How to Make a Jelly Roll Quilt Top (for beginners)

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hi there so normally I'm in the kitchen doing some baking or cooking or playing with gadgets and that sort of thing but I got this sewing machine at Christmas it's a 1966 singer and so I've been learning how to do some sewing and in particular sort of so quilts and that kind of thing and I saw online a lot of other YouTube videos about general quilts and I thought they looked pretty cool and I thought I would try one of the simplest ones that I saw which is pretty much using a jelly roll which is two and a half inch wide strips they are 44 inches long typically and usually get it at 40 of them or so and you just stitch them all together and then put the ends together it stitch them all together again you keep doing that and then at the end you have a cold top cover or a quilt top for your pulse so I thought I would give it a go and just show you me trying this for the first time to see how hard or easy it actually is so I have a Mota jelly roll called dotty so that's the pattern you can see all the lovely dots all through there so these kind of you've got all sorts of different colors and different sized dots and it should look really cool when I'm done so and the first thing to do from what I've seen is take off my outside and you're going to leave them in order and just unroll them so that's how you start so just got them all flat like that so this is a stack I'm going to leave them in this order because you want them to be sort of spread out any way you can just sew them together in this order so that makes it even easier for me as beginner doing this and so to sew your strips together you take one and you want them to all end up in one one long row and so to do that you're going to sew as you saw them together instead of just doing at putting right sides together and then you flip it open and you've got your seam straight down the middle you want it on it on an angle so when you open it like that you've got it sort of on an angle and it looks much nicer than having the stripe vertical on which you can do if you want but the easiest way then to do that is you just put them together at right sides together so the bottom bottom strip is up and I'm sorry my explanations aren't quite as practiced as baking but this is just sort of my first time doing this so you're kind of working through it with me so right side and then right side down so right sides together and then what we do is we sew from corner to corner and what that does is once we've done all of that we're going to cut off this excess but when you flip it open like that you then have the nice diagonal joining your two strips together so sewing machine here at now you can crease this if you want you can draw a line if you want you can and I'm going to eyeball it because there are a lot of these and that's how I'm gonna eyeball it so I'm going to go across on my diagonal I've got the two strips this way I've got the two end bits on this side and I've got fabrics facing each other and so I'm just going - so straight across darĂ­o now what I've also seen or learned so far is that this is where people tend to change stitch so basically they just keep stitching these together so you would then take your strip and again so this is the one that was face down so now I want to face up because we want a top sides together and I'm going to take my next strip and put top side down so you've got top top sides together like that and then you can just put it straight into your sewing machine without trimming off all the tail ends and that sort of thing I'm going to give myself a little bit more room here so that you don't have to keep using so much thread so you keep sewing there we go so again eyeballing that diagonal and run this strip and so then I'm going to flip it over so right-side up and again take the next strip and then we're going to go right side down now you can cut off of the cut off this little salvage or extra end on there but I'm just going to overlap them that's why I've got to kind of overlapped like this and then I also have corner to corner that I can see so I know where I'm I ball like my stitching Oregon if you want to draw a line and we're just doing that again a right angle and then we're going to put this over here that up and eyeball it there we go and so you keep doing this with the whole row so I'm just going to keep doing this you can watch and I'll let you know how it is a 437 so I've done a few strips and we'll see how long it takes to do this part because these quilts are supposed to be fairly quick to do for people who actually are good and proficient in sewing I guess so as a beginner I'm sure it'll take me a little bit longer than that but I will keep sewing and let you know when I go to my next row once we get all these strips join together the Oh the you okay so I'm all finished and that took 25 minutes to do and as you can see these are all strung together now because we change stitch them together this is the first thing I've ever changed stitch together so that seems to have worked quite well now I'll just hang and lovely strips so the next fun part to do is to take your scissors and go through and cut off you're going to cut in between each of these because you want them all into one long strip and actually I'm going to grab another scissors and then as I said so we've got our two strips like this and you just want to cut off this excess so it folds flat so if you can see that I'm just going to cut nuts with the sharpest scissors but boom and I'm going to cut about a quarter of an inch or so off of there and then what that allows you to do is open it up like that and then you end up with your long strips so I'm going to go ahead and do that with all of these so again you're cutting it in between and then cutting off leaving about a quarter inch like that and then again that means that that can then open up and you get a nice little diagonal line rather than a vertical one so I'm sure that you could just do that in a little vertical stitching if you want but this this will lie a little bit flatter because your seam is on a diagonal so it kind of goes across like that you won't get a bunch up when you go to sew other ones it'll sit a little bit flat but anyway you want to join these together the whole point of this is to just open up but jellyroll and Stitch kind of end-to-end all the way through and then keep doing that so once I get all these cat will stitch and then again and that creates your whole top and it's supposed to be quite easy and quick and so for the beginner quilter I'm going to find out if that is actually the case so let me keep going through and separating all of my strands and cutting off all my excess and then we will start sewing and to end okay so I now have all of my strips sewn together just like that and so now we need to start sewing the ends together to make one big long strip or half I guess the size of this and then you keep doing that to get your quilts so I will be get set up and be back and we'll do that okay so you want to take our ends so we've got one hair and kinda I'm going to drop that under the floor and I need to find my other end because we want to sew the two ends together so I've got my two ends finally and you're going to cut the other end when you get to it so it doesn't really matter that this is not all facing each other as you go but I'm going to drop it under the floor in here we go and now I just need to sew a quarter inch all the way along and I can see that I've managed to pull out my thread so we'll just pop it back in there we go so I need to make sure that I keep an eye on my thread and on my bobbin thread obviously because those are going we're going to use a lot of thread stitching this together and you can go at whatever pace you would like to go I'm going to go at probably a pretty slow pace and I'm just going to I'm actually going to go this way along here and I'm just going to stitch these two strips together so as I go I'm probably just going to make sure that I've got them sort of together this way back here and sort of stop and adjust if I need to whoa and I can do exactly what you don't want to do yet and everything's stuck underneath to start okay so let's try that again strips are facing each other and pop that down and so okay so I'm coming up to a couple of seams now and some people will go through you can go through and press them open or you can lay them down to one side I'm just going to lay them down to one side so the one underneath is lying and one-way and then this one's actually and we're just going to keep them going the same way so they're all going to be down this way and I'm just going to sew straight over that you the you okay so I'm getting to the end and I've got a twist so I am going to cut this in half and sew it so that I can sew it flat now something that I'm just remembering now that I was supposed to do was to actually cut off about 18 inches of the first strip and the reason that you're supposed to do that is because as you can see at this end it means that that is sort of equal parts so when you do your quilts these pieces where they join together start to be on one side or the other side of your quilt top rather than sort of staggered all through it so what I'm going to try and do which I don't know working on I want you to take off my ab piece just here and we'll see if that works so if they're saying 18 so 9 so that there so if I cut off my strips about here hopefully that will stagger the rest a little bit more but you can obviously see how that has worked or not worked as I go through okay so those are the two strips that we've sewn together and so that is the two strips all the way long so what I need to do is find my other end again which should be down there there we are I'm just going to cut off my strengths so they don't get in the way so that was one end and this is the other end so now those are going to go at face to face and you're just going to sew them together again so again if you wanted to you could press this open I'm not going to I'm just going to sew my edges together so we're just sewing down the side again with a quarter inch seam and then you're just going to do that all the way to the bottom again and that's how you keep going and when you get to the bottom you cut it and put the two ends together so I will just keep sewing you you you okay so we've come to the end again and I'm just going to take my scissors and snip and finish sewing there we go and then we've got our strips and we find our end again which I think I left down here and we start all over again and we do the same thing so while I'm up and quarter inch seam all the way down okay and we are at the end begin and this time I'm really twisted so I am trying to straighten it out as much as I can we're going to chop the cut back to that yeah excellent so did you open this up and so you just keep going like this until you get the width that you want or the dimensions so I mean if you were going to do a long table runner you could do something like this and stop here but I am doing cool top so I'm going to keep going like this actually there and you just keep going it's very simple it's definitely taking longer than an hour that is for sure so if you're a beginner like me and I've watched any of the other jellyroll videos where they say they don't take very long they do actually for people that are still new to sewing and I will just keep sewing this and so I will show you what it looks like once I have finished all of the rows to get my desired quilt okay so that was the last one and I cut it open and this is my lovely quilt so you can see how the different stripes are all sort of cut up and you've got your different angles now where you see sort of those doubles that's where I had so I had so the first row before I cut off that extra bit and now you can see why so that you can get them sort of randomly through it so that's how you do a general quote I'm going to pleased with that it took a lot longer than an hour which is what they see the same takes but that's for an experienced quilter it took a few more hours than that and more breaks for me but I thoroughly enjoyed doing that so if you're new to quilting or want to give a general pull to go it was a lot of fun and thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoyed the site a different video from all of the cooking ones and I will answer any questions that you happen to have so post those below and please subscribe to see what else I'm doing thanks again for watching
Channel: mrs gooses goodies
Views: 263,452
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jelly roll quilts for beginners, jelly roll quilt top, easy quilt top for beginners, jelly roll quilt top for beginners, how to make a jelly roll quilt top, jelly roll quilt tutorials, jelly roll quilt, easy quilt top, jelly roll quilt patterns easy, jelly roll quilt patterns, quilting for beginners, jelly roll, Beginner, quilting for beginners tutorial, quilt, quilting tutorial, quilting for beginners by machine, Easy, Precut, jelly roll quilt race, Top, Quilting
Id: vPxJBzoe9DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 21 2015
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