 9 is the first Advent 10 is the second had been Jamie from Virginia should women be on the pulpit preaching well it's according to you know whether God calls them or not what because and what does it say in Acts chapter 2 it says in the generation of the parable of the fig tree that's now both sons and daughters shall prophesy though being even during dreams and God will speak to them so it means both male and female so I'm not going to go against God's Word and as you've heard me explain many times from the Greek the word is that a woman should not chatter in church doesn't mean speak chatter that means to ramble a man shouldn't either and so it is God uses whomever he chooses Kate Gloria from Florida pastor Marie how have a thank you do you have material on how to react when the Antichrist is here I want to make sure that I do the right thing when do you do when you do with what do you do with your money in the bank and I have a little silver how do I use this I heard you say something about border but I forgot help me well you have a little precious metal and you can barter with somebody that receives the mark and have them buy you a loaf of bread or a pound of this that or the other that's called bartering we in this nation we've had our start bartering training goods instead of have paying for goods so but the mark chapter 13 let you know exactly what you should do you should not say anything not even premeditate but allow the Holy Spirit to speak to you when you're delivered up so read mark 13 again real carefully main mean name from Pennsylvania can you clarify when Jesus died and what day he was buried on and what day he rose on I was taught he died on Friday and rose on Sunday that really wouldn't be true any half days would it he was crucified on a Wednesday the new day during that time started at sunset so Wednesday he was crucified but he was taken down from the cross and put in the tomb before sunset which began that day was Thursday so he was in that tomb Wednesday night all through Thursday to sunset which meant that was one full day and then at sunset first he began Friday full day sunset Friday to Saturday sunset three days and sometimes in the night he resurrected your companion Bible gives you almost a minute-by-minute account of this so that is the full truth and that is how it transpired and so it is Jimmy from Pennsylvania pastor Murray first Corinthians 15:29 appears to say people can be baptized for the dead I even read a translation that said on behalf of the Dead I know people who are teaching this doctrine could you explain this verse and wording we love you in thing well we return that love you know the whole subject of the fifteenth chapter up to that particular verse 29 has to do whether or not you believe Christ rose from the dead and the proper translation is why would you be baptized in Christ's name if he didn't had not risen from the dead why would you want to be baptized in a dead man's name that's what it's saying it has nothing to do with the actual baptism baptism of a dead person or their soul it has to do with whether you believe Christ resurrected from the dead and is living that's what the whole point is about and then it meticulously in the 35th verse begins to tell you don't you know that the body Christ resurrection is like a seed planted the seeds got to be planted and died before it can spring out into a new plant and and that let you realize that we have two bodies we have a flesh body and we have a spiritual body and and you're not supposed to be ignorant of those facts and then he makes it very clear in the 52nd verse that he'll make it clear in the fiftieth verse the flesh and blood can enter heaven so you got to make a change before you can go there what was that it's a different dimension so in the 50th verse then in 51 and two instantly in the twinkle of an eye do not be ignorant of that Paul says we are changed into that spiritual body from the flesh body so that's what it's talking about why would you be baptized if you did not believe Christ rose from the dead why would you want to be bad his name that's all it means it doesn't hurt to pray for some loved one that's passed on but now let it go at that Lance from Georgia how can I be more diligent well it's real simple study God's Word and and be diligent with it be awake have eyes to see and ears to hear and rightly dividing the word what does that mean it means who is it written to how does it apply to you today and what age necessarily was it apart was that concerning and what is its historical and and the Futurist meaning I don't want that to sound complicated it's really quite simple it means rightly divide the word as it should apply to you and be very diligent in bringing that forth that's how you gain in that self-confidence goes right along with it Christina from Florida how do you call the period what do you call the period of time when God's people are called to meet them in the air well it's the seventh triangle it's the first day of the millennium that's what the time is it's very plain it I just mentioned that time in first Corinthians 15:52 it happens in an instant just like that and what it is it isn't if you're referring to first Thessalonians chapter four verse 17 and 18 the word err doesn't mean atmosphere doesn't mean sky it's ion in the Greek tongue and it means breath of life meaning your spiritual body that is breath of spirit in Hebrew rock or in Greek it is new which means that your spiritual body steps forward at that time that's what it has reference to okay what do I call it I call it the second Advent the seventh trunk first day of the millennium Sandra Sandra from I do not know where Sandra is from if you are in the military and you kill an enemy is that lying in wait is that against God absolutely not if you're protecting a free nation of Christians that and people that love God within their faith that love this free nation and it's been that way from the beginning of time if you let's take today's lecture yet Alaia what he didn't defend himself well what happened to him they killed him so well what can you do about that you fight you have to be wiser than the serpent and the soldiers prayer being a no combat marine myself I feel real comfortable with protecting this nation and having protected this nation Psalms 144 stipulates God give me the power to old tradition to overcome my enemy linked in my arm to do him in that's that's that's a soldier's prayer god bless our military that protect this nation that gives us the right freedom of religion that I can teach God's Word to go around the world it's worth fighting for Jerry from Minnesota please explain Genesis chapter 2 verse 24 when you marry you are to leave your father and your mother and the two of you become one flesh like in offspring when you look at that child your it is one that is the two in one flesh that that make up the DNA that creates that entity okay of Stephen from Washington my question is where did the tribes of Jacob's family end up in modern society what countries well well Jacob is the name of all 12 tribes that's the natural seed not the house of Israel the house of Judah when God uses the name Jacob he's talking about all 12 tribes and they ended up in many places of the world all 12 of them did you know there are little things that if you're alert and you catch what what is it that what do the Dutch sing Reuben Reuben I've been thinking why did they call the Dutch Reuben well let me guess okay little little things and folklore that comes down through history identify as many people okay and it makes a very interesting study but they were scattered all over the world but a lot of them the house of Israel right in this great nation and how precious it is Andrea from Georgia how do I explain the people to people that Adam was not the first man on earth well you're not going to be able to explain it to everyone but you shouldn't be familiar enough with the first six chapters of Genesis the Hebrew makes it very simple and if if argue if you want to be a teacher get my work on the first six chapters in video because I used the video to teach you how to read the Hebrew documenting that all the races were created on the sixth day and then on the eighth day God created Earth Haddam a different man through which Christ would come it's in the Hebrew manuscripts Sandra from Texas we're cannot find the scripture to show that Lucifer was an angel in heaven he was a cherubim okay documented in Ezekiel chapter 28 that God even called him a chair said in the day that I created the cherubim in the day that I created Judah he's called the king of Tyrus there because Tyrus means rock their rock is not our lock our rock is Christ Tyrus Satan is their rock he was one of the cherubim that protected the mercy seat he was a good old boy up to that point he learned that right then he became prideful and wanted that seat for himself and as it is written in Ezekiel chapter 28 he was turned to ashes he will be turned to ashes from within he was sentenced to death I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoy studying father's word most of all God loves you for it hey when you study his letter that he is sent to you telling you how to follow him to please him to love him it makes his day and when you make his day boy is he going to make yours you can count on we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we have helped you you help us keep coming to you once you do that rest God he will always bless you most important though stained his work every day in his word is a good day even trouble again of why because Jesus Yeshua son of the Living God and our Savior he is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they take catalog and a list of written reference works available through Shepards chaplain to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing the Shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77-36 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 7 2 7 3 6 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] Genesis 146 the first six chapters in God's Word the world that was did you realize there was a world age before this bin same old world different age the creation itself when were the race is created you see all the races were created separately and you'll find that documented in these particular tapes how was what how and what was their sin in the garden it will be discussed in this series also this is a must for the serious Bible scholar for if you do not understand how it was in the beginning you certainly will never understand the end I think you will find this series very rewarding and certainly will answer questions that no doubt you've always wondered about Genesis 146 hey I know you're gonna enjoy this series [Music] from gravid Arkansas this is Shepherd's chapel with Pastor Arnold Murray join with us now this pastor Murray takes you on a book by book chapter by chapter line by line study in God's Word now here's pastor Murray all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the Shepherd's chapel hey welcome to this family Bible study we're going to finish up the second part of war and armor today we pretty well covered the armor in the last lecture and touched on the war now we're going to go into the war primarily Paul told us in Ephesians 6 hey we're not going to fight against flesh and blood the power of the honor
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 755
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds Chapel, Bible, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor, Book of Jeremiah, Murray, Shepherds, Pastor Arnold Murray, Kjv, Jeremiah, Holy bible, Shepherd's, Chapel, Arnold
Id: 4utnh9WYnPM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 08 2019
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