THICC YES or NO? What Japan thinks about curvy girls

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Wide shoulders. - That's a bad thing? In Japan it's bad. What foreigners see as a normal body is seen as fat in Japan. Hey guys on Ask Japanese, it's Cathy Cat. THIC is a word I learned recently about and the trend of curvy girls being popular. I love it. But how... does Japan react to the whole thiccc trend where the girls tend to be generally skinny. Let's go and ask Japanese. THIC girls are popular abroad right now. Did you know? Do you mean BIG girls are popular? Oh well, in a way, large butts are popular. and thic thighs. Your reaction there was quite something. So that's popular abroad, what do you think about it. I like watching American movies. and there are girls in there with that said "nice body" they are bigger than us. I can tell that's what foreigners like. But here... I personally don't like that. I don't know a girl with that body type, because I have been raised here in Japan. I only know Japanese girls. Japanese people are very skinny and I am used to that body type. It's alright abroad, I am not used to seeing that Japan tends to prefer just skinny girls. I personally think like that. - Me neither... I don't get the thick boom. Japanese like skinny girls Japanese men prefer skinny little girls. I don't get that American trend I mean I know which people they mean but I don't like my girls thick. Not my type. Is it tough to be skinny all the time. - I am not skinny I heard from my American friends, that in the US girls with nice thick curves are popular. Some even do surgery to make it bigger. What? - I am so jealous! I want to live in that world! I should move. - Compare that to Japan. Japanese are skinny and always want to be even skinnier. Everyone wants to be skinny! - Even though they are already skinny? Skinny girls still say "I got to loose weight" and I say "There is nothing more to loose!" The more you loose weight the better in Japan Do men put that skinny pressure on girls? Girls are too strict with themselves. - Boys might like a little meat might like a little meat but Japanese girls prefer themselves skinny. - How strict are you? I am not putting that pressure on. - We probably should. We are in the volleyball club and have muscles... We gave up on being skinny. - Isn't having muscles a good thing? No... - When Japanese girls have muscles, people dislike that. We are too strong and have wide shoulders... Yeah... - That's a bad thing? - In Japan it is. Not good. - So girls should be un-sporty? Skinny, pale, small shoulders and bony... that's ideal Small buts and everything small. That's popular here. Isn't that the opposite of curvy girls abroad? - Let's go abroad! I should. I wish I could go. I wanna escape to America. When Japanese girls get muscles, they "non-Japanese" like? Yeah. - Our kimonos suit skinny people. Having curves is a bad thing here. So strict!" What is the current Japanese girl beauty ideal? I prefer the girls abroad... I like the body type that is not like Japanese. Long legs... straight legs and arms like people abroad... I admire that. I think foreigners are beautiful I look at them here. Now I am wondering... body type wise foreigners are curvy. Do you envy that too? I think it's sexy. I envy that they have that culture. In Japan we have to be very skinny. Abroad, some curves are a good thing. I envy that. I think that's so cool. - Do you HAVE to be skinny in Japan? You don't HAVE to be but that's our beauty standard. Japan is stricter about weight than abroad We focus a lot more on a person's weight than abroad. Abroad if they look good and aren't skinny, that's fine. I envy that. So... abroad... a chubby girl can still be cute. In Japan a cubby girl can't be cute? That's like it is, I think. Where does that skinny ideal come from? The media? The models in our teenage magazines... they are incredibly skinny. - You got the pressure to look like that? We all have to look the same. Abroad there are different cultures but in Japan... we all have to be the same. We want a little more variety here right I wish we could have more of a variety of types here. - I agree Abroad curvy girls are popular... some even add some to their butt. What is the Japanese beauty ideal right now? Being skinny is best. I want to loose more weight. I want straight thin legs. In Japan, the skinnier the more popular you are. - Just skinny. Yeah. - What is the Japanese beauty ideal? The ideal weight that Japanese girls desire... is really bony skinny. But... boys don't want their girls that skinny. Not too skinny and not too chubby. Just a normal Japanese body type. So boys don't like their girls too skinny. - probably not. A Japanese girl's ideal body is generally... too skinny in my opinion. - Same here but... Their perception of what is "fat" is totally different. Japanese girls will say "I got fat." But as boy I don't think that. I think she is fine. But she wants to loose more weight. The way they loose weight... is almost too much for some boys I think that's the gap there. Do you think thiccc girls will become a trend in Japan? In Japan it will never be a trend. Why so? - What is a "normal body" abroad... is seen as "fat" here in Japan. - Japanese girls... always want to be super slim. They think slim is best. They want to look like models and that's the majority. Do some of your friends try and diet so they can be slim? They do. Don't eat any carbs and such. Why is being so skinny popular? - For several years now... very wide clothes are popular. tiny girls in oversized clothing are popular. I think that's one reason. When Japanese say "She has a good style" they don't mean fashion but how skinny the girl is. - That's true. Being skinny is really import to girls. If you are skinny, we think your clothes look better and I think there are pretty girls too who are chubby. I don't feel too pressured right now. I gave up on trying to be that skinny. It's impossible to be like that. - Balance. - Balance my weight. Trying not to gain too much ... is what I do. - Yeah girls admire k-pop girls. Looking like that. - Some girls want to be as skinny as idols? I think that's a thing. - Especially young girls like middle school or high school they are the ones who diet the most. - The clothes of young girls... are made so you have to be skinny to look good in them. Those were our questions thank you. THICC so that's a new term for Japanese people and they were surprised when I mentioned the trend its ok to be curvy. Nice thick curvy hips, that is ok... in maybe America but not so much in Japan. Most Japanese people think the idea of thick being popular is new and surprising. They think... I can imagine this being popular abroad but it is not something that is popular right now in Japan and the foreseeable future. Most girls said they would love if this became popular in Japan because the Japanese beauty ideal is still excluding different body shapes So hopefully in the future different body shapes will be more included into the Japanese beauty ideal. Different shapes, I love people of different shapes I hope we can push this more for a culture where different shapes and types and everyone is accepted. Hopefully we get there some time here in Japan but like I said we are not there yet unfortunately. What is your opinion on thicccc girls? Yes or NO? Let us know in the comments down below. Looking forward to reading your comments. If you are new, don't forget to subscribe for more content. We ask Japanese people all kinds of things. On that note if you are curious subscribe, if you enjoyed this give us a like. Makes a change for us cause we try to bring you a lot of videos a week so hope you can leave us a like to let us know you enjoyed this content and catch you soon for more stuff here from Tokyo by Ask Japanese. Bye.
Channel: Ask Japanese
Views: 1,313,557
Rating: 4.9467282 out of 5
Keywords: ask japanese, AskJapanese, ask, japanese, cathycat, cathy cat, japan, japanese girl, japanese react, react to, interview, street interview, japanese boy, japan trip, travel japan, japanese culture, culture shock, 海外の反応, 外国人, 海外, インタビュー
Id: Ib89eM86LsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 41sec (701 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 23 2019
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