Jenna Bush Hager, Barbara Bush: Mom, Former First Lady Laura Bush, Was A Hippie | Megyn Kelly TODAY
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: TODAY
Views: 418,367
Rating: 4.6984258 out of 5
Keywords: The TODAY Show, TODAY Show, TODAY, NBC, NBC News, Celebrity Interviews, TODAY Show Recipes, Fitness, Lifestyle, TODAY Show Interview, Ambush Makeover, Kathie Lee and Hoda, KLG and Hoda, MEGYN kelly, megyn kelly today, jenna bush hager, barbara bush, former first lady laura bush, laura bush, laura bush was a hippie, sister first: stories from our wild and wonderful life, bush daughters, george w. bush, reggae music, new book, jenna and barbara bush
Id: GQOLg6Y03E4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 21sec (561 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 24 2017
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