Jelly Roll Quilt

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hi thanks for joining me this is Angie @ my today we're making a jelly roll quilt The Fabric is Miss Kate Bonnie and Camille by Moda Fabrics and what you're going to do is open up the jelly roll you want to leave it as it comes on the role or in the package and normally that's what you would do but i have found I've made several of these and what I like to do when there's fabric that's exactly the same side by side I like to remove those so for example we have three fabrics here that are the same color that means those are going to get attached to each other so I'm going to separate this into a couple different colors so I've got red and i don't mean a couple different colors I mean a couple different stacks and you'll see what i mean in just a second I've got red red blue blue blue to set these aside for a second Here's my three stacks and then what I'm going to do since this is my first stack I'm going to start with this this piece here so what I'm going to do is take this one lay it there and then this one and like it there so this is going to be i'm going to start with this stack and sew them together. Before I sew them I'm going to remove the salvage at the end I'm going to sew this with a 1/4 inch seam allowance. I'm just going to remove on every single one of them I'm just going to stack these up and then I'll flip it over when i get my sewing machine because that's the one I want to start with. ok I've got all my strips ready what I'm going to do is lay it on my lap I'm going to pick up the very first strip one end and now before I attach the other one I want to tell you you need to full bobbins to make one of these quilts so go ahead and have those ready so you don't have to stop Midway so now I've got the end of the first strip I'm going to pick up one end of the second strip i'm going to put them together right sides facing together and then i'm going to place it up here on my sewing machine. I've got my quarter inch seam foot presser foot I'm just going to place it on here sew straight across I'm just going to lift the foot just a tad and pull it out just enough to give me some room to sew the next one so I'm picking up the end of this second strip I'm going to pick up the beginning or one end of the third strip and do the exact same thing and you're going to do this to all the strips there's 40 strips when you get them all done you're going to have 1600 inches one long strip so again I've just taken the end of the third strip i picking up a fourth strip and just going to sew straight across now one of the things i did not mention is that my version is different than some of the other videos I've watched on the jelly roll race quilt that's a mouthful for me you are welcome to change it make it however you want I'm not very good at sewing at a 45 degree angle so I decided to make mine straight I'm going to sew a couple more of these for you and then what I'll do is I'll pause the video and show you the next step ok so we've got all the strip some together all 40 of them this equals 1600 inches one big long strip what you're going to do now is separate these so you're just going to trim that thread right there I don't know that you want to watch me do this whole thing so what I'll do is just do a couple more and then the next step after you trim all these is you need to remove 18 inches on the very last strip so i will just grab that last piece and go ahead and trim that real quick and I can do this when i turn the camera off so this blue strip here is my very end so I'm all i'm going to do is just place it here on my mat and trim 18 inches and that can go on my scrap pile ok so once we get done trimming all these threads I'll go ahead and talk while I'm cutting what we're going to do is we're going to put the two ends together and then we're going to place them together right sides facing together we're going to sew down the right side but i will show you that over there at the sewing machine ok so i'm back at my sewing machine I've got my two ends together i'm going to place them right sides together and I'm going sew all the way down to the very end again I'm using the same quarter inch seam I'm just going to place it on here on my sewing machine now what I'd like to do is actually stop every few inches and make sure that i have it lined up when i get to a seam like this I make sure my needle is down and then i will raise my foot a couple times to make sure that it doesn't raise up any ok so i'm getting to the very end of this first strip so I'm going to finish it and i'll show you the next step so now that we are at the end all we're going to do is take our scissors and we're just going to open this up and we're going to do every single time we get to the end so what I'm going to do now is I've got my end here I'm going to find the other and we're going to do the same thing we're going to face the sides together and then we're going to sew down the right side all the way to the very end so now i'm going to find that ok I've got both of my ends together i'm going to do the same thing right sides together and then a place it on the sewing machine and sew it down the entire right side all the way to the very end I'm going to pause the video and when i'm at the very end I'll turn the camera back ok so we're here at the end again I'm going to finish this up and then I'm going to do the exact same thing I'm just going to take my scissors and just cut straight across i'm going to open it up and now I'm going to find the other end I'm going to do the exact same thing so i'm going to place it right sides together and sew all the way down the right side and I think I can probably do this one on the camera shouldn't take too long ok so here are both of my ends. sew the exact same way ... just going to line this up. the bigger it gets the more challenging to keep it straight so I just stopped often ok so we're here at the end again I'm going to finish this up and then we'll cut it same thing just going to open this up take the scissors and cut. going to open this up we're going to find the other end and we're going to repeat the process I'm going to sew down this right side until I get to the very end ok so i'm almost at the end of this row so let me finish it and then we'll cut it we're going to cut all the way across again and then this is the final time we're going to put our right sides together and sew along the right side until we get to the very end ok so here we go We're almost at the very end of our final row I'm going to wrap this up ok so now we cut it open one more time and you might find it a little bit easier to do this on a table so what I'll do is I'll pause the video and pick it back up where we cut it open ok so now we're at the very end and all we're going to do is take our scissors and just cut straight across ok so now here is our Quilt top and you will see a picture of it of course before the video it turned out beautifully the next step of course would be i'm going to go pick out my backing fabric take it to the long arm quilter and she will wrap it up for me so it may be a little while before you see the finished product anyway I think I think someone's going to really love this whoever i give it to .... have a good day thanks a lot bye
Channel: ChicnScratch
Views: 232,303
Rating: 4.8611331 out of 5
Keywords: chicnscratch, handmade, cihcym, quilting, howtoquilt, sewing, jellyrollracequilt
Id: 0Kdt7j00mgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 26 2015
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