Jekalyn Carr Teaching Women Conference 2018

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but the only way is going to be able to find you is if it can locate your worship so I need everybody all over the building tonight I need you to forget about what you are oh if you got the foul on your face I need you to open your mouth and begin to worship God because you're sure is gonna find you tonight you'll trip 1 2 3 open your mouth open your mouth saya that triplet dysfunctional relationship is finding you tonight it's finding you tonight back to fatigue dreams it's finding you music lift up your voice and worse lift up your voice and worship it's locating you did not it's locating you tonight your worship is yes [Music] I want to now have five ten people around her and tell them it's here it's here it's here it's here come on you gotta tell them what's up mama tell them it's here it's here it's here it's here now you wanna have your own stuff is here tonight it's here tonight the ladies hope no way does Homer you've been waiting and waiting laboring in labor I got good news yes feel like you're glad about it shall I declare about them I said the reason why I gotta cure you it's because it's your winning season you wanna open up your mouth shot is my way to Caesar is my winning season [Applause] look at your neighbor and tell'em like you know Jesus said neighbor come on Eunice Ellen White said neighbor not only is it your winning season but everything attached to your weight that means your home don't ministry yo-yo lift your hands all over distance God we give you glory but tonight is at night for transformation God we came to serve notice to the devil that he can't have anything that belongs to us and father we declare that the plans of the enemy has been destroyed denied uprooted canceled rejected reversed cursed and ambushed by the Holy Spirit and the blood of Jesus for when it's all said and done we still got the victory we stay of documentary now you wanna open your my clap your head and shot in your smoke suddeniy or snow tip awesome glory right there [Music] want you to know that God didn't show up to play with the devil tonight everybody running slow there's a strong hole that has you on lockdown I came to tell you that tonight is gonna let you go it's gonna let some of you gonna feel yourself getting lighter God says that's me and work for you you want to open up your nothin shop God it's working God is working God is working and so I give God glory to be able to stand before you as you're standing up on your feet you've got to help me give God praise for the man and woman of God of this house Bishop Michael and lady bring their job oh come on y'all can do better than that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] do you help me give that praise for that beautiful gift miss Peggy helped me get my praise fire my film is cheered my mom and my sisters my dad he stayed back at the room to get some rest but he's here in spirit can you clap your hands and help me give God praise for them now before you be seated I want you to clap your hands and help me give God praise for your neighbor for your neighbor up - y'all ain't doing that right cuz she y'all ain't doing it right cuz sometimes it's gonna seem like others around you are being blessed but I found out that the first step for you receiving your blessing is that what others around you are being blessed you gotta learn how to celebrate I said open your mouth and bless God for your name if you have your Bibles I want you to turn with me very quickly very quickly to March up to 16 verse 9 March up to 16 verse 9 and then we're going to skip over to Luke chapter 8 verse 2 then we're gonna go over to John chapter 20 verses 14 through 18 and listen because I believe that there is something that God has for you and the enemy will use the smallest things to make you miss out on it I want everybody who have the recording devices I want you to do me a favor and put it down and while you're putting it down I want you to smile about it because I want you to get all God has for you somebody shot all of it all of it God has allowed me to release my first book entitled you will win I didn't bring in it tonight with me but you can get it on as well as borns and Noble my new album which the song you will win is upon it's called one nation under God you can also get it on all digital outlets if you have at least one of the scriptures shout I got it I got it mark chapter 16 verse 9 says now when he rose early on the first day of the week he appeared first to Mary Magdalene from whom me at casts out seven demons Luke chapter 8 verse 2 says and also some women who have been healed of evil spirits and infirmities Mary called Magdalene from whom seven demons had gone out John chapter 20 verses 14 through 18 declares having said this she turned around and saw Jesus standing but she did not know that it was Jesus jesus said to her woman why are you weeping whom are you seeking supposing him to be the gardener she said to him sir if you have carried him away tell me where you have laid him and I will take him away jesus said to her Mary she turned and said to him in Aramaic rabboni which means teacher jesus said to her do not cling to me for I have not yet ascended to the Father but go to my brothers and say to them I am ascending to my father and your father to my god and your God Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples I have seen the Lord and that he has said these things to her I want you to look at your neighbor and you gotta tell him like you know Jesus say neighbor you are the chosen wash high-five to people I tell them you are the chosen one you are you are now high-five your own self was a little bit more power and shout I am the chosen one you may be seated in the presence of God I just need you to preach back to me but just a few moments Mary Magdalene was a woman that had many issues before being healed she had been possessed by seven evil spirits you know it's interesting how God chose to reveal himself to the woman first instead of the two men disciples Simon and Peter that went to the tomb and it wasn't just any type of woman that God revealed himself to but it was a woman that he had to clean seven evil spirits out of I came to talk to somebody up in here tonight because you see there's some people that would have looked at you and your past and they will tell you that you're not qualified to experience Jesus but listen I believe that Jesus did this to show you that I can take their people with messed up lives I can take those that have issues I can take doles that have been telling it out rejected and light on and use them to reach the nations so when you looked at Paul in his issue of murdering Christians God stopped him watch traveling on the Damascus Road and the spirit that was a point Paul it had to go just like many of you up in here tonight God that would you in your issues he found you with messed up spirit he found you with messed up lives he told you with mister thoughts and beliefs and he saved you see somebody needs to understand that have got got to interrupt your messed up life and save you because you are the chosen one he will look at your neighbor eternal you are the chosen one now the Bible did not say which demons or evil spirits that she had but it said that it was seven of them this woman could have been dealing with a lying spirit she could have been little with a warmonger spirit she could have been a thief she could have been dealing with the spirit of sexual perversion she could have been controlled by the spirit of Jezebel she could have been an alcoholic she could have been a murderer but in the midst of her have a seven unclean spirit in the midst of her being in her mess God interrupted the plans of the enemy and He healed her from those spirits you see one thing that I realized is that so many people are dealing with issues now because of one spirit that you allow to enter in and the only one that can deliver here is Jesus Christ himself but how does she get these seven spirits she could have become bitter because of pain in her life it could have been from childhood pain it could have been hurt by different men it could have been from abuse it could have been from being in the wrong environment or around the wrong people but to see one spirit smooth the other spirits she wants to devil attack you in one thing and then you start feeling bad about your situation then it brings on low self-esteem and the devil knows how to resist up to you when you are lower suffers see because that is the place what people begin to do things that they normally wouldn't do they allow the wrong people in their lives to bring even more pain and the devil tells you in this place that it's okay for you to do this or that see the enemy has found that depressed spirit huh upon somebody up in here tonight and now he's trying to bring other spirits huh to attach it to your DNA huh but you want to open up your mouth and shout that devil is a liar huh can't hear nobody shadow with power go see what you got to understand is the enemy knows when you feel like you failed so they need try to come through the failure door it knows when you feel lack so he trying to come through the locked door you try to attack you with my parents didn't raise me he try to attack you with your past he try to come to familiar spirits he trying to attack you with pigs that you used to shrug away see all the government's huh it's just one door huh to get into your life so that he could destroy your name destroy your character destroy your I know I take huh destroy your future huh but I dare you to jump up out of your seat huh high-five three people huh and shut the devil got to be crazy huh because tonight I'm getting cured huh you want to open up your mouth and shut that devil is a liar he can't have my anointing her you wanna open up your mouth so that means that generational curses stops with you a generational blessings huh big tears with you y'all a shout loud enough I said generational curses huh tonight they stop with you a generational blessings huh they big dance with you you wanna have five three people and tell them you are the chosen one you are the chosen one so a speech I just want to take a moment and just declare that the strength of God is hid in your life i speech drifted to every single parent home you have the responsibility of raising your children on your own I even speech with it to those there seems that you are the main one that's being hit with crazy stuff and it's causing frustration it's causing weariness and your strength is just about gonna but I came to remind you tonight that is a sign to you that you are the chosen one because you got to go through something huh and all of forgot to pull the best out of you I speak that tonight is the night huh that should get ready to curl up your Louisville and you will break the curse huh no children prosper because she will break the curse your marriage will prosper because you okay here no bother you your business will cross Mira because you will break the curse man I know that the devil told you not sure what don't be successful but I came to tell you that tonight is the night huh that God isn't looking for somebody who will raise your standard it does not matter what everybody else does huh God told me to tell you that you don't have to accept what the devil has to offer you don't have to live as seeing her you don't have to live in hurt and pain and unforgiveness huh why because you can't break that curse huh I'm tell you to jump up out of your seat huh high five five people up until I break that curse huh break that curse ma you don't belong that no way get rid of it can you break the curse you can break it by not allowing all of these different types of people to enter into your life my so-called friends men women don't care or whoever because you got to understand that some people comes in your life to tear up the good that God is doing for you and they bring their negative spirit and they try to attach it to you and even after God has cleansed and deliver you the enemy will always send somebody huh - hold your pass over your head huh and some people hold it over your head because they don't want to see it be nothing in life they don't want to see you go nowhere in life huh but I dare you to do your hand like this huh and some look how destiny huh cuz here I come huh I know I messed up but tonight God is making me over look how destiny you are in your shower your destiny yeah cuz she one thing that is significant about why God chose to reveal himself to Mary Magdalene first was so that you could know that it does not matter what you have done God doesn't even care what you be he said because when I clean you up you have the right to fellowship with me and not only that but I would take your testimony huh and I will save your entire family huh I was saying the entire neighborhood no I need you to look at your neighbor huh I told him God is working and your tonight huh gone is my father also he's working he's working I'm ready to preach now the Bible says but Mary Magdalene was the person that Jesus used to announced that he had arisen in other words he took a woman that from our point of view wasn't good for nothing certain life around and he used the same woman to make the big announcement huh I can't unless somebody know tonight but you are the one that is going to make the announcement to everybody that has counted you out huh then you've had an experience when you're delivering huh and now you're delivered from depression and insecurity huh you're delivered from that something huh what the devil has to offer and you're willing to wait my godson you what's yours you are the one that is going to announce you had an experience they said your family place in your body you are the one that is going to announce that you've had an experience with the curse breaker and now generational curses have been broken and destroyed the curse of poverty the curse of sickness the curse of rebellion the curse of failure the curse of jealousness the curse has been broken this short lease about time for the devil to know her but you ain't playing no mo ha it's about time for you to receive mr. boxer notice her to get up out of your life cane to tell somebody huh Mary she is an example of when God ha ha they have a routine that is attached to you huh that don't supposed to be huh has got to let you go up came to tell you that broken miss has got to let you go there is slow hold let's stop to let you go huh hurts huh macho man you don't belong here [Music] that damn I told you huh you wasn't gonna make it huh I came to tell you last laugh it's on the devil huh cuz cuz my god it's friend of the tables what new plugs huh I won don't get back up but take a look at me huh take a real good look huh don't I look like Victoria don't I look like Victoria you want to open your mouth get out of your seat huh what across the room ha ha ha kids people love you are the chosen one you are get out of your seat stay at your room get out of your seat get out of your seat then I go see one across the room 12 10 people you are the chosen one that's the reason that never could kill you that's the reason huh he could destroy your name huh but two came out try the fire but you look like gold you wanna open up your mouth and shut the devil is defeated the devil is defeated yeah by the cellar with your hands lift it up listen I don't know what the enemy has been trying to use to keep you from moving forward into your destiny well there is word curses generational curses all I know is that night God has showed up just for you and I need some people who say enough is enough I'm ready to be free and I'm ready to move forward into what God is calling me to if that shoe with your hands lifted up ha I need you to make your way as close to this altar as you can get to it when you come don't just come I want you to open your mouth and cry out to Jesus open your mouth and cry out to Jesus cry out to teams if you don't know what else to say just say god Here I am [Music] but Jesus made me open lon come on I said open your mouth open your mouth everybody that has been attached to my very being a let's shoot and put their God take it away take it away strip it now strip it now strip it now and she's us me in Jesus name oh yeah get rid of it get rid of it ever reward first ever in Soho get rid of it get rid of it now now now in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus God I don't I've been held back long enough I've been long enough oh gosh I let open up your mouth I made up your open up your mouth it's coming to your rescue tonight he's coming to your arrest unit there's no cars too great that God can break apart for you there's no hole too deep that God came for you Anna open your mouth walked in your mouth with everything that Shinya cry out to Jesus cry out Oh I give it to you no I can't until you lost I don't want to deal with it almost I don't want to deal with it almost it's not who I am it's not who I am I've given to your loss I give it to you [Music] [Music] he's doing a new thing in you he's doing a new thing in you the demarcate have you I'm sorry the demarcate have we can have a boy but you are the children you are the children oh the curse of failure has got to let you go the curse of barely making it has got to let you go the cursor Africa team Misha has got to let you go let gosh miracle let us we become why I like a terrible shock oh that's it open your mouth open your mouth open up your mouth that hero miss here that hero is here that hero is here but hero is here reductive us lived up to us he's blood you up he's restoring you he's restoring you he's making your home he's making your home he's giving you a new life received a new you received a new you received a new you but you will never be the same you will never be the same oh yes Lord yes sir yes or yes yes yes yes yes he showed up to free you he showed up to free you the devil thought that take his hands out for you the devil doctor take his hand off for you but you gotta take your off for your children take your up for your bloodline you're free you're free you're free in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus oh but she does say I love you too much to leave you there I love you too much to leave you there you imagine you more you will pay to accomplish more his purpose put your name on the best destiny with your name on it let me free you so you can walk into free you so you can walk it too in the name of Jesus in the name of Jesus oh yeah oh that delivery see the deliveries here the delivery is here oh you don't have to deal with a number you ain't got the strong a winner no mo it's okay to let it go it's okay to let it go let it go let it go let it go let it go Natasha Natasha it's too much for the unit Carey is too much for you to carry every unnecessary burden his pin rid of it tonight let it go let it wobble SIA oh look at them a renovation da da ba ba ba Shia open your mouth cry out to Jesus cry out to Jesus cry out to Jesus God if you don't do mine Elsa don't pass me by tonight don't bless me by tonight huh Here I am Laura I cry out for freedom I cry out for freedom I cry out for restoration of restore me restore me beyond me black copper take me back oh yeah oh she doesn't seem she doesn't she's assess him she doesn't seem Jesus is here Jesus is here oh you ain't gotta leave you win you ain't gonna leave here with him you ain't gotta leave here with it let's open your mouth and cry out to Jesus let's open your mouth and cry out to Jesus Roy Adama mama Shia Oh oh look at that I'm not sure deliver me from evil deliver me from evil deliver me from evil right now right now right there while you walk but the camera right here right there where you are you need to open up your mouth and they're gonna cry out to Jesus my feeling is here healing is here reeling is here Healing is here open your mouth open [Music] [Music] tonight you should have arrays and you want to know you're gonna be stronger than you love a bit before you're gonna be smaller than you've ever been before oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] there's many of you and I did not get a chance to lay head but I want you to know that God is touching you now for those of you even before you leave this place the enemy is gonna try to come and tell you the complete of what God has declared over your life but there is something called that God has placed on the inside of you so whenever the devil popped his face up you activate that power and look at the devil I tell him I am who God says I am as a matter of fact you want to put it in the atmosphere right now I am who gosh it said again I am who God says I am one more time before you be seated I want you to hug as many people across this room and tell them God has done a new take in you he's done a new take he's done a new tent he's done a new thing he's got a new tip [Music] Oh [Music] I knew thinking you come on that's it tell em he's done a new thing is not a new thing it's not a new thing for you will never be the same you would never be the same you would say from the [Music] to rescue rescue rescue tellin you he's gonna know Wow you wanna wave your hand in the atmosphere and just begin to declare he's gonna do pinging me he's done a new thing in me he's done a new thing at me come on I said wave your hand in the atmosphere and shout is not a new thing he's done a good thing I've been transformed for the better Cochran swings for the better Oh crisis rescue is rescued my here I'm sure of tonight my heroes shown up tonight you are my hero you are yes last [Music] as rhonda this anointing lift your hands lightly for about 30 seconds I want you to open your mouth and then again begin take you've got your best worship 1 2 3 open your mouth [Music] open your mouth oh we give you gloves they give you blow maybe giving horn Oh match this team we give you Robin come on open your mouth up you got a few more seconds open your mouth open your mouth press press
Channel: Jekalyn Carr
Views: 457,570
Rating: 4.861927 out of 5
Keywords: Jekalyn Carr
Id: iJ4Zg4C27Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 47sec (2147 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 17 2018
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