What do Foreigners HATE about Japan

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you actually know another pet peeve I have is some people but uh some of frustrating things are okay so can you guys like tell us like your name and where you're from first please sure okay I'm Brody I'm from England okay yeah around the middle of England okay yeah my name is Adam I'm from Michigan okay and how long have you been in Japan for I've been here about six months okay I've been here almost three months okay okay yeah and so we're asking like what you dislike about Japan right okay and like do you guys have anything that you just like maybe um no one thing is haircuts okay oh my gosh yeah they're really different and just kind of like where they cut yeah yeah like like what kind of like haircuts I don't know like I just get like a bowl cut every time I go in so usually I just cut my own hair now it's like how's how's it so that you don't like how they cut the sides yeah I don't know they just don't know how to cut my hair with mine they like go like further down okay so they're down on the back it's hard to get a good year yeah okay okay do you guys have like anything else anything else anything else well I mean we're volunteers for a church so we like doing lots of like service things and no one lets us help them so like okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm okay I'm fine so like I don't know but that's not really a thing to complain about like transport but probably haircuts are the worst I'll say like are they like too shy or like what's like the thing yeah or like they don't want to go out they don't want to get in people's way right maybe I don't know too shy so kind of going along with that is of course we want to learn Japanese sometimes when you talk to people they like just talk in English I'm like I kind of want you to see or actually you actually know another pet peeve I have is some people say after I said like three years like you don't actually mean that like a lot of my face that's annoying okay okay okay so like as soon as they see you they like they talk to English they talk in English yeah or sometimes they'll even ask so like I'm like hi like okay so today I'm interviewing like um foreign people in Japan about like what they dislike or what they hate about Japan and do you guys have like anything that you hate about Japan uh we don't really have a lot that we hate but uh some of frustrating things are uh a lot of people don't either speak English or don't translate some kind of menus or like uh billboard like things or websites to English so even we can even if we can speak a little Japanese we can't read it for all and like if a site is full of like kanji and everything we can't read anything we can't like book a room at a hotel or something like or or there's anything uh so also websites are very confusing even if they are translated to English sometimes I just I have no idea Japanese websites they're very confusing um another a little bit frustrating thing is how you people dress why are you in a t-shirt it's cold okay okay yeah okay okay all of Japanese like school girls they're wearing short skirts with no tights it's just it's called to look at yeah that's true that's true uh uh sometimes you go a little overboard with masks okay yeah so like you're sitting at a restaurant and you're like I ate I finished eating like in Ukraine do you still have like mask mandates not at all we have them on inside when they're like big crowds okay uh not really outside it's like if people want to okay today we're interviewing foreigners in Japan about like what you dislike about Japan or what you like what you think could be better about Japan Maybe uh not necessarily speaking about Tokyo because they're foreigners yeah for the first time like when we landed in Osaka just from the airport like it took us about 40 minutes uh to find the right exit because like it goes straight into the shopping mall and it goes like up and down diagonal like this I mean it could have been we couldn't work out better but also like so many people it's just like fun signages aren't necessarily everywhere so you kind of have to walk a bit and then maybe I don't know you walk like five ten seven minutes and then signage okay you go this way and then and then it disappears so you will ask the guard which way do we go we go right okay so we walk right and we're next it's like okay okay yeah and uh buying uh even buying tickets for example Interstate like the machines they they're in English which is good but then you you can make a mistake like for example you go to one machine where it says um reserve and non-dreserved seating oh okay wow but then it doesn't it's like you might choose a stop but there's actually several stops with the same name so it's it's a little bit confusing on that side as well so you kind of stare at Google you've got one price you stare at the machine you have another price and it turns out they're actually two different things but you don't necessarily know but maybe for the first time like after you've been here a little bit it made sense yeah would that be improved if like maybe like were there like English English directions within the system uh well they were in the actual machines around like you know for you to actually find the machines like there was no signage you need to know which one to use like again once you know it's all good but when you don't know because there's like blue green red yellow yeah from the airport they stood in line for like more than one hour and they say no no you need to go there you wasted an hour yeah basically it's fun I mean if you have time for us it's adventure but yeah after you figure out it's not that bad but uh once again this is more I guess like Tokyo is absolutely fine and there's all the languages and every like everyone's really um uh helpful so you can kind of talk to people but in the other cities they try to be helpful but they don't understand you and obviously in broken Japanese it's really hard to explain what exactly wanting to do as well so yeah and anything else in mind that you hate maybe no no loves your friends but the Metro system and like just that public experience maybe like this park is really nice for example but even with things with thinking equipment or maybe children's playground so they like we came across a cement uh children's slide which really didn't look comfortable so I guess just comparing to some other countries where they have a little bit more urbanistic approach to public spaces in general like making a little more comfortable a little more interactive okay like with that it could probably be better it's not something we hate it's just something that could be improved yeah yeah in comparison there's less like children space yes not children's spaces but children's playgrounds like in a park like this for example um like let's let's take her just because it's the most uh recent country they've got like vast uh interactive things that children can do made out of maybe wood or made out of some soft materials not just you know slides they can climb and they can you know and things and it's like it looks like something that you might actually want to play with not just a smaller yeah that's probably the best way to describe a good playground right if you kind of look at it and you're like oh I want to get on that I can't because I'm age restricted but I want to get on that um I haven't noticed anything like that in Japan which could probably be improved and even yeah like gym equipment like say there's a lot of running yeah like as you like the runners but a lot of Runners but there's no equipment okay okay I guess that's why Australian people are more above then
Channel: Ryo
Views: 82,628
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, foriegner in Japan
Id: Js3IU0Gp-68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 21 2023
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