Delusional Girl Gets Catfished By Scammer Claiming To Be Chris Brown...

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Chris Brown is many things a fantastic singer an amazing dancer but not a great Lyricist because he has a song in which he says please don't judge me and I won't judge you which is kind of like saying if you don't kill me I won't kill you so he needs a bit a list but what he doesn't need is $100 for cab money to get to and from your house because he's probably not coming to your house no offense but you're probably getting scammed if Chris Brown is taking a taxi cab to get over to your place that is today's video I'll lady got catfished by someone she thinks is Chris Brown who constantly needs gift card money to get around now just off the bat that sounds stupid considering Chris Brown probably doesn't need Sephora gift cards but this was not enough of a red alarm for the skull and she continued to date Chris Brown thinking it's a 50% chance it is him 50% chance it isn't I like those odds there's a 50% chance I'll be happy that is crazy I am addicted to catfish don't mean the food I I just cannot believe people actually fall for this and let's take a look at a girl who got Catfish by Chris Brown by the way please subscribe if by the end of the video you like it follow me on my Instagram at6 Leo I think it's just called Leo now I don't know but I honestly I'll post there so much if you follow you can't subscribe to Instagram shows how much I know and by the way if you were like to scam someone right which you wouldn't who would you pick cuz like I'm I'm not going Chris Brown I'm going like someone really I'm going Mr Bean like just to have Mr Bean talk to you on a DM I didn't even know that dude like had a phone now he he needs money because Teddy is sick I like I pulling on my hot strings so I'm going Mr Bean leave it down in the comments who would you be as a catfish very dirty game but anyway on today's episode we speak to a woman named Tyler from California who has been in communication with who she thinks is the singer Chris Brown like just just just you know from the first 4 seconds just waking up and thinking like oh yeah me and Chris Brown are now just talking just chilling like the day before you were just a lady who is dancing in a parking lot now you and Chris Brown are disgusting finances like is that not a little bit of a red flag is she in a relationship with her favorite star or is this all a scam I want one episode where at the end is yes it is in fact Chris Brown and for some reason he does need Sephora gift cards I guess he's falling on tough times like really I want one episode just to like keep me hooked damn I didn't know these guys really were in Deb hey everyone my name is Tyler I'm 28 years old she's 28 I thought she was like 19 I just assume like if you're in a relationship with Chris Brown and it's fake and [ __ ] you'd be younger but or maybe even like really old usually catfishing is like young people who don't know what the internet is or old people who definitely don't know what the internet is people who are like in between should know better like come on 28 damn rather it's arts and crafts rather it's dancing rather it's music rather it's what the [ __ ] what even language is this do people say rather after is she not does she mean weather it's have I what time warp have I landed in rather this rather I like to create rather sometimes I have a bath rather I sleep all right Old English lady but I creativity is very good I'm sure most people in life would agree they like to create at some point good for you I am currently a dance teacher I teach for elementary woo woo wo I am currently a dance teacher rather woo woo just a little hype herself up so she's really creative she likes creating but none of those Outlets actually pay so she's teaching dance to the kids and that's very good I can see how she likes Chris Brown cuz Chris Brown dances she teaches dance to miniature people and that stuff kids and it is absolutely amazing I've been dancing for like the past 15 years what was what like with catfish what is the shot that we're like I got a closeup of her like shoes and legs and she's doing like a hop and turns around like is this dancing like it's just a I I know what dancing is this looks like Hopscotch on another level that's all that why is she's in a street by the way you couldn't get her dancing Anywhere But A Street this seems like she's a crack addict man years I first got into a dance team when my aunts decided to come together because they've been dancing their entire life honest to God this is such a crack addict energy this is just a goal in the street doing this this is this is crack addict energy like I don't know you're not making it look any better if you're trying to I got low angles of her dancing it looks like she's waving off bees and [ __ ] like just on the road with caruse like like get get out the way damn it it's that woman who dances on the street there no there's no music she just does it it's not even the [ __ ] end of the street it's in the middle of the road too like it's in the intersection between two so if a car is turning now they have to turn to avoid Tyler so they don't don't hit her because she's busy busting a move in the middle of the street by herself to know music no wonder she got catfished by Chris Brown she can hear music only in her head like she's a very special creature at this point so then Tyler goes through telling us about her relationship history and says she doesn't have too many boyfriends she hasn't had too many and um of course with every catfish you find out that they come by default with a kid so clearly she did have a relationship enough of one to have a kid it's very weird to be like I don't have a lot of dating history and have a child like that's not really those two sentences don't necessarily go together but yeah so she has a kid and then every time I hear this I'm like kid has to look up to in the street relationship with my son's father when I was younger and then from there you know I've dated who won in that relationship the father's looking like through browsing through he's like oh there she is dating Chris Brown This is why you wonder why she's she's with Chris Brown from Sephora like I even Chris Brown would be like please don't judge me unless unless I fake scam you I reached out to social catfish because I just want to have clarity as to if I've been talking to Chris Brown or if I've been scammed even you said it like you didn't know I'm talking to uh Chris Brown no no I mean it looks like Chris Brown see the pictures I like it 6 months one baby too many dance moves not enough money no it's not Chris BR I I wish one of your friends had told you I wish you had enough friends to be like hey what have you been doing and they you'd be like Oh I'm just dating Chris Brown and all your friends collectively would nope you're not dating Chris Brown take care of your kid when you see all the things that this person did you were going to be like girl yeah I'm already like girl because if you not because like you how can you possibly keep blaming these people like I understand they suck I hate the people actually even do this to other people but they're like putting out they're like fishermen they put out the bait and with your damn fish teeth you just latch on to anything why have we not learned from SpongeBob that hook episode where SpongeBob was riding the hooks and then he got too close it's Icarus too close to the Sun Tyler take care of your son after receiving Tyler's email submission we decided to schedule an interview with her to get to know her so now we're going to get to know Tyler like as if we don't know her enough we're going to get to know who she is and why she thought it was possible to date Chris Brown I'm not saying it's impossible but for her it's impossible okay and figure out why she thought this could be the real Chris Brown how did your relationship with Chris Brown begin a message from a honestly if I was part of their team I'd be like how did your relationship with the rajit Mahendra Singh begin cuz that's his name that's his oh that or some Nigerian name I'm not even going to try and butcher so you better figure that [ __ ] out how did your relationship with a fake Chris Brown begin I would not be as nice Chris Brown started by saying hey what kind of Riz does this [ __ ] have that he starts with hay and you're like oh sh Christopher Breezy Brown I think I'm dating you now oh and she replied with hey back imagine Chris Brown actually messaging you saying hey and you're like hey what's up Breezy what are you doing you busy today cuz I am I don't have time for your [ __ ] A this is an actual conversation Chris Brown asks how are you and she says I'm good and yourself this is just two people exchanging this is normal for her she just like wakes up and she's like yes CBS message me and say hello to some of them block some of them I don't yeah if if I can be bothered I message them I don't know well I guess what the the scammer did was so that she danced and then thought okay Chris Brown blah blah blah she might actually it might work and clearly it did cuz all he said was I'm looking for dances and she like was like yes I love dancing that's as easy as it gets really what is it about talking to Chris Brown online that that leads you to believe that this is actually him actually you know what this guy is so nice I appreciate him so much but if it was me I'd be like hey what is it about you that thinks that you could actually have this conversation with this man at this time in his career and at this time in your career and this would intercept well do you think that is a realistic conver do you think that I could just go to Jeff basos and be like hey lend me a 50 million and get it cuz if not then that's not the case I feel like you're reach in ways that shouldn't be like you're touching and reaching in in like an uncle but not the good one and what I was kind of seeing and it kind of made me believe like okay well you know this stuff makes sense and like who would go through all of this all of what he said hey do you like to dance he probably didn't even have a Blue Tick by his name I don't know what platform it re he could have reached out to her on [ __ ] Tumblr for all I know like this woman just wanted Chris Brown to message and she was like yes I I manifested Chris Brown into my life now he's my man wife he'd be like okay well I'm going into his Studio to go make this new video and he wouldn't give me like I'm going into the studio now text you after I imagine Chris Breezy would be like hey yo [ __ ] I'm going to hit the studio I'll be there but he's like I'm going to the studio now but I'll text you after I come back okay Christopher Breezy out and then she said is it a new music video you don't go to the studio to make a video that's a recording stud do you think he do you think he sings the songs and like [ __ ] visual stuff comes his new album had just came out he would say certain things like so like if you're not worried about Tyler at the moment like the levels of delusion just just go up and up like this is 20% delusion she gets to a point where she feels like he's dressing like her and and other stuff that's just like where you just like you think I'm going hot in the paint right now just watch you know know I'm looking to hire models for this a model for this video and he would tell me like so he said I'm looking to hire some models for this music video if you're interested and she replies with with what I would say me and that's honestly like I'm not I I don't even mean to be mean when I'm saying it but like you have to it's not like how she looks or anything it's the position that he found like just randomly was like Hey I'm Chris Brown I like you specifically and that's in this day and age unfortunately you have to be more skeptical because lots of people want to take whatever you have and I hate that it is like that I wish that everyone could be like Tyler and be like oh yeah Chris Brown come over to my house we're going to have some tea but is that's not the case that's I wish it was but it's not you were my inspiration behind the video Then he said you were the inspiration behind this video which makes no [ __ ] sense because he just asked her to be in the video how did he already make it what Chris Brown's a time traveler and [ __ ] this is crazy he said would you like to be in the video she said me and then he said you were the inspiration behind it you might as well be in it I already made it it doesn't make sense man October 4th we were talking and he was saying how he had to go into a studio and everything because he was dancing and D yeah Chris Brown is so nice she said you there like she's imagine being on that like level with Chris Brown hey yo you there bro you haven't met dude Chris Brown is like the one person I like always think of about like how does he even have time every day he comes out with a new song every single day like 365 days a year new song all about the same thing new dance moves same song same chorus Different lyrics Chris Brown's crazy and she's like hey you there do do you not have time for me the person who you wanted to hire for your video and he said yes sorry finished up at the studio look out for the new video so he just finished the video already and even though he asked her to be in it he didn't he didn't give up he didn't have time he's done he film with it Tyler would text this Chris Brown account all through the day and night maybe they just didn't have a place to film now they have her sitting outside on like some like sidewalk texting like if you wanted to make this woman look like a crack addict homeless dancer you couldn't have done a better job like I I I know that you're trying to portray her as like victim sad and stuff but why did you put her on a porch messaging Chris Brown day and night it sounds like she's addicted to that Chris Brown she bought a ticket but didn't tell Chris she would be there if she saw that he was texting her back while he was on stage performing she knew for sure it wasn't really him there you go so Tyler comes up with a foolproof plan instead of just putting her phone down and realizing it wasn't Chris Brown she said I'm going to buy tickets to his concert message him and if he replies then I'll know he's fake in terms of people who get scammed this is s tier like it actually makes the most sense but in actual Humanity where like us normal people live this is crazy this very crazy but good for you Tyler good very good I monitored I looked at my phone and see okay well like are you going to message me while he's at this because I know the real cuz brown is right here in my face at this concert so why are you filming yourself at the con what is the [ __ ] point of you filming yourself at his concert when the whole point was to be Espionage filming him to see if he would message now I have footage of your face at his concert and he could have messaged during that time Tyler you got to you got to shape up man I just waited to see if he slipped up text her did any of that and none of that everything kind of went in syn but it but it turns out Chris Brown didn't message so she might actually be talking to the real Chris Brown because this is the plan if he didn't message while she was at his concert it's the real Chris Brown that's the logic that we're working with here so let's let's carry on and an hour after Tyler left the venue she received a text message from Chris Brown so Chris Brown he messaged he said hey I saw you texted me sorry I was busy he he very very like you know gentlemanly like he didn't say why he was busy he's just generally like sorry man I had to do my thing how was your night type of thing but he never went so instead of Tyler like trying to make him slip up and say did you do anything tonight do like you know not actually saying it she picked the route off I'm just going to tell him what I saw and then let him bust his way out of this and she says how did your show go tonight so she could have done anything else like said hey did you I saw you at the bus stop or something and he would be like oh yeah yeah yeah that was me and then she could have been like busted no I saw you performing she didn't she just fully gave him like the get out of jail free cot like hey how'd your show go tonight remember the concert you were at and Performing wearing that pants remember that tell me about that just ruined it man yeah and then so he can reply generally and it all makes sense he said pretty good just like all the other ones What a Sad Chris pretty good it went all right it was like the other shows I I don't know I danced I sang life's okay I guess very very sad Christopher she got sad Brown that night um I didn't tell him until I actually had went back home he's like oh my gosh like I didn't believe you were there like I can believe in stuff that you were there but of course I wouldn't so she said I was actually at your show and he was like no way you were there imagine being someone's like boyfriend a girlfriend like singer and they put you in the nose bleeds that's something I would definitely do but but that's a joke not like it's a real goddamn thing that's Chris Brown my boyfriend friend put me in the nose beds I have to get the new iPhone so I can zoom in to see him he's been in situations before with women and you know people will start attacking or you know just mainly for protection I guess yeah okay Chris Brown's like hey man Tyler I know that like I love you all of a sudden and I'm I'm really trying to be yours but I'm on tour and when I get off then maybe we'll go public that way the fans will never be able to do anything about it good work Chris just protecting him oh Tyler had even more reasons to believe that this truly just time up by the way they for some reason catfish over here took every picture of Chris Brown that has multiple hair colors or any hair color other than his own and use those pictures exclusively I don't know why I find that so funny but he definitely has pictures with just normal hair and they refuse to use that throughout the video I don't know why I find it hilarious this one's got red and blue hair so he's both a blood and a c he did the FaceTime and everything I opened the phone and it was actually like his face said something he's like what is it like dark around there because it was dark in my room and then he hung up their phone okay so so basically Chris Brown facetimed her said hey it's dark in there and then hung up the phone on his end so he had like a 3se second phone call and she believed it in instead of just thinking this could be a Tik Tok or SnapChat anything other than what it was good for you all right Chris Brown had came to visit Tyler in person a few months back back he damn Chris Brown say I'm going to come visit you that's maybe I'm wrong about this relationship I don't know Chris Brown was actually going to come visit Tyler claimed he was staying at a hotel nearby and even sent a photo of the same street she repli they gloss through that she replied you always say that though Chris you always do this you always say you're going to come see me and you don't damn it Chris Brown why do you keep playing with me playing with my emotions Chris Brown I'm going to play one of your songs cuz I'm sad and then he replied look I'm in your city I'm going to come see you look I'm in your country come see me this was all confirmation that she was actually talking to the real Chris Brown so in the funniest dumbest [ __ ] that I've ever seen Chris Brown he posts a picture of him standing opposite her house by her house now of course this is a Google [ __ ] Maps thing but the idea of Chris Brown being like I'm going to come see you and standing opposite your house is a very just a hilarious concept imagine someone saying like man I haven't seen you for years and then coming around your house or next to your house taking a picture with it and leaving that's the most infuriating [ __ ] I think anyone could ever do to someone be like I haven't seen you for years and I still won't because I just I'm just like around where you are sometimes that's so weird man so then one of the catfish people ask like like you know give me a percentage of how much you think think this is Chris or how much you don't and she takes a long time to come up with this she's still thinking probably like a 60% chance there you go she's more likely thinking that it is Chris Brown than it isn't after all of the stuff she still thinks it's it's 10% more likely than it is that that this is the real Chris Brown than it's some random guy from Nigeria hello how are you I am under the water please help me oh [ __ ] then she says it's so hard to trust that it's you and and Chris Brown replies you just have to trust in me babe and he gives a hot sign so we we graduated from like Chris Brown saying I want you to dance in my video then making a video and not hiring her to him visiting around where she is and her going to his concert in the nose bed we we have a relationship where it's almost like two strangers and they don't even know they're in a relationship but we think they're in one like it's a very weird thing that's happening right now so then she's thought is bringing faith and spirit and religion and everything else into this and every again everyone else is like bro come on this is this is not accurate representation of what we believe in per se cuz uh God didn't entrust me with Chris Brown like do you know what I mean like he's still just a person but but she believes from her heart like God put him there you know I love you right with a kissy face this is something I don't expect Chris Brown to say you know I love you right like that sounds like a lyric but not not a text being such a giving and Lov person my entire life to receive it back from a stranger who doesn't even know me it it felt it feels really good you know yeah okay like you know here the crack start going through and you could see that Tyler really is someone who who wants love and like who who doesn't as a human being who doesn't but the quality of Love depends on the quality that you ask for and demand if you will take anything then you'll get a Cris Brown from like [ __ ] wish but if you really apply yourself if you bond to be loved the way that you do then you will get what you deserve like I feel like that's probably the case a lot of people just settle or not even settle they do whatever this is and think like yo I got that Chris Brown pack I'm texting him every day look this is Chris Brown and they like sending you stock images of Chris Brown like come on it's tough it's tough to be on her side and you know like I feel sorry for her I know everyone wants to be loved but at some point you got to open your eyes and be like okay I want the love what what am I going to do to get that which I deserve and and Chris Brown is just he's too busy singing okay a few weeks later we decided to visit Tyler at her home to get more insight so now they had to actually travel to her house to knock some sense into her cuz she was busy dancing on the street and stuff so they're like come on get get in your house and then tell us why you still think it's Chris Brown and so she's pretty much trying to explain what she saw and the catfish team has to be like we're going to take this and prove to you that this is fake thought this could truly be Chris Brown she brought up several points the points are by the way they are magnif they are gold gold some of the reasons that he would say he was inspired because he was using black women black models and in the prior videos that he had been doing he hadn't been it doesn't even say that just by the way he just said I'm looking for models in my video she just made up the whole stuff about blackbeat like it doesn't say anything like the text literally says I'm looking for models in my new video I don't know where she came up with that part from like that's some crazy type reaching that's some you like NBA player type arms that's a long reach and then and then she says the outfit he wore in his video was influenced by her because they both wore white clothing one of the outfits that he wore inside the under the influence video was very similar to something that I had wore to like an all-white party that I had went to with my family he wore white clothing and you wore white clothing you know who else would be influenced by you guys those people from the South with the hoods and the [ __ ] holes do you think they're influenced by Chris Brown do you oh God which was in August so months before he had even dropped his video down to even his haircut so she wore white before him and she thinks that she invented the shade white and Chris Brown said [ __ ] I like that and and I guess he has red hair and she dyed her hair red and dad's like man everything just lined up he's not even she's wearing a dress like by that you know he's wearing like a normal just vest sort of thing even changed to the hair color that I had at that same time that I had did that he kind of mimicked corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture they're the same picture do you think that's a realistic thing woman do you think Chris Brown looked at your family photo and said holy [ __ ] I need to be under the influence cuz this this I've never seen this what's this what do you call white and she's she's what is she black person with white that's crazy mix and match so what can you tell us about that photo that was on the actual official Chris Brown's Instagram okay if you if if you're going to say stuff like that was the official Chris Brown Instagram where has he been messaging you from that implies that he hasn't been messaging from that account secondly it's a photo of some artwalk that she then says looks like her it is the most artistic IC like it's it's very ambiguous art it barely it just it's a face and she believes her face is that face do you see what I mean do you do you understand what I just froze like because off tops it just I just felt like it just looked like it was it was freaky like I had posted it myself like of myself you know why didn't you ask Chris Brown since you were dating him that I mean he should be able to tell you if that was the influence why do you have to ask random family members but yes she asked random family members like do you think Chris Brown posted me and all of I know all of the family members were like someone like pull them aside and be like just say yes just just say yes just she's she's going through it just say yes yeah you look like Chris Brown not like Chris Brown you idiot like the person in the thing yeah you look like the person in Chris Brown what fans to where they're on his Social Media stuff like that so they would know he posted or any of that like it's not even come on man that's a MK it's got like a god this is like the equivalent of me watching in like Captain America they modeled it off of me what I'm so honored this is not even close that that's for sure looks similar to you that's how they said it too that for sure similar looks that yep couldn't that's very similar looking to you Tyler yeah it certainly seems the way that you said it to be oh is Mom calling I know she died 10 years ago is she calling well I have to go now asked you to send money so here it is here it is I mean if it Chris Brown wasn't asking for money this is just a scam between two people who hate their own lives clearly but Chris Brown said can you send me money and now he's asking for weird demands like can you send it through coinbase or net iller whenever you don't understand what the hell like form of like Western Union it has these weird names Money Gram [ __ ] that you know you're getting scammed but Chris Brown is now asking her for money it went down to Google Play cards I've purchased a Sephora card before but mainly for the most part it's been Google Play there was one time I did Sephora there it is Chris Brown with the Sephora pack Chris Brown needs that Sephora money Chris Brown going to do his eyeliner and lipstick really well the next show like a steam card steam card Chris Brown's like damn oh [ __ ] it's getting hard to sing all these songs I need to start gaming give me a steam card so I can play Mario and Luigi Mansion give I want to play Luigi's new adventure please I'm Chris Brown I need $50 steam card this doesn't sound a little fishy to you that this man only takes form of payment uh in cards and cards that can't be traced is that not a little you know if your the love of your life is only accepting gift cards it's got to be a scam Chris Brown is worth $50 million absolutely don't say it like that don't say that [ __ ] yeah right absolutely Chris Brown is worth $50 million but now he's worth 50 million and $50 thanks to my Sephora gift card he's even richer now and apparently uh the reason he did this was not because he needed the money it's because he needed to prove that she was Loyal by saying things like how can a man be sure if a woman is into him if they don't get him gifts it's hard to tell this sounds like something I would say as a joke how can a man be sure a woman is into him if he doesn't buy me I mean she doesn't buy me the greatest Gifts of all I'm getting confused Chris Brown's got that weird sentence structure so basically he's like I need you to prove your loyalty by giving me Sephora gift cards otherwise you're not a loyal person and Chris Brown even sang a song about these hoes not being loyal so you know he knows and the gift cards are are in that notebook yeah they're here oh so you have all the gift cards and the receipts not only does she have the gift cards and receipts she actually made a book of Chris Brown and on the font front page ironically it says the word bruh which is pretty much her life at this point bro what are you doing she literally made a whole scrapbook of all the [ __ ] she gave to a scammer for whatever reason Tyler kept a notebook for all of the time she sent money to Chris Brown if she didn't send the money by gift cards she would send it to a woman named Bonnie through cash app do you think Chris Brown knows anyone called Bonnie is this does this add up to you Chris Brown and Bonnie man me and Bonnie are just going to unless his name was Clyde do you think he would [ __ ] know Bonnie really she wanted to show him she was willing to sacrifice in their relationship Chris Brown ured Tyler that he wanted so then he says I want to take our relationship to the next level and I don't know if he's going to transform into an autobot or something I don't even know what that means but then she said how can I believe you though bro if you're still like finding it hard to believe please stop sending him gift cards you can't do both you can't be like I don't know if it's you Chris but I hope that $50 sure proves it that's really really not the right way to be going about things Tyler and um he like took a picture of him with the hotel information and stuff there why didn't you visit him then what he said he came to visit you by staying at a hotel around where you are and neither of you that's not what visitation is that in that case every stranger ever who is around me has visited me once in their life that's not that's not how that works that's so stupid and he said like hey I'm going to be headed to your house soon um I just need $100 for the taxi Chris Brown doesn't have taxi money all of these songs and he has doesn't have $100 how much he made a song These Hoes Ain't Loyal he made forever he made with you none of that [ __ ] made him $100 all of those songs that he made $89 damn it Chris Brown needs $100 please I don't have cash for the cab Chris Brown falling on hard times and I didn't bring cash or whatever the case is so he asked me to give him the $100 so he can be over here Chris Brown taking a cab to come over straight to your doorstep Chris Brown Chris Breezy the man with with Lamborghinis is like [ __ ] those shits okay I'm come and I'm going to be humble this time I'm going to get in the back of the cab the only problem is cab driver said I need to pay him I thought I could do this on like I thought I could sing to him and each note I hit is a dollar I don't I don't know I didn't know that you couldn't sing to get to places Chris Brown is like the Peter Pan of imagination land okay do you see how stupid this is Tyler and then there's a photo where he was literally right outside your house excuse me what happened to the cab thing like did Chris did she give him the $100 did he make it to her house he finally said he was coming to her house he just needs $100 for did she bail on him and then he didn't take the cab what's happening is he just sitting at the airport waiting is Chris Brown crying in the airport right now someone needs to give him a hug okay he's been waiting for money to get home to This Woman's house he said the words proof that I'm right by you you don't need to prove this [ __ ] if nobody says that no real person is like here's proof that I'm outside your door bro can you let me inside the house now that's not a human phrase that people say every time I invite my homies over they don't take a picture with me and them in the car and be like look it's us in case you didn't think I thought I was a ghost or something what do you tell her oh God man our team drove to the hotel to try to see if we can match up the background on the photo to any location of the Marriott so now they stop playing where's Waldo with where fake Chris Brown is and she's more than happy like she's getting out the car smiling and [ __ ] as if she didn't waste all that money she could have spent on a child which is always the part that annoys me the most when you sending Chris Brown money in instead of sending you know setting up your child or something like yes I understand you want to have this Amazing Fantasy relationship you need to pay for your delusion but can you can you if if you're going to have a kid can you at least think about the fact maybe that you're going to have to take care of the kid for the rest of your life like before you have the kid you made that decision so instead of doing this weird Chris Brown thing now you also have child to support okay but I don't even know where the kid is cuz they're going to search for Chris Brown at the hotel in the lobby maybe yeah I'm just thinking if I want to know if like at the end of the day if the person what the [ __ ] are you even saying she just started mumbling some random [ __ ] there I think what she said is I don't even know if I want to find out if the person is Chris Brown and at this point in the episode she just starts saying some NPC stuff it's like they put the camera on her and said say something and she just started talking and none of it makes coherent sense I'm just thinking if I want to know if like at the end of the day if the person but she just finds a way to keep saying things it's impressive almost hey bro I just have a quick question has Chris Brown ever stayed here before no no I mean not only with a place not give out that information but the fact that the hotel looks like a early childhood education center and you think Chris Brown is just staying there again you must think this is broke Brown because he needs $100 cab Fair he's staying at a what looks like a motel honestly I don't know what you think Chris Brown is but this is not it I don't get it why you didn't just check Chris Brown's stories he's usually posting where he is doing things is this just doesn't add up Tyler it feels like you just want to want Chris Brown to want you I know that's a weird sentence but it's true we don't normally take research this far but we felt it we don't normally take research this far but this idiot was sitting in the back of the car and we had to [ __ ] prove to her that Chris Brown is really and truly not the person on her phone just because you put the words Chris Brown on a phone and text that's not a thing you know what catfish should do after a few months they should try and catfish the people and see if they go fall back on their own ways and be like come on Tyler I I didn't even spell Chris right I spelled it with a K how do you still this is horrible Tyler but she was still left with some hope about speaking to the real Chris Brown I really try to like so they just film her in the back back of the car and she just says some random [ __ ] now because I know that I have your guys help and it just takes like a lot of stress off what I was feeling like I was on the emotional roller coaster how is that even a legitimate real sentence in life that you I pray to God that like it's lots of emotionally things that are happening with Chris Brown and I feel that like just going on and on about like none of it's making sense comes emotionally draining you know no I don't know I don't understand any of that sentences this this just sounds like random word jumble so now that I actually what are you still talking how are you still doing this nobody even asked a question either like just the camera was there and she saw that it was on she's like all right it's my time to shine Tyler like godamn just she just gave them hourong footage for nothing or if I don't [ __ ] talking they having that in the back of my mind like I don't know just stop so then they send it over to their final team who breaks down the pictures they can easily tell that the pictures are taken from other places like Chris Brown's Tik Tok Chris Brown Snapchat Chris Brown Google searches and they figure out this is not Chris Brown woo so yeah fake Chris Brown going on Pinterest finding Chris Brown pictures sending it to them putting captions like here at Paris woo here at your house you believe it or not you can Photoshop that [ __ ] Tyler you could literally stand outside your house and do the peace sign just with the power of editing wow we were able to grab his IP address and we got several hits I'm more so anxious like I feel like so they finally track his IP address down turns out he is in a country other than America I'm going to let you guess which country I'm pretty sure everyone said the same answer this case we went the extra mile with this case we had to really [ __ ] work really hard to make sure that you understand this is not Chris Brown for some reason it wasn't getting into your thick skull the first few [ __ ] times so we had to do extra work had to hire people are you understanding what I'm saying I put my hat on backwards because I was getting a headache because it was too tight it just I was working too hard I'm taking a sabatical after this because of you Chris Brown is real but not to you does that makes yes he's a real human being but he's not being with you okay it looks like at that time he was with his girlfriend amama Harris uh we did talk about that at one point and um the way that she deflects things as if she already knew these things is very concerning like she doesn't feel like she's like yeah yeah I know she had a girlfriend yeah we talked about that and he said it's all just for appearances not a red flag that it's not a red flag at all that you see him kissing her and [ __ ] it appearances you know just when I started talking to him he just said he was single yeah he said the media is always messing with me I'm single my love hearing Chris Brown say the words my love as well not like again this is not Chris Brown This is Christopher Brown media is always messing with me I'm single my love and he goes and he's like Breezy from what I was I couldn't find anything that specifically said like they both you know that type of thing like they said that they were in a relationship or I don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about but yeah no I mean if you have to start doing some private investigator research to find out if your boyfriend is single I don't don't know what to tell you man yeah I never seen him in person he hangs out next to where you are he asks you for gift cards you never seen him I don't know man he's wearing a green coat oh like the it was a selfie yes yeah so one of the images Chris Brown sent you he was wearing a green coat oh it it was a selfie yeah that's not the point Tyler what I'm trying to say is that it's fake she that's what she added to this yeah yeah yeah no he took his face yeah he took a picture of himself we were actually able to find a match for this image that's a hell of a reaction next photo we're going to look at is the image of Chris Brown and he has like the piece sign oh another selfie oh my God the Marriott that's only 11 M away from your home well when we went there there was like some fixtures on the wall that look like it could have been that area if it had the backsplash yeah so she's she's trying to explain all these pictures she's like man uh the wall was Brown Chris Brown everything I don't know it's just same probably but no it's not even close when we ran a reverse image search on this image we found that it was a screenshot taken from his Tik Tok wow that has a reaction when you find out your boyfriend for 6 months is fake wow we were able to grab his IP address and we got several hits all five of the clicks came from wait for it Legos Nigeria there it is what the [ __ ] happened in Nigeria I just I just want to know where why that became the capital of the world for scamming other people I don't get it why specifically them like every other part in Africa was like not going to do that but Nigeria is like damn we got the technology and we have the Google search to find Chris Brown and other celebrities and America was like well I'll be the victim I'm I have money and I'm stupid and they just formed a coalition of people who scam each other and here we are Americans getting scammed one day at a time okay nothing that I mean I'm not all that surprised because there's always 50/50 you expect you either way so there you go so they they finally tell her Chris Brown is Nigerian and from not Chris Brown at all and [ __ ] and she's like well you you know sometimes the person you think you are is uh not Chris Brown sometimes the person I think I'm dating isn't who he or she says he is and she's completely okay with that for some reason the most anti-climatic as if she already expected it to be fake so then they do a conclusion and Tyler is like hey look I feel like this is a pretty good experience I learned from it and it could have been worse and that's sort of true but at the same time this is one of those easily could have been avoided situations so I feel like you're giving yourself a bit more credit then you should you know what I mean like you needlessly [ __ ] this up and still were like well you know you got to do what you got to do if there's a 50% chance it's Chris Brown I'll take it it wasn't it was a 0% chance and you still took that you took those odds for some reason you had 100% chance to fail and still said I like those odds that's not smart and I don't regret going through it because throughout the whole entire process constantly telling myself okay even if you do open up and you tell this person than realize there is still this chance that this person is not this person so so she ends by saying it's either a blessing or a lesson whenever something happens and I agree I totally agree however there are some lessons that when you get to a certain age you should avoid like I don't wake up every day turn the stove on and be like is it hot and then Bond my hand cuz I think that I'm at the age where if I do that people will like question my brain as much as my hand like you know what I mean it's not good to be doing certain things you're you're almost 30 you have a kid and Chris Brown is saying things like hey and you're just going along with the flow like it's good to want to be loved but sometimes people want to be loved by certain people or by certain things and fall in love with the idea of dating a celebrity someone who's a dancer someone who can enable their passion and it's like you're doing too much without realizing maybe you just need to fall back and understand where you are and I I wish there was a nicer way to say that but that just isn't sometimes the money that I've lost to me it's nothing in comparison to what I've seen others lose or what I could have lost you know that's crazy to say that like that's a crazy to be like yeah I got scammed but not as much as Mary Beth over there she she lost her life savings to a guy she thought was Johnny Depp look at that dumb [ __ ] that's crazy that's very crazy to say weird high horse to stand on I I don't know about that and in my opinion one of the reasons why you were able to fall for something like this was was because you're so stupid cuz you're really really stupid in my opinion I've done I did uh months of research and my conclusion is that you're stupid so don't be stupid next time then you won't fall for this stupid [ __ ] cuz he's stupid you're it takes two stupids be less do less be smart that's get smart man because you know you're a great person you're that's not even true he he you knew it took him three takes to say that he said stupid at least once in like cut you can't actually say that cuz you're so smart and generous you just are so giving it's giving it's giving stupid Vibe hope is what kept her holding on maybe it was because she was hoping to launch her dance two things when you mix them together sometimes separately hope is amazing and delusion actually is not always a bad thing sometimes you can be delusional beyond what other people tell you to and make it but when you mix hope and delusion together you get this or maybe it was just the attention the scammer gave her these are all reasons of why people fall for these scams sometimes at the end of the video she actually does manage to get in contact with Chris Brown and this is how Chris Brown from Legos Nigeria sounds the Curiosity of who is actually behind this fake profile is all a scammer needs to get someone to send money why do you think Tyler fell for this I think it's cuz she's crazy man all right let's move on I can't hear you can't hear me huh I thought you were done with me I can't hear that's that's I imagine Chris Bryan is son it's just a picture of him smiling thought you had done with me what are you doing here still that's Chris Brown man that's exactly how he sound I just wanted to call you see if you pick it I can't hear you I can't hear you keep on testing my goodbye from me Chris Brown byebye I see you later that's BR man Tyler has now blocked this account and is focused on meeting real people in person wow and that's how it ends Tyler blocked him and is meeting real people in real life good work Tyler we went through 21 minutes of this to figure out that you probably should actually learn to not trust people who say they're celebrities but don't prove it I don't know what to say man these people from Catfish just they they they send me I wish I could say this was all but there's like a list of 100 people and it just the list keeps expanding so all I can say is man be a little care careful when doing things if you're online dating or whatever make sure the person is the person lot of people catfish people in various ways just make sure person you want to be with is that person and it doesn't take a lot and all you need to know is as soon as someone asks you for a gift card they're done because money can be used to buy anything including gift cards so if you don't buy a gift card you should be fine anyone who sells you or wants a gift card is not only a baby back [ __ ] but probably a scammer that's my that's the thing goodbye I will see you on the next episode take care D and she know
Channel: sixteenleo
Views: 191,539
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sixteenleo, sixteenleo comedy, 16leo, catfish, chris brown, funny, girl, 2024
Id: a6Uf_onv_gg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 35sec (2795 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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