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Everyone said yes! Why did you all vote for yes? Foreign is harsh lined, Japanese are soft and fluffy. Australia. They are really so cute. Hey guys it's Cathy Cat! "Ha-fu" Half is a word that Japanese people use to describe someone who is half-Japanese. This time we are gonna go and ask Japanese what their opinions are on half Japanese people. And what they envy about them. Don't forget to subscribe to more videos on our channel. So you catch all the other videos that we do with Japanese people and let's go and ask Japanese. This is today's topic. Ta-da. Could you read it? Do you envy half-Japanese people? Yes, why is your English so good? I lived in the Phillipines and Indonesia. Basically living in different countries for 13 years. Probably... So you are fluent in English, Japanese and...? A little bit of French maybe. So to translate the questions to your friends... Do you envy Half-Japanese people? Perfect! We are voting on this right now, what will you pick? Yay! Two points for yes and two for no? Please tell us why. First of all why YES? Half-Japanese they.... look so handsome to me. People who have foreign blood mixed in, they look so cool. And that cultural enrichment is something that I envy. I am studying English and Half-Japanese friends can speak English so well and I envy that. I envy Half kids who can speak English. What do you envy about them? It's a language that is spoken all across the globe. I wish I could speak it. You said No, why no. Of course I have times when I envy Half Japanese people but... But when it's the world cup or something where nationality is important... They might wonder which country they belong to. I think they might have a hard time with that. Even in daily life, they might struggle with their national identity, not knowing where they belong to. You said you partially want to say no, why? I told my half friend "Halfs are cool" and she said "Why do people call me half, I am a full person." Saying half makes it sound like they are half a person. And many don't like that. One of my friends told me not to call her half. I guess that is one thing too. Half Japanese people have their own problems with that. That's why I feel 50-50 about it. So hearing it from your friend, being half Japanese can be hard in Japan too. Yes I started thinking that. Is there a ideal of the Japanese half? Ideal? I think they are all cool. I don't have that. Sorry. I think they are all wonderful. What do you think is wonderful? I generally love many cultures. There isn't a good or bad culture, and they all have good parts. - Wonderful thinking. Do you tend to envy half-Japanese people? Please vote yes or no. Yeeees. You all said yes. Why yes? They have tall noses. What do you mean? They have taller noses. Is that something good? - It is. I envy that. Why is a tall nose desire-able? So cool. Who do you think of? A foreign soccer player or such? Christian Ronaldo. He is so cool. Half Japanese all look so cool. They dress fashionable... Is that I think. I like how foreign they look. There is a half-Japanese kid in my class and I envy him so much. Where are his parents from? Russia and Japan. Is he popular? -He is fun and really popular with the girls. What does he look like? He is really tall and has super pale skin. His features are really defined, and naturally curly hair. He looks so cool. Why do you envy half Japanese people? I am half-African... (friends whispering) I just heard your friends say that that's a lie. So having deep features is a good thing in Japan? - It is. Do you have a half- Japanese friend? - Yes in middle school. He is half Filipino. Please tell me how he looks. His eyes are huge, his chin is defined. He looks really cool. If you could be half Japanese, what other half would you chose to be? - Croatian Why so? I think in Croatia there are many beautiful girls and boys. I would like to be half Croatian. Half-filipino. - Why? - I have 3 friends who are half filipino. That's why I'd like to be half filipino. There we go. Try and read today's topic. Do you envy ADULT half-Japanese people? I have no clue. - What does it mean? Do you envy half-Japanese people? Yes or No? You both voted for YES. Why? Why? They have beautiful eye creases. Their noses are so defined. Are you talking about eye folds? What do I say... They suit strong makeup. How about you? Half Japanese have long legs, are so slender and suit clothes that show off skin like tank tops and such. I envy that. You mean Japanese makeup and foreign makeup is different? Foreigners can wear flashy eye makeup. adding fake lashes and such. But Japanese we focus on the skin. Foreign makeup draws it in clear lines, like the brows, in Japan it's all fluffy. Is there a country that you admire? I wonder where... We both love Korea. And envy people who have hangul names. What's so good about them? What's good about them? It's easier to give them a nickname. Can you give me an example so it's easier to imagine what you mean? The idol group Boudan Shounendan has an idol called Kim Techong. Techong will be called Tete by the others. Things like that. If you could choose, where would one of your parents be from? I would like to be half-Korean! Why so? - Why so?? They have pale skin, natural makeup looks good on them... They are also so stylish. I admire everything about Half-Koreans. I wouldn't want to be half-asian but more from a country that has deeper facial features. Please read the question! Are you..... what does that mean? Every? - No envy! Envy? Jealousy? I have one! Do you envy half-Japanese people? Bingo! You pretend you know, I swear you didn't! You both said yes. Why so? Their faces look so attractive. - Attractive faces? Their features are so defined. Japanese people don't have that. That's why I envy them. Are defined features a beauty symbol in Japan? People with defined features are generally handsome. You can pull all the girls. That's what's important to us. What type of half- Japanese is especially cool? I personally like half-Brazilian people. Why so? They are just so cool. That's the image I have of them. The sporty types. - Yes. If you could marry a foreigner and have half-Japanese kids, what would you do? I'd pick someone from Australia. - Why so? I heard Japanese people are popular with them. So my chances there are the highest. I am a realist. I hope my kids have blue eyes and natural brown or blonde. Your kids would be...? - Half-American. You changed your opinion from Canada to America. America or Canada, both is good for me. Any ideal looks expectations? I want a boy. Pale skin, with a hair color like yours. I want a kid like that. Do you envy half Japanese people? Do you understand the meaning? Half Japanese people - How many of them exist? No she means envy. If we envy them. So it's "do you envy half-Japanese people"? - That's it. I'll vote yes. More yes. What do you actually envy? Half Japanese people can speak different languages... I envy that. The ability to have two mother languages? - Yes. Which language do you envy? English, and I also like K-pop. If I could speak Korean, that would be amazing. The physique of half-Japanese is so good. I like how well build they are and envy that. Do you have a favorite celebrity who is half-Japanese? Yes, I like Rola, and Becky, I love Becky! Becky is still my phone wallpaper. Nice one, can I see? It's true! - She is so cute. What do you like about Becky and Rola? Their face and their style is so good. They appear in tv dramas and movies and they are so cute. Just so cute!!! Everything about them is cute! I am only saying cute...but they are really cute. Do you have any acquaintances, class-mates or work mates that are half-Japanese? I know a girl who is half Filipino. Her eyes are really big and her eye fold is really defined. I envy that a lot. I have a friend who has like quarter parents... She has the blood of 4 different countries in her veins. But she can't speak English. Apparently she converses every day in Spanish with her parents. She CAN speak other languages. - Yes. I admire that. Do you think half-Japanese kids struggle in Japan? Well this is quite positive. They have smaller faces than Japanese people... So when your face is too cute and small, face packs will be too big. Apparently that's a problem they struggle with. That the outside of the face pack is too big? - Yeah. So facepack are Japanese size? - Yeah. It's probably like that. What do you think half-Japanese people struggle with. Getting asked all the time "Come speak in another language." But when they can't people are like "You can't even speak that language." Poor kids. You mean the surrounding people expect different things from them? - Yeah. If you were to be half-Japanese, what is your ideal image? I wish I was Half-American. I somewhat expected you to say Korea. - I chose America. I want to have big curves. I am just round right now. I wish I had clear curves. People in America are so fit. And when they wear a dress, they are so beautiful. That's why I wish I could be like that! Who is your role model? Beyonce. She is so beautiful! I like her singing voice so much. Also her dances. Is there a favourite foreign role model you have? I like Taylor Swift's music and her face looks good in Make up. During her Music Videos, I look at her face a lot. Are we all good? Thanks for answering our questions. So do Japanese people envy Half-Japanese people and we had actually... We had a number of 16 people saying they envy half-Japanese people. The majority apart from one person envied the looks and the ability to just speak several languages from Half-Japanese people. I was actually hoping to get some more critical responses... how hard it might be to be half-Japanese in Japan. We didn't get that this time... I guess these people were not aware of it, while a couple of my friends who are half Japanese said, they struggled sometimes a little bit. But on the same day we also had an interview with a girl that was half Japanese and she said she had positive experiences which she is sharing with us. That will be in a future video, so don't forget to subscribe, hit the button, and also Click on the notification symbols so you can find out what she had to say about her experience of being Half-Japanese and living in Japan. This is a topic on which I hope we can get into a little bit more in depth and get some critical responses sometime in the future, so stay tuned for that. Hope you enjoyed this, also, for me in my school, we had people from all kinds of countries coming together. Lots of international marriages, how is that for you? Do you envy people who are from international marriages or maybe you are the child of an international marriage. Let us know. I hope you have a great day and I catch you soon on Ask Japanese. Let's start the discussion.
Channel: Ask Japanese
Views: 409,899
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Keywords: ask japanese, AskJapanese, ask, japanese, cathycat, cathy cat, japan, japanese girl, japanese react, react to, interview, street interview, japanese boy, japan trip, travel japan, japanese culture, culture shock, dating japanese, japanese fashion, ask Japan
Id: oGlAYh39u0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 16 2018
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