J&E Unlocks for Hutts! - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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what's up everybody i'm here with synvicta for thus miss i'm playing jacob esau and victor is playing uh tainted isaac and wow what a great start you go for it it's five free bombs early that's not the worst thing i've ever seen i guess we could pop in here i really want to go to boss rush and unlocked uh rock bottom we just got that unlocked for sin so i'm a little jealous i gotta have it i i can't guarantee that this is gonna go well considering these are just tough characters in general i think that was probably the secret one back there yeah probably but there might be like a tender rock or something over here true nope this guy can just mob it he just vomit we don't need to be in here i'll bomb it yeah i remember how whatever i mean like we could get a drop it's almost done pretty easy room i had to remember i have to remember the controls on controller again yeah that was nice spaced out perfectly just for me so we're gonna try to go as fast as we can possibly go i am a fan of taking pills i don't know about you [Music] you trying to set me up how do i use it no why isn't it using oh god dang it there you go i hate i [ __ ] hate jacob e so i have to remind myself every single time that they have to do the special whatever freaking thing i just wasted a bomb yeah might be bomb b for bomb whatever yeah we were able to get uh jacob and esau plus bethany done for boss rush for me so uh what we're doing is on this thus miss day of our daily bread uh we switch off on the on the save files for the unlocks i think that's the only only fair thing to do since we spent literally all last week on oh i thought he was shooting after you since we literally spent last week on just hutz's file with double loss which by the way will ended up being like the most popular dustmas episode ever so thank you all very much for that double tainted lost one oh god i don't even know what the tainted loss does i was glad we got that atonement done because i was tired of people complaining about the really usually the exploit the atonement has been has been achieved you go for it okay it's probably gonna be hp so put it on you saw um all right okay not bad we're going from los angeles i think we gotta we should go uh classic yep i agree i'm gonna look for the uh secret oh a free action there what do you think uh you or jacob you with the controller maybe yeah i'm probably gonna need it and control space very good pill white orange or yellow orange rather orange yellow orange we need to keep those that on boss rush could you imagine oh my god that'd be the most overpowered thing ever help out a whole lot yes it would sometimes you get a little free health in there you should do a co-op delete this challenge afterwards let's call it delete this what is delete this something i've done previously i should know what it is and i just don't am i thinking too hard 10 out of 10 time i love how we're like we just started something brand new that we've never done before and chat's like you guys should do this you should do this as well hey by the way you should do this did you thought about doing this it's the unlisted challenge is that what it is the glitch challenge uh i was not a big fan of that one not gonna lie i don't know what that one is there's a challenge that's on the bottom of the challenge board that is like not it's like off the board okay mom's waker i uh mom's well shielded probably shield it's really no wait that's freezing not shielded yeah it's freezing mom's waking yeah i got esau since he's got the i'm damage angel rooms if we can go for it because we just don't have health yeah there's more item and pedestals as well i'm going to try to buy a soul heart that's a really nice solar for sale you could i mean you could bomb you could double bomb the uh donation machine or what pandora's box yeah if you want soul hearts so hearts this floor no i'm just saying if you want soul hearts like on the next floor or whatever someone do the someone do the box command in my in my chat i might want to do the one where we get two free uh boss items right no that's woman one is boss items yeah the four soul hearts the one boss remind them two soul hearts is in catacombs two four soul hearts is in depths one okay let's do maybe the one boss item two solo hearts yeah that'll be in uh catacombs one or no caves two catacombs two floor four basically oh it's a four four sprinter yeah there you go yeah there goes the danger the danger deal the danger eel phantom ray myself it's called moray um tears great you wanted to take a tears upgrade or i take health esau i would take health we're gonna i mean we can out if we can outlive them regen as well maybe you just take a health upgrade and regen you sure yeah you're gonna buff yourself too can't just be me okay so the next one is uh caves one is one boss room item with no soul arts no soul hearts the next floor is one boss we might have been two soul hearts okay let's wait then okay can't i mean we you could do it if you wanted to try to cross criss cross not on the controller crosstalk applesauce imagine using controller oh my gosh on one of the recent isaac runs that i had i had a bony shoot across the entire like room that i was in behind him and it made it like actually connected i was so mad yes oh my gosh uh you don't have enough money so let's not even bother that danger deal rodney dangelfields free stuff i keep forgetting you're not flying anymore that was nice yeah we can go back get those coins sorry i don't see a grid for tainted isaac by the way oh yeah yeah that's true i might have to like remember it they really leave the co-op person hanging let me get the health next time since you got regen yep hey it's my second favorite isaac streamer popped up underneath me hey it's my second favorite isaac streamer oh man thank you what's this my first i'd watch somebody else if i could but yeah sincerely everyone's not watching right now so i guess i'll settle for my second very endearing first well thank you for stopping by the yeah if it's over watching you and i'm live then you know that says something right who's who's the real number one who should be more insulted you or me okay okay what do you want to go back no no i was i was gonna go back and get the uh get the heart but then i realized that you only have two hearts i thought you had three it's just amazing there was nowhere i could go there he hit both of me hit both of me all of me i swear this like every single boss has been upgraded like 200 percent balance for co-op oh come on you're trapped he painted you into a corner no angel what come on one percent what is this um i i like the meat but there's no way i can use that effectively as jacob esop so take the box then yikes movement speed this can be better for you with two characters um one of those hey we gotta go we gotta go wait no no no we have anything room well how much time do we got we need well we need to go now we're only on cage one like we need to leave if we're gonna make boss rush yeah well let's leave then yeah i'm not liking this right nearly as well as i like the bethany run how slow i am i just got to speed up so yeah you know i think northern line is better in every single way but you should feel grateful that i've settled for your stream instead thank you fax machine you should be thanking me buddy monkey death 69 up what pandora's box oh um what is that dirty mind so you get a you get a heartbeat to zuma's revenge it's a different one oh i don't know what that is then right i see why they call montezuma's revenge very very funny ed very very funny this is gonna be tough to use because you have to like it's only like where you move not where you're aiming right so i'm probably just not going to be optimizing the use of this very well grow up okay sin everybody poops everybody poops i'm not the one who made the game i just said very funny yeah going down there there's there is a lot of pooping going on in repentance you have to admit um that might be just always charged for you might also not be i don't think it is it doesn't seem to have given me anything so this is uh i'm not gonna lie it's really bad run you know what we've we've done more with worse so it's so good you know for someone named butts you really don't like poop i take poop seriously i don't laugh at it oh sorry i am butts part of me is my family yep it's your identity oh okay okay cool neat all right how's it going i'm just gonna i'm just gonna stand still i'll just i'll just stand still in every single room how do i get oh what am i supposed to do in this room there we go you come to me oh you come over here no yo i like that first one yep take it all stats up i might just buff my esau at this point in time i'll buff your esau i wish you would oh my god the range on these freaking bone shots man clap what's that flap what's up dude i'm seriously i'm just gonna stand still right here i'm just gonna stand still did reference [Music] i can't i cannot not run right into the enemies oh yeah i have regen oh that's pretty good i hate the speed on that boy i oh that's close he wants you badly is she they oh it was right on top of me blood clot health upgrade um you take blood clot unless you want the health upgrade oh boy range um i got pretty good range but i'll take it on my jacob i can match up you ready yep is this the first multiplayer attempt on my save file i'm trying to go jacob esau to boss rush and i don't think it's going well i'm not gonna lie i'm not feeling very strong right now oh that's not ideal that's not ideal that's not ideal this isn't incredibly tough dude i i cannot i cannot dodge i straight up cannot dodge i don't know if it's my movement speed or if it's like input lag or what but i cannot dodge this is like a hard restart i feel like what do you wanna do wanna restart i i think we should i mean keep trying because we're here but i'm having yeah i'm having all sorts of issues this is this is all you there's 10 rock up there chances every damage you get a tears up yeah we could take the other thing and hope for soul hearts yeah the fortune cookie i like this i am rejecting i can't bomb without killing my own you know i'm just gonna just leave i'm gonna go in here we got enough keys six just send it send it so i send it send it horrible oh it rerolled me too horrible i don't see anything that i like i don't i don't see anything that i like there now has one hp by the way just fyi okay can we restart now hey you have pinking shears yeah that would be incredibly helpful on boss rush think about how many bodies you'd have running around i've got experimental treatment and other stuff that i can't see if we could just get there and have you pump out bodies we could do it yep that's what i'm saying oh god we have we have scapegoat too 15 minutes i don't think we're gonna be able to this is depths one yep you gotta hurry it up we gotta go we gotta fly doo doo doo doo wow we are weak but together we strong there tinder our path there i think i might have saw the rock eight together strong does this get better or worse with the six room i it's hard to tell it looks worse no tinted rock [Music] i'm dying just restart just restart not doing it wait what um all right we're invincible let's keep it going yeah no we literally can't lose i can't drive a bomb either wait what the heck is happening right now here we go we're going through the door this is good this is good stuff through the door this is prime isaac you may not like it binding of isaac repentance everybody sweet dude jumping back in bug free just to start moving to start moving i can select while you're moving you can't select outside of that first room though oh okay all right neat that makes sense that makes total sense i think that was the one thing is if you leave the first room you can't play trick-or-treat curse the blind just just just nope we're going to do it it's going to be an amazing item you got to give life a chance and with this life there's a way soy milk will find a way rock bottom but that's on your save file watch it watch the most amazing thing ever we're trying to get on your save file maybe we'll get the guys and we'll go in the right direction and not get soft locked oh huss off you want your locks so soft two months welcome back and i think i said aldo od little okay they're shooting at you and i'm just taking all of it the whole kit and the whole caboodle but no but no 10. 10. remember you could cheese these guys by holding against the wall it's a long time that's that's in the before times huts back in my day we're gonna get painted into a corner here i think honestly this is some of the worst playing that either of us have ever done buff one and that's actually not that bad you know what let's send it baby let's go double item pedestals i'm doing it i mean look it's it's your save file double item pedestals yep here we go [Music] oh oh what i don't even know what that is pop a fly of course yeah um okay well eden's blessing obviously we could have been just pick it up and restart that could have been pretty dope yep but you know it happens okay this little soul is like bouncing back and forth i wonder if it's kind of like um [Music] tainted apollyon kind of a thing just just forget about the devil deal it's never happening no you're right we get a joker card though good okay oh apparently i was on one hp yeah i thought they were falling after oh i you it's not that hard yeah your son i did yours on controller everything's so floaty i got hit by something all right now i can play for real let's do it let's get it you're unchained let's get it baby the leg weights are off broccoli the bat weight let's go yup see this is all planned yeah nice is there anything in the shop worth the airway ring the river ring did we go in the shop no okay well then i cannot uh can i confirm or deny if there's anything worth yaring your ear here leaf erickson day yeah you can hear you didn't you know what i'm just gonna send it anyways it's gonna burn a hole in my pocket i need to just go okay i need to just go i need to be free okay you can't control me it's a good 49er energy pill for the zero active items that we have yeah baby i just demolished that bucket boy hey you didn't all for blasting cab oh yeah oh this this is definitely like the best most fair boss it's better than colostomia the quad jump is what gets me on this one the boom boom yeah how'd it go boom boom yeah somebody should actually like replace the sound effects do us invicta little blub mod well there was our chance to reveal the devil no there was no chance for a deal of devil we had 35 and then i got hit that sounds like five drums he's back um starter deck and hope for the best excuse me that's booster booster pack and hope for the starter deck and shot speed uh yeah oh how do i use lovers card i probably need that right now worst time to use that are we ready to go yeah wait wait wait wait pick up one more there we go pick it up esau jesus oh colorblind thanks for 20 months i don't even get a chance it's like i i back up in the one spot that i can't uh i can't get out of amy's like oh free lunch free real estate meets back on the menu boys spider bites not the worst thing in the entire world you want to do a little one two three action uh yeah you should scoot up a little bit more there you go all right three two one go very nice oh lead pencil i'm a big fan yeah i do good nerf time god when they when you shoot those big fatties and they just launch the fastest tier that you've ever seen in your entire life yep and the tears like but you have heard of me [Music] bob takes off in a sailboat yikes double yikes what do i have oh yeah i've got a two of diamonds let's just go like shoes always double item pedestal yes look at mr me i guess and potentially mr me can get us into boss rush mr me can he can open the door i can get you out it's one of those two well which one is it i am going to bomb this by the way and look for a secret room chat confirm or deny i think now we don't have to worry about the mirror am i right but you don't want to go in the mirror this is your save file we're on your time per throw that could be good if we get into the boss rush i don't know somebody here has to know it's not something i've ever heard but i've never tried so platinum god says either as in either can get you in or out i know i can get you out wait what's up can mr me open the door to boss rush after 20 minutes i'm pretty sure that i that i discovered it could i was the first one to discover it i'm not just saying that like yeah here you go there's a [ __ ] metal show off i'm pretty sure that i did an entire episode on it because i was like this has never before been seen have they updated it since this could be the one question that i have after that how how just why do we try to get back up master wayne you need that on jacob damage or fire rate damage i'm gonna know i'm stacking one of them man i'm not stacking jake up for [ __ ] he's got nothing going for him hail i don't know what that that my foy just eat that your boy just ate that what did it just eat which one the drink both of the trinkets batwing and br and that one too oh what is that what oh okay okay oh good yeah it's a great item you got there it uh it takes you to something what was right there could mr me get myself into this room yes send it baby okay i hate when he does that so we're not we're not worried about boss rush anymore uh mr b can get us set in the door well the problem is that we don't know which direction the boss rush room is is in okay so we still need to go fast yes great liking the slowing shots i i would not like to do mines by the way i'd like to go back to normal finds it's like the worst place i thought you're the one who wanted to do all path and we did a little bit go to the mirror you know well no let me just no super secret room no the secret could be here too though hurry i was just like excited about the whole like pots but yeah that didn't really yeah [Music] still there interesting so i wonder if it eats more things than trinkets or if it's just trinkets i wonder if i could eat bombs keys money i've never seen that item before so see if it yeah there you go there you go just curse from though no i don't remember anything um uh little one two three action one two wait wait wait wait wait wait wait i wanna like time it so i get the right one though which one do you want uh continuum one two three go nice what are we professionals probably not professionals would have been done by now my dad's a professional he's way better than you you want to look for health what do you want oh i thought we saw the two of diamonds i think we popped it yeah you did this is next floor not this floor what's not this floor oh can we get deal with the devil with uh mr b no the prediction got it that you're yelling at me i was like the hell did i do hey got a ball on you i thought it was on you and now now it's on you nope now it's on me um esau maybe or you i mean you you kind of need it yeah then you saw that one not too bad somebody just eat it what's this jacob esau is this true i'm i'm working my buns off you guys this is not working how much time we have left 12 minutes plenty yeah little tons of time you gotta be out by 15. too much time you ask me [Music] idle hands the devil's play thing i wonder if i sent mr meat at the beggar if that would do anything the little portal will always teleport you to rooms you've not been in yet oh well then they can take me to the deal with the devil no so i guess it could i thought you were talking about mr me not devil deals though oh well then it's not any room every single room except for the one you want oh you want that room sorry kiddo you just i mean you're you're just guaranteed to get hit in this room yep yeah pretty shitty room um we're just i don't think we're gonna even if we made the boss rush i don't think we're gonna be able to pull it off not going to lie so i'm gonna go pop up oh okay take the other one with it sweet good stuff nice i like that a lot oh nancy bombs what if i blank or my it took my per throw oh i could blanker and hope for perthro all right go for it nice yup oh i got point five yeah fire right yep that's yeah okay emboss rush i'm just saying diplopia yeah i guess i can time it right let's see what happens we need we need money first let's nope oh yeah i guess it's true what does that not work anymore no it does didn't even go it just did nothing you could double bomb the donation machine the time for this ain't nobody got time for that i'm just i'm just saying you don't we don't have to deploy fine you freaking fricking hey way to miss the donation machine with your other mom you feel frick hey you want to freakily really worth it i'm glad we wasted all that time to go back there just to hit the donation machine once two bombs so twice you're really positive influence in my life said i just want you to know just happy nothing but happy go lucky this guy yep good thing we have a bomb yep good thing 50 chance on items in shop um okay how much time we get left 15 minutes yeah good good good all right we're on point oh she's not using you mr b don't attack as well like i should save them for things that might actually make a difference for the double deal don't even why did you say it because we're gonna get it cursed it nope i told you um i'm just gonna take fire right on my dude there's some money i got a little one one you can hit the red heart thanks hutz uh dark bomb yep or we need that red health don't get hit by the hand take dark bomb take him yolo nope yeah oh oh okay i see what happens um i don't yeah it doesn't matter who let's do it we gotta go gotta go gotta go go go go i didn't know that it just plopped the pedestal down before you would like grab it i thought oh gerson lost i need like a button i can press that just gets tim to go ha ha here keno said that for a moment oh planetarium can you imagine we had a diplo right now yeah it could have gone back wouldn't it boy that'd be cool um hang on let me look those up uh one is tara that one's pretty good changed your tears into rocks and the other one it had the horns i think mercurius by curious its doors remain open while entering a room with enemies in it this means you can leave before defeating the enemies inside yeah you can just walk through doors doesn't open locked doors at the door that leads to the boss room so we could just like charge right into the mom fight yep but tara would be the damage that might take us through boss rush it's up to you i'm not taking it so it's up to you i mean you could no it would not be smart for me to do it i'm not going to live through boss rush tara opens doors too okay born to rock i've never seen terror before so oh it doesn't open lock doors though what's that we got left oh it destroys rocks yeah it does i just want to walk through the room i just want to walk through it man [Music] oh look at this room minus the whole dying thing yeah take the hearts on jacob fires would literally carry us though then take it three two one go all right i wasn't i wasn't feeling it i mean i was feeling the item i wasn't feeling the timing but you ended up getting [ __ ] so i'm happy i'm happy for you um i don't think any of that matters i mean i actually get a chance for to like to like reduce some [ __ ] last shop so whatever oh [ __ ] me we fixed it there's no more there's no more spikes inside of rooms right away you remember when they said that yeah i remember when they said that we can't stand causing cheap damage to the player wait i thought we already went through all these rooms we did we're gonna die just oh my god the la oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god i think i think your obsession for [ __ ] just ruined the whole thing how you doing [ __ ] we should should have just focused on the the non-sissy item she's going great yep this is yeah this is the life to see 18 minutes we could i mean we could be getting hearts out of these i'm just saying no we made it we made it butts yeah bombing oh yeah [ __ ] um that's definitely jake jacob me all right i mean i was waiting for you to take it but you didn't move all right we gotta go man minute and a half all right here's where the damage upgrades that we've been getting this entire run is going to pay off what [Music] did you ground both do you want one of them oh you you take both you take both nice you want uh some any of the hp i'll take hp yep go for it well no they're gonna go away you have to grab the other one all right move up a little bit okay three two one go oh there's another one uh nice booster pack wow happy to have it sci-fly infestation two would be a phenomenal choice as well but it's a godfly and and uh the the body i know you should get you should get body on body on esau or no body on jacob scifly and then i'll grab uh i guess i guess evil eye can we get like real close so we can time it more appropriately or yeah that's good you ready yep let me let me this practice run don't go yep three let's just take two one okay so three two one go let's go we got more more health for you there you go perfect get mr meat out what do i do with mr me oh there's an evil eye too oh a mystery mr means like a little haunt just put him on an enemy i know i'm trying to like figure out how to get in there without dying there's just like creep ah this could not be more convoluted right now scifly i you can have my children whether you want to raise them or eat them i don't mind no judgment you can have it all scifly is the new [ __ ] man i'm gonna get a sci-fi emote hell how dare you okay scifly is my [ __ ] greg the egg is the all father we just he doesn't have to be we don't rank greg the egg because he's beyond judgment okay chat i don't want to even hear any like what about the egg oh that's a good one get a mr me get in there oh hey ran away and mr me ran into the card yeah that's no that's good that's good that's just good no that's good strength guard you would've been that would've been nice for me sorry i was just thinking about multiplying my massive damage on my terra you know a little bit of health or did we want to carry and it's doing really well i gotta i'm gonna say oh tie flight seriously oh we need it we got to get um gabriel out of here [Music] sorry is forever what's that what is that come on dark bomb [Laughter] not only did blasto spawn on top of me i ran to go get the red heart and then dark bum just update the sound effects nice push you i might be able to push him away keep using this for me huts oh good good thing i used to just take damage and get my my bros split well i'm glad i can see myself right now it's called a bro split honey look it up oh my god i'm at one i'm at a half part let me reset the whole thing no all right that was a joke uh you take the stick ass probably i'd love to this is just chaos chat i don't know if you can see what's going on anywhere at any point in time i cannot i'm absorbing about oh my god do not walk into that portal oh good do we have a portal now i'm absorbing about 50 of the information that's being sent to me maybe okay please yep that's cool like are you guys just holding on for the ride like i am because man oh man okay it's absolutely true that i i stacked the crap out of esau sin did not have a whole lot of stuff what's that is that you on that head on that i can't move i'm literally stuck in a hole so enjoy this camera angle i guess oh not the best not the best you look you look very pleased to be in that hole i am that that's pretty much sums up sin's face it's great fun right now this is it's great oh it just stays here that's that's even better i wonder how many runes my void has eaten already the same amount of red hearts the dark ones taken from me okay so roon is like uh only take it if you're comfortable because it will hurt you in the long run kind of item ah guess what i'm still down for an entire floor woohoo maybe though if i killed this guy no yeah okay maybe wouldn't it be fun if like we you couldn't leave here we had to restart everything because i'm stuck and glitched if i get you know if i could just reset the room and still get the achievement how does that work chat i don't think it takes achievements away if i use my glowing hourglass i wouldn't bet on that it doesn't it's like unlocked on steam right i use the portal no i don't want to use the portal i mean i i can jump into the portal but hello lago you might you might respawn if i jump into the hole because then the hole will go away jump in the hole that's probably not worth the health it's gonna also take away all the items that we yoinked out of boss rush you know i still wanted to get the hush i'm we're just sitting here just wanking around well you've got the you've got the rock you got the power so you better just go i want a rock we're a goofy xl yeah if i were you i would just speed through you gotta hurry thank you darth what's up i think i got tara so uh going hourglass does not reset the timer if i remember correctly oh my god it does reset the timer that's it apparently i took damage wait what apparently i'm taking damage it's busted man you don't have a health bar though you still have crap for damage what if you have your normal damage why are you guys always exploiting god it's too bad you don't have something that pays out when you take damage you already went up there yeah what about like you're like i don't remember things and then like i like forget one like totally random like you're like it's fine it's fine goose fraba that's cheating confirmed yeah we're gonna have to do more uh here we go oh i'm gonna die though like i don't think i'm gonna be able to make it through a hush fight if i if i get there excuse me me real big shame though that you don't have some sort of ability to uh i can i can poison them with something i don't know i have a poison shot i'm just confusing little loki all right uh yeah all right i could maybe use a little bit of a boost on my esau yep take it if you don't mind it and then some more stuff i don't know why but stuff just buff the the one dude he's a carry gotta go what is it we got 28 28 30. 28 30. ah a little spewer no don't go back for a little spewer okay i got a health upgrade plus regen man and i i'm i'm almost dead because of that why did you turn around the camera was turning around oh okay sure all right fine cool keep going man thank god we got that little spearer thank god it wasn't it was a placenta thank god get that get that regen actually kind of important yes me that was actually perfect kind of a pog it pogged a little bit got time no you i got time [Music] 40 seconds 40 seconds tie fly completely reliant on you go 30 seconds oh we're gonna do it big time big time big plays oh almost got me on that one just wish this game offered some sort of difficulty you know how many keys do we have three of them shop yep you want to buy that soul heart sure um phd gives you health i think yeah it gives it gives you a full heal yeah send it get a good pill to get a freaking drowsy baby it apparently it doesn't give you a full pill gulp oh that's health too oh the reason you're dropping it is here full up oh yeah wait a second it's gonna heal me right no but let me grab it now okay will you take it [Music] did not work holy water cancer half damage you probably need that for esau yeah holy water is just top 10 though is it though yeah i guess i could have taken both of them what was the ten bombs i didn't see what the other one was that wasn't should have opened up the golden chest first because we could have blew hourglass we could have seen what was in there you know oh uh yeah true we're gonna wait for your regen no okay we got it we got it then we got it i think we got it i think we got it can we bomb like a machine and like get another thing maybe like you could just like get a key right could get oh i have a bomb ready yep lilith box for double sci-fi sci-fly box of friends double scifly where do you see lilith's where do you see mom's box of friends anywhere was that one of the options oh yeah i don't have the money we have the money or the yeah if we would open the boxes maybe but it's it's tossed up you guys hindsight 2020 kind of thing like oh okay yeah sure what's going on just a random shot that just decided to do 360 degree circles around me until it hit me you can get behind me i got sci-fly yeah i'm just gonna get behind you and sci-fi that's a really good idea who came up with that you did wow genius should have been doing that in the first place they still curve around me to get it for really bombing it i suppose i could reset the room no harm done yep if i remember how to watch me fat finger in an accident when we're almost done with the fight god the camera snapples maybe throw up [ __ ] get in there she's doing great look at her is probably doing the most damage right now because it's sending so many tears back god it's good well they call him the godfly look at him work somebody give this boy a raise he's got no items i don't think sin is gonna make it sin is actually full up on items they're just not that great of items i like how we forgot too full full up on items he says you have eight items i do this is how i play jacob anyways i carry you know i've got a great build when i still look the exact same way that i started to run with gotta get out of there that this there's no way i guess like just three million flies are just possible now on the huts on the on the on the hot fight on the hot spike nixon wants to fight me guys subconsciously oh oh there's a fly there okay don't you still get the unlocks though when uh one person dies okay whoa what i don't even know where that's melting my brain i'll stay with you so the camera tries to stay with you good call dude scifi has no idea what it's doing but it's just it's just doing all of it just let him buy it man it was like blocking shots from both the left and the right it's like i will be sending all donations given today to sci-fly personally you can do it sci-fi oh it's please please what [Music] b-reg 59 sexy tier 2 sub um this is a few months thanks be rich scifi allows me to read off donations while i'm playing uh ow science i didn't like that one i just got a phone call from the uh scifly union what was their number scifly 1800.com sci-fi doing work sci-flies only fans only flies okay what do i do with this oh come on he's pinched in the corner ah again yep a third no i'll stay back on that one i think i have all the range in the world man it's mesmerizing to watch scifly do work this fight sure is easy when you have to worry about getting hit would have thought oh god gonna get hit don't worry i'll finish him off yeah skippy six months vanishing twin twins isaac that must be the unlock for you well for you your character i meant right but i'm still not alive hey man we got it that was the point of the whole thing right yeah we did it all right sin gets to take every good item from here on out nope yep i would not recommend it it's wasted on me no it's not it's it's a really it's it's a huge shame that you can't see your items and know what you're giving up but of course it doesn't go away so i guess you could just sit there for an hour and a half and and even even if i could i still wouldn't know how to switch between them with the controller yeah slender lady thanks to the prime sub that's very true i think it's actually it's got to be right trigger it had to be right trigger i took the polaroid so oh we took both actually yes i'm switching the items so hard now that you mention it though chat i do need to go down to shoal behave i gotta go with the right character though it's esau to shoal you ready for this how what would that do to the game if you just went in both at the same time it would just probably pick one this game has been pretty bug free so i don't really think that there'd be any hiccups yeah crystal lost again enjoy wait so you don't come back nope hush doesn't count as a boss don't you know of course i knew that totally not a boss character uh it's pretty obvious who wouldn't know that i'd look for crawl spaces i guess oh god oh god oh geezers sci-fi is like i can't stop that one i got nothing bud you're on your own back on the road again just can't wait to get on that road again what happened to that pole yeah neither one of us remembered to do the poll for the second game of the s of the of thus miss what happened to your mom's pole okay i'm gonna take damage for doing that yep deserved i think okay pay out with something good yup very nice so that little i got a little button from saint jude oh it's i fly seriously june don't make me cry take a sad song and make it not sad oh no i gotta go back for that live through the hush fight hutch gonna get that to probably spring is jacob these remember letter into your hearts then you can start hey nice dark bump at least he got something oh okay how do i get out of this situation without okay i can't like that there we go we can walk into the fire um yeah are you gonna try to get some wobbly blue lasers and binding of isaac at some point there are wobbly blue lasers wobble wobble the dead ends hey let's find more dead ends i'll find all the dead ends oh that end oh god oh god all right come through oh i'm just gonna hide and squeeze well my fire lock has been pretty nice yep space we did get the hush unlock yes not bad okay with what we've been given today hey big nut for the three month resa blood puppy will be seven months welcome back i'll go play the slot machine oh wait this is how to save file correct boeing shazam that jacobi saw double bomb there was pretty good sci-fly this man said shazam [Music] and with the knockback i think i can keep them far enough away that sci-fly will be able to just do sci-fi spit oh yeah hey behind him was actually a pretty nice little spot it'd be a pretty nice little saturday that was a perfect perfect tape worm just pelting satan's legs with rocks he didn't skip leg day not this expansion no he did not [Music] red stew unlocked steal me baby okay mr me open mega satan door he can redstone we have one key well we don't need keys where we're gone fly bot fly and sci-fly i think satanic bible for you okay i think maybe even bot fly for you unless we want to double up on it i should double up on it i'm not i will not live through this i like the twins but it's expensive the twins on esau could be pretty poppin because it would do i think it's 30 or 40 of my damn i think it's 40 each double demon guys are item quality 4. that's what i'm saying it scales with my damage yep take it i'm gonna fly you and the twins you twisted pair i've never seen the never seen that item yeah they said another side of me you see them and they shoot 40 damage tears all right well i might as well take the fame that's not a bad idea of course now i can't uh you might as well take it i guess well just oh first right trigger does it work the swap yeah oh yeah it's fine when you don't like there we go probably marbles should i take marbles sure i'm not going to pray out it's free you might as well yeah i didn't pay out with anything okay um i don't think we can bomb through these doors i i i doubt that tara would allow me to get through i don't know if terry i don't know if tara can but i know that you can't bomb your way through the doors you can only use mr me through the doors i believe i feel like i'm gonna only just i'm gonna take more damage trying yep ready yep oh good oh the knockback though okay tara does not open the door yeah i didn't think it did yeah i think twisted pair is uh it's gonna be good gonna be good hey man you wanna just full send cursed eye no uh do you wanna enigma bombs i don't think it matters like gloater bombs you should take them you're gonna stay alive longer better bombs glitter boobs uh landing on me we could we could blow this so easily right now this is an easy blow ladies that's ever blown how are the runs in victor uh ask me tomorrow oh okay do you want an hourglass uh oh yeah is that was there a room in the bottom of that or was it a dead end uh chat was there a room at the bottom of that look on pirate thanks to the prime sub appreciate you you i i don't remember oh yes i think there was two but there was people were saying yes oh mega satan or with mr me if we end up beating mega satan as well there's no way tara carry me actual zero percent chance i don't know sci-fi botfly as long as you don't have any more laser enemies which we have laser enemies here i just i just lose myself but it's i can't see where i'm going jeez yeah i think it's cursed to the darkness or something yeah up um i don't think anybody has syringes i don't know if it really matters you can get the contact damage and nothing else matters this is a tough dead end this is a rough dead end baby you're fine you've got the godfly with you doesn't stop booties from slamming on me doesn't stop booties from slamming oh my i i just i don't know what to say about the the rock slam it's like the smartest ai i've ever seen it's impressive well you'll be able to you'll be able to undo this room after this so very true i'm sitting i'm smart see got a blast thank you sidge siege maybe they're talking to somebody else in chat sounds like they called you sidge that's so sage these guys blow it's on my least favorite enemies right here you summon them with the mystery egg though true i do enjoy the um graphical update to them no now 20 redder now with more red they're just like they go goopy that makes sense in my brain um that's not going to do anything oh i'm still sitting on solo judas by the way if i really even wanted to do anything with that sitting what my solo judas up there oh what is that yeah have you seen the soul stones no i haven't do you want me to tell you about them or no uh no i only have two of them unlocked this one's it's not that cool but i mean it's cool it's not that good i don't know what it is i'll probably end up using it on the boss and by boss i'm going to make it cool huh is that a consumable yeah it's like a rune a new rune speaking of ruins there's nothing they can use that on though not there's anything i can use a hank laws on i remember nothing can stop those booties from jumping down on you i don't know how i didn't take damage there what you got yeah not bad how's it going chad how's it been painful or no oh really painful is watching you guys die all the time have you guys tried co-op anybody in chat co-op is tough you guys heard this you heard you heard this heard what heard of co-op yeah even co-op this might be a solid judas time oh he unlocked the uh super secret room for you oh come on you're gonna freaking do it like that soul of judas what the heck was that solo judas i did it well i meant to use it you doinkus the same the when you drop but you have to like hold control to move them but you like and control to use any of your no no no no no no stop doing that no bad it's not that hard you're just gonna do it really fast co-op it's difficult stop being bad i saved that bomb it was going to do nothing until i shot it thank you and here we were thinking that we weren't going to get any unlocks on this run every time we restart though no you said that you're like i'm not feeling this run remember remember when you said that i do nope sure that wasn't you i'm sure positive i'm always positive oh he's doing that thing where he's being sarcastic spawn inside of me love it inside of you inside of you nice item to go oh dark bum oh thanks dark bomb hey thanks fanatics for the 10 viewers the host appreciate that all right butts you got this yeah and i'll be up just in time to die to mega satan all right say mr me for mega satan this shouldn't be so bad except for the lasers oh yep that's also just a good one this game sure is easy when you have to worry about getting hit hello roz okay no tell i love it there's no telegraph hey you're back and there's a black card and you're fully charged look at you look at you butterfly and scifly this man is a deity and a [ __ ] [Music] so you want to do a victory lap uh no but i'll try mega satan yeah oh that's for you oh my god i don't think i've ever seen that much health on anyone ever how could we lose now oh hey why don't you walk into the fire i'm gonna bomb that i should have just teleported back out best saved for the uh the dude though no that's good that's good i need my esau he's the important one here a black cart was clutch ready wow i'm not as important as your second player i guess just not as important i guess i'll go now hey you hesitated early in the thing you're like i don't know whatever and i was like okay i'm just going to buff myself so that i am made exactly everyone gonna go over here now it's not fair that hudson's like he took all the good stuff he left sin to dry now sin is having a bad game it's all has his fault i think a minor executive decision to buff my uh esa i told you guys that's how i do it it's supposed to be co-op my save file you're supposed to both have fun otherwise it's not worth it but fly let's uh let's not stand let's just be aware of the lasers i guess that's all i'm trying to say really he shoots lasers i've never done this fight before i think you know that he shoots lasers you guys know it doesn't make a mega brimstone right down the middle that evil eye can my twisted pair shoot out evil eyes thank you war he's like hiding underneath the hands yeah mega satan's like this ward is gonna kill everything and me in here which hand is he under the magic trick tim's spinning only someone had like warned us about the laser yeah no one told me he did a laser down the middle on a half second tier delay air control delay cake man thank you for the three months yellow and cephalon thank you as well for the prime it's super lust oh i hate it so much luckily we have a knockback of tara tear-up wait triple tara as well it's good very good have you seen planetariums have you gone for them yet i have and they've all been terrible terrible yep he saw us not not loving life right now no hp heads up says hey scissor sorry says that you're not doing anything he's doing her best sin i like how you killed the hand and i didn't yep you're stronger than i am question mark oh okay i might just focus his head yep get ready because i'm gonna die pop flies got it butterfly will carry all right ow i mean sci-fly i'm sorry sorry if i got mad that i called it bot fly that's justified just a flied oh okay i was like not amused to that joke why'd you shoot him through the screen nuts ow okay okay shoot down below instead of them off continue i'm stupid because i get i get jacob's damage counts i think close to him does not put me in danger in fact some of the waves you need to be close oh man look at that you you you almost like freaking nascar you mean fly car mass fly just die just just fly just fly this is no this is not the one you need any clothes for there's one where the they split up their brown yep you zigzag pattern so i just have my kids just have my kids delirium give me delirium i'm ready i'm ready for it i'm sending it uh if we go into delirium fight we just teleport out damocles mom's lock mega chest i didn't know mega chest is a thing sin you're not okay do you get to bat you come back on uh the other bosses i have no idea i don't have to do delirium if you're bored out of your mind no we're already here let's do it this is uh this is quality content from my point of view i i can just like feel the mosh pit judgment you love cinder dry and you keep he's dying because of you could have ended it but instead you decided to go delirium totally not bug boss at all imo imo we wouldn't made it half this far had i not buffed up my my esau yep hard carry true it's true or not does he uh open them up for free yep i should be able to use mr me on you that'd be great i don't care about that lots or simvit is watching an internet interactive hut stream [ __ ] if i could have chosen to have him come back after mega satan i would have chosen that oh you know what i should let my void do stuff i'm not sure if it would really matter long term but let's go [Music] that's satisfying do you like the sound of the of the metal pots breaking in the glass variety metal pots yep the buckets yep i mean they can't be buckets because buckets don't shatter like that glass buckets no one uses a glass bucket like glass cannon pots aren't metal hey uh hey alexar kings what kind of uh cooking utensils do you use for like you know the stove and stuff are those metal what do you boil water in lose sight use aluminum oh wait that's metal uh do you use uh wood plastic [Music] ceramic dutch oven hand carved mahogany pots aren't metal how embarrassing what you did i needed it very nice be nice be nice need a saucy sin victor emote on my stream yeah you need to you need a sassy stream i got stuck up there i don't even know how my esau didn't come back down watch me take more damage now in furnace three bucks hey hut same deal as last time loose to delirium for another five dollars i think i'd have to unlock that character called the loose first i'm not even sure i know how to do that hey bud won't you go get the loose over there i don't know what you're talking about a boot your big hoosier boot in the back you're not playing the loose a chaos card he spelled the name wrong because i can't chaos cardem that is a control space oh buddy wild card uh it's the uno what does that do i don't know okay when use the copies the effect of a card pill rune soul stone or active item you used most recently okay what did i just use ancient recall what should i do it again i don't know use it with two soul juices i don't know i don't even know what soul juice does well i could explain it to you but then it just should be a bit about you know wheel of fortune i feel like maybe i could save it if i get like a double strength or something or a double full health or anything other than what i have currently you get resurrect after the boss of floor is beaten this coming from the same person who said pots aren't metal i'm surprised you didn't know that yeah it's my first time ever playing co-op i've never died in co-op before you get resurrected bro we're bosses but not not that boss not like but all boss is like every boss or hush or or mega satan those aren't bosses no but no not those no wait crazy every boss though pretty easy yep i can't see wait for me hats i can't move as fast as you for the range and the whips oh scout ahead yep you guys just doing laps he's not even trying to find me now for a yog i guess that's not bad make jacob even smaller so he can pretend that he doesn't exist i boil water in a pan i mean you can it will probably boil a lot faster but you just don't have the volume wait you don't have an electric kettle i have electric griddle every british person get this connected with me hang on it does oh pretty cool i can do damage hang on let me go yeah easy easy mode take that death co-op damage penalty [Music] world first no one knew about this dude i'm getting getting huge payouts from dark bum here yeah no okay you can boil water in a pressure chamber to just suck all the air out all right pressure chamber made of glass a pressure chamber where are you going i was just looking for the top sticker i'm just gonna see if something looked right you know you never know until you know you know you ruined the wild card i ruined the wild card what were you saving the wild card for in the first place built card rune active uh oh yeah it copies an active item what you said i'm not saving it i'm just saving for anything that would maybe be better anything you used two of diamonds card rune pill soul soul with soul jesus soul soul stone got it um that's what i'm saying you can whatever those souls do you can use go back to juices soul and then uh do two of them uh yeah it's just not that impressive in my opinion i don't know what it does so well i thought there were some elements of you maybe not wanting me to tell you hopefully you get an i'm drowsy pill again i'm still getting the impression you don't want me to say with us what the soul yeah it's a part of uh judas's tainted judas so you play tainted you just go figure it out okay i've not i have not played tainted jesus yet so i'm not trying to oh is that oh i know i'm drowsy was a was orange and yellow but power pill if i'm dying then yeah i wonder if i use my wild card and jacob if it would copy the power pill used by esau these are some complicated questions that i do not have the answer to diamonds tentace the b loads oh good shot i had nowhere to go gonna be mad extension cord is doing work [Music] uh yeah it's after every boss sin what are you doing oh yeah of course those other bosses weren't worn bosses though silly me hey we get more items now too wait wait we can block her in that uh you want to take this out i'll take the swords it still shocks to you when you're alive too it's not just you being a baby no it'll go away once we leave this room i'm sure nope fighting of isaac repentance everybody looking looking pretty strong working as intended do you want to black ruin that i will use my black rune to get something that you don't even know about oh all right i used it so wait dude see it all works out yep where where where where black rune wild card why would i do that dude extension cord oh dang um there are enemies that we can kill outside of just delirium to get that damage upgrade wafers looking pretty good too though stop exploiting the game sending huts gluttony says waffer you you've got to go wait for here waver's the only play but the thing is though that um it's double hp you don't need the damage you need the survivability oh hey there you go take it take it you're gonna need it for dodging and arranging oh wow okay now i'm convinced how do i do that how do i how do i live without you good one oh this one makes sense esau had cancer oops wait did you not put that on jacob nope well i could i could have zipped out two hour glasses too late i left you guys just like 7 000 things i'm just surprised that i'm able to just be standing here and y'all are just min-maxing the [ __ ] out of me right now oh my god how many black ones can one person get one more one more room and i can get another black heart oh yeah for sure bro i can't believe you know what uh it's almost like there's an emote to express not getting one more thing after having an alph anyone class euler bueller well nice delirium i didn't want to fight delivery yet anyways hey does this count as a boss yes and no none of us could make that active and then the book is sin honestly it's black ruinable but at some point in time i could get down to take it go for a bookworm or do you have to be specifically holding all three the blue hourglass is going to be pretty important blacker in it yep wait there's my stat i think you're going to carry us dude i've got this i can't it's impossible for me to die at this point with 9 hp there's no way with that black crew how did you get that much hp talking about i'm not mad about it i've had all these questions sissy's the one who she's the one who gave me power and the strength to carry on when the chips were down and my items were horrible only [ __ ] brought me out of the darkness of pit abyss you raise me up so i can stand on my voucher and don't use it save it what's the queen of hearts drops one to 12 red hearts oh okay dark bomb actually could just have at it but he's going to eventually so maybe you should just let him do it now so we don't get pissed off yo a nice pull thank you i've used it twice and i think i got one red heart both times yup yes no no no nice well done i think i'm eating it you know what i got double health so give it to jacob jacob wait this is mine i'm drowsy i'm drowsy pill really i think so wait it says underneath your name or underneath your stuff no i ha i haven't identified it you have or was that the other one telepills oh that was i'm drowsy i don't know it says stella pills so what else we got going on here let's do the other run oh wild card i could have wild card at the or you can you can still wild card your queen right yo another good pull see how it's you should always listen to us i'm chad and i'm so smart give me give him the esau he saw you should be stacking some some esau with uh he's got double health though so yeah technically he's got you know 12 hearts whereas jacob only has eight we'll then take some on jacob then that's what i said all right shall we yep what was that the card anything important um magician oh yeah let me take that look at all the evil eyes um michelle for show i don't need the full card so i mean i might as well just i'm not gonna use it but i don't want to be yelled at by chad hutch you should use the other one it's better oming rocks baby and all this range mr b oh okay he's gonna spawn right on top of me i guess sounds like we're fighting delirium we should get him in the crossfire i don't even know where he is where is he yep caught in the crossfire isn't that a song you've been caught up in the crossfire crossfire we can do it it's going to be done man i wish i had a delirium unlocking my jacob and esau and we had the opportunity and we passed it up no we didn't even make hush oh no we did it did it jump after the what what the heck hit me over there we did have the opportunity after blue baby it was true but it also was not a good run just didn't have the balls i didn't have a good run either until i made it a good run yeah by stealing everything from the center i'm not drunk you're drunk i think tim slipped into dad's liquor cabinet classic tim my favorite whiskey is johnny daniels i like the one with the cowboy on it what's his name herschel walker hershey's hershey's hershey's milk chocolate burger i am so tired of delirium spawning right on top of me whenever you're at a full sprint on a on a okay yeah okay yep all sprint delirium is just a recipe for disaster he's going to do it he's going to do it he's going to do it 100 percent he saw the entire time so dad did it so america does it nine hearts bt dubs chad you're so good at this game wow the unlocks today what did we get suplex duplex should we teleport it's not it's not blue hourglass and no balls i don't i already have balls you guys i don't need yours suplex can't wait to suplex some moves bro let's uh let's check those unlocks out looking okay you remember his page before this chat and then this guy ah feeling good about that well thank you for watching everybody hope you enjoyed this thus miss make sure you watch both points of view whenever hutz's goes up and on the second channel if you want to see hudson's main channel all the links can be found down below youtube.com huts twitch.tv hutsgaming and yeah we will see you next week for more unlocks hilarities shapes jokes riddles wise musings philosophies [Music] from your friends here at thusmus and chat thanks for watching guys don't forget to check out sen's links in the description bye
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 32,169
Rating: 4.9497485 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: 51yZoulb2no
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 34sec (6154 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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