Jeff Lynne - Mr. Blue Sky (ELO) | Het verhaal achter het nummer | Top 2000 a gogo

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[Music] it's a brain everybody [Music] everything goes I'd like to start with it all be it's all nice and warm you know and then it gets messed with in the old coffee box I would actually even say that your real instrument maybe is more estudio than any of the instruments that here that's actually probably true I love the studio so much because you can use it in such ways like look at this studio for instance this is so big you can get a you can get to sound like anything but just depending how far away you put the microphones so I could make it sound like a church or something like that or I could make it sound really dry and it's all dancers just experimenting you know what what what sound do I want [Music] when I wrote mr. blue sky I was actually Switzerland on a mountain on a mountain in Switzerland anyway I was in a mansion and I'd been there like about a week and he'd been cloudy and misty all the time I've been now thought this is gonna be great inspiration you know not and one day the Sun came blasting out and it was all blue sky and I could see for it forever you know and it was just beautiful and and I he made me write mr. blue sky [Music] you know the Beatles quit because they couldn't play paperback writer that's why they quit playing on stage and I was here I was with all this giant 30-piece orchestras on record and you know pianos guitars and choirs trying to do it with seven people you know which wasn't very easy to recreate that's how I wasn't very happy with the sand no III didn't like it at all the lifes and it was just not much fun for me when the producer on there on the record there was 30 P string section and probably 20 please choir and some songs so that doesn't really add up to three to two cellos of violin and no quiet we were all doing our best it sounded like as good as we could get it but it was difficult you know what in especially in 10,000 seaters places you know we couldn't really hear yourself either so that was the early days of those Big Show's you know [Music] mr. blue sky [Music] all the album's I've ever done with that elo days we're all done very quickly like I'd have maybe a month to write the Sun and six weeks to record them and then like a week off for a month off foot and then on to her again promoting them you didn't have time to second-guess or anything you know because now obviously you can just keep at it forever but then you couldn't I had to just do it and say that's got to be it you know and luckily as it happens it was okay [Music] I've had 30 years more experience of as a producer and I'd like to have another go at them because I don't think I did him justice the first time ran some of them and I started off with mr. blue sky itself the Sun and tried it out to see what would happen now 35 years later how I would approach it how it would work and I played it from the manager and he said wow that sounds so much better than the old one and everybody else seemed to be very pleased with him too so we said make it album [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I didn't do the double ending yet because that was part of a sweet when I originally did it and it didn't sort of make sense to me to not be part of that little sweet I listened to it look at it you know like I do with my kind of perfectionists look at it and there isn't really a Duff bit in there there's not a bad bit you know all the song will he works and joins together properly and it becomes it becomes like a complete unified thing and and I don't go oh I wish I hadn't put that bit in or I wish I'd have done this there I see go that's how it is and it's okay [Music] you
Channel: Top 2000 a gogo
Views: 255,214
Rating: 4.9364691 out of 5
Keywords: ELO, Jeff Lynne, Electric Light Orchestra, top 2000, documentary, docu, interview
Id: x5_0F54Vr3Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 44sec (344 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 24 2017
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