Ezekiel ~ 37:5 to 38:3

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study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is Pastor Arnold Murray good day for you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are back in our father's word 37th chapter of the great Book of Ezekiel God strengthens us that's what Ezekiel means and certainly it is true our Father does this 37th chapter is symbolic our symbolism of the restoration of God's people in and in as much as it is symbology it has to do with dry bones meaning people that are spiritually not physically but spiritually dead but you can learn a great deal from this chapter if you really pay attention because many people don't realize that the house of Israel in the house of Judah are two separate houses most people make the mistake of trying to put all of Israel into one tribe the tribe of Judah well there's 12 tribes and the house of Israel makes up the 10 tribes that were northern that went into captivity 200 years before the tribe of Judah went into captivity so in this chapter you can learn that for a fact when God actually in the end time puts them both back together called Union so what has he done here he told Ezekiel to go out here there was a great valley there and it was full of bones spiritually speaking and what did God tell him to do to me said you prophesy that is me baa that means to teach you teach them the truth you teach them chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby they hear the Word of God and see what happens to them so that's where we come to here in verse where we completed 37 verse 4 let's pick it up with 5 as the Prophet begins to teach first time with that word of wisdom from her father and it reads thus saith the Lord God unto these bones this is God speaking behold I will cause breath that is wrought to spirit what spirit the holy spirit can enter into you and ye shall live and you'll live again you'll learn the truth again verse 6 and I will lay sinews upon you and will bring up flesh upon you and cover you with skin and put breath that's a rule I've got a spirit in you and you shall live and you shall know that I am the Lord that's the whole purpose God wants his children to know the truth and when you teach properly when you teach the prophets and what the prophets said that is to simply say repeating the words of the Living God it brings back to life those that are hopelessly lost depressed down-and-out that truth gives life new life a new mind and hope in the eternal love of our Heavenly Father and he wants them to know that verse 7 and and Ezekiel always obeyed our Father verse 7 so I prophesied I taught as I was to mean that he always did and as I prophesied there was a noise and behold a shaking and the bones came together bone to his bone you know I'm not going to sing the old song like once I did and we had some many letters showing my natural talent of the hip bone connected to the leg bone and so hear the word of the Lord well that's what you want to do because he can take a body that is broken he can take a body that's down and out and he can put it back together that is to say spiritually speaking he can give you hope give you that body of that can be used full not only to yourself but to others verse eight and when I beheld lope the seen you and the flesh came up upon them and the skin covered them above but there was no breath in them they still they didn't have it what what do you do in that case he had preached a little bit and they grabbed on to it and not to kind of come back to life but you see there's a quite there's considerable knowledge in God's work you got to give them all of it verse nine then said he unto me prophesy unto the wind that that's the route prophesied son of man and say to the wind that's the spirit okay thus saith the Lord God come from the four winds o breath and breathe upon these slain that they may live there is ever so much truth in that verse you're going to anytime the four winds or mention four is symbolic of the earth that's the number of earth we've always we've got four directions north south east and west we've got the four seasons of the year and four is always symbolic of Europe and wind of course the spirit but anytime you hear the four winds that's four winds blowing from all directions upon one certain point it's the end of time that's what it has reference to you're going to read of those four winds and more places than one basically in the prophets you will read oven in the seventh chapter of Daniel but you will also read of them in the seventh chapter of the great book of Revelation I'm going to cover it for you part of it in the book of Revelation what is it that must be done concerning these winds which is none other than the Holy Spirit that speaks through God's elect Lindemann before the pulse Messiah that's why the dis breath this spirit must be delivered this knowledge whereby people know that they have a destiny and a purpose there's a reason they're here they're not just killing time they're not just building space but they have a destiny and a purpose chapter 7 the great book of Revelation listen carefully and after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth holding the four winds of the earth that the wind should not blow on the earth nor on the sea nor on any tree and that's as it was in other words you stop it stop the four winds why verse two and I saw another angel ascending the east having the seal of the Living God this is the purpose and he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to hurt the earth in the sea that's to say to bring me in verse three saying hurt not the earth neither the sea nor the trees till or until we have sealed the servants of our God in their foreheads now what what is it that's in your forehead your brain you're supposed to use it well how does it get sealed sealed with the truth of God's Word what about you know the false messiah comes first and you know you have a destiny and a purpose to allow the Holy Spirit to speak through you and and to witness so that the unlearned can hear the Word of God because it is not you that do the speaking but the Holy Spirit will work that I read that mark chapter 13 is a good place it gives you your destiny and purpose you're not just floating through and still in space you have a destiny many of you have known since you were a child there was more to God's Word than you'd been taught and that's why it's important that you know concerning the four winds the Spirit of the Living God placing the seal the truth in your forehead whereby you cannot be deceived by false teaching by false prophets but that you know and understand at the sixth Trump the false messiah appears on this earth and you're going to stand against him and God will use you whereby other people will see that truth they will hear it and how precious it is to be a servant of the Living God so that's what has to do with the four winds and that's what they accomplish is to take the truth of God's Word and that's why it is so important when you're teaching don't teach don't be one of these one verse revolving revs that pulls lumbers out of God's Word and then pops hot air for an hour and I'm not judging them I'm just saying don't go there you want to know what God has to say chapter by chapter and verse by verse whereby you're prepared for that that is just ahead of us we're about you're forewarned by God himself so that's concerning the four winds it always has to do with the clothes of this time verse 10 returning to chapter 37 the great book of ezekiel verse 10 reads so i prophesied as he commanded me and the breath the spirit came into them and they lived and stood up upon their feet an exceeding great army and you see them today as they hear god's word and people begin to come out of darkness into the light into truth and to know they have a destiny and a purpose all around the world no more nonsense but teaching the real word of god preparing for the great deception that is coming and is even knocking at the door verse 11 then he said unto me son of man be bones or the whole house of Israel behold they say our bones are dried and our hope is lost we are cut off from our parts that's what the nations and other nations would like to have you think but God never leaves us he never forsakes us that's why the teaching of God's Word is ever so necessary to let you know you can't be had you're not going to give up your Liberty and you're going to be a soldier for the Living God verse 12 therefore prophesy and say unto them you teach thus saith the Lord God behold o my people not somebody else's people my people I will open your graves in other words you that are spiritually dead I'm going to bring you out of it and cause you to come up out of your graves and bring you into the land of Israel I'm going to let you know you weren't lost those 10 tribes that went north over the Caucasus Mountains settle Europe many of them coming to Canada in the Americas you're not going you're going to know who you are verse 13 and you shall know that I am the Lord that's the sacred name I am that I am when I have open your graves o my people and brought you up out of your graves out of your spiritual death you know you can't be spiritually dead deader than a hammer not knowing the truth never having God's Word talk to you chapter by chapter and verse by verse and in your ignorance following false teaching many times you can certainly lead a seat this is not the time for that you see your father sent you this letter to inform you you can read and don't let man deceive you don't let Satan deceive you father will never leave you he will never forsaken you and is the xico in the Hebrew tongue means L strengthens God strengthens us he will strengthen you don't ever forget that next verse please 14 and shall put my spirit in you that's the Holy Spirit and you shall live and I shall place you in your own land then shall know that I the LORD have spoken it and performed it saith the Lord the Lord is candid now who's going to do that our Father is your father and how wonderful it is to have a father that cares and he certainly does he needs he guides he directs he makes this possible right he loves you but you must have the word you must have the truth or you're going to be deceived in these end times that's what he's talking about the whole house nothing but a bunch of dry bones what did spiritually well what doesn't God's word do it brings life brings hope and mix them eternal if you would verse 15 the word of the Lord came again into me saying 16 moreover thou son of man take thee one stick and write upon it for Google and for the children of Israel his companions then take another stick and write upon it for Joseph the stick of a thorium and for all the house of Israel and his companions in other words ether a.m. was the largest of the ten tribes therefore Ephraim this is the name utilized basically to identify the ten tribes which is the house of Israel then you have the house of Judah wine did God say right Judah on one stick and Israel on the other why would he do that he's going to put him back together well wouldn't will that happen not until the end they were still separated to this day and will remain that way until God finishes with them and then at the time that this uniting listen to the Union here okay verse seventeen and joined them one to another into one stick and they shall become one in nine hand that's when the Union places our people back together and that happens during the Millennium and on the last day of this earth days going into the Millennium when who returns the king of kings and the Lord of lords at the second Advent verse 18 and when the children of thy people shall speak unto these things wilt thou not show us what they'll miss by these what do you mean with the stick you got here with the names on it 19 what are you going to say to them say engine n thus saith the Lord God behold I will take the stick of Joseph which is the hand which is in the hand of either iam the largest of the ten tribes being the ten tribes and the tribes of Israel his fellows and will put them with him even with the stick of Judah and make them one stick and they shall be one in mine hand and there they are united into one people that happens naturally when the kingdom is established King of Kings Lord of lords and so it is that does not alleviate anyone from any of the duties that the house of Israel or the house of Judah is supposed to perform prophetically speaking God's Word will come to pass as is written and those that have the knowledge and the wisdom to know what the prophecies are concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah do you know what is ever so sad you would be amazed how many people that don't know the difference between the house of Israel and house of Judah put them all together and lump them up therefore you don't know for sure what it is God wants the house of Israel or the house of Judah to accomplish that really puts you behind the eight-ball that means you don't know come here from Sikkim when it comes to God's prophecies if you don't have that one simple little fact that God has two houses they will not be joined until the team returns verse 21 and saying to them thus saith the Lord God behold I will take the children of Israel from among the heathen whether they be gone and will gather them on every side and bring them into their own land i scattered them I will bring them back verse 22 and I will make them one nation in the land upon the mountains of Israel and one king shall be king to them all and they shall be no more two nations don't read over that they are two nations neither shall they be divided into two kingdoms any more at all and and and so it is 23 neither shall they defiled themselves any more with their idols nor with their detestable with their detestable things nor with any of their transgressions but I will save them out of all their dwelling places wherein they have where they have sinned and will cleanse them so shall they be my people and I will be their God do you understand that from the very beginning this was so that they were two people the house of Israel in the house of Judah you know it it all begins it all begins back in Genesis 25 21 the the two people 25:21 listened carefully 25:21 Genesis reads and I think endured entreated rather the Lord for his wife she was barren because she was barren and the Lord was entreated of him and Rebecca his wife conceived and the children struggled together within her and she said if it be so who and why am i thus and she went to inquire of the Lord verse 23 and the Lord said unto her two nations are in thy womb and two manners of people shall be separated from by bowels and the one people shall be stronger than the other in the elder shall serve the younger none Judah and Israel are both one they both come from the good site of that pregnancy the bedside is Esau and you're going to find out about him God hated Esau while he was still in his mother's womb because of what happened in the first Earth Age but no one understand and never forget that chapter 25 21 where even while they were in the womb those two people fought and ward and so it was this is why Jacob was called heel grabber he wanted to be born first but he saw the hairy one was born first we'll read of him in the next chapter you want to be prepared for returning out to the 37th chapter the next verse please verse 24 and David my servant shall be king over them and they all shall have one Shepherd they shall also walk and my judgments in reserve and observe my statutes in two naturally that is Yeshua the Messiah that is the the savior of the world that is God with us Emmanuel and certainly he is king of kings and Lord of lords verse 25 and they shall dwell in the land that I have given unto Jacob my servant where in your father's have dwelt and they shall dwell therein even they and their children and their children's children forever and my servant David shall be their Prince for ever that is to say Christ will be Messiah for ever and interesting that we understand who was Yeshua Yeshua was that prophecy written of in Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 where a virgin would conceive a child would be born and you would call him named him Immanuel which is to say God with us and God has been with us God is that king of kings and Lord of lords that Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Living God let there be no mysteries in your mind our Father has been the ruler of all his creation from the first Earth age this earth age in the earth age that is coming verse 26 to continue moreover I will make a covenant of peace with them it shall be an everlasting covenant within and I will place them and multiply them and will set my sanctuary in the midst of them forevermore now what is what is really interesting is to know back in the sixteenth chapter of Ezekiel God made a covenant and married this late but meant land of Israel and of Jerusalem Judea he covered a wife but there is a very interesting word in this particular verse it's the word everlasting very few people have the conception of what that word actually means well it means forever not means a lot more than that the word is all done in the Hebrew tongue and it means from the beginning of the world without in meaning when God created the children they were created in the first Earth age and that everlasting covenant this is why it is a misnomer for you to ever use the word pre-existed you know such thing is pre-existed as far as the children of God are concerned because they've never stopped existing olam from the beginning of their very creation through to the very eternity itself you either have been in the first earth age or with the father and in the second earth age and then with the father and then with here with him forever never ceasing to exist where our Father is not the father of the dead but the father of the living there may be many that are spiritually dead that means in the flesh and have drifted away from what happened but that's why God sends teachers and that's why he sent the prophets so to remind to draw back into service to bring that truth back to mine to know our Father is eternal and quite frankly as long as you don't go to hell you are eternal also you will always exist now naturally there comes a time at the end of the Second Earth age as it is written in the 20th chapter of the great book of Revelation it will be the end for some that determine they choose to follow Satan rather than to love God that's all he wants from them is simply for they to love him but if they choose to love Satan more so there's one there's one into the lake of fire and that simply is they broaden out of their very existence meaning they don't exist any longer but for you it is eternal all of them never ceased existing from the first earth days through this one and forever what what a calling from Almighty God and what a purpose and what a time and there you have it verse 27 to continue my Tabernacle also shall be with them this is God speaking I'm gonna live with them yeah I will be their God and they shall be my people and that's why the last three words in this great book or y'all Ovation law which is to say God was there God is there verse 28 to complete the chapter and the heathen shall know that I the LORD do sanctify Israel when mine sanctuary shall be in the midst of them forevermore and that is eternal that is the restoration of Israel both the house of Judah and the house of Israel made back into one stick nor and then as the house of Israel and God not meaning everlasting from the first Earth age totally through and even to the very end itself with father at the controls this is what he wanted from the beginning was his children to love him to serve him to be with him and and certainly that is as it shall be but we still have that pregnancy that took place in in the great book of Genesis in that 25th chapter 21st verse let's go into it a little bit it's important now that you have that knowledge as we go into the 38th chapter we come into the final war chapters this is how it goes down have you ever been worried about it you don't have to be all you have to do is read it with understanding chapter 38 verse 1 and the word of the Lord came to me saying to son of man set thy face against GOG the land of Magog the chief Prince of Meshech and tubal and prophesy against him now you got to know who these people are I just read to you from Genesis chapter 25 21 but even while they were in the womb they were at war well it so happens that chief Prince knew Shaq the word in the Hebrew tongue is rush hour Oh sh rush by the by the vulgar it would later be Rush and today we call it Russia it's a children of Edom the red nation and may god that's right we're Moscow or may shakers that were Marcia Moscow yesterday basically just a few miles apart and tubal you know how to became kind of work worked his way in and shadows there with them through the coffee through their King Kagan as the kazars would move north and in that area there is a lot of history within that verse and a lot of knowledge that one should ascertain to know and understand what's going down there are this has to do with the nation not the people there are many Christians in Russia and they have to be Christians under at great cost in my generation there have been people baptized in Russia where they had to cut through to 1/2 feet of ice at night to baptize Christians that's that's cold but that's how strong the Christians are that are there so don't ever take anything away from them but the nation itself that is atheistic communist ik well it's kind of lost its power now I know you'll find in this 38 and 39 chapter they get it back they regain some of that and God allows it and there is a war coming it is the final one you really want to know how it transpires and how it goes down but here you have the characters within that if you might say well aren't you reading a lot into that no no you have you got a Strong's Concordance check out the word chief Prince let's see what it says see who it is oh it's real simple the Hebrew makes it very clear as rich which is today Russia and the children of Edom verse 3 now to continue and say thus saith the Lord God behold I am against thee o gog the chief prince of meshech and tubal in other words he always Esau he hated while he was still yet in his mother's womb we read that back in you would you could read it back in the book of Genesis or you can even read it in the ninth chapter of the great book of Romans but even while they were in the embryo well how could he do that because they have existed with God before they ever entered the room and God knew Esau I knew he was no good coming out the gate because of his he didn't love God and heritage means nothing to him as it does to any atheist they could care less about God and don't worry about there's a dime coming soon when we'll be rid of all of them and that's that's not a threat that's it back from God's Word God intends to deal with them they're going to find out the hard way here's a God alright he's against them but we'll pick this up in the next lecture you don't want to miss it find out how the final battles transpire and if you have anything to worry about I can assure you now you don't all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,815
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold Murray, Murray, Book of, Ezekiel, Shepherds, KJV, Shepherds Chapel, Chapel, Book of Ezekiel, Holy Bible, Pastor Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Bible, Pastor, Shepherd's Chapel, Arnold, Shepherd's
Id: kTzOYzrTvfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 35sec (1955 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 12 2019
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