Most popular foreign men in Japan: Are YOU one of them?

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Foreign boys love their girlfriend, even if she can't cook! I don't like men who are thinner than me. A bit chubby is great. Hey guys and girls on Ask Japanese, it's Cathy Cat. Today we're gonna go, hit the streets of Tokyo and ask the Japanese ladies and boys what their IDEAL boy image of a foreigner looks like. So what is an ideal boy from abroad supposed to be like? Let's go and Ask Japanese. What does a popular foreign man need to have? I have the image that French men devote themselves to their partners. They are my ideal men. Japanese men... they don't devote themselves to their partners. I wish we had that here. Devote? What you mean? - For example... I went abroad... and tried to store my things in the overhead locker of the plane I was too small, but a French man stood up and helped me. That kind of awareness and care makes me really happy. The gentlemen type? - Yes. - Japanese men don't do that? - Well.. Japanese men will first look at the situation, if it seems impossible, they might help. Too late. Seeing, getting up, acting instantly... these things make me grateful. You want them to do it straight away without beating round the bush. - That's best. Sorry, you're ok? We are getting stared at by a group of people. Are they ok? (random shouting) - Thank you! Seems like they are viewers of our channel. - So what is your ideal man? - Italian Why so? - Well... Italian men seem to care for their girlfriends a lot They like women don't they? Italian men are famous for that. They care for their girlfriends and do ladies first and such I admire that. - They seem to give lots of presents too. What shall he look like? - Look good in a suit. Have a suit that fits them and their type. It doesn't have to be expensive to look good. It can be from the local supermarket as long as it looks good on them If they wear it it becomes Armani. Would it be ok for him to be a little chubby underneath his suit? - Yes. As long as he looks cool. - I like men who don't decorate themselves They don't have to wear expensive things. Just look simply good. He doesn't have to style his hair and such. Normal looks best. What do you want your ideal partner to do for you? Something that Japanese men don't do? What do you want foreign boys to do? - Foreign men... They do things without making a big deal of it. Instead of for asking for things, they just do them. Contrary to Japanese men, foreign men help with raising the kids... I heard that. That's great. They do it because it's normal for them to raise their kids. I don't need anything else. More equality in the relationship? - Yes. In Japan it's taken for granted that we do the housework. And men work. This is firmly rooted. Women have to be able to do housework. It's rooted in our culture. Abroad though... its not like that. - Men abroad can even cook and they help!!! That's what I hope. Even if the girlfriend can't cook, or wash they love their girlfriends. As long as their girlfriend stays with them. You like that even if you can't do the housework, they will still love you. Yes that's big. - It's not like women were born with household skills. I am not good at it either. - I like that foreign men are grateful when you do it though. They say "thank you" and things like that. - Yes they say THANKS!!! Men here don't feel like they need to say thank you. Japanese men think if they say it too often, it becomes too casual. Japanese men don't say "thank you" much. I think no word is like "I love you" and I wish they would say it more. You wanna hear it! - Yes. - We wanna hear it! - Yes! What's your ideal foreign boy image? Not looks but .... gentleman behaviour. Foreign men seem to be gentlemen, taking care of their girls. Those boys seem popular. Have you tried acting like a gentleman? - Nah. - Nah? - I hate that. Japanese men are too flustered for that. Foreign men though... they can express their feelings openly. I wish I could. - You wish you were like that? - Yeah. Is there an ideal look? - Tall men! I wish I was taller. 190 cm or so. So you can do basketball. - Yeah. - Like this tall? - yeah. What would you do if you were ever that tall? - Walk around town. The look of the city changes. - The angle too. Full trains should be fine then. - Nice. What country is ideal for you? - Tall men come from the Netherlands. Skinny or muscly? - Well... Muscly is best. - Netherland men who are muscly and tall and gentlemen? - Yeah. - Perfect. Maybe they exist. - I personally... I like men who drink and have fun in the pub. Partying with strangers. Drinking and chatting. That's my ideal. So the non-shy, outgoing nature is ideal? - Yes. It's because of the way I am... I am not very outgoing, so I like it. Do you have an ideal country? American or such? -Latin men are my ideal. That's because Japanese men... we only drink with people we know... or people from work. We think about our colleagues. But we don't let loose like that. Drinking with people that are not related to us. Listening to stories that are not connected to our lives. And talking to strangers about one's own worries. I think that is great. - That freedom? Freedom. Freely chatting with strangers. After you focussed on the personality, what about the looks? Tall is great. 170 would be great. Black skinned people are my ideal. And muscly. I admire them. When I play computer games, I always create my character to look like a muscly black man. So a muscly Will Smith character! ... The director says he does the same! Seeing black men in the movies... they are so cool! Their build. I admire black men. They seem to be so strong. I would loose at arm wrestling. And having fun like that. - Drinking and arm wrestling sounds like that would be so cool. I like that. - What is your ideal foreign man? Tall nose, big eyes, tall figure... Do you see people like that in Tokyo? - Sometimes in town. - Sometimes in town. I think they look so cool. - Yes the tall foreign boys! With defined features and long legs... So the legs are important? - Thin cool long legs... No matter what they wear they will look cool. Where would they be from? - Ameri¥ca. - America. What personality would they need? Have good manners. So the first is not kindness but manners? Yeah, they need to have proper manners. So I don't have to be embarrassed when I am with them. I want them to not hold back and think about us more. Don't worry so much, so we can both be ourselves. So foreign hotties. What does an ideal foreigner look like? - Not skinny. I don't like men who are skinnier than me. I prefer them chubby. That's a surprise, why? If a man looks skinny next to me... I feel the pressure to be more skinny too. I think it's cuter if they are chubby. You feel more relaxed if they are? - Maybe. So if they are too skinny, you reflect on yourself? Yes that's big. Also chubby is cute. Cheeks and such? - Cheeks and stomach. You like men with a belly? - I do. - They should eat a lot happily. They need to enjoy food. - Yes and be able to cook. They need to know many good places to eat. How about French food then? French, chubby, being able to cook? Looks don't matter to me. I want someone who is fun to hang out with. A skinny muscular boy is my type. - The right opposite. Also Italian? Yes! Many said bearded. Do you want men with beards like hipsters? Beard? - No beard please. No beard please. - Any other body hair? - No thanks. I hate body hair. - She does. No matter how perfect the guy is, he has to be...? He has to be on time. I don't like people who are late. If they don't come on time to our date, it ruins it. I will start with a bad taste.... I hate that Even if we marry, he should not be late Being on time is the most important. What is "late" for you then? 10 minutes late is ok. Like train delays. That's ok. But oversleeping... and then being late is not good. I will feel like he doesn't want to see me. And you put on makeup and all - True. Director please don't look at me like that. I was late this morning. Sorry. I hate men who are impolite to shop and restaurant staff. Being short and rude. What if he is super nice to you... but super rude to the staff? - I hate that so much. Who the heck does he think he is! Those were all questions. Thank you! So the ideal image seems to be some sort of Westerner. I hope there is gonna be a bit more of a mix sometimes. When people like K-pop they will say Korean boys and such hopefully we will see more of a mix in the future because right now the Hollywook image seem to be one of the strongest existing. Let me know what your ideal boy from abroad should be like, look like and characteristics he should bring let us know, leave us comments. Looking forward to reading them and check out each others comments. Don't forget to give this a big like to support our channel and subscribe if you're new Check out other videos that are relevant. Catch you soon for more stuff on Ask Japanese.
Channel: Ask Japanese
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Keywords: ask japanese, AskJapanese, ask, japanese, cathycat, cathy cat, japan, japanese girl, japanese react, react to, interview, street interview, japanese boy, japan trip, travel japan, japanese culture, culture shock, dating japanese, japanese fashion, ask Japan
Id: 1UIWbaIh8CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 15sec (855 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 20 2019
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