Paul McCartney – Blackbird (The Beatles) | Het verhaal achter het nummer

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but it was George and I used to sit around as kids teenagers and mainly we were just playing some you know rocket [Music] machine you know twenty flight Rock and stuff but we had a little piece which was like a party piece to show people that you know we weren't as stupid as we looked and it was it was buy back and it went like that so what we liked was it as the melody and then the sir or whatever you know the bass line going at the same time that was kind of hard harder to do than anything we did so that was how we did it but we got it wrong it should go to the derp derp derp derp derp derp derp derp and it goes on but we just truncated it and did it like short like that and that bit I kind of always liked so then I ended up adapting that years later remembering this little thing we should have into so I'm just looking for all those little shapes so we'd had a melody on the top and little bass line so that's what Blackbird fly Blackbird [Music] fly into the line of a dog nice [Music] you know of all the classical composers I think for the Beatles and me since but has always been an influence he's got good Tunes you know he's almost a pop star in his own day if you think of something like air on a g-string you know it's one that everyone knows and you know then you had Procol Harum doing whiter shade of pale and a lot of people are influenced by his thing and we always just say when we were asked who's your favorite classical composer was by probably cuz we didn't know anyone else take these broken wings and learn to fly [Music] for this moment to arrive [Music] you know it's nice about it is that people who play guitar all around the world learn it lots of people learning so I run into lots of people you know I even remember George Harrison saying to me this is how it goes did you know George hadn't really watched while I did it on the session he didn't sort of ask me to show him so he years later he'd just been trying to pick it up you know I just like the fact that people like it enough to try and learn it that's a great tribute for me you know when that song came out we were in you know we were in England shortly thereafter and I think Steven figured out how to play it we said Jesus that's beautiful I bet we could do a three part of it and so we tried and we did take these sunken eyes and learn to see [Music] you were only waiting for this moment to be free [Music] Wow no I haven't heard in it well that's what I mean you know how cool is that [Music] originally I had in mind a black woman during the civil rights time when people were you know being excluded back at the boss people couldn't go in hotel black people in America particularly couldn't go and South Africa didn't have access to her the places of white people had so for me it was a kind of there was a civil rights aspect you know and I used the blackbird as a kind of symbol of a black woman in the south and you were only waiting for this moment to arise you know you're finally getting your rights so it's kind of symbolic of that so that's another reason I like it and I'm proud of [Music] you were only waiting for this moment to be free [Music]
Channel: Top 2000 a gogo
Views: 687,108
Rating: 4.945508 out of 5
Keywords: top 2000, The Beatles, songstory, Macca, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Blackbird, interview, documentary, docu
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 12sec (312 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2017
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