Introducing the ADJUSTABLE SIZE Jelly Roll Race Quilt Pattern!

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hi i'm donna jordan from jordan fabrics today i'm gonna show you how to make a jelly roll erase quilt a new jelly roll race quilt one where you can control the size of it so you can make it exactly the length you want I've done a lot of math here just ignore the numbers you don't have to see all that and we are going to add accent fabrics jelly rolls we're gonna make the perfect size quilt here is the jelly roll race quilt I made a couple months ago this is the jelly roll drag race it was tons of fun to make and it goes really really fast that's one of the reasons why people love the jelly roll race quilts the thing they don't like about it is you can't control the size also the strips usually come out horizontal and I like my strips to go vertical a lot of times so with the jelly roll race quilt generally speaking you make a long strip of all your strips and then you fold it in half fold it in half again fold it in half and it ends up this size you can't control the size at all the method I'm gonna show you today you'll be able to make this exactly the size that you want let me show you what we're gonna do we're gonna take the jelly roll strips here's a long strip and we're gonna put three accent squares in there and we're gonna use these fabrics over here for the accents and we're gonna put those in by making a strip unit and then cutting it up now for size if you have one roll you can make about a fifty eight inch square quilt I don't normally make square quilts but you could also make it rectangular and these are just approximate sizes so we could make a forty-eight by seventy now if we have two rolls we can make an eighty two inch square or you one rectangular it's about seventy six by ninety three rolls were getting up into a king-size here you could make one hundred inch square or about ninety two by 110 and of course all of these can have borders added and these don't have to be your exact dimensions but this is giving you an idea of what you can to do so I'm gonna have information as a free pattern on our websites you don't have to remember any of this but let's get started sewing I'm going to use one quarter yard of each of these accents and I'm going to cut it into three strips at two and a half inches each I'm gonna make a strip unit in that order so let's take the first two just line up the edges and sew using a quarter inch seam and use a small stitch length because these are gonna get cut after we sew them and so that helps that seam allowance not come apart if you use a small stick now I'm gonna finger press this to one side because it makes the next step of ironing much much easier so just open it up you can use the pad of your fingers or your fingernails if you've got them and draw that right down there and that will just make it lay nice and flat when we iron now we'll add this third piece right here same method don't stretch anything just put the edges nice and even and finger press this one same direction so make three of these strip units and that will give us enough to do the whole quilt now this is already pretty flat because we finger press but I do like to give it a good steaming I've got all three strip units here and because this is a race and I want to go fast I'm gonna cut them all at the same time so I've lined the first one up on one of the lines on my cutting board there and I'm gonna put this one on top but an inch higher so it's still on a straight line then I'm gonna put this one on top of that one inch higher I'm still only going to be cutting three four or five layers all at once but I can take my blade and my ruler and my glasses I'm going to start right here because I don't like the edges which are not always as straight as the rest of it and we can cut it all at one time now we're going to cut these two and a half inches [Music] so you can see how fast that is and every one of these we've got three units all at once so I only need 40 total so I'm gonna cut a few more and then we'll sew these up with our strips I'm gonna use the strip set from Hoffman this is what they call a Bali pop but it's two and a half inch strips and this is all boutiques I don't want to be too picky when I put these in order but I'm gonna have to look a little bit so we don't end up with a lot of the same color in one spot so they've got it pretty well mixed except for here we've got quite a bit of light all piled up there so I'm probably going to stick those lights down here a little bit you can't really tell exactly where the pieces are gonna end up because we're gonna put it into a big long strip but I don't want to have like these two greens in a row that's gonna bother me so let's put one up here put this one here and now we've got the colors let's put this pink here and now we've got the colors pretty well mixed up alright so let's take this big lump over to the machine all we have to do now is take a strip and so one of these accents to it then stitch it with a quarter inch seam and finger press it always finger press that direction now we're gonna grab the next strip stitch it on and keep finger pressing every time and add another accent so we're gonna do this for all the strips and all the accents [Music] I have all my strips and strip units sewn into this one really long piece here and you'll notice I've got it in a little plastic bin I think a bin or a box is a great thing to catch your patchwork so that you can move it easily in this case and also so it doesn't get dirty so I'm gonna make the 70 inch the 48 by 70 inch so I'm gonna want to make my first strip 70 inches long so let's just measure that off here and we will cut it about 70 and a half inches long I want a little bit of extra length because we're gonna trim the whole quarter when we're done and this doesn't have to be really really straight because like I said we will square it off afterwards so that's my first row here next row is going to start right here so we're gonna take the bucket and the row and we're just gonna go back over to the sewing machine and we're gonna sew this all the way along that edge so I'm going to put the bucket right here on the floor and this will feed right out we're gonna put right sides together and we're gonna sew all the way along this edge using a quarter inch seam and this part goes really fast this is where the racing part comes in we've got this nice long stretch and you can really build up some speed I'm almost at the end here I'm gonna stitch right off and we are going to take our scissors and we're just going to cut this even I like to fold it back and then cut that fold because it gives me a straighter cut now we're gonna go to the top again and I like to finger press that I know it's an extra step but I like to finger press this whole scene because it makes the ironing later so much easier but this is an extra step if you just like to iron it all when you're done you can eliminate this step but I really think it'll save you time if you do this so I'm finger pressing on pulling it open and pressing that seam to the side now we're just going to take our strip from our box again and we are going to start the next row we're just gonna put this right at the top and we're gonna start sewing you can see the secondary pattern showing up now this isn't even ironed yet but because we finger pressed it's laying really flat but you see how these are very evenly spaced and that's going to happen no matter what size quilts you make now if your first row is not 70 inches you're line of accents may end up being more angled like this or more angled like that but you will get the even angles and that just gives it a really awesome secondary pattern it's really really fun so I'm gonna put a border on this and then I'm gonna get it quilted up and then I'll show you what it looks like look at how nice this quilt turned out I know I made it but I'm really really happy with it so you may not know but most of the quilts we make for our videos it's the first time I've made the pattern so I have never made this quilt before until I made this one and can you see how the accents made those really nice diagonal lines it looks like I planned it all out on purpose so they would hit at exact intervals and they do hit up exact intervals that's because we did one row and cut it and then moved up and did the next drill so what happens is these and very very even again if your first row is longer or shorter yours might end up making this pattern or that pattern but they're still gonna be nice and even I quilted this pattern in a design called calm waters and it looks very much like ocean ripples and it's a pattern designed by and right and we have this on our computer on our gamal machine I really like the movement of this and I use this a lot when we do boutiques now on the back I used a more abstract batik that is a batik again looks very watery to me even though it's a greenish but the colors the blues and yellows and greens match so nicely with the top so the patrick was 48 by 70 and then I added a two inch cut border and a four and a half inch cut border so now it's a battle 58 by 80 which is just a perfect throw size really one of the best parts of this pattern is that you can dictate what size it comes out so I used one jelly roll here you can use two jelly rolls three jelly rolls and you can make it come out exactly the length you want and we'll have all that information on the free pattern that'll be on our website thanks for watching our tutorial today on how to make the jelly roll race we hope you enjoyed it now we're having another giveaway we're gonna give away a gift certificate so this is really nice because you can come to our website or come to our store if you live locally and you can pick out $100 worth of stuff to make your favorite quilt with good luck
Channel: Jordan Fabrics
Views: 354,458
Rating: 4.9402609 out of 5
Keywords: Quilt, quilting, quilts, 12 block, log cabin, fabric, fabrics, pre cuts, table runner, table runners, sew, sewing, log cabin 12 blocks, Jordan Fabrics, Jordan's, jordan, floating point, Floating Point, Donna Jordan, Matt Jordan, Patterns, 4k, Batik Bali Batik, bali batik' sister's choice, tutorial, let's make, vlog, quilt shop, quilt store, race, jelly roll race, adjustable, resize, resizable, pattern free, download
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 19 2018
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