The Complete(ish) ELO History!
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Channel: LostRadioMan
Views: 128,573
Rating: 4.1312499 out of 5
Keywords: Electric, Light, Orchestra, Jeff, Lynne, Roy, Wood, Kelly, Groucutt, Mr., Blue, Sky, Do, Ya, Telephone, Line, Idle, Race, Move, New, Album, Long, Wave, September, Documentary, ABBA, Kermit, Frog, Solo, Zoom, Out, Record, World, Classic, Rock, Pop, Standards, Traveling, Wilburys, Bob, Dylan, Orbison, Tom, Petty, George, Harrison, The, Beatles, John, Paul, Ringo
Id: DRDqpaDEG3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 0sec (600 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 23 2012
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