Jaystation Is The Worst Youtuber Of All Time

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hi today I'm making a case for why jstation might just be the worst YouTuber of all time and yes I filming this video at 3:00 a.m. because it's a 3:00 a.m. challenge to get through his content today we're exploring the tumultuous career of Jason ano better known as jstation a controversial YouTuber who amassed a following of over 6 million subscribers seemingly all under the age of five and made content consisting of 3:00 a.m. scary videos and Ouija board videos capitalizing on celebrity deaths his young audience was heavily manipulated near the end of his career in which he faked his girlfriend's death for views and money and those are just some of the details in today's episode in which I will make a case for the worst YouTuber of all time let's start here jstation singlehandedly exposes the theory that all Canadians are nice if you're a Ryan you're great goling Reynolds Ranson I made that last one up but if you're a station you suck Jason started his first channel titled jstation on November the 24th 2016 where he would post 24-hour challenge videos such as 24-hour challenge at school and gone wrong mailing myself in a box his channel reached 475,000 subscribers before being terminated leading him to make a Channel with a much more original name I'm J stationing Kermit the Frog drink the gay potion yeah so as I said jstation is actually one of the craziest people that I've ever seen on the platform I don't even know how YouTube has allowed him to exist as long as he has but we're going to to take a look at all of the stuff that he's done and I'm pretty sure I'm leaving like 50 60% out I don't even know how I could possibly verify all of the stuff that he has or hasn't done in order to do that I'd have to watch all of his videos which would require me to actually go to hell because there's no way that anyone would allow me to do that if I was on regular Earth prior to this jstation would work at Costco with his mother while working there he allegedly acquired the most suspensions and complaints of any employee and ke the car of a coworker's mom because the coworker wouldn't break up with her boyfriend to be with Jay in a later video jstation also says that he dropped out of high school lived in the ghetto and turned his life around from bad to worse by joining the Army and then drinking and getting kicked out all right so just to put this into perspective jstation was his first channel I don't know why it actually got banned before 500k that's still up in the air and all I can say is that I did take a look at his content some of it actually seems relatively normal but normal in jstation terms is still like 24hour challenges such as going to school is crazy but let's take a look I bring you 24 hours in a school how how is this content today I'm bringing you 24 hours in a school that sounds like a [ __ ] teacher why is this the job of a man who self- admittedly left High School when he was in grade n now he's going back as an older man you know what they do to people who go back back to school when they're not supposed to be at school and their old men Jail jail station I could ever ask to hide man it's like a miracle like this is actually meant to happen this time what you going to school or finishing school what are you talking about I cannot believe his channel even got to the stage that it did sometimes it honestly amazes me that he even got that far I'm genuinely sort of impressed I'm disgustingly impressed at the fact that this man got as far as he did he's also not that much older than me or other people with hair which is all like wow you look like you're 50 I'm not going to show you guys every single video that jstation did I'm not even going to look at the whole video which I normally do because this is a 16-minute video about a 24-hour challenge where he stayed in school for a day it is challenging for someone who is this challenged to stay in school for a day I'm sure but it's not content worthy that's for sure all he does is hide so most of the content is not even him doing things like ooh I don't know how to get through this test it's him avoiding other people and social interaction basically his channel is 2020 the movie all right guys so I made it up onto the roof so I'm going just camp out here till it's dark time and then I'm going to go back down all right I'm going to put away the camera cuz truthfully I'm super afraid of heights like uh okay so J station is afraid after he climbed up there's a roof and he's very afraid of heights for some reason he needs to put the camera down you do the math because I can't I don't know how those two things correlate but you can see how his audience could not possibly be over the age of double digits like there's no way someone who is 10 and above would watch this content believe it and also be entertained so even early on in his career he's establishing that his audience is going to be an audience that barely understands the English language not because they're not native speakers but because they're not speakers I'm going to be back in the school and it'll be dark time just just saying the words I'm going to wait for it to get dark in school it's just it just doesn't sound sound right Jay Jay station's done a lot of bad things I don't think this is one of them but like inadvertently sounding like you're going to do creepy things at school just is just like a absolute trajectory to where his career went like inadvertently as well as maliciously has he done all this dumb [ __ ] I completely forgot my favorite thing about J station besides the fact that he says guys a lot is when he says Frick or Fring that's how you know it's Primo content cuz J station knows his audience is young kids you can't say that what he has to say what the freak which he does no matter how bad the situation is in fact Devil's open from hell in his house and he says things like what the freak that's an appropriate reaction in J station's world for a devil to pop out of your um couch and stuff that's just how he reacts he's Canadian that then I'm going to check out the freaking gymnasium or something guys I'm going to check out the freaking gymnasium and then I'm going to work out then I'm going to go freaking shower it's going to be freaking hot I'm mean the shower water then I'm going to put on my freaking clothes and just go freaking sit at my desk when I was in freaking great night N I used to write FR all the time the teacher said stop swearing I'm going to sneak it from this point on okay I'm going to be as stealthy as possible okay guys at this point J station turns into a stealthy bean and he's sneaking around like he's in Metal Gear Solid which is just awesome I mean are you not entertained God there's someone sleeping in the CL it looks like this guy is has no job or life why is the teacher sleeping at 2: a.m. in a classroom J station's stor is are crazy he always tells these weird stories that when you're a kid instead of actually watching entertainment that uh benefits you and makes you smarter you watch his content then you feel more disrupted by life because you think teachers actually sleep at their desks from watching his content so to all the parents who let their children watch A J station shame on you I don't know how that happen but this man is not teaching you he's he's making your children Dumber at no point the jstation even try and fix the fact that 85% of this video is out of focus he just doesn't care this is when you don't give two shits about your content you're like I don't care what's in Focus as long as they say guys and frig enough people will know it's me we're just guessing content at this point oh my God am I seriously watching this [ __ ] drink something is this act is this what passes for content is this yes what used to pass for Content yes I watch him drink a whole soda out of focus and this is good cont my God he took a sip and he took a break and then he's drinking it again and I'm still watching this I thought the 3:00 a.m. challenge was the worst thing he's done this is way worse just him drinking and going what the [ __ ] was that so J station then has the craziest experience of his life cuz he climbs upstairs and that's goty that's I guess how the video ends I watched an outof Focus man drink things quench his thirst twice stay at school and this is how he built his career let's look at another video this one's even worse back in like 2016 2017 for for some reason I don't know which person invented this but they invented mailing myself in a Box challenge and all these dumb YouTubers used to seriously pretend to mail themselves in boxes to fool kids into getting views this is how bad people want money that if you don't have talent you'll mail yourself in a box pretending to go somewhere and all of them tried to oneup each other J station was no different it's not even called mailing myself in a box the title starts off with gone wrong that's that's just how you know that's a good video oh it already sucks gone wrong mailing myself in a box today we're doing the mailing yourself in a Box challenge I'm pretty sure mailing a human being in the mail is super illegal guys so make sure you drop a big like on this one let's try to get there it is I'm pretty sure this is super illegal so make sure you smash that like button okay cuz I might be going to jail for mailing myself what I noticed about this trend though guys I know a lot of these bigger YouTubers they faked it guys yeah yeah they're faking it but J J station's real there's no faking about jaystation nothing's fake about his personality or his content and he's trying to show the audience that he is the real deal he's really going to bail himself in a box he's going to poop in it he's going to live in it eat in it drink in it I don't know he's why is he doing it I when you're like 29 I think this is what you do with your life you just mail yourself around today I'm with my boy kazy woo what's up ladies and gentlemen yeah that's how you that's how you know he's not your friend when you introduce someone and they stop with woo I don't know what that is anyway let's skip around to this video he does end up mailing himself to in a box should hurry up it's actually getting pretty cold in here guys yeah all right here we go so just like the riveting content of the last video in which I had to see him out of focus drink things now I'm seeing him almost almost like un unable to actually see anything because it's 80% do and this is the content for Wow uh almost 18 minutes 18 minutes of J St St in a box this is the worst piece of [ __ ] I've ever [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seen how do you how do you wake up one day and say I'm just going to mail myself in a box I I don't care about friends or ethics or actual dignity I'm I'm throwing all that into trash that's been into trash I'm going to mail myself in a box and trick kids into thinking that I'm in a box so I can get money then I can buy javoni hats to hide my bold [ __ ] head how do you read do that make that life decision cuz you have to live with that decision for the rest of your life the kids grow up then they realize you suck and then you still don't have friends and that Javan chimani is gone because YouTube deleted your channel what the hell where you think if you had a couple friends if J station had a few friends he might have been able to save himself I feel sorry for him I don't I really don't but I might be I might have felt sorry for him if I was his friend anyway he gets mailed in a box I mean if I show you 10 minutes of this I'm going to end it after 16 minutes of the video which all of it if you scrub through he's just in the box so you're just talking to J station going like guys guys did you hear that guys holy [ __ ] for like 18 minutes and at the end he he does get bailed to some guy's house and the guy gets so scared he drops his phone and jstation runs away the guy's phone broke I'm going to have to go buy him a new phone or something guys like I know where he lives now yeah that's how that work Works once you know where that person lives then you have to buy him the phone good work jstation this man really made this content and it took off sort of it took off enough for him to then pivot to his content with 3 a videos and that's where he really took off because this was okay but once he realized his audience was malleable and young and naive he realized there was only one way to really do videos and that was 3:00 a.m. videos Jason station's content quickly transformed from relatively normal Vlogs to challenge videos and then 3:00 a.m. videos that focused on horror aimed at kids some of his videos would include popular gaming characters and childhood icons like Elmo and SpongeBob the videos often feature jstation calling or texting them at 3:00 a.m. which are booty cool hours so having the numbers of some of these characters seem sus oh my God broell man but often times the characters would terrorize him until the next video let's take a look at some of his content so I wanted to take a look at just a few of his most delightful 3:00 a.m. videos of course some people were kind enough to re-upload some of his content and I'm not going to watch all of them but here's one that I thought was cool buying a real cur mummy from the doc web at 300 a.m. raising the dead challenge gone wrong Could It Go Right could raising the dead go right what's problem guys back with another 300 a.m. challenge today we so as you can hear with jstation there's more um hand movements now there's more sound effects he's saying the word Banger a lot a new word he added to his vocabulary he's wearing beanies instead of hats as if that's going to hide the shininess of his [ __ ] head it's not he's still going at us got a freaking Banger for you guys J Nation we actually ordered up a cursed mummy from the dark web check this thing out guys he actually sounds normal compared to like he guys we are ordering a mummy from the dark web at 3 a.m. oh freak guys you don't know what's going to happen smash that like button he's he really sounds insufferable at this point faing the dead we're going to do that ritual on the cursed M you know the ritual oh my god there it is this man knows rituals where'd you pick that [ __ ] up from were you reading the hieroglyphs I show you where bro this is 17 minutes of this again I will skip to show you just the content but as you you can tell this man's gotten louder he's gotten uh more progressively annoying and to kids I'm assuming he's holding their attention so I'm trying to look at this content objectively but even so this is bad I I really don't feel like he's an evil mommy you don't no because like he would have said something that's right Jay Hill which is another guy who I'll talk about in a sec Jay Hill has a point if he was evil he would have said it and walked out that sarcophagus and said I'm evil get the [ __ ] out of my way I got to do some evil to do now J station's been lighting evil candles he doesn't even know that he got scammed those are regular candles you the real evil is you consumer keep buying that [ __ ] it's almost like his content is like if Sesame Street went rogue and Elmo was doing a crack for years and then didn't know how to like function in society but all Elmo knew was how to do Sesame Street but then now is evil and needs the money and this would be that like J station's talking like he's like oh my God guys do you think the mummy's evil or a good mommy we're going to do this right now now oh he's got oh raising the Dead all right to do this ritual guys is Jay's going to have to go on that side of the mummy we're going to have to actually join hands right now and chant spirits of the Dead rise up again return to the place where you began and it's important guys that you actually I really want to know how he came up with these ideas like I really I regret to think about this man sitting down writing all of this now practicing it and I don't know whether to like shake his hand and be like that is disgusting like determination to get on YouTube or just I just cringe at the fact that he actually did this you tell me leave it in the comments below cuz I don't know at this point something's happen I think Jay Hills usually gets possessed in every video this friend always gets possessed ah so actually The Mummy does end up raised and dead and evil and it hugs J station from behind and he runs away and then Jay Hills asked he just attacked me no way is he walking is it walking so so that's a good question to ask is it a paraplegic mummy or not what Olympics does he play special ones which one Jay Hill's asking the real questions here god dude I am so afraid to go out there he just attacked me bro where did he attack you bro he attacked me out there again real questions where did he attack you on the penis where was it J station said outside he didn't want to know what location he wanted to know where on your body did he touch you and J station and the other guy make it out and then he shouts out his channel cuz that's the first thing he would do now kids at the time were scared because I looked at the comments and although his videos are deleted most of the people were like we love you Jay we hope you're okay we're hope you're safe and it's probably as a kid really concerning that your favorite YouTube Creator every single day is getting terrorized by a different person whether it's SpongeBob The Mummy Elmo some evil Dracula kind of creature it's a host of creatures in his house that constantly terrorize him and the kids I just want Jay to be safe but he can't be because he's constantly buying things that cause him evil so I guess it's fair to say that video was not too there's nothing inherently wrong I guess the content objectively sucks but hey that's YouTube now where it starts getting a bit crazy is when you do things that are borderline offensive in crossing the line and at any point when you're doing this sort of content there is a line and you will cross it because you don't know where the line is that such video is called we kissed ordering gay potion from the doc web at 3:00 a.m. oh oh bro yo kiss another man's cheek and then the other guy reacts like he scored a goal in FIFA I I I don't this is we were 2 seconds into the video and I'm confused I about as confused as J station was after that video are they friends are they lovers are they both oh my God off guys back with another bank I feel like I don't need to exactly explain why this would be offensive but I guess I'll do my best making light of this ordering gay potion from the web this is pretty bad this is not the L thing he's done but my God is it some theatrics potion that if you drink will turn anybody gay for exactly one hour guys this is what a specific potion one hour of being gay that sounds like J station all right what a very specific idea you've come up with my friend it looks like Jay Hills that other dude from the last video is your victim crazy okay I'm a straight guy are you straight I'm a straight guy I'm not gay bro okay guys so like I don't even know what it's like to be gay like probably like being straight to be honest attracted to the same I honestly doesn't seem like there's a big difference but J station seemed to make it sound like a gay person is like another breed of people so I guess he wanted to figure out how how they work and so he bought a gay potion of course he's not the one taking the gay potion there's a bunch of other dark web potions that I want to get there's a monster potion there's a bunch of these potions guys 50 you saw monster potion and gay potion and chose gay potion I'm posting daily videos ah and I I he might have been posting daily videos because the videos are so easy to do the concepts are so stupid and his one friend is looks really stupid as well he just looks like a clone off him they just kept doing this every day and people kept well kids kept watching it so they found a Content Niche and they exploited the ever loving [ __ ] out of it why YouTube didn't regulate it I don't know but we'll talk about the Clones he created soon what I want to talk about now is who drank the potion which was the other guy and what happens yeah dude I'm afraid like dude if I drink this am I going to just start make it out with you or something I think you made this whole video up just so you can get that other guy there so at this point the other guy Jay Hills does drink the potion at first he doesn't feel anything but now he is fully gay the problem is he's not just gay he's flamboyantly gay and that is just absolutely freaking J station out because this is a 3:00 a.m. horror channel so he's horrified that the fact that his friend is gay I guess are like good dude you look you're looking so cute today y my God you want to go shopping I want going to shopping I want hit Sephora and get a bunch of makeup you sure you turn gay and not stupid you sure you gave him the right potion he's got this weird high voice that sounds like Elmo but like depressed I don't know what's happen he looks like he swallowed some lipstick I don't understand what this is but I think this is the depiction of what they think gay person is supposed to be so yes very offensive very stupid very dumb and his his kid fans didn't know any better so this is very dangerous to his audience I love pople how do you know oh man I just know God the last one oh there's a clue he said how do you know I love popsicles and jstation replies I just know and then looks at the camera I was just saying you guys seem to noce all of these calls off the flly why did you write a script or did you improv that Jay how you know all that stuff huh let's sit down let's sit down I want to talk to you what are you doing you'd think that they wouldn't be proud of the content or at some point would grow up and be like this is disgusting but it turns out that one person had to get banned and the other dude still is making YouTube content disappointed so beautiful what are you doing so beautiful what are you doing oh my God D what are you doing bro what are you doing I want to kiss you and that's basically the video just 15 minutes of two very questionable people doing questionable things J station has made videos about several celebrity deaths often claiming to communicate with their Spirits through various methods like Spirit boxes or Ouija boards using their names and pictures in his videos weeks and sometimes days after that that's darned massive backlash however he kept doing them and monetizing them in the process as if that wasn't bad enough like I said the celebrity Deb thing is probably where the line was crossed to a point where it reached the mainstream audience and Beyond his fan base in which other people had to take charge and be like this is not okay especially with Debs like MC Müller who just it's a soft spot to a lot of people who really love this artist and not very long after J station would see this as an opportunity to take views and his fan base again didn't know anything better so they thought oh this guy's helping by trying to communicate with him Chase St is just being a douchebag I'm jstation MAC Muller Spirit boach challenge that's not good today we're going to do an EVP session to try to communicate with MC Miller see if we can hear anything see if we can actually communicate with him maybe he has a message for so someone proved that the video is fake I mean thank you congratulations um sorry this is not nothing to do with you but yes the video of course was fake jstation took a ripped the audio from the interview put it into a filter and then thought that he could fool his young audience into thinking that they really did communicate now imagine if you were young and this was your favorite artist if I was young and uh if Michael Jackson had passed away and someone told me that communicate I seen a video I would lose my mind and and really latch on to this it's important to put yourself into the position of his audience and think what were they thinking at that time and I just feel really sorry that his audience had to deal with this and sit through a man uh do this for views of course everyone was mad but this is how you know this man has no friends his own age because if he did one of them would have said yo I love Mac Miller you should not be doing this and and he would have stopped when all of your friends are like you know combined IQ of 10 or kids you can't actually have anyone say this is a really stupid idea and you're never going to benefit from this yes in the short term you might make a couple bucks but in the long term your reputation and career will be absolutely ruined and stifled and this set off a chain of events to his inevitable downfall of course the video did well despite the hate because on YouTube it doesn't matter if you like the video or hate the video a view is a view and you get that ad Revenue so he saw an opportunity to do it again when a YouTuber by the name of eica passed away by um self infliction now this is where most people said uh that's like you're done like the Maca thing was bad enough but now everyone was on his ass about this what's popping guys I just got back from the middle of nowhere in an insane asylum sounds about right for a j station dat I don't even think he was filming I almost died like a week ago bro for real bro I'm up in my car right now I'm ready to die bro I feel like I'm going to get murdered bro you have to just when you J station you can't just say like almost died for real bruh I'm dying every day bruh you have to convince people by saying the word bruh at the end of [Music] things glad that he used this platform when someone uh passed away to talk about his struggle with ad revenue and how other creators do it too when someone does this stuff on something so serious you just can't bear to listen to them you can't afford to listen to them anymore and this was this was it for Jay like it feels like the just the absolute worst thing to take someone crying out for help or talking about Mental Health and use it to talk about how ad revenue is important or not important or who cares or I'm just doing a thing that I'm doing what's the big deal anyway and then J station talks about himself as it's narcissistic it's horrible and ultimately it's just a low low thing for a human to do but what did we expect from possibly like I said worst YouTuber there ever was so of course in 2020 unfortunately Kobe Bryant also passed and it was very sad I had just started my YouTube career and I was just discovering J station and I saw all of the other stuff he did so I was almost devastated and just waiting to see if he would do something but so many people just absolutely like flooded him saying do not touch this one that he responded on Twitter I remember the comments saying don't worry guys I won't make a Ouija bullet video on Kobe so really good what way to save your career J station rest in peace Kobe his 3:00 a.m. in dark web content somehow found a niche in the YouTube market and started gaining traction the half ass content mixed with Great algorithm potential of his content eventually created clones such as J Hill na Productions and of course the man who slept with Pennywise the Clown Eli SRA but the thing is that J station had already done his damage because even if he wasn't doing things people saw the large amounts of money that he was making and the ease of his content and other people were quick to do some [ __ ] that he would so he inadvertently created clones here's one of them who did do a video on on Kobe web guys yes the dark web and try and they need to stop with those sound effects really this this is a English dude I guess he is so enthral by jstation that even in England people are trying to like create jstation clones this is he's like the Michael Jordan of crap at this point I'm going to text him and call him I'm iPhone 11 right now guys yo this is actually so scary why is this dude flexing his iPhone 11 I'm going to text him on my iPhone 11 guys I got him after KOB he's got I got his number now who do I get it from I got it from the Yellow Pages bro yellow in the M teeth bro he's let me know in the comment section and I will leak his number guys going to leak his number oh my God this guy's worse than I thought he's doxing him he's not even here anymore and how you doxing him bro next you're going to tell me his name was Kobe Bryant then I'm going to look it up and I'll be like Google doxed him what the hell you going to tell me he played basketball after the okay so then this dum dum text him and then the person pretending to be him responds and he has a conversation well he messages him and in some reality in this dude's head Beyond thinking this was a good idea or anyone on the internet would let him live it down he thought that in his reality some kid from the UK would have a conversation with the late great Kobe Bryant and convince him to come back because Kobe Bryant in his story just wanted a break from social media and this kid is going to talk him out of it he's like a hero in his mind and FaceTime Kobe and let's just see if he's actually alive or dead still guys I just want to know because if you FaceTime him he he okay whatever this is actually so scary guys I wonder what he's going to say in return guys let me know guys he's typing I mean if you have a GU counter it's past 100 now honestly please leave me alone guys I'm not going to leave him alone mhm we need this guy to figure out the the mystery of Kobe Bryant thank you kid from bedroom the end of course he calls Kobe because he can and this is what happens help me yo I told you not to I'm actually so shock guys good one sir of course his YouTube career was nuked and goodrs but he wasn't the only one who did stupid things Jay Hills the guy who we watched turn gay also after jstation proceeded to make his own channel and he is still going to there is only one time I will ever say this but J Hills makes J station tolerable I looked at one of his videos and wow this is the most recent video from Jay Hills who's still creating content it's called do not watch Five Nights at Freddy's movie at 3:00 a.m. scary so even 6 years on 3:00 a.m. still is the time that you should not do things what up guys your boy J Hill back on your another B video in today's video and see jstation was bad but but at least he was audible this guy sounds like he did speed and then tried to do a YouTube video and then this fat dude just hops on screen he's even worse he can't even formulate a sentence y oh yeah the five nights I'm I'm serious I just want to say I'm serious when I um I watched the start of this video and I thought his friend was like like not fully functional close to 1 so I was like o maybe I'll cut this part out I know what you're thinking it's probably close don't worry then he just started talking normally and I was like oh oh oh I I didn't know how to feel about that because he clearly was just so excited for the video that he couldn't formulate words for like 2 minutes before he calmed down so I don't know how to think about that movie oh my God five nights at fredy's Five Nights at this is the content they do I'm not even going to show you any more of that I don't need to I don't care this is really what happened off the J station all of his friends just clones of him who do the same things and I don't know if they're bailing him out I don't know if they're ever trying to help him back on his YouTube channel but that is where all of his friends went they're dancing to Five Nights at Freddy's outside a parking lot at 3:00 a.m. beautiful in 2017 Jay station posted a video called blackout box challenge gone wrong in which he stayed in a box and by the end of it he ended up in a coma can I just take a second to say I've seen this man in multiple boxes now how about a box with some metal BS at the front TR that never mind he did a video going to jail challenge already of course the video was fake but his fans were concerned for his safety but this wouldn't be the last time J station manipulated his young audience for views so J station had done something else after this which was him being in another box this time it was a CIA method of getting information out of people he decided he was going to do it and unfortunately he passed and went into a coma I know that's not funny but it's fake so it's hilarious so J station is in some dark room he he's hooked up to nothing because nothing's plugged in and his friend is coming to visit him because he's he's in a coma now Jay's in the emergency room they don't know what's wrong with him he's stupid that's what's wrong with him did they diagnose that probably in a coma right now and they don't know when he's going to wake up the worst part about this is he wake up right now that's the worst part he could wake up right now did his friend really just say the worst part about all of this is you can wake up right now I don't really want that to happen so I'm gonna if you guys got a pillow I you know tomorrow he could wake up in a year from now he was locked inside a box and I guess there was no air inside he lost breath somebody had to go to Walmart buy a crow but by the time he was out he was already unconscious there's so much wrong with this man and what he's saying I know it's a fake video but apparently he got locked in a box and he's like there was no oxygen in the Box they had to go to Walmart buy some oxygen blow it into the box nope they had to go to Walmart get a crow Crow bar not just a crow they maybe they got a crow and they put that in the Box J station could wake up tomorrow I don't like this he he talked to a nurse and she said he's probably in a coma she was guessing which is just [ __ ] hilarious like I don't know why he's there maybe he's sleeping wake him up tomorrow he could wake up in a year from now he was locked inside a box and I guess there was no air inside he lost breath somebody had to go to Walmart buy a crow but by the time he was out he was already unconscious there's so much wrong with this man and what he's saying I know it's a fake video but apparently he got locked in a box and he's like there was no oxygen in the Box they had to go to Walmart buy some oxygen blow it into the box nope they had to go to Walmart get a crow Crow Bar not just a crow they maybe they got a crow and they put that in the Box J station could wake up tomorrow I don't like this he he talked to a nurse and she said he's probably in a coma she was guessing which is just [ __ ] hilarious like I don't know why he's there maybe he's sleeping wake him up wor about the situation is that when you wake W up from a coma you might not be the same he might be guys he might be a vegetable he might be in a freaking wheelchair for the rest of his life I don't know what's going to happen this is so insensitive I I don't know what to say this is hilariously insensitive oh my God Jay Jay I love you bro I love you so much dude God and touching him and [ __ ] J Jay Jay I love you brother bro you kiss him on the head bro do the gay potion see what happens this is H just the idea of his friend vlogging when he's in a coma and he's like just behind him like in a coma I don't know why I find this very funny it's amazing it's stupid and amazing and stupid if there was anything he wanted me to do is like Jean upload this video I want them to see this and I just I don't know what to say anymore yet he does talk for another minute none of this is important but what I wanted to show is that at this point I think it's easy to see how this man manipulates his fans into thinking he's in so in situations I don't know if he ever put that it was entertainment in any of his things I don't know if he could claim that I didn't see it anywhere but what I did see at the time where a lot of people a lot of his fans very concerned that he was in a coma because you have to realize they're young kids and if they see a YouTubers say this stuff they'll believe it all of his fans were anxious they didn't know if he was in a coma and he just ended up coming back like nothing was wrong what this does when you put yourself in danger or any situation of empathy is you gain more traction and J station knows this is he smart no he's just a dumb douchebag I hate that he did this to kids on the 10th of June 2019 J station claimed that he was assaulted in his home and robbed many did look into the situation and found no police reports of the incident occurring he also explains the story like he was a Canadian Liam niss from Taken then proceeds to touch all of the evidence and nobody believed him J station at some point got into a fake robbery it's not real it's not even close to real he explains it like it is real and he looks like he's badly badly hurt what people have theorized is that he was in some sort of accident and then took advantage of the situation by doing his house up to look like it was a robbery yes that is the level of delinquency that we're dealing with and although I can't prove it it it absolutely looks like it's fake when he shows us what had happened and when you hear the story it's just what's popping guys so everybody is probably wondering what is going on with me because my face my face yeah most people do wonder what's wrong with you with your face oh God do you guys like it do you like my eye it looks scary looks really scary yeah but guys right now I just want to let you know that is how you do an intro video imagine people being concerned and you're like oh are you scared for me you little [ __ ] look at my eye it's so scary yeah guys I actually did get really badly hurt the other day so I'm safe I'm on the top floor of a really nice place I thought he said I'm one of the top four like I'm safe I'm one of the top four most safe people ever I'm in a safe right now I'm locking myself in a safe 24-hour challenge I was in a coma yesterday hopefully today I'll be another one we'll see I'm top four safest people in the world right now J station okay so J station goes to explain the video I mean I don't want to fully break down the evidence but he just points to the door and says three people broke into to my house with a door that doesn't even look like it was touched so if you're going to make it look like it's a crime at least try and make it look like it's a crime did they come in the door like hello and then like stop robbing you that's Windows bro that's not even like a door with wood they they didn't break anything they just walked in all right it's your story I'm just listening uh they come in the house I was sitting here they run up on me that hat is hanging on for dear life on the back of his head I just want to say like I've been watching up been trying to make bets on whether it would fall off or not bro just chill with the hats that far back your hair and been exposed this is too much bro they're beating the [ __ ] out of me right there eventually I went unconscious tried to escape I ran over here there blood all on my couch wow some of those look like paint stains like they're way darker than other some look like smudged paint stains it looks like like a painting Jay all that came from your I head what area did you bleed from this is irregular bro you got to get that checked out I run to the door here but it's locked so they grab me they [ __ ] me up again start going unconscious and [ __ ] [ __ ] me up here they're holding that knife on me wait there's no blood there there was blood on the couch where you just slipped past but right over there there's nothing what I okay all right I guess you you held it in for that point where's the knife they were anyway they held a knife on me here's a knife oh that's evidence don't touch that oh he's touching it uh-oh you touched the evidence that's not good I mean if it was a crime scene with all that blood that's that seems like a murder case right there you're just allowed to touch all that evidence why is the knife so clean that you can see your reflection on it oh my god did they buy that knife now that's crazy Jay don't touch the evidence by the way you the case will be thrown it's done it's thrown out now they said they're going to kill me they're going to kill me where's the money where's the Rolex they so they know you okay where's the money where's the Rolex but they would looking you at trying to okay all right it's a robbery I guess they walked in they held a knife up to him it's so clean by the way that knife looks like honestly cleaner than like brand new I don't even know if there's a term for like cleaner than brand new but it looks like it's almost invisible it's so clean starts fuing the knife into the camera I don't I'm assuming the robbers are watching the video like he exposed us holy crap why' you leave the knife there Darren I don't know I just left the weapon I don't know I was scared they tie me up with [ __ ] chains why you have chains in your basement why did they have the chains who brought the chains this is a crazy story Jason I don't know if I can believe some of this [ __ ] bro they put me here they're taking pictures wait why they put you in the wall they put you in the chains just to take you away to put you in the wall now that's just that's just inconsiderate really then I try to escape again so we end up over here before they before they like you ended up in another the corner of the room how do you keep escaping these guys you escaped them like six seven times now H this is every few seconds they're beating you up then you bleeding profusely and then you run like 2 feet and then they catch up to you every time Jade what do you keep doing this for you keep running into places that you can't escape like walls go to places where you can leave like the door what are you doing just start punching me again holding me again and then they say oh yo Snoop cuz snoop's upstairs looking around my house who the [ __ ] is Snoop Dog maybe I don't know maybe stoop dog hates this guy I don't know they grabbed a [ __ ] Sledgehammer why do you have a sledgehammer why do you just give them the weapons bro do why you have chains and a sledgehammer just waiting in your basement I think there's other questions whether police need to investigate you at this point you have chains and a sledgehammer just in your basement and nothing else who's the real bad guy Jay they took absolutely nothing from my house man that's crazy because they asked you where the Rolex was in your story oio which is weird very weird that they didn't take anything when they knew you had Rolex is it okay took off my pants because what the hell J this is not time for the 3:00 a.m. gay potion thing I don't what the hell that was that that took a ton for the best wow okay Snoop really doing things it was all tied up they had me locked up in here and it was tied to my pants as as yeah so they tied him up in a chain to his pants so he took his pants off and he was free this is this they tied his pants up man they got they got J station's pants so I took off my pants and I freed myself there you go that's like everybody says when you're ever tied up you take your pants off and you free yourself same thing the streakers say so do captives took my pants off freed myself now now I'm home that's he was able to get out of there he took his pants off now if J station had just taken his pants off when they came through the door they wouldn't have ever even entered the premise I get in my freaking car with boxers no shoes ride in my car all bloody as hell how what you have no key oh he took the keys he came back in the window okay all right cool blood dripping everywhere and my brand new freaking Hellcat I drive to my friend's house and he helps me from there and um that's EX exactly what happened guys no nothing was stolen out of my house so somebody's trying to attack me but I want to just let you know right now so they were trying to attack you they weren't trying to steal something but then they went upstairs left you alone and tied your pants to some chains but then they came in and said they wanted a rlex also held a sledgehammer to your head and then let you go sounds like a story Jay sounds like a story so yes this man used his own injury to capitalize and turn it into the wildest story that I've ever seen I haven't seen a compulsive of liar do so well on YouTube as jstation before what an amazing story so yes jstation liar profit off of celebrities death manipulates his fan base you'd think all of that was bad but imagine this man getting a girlfriend I know that's not the part that you need to be imagining but he did believe it or not get himself a girlfriend and he proceeded to um well basically what he did was he pretended she died for views J station's content had attracted a young fan base due to his content lacking substance but being loud enough for even deaf people to hear it realizing this he began to capitalize on their naivity by claiming his then girlfriend had died in a car accident he then tried to turn it into a series this gu so trash on January the 24st 2020 jstation posted a video titled my girlfriend Alexia died Rest in paradise and then later a video titled saying goodbye by to my girlfriend alexio alexio Morano is his girlfriend he comes and he makes a video titled my girlfriend alexio died Rest in paradise all of his fans are like Chase station I'm I'm so sorry even commentary channels are like damn that's that's tough cuz nobody wants to call you out on something like that because you wouldn't lie about something like that that's terrible but J station something just seemed wrong maybe it was the fake tears maybe it was the japoni cat maybe it was cuz she needed to get 1 million subscribers was her dying wish maybe maybe something like that let's take a look at the video what's up guys that's see no okay when you saw a video with your girlfriend died what's up guys I'll tell you what's not up my love for my girlfriend cuz she died I never wanted to make a video like this ever but last night oh my God he's trying to cry this is going to take so long he just looks so stupid I I didn't even try he's just like like he ate a churro and it came back out what are you thinking of last night we lost Alexia oh my God it's you're not even wiping your eye you're you're wiping your eyebrow that's not even where tears come from are you serious man she was on the way to pick up something for our video we were making on our second Channel dream team she got it guys she's gone she you're not crying you're pretending to and it's just very infuriating also I don't know if you noticed we've watched a lot of jstation videos that Pharaoh from the first video where he got the mommy remains in the background of every video even the one where she died he put the Pharaoh in view for some reason he really loves that Pharaoh that evil Pharaoh crying now I know you guys are going to make fun of me for crying as you guys probably know we had a channel together called dream team we just hit 300,000 subscribers ah here it is here's my favorite part so we were wondering why do you make a video like this why make a video that's just an arbitrary lie here it is they created a channel called the dream team they wanted to collaborate and make more money and this is the way they thought they would do it her dream was just to get a million subscribers and we were so close to doing that guys you 700,000 off um God damn that's crazy that's this is like the episode of Friends where Ross pretends to be dead and then sees who comes to his funeral after talking with her parents we both agreed that I should post the remainder videos that we filmed for that channel on that channel gangster gangster she drunk driver blah blah blah her parents said let's post the videos it was also a wish to get a million subscribers so this is manipulation to the um degree good work J station what a horrible thing to do when after thees after those videos there's no more it's like when I'm looking at him crying I'm like ah this is why he does videos like this because the talent is here and this is not talent but like oh my God if he had to be an actor we'd be if his life depended on acting and he he could save the fate of the universe it would be over this is the worst crying I've ever seen in my life anyways I'll probably post those videos on that channel Dream Team Link's going to be in the description guys it's the greatest it's like she's she's really she's gone the link is in the description and you have to click it twice otherwise it won't subscribe you she was so good you'll be missed by thousands of people and possibly Millions if they subscribe right Jay so everything in the video is fake except the fact that his relationship was real somehow he met this goal and somehow she agreed to be seen with him in public it's crazy I know money does that so he thought it was a good idea to use his relationship to gain money and and it's just fantastic of course what happened was this wasn't true and jstation then proceeded to do a video that was the unthinkable I was joking when I saw this video and I thought yeah why don't you resurrect her turns out that's exactly what he's did ah dead girlfriend Ouija bored at 3:00 a.m. fantastic that's not a joke this is the real thing guys back with another 3:00 a.m. challenge as you guys know my girlfriend Alexia just passed away in a tragic accident guys as you guys know my mom just got run over by a dream smash that like button like it smashed her when she got run over who I'm going to resurrect her today with my Ouija board wiy W Ouija J station crazy actually said to her was babe can you pick me up some Popeyes before you come back and she never Popeyes even your dead girlfriend wanted you to have some what a what a tagline she wanted me to have some popyes guys it was the last thing she said before she was run over in the head okay in the Ouija board chall on my dead girlfriend yeah it got to the point where it's a parody of itself smash the like button right now he said he said I didn't write this one like equals one prayer for alexio this is the most gangster thing anyone could ever do this is when you're like I don't care I don't care I'm never coming back I'm just going to do the worst thing I can do and then double down on that [ __ ] guys one like equals one prayer for Alexia guys rest in peace she will forever be missed by thousands of you guys she was part of the J Nation I would pay him money to read people's eulogies this guy was dead oh my God it was tragic loss guys he used to be cool but now he's in a coffin smash that like button and maybe he'll resurrect himself he was I wish he read eulogies Bo good genan when I was a kid I actually had a girlfriend and she passed away who the [ __ ] is that guy this guy looks like a balloon version of J station who why why do wa who is this did he just say his girlfriend also di what do you guys have a [Music] club can you imagine actually like being this girl and seeing this content and this is your man like and having to like people will ask questions like oh what does he do oh he's a YouTuber can I see his videos and then she shows like you some other person because she cannot imagine she's like and she's like oh wow that's Chris Brown that's not actually what do you I know who Chris Brown is no no that's that's him that's Jay station he's a singer slash actor cuz it's it's Chris Brown is the better choice out of the two so yes he proceeds to do the Ouija board his girlfriend makes contact with him and it's a successful video but it wasn't a successful video because she got cold feet quite literally came back to life made a video about him a very real video exposing him and things did not go well the parents found out they didn't didn't like it it turns out jstation had been doing all of this behind their backs Alexia didn't want to go against her family so she said to stop the videos he didn't and she left him this caused them to do crazy things like do videos exposing each other and then we had to sit through that crap which is what transpired I've have been a good person to you Alexia that CRA human being look online everyone say [ __ ] about you everybody hates you J I bet he wish he use that Ouija Bo woo she came back to life to stunt on you huh Jay God damn she even made me unfollow all of my fans on my Instagram in case you guys didn't notice my Instagram I'm following like two people right now I just started following new people but it was at zero she made me yeah probably cuz your fans was 5 years old and she's like well I don't want you to catch a case Jay as much as I hate you I don't want you to do illegal stuff so maybe she was helping you but Jay station then tries to expose his girlfriend because she is now alive of course she exposes him back Alexia Morano herself I don't know much about she used to make normal content then started making ASMR content off to jstation and then went rogue and dead now so I don't know if she's doing well or not but gosh this was a bad ideal unfollow all of my fans I have this one fan that's been my fan for like ever her name is j angel on Instagram why is all of your friends and fans named Jay do you know cloning what are you doing Jay Hills as your friend J station is you J Angel sounds like the you when you died I don't get it she was actually jealous of me talking to this girl I said why are you jealous of a 14-year-old girl whoa why are you talking to a 14-y old girl and she was a fan at the start so she was eight my God you have so many worse problems than what is about to happen right for this girl to tell me to unfollow my fans I don't think you should be following an 11-year-old old you creep are you serious holy [ __ ] J station I feel like if this didn't happen something way worse would I don't really appreciate you talking [ __ ] about me to my fans after I try to help you succeed fans young kids who are delution if it wasn't for my fans it's actually crazy that everything she said so far in this video has been nothing with the truth I don't know how this is an exposed video J whoopsie there is no chance of us ever getting back together ever okay and keep that same energy there because J station said there is no chance of us getting back to he Taylor swifted we are never ever ever ever like my hair growing old together he is done with her cut to the next video where he's not done with her and he wants her back in his life Jay station apologizes he makes an exposed video and he does an apology and I actually did a video about this in another video that I'm doing where I review some of the worst apologies on on YouTube this is one of them I thought he was apologizing to us cuz he says sorry and then he goes on a tangent speaking directly to her and how she ruined his life but he will take her back so I don't know what to say so as I said I've watched this whole video basically he says that his life uh was really bad he dropped out in grade n he went to the Army he turned his life around from bad to worse by drinking he left that and he got on to YouTube YouTube is his life is everything he met this girl alexio he never loved a girl so much within 3 mon months they moved in they started making [ __ ] content and then when he pretended to kill her for views she woke up one day and realized this is not what she wanted and left him and now his life is ruined his hat remains really far back on his head very very impressive balancing trick you should be suck to so for your head and these people are going to talk but they're always going to talk they're going to talk regardless so it didn't matter and she was okay and she agreed to do it he's quoting another song He's quoting Aon nobody want to see us together but it don't matter cuz I got you this guy is just a walking song quote it's crazy Meanwhile my videos are already deleted I said okay this went too far I'm not willing to lose my girlfriend over YouTube but lose his girlfriend he did and lose his YouTube channel he also did you mean everything to me I never met another girl like you and I never will meet another girl like you you're sweet you're innocent you're beautiful you just exposed her for the last three videos saying how [ __ ] she was and how she the worst girl ever met and ruined your life you said she ruined your life 5 seconds ago and then said you'd take her back what the hell jstation have some self-respect never mind I I remembered who you are and these are things that I'm just uncomfortable to say I can't say I can't say these things to my own mother I feel hopefully you don't say it to your own mother you're beautiful kind innocent sexy like I don't know this is things you should be saying to your mother to be honest this is exactly what's going on guys if I don't upload in the next like 4 days when I turn myself in to the police and if I don't upload for a year you just know I'm in jail J station then goes out with a bang by saying if he doesn't upload any more videos just know that he's in jail he also says in 10 years he'll be back uploading videos even if it takes that long cuz he loves it he's made for YouTube and I'm a real person I have a real heart I have real feelings I have a mother who's thinking about me at home I have a real heart I have a real feelings I'm not a 10 man from wi J station ends the video by explaining that he is indeed a human being who's real which I still struggle to believe after seeing all the stuff that he's done this is bull man he he says this is bull man this is always my favorite I I wish he signed off by saying this is bull man and like had the horns and stuff and this was like a superhero this is bull man signing up I'll see you later so with that alexio Morano and himed ways and we never hear from him again because his channel gets terminated after his channel was terminated in 2021 J station began pleading to be allowed back onto the platform but YouTube banned him and all other accounts in his possession from posting and he went dark until June of 2022 when he made an appearance on the do full show stating every prank was fake flexing that he had made $100,000 a month on YouTube and that he would not do any of it again because he has learned his lesson oo finally Dr full and J station a crossover I never want it to happen for example on one video I drank a potion to turn gay okay sister so what do you think I got a lot of people he's on Dr full doing this Dr full a doctor who supposedly helps people and J station comes on and does this [ __ ] another time I filmed the video of me being in a coma I wasn't J you think you can drive bro should I let him drive guys really you weren't in a you just filmed that video you wasn't in a coma damn finding that out right now YouTube terminated my account basically overnight my source of income was gone that's your fault I hate to be a financial person but if you don't use YouTube to platform into other ventures of income that's that's your fault yes some people might think I cross the line but I really don't think I went too far you pretended to kill your girlfriend for all right whatever whatever man I don't we're at the end of this video good good work so Dr full and J station have their first communication Dr full starts with a joke I I know where there's an opening for a welder and J station looks like a real estate agent which he now apparently is and I just want to say this video is the most nonsensical video that I've seen Dr full doesn't understand the ramifications of what's happening and Dr full is like why they keep trying to take it down if you keep putting it up that's basically all he does this whole episode cuz he doesn't really know what's going on so his agenda seems to be why YouTube is not letting this man prank more children have you filed an appeal have you said look I get it I've look I get it I get it I've tried kids I've pretended I faked some some things I've went I've crossed the line with celebrities look look I'm sorry party file my bad have you said that I always say that people are fine yes Dr fo even if he did say that I don't think it would be enough yes Dr Phil out of nowhere I was making over 100k a month and then zero do now what the Schnitzel $100,000 a month a month by tricking kids not yourself I might start doing 3:00 a.m. videos God damn cash rules everything around me cream trick trick trick trick the kids y'all I'm definitely never going to do anything controvers IAL offensive I'm I I'm sorry for even doing any of that stuff I can't believe I did that so Dr full solves J station because they all clap and he's like I'm not going to do this ever again which is cool but also you can't YouTube wouldn't let you and that is how it ends so we've leared about one of the worst Youtubers of all time do you think that jstation is the worst or do you have someone else that I should look at let me know down below because I think he's up there I think when you combine everything he's done for how long he's done it and how successful he was what you have is truly The Perfect Storm of crap a man who won at Life by tricking kids and then lost at Life by tricking those same kids and they didn't even know they were dealing s Justice a YouTuber who could have reached the ultimate 10 million goal subscribers by making fake 3:00 a.m videos what does this say about YouTube it says that anyone can succeed if they try hard enough but at what cost I ask you this question before I leave yes $100,000 a month is amazing but does it cost as much as your dignity bye-bye [Music] sheh know D and she know
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 178,046
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sixteenleo, sixteenleo comedy, 16leo, jaystation, deep dive
Id: dmR5cmAgBNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 42sec (3702 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 19 2023
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