Sewing Through The Jelly Roll Jam II

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hello and what a great day to sell something wonderful I am Kia with Kia B and today we are working on something really fun have you received maybe a Rollie pollie in a so sampler box that you just aren't really sure what to do with or there was a jelly roll at your local quilt store that you just couldn't pass up but you've got it home and now you're like I don't really know what to do with this I have to admit I bought this jelly roll about a year ago and I still haven't used it or let's say this maybe you've made a quilt and you only used about half of a jelly roll like this one why don't you come in a little closer let's talk about the things that you can do with all of these first I kind of just want to walk you through here on my iPad how to get to the free patterns at the fat quarter shop like I said I am NOT sponsored in any way I was just browsing their web site one day and I saw this and I think it's really cool to take advantage of so you just go to their website fat quarter shop comm and you are going to squirrel and about half way down here on the on the on the side here you're gonna see something that says free quilt patterns so we're gonna click on that and it's going to open it up there are so many quilt tutorials and patterns on here and it even shows you if they have a tutorial made by Kim herself at the fat quarter shop so this is really nice now for the quilt that we're going to do today is using a jelly roll and so you can my goodness there's just so many you could you could scroll on here for hours just looking for different patterns and so um I'm gonna put this aside I'm going to show you the ones that I've pulled for today so our very first pattern that they offer as a jelly roll pattern is actually called the jelly roll slice what this is and you're going to get a little bit of a glare because I like to put these PDF patterns and sleeves what this is is it uses a jolly bar I'm sorry jelly roll and some other fabric like that then the next one we have is called the jelly roll quilt pattern Jelly Roll Jam quilt pattern and so this uses about the same materials as what we're going to be using today but the actual layout of the quilt is just a little bit differently and and it's about two inches smaller than the quilt that we're gonna make today so you say okay stop showing us patterns we're not gonna use to the Haiti and show us the one we are so for our pattern today we are going to be doing the jelly roll Jam to quilt pattern now fat quarter shop does have a video of this pattern already on YouTube so I'm not trying to make a video and tutorial showing you exactly how to cut how to make all of these things this is a free pattern to you that you can go and download I am just walking through a pattern letting you see me walk through a pattern and just kind of talking the steps through it do I do things a little bit differently absolutely but you know I just kind of want to show you how I'm gonna walk through this pattern today so I'm gonna lay this to the side I kind of always at the very beginning just kind of have my pattern off to the side and that way I can easily see where it's at so the other thing today my jelly roll is a lot of turquoise and white and black and I'm really excited to use it this fabric is handmade by bonnie and camille for Moda and i am just hoping to use it like I said I've used this fabric in a lot of other projects especially the quilt behind me that we've actually gotten a lot of compliments about and then so I'm excited to break this open today first I mean just this black and white diagonal strip stripe is so adorable so we've got some black and white there's some black and white with pops of these really pretty flowers some more black and white here as we go through it here's where we start to introduce that little bit of turquoise color so I really like that we do have some words so this is going to be a directional fabric so we're gonna need to kind of watch that as we're piecing some turquoise and white it's not turquoise it's teal I guess some little cross stitching patterns more teal there's those big flowers diagonal stripes again here's what we're gonna start to introduce just a tiny bit of red and this strip right here is how I chose the backing for this project I loved the huge flowers I wanted to see what this design looked like without being chopped up into a two and a half inch strip so I was really excited about that we've got a little bit darker teal here and then we've got these hexagons and some white with white flowers so actually there are no cutting instructions at the very beginning of this tutorial you're just gonna start sewing now the patterns suggest that you break up your fabric in two color segments the first thing you need to vied is to divide divide 12 strips for white blocks and eight strips for narrow blocks so what that means is we're just going to need 20 strips and so I'm just going to go through here and divide them up what that means is I'm just gonna break up these colors so that not all the teals are all together not all the black and whites are all together they're just kind of dispersed so the way I'm going to do that your eight strips for narrow blocks those are not going to show the pattern as well so some bigger prints I'm probably going to put those in a separate pile so that I can kind of really get a good glance of these flowers [Music] now that I have all of my strips kind of divided up here I have 12 strips in this pile and eight strips in this pile we are going to assemble six at a time for these wide blocks I'm going to set these eight strips aside and we're just gonna assemble these now here's why I say I'm not doing a tutorial on how to make this pattern I'm simply just like going through telling you how I saw this pattern because I'm gonna give you little tips and trips tricks that I have found useful as I'm sewing so I know that these are gonna be divided into so I want to go ahead and break up my colors now so what that means is I don't want six that are all black and white and then six that are color you might want that and that's totally fine but I'm gonna go ahead and break these up now so let me just see I may have already done that pretty well one two three four five six so basically if I were to divide it in half right now I only have one black and white strip in this set and in the other set I would have three so I want to break that up so there's two and two so I think I already have a stripe in here so let's pick a different black and white one and let's see maybe switch out these okay put them on this side and we'll take this one and put it on this side so let's see what we've got here so for one is set we've got this really pretty black and white we have a teal with that then let's do this really big floral here that's really nice we've got a white then we could do the black here we can do this one next then this one and this one so one two three four five six seven eight I don't have enough in this file it's cuz I took them all on an album okay so let's pull out two that we think could come out of this one there's one I told you all I'm just walking through my process this is my crazy I probably talked to I talked to myself more than I should during this process mmm maybe I'll pull one you're gonna pull this one out okay so I have one two three four five six in this set somewhat lay those there stock those up so that's gonna be my first set of six and then here is my second set of six I like those hexagons this handmade line is supposed to be kind of a long like the stitching and creating side the word fabric is really cute it's as little keywords for quilting like stitches and patterns and it's just so it's a fun thing okay so I've got this and yeah we have two stripes now but that's okay I'm gonna put them far enough apart that you won't really see it so this is my second set of six so one two three four five six I really I cannot wait to see how this turns out and I can't wait to compare the two quotes that are the same pattern but I know they're going to look so different so what we want to do now is match up selvage edges and we're gonna head over to the sewing machine and just sew these and long strip sets and you're gonna want to sew all six to the same set and then sew a separate set that is six strips as well now here is my tip for you and I'm gonna tell you this before we get over to the sewing machine and that way I don't forget let's say that you are sewing and your sewing kind of veers to the left or it might be R to the right just naturally everybody has like a natural veer I wish I didn't but I do and what happens when we sew two and a half inch strips together like that the fibers just kind of allow by that natural curve to really stand out so what I suggest doing if you start let's say we're sewing these two together okay we're gonna put right sides together and just sew a long strip so let's say we get them all lined up here so let's say we're gonna sew these if I start at this end this time and then I press them open a way to eliminate that kind of veering and those fibers to stretch they're in the center I because we need every bit of these strips I'm gonna start so I've started on this end this time the next side time when I'm sewing this strip I'm going to start on the other end here and so you're just you're just going opposite so I would start on this end then the next time once I've got these strips sewn together in my set I'm gonna start on this end does that make sense not what you're gonna try and keep everything aligned as much as you possibly can so let's head over to the sewing machine and get these two strip sets sewn together so here we are at the sewing machine I have just taken both sets of six strips and laid them to the side that way I can just continuously so and not have to reach over too far or anything like that I think that's just the tip because I'm a little lazy but we'll see okay so a trick that I like to do is I will put a pin in the end that I started on and that way as I'm attaching the next strip then I know where I started I need to start at the opposite end so I'm just gonna grab my next strip here and put right sides together and make sure that pin is out of the way line these up just kind of line up selvages you don't have to worry about cutting those off before you start I'm just gonna put my pin in the top here and that way I know which end I started on because as a homeschool mom who walks away five thousand times a day I can easily forget where I started and I'm just gonna take a quarter inch seam all the way down I've got my quarter inch foot on here and I've figured out that a scant quarter inch is actually when you open and press that that that seam allowance is a quarter-inch if I put my fabric all the way to the edge of my foot here that's not a scant quarter-inch so I know I've kind of eyeballed where that is and so I really try to to keep to that so I make my make sure my pin is out of the way on this side and I'm just going to start sewing all the way down [Music] [Laughter] one thing that is really going to help your strips not veer to the left or veer to the right is making sure that you have a really straight stitch what that means is that you're not moving the fabric to the left or to the right as you're sewing and you're kind of just letting your machine guide it through I'm not pushing or pulling on the back I'm not pushing I'm not holding the fabric super tight you know I'm just allowing it to kind of guide through so my pin is on this end meaning I need to start from this end and so I will just grab another strip and I'll continue to do this once I have this set done I'll start on a new set and I will see you back at the cutting table [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] as I was putting these strip sets together I'm just loving these color combinations so much more so I've got both of my strip sets sewn and pressed according to the instructions I typically would press my seams open but I thought since I'm working with you all on this pattern I would do as the pattern says so I was a good girl and I just did what the pattern said instead of what I typically do so I've got those done so I'm gonna lay those aside just kind of fold those up and then we're gonna take those eight strips that we set aside earlier we're gonna take those and put them in groups of two so 8 divided by 2 you should have four groups so I'm just gonna kind of lay these out and here's my thought process during this time here I am looking at tiny print versus larger print versus medium sized print and I'm looking at color mediums and so I'm just kind of going along and seeing what I want to put together and what I want to keep separate so I know I don't want all the blacks together let's see I think that this one would look really pretty with a black one so we're gonna do that these words thinking these words are so pretty and some of them on here say like granny square charm packs sewing machine flying geese so this is all quilting terms it's not sewing it's all quilting terms which is really fun it's a fun little aspect um I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking I'm thinking I think that I would really actually like this as a set of its own so I think I'm gonna do this kind of cross stitch pattern with these words I think that would be really pretty and then I'm gonna do these stripes and polka dots together just because that seems really fun and do I want to do that no I'm going to do these stripes and this medium pattern together then I'm going to do these polka dots with these really fun teal hexagons so you're just gonna set so these and strips of 2 and then press according to the pattern this is really this goes together so simply and so quick so why don't you head on over to your sewing machine get these zones you should have 4 strips press accordingly and we will see you right back here at the cutting table ok now all our strip sets are sewn together how did you do I have my sets my 4 sets of 2 strips and then my two sets of 6 strips and I'm just loving all of these colors I cannot wait to get this quilt all the way put together and it just seems like this is going really really quickly so our next step I want to give you a couple of pressing instructions I didn't take you over to the ironing board and I probably should have because I want to talk about pressing and teaching someone earlier this week on how to press her her lines and her strip sets we were doing one and a half inch strips they were kind of waving and so that's what I talked about starting from one end and sewing the opposite end and then going to the opposite end going back that will help also keeping a straight stitch will help but the process of pressing will help as well I've talked about this in a few tutorials before the difference between pressing and ironing pressing you are taking your iron and you're just dropping it on the fabric not moving it lifting it up moving it to the next part setting it down lifting it up moving it over setting it down so that is pressing you're literally pressing into the fibers of the fabric ironing is going to distort those fibers and so you're laying your iron down and you're ironing just like you would a garment or t-shirt and so that can also stretch on the bias of the fabric so that on the diagonal that has that stretch you're going to distort that and that's what can cause your wavy lines as well so I wanted to point that out as I didn't take you over to watch you watch me press the I just really wanted to point that out that that can also help your scenes stay really nice and straight so the next thing to do so we've got our our sets here the next thing to do is to refer to your free pdf pattern for the cutting instructions finally we have some cutting instructions so we want to grab your rotary blade and then whatever ruler that you have handy it that you like to cut with and grab your pattern I always have mine just kind of sitting close by As I am working on a new quilt so you'll want to grab those things and go ahead and get your your sets cut up according to the pattern so now they have all of your units your strip units cut you are going to just need one of your six strips and one of your two strips guys this quilt is coming together unbelievably quickly just going to lay your six strips to the side and then this goes on here you're going to sew these together according to the instructions and you're going to do that to all of the you're going to attach a two unit to a six unit and there's a good diagram on the actual pattern and so with that being said if you have directional fabric you definitely want to pay attention to the to the pattern because it shows you how we're gonna stagger the rows so that they they get laid out differently so I'm just gonna do that I'm going to continue and you want to make sure that that with this six strip you have it with this to strip this time it may be this six trip next time you have with a different two strip if that makes any sense at all so I am going to get all of these sewn up then I'll end up sewing row to row and make a really nice little quilt top so if you all have any questions with this part please comment down below I am going to get to work to get this quilt top finished then I'm gonna get the actual quilting done on it and we'll just kind of pop in for some updates as we get this done and we will see you back when our quilt is finished so here we are about three weeks after starting to film this tutorial I hope that you all enjoyed tech guys so sample our unboxing last week that was super fun we loved reading the comments I really appreciated that he stepped in and kind of did a fun little unboxing for you guys I was really getting over just Causton I had no voice and so we just thought it best we wanted to get it out to you because I know some of y'all wait on that and then so he thought why not take us to have it trying to open that unboxing so we hope that you all enjoyed that like I said we absolutely loved reading the comments they were so so fun and so I don't know he may have to make an appearance again on another another unboxing so I wanted to wrap up this tutorial for you I have been able to finish this quilt it is absolutely beautiful and I cannot believe that it came from the same line the same jelly roll actually as this quilt behind me so what I did is I chose one of the turquoise teal prints from the line it has a very small pattern to it I use that as the binding and you know this quilt is beautiful the back do you ever have a quilt that sometimes you want to hang from the back because the backing is so beautiful this is definitely one of those quilts for me so let me push this out of the way and open this up this is absolutely beautiful and you would never know that it's the same jelly roll as back there and so this just turned out so beautiful and so unique here is the back and it's just got these really pretty beautiful Rose patterns with the Rose wreath around it how I chose to do the quilting on this one was actually very simple where you see let me fold it up here so you can get a good look at it okay so where you can see in this quilt you see that the fabric lines go down this this way here I actually quilted across those lines straight line quilting and where you see that the fabric goes from the right to left actually quilted the opposite direction and that was really fun it gave a really unique look to the quilting on this one behind me which is the same pattern I used a hexagon template I traced them out with a washable pen and that's how I quilted that one so that was really fun as well I love the quilting on that one just as much as the straight-line quilting on this one so I hope that you all enjoyed this tutorial please let me know in the comments down below if you have any trouble finding the pattern on fat quarter shops website or anything like that if you have questions on how I did the binding or how I did any of the straight-line quilting please leave comments down below I love reading your comments I love continuing that conversation and so that way that I can help you all on your quilting journey so thanks so much for joining us in the hive thank you so much for your patience we were so excited to do another quilting tutorial for you and so we will see you in the hive again soon [Music]
Channel: Kea Bee
Views: 138,944
Rating: 4.7840695 out of 5
Keywords:, Quilting, Stiching, Fun, Turtorial, kea bee quilting, sewing, jelly roll
Id: K77C4uZ1Leg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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